01x18 - Under Control

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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01x18 - Under Control

Post by bunniefuu »

[Salvatore's house]

(Stefan is doing exercises in his bedroom. Damon enters with a glass of blood in his hands)

Damon: You can turn it out a little bit? It's not annoying yet

Stefan: Sorry

(Damon switches off the music)

Damon: When are you going back to school?

Stefan: Soon

(Stefan is on the floor, making push-ups)

Damon: Oh come on. Just drink already. Come on, this self-detox is not natural

(He puts the glass next to Stefan)

Stefan: You can get that away from me please?

Damon: How long have you take to wing yourself of the last time you've yield off?

(Stefan is still doing exercises)

Damon: It's not good

Stefan: I'll be fine; it just takes a little bit of time

Damon: I don't get it; you know, you don't have to k*ll to survive. That's what blood banks are for. I haven't hunt in a human in… God way too long

Stefan: Oh I'm impressed

Damon: It's completely self-serving. I'm trying to get the town off the trail of vampires which is not very easy considering that there is an entire tomb of them running around

Stefan: What are we planning on doing about that?

Damon: We are not going to do much of anything if you don't restrength. There's nothing wrong with part taking in a healthy diet of human blood from a blood bank. You're not actually k*lling anyone

Stefan: I have my reasons

Damon: What are those holly little reasons? We never actually discuss that. You know, I'll love to hear this story

(Damon is sitting down on the couch)

Stefan: You're really enjoying this aren't you? Just watching me struggle?

Damon: Very much

Stefan: I hate to break into you Damon but… I actually have it under complete control

Damon: You do? Well, then you should just carry on, making the rest of us vampires look bad

(He gets up)

Damon: Have a great day Stefan

(He leaves and let the glass on the table. Stefan goes toward the glass, he seems uncomfortable. Damon returns)

Damon: oh, hey, I almost forgot. Oops

(He takes the glass and leaves. He drinks and looks at Stefan with a smile. Stefan looks upset and uncomfortable)

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena and Jenna are in the Hall. They are hurry)

Elena: Come on Jeremy, we have school! Walking at the door now!

Jenna: Forgot his (She gives her a thermos)

Elena: Thank you

(She opens the door, John is here, he was about to knock)

John (with a smile): Elena!

Elena: Uncle John! Hi

John (looking at Jenna): Jenna

Jenna: John, you made it

John: I said I'll be here by nine

(He enters in the house)

Jenna: Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things

(Jeremy goes down the stairs)

Jeremy: Uncle John, what's up?

John: Hey!

(Jeremy slaps him on the shoulder and leaves)

John: I had some business in town; I thought that a visit was in order

Elena: How long are you staying?

John: I don't know yet

Elena: ok, I've got to go to school, I see you later

(She leaves; Jenna looks at her and closes the door)

John: So what's up with Jeremy?

Jenna: He just lost a friend, so try to be sensitive

John (laughing): I'm always sensitive

Jenna: Right, so really how long are you staying?

John: Can you at least pretend that you're happy to see me?

Jenna (joking): oh my god John! It's so good to see you. How have you been? (She becomes serious again): No, I can't

John: Do you really think that I was just gonna sign the papers and send them back?

Jenna: Actually I did

John: I'm not going to let you sell my brother's office

Jenna: It's not up to you or me; it belongs to Jeremy and Elena

John: Yeah but they're minors, so I get the final say, I have to deal with it

[Mystic Fall's high school)

(Matt and Elena are in the hallway)

Elena: He said his trip is open ended

Matt: Uncle John, I never really liked that guy

Elena: Does anyone?

Matt: I'm here for moral support if you need me

Elena: Thanks, I think I'll suffer this one alone; you've been through enough

Matt: Thank you by the way, for just… for everything you did at Vicki's funeral. I couldn't have done it without you

Elena: Of course Matt

(Long pause, they look at each other)

Elena: So, was Caroline still baking for you guys, around the clock?

