02x07 - Masquerade

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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02x07 - Masquerade

Post by bunniefuu »

[Salvatore's house]

(Caroline is sitting on the couch. Damon gives her a glass of blood)

Damon: Here

Caroline: I'm still shaking

(She drinks. Stefan arrives)

Stefan: What happened?

Damon: go ahead, tell him. You're gonna love this

Caroline: I saw Katherine today

Stefan: Where?

Caroline: At the grill. I just stopped by to gawk and… ‘cause I stuck Matt

[Mystic Grill]

(Caroline tells them the story. She's looking at Matt)

Matt: Do you need a table?

Caroline: No, I'm not staying. I just needed to use the little girls' room

Damon: Skip the teen drama and get

Caroline: Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go because I'm defies

(Caroline is in the bathroom. She's washing her hands when Katherine arrives. She poses as Elena)

Caroline: Elena?

Katherine: Hey, I saw you with Matt, are you okay?

Caroline: Yeah, you know… whatever

(She rushes over Katherine. Katherine smiles)

Katherine: You're good. What gave me away? Was it the hair? Or was it my clothe?

Caroline: I know Elena is… I know Elena's at home

Katherine: I need you to deliver a message

Stefan: What was the message?

Katherine: Tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood

Damon: Tell him the rest of it

Katherine: Tonight, at the masquerade ball

[Salvatore's house]

Stefan: She wants to do it in public. k*lling Mason threw off her guard

Damon: She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks

Stefan: We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her

Caroline: Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?

Damon: No, Katherine's not getting d*ck. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna k*ll her, tonight

Stefan: You're not gonna k*ll her

Damon: Don't give me that goody goody crap

Stefan: You're not gonna k*ll her

Damon: Really?

Stefan: Because I am

[Gilbert's house]

(Jenna is coming from the hospital. Jeremy, Matt and Elena are helping her)

Matt: Easy. Grab the door Jer

Jenna: Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine

Elena: The doctors said that you have to take it easy

Jeremy: Yeah, you don't want to rip your stiches, hemorrhage and die, alright?

Jenna: yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment

Matt: No

Jenna: I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?

Elena: It is a freak accident

Jeremy: Yeah, it happens

Matt: Yeah, I mean I've done it like 20 times at the grill

(Jenna laughs)

Matt: Okay, I'm being nice

(They put her on the couch)

Matt: What should I do with this?

Elena: I got it

(He gives her a bag with food. Matt stays with Jenna. Elena goes in the kitchen. Jeremy follows her)

Jeremy: So what are we gonna do?

Elena: Make lunch

Jeremy: No, about Katherine

Elena: We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy

Jeremy: She tried to k*ll Jenna. We can't let her get away with that

Elena: yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can

Jeremy: And what if she tries something else?

Elena: She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm not doing it now, me and Stefan are over. She wins, the end

Jeremy: You are being naïve and you know it

(He leaves)

Elena: Where are you going?

Jeremy: Out. I'll be back

[Katherine's bedroom]

(Katherine enters the bedroom. She's carrying a shopping bag. Mrs. Flowers is helping her)

Mrs. Flowers: Where should I put these?

Katherine: Right there. Thank you, Mrs. Flowers. You've been such a wonderful help

Mrs. Flowers: Oh, it's my pleasure dear. Let me know if there anything else I can do

Katherine: I will

(She takes a dress from one of the bags. A woman is in the bedroom. Katherine rushes over her and pushes her against the wall)

Lucy: Oh, Kat, chill

Katherine: Do not snick up on a vampire

Lucy: Don't attack a witch. It's good to see you girl

(Katherine embraces her)

Katherine: I'm glad you made up

Lucy: You called, I came

Katherine: Like you had a choice

Lucy: Don't get all boss lady on me. You know I love you

(She takes a mask from one of the bag)

Lucy: Now, where does one where this?

Katherine: To a masquerade ball. Tonight. You want to be my date?

