02x03 - Who's Sorry Now?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Happy Days". Aired: January 15, 1974 – July 19, 1984.*
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Set during the 1950's, the series revolves around teenager Richie and his family who owns a hardware store and Fonzie, who would eventually become Richie's best friend.
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02x03 - Who's Sorry Now?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ The weekend
comes, my cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rocking and
rolling all week long ♪

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week with you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪

What took you so long, Rich?

I called you over
20 minutes ago.

Yeah, what's up?

You're gonna flip when
you find out who's inside.

This better be a biggie.

I got better things to do, huh?

Who? Arlene Nestrock.

She just got back from New York.

Your old girlfriend.

So what's the big deal?

Are you kidding?

I knew a girl who lived in
New York for one month

and when she came
back, she knew everything.

Arlene's been there three years.

You know what that means?

She's a slow learner.

Didn't she blow in your ear
the first time you met her?

Right, but it was only
'cause I had a television set.

Can you imagine what she'll do

when she finds
out you have a car?

Hold it, hold it.

You mean she blew in your
ear 'cause you had a TV?

Oh, yeah.

See, we, we were
one of the first families

in the neighborhood
to get a television set.

It was kind of a big deal.

Oh, wow.

That was three years ago.


Eh, but she wasn't that
crazy about me then.

At least not until I
asked her if she wanted

to watch the fights.

Hi, Arlene, remember me?

Hi, Corrine, what's shakin'? No.

Hi, Potsie.

Richie Cunningham.

I talked to you
at band practice.

I'm out for the bass drum.

I don't remember talking.

Well, actually, you dropped
your viola and, and I picked it up

and you said,
"Thanks" and I said,

"You're welcome."
That's talking?

Well, uh, sort of talking.

I got a television set.

What kind of dancing
are you doing?

Hold her close so you
can blow in her ear.

I only know the box step.

Make smaller boxes.

You got to get her close.

Well, you're not dancing
close with Corrine.

Corrine's got a mustache.

I really would like
to see television.

You like fights?

No, but I'd like
to see television.

Arlene, uh, would
you like to come over

to my house tomorrow night?

I'd love to.

Richie invited me
over to watch television.

Are you going to score?

Well, she's coming over
to watch the fight tomorrow.

Hey, you got it
made in the shade.

So, you see, I don't think
she'd be that interested

in seeing me again.

Look, Rich, things
change in three years.

You've matured.

She's matured.

Yeah, but I doubt
it. Come on, Richie.

She probably doesn't
even... Will you just walk in

and see what happens?

I guess it wouldn't
hurt just to say hello.

That's my boy. Yeah.

Come on.

Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

You got to give her
your coolest sh*t.

Come here.

May I?



All right.

Now, that's much cooler.

That's cool, no doubt about it.

Yeah, she sure won't think
you're square now, Rich.

She'll think I'm wearing
somebody else's pants.

What ever happened to Susan?

Anyway, New York
was really, really nice.


I don't know;
it's kind of busy...


What are you doing here?
She's sitting over there.

Well, I don't want to just
rush up like I know she's there.

Cool move, Rich.

Yeah, hey, listen now,

you guys tell me
how it turns out, huh?


That's Richie
Cunningham, isn't it?

Mm, he's with that
creepy Potsie Weber.

He took me out one time
and kissed me on the ear

when he was chewing gum.

Ugh, it was terrible.

I've been kissed by
guys chewing gum.

It wasn't so bad.

I spent half the night picking
Juicy Fruit off my earring.

Let's go say, "Hi."

She's coming over.

I know, with Rita DeFazio.

I kissed her once
and she stole my gum.

Richie Cunningham, right?

Oh, Arlene Nestrock.

I thought you went to New York.

Yeah, well, my father's company
transferred him back here.

Well, would you like to dance?


Hey, Rita, like to dance?

I'd rather catch diphtheria.

She really likes you, Pots.


So what have you been
doing to keep yourself busy?

Oh, not much.

Getting enrolled
back at Jefferson.

You know. Yeah.

Well, would you like to go out?

It's kind of short notice.


You would? Okay?

Oh, great.

♪ My darling, can't you see ♪

♪ What you mean to me? ♪

♪ Let's fly away... ♪

What's going on here?

Well, Joanie lost her
Terry and the Pirates

ring after I told her

to take it off before
she washed her hands.

