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02x16 - Cruisin'

Posted: 02/04/22 19:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ The weekend
comes, my cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and
rollin' all week long ♪

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week with you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and
rollin' all week long ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪

So you're going out

with Mary Anne
McCarthy tomorrow night?

Sure. What's wrong with her?

She looks like she's
made out of pipe cleaners.

That's because she
never shaves her legs.

Big deals.

Who you taking out?

Oh, well, uh... I'm
cutting back on dating.

It's not good for a guy.

That's how Robert Mitchum
got the bags under his eyes.

How about you, Malph?

Well, I haven't
made up my mind yet.

I've got it narrowed
down to five living dolls

who are warm for my form.

No date, huh?

We're just sick

of the same old chicks
around here; that's all, Bag.

We're gonna go cruisin'

and see if we can latch
onto some new talent.

Why don't you drop Mary
Ann and come with us, huh?

Not me. You know the old saying,

"A bird in the hand..."

Yeah, but what you
have is a dog on the leash.

Aw, cruising's always the same.

All you're gonna do

is drive around all night
and come up empty.

Oh, yeah? Wanna
bet? Yeah, I'll bet you.

I bet you I do
better than you do.

In other words, whoever's not
making out by midnight, loses.

You on?

What's the bet?

The bet is whoever loses

has to walk through
Arnold's parking lot at midnight

in their underwear.

That's Arnold's busiest time.

Everyone will be there.

That's right.

Are you crazy, Bag?

What kind of bet is that?

It's a sure one for me.

Are you guys gonna punk out?

You're on, Bag. Pots!

Okay, I'll see you
at midnight. Okay!

And... wear zippers.

I don't want you to waste
any time taking your pants off.

Why'd you take that bet?

Don't worry, Rich,
we're a shoo-in.

We'll start tomorrow afternoon.

By dark we'll have some chicks.

After all, Ralph's heap's
the best chick-mobile in town.

Yeah? Well, Ralph's
chick-mobile blew a gasket.

It's in the shop till Monday.

Then we'll use Richie's car.

Girls love red convertibles.

Your car's all
right, isn't it, Rich?

Yeah, sure, but
I still don't think

we should have taken the bet.

I mean, you never can
tell, we might strike out.

With my dimples?

Hey, Fonz. How you doin'?

Hey, Fonz, what
are you doing here?

I'm gonna ignore that question.

Hey, listen, Fonz,

would you like to go cruisi"
with us tomorrow night?

With you guys?

If we're lucky
we're gonna pick up

some red hot Junior Chipmunk.

What a kidder, Fonz.

Come on, I feel it. I
know we're gonna score.

Hey, anything you guys pick up,

that's gonna be
my reject anyway.

I got better things to do.

I'll catch you later.

So long. See you, Fonz.

All right, so we'll meet
at my house tomorrow.

Where do you want to cruise?


Good idea.

If you can't neck in Eastchester
you I better hang up your neck.



Oh, Richard, I fixed
your favorite breakfast.

Blueberry pancakes.

Oh, that's terrific.

And fresh squeezed orange juice.


Now, tell him why, Marion.

Well, you know
that... that bake sale

we were having at
the Women's Club?

Yeah, the one at the
supermarket, sure.

Yes, fine.

Well, anyway, we were
short this one card table

so I decided to take ours,

and the only way
I could get it over

there was to borrow your car.

That's all right, Mom, you
can borrow my car any time.

Oh, thank you, dear.

I know how you love that
car and I'm always so careful.

I know you are, Mom.

Oh, boy, they smell great.

Tell him, Marion.

Well, you know those big...
those big square trash things

that they have at
the supermarket?

They're always way in
the back there, you know,

and then once a week,
uh... usually Saturday,

they just put them up
there in the driveway

for the big trash...
truck to empty it.

Yeah. So?

So today is Saturday.

I don't understand.

Hi, Rich.

Did Mom tell you that
she wrecked your car?

Wrecked my car?

It's just a dent, just
a little dent. Dent?

Well, a big dent but your
car will be ready on Monday.

Monday? I need it today.

I told the guys we
were gonna use it.

Dad, she wrecked my car. It's
all right. You can borrow my car.

The DeSoto.

Oh, Richard, I am so sorry.

If I had just used
your father's car

this would never have happened.