[Salvatore's house]

(Caroline opens the door to Bonnie)

Caroline: Hey, come on in

Bonnie: I got Stefan's message

Stefan: Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you

(She sees Damon and Alaric talking and she sees that there is a lot a w*apon on the table)

Bonnie: What's going on?

(Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: We're gonna k*ll Katherine

Stefan: I can explain

Bonnie: Please

Stefan: We're gonna k*ll Katherine

(Alaric shows the w*apon to everybody)

Alaric: This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size. For you I recommend this. It feats nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready

(He fakes k*lling vampire. Damon and Stefan look at each other)

Alaric: He wanted me to show him how to k*ll a vampire

[Katherine's bedroom]

(Katherine is smoothing down her hair)

Lucy: What's with the hair?

Katherine: I'm impersonating my dullest dishwater doppelganger Elena. She has the worst taste

Lucy: Except in man. Isn't a risk pretending to be her in front of the entire town?

Katherine: I've gotten quite good at it actually and everyone's gonna be in masks. It's for some fid, something charity. It's for a good cause Lucy

Lucy: Hum, okay. Well, have you actually seen the moonstone before? I always thought it was some made up legend

Katherine: I have seen it and I need you to help me get it back

Lucy: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do with it?

(Katherine looks uncomfortable)

Lucy: you want me to break the curse

Katherine: Let's just get it first. All i need from you is for a backup. I can't imagine that Damon and Stefan are just gonna hand it over without putting up a fight

[Salvatore's house]

(Bonnie is talking with Stefan)

Bonnie: I know you love Elena and you want to be with her but it's risky. Too many people could get hurt

Stefan: Look, I want Elena back, yes but it's more than that. What Katherine did to Jenna crossed the line. She has to be stopped before it happens again

Bonnie: I don't know, Stefan

Stefan: Look, Katherine knows me, right? She knows that I'm not gonna try something in a crowd full of innocent people so that gives me an edge. I could get to her by surprise

Bonnie: I could do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell

Stefan: Right. We can isolate her, away from the others. Please Bonnie

Bonnie: Okay

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena and Matt are talking. Matt is leaving)

Elena: You're welcome to hang out. Alaric's coming over. It's gonna be pizza and bad TV

Matt: I'd love to but I'm going to the masquerade party at the Lockwood's, aren't you?

Elena: Uh, no… not with what's going on with me and Stefan

Matt: I've got to go, there's something I got to do

Elena: What?

Matt: Just something, I can't talk about it but I've got to go

Elena: Okay. Well, have fun

Matt: Yeah. Me and a suit

Elena: You look good in a suit

Matt: You and Stefan are working it out

Elena: I don't think so, Matt. There's so much about me and Stefan that'll never work

Matt: You know I'm here for you always

(She embraces him)

[Salvatore's house]

(Everyone is in the living room)

Alaric: Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?

Stefan: No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this

Alaric: Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my side

Stefan: Alright, if anyone wants to back out, I'll understand

Damon: Yeah. Cold feats speak now. I don't want this going wrong with someone chicken's out. Caroline?

Caroline: I won't. Look, she k*lled me. Fair's fair. As long there's no werewolf running around

Damon: Oh, I took care of Mason

Jeremy: As long as Tyler doesn't k*ll anyone, he won't turn

Stefan: Bonnie? Are you with this?

(Long pause)

Bonnie: But no one gets hurt

Damon: Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart

[Lockwood Mansion]

(It's the masquerade ball. Everyone is wearing masks. Tyler is in his father's office. Carol rejoins her)

Carol: It's already packed out there. You know, we need to keep that door shot. Your father would be very unhappy if I let gests in here

(Tyler gets up. He's wearing a suit)

Carol: Oh, look at you! So handsome

Tyler: Thanks. You look pretty good too mom

Carol: Oh a compliment. I think I'll fall over

Tyler: Listen, I'm sorry I've been a d*ck lately… a jerk lately. It's just… Have you heard from Mason?

