03x15 - Piper Maru

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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03x15 - Piper Maru

Post by bunniefuu »

Check set.



Hold the elevator. Hold it! Hold it!

Agent Scully.

Can I see you for a few minutes?

Kimberly, would you excuse us‘ please? Certainly, sir.

A memo came across my desk last night.

I debated whether to call you, but I decided...

And it concerns me? Yes.

And your sister.

In five months there have been no new leads in her m*rder investigation...

..by the DC police team or the Bureau.

I've been told the case is to be made inactive until further notice.

I see.

I don't think there's anything to be read into this. It's a case of manpower and workload.

I want you to know I am going to appeal this decision.

I'm gonna go back over all the evidence again myself to make sure nothing was overlooked.

You know. it's strange.

Men can blow up buildings and be nowhere near the crime scene...

..but we can piece together the evidence and convict them beyond a doubt.

Our labs here can recreate. out of the most microscopic detail...

..the motivation and circumstance to almost any m*rder,...

..right down to a k*ller's attitude towards his mother and that he was a bed-wetter.

But in the case of a woman,...

..my sister,...

..who was gunned down in cold blood in a well-lit apartment building...

..by a sh**t who left the w*apon at the crime scene...

..we can't even put together enough to keep anybody interested.

This has nothing to do with interest.

If I may say so, sir, it has everything to do with interest.

Just not yours...

..and not mine.


Sorry I'm late.

Anything up? No.

It's nothing.

What did you want to talk to me about?

Something interesting came to my attention last night.

A French salvage ship, the Piper Maru, limped into port in San Diego yesterday...

..all the way from the North Pacific.

Why is that of interest?

Using the National Weather Service satellite system, I tracked its course.

This was its original position.

Longitude, uh... 171 east. latitude 42 north.

That's where the Talapus pulled up what you believe was a Russian sub...

..and what I believe was a UFO. Mulder...

I don't know what it is, but something is down there. The French are looking, too.

So what? So what information are they acting on?

Why not just ask them?

The crew's being treated for radiation burns.

From exposure to what?

The French government is keeping that information classified.

Could it have anything to do with nuclear tests?

I checked. It's thousands of miles away from any test sites.


I'm just constantly amazed by you. I...

You're working down here in the basement, sifting through files and transmissions...

..that any other agent would throw away.

That's why I'm in the basement, Scully.

You're in the basement because they're afraid of you. 0f your relentlessness.

And because they know they could drop you in the desert, tell you the truth is out there...

..and you'd ask 'em for a shovel.

That's what you think of me? Well, maybe not a shovel.

Maybe a backhoe.

That's good because there's some garbage in San Diego I want you to help me dig through.

Dr Seizer? Yes.

Special Agent Mulder. This is Agent Scully.

You're here about the men with radiation exposure?

Yeah. How are they doing? Not real good.

It's been hard to determine treatment as there is an air of secrecy around what happened.

The source of their exposure is still undetermined.

These symptoms, would you characterise them as acute or somatic?

I'm a medical doctor. They're somatic.

I don't think we've seen the worst of it. The effects are degrading rapidly.

Spontaneous bleeding in the mouths and intestinal tracts. blood in the urine.

All these men are suffering delirium, the pre-advance stages of coma.

What kind of exposure are we talking about?

200, maybe 400 roentgens,...

..with a high rate of absorption. That's verging on levels seen in Hiroshima.

Whatever these men came in contact with, it was man-made.

Levels like this just don't appear in nature. Not on this planet.

Did you get to talk to any of them?

No, they were in bad shape by the time they got to me, except for one man.

And this was strange, because he was the only one who seemed unaffected.

I held him for the first day, but I detected none of the symptoms of the others.

His leukocytes and erythrocytes were high. Actually, he was in good health.

How could that be, with that level of radiation, that one man wasn't exposed?

It doesn't make any sense. But it's lucky for these men because he piloted the boat in.

None of these men could have done that.

Would it be possible for us to talk to him?

You could if he was still here, but he discharged himself this morning.

He's a Frenchman. has a San Francisco address. His name is Gauthier.