I wasn't washing my hands.

I just wanted to make sure

that it couldn't
fit in the drain

and while I was
making sure, it fell in.

Well, um, could I get in here

and get some mouthwash, please?

You going to neck with Arlene?


Then what do you
want the mouthwash for?

You going to just
breathe on her?


Richie's all shook up
about going out with Arlene.

I'm not shook up.

Joanie, would you get
me the pliers, please?

Okay. But don't say any
good stuff till I get back.

Uh... Richard,
what's bothering you?

Nothing's bothering me, Dad.

Just 'cause I want to
use a little mouthwash...

Richard, you are about

to rinse out your
mouth with shampoo.

Shampoo. Shampoo.

Oh, yeah.

Guess I'm a little worried
about this date with Arlene.

Why should you be worried?

Well... Remember the
first time I took her out

three years ago?

You gave me that "It's
not easy growing up" talk.

Oh? Which version?

Well, I... I invited
her over to the house

to watch the fights on
our first television set?

The only thing I
remember about that night

is that the TV set
went on the fritz.

Well, the only thing I
remember is our date

went on the fritz.

You sure you don't
want to get a pizza?

No. I'll get in
early for a change.

Get my folks off my back.

Well, I... uh...

I guess this is
good night, then.


I had a nice time anyway.

Who is it?


It's okay, Ma. It's
me. I'm with Richard.

Oh! The boy with
the television set.

Well, anyway, I sure am...

I sure am glad you
came over tonight.

It's a lot easier
to talk to you here

than at band practice.

You know, you have
a very nice viola.

The doorbell keeps ringing.

Oh, I'm sorry. It's me again.

I have a habit of leaning.

I'll be right in, Mom.

It's very nice to have met you.

Nice meeting you.

Your father has a
lovely hardware store.

Oh, thank you.

Stand over here,

and I'll stand on
the other side.

Good night, now, and...

What happened? I heard a thud.

It's nothing, Ma.

I think I just better
ask you for a...

for a good night kiss
before I break something.

Okay. But I don't French
kiss on the first date.

Neither do I.


I mean, I respect
a girl for that.


So... we'll... kiss now, okay?


Good night.

Arlene, this was
our first date...

How about another date?

I... I don't think so.

Did I kiss bad?

I can do a lot better.

It's just that my elbow
hurt from the fall.

No, it's not that.

You see, I kind of
go with Eddie Bizinski.

But you went out
with me tonight.

And, last night,
you blew in my ear.

I wanted to see television.


See you.

Good night.

And you kiss nice.

Who knows?

Maybe Eddie and I will break up.


See you around.

Well, if I were you, I
wouldn't worry about it.

Well, I don't think
that will help, Dad.

Just be yourself.

I was myself last time.

Well, this time, while
you're being yourself,

just act a little more
mature and adult, huh?

Girls like a fellow
who can take the lead.

You'll do just fine.

You're not a boy anymore.

You're a man.

Yeah. I guess three years
does make a difference.

Mmm. Oh, by the way,
Richard, drive carefully,

and try and be home
before midnight, huh?

Dad, there's nothing I
can do after midnight

that I couldn't do
before midnight.

Richard... Would you excuse us?

I know teenagers, and I know
that it takes a boy till 11:30

before he even gets the
courage to hold a girl's hand.

That's right.

Well, that's right, dear.

I forgot how much fun it
could be just going out.

In New York all the guys
I dated were a lot older.


But you act a lot more
mature than they did.

They were just a bunch of drips

that went out with a girl
for what they could get.

Well, yeah, well,
I'm not after much.

I had a nice time tonight.

I was really a creep
when I knew you before.

I'm sorry for how I acted then.

Oh, forget about it.

People change.

I know, but I... I don't see

how you could even like
me after the way I was.

Well, I wouldn't
have asked you out

if I didn't like you.

I know, but...

well, probably wouldn't
ever think of getting...

serious or anything.

What do you mean?

I mean, well, you
would never think

of asking me to go steady now.

You know.

Sure. Why wouldn't I?

You would? Sure.

Oh... mmm.

You're wonderful.

Well, where do you
think I should wear it on,

on a finger or on a chain?

Wear what?

Your ring, silly.

I'll wear it all the time.

Even when I take
a shower in gym.

Oh, this is probably one
of the most wonderful nights

in my whole life.

I gotta go write
this in my diary.