Carol: No and I don't think we're going to. He's coming, he's going, it's just his way. He's the exact opposite of your father

Tyler: We should have cancel this party

Carol: This all masquerade theme was his idea. I don't know what it has to do with helping the homeless but once he made up his mind, he could really be a d*ck, a jerk. But I loved him and I know you did too. It's natural to feel abandoned. I just don't want you to feel alone

Tyler: Come on, put your mask on. Let's just go out there and pretend to have some fun

Carol: I think I need a cocktail first

(Katherine and Lucy arrive. They're going to different ways. Katherine takes a strawberry from a plate and falls into Matt)

Matt: Elena?

Katherine: Matt? You look dashing

Matt: I thought you said you weren't coming

Katherine: I couldn't miss it. You really are hot in a suit. I would love to just… Okay, here's the deal

(She compels him)

Katherine: Do you know what you have to do?

Matt: I'm gonna get Tyler Lockwood really drunk. I'm going to start a fight with him and I'm gonna beat him until he snaps

Katherine: and then?

Matt: I won't stop until he kills me

Katherine: God, you're hot. Now go away

Matt: Thank you

(He leaves)

(Damon and Stefan are outside. They look around)

Damon: Do you see her?

Stefan: Nope. You're sure you can do this?

Damon: Who are you talking to?

Stefan: Oh, I had the chance to k*ll her and I hesitated

Damon: Well that is the forkenate road between you and me my friend. I don't hesitate

Stefan: You spent 145 years loving her, it could happen

Damon: I won't hesitate

Stefan: Okay

(Matt and Tyler are in his father's office with Aimee and Sarah. The girls are dancing. The boys are drinking)

Tyler: We're really not supposed to be here

Matt: Yeah, I know but we really need to turn this party up. Another shot?

Aimee: Hey, I want a shot

Sarah: Me too and then we have to dance

Aimee: Yes

Tyler: You know, usually it's me corrupting you. I like this

(They drink)

Aimee: Okay, let's go party. Come on

(Aimee puts her mask on. They leave the office)

(Jeremy is carrying a bag. He and Bonnie are going upstairs. They enters into an empty room)

Jeremy: I thought this room could work

Bonnie: It's perfect

(Jeremy takes a w*apon from the bag. Bonnie seats down and takes the grimoire)

Jeremy: Is that the spell book I read about in my family's old journal?

Bonnie: it's my ancestor, Emily's. The spell I'm doing here is similar to the one that sealed the vampires into the tomb

(She opens it. Jeremy puts the bag in the closet)

Jeremy: Can you do all the stuff that's in there?

Bonnie: I mean it takes practice. I've worked on some small spells. Spells that only do good. I don't want to know too much. I don't particularly enjoy any of this, in case you haven't noticed

Jeremy: Yeah but you're 100% witch, that is so cool

Bonnie: it's anything but cool. Did your family's journal tell you what happened to Emily? Or what about my gram's? It never ends well for people like me

Jeremy: If you feel that way, why help?

Bonnie: Because I don't want anyone else getting hurt and I don't know how to stay out of it

[Gilbert's house]

(Jenna is on the couch. Elena is with her)

Jenna: I feel like an invalid

Elena: That's because you are invalid. Where's Jeremy? Isn't he hungry?

Jenna: He already left for the Lockwood party

Elena: He went to that?

Jenna: Yeah, I'm glad. He needs to have more fun. Lose some of that emo thing

Elena: I'm gonna get some napkins

(She goes into the kitchen and rejoins Alaric)

Elena: what's going on?

Alaric: What do you mean?

Elena: I haven't heard from anyone all day. It's like everyone's been avoiding me and now Jeremy's supposedly at the party? He hates stuff like that

Alaric: I don't know what to tell you, Elena

(His phone rings. She tries to catch it but he catches it and puts it in his pocket)

Elena: So then it'll be okay if I just head down, try to meet up with everyone

Alaric: Wait, wait, wait

Elena: What are you hiding, Rick?

