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01x06 - Spark of Rebellion

Posted: 02/05/22 08:29
by bunniefuu
[rebel] The eastern faction
was wiped out by giants.

[Archie] Then we need to make
our next move count.

Gather every able-bodied fighter
in Whitestone.

- [creaking]
- [grunts]

- [exhales]
- [gasps]


Thank the Dawnfather
you're alive.

What news do you bring?

The Briarwoods have moved
the Kestrel.

She's with Professor Anders.


She'll be hard to extract.

- [thudding]
- [gasping]



[man mutters]

They have us.

- [growling]
- Run!



- [grunting]
- [guard] They're in here!

[guard ] Break it down!

I'll take the guards!
Get out of here!

- [Bryn] Run!
- [grunting]


[Archie] No!

- [Stonefell laughs]
- [panting]

You're a tenacious
little tick, Archibald.

- [grunts]
- [laughs]

Gonna have fun
burnin' you off my balls.

[breathing heavily]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [wind blowing]
- [creaking]

[ravens calling]

♪ ♪

The Briarwoods know we've come.

[shudders] W-We should
cut them down.


The Sun Tree's
obviously being watched.

- Quickly. This way.
- [loud footsteps approaching]

Are you crazy?

Out of the streets. Hide!

[footsteps approaching]

[grunts] We got to move.


[giant snarling]

Grog, you're part giant.
Can you vouch for us?

Oh, what, 'cause we
all f*cking know each other?

[Scanlan] Well, I mean,
yeah, kinda.


- [grunts]
- Why do you wear this?

A-Are you part
of the resistance?

Uh, sorry, I-I don't follow.

The de Rolo crest.

Maybe the resistance
is using it.

We're not with them,
but we do share an enemy.

[Percy] Whitestone is worse off
than I expected.

Briarwoods are dicks.

Perhaps we can be of use
to each other.

Tell me,
is Keeper Yennen still alive?

Why do you want to know?

If you want change here,

Yennen is the only one
who can help bring it.


Friends, I know
you have suffered.

My heart weeps and my back
breaks under the weight

of these past few years.

But anger makes us reckless.

v*olence doesn't burn away
the clouds.

It only makes more smoke.

Have faith and wait for a sign.

A new dawn is coming, friends.

And soon we will bask
in its glory,


[murmuring agreement]


Take care, young one.

[footsteps approaching]

Greetings, strangers.

We don't see many new faces
these days.

Keeper Yennen, tell me,

what do the Briarwoods make
of your sermons?

They don't attend my services.

But their Pale Guard
tolerate me, for now.

You truly believe
the Dawnfather will send a sign?

[quietly] Shh.
That name is forbidden.


It's you.

Oh, but you're not the same.

Little Percival,

what have you become?

I am what they made me.

What matters is
that you're back.

I'm not back.

I'm only here for one thing.

Then you want
what the people want.

A trusted de Rolo can lead them
to freedom.

They'll listen
to the rightful heir.

What I need to do
requires discretion.

Groups can be messy.

- But you're leading this group.
- [Grog scoffs]

No offense, Percy,

but you're a teeny bit
too wittle to lead.

Wait, we have
a height requirement?

Uh, obviously.

W... I-I thought we were
all sort of co-leaders.

[overlapping protesting]

[chuckles softly] Follow me.

- [creaking]
- [loud footsteps approaching]



We're clear.

Hey, I'm a huge fan of taverns,

but this place
kind of looks like shit.

Looks can be deceiving.


No, it's, uh...

it's shitty on the inside, too.

- An old resistance hideout.
- Hmm?

- We can speak freely here.
- [grunts]

[gasps] Yes! [squeals]

Wait. [grunting]

[groans] Wait.

No. Oh, gods, no.

What is this hell?!

Thanks to the Briarwoods,
all our resources are dwindling.

- Huh?
- Including ale.

I will f*cking m*rder everyone!

You preach pacifism
while associating with rebels.

Trust me, I want the Briarwoods
gone as much as you do.

But I've seen uprisings fail,

and if you charge up
to that castle,

you'll be slaughtered.

No. The only way to win is if
the resistance is strong enough.

And the resistance
isn't strong enough because...?

Their leader has been captured.

Ah, there it is.

He's set to be hanged tomorrow.


it's Archibald Desnay.

Archie? But how?

We... we grew up together.