Caroline: She finally went to her dad, which is a good thing because my mom was going to strangle her if she dropped out for more lasagna

(He closes his locker and they leave)

(Jeremy is outside, is sitting on a couch, listening to music. Tyler arrives and sits down with him. He offers him a cigarette)

Jeremy: No thanks

Tyler: What's your problem?

Jeremy: I just don't want any

Tyler: Okay; they say she OD

Jeremy: That's what I don't get, she was doing okay

Tyler: Apparently not

Jeremy: How did she end up buried in the woods? That's what I don't understand

Tyler: By whoever was with her when she OD

Jeremy: Yeah but when you leave her there you don't take the time to bury her

Tyler: Maybe she saw something and… Hell man, I don't know

[Founder's hall]

(Damon arrives and meets the rest of the council for a reunion)

Sheriff Forbes: The coroner office has officially ruled Vicky's Donovan's death a drug overdose. Her family has been notified, the truth will stay in this room and we can put this behind us

Mayor Lockwood: Thank you Sheriff. And on to a more pressing issue, John Gilbert has asked to say a few words

(Damon seems surprised)

Mayor Lockwood: Welcome back John, it's good to see you

John: Hello everyone, it's wonderful to see you, I wished it were on better circumstances. As a founding family member I found it's my duty to report some very distressing news

(Damon speaking discretely to the Sheriff)

Damon: He's a Gilbert?

Sheriff Forbes: Elena's uncle. His name is John but I call him Jackass

John: A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst has reported several breakings over the past two weeks. 7 hunters, 4 campers and 2 states employees have been reported missing as well. All of this was in a 75 miles radius of Mystic Falls

(Mayor Lockwood interrupts him)

Mayor Lockwood: Okay okay, no need to get alarmed right at this moment

Sheriff Forbes (To Damon): Mean he doesn't want to cancel the founders' day kickoff party

John: You think all of your problems are over but I'm here to tell you, nothing's been solved

(Damon seems uncomfortable)

[Mystic Fall's high school]

(Alaric is in his classroom with Elena)

Alaric: I made a copy of a paper Jeremy wrote for me. I think you should take a look at it

(He gives the paper to Elena. She reads the title: fact or fiction: The truth about vampires in Mystic Falls)

Elena: Jeremy wrote this?

Alaric: It's very clear that he didn't think it was real

Elena: I really hope you're right because I've done so much to protect him from all of this

(She gives him back the paper)

Alaric: So, how do you deal with it?

Elena: What do you mean?

Alaric: With all the lies and the secrets. You have to lie to everyone who's important to you

Elena: It's not safe for them to know the truth. So yes I keep it from them, but it's only because I love them

(Long pause)

Alaric: I think Stefan is a good guy. But at the end of the day he's still a vampire

Elena: I know it's hard to understand but Stefan is different. He'll never do anything to hurt me

[Gilbert's house]

(John and Jeremy are eating in the kitchen. Jenna is here too)

Jeremy: I've no interest in the founder's day kickoff party

John: Sure you do its tradition

Jenna: It will be our role to break the tradition

John: The Gilberts have been a part of this town for a hundred and fifty years. We're one of the founding families and with that distinction comes certain obligations including going to the party. One day, when you'll can appreciate the significance I'll tell you all about your heritage

Jenna: Hmm, the Gilbert's family legacy. I forgot how secret it was. I'm not a Gilbert so I was never cool enough to hear it

Jeremy (To John): Why did she hate you?

John: We used to sleep together

(Jenna throws him something)

Jenna: I'm standing right here

(Elena is in her bedroom with Stefan)

Elena: Why would he write a report on vampires? Do you think he's trying to remember?

Stefan: Damon took away those memories for good, you don't have to worry about that. I tell you what: why don't you just ask him?