Alaric: Stefan asked me to keep an eye on you, just in case Katherine showed up while he was at the party

Elena: So Stefan's at the party too? He would never go to the party for himself; he did that stuff for me

Alaric: Just let this one go. Okay Elena?

[Lockwood Mansion]

(Bonnie and Jeremy are going back to the party)

Bonnie: We need to let Stefan and Damon know the room's ready

(Suddenly she stops)

Bonnie: Do you feel that?

Jeremy: What's the matter? Are you cold?

Bonnie: No

(She sees Lucy and goes toward her)

Bonnie: Excuse me, do I know you?

Lucy: No, I'm a plus one, I know no one but it's a great party though

(She leaves. Bonnie rejoins Jeremy)

Jeremy: Are you okay?

Bonnie: I just got a weird vibe. Let's find Damon

(Stefan is on the dance floor, alone. He sees Katherine going down the stairs)

Katherine: Dance with me

Stefan: No

Katherine: Fine then tell me who I should k*ll. Him? Hum, she looks delicious

(She eats a strawberry. Stefan offers her his arm. She follows him and they dance)

Katherine: It's a beautiful night

Stefan: Why all that charade?

Katherine: How's Jenna? I certainly didn't expect her to survive that. Lucky girl. Clumsy. How does one stabs oneself?

Stefan: Katherine?

Katherine: Uh?

Stefan: I don't want anyone to get hurt tonight

Katherine: Okay. Then give me the moonstone and nobody will

Stefan: Well, you see, I don't have the moonstone on me. So, you and I will have to go get it together

Katherine: Hmm. I have a better plan. You go fetch it and I will try not to k*ll anyone in the meantime

Stefan: My way or you don't get it

(Aimee arrives)

Aimee: Hey Stefan, I can't find Matt. Oh my god Elena! You look so pretty. I love that dress. You look gorge

Katherine: Thank you. I love your necklace

Aimee: Oh, thanks

Katherine: Oh it's twisted. Let me, here we go

(She goes behind Aimee and she broke her back)

Katherine: Paralyzed from the waist down and dead

(She kills her and throws Aimee's body in Stefan's arms)

Katherine: The moonstone, Stefan. Tic-tac

[Gilbert's house]

Elena: Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed. You're good over there?

Jenna: Good night

Elena: Good night

(She takes her car's keys and leave)

[Lockwood Mansion]

(Stefan and Damon are in an empty room)

Stefan: I put the body in the trunk for now

Damon: We'll dump her when we get back

Stefan: This is exactly why I didn't want it, Damon

Damon: Stefan, it's a collateral damage

Stefan: Right, which is why we need to cut it off

Damon: What? Who's hesitating now? Hey! Don't do this to me! This woman ruined our lives, she destroyed us! Tonight it ends. We can do it together. I got your back. Alright?

Stefan: Alright

(Bonnie and Jeremy are waiting for the signal)

Jeremy: So can you use like a hocus pocus to pass a test?

Bonnie: I don't know that spell

Jeremy: It'd be like the first one I'd learn or maybe like a spell sex or something. I don't know. Do you want to dance or something while we're waiting?

Bonnie: No! I mean no thank you

(Jeremy receives a message from Damon telling him that it's his turn)

(Katherine is walking. Lucy rejoins her)

Lucy: You didn't tell me there was another witch here

Katherine: Didn't i?

Lucy: No, you didn't. No one is supposed to know I'm involved. This changes things, Katherine

Katherine: This changes nothing. You're here because you owe your dear friend a favor. You wouldn't want to lose my friendship now, would you?

(Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: Elena

(He removes his mask and looks at Lucy)

Jeremy: Hey sorry, could I talk to my sister?

(She leaves)

Katherine: What is it Jeremy?

Jeremy: I have a message from Stefan

(She looks surprised)

Katherine: Oh?

Jeremy: He and Damon want you to meet them at the edge of the lake by the woods. They brought the moonstone

Katherine: And why are you their little messenger?