OK, let's wrap it up and get on the truck.

No answer at Gauthier's home number.

Try the INS or the French consulate. See what you can pull on him.

Could I have the number for the French consulate?

Agents Mulder and Scully. FBI.

I'm Wayne Morgan. I'm with the Navy's Investigative Services Unit.

Have you turned anything up? No. but I don't know what I'm lookin' for.

The crew is being treated for radiation.

We know. We had a hazmat team pourin' over the boat. Didn't find a trace.


We had divers goin' over the hull, puttin' probes down the bilge.

Couldn't detect the slightest level. So it's OK for us to go on board?

Sure. Probably get more radiation off your cellphone.

Generator's back up. That better?

Yeah, thanks. Is this the way you found this room?

Nothing's been touched, not since she's been tied up here. It's a mess.

Feels like home. Somebody was looking for something.

Any idea what?

No. I‘m looking for the VCR.

What for? The dive suit has a video camera.

What the hell is that? Looks like the fuselage of a plane.

It's a North American P-51 Mustang.

Yeah. it sure is.

I just got very turned on.

It's the shape of the canopy.

I used to watch my father and brothers put together World w*r II model planes as a kid.

Would it have carried anything radioactive?

No, it was just a fighter.

Then what were those men exposed to?

I don't know, but I know someone I can ask.

You're home! I was so worried about you!

Why didn't you call me?

There were men here from the consulate. They said there'd been an accident.

Why aren't you answering me?

Why aren't you answering me?

Hi. I'm here to see Commander Johansen.

Name, please? I'm Special Agent Dana Scully. FBI.

D'you have an appointment?

No. Uh, he used to be a friend of my father's.

I'm out here from Washington. I wanted to surprise him.

Let me give you directions. I know my way, thanks.


Got it. Dana!

Mr Gauthier!

Mr Gauthier, open the door. It's the FBI.

Mr Gauthier?

Mr Gauthier?


Mr Gauthier?

I want you to lie still. I'm with the FBI.

What happened? Did you fall? I don't know.

How did you get here? I can't remember.

I was on the boat. The Piper Maru?

That's the last thing you remember? Yes.

I was on a dive. OK.

Do you know where you are now?

I am at home. Where's my wife?

Nobody's home, but somebody's gone through your papers.

Where's Joan?

She's not here. Look, you need to be careful.

You've got some kind of oil all over you.

What's going on? I want you to try to remain calm, OK?

Now I'd like to ask you a few questions about a letter.

About a J. Kallenchuk Salvage Brokers.

I don't recognise that name. Well, somebody did.

And I think you know why.

I would like to speak to the French consul general. I have nothing more to say.

He'll be right out.

Yes? Commander Johansen?

Yes. I'm Dana Scully.

I used to live three doors down.

My father was Captain William Scully. I went to school with your son.

I'm sorry.

My memory isn't quite what it used to be.

Richard doesn't live here any more.

Actually. sir. I came to see you. Oh.

I work for the FBI now and there's a question that I'm hoping you can answer.

Oh, well, would you come in?

Do sit down. Thank you.

Would you like something to drink? No. thanks.

I know you were an officer in the Pacific theater during World w*r II.

I want to ask you about a plane that's been discovered.

Discovered? Yes. A P-51 Mustang in the Pacific Ocean...

..with the, uh... call numbers...

..JTTO 111470.

Well. those are not the call numbers of P-51.

There was an illustration on the fuselage with the words "Drop Dead Red".

I'm sorry.

Would the words "Zeus Faber" mean anything to you?

No. But, as I said, sometimes my memory is not so sharp.

Would you know anybody I could talk to who could give me that information?

I wish I could help you. I wish you could, too.

There's a number of French sailors who may die from radiation exposure.

If we knew more about the plane, we might be able to understand why.


..it was very good to see you again. sir.

Say hello to your father for me. I wish I could. He's passed away.

I'm... I'm very sorry.

I have to say, this place brings back memories for me.

I remember all the kids used to play a game called "beckons wanted",...

..right out there.