Elena: I… I can't

Stefan: Why not? I mean if he doesn't know anything this is just an innocent question

Elena: I don't even know how to talk to him anymore. I mean, we used to be a lot more open with each other. But now, with all these secrets just pilling up… You know, I haven't even told him that I am adopted yet

Stefan: Maybe it's time you start open up to him again. I'm not saying you should tell him everything but just try to find out what he does know and be prepared for it

(She touches his face)

Elena: What about you, how are you doing?

Stefan: Much, much better. I'm still, you know… a little jittery, a little bit on edge but I'm gonna be okay

Elena: I've been really worried about you and I missed you

Stefan: I just needed to let it go for a while and let my body rejust. It's only been a few days

Elena: It feels like a lifetime

(They kiss each other)

Stefan: I've missed you too

(They kiss again and begin to lay on the bed. Elena goes on him and kisses him. Stefan pushes her and goes on her and kisses her but it seems that he's not okay)

Elena: Stefan what's wrong? Stefan?

(His face is changing. He rushes himself against the wall, he breaks a lamp. He tries to control himself. Elena seems afraid)

(Someone knock on the door. Elena opens, it's Damon)

Elena: Oh god you're here

Damon: You ask I come. I'm easy like that

(Elena tells him to shut and shows him that Jeremy is eating cereals in the kitchen. She asks him to follow her upstairs)

Damon (loud): No Elena I will not go to your bedroom with you

(She catches his arm. He laughs and go upstairs with her. Jeremy looks at them. Elena and Damon enter in her bedroom)

Damon: Oh, just like I remember

Elena: Stop messing around

(He lays on her bed and takes the teddy bear with him)

Damon: Did you know that your uncle has been kicking at the founder council?

Elena: What?

Damon: Yep

Elena: Perfect, we'll just add it to the list of how everything is falling apart

(Damon looks at the broken lamp)

Damon: What happened right there?

Elena: Uh… nothing

(She seems uncomfortable. He looks at her)

Elena: Look Damon, I'm worried about Stefan. He says that everything's okay but he's clearly struggling. How long it is gonna take before he's going back to normal?

Damon: A few days. Give or take

Elena: It's been a few days

Damon: Give then, I don't know. What's the big deal?

(He gets up and gives her the teddy bear)

Elena: He's not himself Damon

(Damon is going toward the piece of furniture, opens the drawer and looks in it)

Damon: Well, maybe his problem is that he has spent too long not being himself

(He takes a bra from the drawer. Elena takes it from him and put it back in the drawer)

Elena: Please don't make me sorry for asking you

(He takes a picture from the mirror; she tries to take it back)

Damon: It is what it is Elena. The Stefan you know was "good behavior Stefan", ‘under control Stefan", "Fight his nature into an annoying excessive level Stefan" but if you think there isn't another part to this then you have not been paying attention

(Elena recuperates the picture)

Elena: He's not you, not even close

Damon: Because he doesn't want to be me. That doesn't mean that deep down he's not

(He gets closer to her, looks at her and leaves)

[Salvatore's house]

(Stefan is looking for a book. He seems to be stressed. He drinks a glass of scotch)

[Gilbert's house]

(Jeremy is in his bedroom. Someone knock on the door. It's Elena)

Elena: Hey

Jeremy: What's up?

Elena: Do you have some time to talk?

Jeremy: Uh, yeah, sure

Elena: Not here. Come on; let's get out of the house

[A lake]

(Elena and Jeremy are walking)

Jeremy: I just can't believe mom and dad never told you that you were adopted

Elena: Sure they would have eventually

Jeremy: Why were you worried about what I'll think?

Elena: Because… I don't know it's weird. Going you're whole lives thinking you're related by blood to someone

Jeremy: Does it bother you we're not?

Elena: No, Jer… you're my brother that's all that matters

(He smiles)

Elena: So, Mr. Saltzman said you've been doing great in history now

Jeremy: Yeah yeah is has really been helping me out. He gave me some extra credits and stuff

Elena: He loved your vampire paper

Jeremy: He thought I had a clever angle

Elena: What drew you to that subject matter?