Jeremy: Because they know I'm not afraid of you

Katherine: Hmm, you Gilbert men, so courageous. How's John by the way? Were they able to sew his fingers back on?

(She touches his tie, looks at him and leaves. Jeremy is texting to Damon but Elena catches his arm)

Elena: What the hell is going on?

(Caroline is inside. She sees Matt with Sarah and Tyler. He stops, looks at her and leaves with them. She receives a text from Jeremy telling her that it's her turn. She's walking in an empty part of the manor. She's going to open a door but Katherine arrives, catches Caroline's wrist and pushes her against the wall)

Katherine: What are Stefan and Damon up to?

Caroline: What do you mean?

Katherine: I've got Jeremy Gilbert luring me into the lake. What's going on?

Caroline: I don't know… nothing

(She strangles her)

Katherine: Don't lie to me, Caroline. They're up to something, what is it?

Caroline: I…

(She strangles her stronger)

Caroline: Wait, no, no, no! Okay. They're trying to k*ll you

Katherine: I wouldn't have guessed. Where is the moonstone?

Caroline: Bonnie has it

Katherine: and where is Bonnie right now?

Caroline: I don't know

(She strangles her again)

Caroline: Okay. She's upstairs, she's upstairs!

(She releases her)

(Elena is with Jeremy and Bonnie)

Elena: You guys are trying to k*ll her here?

Jeremy: We saw an opportunity and we knew we had to take it

Elena: Okay, stop with the "we", are you guys crazy? You're gonna get yourselves k*lled

Bonnie: We know what we are doing, Elena

Elena: And how am I supposed to feel if one of you guys gets hurt because of me?

Jeremy: It's not just you anymore, Elena. She's messed with all of us, she has to be stopped

(Katherine is dragging Caroline upstairs)

Caroline: Why you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it

Katherine: Shut up!

(They are in front of a door)

Katherine: Which room is it?

Caroline: It's that one

(She goes into the room. Caroline stays outside)

Katherine: Where is she?

(Caroline laughs)

Caroline: I did it. I really didn't think that I'll be able to fool you but I did it

(Katherine rushes over but she can't leave the room. She's trapped)

Katherine: What the…? Stefan?

(He's in the room too. He has a stake in his hand)

Stefan: Hello Katherine

Caroline: Goodbye Katherine

(She leaves)

Katherine: You don't really think that you can k*ll me with that now, do you?

Stefan: No but he can

(Damon is coming out the closet, he has the compressed air w*apon is his hands. He sh*ts Katherine. The stake goes in her back. At the same time Elena screams. She's hurt like Katherine. Stefan rushes over Katherine and drive the stake through her arm. Elena screams, she's hurt too)

Jeremy: What's going on?

Bonnie: Jeremy, it's Katherine. She's linked to Katherine, get them to stop! Now!

(He leaves. Stefan and Damon are fighting with Katherine. She tries to stake Damon but Stefan catches her by behind, fall in the floor with her and strangles her by behind. She can't move. Damon arrives and is about to k*ll her but Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: Stop! You're hurting Elena! Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena

(Damon stops. He's surprised. Katherine smiles and gets up)

Katherine: You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch

(She takes the stake from Damon's hands. Damon and Stefan look at Jeremy)

Stefan: Jeremy, go shake on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go!

(Jeremy leaves)

Katherine: Let's all make sure poor Elena is okay. Just a little bit of pressure

(She cuts her hand with the stake. Elena is hurt too. She screams. Stefan hits Katherine's hand and throws the stake on the floor)

Elena: Bonnie, it hurts

Bonnie: I can't break the spell, Elena. I'm sorry but I can try to take some of the pain away. Okay?

(She takes Elena's hand into hers and makes a spell)

Bonnie: Ascinda, mulaf, hinto, ascinda…

(Katherine takes the stake and is about to drive it through her stomach)

Katherine: This is really gonna hurt

Damon: Wait!

(She sits down on the couch)

Katherine: Okay. So, how about that moonstone?