That's right.

We'd be having omelets now.

That's my favorite.

You gotta be joking.

Look at this.

Just perfect,
Rich, just perfect.

Why didn't you
just rent a hearse.

It's not the car
that gets the girls,

it's the men driving it.

But it helps if the men

are driving a car
instead of a steamship.

Take it easy, Ralph.

Hey, guys, the
girl magnet is here.

Let's get movin', huh?

All right.

Why isn't your dad at work?

He is at work.

What's his car doing here?

This is what we're cruising in.

Are you kiddin'?

Who cruises in a family car?

Richie and his two dumb buddies.

Look, guys, this is
what we're stuck with;

so let's make the
best of it, all right?

Come on, it's not that bad.

It's good, Rich, it's good.

Well, think of it
as a challenge.

Look, this way we'll know
that the girls don't like us

just for our car.

Okay, okay. Let's hit the
road and win that bet, okay?

Let's win that bet.

All right. Come on, let's go!

Come on, Ralph.

Well, it does have
a good backseat.

Eastchester, here we come!

All right.

They're the brainy type.

They're reading magazines.

Yeah, but they're
reading Confidential.

That means they're hot to trot.

Do you think they noticed us?

Probably. We drove
by them four times.

Maybe if we drive around
them another 500 times,

they'll throw themselves
in front of the car

and beg us to pick them up.

You know, Potsie's right.

The next time we go by
we ought to talk to 'em.

But let me do the talking.

I've got a line
that'll make 'em flip.

Come on, Potsie,
you said you weren't

gonna be crude this time.

I'll use my classy
approach. It never fails.

Hey, baby, want to get lucky?

Drop dead.

Got 'em eating out
of your hand, Pots!

You know, it's gonna be cold

running around Arnold's
in our underwear.

So, we'll wear earmuffs.

Hey, there they are.

They're still there.

That means they're interested.

Okay, Rich, your shot.

Something bright and witty.

I can't drive and
operate at the same time.

Drive, Potsie. You got it.

Come on, Rich.

Miss, excuse me.


I was wondering if
you could settle a bet

that my friends and I have.

See, we each bet five bucks

on what flavor
lipstick you're wearing.

Potsie thinks it's strawberry

and Ralph thinks it's raspberry

and well, I think it's cherry.

Which is it?

Well, why don't you
figure it out for yourself.


Look, it's not cool.

I know cool and
this is not cool.

Sure it is.

Wanda Dailey lives
out here in Eastchester

and you said she
used to be ape for you.

Come on, you're in the area.

You practically owe her a call.

Come on.


But like I told you guys,

Crazy Wanda probably won't
want to call any girls for you guys

because she's afraid
they'll fall for me.

She's very jealous.

Right, just talk to her.

Hello, Wanda. Ralph Malph.

That's right.

It's me... Mr. Sexy.

She's dying to see me.

Listen, Wanda, take
it easy, take it easy.

Wanda, I'm out here
with a couple of buddies.

I was wondering if
you could fix them up?

You can't?

Too bad.

Wait a minute.

What'd she say?

"When you hear the
tone the time will be 4:18."

Some make-out artist, Ralph.

Pardon me...

Watch out. This is the
chick with the lipstick.

Hey, I'm sorry about that.

It was just that smooth
suave line you threw.

I was just trying to cover up.

I was shy.

Can one of you guys
give me some help?


Take your pick.

You'll do.

The lock on my
apartment door is jammed

and my parents aren't home.

Do you think you can help me?

Are you kidding?

They call me Hercules Weber.

There hasn't been a door
made I can't break down.

Oh, well, I don't want it
broken down, just un-jammed.

I'll restrain myself.

Good. Come on.

The kid has done it again.

Don't wait up.

She's a regular Jekyll and Hyde.

I don't get it.

Two red-headed Greek gods...

she picks Potsie Weber.

Maybe she feels sorry for him.

No. She doesn't know
him the way we do.

Potsie must be doing okay.

Well, I don't know, Rich.

He's been gone half an hour.

It takes about two seconds
to break a door down.

Of course he's doing okay.


You want another soda?

This is my fourth one.

I'm gettin' kind of full.

Come here, come here.

What? What?

There's three girls in there and
one of them just winked at me.

I can't see anybody.

Never mind, never mind.