Well... If you talk to your son, will you tell him I stopped by?

Thank you.

Who is it?

My name is Mulder. I'm with the FBI.

It's open.

Can I help you? I'm looking for Mr Kallenchuk.

I'm sorry. He's out of town. Perhaps I could help you with something?

Maybe you can tell me where I can find him.

Sure. The Far East.

I've got a letter here typed on his stationery.

Maybe you typed it for him? Sorry, I don't type.

What did you say your name was? Mulder.

Mr Mulder, I'd be happy to relay any message you have for him,...

..but I have no way of contacting Mr Kallenchuk just now.

0K. Well, why don't you just have him call me as soon as he can.

Sure. The FBI.

Yes. What did you say your name was? Geraldine.

Thank you, Geraldine.

Agent Scully. would you step out of the car?


Just turn off the engine and step out, please.

What's this about? You're being detained.

Pull over there.

What's going on?

I can't give your regards to my son, Miss Scully.

He was k*lled in a training accident during the Gulf w*r.

I'm sorry.

There's something else, isn't there?

We bury our dead alive, don't we?

I don't know if I understand. We hear them every day.

They talk to us. They haunt us.

They beg us for meaning.


It's just the voices of the dead...

..trying to save us from our own damnation.

You know something about that plane, don't you?

I know...

..because I was sent to find it...

..as an officer in the submarine called the Zeus Faber.

0K. you're all set. Gate two. Have a good trip.

Thank you.

Next in line, please.

Mulder. Mulder, it's me. Where are you?

San Francisco Airport. You? Miramar Air Base.

I think I know what those men were exposed to.

What the Piper Maru was looking for.

What? That P-51 Mustang was part of an escort...

..for a B-29 carrying an atomic b*mb, just like the one we dropped on Hiroshima.

Only it never reached its target. Says who?

Says one of the men originally sent to find it on a submarine called the Zeus Faber.

That was the name on that dive chart. It makes sense.

Why build a nuclear w*apon when they can salvage one?

Why, if they knew about it, wait 50 years to recover it?

And why was the only person not exposed the diver sent down to find it?

I don't know. Why don't you try to find out?

What about you? I gotta go to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong? Yeah. Look, I'm gonna miss my flight, so...

I gotta call you back, OK?


Anything good here?

Anything not on the menu?

You'll have to ask the waitress.

You gentlemen have a problem?

When something's not on the menu, Mr Skinner, there's a reason, wouldn't you say?

I didn't come here for the conversation. A hierarchy exists in the FBI, right?

A man has status, like yourself, the assistant director.

Those under him obey his orders, right?

Who are you guys? We work for the intelligence community.

Remind me not to move there.

You take your orders like those below you.

A case is made inactive: the death of an FBI agent's sister.

Maybe that's because those above you did the hard work of arriving at that decision.

Thanks for the enlightenment. I'm gonna go now.

It helps to remember these things when a man looks forward to his career.

To his plans for the future.

We all joined thinking we'd come home heroes.

That's me.

The rest of the men in the picture... a month later they were all dead.

The madness we'd planned to unleash on the Japanese...

..we ended up setting it loose on ourselves.

Radiation k*lled all those men?

The men, you say, had burns on their bodies.

That's how it began with us.

Awful burns.

We’d found the sunken squadron, when a Japanese destroyer moved into the area.

Rather than attempt to return home, Captain Sanford ordered us to go to silent running.

After three days the bums started to appear.

Baker got them first. Then Vorce and Innocenti.

No one had seen bums like these before, but a lot of us began to suspect...

..they had something to do with the planes we'd been sent to recover.

The men were all frightened of dying.

As the X0, I urged the captain to return,...

..but against all reason and good sense, he refused to leave the area.

Captain Sanford, I'm not an MD,...

..but I know a lost cause when I see one.

These men are dying, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Just do your damn job. Sir, I'm trying.

But if we stay down here any longer, none of us are going home.

You're the X0. Get us to the surface.

We are under the captain's orders. He's losing his mind.

The Japanese are shadowing us. The destroyer is circling above our position.