(Bonnie is trying to take Elena's pain away. Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: Are you okay?

Elena: Are they?

Jeremy: They're stuck in there with her

(He looks at Bonnie)

Jeremy: You were right; Katherine had a witch that linked Elena to her

Bonnie: The girl I saw, the one inside! Stay with her, keep pressure on her shoulder!

Jeremy: Where are you going?

Bonnie: There's another witch here, I'm gonna find her!

(She leaves. Jeremy removes his magical ring and gives it to Elena)

Elena: No

Jeremy: Take it

Elena: No, Jeremy…

Jeremy: Elena listen to me: you need this more than I do

Elena: No Jeremy. What I need is for you to be safe
(Katherine, Damon and Stefan are trapped in the room)

Katherine: The three of us together just like old times. The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough

Damon: And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself

Katherine: What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite

Damon: Oh that Damon died a long time ago

Katherine: Good. He was a bore

Stefan: Oh, why don't you two stop antagonizing each other

Katherine: Where is the moonstone?

Stefan: What do you want with it?

Katherine: Does Elena enjoy having both of you warship at her alter?

(Stefan looks at Damon and then looks at her)

Stefan: That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we can see right through you?

Katherine: So it doesn't bother you that Damon's in love with your girlfriend?

Stefan: Oh, stop it

Katherine: Or what? You'll hurt me?

(She gets up)

Katherine: Come on, Stefan. Everything that I feel, Elena feels , so go ahead

(She looks at Damon)

Katherine: Or better yet, kiss me Damon. She'll feel that too

Stefan: You know, this all Mason thing has me a bit confused. Why a werewolf? The moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires so what's in there for you?

Damon: Sorry about your pet wolf, you should have been sure to keep him in a tighter leash

Katherine: I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town

(Sarah, Tyler and Matt are in Tyler's father's office)

Sarah: So what happened to Aimee?

Matt: I don't know, she disappeared

Tyler: She's probably drunk somewhere

Matt: Or like me

(He pours the alcohol on the floor)

Tyler: Whoa, don't do that

Matt: What man? It's a party

(He takes the picture of Carol and Richard and looks at it)

Matt: Right dad? You know, it's like your dad wants to drink

(He pours alcohol on the picture)

Tyler: Hey, it's not cool. What's wrong with you?

Matt: Come on, the guy was a d*ck

Sarah: Come on, you're being mean. His dad's dead

Tyler: Give me the picture!

(He tries to catch it but Matt don't let him)

Matt: Remember how your dad used to slap you around?

(He slaps Tyler)

Tyler: Are you kidding?

Matt: I'm just having fun

Tyler: Put the picture down now man

(Matt throws the picture on the floor, breaking it)

Tyler: Okay, you need to calm your drunk ass right now!

Matt: Do something about it!

Tyler: I'm not gonna fight you

(Matt rushes over him and throws him on the floor. Matt punches him on the face. Caroline is downstairs, she hears the fight. Tyler gets up and punches Matt. Caroline arrives)

Caroline: What is going on? Stop!

(She puts herself between them. She pushes throws Matt on the floor. Matt gets up and rushes over Tyler but she stops him)

Matt: I can't! Let me go, I have to finish!

Tyler: What the hell is going on with you?

Matt: Let me go!

(Caroline looks at him. Pushes him and punches him on the face with her elbow. He falls on the floor, unconscious. She goes toward him)

Caroline: Matt?

(Sarah takes a paper knife on the desk)

Tyler: How did you?

Sarah: Matt failed. If Matt fails, I can't

Caroline: Tyler, look out!

(Sarah drives the paper knife on his chest. He pushes her, her head hits the desk very hard. She falls in the floor, she's dead. He looks at his wound and rushes over Sarah)

Tyler: No, no, no! Come on, wake up! Sarah, open your eyes, wake up! Just can't happen, oh no, it can't happen. This can't be happening! Sarah! Sarah, get up! Sarah! Open your eyes! This can't be happening!