I'll just go in there and put on
the old Malphie baby charm.

I'll be right back
with three honeys.

It will be my dream come true.


No, no, you stay here.

You might with... no.

Hey, Rich!

Pots, you got here just in time.

Ralph found these
three terrific chicks!

Aw, forget about that.

Why? Well... after I
unjammed Hildie's door,

two of her friends came over.

That made three of them.

Good arithmetic, Pots.

Well, I got to thinking...
Three of them, three of us.

Right over there.

I'm the best.

Rich! Rich!

Rich, I got them!

They'll go out with us!

Two for me, and one
for you and Potsie.

Oh! Okay, I won't get
my dream come true.

Only one girl.

Potsie brought
three girls with him.

More girls? You got more girls?!

First, we don't got enough,
now we got too many!

Not so loud. You'll
embarrass me.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Great for what?

Great for... You know.

Oh, yeah, when it
comes to "you knowing,"

I'm the best. You know?

Well, well, well.

Three cute little punks trying
to move in on our chicks.

If you guys start walking now,

you might make it
home in time to graduate.

Oh, no, no.

You see, we can't
leave this car here

because this is my father's car.

Well, then he can
come pick it up.

He didn't try to make time
with our chicks. You guys did.

Hey, now, don't get mad on
my account, Denny Dooley.

If you and the other guys
thought that we were your girls,

how come you didn't
ask us out tonight?

I told you, Hildie, we
had to see this guy

about doing a
little drag racing.

And I have to think
about my love life!

If you and the Dragons
are, uh... too busy,

we'll just have to find
other more interesting guys.

Me interesting? I'm dull.

Actually, they call
me Dull Potsie.

Now, Dooley here,
he's interesting.

All right, Dull
Potsie, start walking,

and take your dull
friends with you.

Oh, right, sir.
Anything you say, sir.

Come on, dull friends.

Uh... Mr. Dooley,
I was wondering...

Well, actually I was praying...

That you would
forget this whole affair.


Hey, Fonz!

Hey! Fonzie's the best!

Glad you came, Fonz! Terrific!

Hey! Naturally, naturally, huh?

I come out here looking for
a loudmouth named Dooley.

I see three guys
here playing toughie.

Who's Dooley, huh?

I am.

Oh, hiya, Dooley.

Hey, you came
just in time, Fonz.

I was just about
ready to tell this guy off.

Hey, drop dead.

Hey, that's brilliant, Dooley.

How do you think
them up so fast?

All right, now, what's
goin' on here, huh?

Well, he... Let
Cunningham tell me, huh?

He'll keep it brief.

See, we went out cruising,

and we sort of ran into
these three girls here.

And Dooley and his dumb
Dragons were too busy

playing with their kiddie car,

so Judy and Terry and I decided

to go out with some real men.

Right. And then
Dooley and his finks

tried to lay their
hooks in them,

as if a D.A. stood a
chance against my dimples.

Except yours, Fonz.

It would beat my
dimples hands down.

Yeah, right, right, right.

We're going to figure
this out the easy way here.

You're supposed to be

the greatest drag
racer in the world?

Greased lightning.

Yeah. Okay. Why don't
you take this hot rod of yours,

get it ready, huh?
We'll do the same.

We'll give you a
chance to prove it.

Hey, you going to
race me, Fonzarelli?

Well, I was going to, but
I only race big time, see,

so I'm going to let

Cunningham here race you.

All right, the winner
gets the chicks.

Me, Fonz?

You just get this
hot rod ready to roll.

We'll do the same, huh?

And I'll meet
you at the... uh...

ball bearing warehouse at 11:00.

Can you make it?

Oh, the Dragons will be there.

Wait a minute.

You see, Fonz, I only
have my dad's DeSoto.

What? Hey, Fonzie, you been
inhaling gas fumes or something?

This sardine can couldn't make
it downhill without a tow truck.

I hope you drive
cuter than you talk.

Hey, Noodles,
will you listen up?

All right, now bring
me the milled heads

and the dual carbs, right?

And go over and
get Wingy and Spider.

And do me a favor...
Just burn rubber.

Don't ask me why!

Just burn rubber!


Oh, I trust you,
Fonz. I... I trust you.

I just don't think I can
win any race with this car.

Hey, I got faith in you, huh?