Jeremy: I don't know, boredom or maybe I'm just as nuts as long line of Gilbert crazies

Elena: Gilberts aren't crazy

Jeremy: Easy for you to say, you're not one

(She stops)

Elena: Ouch

(She hits him with her shoulder and run after him)

[Founder's hall]

(Founder's day 150 anniversary kick-off party)

(Stefan and Damon are arriving)

Stefan: Oh god! I shouldn't be here

Damon: Come on, don't be a darner, it's a party for the founding families! That would be us. That would be rude to skip it

Stefan: You know, I really liked you a lot better when you hated everybody

Damon: Oh I still do. I just love that they love me

(He laughs and looks at Stefan)

Damon: How are you feeling?

Stefan: I'm good, I'm fine

Damon: No cravings? No urges? Is that whisky you've been drinking all day doing his job?

(Stefan laughs)

Damon: We are who we are Stefan. Nothing's gonna change that

Stefan: Ah! Nothing will make you happier to just see me given up hein Damon?

Damon: Whatever, it's inevitable

Stefan: Well, I'm gonna find Elena

(He leaves)

Damon: Don't embarrass me young man!

(Stefan takes a glass of whisky and drinks it)

(Mayor Lockwood and Tyler are talking with Matt and Kelly)

Mayor Lockwood: I'm so glad you can join us tonight

Kelly: It was nice of you to reach out to us

Mayor Lockwood: This town is one big family, when we lose a member we all have to come together

(He takes their hands)

Mayor Lockwood: Matt

Matt: Mayor

(Mayor Lockwood looks at his son and leaves, he leaves too)

Kelly: Well I guess dead kid rate a special greeting from the mayor

Matt: God mom!

Kelly: I need a drink

(She leaves. Tyler arrives with a bottle of alcohol)

Tyler: check this out!

Matt: Your dad is going to beat you down if he catches you

Tyler: Yeah. I'll love if he tries

Matt: screw him!

(He takes the bottle and drinks)

(Stefan is at the bar drinking. Elena arrives. He sees her, put the glass on the bar and shakes his arm)

Elena: Hey!

Stefan: Hey. How are you

(He kisses her on the cheek)

Elena: Are you drunk?

Stefan: Okay, I know it's a little weird but it's really helping me. The alcohol takes the edge off

Elena: You're totally that drunken high school guy that parties sneaking booze

Stefan: I totally am yeah

Elena: How worried do I need to be?

Stefan: Oh no! you don't need to be worried. It's just until the cravings go away. Listen, I think we should enjoy it while it lasts. Would you like to dance with me?

Elena: You hate dancing. I usually have to beg you

Stefan: No, no, no you have to beg sober me. The drunk me there is no begging necessary

(She looks at the dance floor)

Elena: There's no one dancing

Stefan: That's because they need something better to dance to. I'll be right back

(He leaves and Kelly arrives)

Kelly: Yeah… That's not gonna work. I already tried to buy the guy with 20 box and a date. He said Carol Lockwood has complete control over the music choices)

(Elena looks at Stefan. He is compelling the DJ)

Elena: You'd be surprised by what Stefan can accomplish when he puts his mind to it

(The music change)

Kelly: Thank god!

(Kelly is dancing with Stefan. Damon rejoins Elena at the bar and looks at Stefan)

Damon: Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?

Elena: Is he gonna be okay?

Damon: Eventually. One way or another

(They look at each other, and then they're watching Stefan. Damon smiles)

(Elena and Jenna are laughing together. Elena sees Alaric)

Elena: History teacher at three o' clock

Jenna: How do I look?

Elena: Beautiful

(Alaric rejoins them)

Alaric (to Jenna): I was looking for you

Jenna: Here I am. I haven't seen you in a while

Alaric: Well uh… (He looks at Elena) Things have been a little crazy but I'm here now. Do you want to get a drink?