(Tyler catches his head and screams)

Caroline: Tyler? Tyler?! Tyler, what's happening?

(He's sitting on the floor)

Tyler: Get away!

Caroline: What's happening?!

(He raises his head. His eyes are amber)

(Damon, Katherine and Stefan are still in the room)

Damon: Damn it! Where is that witch?

Katherine: We could play charades

Stefan: You bargained the moonstone

Damon: What do you murmur about over there?

Stefan: When you shopped a deal with George Lockwood, to help you fake your death, you told me that you gave George something he needed. It was the moonstone, wasn't it?

Katherine: Good for you, Stefan. 2+2… And it would have worked except that people found out that I wasn't in the tomb

(She looks at Damon)

Katherine: Thanks to you by the way. Have I mentioned how inconvenient your little obsession with me have been?

Damon: You and me both, honey

Stefan: Why do you need it back?

Katherine: I love you in a suit, so dashing

Stefan: What were you doing with it in the first place?

Damon: You're wasting your breath, Stefan

Stefan: Unless it wasn't yours to begin with. In 1864 you faked your death. Who were you running from, Katherine?

Katherine: In 1987 you were in Chicago, at a concert of all places with that wrench Lexi. Come on Stefan, don't look so surprise. Of course I checked on you over the years. You were standing in the front row, dancing all night. You were watching Bon Jovi and I was watching you

Stefan: Who were you running from?

(She tells him that she loves him with her lips)

(Bonnie is looking for Lucy. She finally finds her but Lucy leaves. Bonnie goes in the living room to looking for Lucy)

Lucy: You're looking for me?

Bonnie: Who are you?

Lucy: Lucy

Bonnie: What are you doing here?

Lucy: I should have known I'd run into a Bennett

Bonnie: How do you know me?

Lucy: You'll figure it out. Look, I have no interest in fighting you

Bonnie: Then stop the spell you put on my friend

Lucy: Give Katherine the moonstone and I will

Bonnie: Why are you helping Katherine? Don't you know what she is?

Lucy: Tell your friends to hand over the moonstone and all will be groovy

Bonnie: You're not leaving this room until you stop the spell!

Lucy: Look, I don't want to hurt you

Bonnie: I don't want to hurt you

Lucy: Look, I don't have a choice. The bitch saved my life and now I owe her. I have to pay up

(Bonnie catches her wrist)

Lucy: You have the moonstone. I cans sense it on you

(She catches Bonnie's forearms. The room shakes, the light aspens)

Lucy: Do you feel that? You can trust me. Give it to me, it's okay

(Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch)

Katherine: We're missing the party. I'll have one of those

Damon: Right away Miss Katherine

(He gives her a glass)

Katherine: Thank you

(She drinks. He catches her and pushes her against the wall. He tries to stake her but Stefan stops him)

Stefan: No, no! Damon, don't!

Katherine: Yes, Damon, please

Damon: The second the spell is lifted, I'm gonna drive a stake right through your heart

Elena: God, you're hot. When did you get so hot?

(Lucy arrives. She has the moonstone in her hand)

Lucy: Katherine, the spell in this room has been broken, you're free to leave

Katherine: Thank god

Lucy: When I hand this over my dent to you is over

Katherine: Done

Lucy: I owe you nothing

Katherine: I said done. Give it

Damon: I wouldn't do that

(She gives her the moonstone. When Katherine touches it, she can't breathe)

Lucy: You should have told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine but I'm sure you knew that

Stefan: Wait, Elena!

Lucy: Elena's fine

(Katherine falls on the floor)

Lucy: The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly, Bonnie's with her

(Katherine is suffocating)

Lucy: I apologize for my involvement

(She leaves. Katherine's unconscious)

(Caroline explains to Carol what happened to Sarah)

Caroline: Matt and I were fighting, we broke up you know, and Sarah was drunk and dancing and she just tripped. And then she wasn't breathing

Carol: Okay, your mom's on her way and we called Sarah's parents. It was an accident. It was a terrible, tragic accident

Tyler: Mom, the sheriff's here

Carol: I'll go prepare her, just don't leave. Just stay here okay? She's going to want to hear the story from you

(She leaves. Caroline is alone with Tyler)

Caroline: Matt's in the car, sleeping it off. I'll deal with him; I don't want him involved in any of this

Tyler: What are you doing?