You have to take control of this sub, sir. You have to make a decision.

We're all gonna die! What was that?

All of us!

We're dying! Can't you all see that?

You've gotta get us out of here!

Our silence had been shattered by the g*nsh*t.

The only command that could save us from the destroyer was the one to return home.

An order I knew the captain would never issue.


Open this door!

Open this door! Johansen!

I knew mutiny was our only chance for survival.

But I also knew, by sealing that door,...

..I was sealing the fate of the men locked behind it.

By luck or the grace of God, we made it to Pearl Harbor.

What happened to Sanford and the sick crewmen?

When they opened that door, those that were not dead were dying.

There were 144 men on that boat.

Only seven of us survived.

Whatever k*lled them, I was allowed to live,...

..to raise a family, to grow old.

None of us ever got an explanation why.

Is this seat taken, Miss Kallenchuk?

Geraldine Kallenchuk, isn't it?

Jerry, with a J.

I noticed you flew first class.

It must be good money selling classified government secrets.

It's a bull market, hon. And I'm Miss Popular. Let's make a deal.

How much for the location of the P-51 you sold the French government?

Why should I tell you?

Actually, I'd rather know who sold you the secrets.

I'm a middleman, Mr Mulder. Pardon my gender type.

I take a cut, a thin slice off the top.

It'd be bad business to divulge my sources. Why'd you run off to Hong Kong?

To meet with a buyer. To sell him what?

Pardon your gender type. Oh, your buyer's a woman?

Actually, you know, it's none of your damn business.

Actually, it is my damn business because whatever it is you're selling...

..is k*lling six sailors in California, which is why I'm gonna arrest you.

Arrest me? With what? Your chopsticks?

This is Hong Kong, Mr Mulder. They don't allow handguns here.

They took yours away at the airport.

Hey! Hey, you can't do that! I just did it. Now let's make a deal.

You're violating my civil rights.

You gave them up when you committed treason.

You can't force me to do anything!

Open it.

Pardon my gender type, but after you.

Lights? Right here.

Krycek. I thought g*ns were against the law here.

Yeah, well, you know what they say. When g*ns are outlawed...

Why don't you sh**t yourself in your head like you shot my father?

Great. High Noon in Hong Kong.

Why don't you just shut up!

No! Let me go!

Open this door! No way to treat your business partner.

Especially since she moves the secrets you're selling so well.

Looks like she's your partner now.


Is the coffee hot? Yeah.

How's the blue plate? Looks good.

I'll have one, medium rare, please.

You got a pay phone that's out of order.

Nobody complains? I'm complaining.

I'm sorry, sir. I'm sure it's been called in.

You're sure.

Meanwhile, I'm going to miss the phone call.

That's gonna cost me time and money.

Who's gonna call that in?

I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what else to say.

Say you're gonna pay me the $1.75 the phone ate.

You'll have to deal with the phone company.

You deal with them. I want my money.

Is there a problem here?

Yeah, there is a big problem!

Chupa dura, amigo!

Oh, God!

I'll call 911!

Scully. This is Kim Cook from the director's office.

Yes? We've just got some bad news.

AD Skinner has just been shot.

When? About an hour ago.

He's been taken to Northeast Georgetown.

I'm on my way.

That's for your partner.

This is for me!

And this is for my father!

I didn't k*ll your father. Now you tell me.

It wasn't me. Yeah? Then who was it?

I don't know. I don't...

Either way, Krycek, you're a liar.

Go on, finish it, Mulder! Come on, finish it!

Do it!

I want that digital tape.

I don't have it. Like hell you don't!

It contains secrets you were selling and all our government knows on extraterrestrials.

How could I sell anything? It was encrypted.

You found a way!

I don't have it.

But... I'll give it to you if you let me go.

Where is it?


In a locker.

If you let me go, I'll tell ya.

You put that tape in my hands and we'll talk about it.

Now go to the bathroom and clean yourself off.

If you're not outta there in three minutes, I'm comin' in there to k*ll you.

Feel better? Like a new man.

I made this!
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