I'll call you tomorrow.

That's allowed now
that we're steadies.

You're wonderful,
thank you, Richie.

She took my ring.

All right guys, gently.

Very gently.

Pull her out, gently, hold it.

All right.

Hold it. Whoa.

Taking pictures for
Christmas, huh, Fonz?

Yeah. I tell you last
night in my sleep

I had this gangbuster idea.

I saw myself on my bike in
a picture on a card and I say,

"Merry Motorcycle,"

What do you think?

I don't get it.

What do you mean
you don't get it?

What's not to get?

It's a picture of me on
my bike on a card says,

"Merry Motorcycle."

Now you get it?

It don't make any difference.

You're not on my
list. Only chicks.


Hey, I ain't seen
you around, uh...

don't Arlene let you
come out and play

now that you're going steady?

I thought you were
going to tell her to get lost.

I am. I hate going steady.

I never wanted to go
steady in the first place.

Richie, she's great-looking.

Yeah, but listen to this.

I have to call her
after every date

so that my voice is
the last thing she hears

before she goes to sleep.

She's got me wearing
"his and hers" shirts.

I'm tellin' you that goi"
steady is like being married

without all the fringe benefits.

Then break up with her.

I tried.

Every time I start to tell her,

she cries and says
that if she loses me

she's gonna do
something desperate.

All girls say that, Rich.

They never said that to me.

Hey, I went out with
a girl like that once.

Broke up with her in
two and a half minutes.

How'd you do it?

Well, I wrote her a note,

threw it through her window.

Of course, it was
wrapped around a brick.


You really know
how to handle women.

Rich, if you didn't
wanna go steady

why'd you ask her
in the first place?

I don't know.

We were just sitting
on her front porch

and all of a sudden
she had my ring.

Yeah, that happens a lot.

It never happens to me.

See, you guys don't
know anything, huh?

She's a new chick in town...

now, she's gotta know

that she's got a sure date
for Friday, Saturday night.

Someone that she don't
have to work too hard

to impress, right?

What she needs is, uh,

what we call, uh,
security, right?

So along comes Cunningham.

He's cute and he says,

"May I," before goin'
up to Inspiration Point

and whammo... Steadysville.

Well, I'm going over
to her house tonight

for dinner to meet her parents.

Maybe they won't like me.

Hey, fat chance.

Parents love kids like you.

All American,
good-looking, clean cut,

little dab of pimple
cream on your chin.

Too bad you can't send Fonzie.

My folks have bad dreams
about me even knowing him.

Hey... Hey, maybe
you should throw a brick

through her window, Rich.


I got it.

You know what Arlene's
parents are gonna have

for dinner tonight?

They're gonna be served
Richie Cunningham...

a la Fonzarelli.

You know, it's funny.

You and Arlene have been seeing
each other almost every night,

and... and we haven't had
a chance to meet and talk.

Talk about what?

Well, we'd love to know
a little more about you.


Well, I, uh, I suppose
you're anxious to graduate

and get out in the world?

Yeah. Sure.

I figure I'll take care
of the essentials first.

Get a job, a nice
place to live...

I'm gonna get a motorcycle.

I can just see Arlene and
me tooling through here

on a big hog, you know.

Richie, you never said
anything about a motorcycle.

Hey, it just came up.


He told me he never wanted
me to have anything to do

with his daughter again.

Oh, what a fake-out!

You're a free man now, Rich.

Yeah, I, guess it was
probably the best thing to do.

I don't know though, I...

I probably shouldn't have
said those things to her parents.

Don't worry about it.

It did the job, right?


Don't panic.

She probably just wants
to give the ring back.

Oh, am I glad I found you.

There's something
I want you to know.

Listen, Arlene, I understand.

After what your father
said to me last night...

I know, he hates you.

But that's when I realized

how much you really mean to me.

It's kind of like
Romeo and Juliet.


Anyhow, I hope I
didn't interrupt anything.

Well, actually we were
gonna go to a movie.

Hmm. Sounds great to me.



Supposing we decided

we didn't wanna
go steady anymore?

Oh, we'd never decide that.

Well, supposing I decided
I didn't wanna go steady?

Oh, I'd probably do
something desperate.



I don't wanna go steady.


It's nothing personal.

I just don't want to
go steady anymore.

Don't kid, Richie.

I'm not kidding.

You're not?