Caroline: I'm fixing a very bad situation

Tyler: Why? I did this. I k*lled her

Caroline: No, you didn't mean to and I think it's best for everyone…

Tyler: But she's dead! You don't know what that means

Caroline: Actually, Tyler, I think I do

Tyler: No, you don't, Caroline

Caroline: Has you wound healed?

(He looks at his wound. It's healed)

Tyler: How did you…?

(Lucy is leaving. Bonnie runs after her)

Bonnie: Please, wait

Lucy: Hey, I'm sorry about that spell. Damn vampires, they put you in the middle of it every time

Bonnie: How do I know you? When I gave you the stone, how did I know I could trust you?

Lucy: That feeling you got, have you ever felt it before?

Bonnie: I mean, around family. My grams

Lucy: My mother is Johanna, first cousin twice remove from Pauline, niece of Sheila aka…

Bonnie: Grams? We are related?

(Lucy smiles)

Lucy: Yeah, we kind of are. It's nice to meet you Bonnie. Seeing you tonight was a wakeup call for me. I got to stop letting vampires control me. So thank you for that

(She leaves. Bonnie cries and run after her)

Bonnie: Please, don't leave! I have so many questions. I don't want to be in the middle either. I hate it. How do I stay out of it?

Lucy: Unlike me, you're one of the good ones, Bonnie. The middle of it is exactly where you need to be. You take care cuz'. Don't worry, you'll see me again

(She leaves. Jeremy rejoins Bonnie)

Jeremy: Hey, I was gonna head home, can I offer you a ride? Are you okay?

Bonnie: When did you get your driver's license?

Jeremy: I'm not a kid anymore, Bonnie

Bonnie: I'd love a ride home

(Stefan rejoins Elena. She's alone)

Stefan: Elena

Elena: I'm okay, I'm okay. Bonnie took away the pain and I think I'm healing

Stefan: I know but I think you should definitely see a doctor anyway

Elena: I will. I heard about Katherine, is it true? Is she really gone?

Stefan: Yeah, I was so worried about you

(He goes toward her but she pushes him away)

Elena: Stefan… I…

Stefan: Katherine being gone doesn't change anything for you, does it?

Elena: I want to be with you, Stefan. You know that but first, I need to wake up and know that the people that I love are safe. I need to feel safe. Do you understand?

Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, I understand

(She looks at him and leaves)

[The tomb]

(Katherine wakes up. The moonstone is on the floor, next to her. She takes it. She gets up and tries to leave but she's trapped. Damon arrives)

Damon: Hello Katherine

Katherine: Where am i?

Damon: Where you should have been all along. I thought you'd learn your lesson by now, messing with a Bennett witch

Katherine: You should have k*lled me

Damon: Death would have been too kind

(He goes toward the door, to close it)

Katherine: Ni, Damon, don't. Damon, don't. You need me, Elena's in danger.

Damon: From whom?

(She doesn't answer)

Damon: You're lying, you're always lying

Elena: Why do you think I haven't k*lled her? Because she's the doppelganger, she needs to be protected

Damon: Then I'll protect her while you rot in hell

(He closes the door)

Katherine: Damon, don't! I'll do anything, please. Damon! You need me! You need me!

(The door is closed; she cries and hit the door very hard)

[Lockwood Mansion]

(Elena is in the parking lot. She's at the phone with Jeremy)

Elena: Yeah Jeremy, I've got my car. Tell Bonnie that whatever she did, I'm starting to feel better. Yeah, you can drive her home. I'm just gonna go straight to bet. Okay

(She hangs up. A masked man comes behind her and kidnaps her)
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