Jenna: Sure

Alaric: Okay cool

(They look at Elena and leave. Matt arrives)

Matt: When did this happen?

Elena: DJ had a change of heart

Matt: Do you want to dance?

Elena: I don't know

Matt: Yes

Elena: Matt!

(He catches her waist and makes her dance)

(Damon is walking and rejoins the Sheriff)

Damon: You know I love a woman in uniform but I have to sigh with this one. You look… you look smashing

(She laughs)

Sheriff Forbes: thank you Damon. Cheers! I needed that. You know I had my doubts about you at first but like everyone else in the council you've won me over

Damon: Thanks Liz. It's really nice how welcoming the council has been. I like my life here in Mystic Falls. Sort of feel like home again

Sheriff Forbes: Well, you're not gonna like what I have to tell you. Jonathan Gilbert's claims check out. Blood bank, the missing people, all is true. We might have a problem

(Jeremy arrives and interrupts them)

Jeremy: Excuse me Sheriff. I was curious if there's been any more information about what happened to Vicky Donovan?

Sheriff Forbes: It was an overdose Jeremy

Jeremy: Yeah but her body was buried. Somebody must have done that

(Damon is really uncomfortable)

Sheriff Forbes: We're aware of that. The investigation is ongoing but there's nothing more I can tell you at this time. I'm sorry

Jeremy: It's okay

(Elena and Matt are dancing. He leaves. Elena falls into Stefan)

Stefan: Please dance with your alcoholic vampire boyfriend

(They dance and Elena pushes a man)

The man: Wow! Watch it!

Elena: I'm sorry, my fault, I'm clumsy

The man: Then get off the dance floor

Elena: Excuse me?

Stefan: It's not a way to talk to a lady

The man: Whatever

(He leaves but Stefan catches his arm and compels him)

Stefan: I think you need to apologize

The man: I'm sorry

Stefan: Now say it like you mean it

The man: I'm really, really sorry

Elena: Stefan its fine

Stefan: Now walk away

(He pushes him. The man leaves. Elena seems upset)

(Damon is at the bar. Elena rejoins him)

Elena: Have you noticed what your brother has been up to?

Damon: No, I have been too preoccupied with yours

(She looks at him)

Damon: Jeremy has been asking questions about Vicky Donovan's death

Elena: He knows that her death was ruled by an overdose

Damon: Really? "Oh but sheriff, someone buried her. Who would do that?" I know I know! Me!

I may compel him but he's wearing vervain

Elena: No, I don't want you to compel him

Damon: If he keeps asking questions…

Elena: Damon no I'm serious. I'm not going to do that to him again. I handle it

(Damon takes a rose and gives it to her)

Damon: okay. Don't say I didn't warned you

(She takes the rose, they look at each other and he leaves)

(Kelly finishes her drink and puts the glass in a plant. Tyler looks at her)

Tyler: I saw that

Kelly: Shut! We keep that between you and me. Where is the lady's room?

Tyler: This way, I show you

Kelly (watching his glass): Is that soda?

(She takes his glass and drinks)

Kelly: Vodka. Thank god!
(Damon in on the balcony. John rejoins him)

John: Damon right?

Damon: John

John: We didn't get the chance to meet at the council meeting

Damon: Yeah. That's a pleasure. Are you enjoying the kick-off?

John: Oh yeah. I forgot how much fun these small town celebrations can be

Damon: Yeah. When was the last time you were here?

John: Hasn't been that long, my brother's funeral. How long have you been in town?

Damon: Well, not long at all

John: So what do you think Damon? You know this vampire problem is real right? It's a potential blood bath

Damon: I would not overreact John

John: Oh, I think it's like 1864 all over again, vampires running a mock. I guess we just gonna have to hunt them down, throw them in a church and burn them to ache

Damon: This is the story hein?

John: Part of the story, yeah

Damon: Oh, there's more?

John: Oh there's lot more. See, it seems there was a tomb under the church, where vampires were hidden, waiting for someone to come along and set them free. But you already knew that didn't you?