You want a soda?

Give him some
money. He's thirsty.

Oh, Richie's right.

The DeSoto couldn't finish
first in a demolition derby.

You're absolutely right.
Not in the shape it's in.

But who's to say it's going

to stay in this
particular shape?

Fonz, you wouldn't hurt
my dad's car, would you?

Rich... trust.

Oh, I... I will. I will.

All right.

It's getting kind of
late, isn't it, Fonz?

Hey, we're right on schedule.

Malph, get out of my box.

Here it is.

I told you it was going
to be a challenge. Great.

You guys know what to do.

Fonz, what are those
guys going to do?

I mean, this is my dad's motor.

When those guys are
finished with that rod,

it's going to make
drag racing history.

You know, I never raced before.

Supposing I crack up?

I mean, my parents are
going to be very upset.

They'll ground me for
who knows how long?

It could be months.

Richie, you crack
up in that rod,

there ain't going to be
nothing left of you to punish.

All right, let's get this
over with here, huh?

Hey, Dooley, huh?

You want to say good-bye
to your chicks now?

'Cause you don't
want to see them

cryin' their little hearts
out when you lose later.

Just worry about
your pals, Fonzarelli.

Wipe him out, Richie!

We'll be waiting for you.

Won't we, girls?

Aw, that did it!

Throw the flag, Fonzarelli.

You guys better run for cover.

Get in there,
boy! You can do it!

Drive for us, huh?

Mow them down!
Go, baby! Wipe them!

Win me, win me, win me, win me!

I will, I will, I will!

All right, start your engines.

Okay, okay, okay. You won.

Yeah? Great.

Now get off my turf!

Hey, what do we have here?

Poor sportsmanship.

What's the matter?

You don't get the
candy-coated trophy? Huh?

That was terrific, Cunningham.

Piece of cake.

Come to Potsie, baby. We won.

Congratulations, and get lost!

Get lost? I thought
you wanted us to win.

Nah. We just wanted
to get our guys jealous.

All right, let's
get out of here.


Come on. Come on.
Let's get out of here.

But I raced the
car. I risked my life.

But she's crazy about me, Fonz.

Let me tell you something, guys.

You might be too
young to understand this,

but you've been used.

Now, on the other hand, you won.


Well, I'm going back
there and fight for my girl.

Who's with me, huh?

Who's with me?!

Thanks a lot.

Hey! Hey, guys!

Nice car you got here.

Should have won.

Look at this.

The whole town is here.

What time is it?


Maybe Bag won't show up.

He showed up. He showed up.

Well, guys, how did you do?

Are you kidding, Bag?

How did we do?

The truth.

We struck out.

I thought so.


Where did you get those?

I figured we were going to lose.

Me, too.

Look at those legs!

Red hair, too. Wow!

You thought I was a fake?

Well, I hope you're happy, Bag.

Arnold banned us from
his place for a week.

Yeah. He said there's
no room for obscenity

in a family restaurant.

You guys are really nerds!

What do you mean?

Mary Anne stood me
up, so I struck out, too.

Get his clothes! Come on!

What are you doing?

Come on! No!

Are you sleeping, Richard?

No, Mom. Come on in.

Did you have a
good time tonight?

Yeah. It was all right.

The body shop called
just after you left,

and your car will be
ready at 3:00 on Monday.

Oh, that's good. Thanks.


Can I go get some milk?

I thought you went
to the slumber party.

Oh, I did, but I got sleepy.

Go down, get the
milk, then right to bed.


Is Dad still asleep?

He got up right
when you came in.

You didn't put the
car in the garage.

Oh, see, I... I
have to take it over

to Fonzie's garage
in the morning.

Well, you know your
father and that car.

So he went down to put it in.


What was that, dear?

It... it...

♪ What a day, rockin'
all week with you ♪

♪ This day is ours ♪

♪ These are such Happy Days. ♪

♪ Hello, sunshine,
good-bye, rain ♪

♪ She's wearing my
school ring on her chain ♪

♪ She's my steady, I'm her man ♪

♪ I'm gonna love her all I can ♪

♪ This day is ours ♪

♪ Won't you be mine? ♪

♪ Oh, Happy Days ♪

♪ This day is ours ♪

♪ Oh, please be mine ♪
♪ Oh, Happy Days ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