No, see, I've given this thing

a lot of thought...
All right, all right.

I guess I see how it is now.

You don't want to go with me?

Well, fine, I'll tell you

what you can do,
Mr. Richard Cunningham.

Sit down, Arlene.

Keep your cooties off
me, you... communist!

Rich, don't go.

That's just what
she wants you to do.

Yeah, yeah.

You're right.

You guys are wrong.

We gotta go.

Wait, we'll go with you, Rich.

Hey, sit down, come on,
we want to watch the movie.

It's got a lousy ending anyway.

They decide to get married
and Jennifer Jones waits for him,

but her husband never
shows 'cause he got k*lled.

Wasteful, wasteful,
and the cartoon stinks.

Andrizzi, did you
see a girl run by?

Lots of girls come
by here, Rich.

After a while they
all look the same.

Well she's about five-four,
she... she's got brown hair...

Screaming hysterically.

Oh, yeah, she kind of
sounded kind of desperate.

Where is she, quick?

I think she went in there.

Rich, will you take a look.

Arlene, are you in there?

Wonder what
she's doing in there?

She said she'd do
something desperate.

How desperate can
you get in a ladies' room?

Do you know what's in a
ladies' room? No, do you?

No, Rich, no, you don't.

It's a ladies' room.
Will you get a grip?

I got to do what I gotta do.

It's embarrassing.

We're waiting for our mothers.

Arlene, just listen
to me for a minute.

Look, I got your stupid
ring off this stupid chain.

Now, take it and leave me alone.

I'll be out in just a minute.

Arlene, listen.

I just want to tell you why
I did what I did, that's all.

I like you very much.

I really do but...

but I didn't want to go
steady with anybody right now.

I should have told you
right at first, but I didn't.

I'm sorry, okay?

I don't think I ever
want to see you again.

You're just an insincere
creep like all boys.

Just go away and leave me alone.

Arlene, just don't do
anything crazy, all right?

You're telling her not
to do anything crazy?

Oh, Richie, Arlene called.

When? Was she all right?

Well, it was several hours ago.

She sounded fine.

She said she was looking
for you to tell you something.


Oh, I guess she found you, huh?

Yeah, she found me.


She told me she never
wanted to see me again.

She broke up with you?

No, I broke up with her.

But right after I told her I
didn't want to see her anymore

she told me she didn't
want to see me anymore.

And I think she
didn't want to see me

more than I didn't
want to see her.

I see.

I'm afraid I really
hurt this girl.

But I couldn't help it.

I just didn't want to
go steady anymore.

Richard, I'm sure she was hurt,

but she'll probably get over it.

It's part of life.

Just give her time.

I don't know.

When we were in the ladies'
room she sounded pretty desperate.

You were in the ladies room?

Just for a little while.

I hope she doesn't
do something crazy.

Oh, Richard, every break-up
seems like the end of the world.

But you always
manage to get over it.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I remember going
with a fellow once.

For months I tried
to break up with him.

He pleaded with me.

He said he couldn't
live without me.

No matter what I did,
I couldn't shake him.

Yeah? What finally happened?

I married him.

You learn to love a
person who hangs in there.

So have you seen Arlene
since last night, Rich?

No. I tried to call her last
night but she wasn't there.

Yeah, I know.

What do you mean?

Oh, I seen her cruisin'
down Main in Andrizzi's Merc.

Tommy Andrizzi, the
usher at the movies?

That's right.

I guess her broken
heart must have healed

before she got out the door.

I'll tell you, she
was sitting so close

it was very difficult for
him to shift into second.

Ah, don't let it
get to you, Rich.

He got her on the rebound.

All girls on the rebound
fall for guys in uniform.

That's great.
That's really great.

I did all that
worrying for nothing.

That's right.

Okay, now that
you're feeling better,

there's something I've
been meaning to ask you.


What's it like inside
a ladies' room?

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy
days ♪ I wouldn't tell him.

♪ Rockin' all week with you ♪

♪ This day is ours ♪

♪ These are such happy days. ♪

♪ Hello, sunshine,
good-bye, rain ♪

♪ She's wearing my
school ring on her chain ♪

♪ She's my steady, I'm her man ♪

♪ I'm gonna love her all I can ♪

♪ This day is ours ♪

♪ Won't you be mine? ♪

♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ This day is ours ♪

♪ Oh, please be mine ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪
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