(Damon doesn't look at him. He's uncomfortable)

John: Because you're the one that did it

Damon: And you're telling me this why?

John: I just thought we get the introduction out of the way

Damon: You know that I could rip your throat out before anyone would notice?

John: Yeah

Damon: Yeah, okay. But you probably ingested vervain so…

John: Why don't you take a bite to find out?

Damon (smiling): This not worth my time

(They look at each other and smile. Damon leaves but he rushes on John with his power. He breaks John's neck and throws him over the balcony. He smiles and leaves)

(Jeremy is sitting on a couch. Elena rejoins him)

Elena: Jer? I heard about your conversation with Sheriff Forbes

Jeremy: No one is trying to figure out what happened to her. They all want to believe that she ODED

Elena: Coroner's office confirmed it. If that's what they say happened then…

Jeremy: Is that what you believe?

Elena: What do you think happened?

Jeremy: I think that somebody k*lled her and buried her body and I don't think we should write it off just ‘cause it's easy

Elena: They're just doing what they can to move on

Jeremy: The truth is the only thing that gonna help people to move on

Elena: Jer, just let it go okay? Whatever it was she's gone now

Jeremy: Whatever it was? So you don't think it was an overdose?

Elena: Yes… I do

Jeremy: Is there something you're not telling me?

(Elena is really uncomfortable)

Jeremy: Why aren't you looking at me?

Elena: Sorry, that doesn't mean anything

Jeremy: If there was something else you'd telling me right?

(Long pause)

Elena: Of course I would

(Jeremy looks at her, suspicious)

(Kelly and Tyler are outside. They laugh and are a little bit drunk)

Kelly: Oh god! I can't even walk

Tyler: know, me neither

Kelly: Oh my god, Matt is going to k*ll me

Tyler: He won't even notice. I think he's actually having some fun for once

Kelly: Yeah, I know I just should be on my best behavior because of Vicky but I don't want to think about it. I can't, because if I do…

Tyler: Yeah, I was a d*ck to her, I was really bad. That's what I hate is I can't make any of it right. It's like I don't deserve to even miss her

(Kelly touches him)

Kelly: You're nice to talk to me. I don't have anyone to talk to

(Long pause during which they are looking each other)

Tyler: I don't have anyone to talk to either

(They are closer, and smile)

(Elena is walking and falls into Matt)

Matt: Who knew I've been missing all the fun at the founder's parties?

Elena: This is rare believe me

Matt: Is it bad that I'm enjoying myself?

Elena: No it's great that you are enjoying yourself. Thanks for making me dance

Matt: Hey, it's normal

(They embrace each other)

Matt: Air, I need some air. Come with me?

(Elena looks at Stefan. He's drinking)

Elena: Sure

Matt: You haven't seen my mom have you?

Elena: No, not in a while

(She looks at Stefan again. They go out. Elena sees Kelly and Tyler)

Elena: Oh my god

(Kelly and Tyler are kissing. Matt rushes over them and catches Tyler)

Matt: What are you doing man?

Kelly: Matt?!

Matt (screaming): Mom!

Tyler: Whoa dude calm down

(Matt hits Tyler on the face. They begin to fight and in the fight they push Kelly on the floor. Tyler hits Matt again and again and again. Alaric arrives and catches Tyler)

Alaric: What the hell is that?

(Elena is going toward Matt. The Mayor arrives)

Mayor Lockwood: I'll take it from here; I'll take it from here (To Tyler): Are you hurt? Go to clean up its okay

(Tyler leaves)

Mayor Lockwood: Everything is fine. Come on everybody let's get back to the party let's go. Come on, have a good time!

(Elena is with Matt, he is bleeding a lot)

Elena: Are you okay?

Matt: Where is she?

Elena: I don't know. Put your head up

(She looks at his face)

(Stefan is still drinking, Damon arrives)

Damon: You want to hear the bad news or the really bad news?