His father worked
in the kitchen.

We'd raise hell
all over the castle.

One time,

- Archie and I built...
- Roots of the Sun Tree.

...the most disgusting
stink b*mb in history.

Ruined a state dinner.

Even formed an alliance
against my broth...

You're telling me that hellion
is a resistance leader?

You're not the only one
who has changed, Percival.

Can you hear me?

I'm Keyleth of the Ashari.

You can't take
the Briarwoods alone.

Free Archie
and the resistance will follow.

You're playing on my emotions.

And I can't say I blame you.

We'd be starting an uprising.

And this town
could use some hope.

[Percy] It's certainly not
the worst idea we've had.

- [grunting] Yeah! For the ale!
- [gasps, chuckles]

"Scanlan the Revolutionary"
has a nice ring to it.

Ooh! I could get a beret!

We'd need a lot of luck.

What you need is faith.

At the moment,
our holy person is...




Hear me.


Hear me!

[groaning, panting]


No, no, no, no.



[grunts, panting]

It's no use. [panting]


Lady Briarwood's curse, it...

it isn't letting me contact
the Everlight. [sobs]

My child,

no curse, no spell could sever
your connection to her light.

It's impossible.

Whatever is blocking you
is inside of you.


you're saying... [exhales]

It's not a curse?

It's... me?

[ravens calling softly]

- [Stonefell grunting]
- [Archie groaning]


- [snorts, chuckles]
- [wheezes]

The idea of you mangy lot

thinking you're heroes
of some grand story.


There's no room for heroes
in Whitestone.


Your rebellion's a mess.

We know all about your spy,

the Kestrel. [snickers]

Now, tell me where I can find
the rest of you louts.

You're not very good at this.


If you won't take me seriously,

meet the Duke.

He's as serious as they come,


- [groaning]
- I do hope you and I can engage

in a stimulating conversation.

Because you'll find
the alternative to be

- most disagreeable.
- [groaning]

- [screaming]
- [tearing sounds]

[soft chatter]

Yennen's sources tell us

- Archie is, um...
- Hmm. Ah...

[scoffs] Grog, give me that.

Is being held here.

Okay, so here's my idea
how to bust Archie out.

I'll speak to the local animals.

- [animal sounds]
- They'll fetch the jailer's keys

and free our friends.

[Scanlan] Eh, not so fast,
fair maiden.

This is a job
for Scanlan the Revolutionary.

My pitch:
I infiltrate the prison

with all these potions I found.

I don't know what they do yet,

but let's assume
they make me a...

[mimics dramatic music] army.

[Grog] [chuckles]
You think too much.

All we got to do is...

- k*ll everyone and leave.
- [screaming]

[Vax] Uh, what about Archie?

[Grog] Right.

- Yeah, we k*ll him, too.
- [groans]

- [chuckles] Hmm.
- Huh?

Those were bad ideas
and you should all feel bad.

I don't know. Scanlan's
solo mission sounds interesting.

His failure
would be spectacular.

Okay, no elaborate plans.

Get in, get out. Strike
like a well-thrown dagger.

- I can get behind that.
- [Vex] But if we're going to get Archie out of that prison,

we need to know exactly where
they're holding him.

I may have something
that can assist.

- [rumbling]
- [grunting]

I shan't waste your time,
as I have but the one question.

Where is Vox Machina?


What's a Vox Machina?






Vedmire, what the hell, mate?

If I wanted him dead,

I would've got a giant
to stomp his head.

Breaking an individual
takes time, Stonefell.

I've only just begun.

Send for me when this one wakes.


- [clicking]
- Got you.

East wing. Second floor.

- Uh... what is that thing?
- This?

Oh, nothing but bad news.

this is how it's going down.

It'll be easier to avoid capture
if we split into two teams.

Front door team
and back door team.

[Scanlan] You know Scandog's
all about the back door.

But quick quesh: when has
splitting the party ever worked?

[Vex] Uh,
since shut the f*ck up.

[Scanlan] Mm-hmm, okay,
fair counterpoint.


- [Vex] Yoo-hoo.
- Hmm?

- Mwah.
- Oh, hello.

- Hmm. [groans]
- [grunting]

[Vex] And Archie's rebels
will keep a lookout

while we get him out of there.

[Grog] Hope the back door team
doesn't get there first.


[Vax grumbling]



I've almost got... Shit.

Ah, wait, I've got it now...
f*ck, shit, f*ck.

- Are you kidding me?
- [groans] f*cking doors.



- Vex?
- [Vex] Keep moving.

We can't just leave them.


[latch clicks]

Congrats. Everyone's getting out
early for bad behavior.

[Vax grunting]


- [gasps]
- Ah! Oh, my fingers.

- [groaning]
- [panting] It's not a door.

It's a thing of evil.

I'm going to find a window.

- [footsteps approaching]
- Someone's coming.

[both grunt]

What are you doing?

You're supposed to be watching
the front door.

We came for a fight.

- [guard] Halt!
- [gasping]

Don't move!


Well, here's your chance.

[guard ] We found them!

- [grunting]
- Get off.

Hold on. You'll get us caught,

- I'm gonna kick it down. G-G-Gah...
- No. No.

♪ Scanlan's foot ♪

- [Percy screaming]
- [all grunt]

I fell out of the window.

[all groan]

So, what do we do now?

[guard whistling]


[Vax groans]

Ah. Ah... ew.


[exhales sharply]

[sighs] Thank the gods.

Wait, what's this crowd?

Picked it up along the way.

Why are you covered in piss?

Picked it up along the way.


[groans] Archie.


[weakly] Percy?

Vax, get him out of there.

[Vax] Ah, right.

[exhales sharply] Okay,
here we go.

Did you see that?

I'm telling you
that back door was cursed.

Shit, is this the afterlife?

We're not dead yet, friend.

[Vex] All right.

We're getting out of here

- [Stonefell laughs]
- [gasps]

I'll give you this, girly.

[loud thud]

You'll at least die together.

[muffled grunting]

Throw down your arms,
return to your cells,

and maybe I'll let you live.


k*ll the gnome.

[whimpers] No, no, no,
I'm too handsome to die.

- [man clears throat]
- Huh?

- [gasps]
- [others gasp]

What's a guy got to do
to get some action around here?



[Scanlan whimpering]


Don't just stand there!
Get him!

[indistinct shouting]


For Whitestone!

- [grunting]
- For Whitestone!


Go on. Get him out of here.

- [grunting, groans]
- [Stonefell laughing]

- [grunting]
- Huh?

I've got you, little one.



[whimpers] No!


- [grunting]
- [roaring]


[Grog grunts]


[gasps] Booze? Yeah!

Now we're talking!




Fun's over.
Where's our exit?

Not this way.
There are guards everywhere.

[weakly] Percy, let me go.

What are you doing?

Just like the old days,

creating a diversion
while you get away.

You f*cking dobbers!


Hey, Grog, check this out.

- ♪ Lightning ♪
- [grunts] Huh?

Ha, not quite there, Scanlan.

Let me try.


- [g*nsh*t]
- Hmm?


You two, seal the doors.




As promised. Your exit.

How chivalrous.

[panting] Wait.
Wh-Where's Percy?

- [Percy panting]
- Hmm?

Percy, wait!

We'll get him.

The rest of you,
hold this hallway.

Hurry, brother!


♪ ♪

- [whimpers]
- [grunts]



What are you supposed to be,

I am vengeance for the de Rolos.

[laughs] The de Rolos?

Now that takes me back.

Some folks you k*ll
'cause you're ordered to.

Them I k*lled
'cause I wanted to.

Let me say, you were the one

I was least looking forward to.

f*ck off. [grunts]


- [groans]
- [laughing]

Huh? Huh?


I wanted you to know
it was me.

Huh? Percy?




[Vax] Percival!

- [grunts]
- [groans]

What the f*ck are you doing?

Running off,
risking this entire mission.

Then you point that thing at me.

And for what?

For what?

Stonefell helped slaughter them

and laughed while it happened.

I am the sole surviving de Rolo.

I will have my vengeance
and no one will stand in my way!

[Archie] But, Percy,

you are not the last de Rolo.

- What?
- Your sister, Cassandra...

She lives.


When are your friends
coming back?


Oy! Sorry we're late.
We had a thing.

Grog, toss the booze!

Aw, but I just got it.

Just do it.



[fire crackling]

♪ ♪

I have a sister.

[Delilah] Cassandra.

I'm sure you've heard
about your brother,

but this changes nothing.

♪ ♪

[fire whooshes]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