Stefan: Actually I don't want any news Damon

Damon: Alright, let me rephrase. Do you want to hear how the council is back at vampire move or how I just k*lled Uncle John Gilbert?

Stefan: What?

Damon: Great party by the way hein?

(He smiles and leaves. Stefan is going after him but he's hearing someone crying and a heart beating, he smells blood to. He sees Kelly crying. She's bleeding on the forehead)

Stefan: Is everything alright?

Kelly: No. I ruined it, I always ruin it. What is wrong with me?

(Stefan is really weird; he can't take his eyes away from Kelly's forehead. He touches the blood on her forehead)

Kelly: What are you doing?

(He finally control himself)

Stefan: Uh, I'm sorry

(He gets up and leaves)

(Stefan is going outside. He has blood on his fingers. He finally sucks his fingers with blood on it)

(Damon is inside, dancing and looking everywhere. Suddenly he sees John Gilbert entering)

Damon: You got to be kidding me

(Mayor Lockwood is talking to the crowd)

Mayor Lockwood: Thank you all, thank you very much, thank you. Thank you all for joining us tonight in just a few minutes we will officially begin the countdown for our upcoming founders' day celebration and it's a very special one this year. The one hundred fiftieth birthday of our town and I would like to welcome back one of our town favorite's sons to do the honors of ringing our official bell. John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?

(John Gilbert applause and rejoins the mayor. Damon is looking at him)

John: One hundred and fifty years of community, prosperity, family. We take care of each other, we look after each other, and we protect each other (He looks at Damon); it's good to be home

(Everyone applause, Damon rejoins Alaric)

Damon: Look at his right hand

Alaric: Who?

Damon: Town favorite's son. Look at his ring

(John ring the bell, he wears the same ring that Alaric wears)

Alaric: Well, it looks like mine

Damon: Yeah, and that would be a big coincidence if he didn't just came back from the death 5 minutes ago. Where the hell did you get that ring?

Alaric: Isobel, my wife

Damon: Who gave birth to Elena, under the medical care of the esteem DR Grayson Gilbert, John's brother!

(They look at John)

Alaric: Do you think John knew Isobel?

Damon: I think John knows a lot of things

(Stefan is in the parking lot. He leaves but he falls into the man he compelled earlier. The man pushes him)

The man: Sorry about that man. I really am terribly sorry

Stefan: You don't want to do this man

(The man pushes him again)

The man: I'm sorry about that too. All I can do is apologizing. What's that about?

Stefan: Get out of my way please

The man: No girl to show off for now? I see what this is

(He tries to hit Stefan but Stefan catches his hand and pushes the man on the floor. His face has changed. The man is afraid and hurt)

The man: What are you man?

[Gilbert's house]

(Jeremy goes up the stairs and goes in Elena's bedroom, he looks everywhere but he doesn't find what he is looking for. He finally looks besides the painting and find Elena's diaries and begins to read it)

[Founder's hall]

(Stefan is above the man, looking at him. The man is on the floor, unconscious. Elena arrives and calls Stefan, he leaves. She rushes on the man)

Elena: Hey! Are you okay? What happened?

(The man gets up)

The man: My arm. I lost my balance and fell. I'm clumsy

(Tyler is alone, the mayor arrives)

Mayor Lockwood: Let's go

Tyler: Dad I'm sorry. I don't even know what happened. I was drinking and… I lost control. I can't explain it

(The mayor slaps him on the face)

Mayor Lockwood: It is the last time you ever embarrass this family

[Matt's house]

(Matt is doing his mother's suitcase. Kelly arrives)

Kelly: What are you doing? Matt don't

Matt: I can't do it anymore mom so just go alright? You've done it before so much time that I don't even count

Kelly: I'm not leaving you. Matty!

Matt (screaming): Mom! Don't you get it? I'm better off without you

(She cries)

Kelly: No, tonight was… god I'm so sorry. I know I failed you and I failed Vicky but I won't do it to you again. I promise I'll get it together

Matt: I want you out of the house and my life by morning

(Matt leaves. Kelly is crying)

[Founder's hall]

(John is going outside. Damon and Alaric follow him)

Damon: Going somewhere?

John: I've never liked to be the last one to leave a party. It's too desperate. You're going to k*ll me again or you're gonna let Mr. Saltzman do your dirty work?

Alaric: Okay, you obviously know who I am

John: I do. Alaric Saltzman, a high school history teacher with a secret

Damon: Sure you know a lot for someone who just got to town

John: More than you can imagine, Damon. My knowledge of this town goes beyond anything that you (He looks at Damon) or you (He looks at Alaric) or the council knows. So, if you're planning on some clever high speed snatch ring vampire k*ll move, know that if I die, everything I know goes to the council including the fascinating little tale of the originals Salvatore's brothers and their present day return to Mystic Falls.

(Damon is surprised and doesn't know what to say)

Alaric: How did you get that ring?

John: I had herrited one, my brother gray the other. This was his (He shows his ring to them) and I wouldn't give mine to Isobel if I had known she'll handed over to another guy

Damon: So you did know her

John: Who do you think send her on your way which wants to become a vampire?

Damon: You send her?

John: Guilty. Why, did you think someone else send her? Maybe Katherine Pierce?

Damon: How do you know about Katherine?

John: How do I know anything Damon?

Damon: What do you want?

John: So many questions. It was a pleasure meeting you Rick. I heard so much about you

(John leaves. Damon and Alaric look at each other and watch him)

[Gilbert's house]

(Jenna and Elena are going up the stairs)

Jenna: No so excited that we have another month oh these founder's day events

Elena: Don't tell me about it

(She goes into Jeremy's bedroom)

Elena: Are you okay?

Jeremy: Fine

Elena: Are you sure?

Jeremy: I'm fine Elena

(She leaves and goes into her bedroom. Stefan is here)

Elena: Oh my god you scared me!

Stefan: Sorry. I'm sorry I ran off earlier

Elena: What happened? Is everything okay?

Stefan: Uh, no

Elena: Talk to me

(She clothes the bathroom's door and rejoins Stefan)

Elena: Stefan tell me

Stefan: I tried so hard to keep together tonight and it was working, it was working but then Matt's mom, she got hurt and she was bleeding and I had her blood on my hands

Elena: And then what happened?

Stefan: And then that guy on the parking lot, I wanted to feed on him and it took everything inside of me not to do it

Elena: But you didn't?

Stefan: No, but I wanted to. Oh my god. Elena, my head is pounding. I feel like my skin is on fire. I have this hunger inside of me that I've never felt before in my entire life and all I keep thinking about is how I promised that I would never keep anything from you, and so I'm telling you this

Elena: That's okay; I need you to tell me these things

Stefan: But I don't want you to see me like this, I don't want you to know that this side of me exists

Elena: Stefan, you're gonna get through this. I'm gonna help you go through. It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay

(She takes his face between her hands but he rejects her and gets up)

Stefan: Sorry, I can't, I'm afraid of what I could do to you

Elena: I'm not

(She goes towards him and takes again his face between her hands)

Elena: Stefan, I'm not

(She looks into his eyes and kisses him)

Elena: I'm not, okay?

(They embrace each other)

Stefan: I love you so much

Elena: Oh, I love you too

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is on the couch, in front of the chimney, a glass in his hand. Stefan arrives)

Damon: We have a problem Stefan and when I say problem I mean global crisis. It seems that Uncle John…

(He looks at Stefan, he's not okay)

Damon: You don't look so good. Its different this time isn't it? The need is too strong. Of course it would be after all these years

(He puts the glass of blood on the table, looks at Stefan and gets up. He touches his shoulder and looks at him)

Damon: Have a good night brother

(He leaves. Stefan looks at the glass; he takes it and drinks the blood)

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