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04x12 - A Very Juliet Episode

Posted: 02/04/22 09:21
by bunniefuu


Well, this is it.

I guess it is.

Stay in
California with me.

No. No, no, Scott. No.
We talked about this.

I have two years
left of college,

the Police Academy
in Miami and, you know,

Iong distance
they never work.

And Florida
and California...

I mean, we couldn't
be further apart.

Yeah, I know,
but this trip
out here together,

it's made me want to just
throw caution to the wind.

And you like
California, right?

I do. It's nice
and maybe someday,

but I don't know.

The idea of a clean break,
it just makes so much sense.

I know.

I have an idea.
How about in 10 years,

we meet right back here,
same time, 4:00.

And if we're both
married, great.

We'll talk about our kids.

And if we're both single,
we'll go for coffee.

See where it goes.

Both practical
and hugely romantic.

How do you always do that?


final boarding call. Midwest
flyer service to Miami,

all passengers,
please board at this time.

All right.


There's only one problem.
Ten years is too long.

Well, how about eight?

How about seven?

(GlGGLES) See you then.

I should just
leave, right?

Okay, no, no, couple
more minutes. I'll stay.

No, you're right.
You are absolutely right.



I really do appreciate you
being my sounding board
through all of this.

I want you to listen
to me, O'Hara,

and believe this
because I mean it

from the bottom
of my heart.

All romance
ends in despair

or death,
but mostly despair.

Gut-wrenching despair.

I hate to say this,

but I'm actually happy
that this happened
because now you know,

and it's just going to
make you a better cop

to realize that all
people are essentially
just out there

to destroy any chance
of happiness you ever have.

I feel a hug coming on.


Okay, there you go.


You know what?
You are right.

I am not going
to sit here

and wonder why
he didn't show up.

I mean, I barely remembered
the date, how could he?


I am going to
get back to work.

I have important
things to do.

(SOFTLY) Okay.



So your friend appears
to have fallen off
the face of the earth?

Well, I haven't had
a chance to do any
digging yet,

so I need you to
look through every
single file

that I've tagged here.

We have a missing
persons case?

O'Hara, something
I should know about?

Um, no.

It's a personal matter.

Hmm. Well, first of all,
I'm sure you know
the use of these files

for anything other than
police business is illegal,

and you have a serious
backlog of real cases.

I know, I'm... I just
lost my head for a second.

I'm sorry, Chief.

I don't mean to sound
like a hardass.

You didn't.
I did.

Oh, I didn't
get that at all.

Well, actually I was trying
to sound like a hardass.

Mission accomplished.

Go back to work, O'Hara.

I'm sorry your
boyfriend didn't show.

Um, can I offer you a piece
of general advice about men?


They often don't show.

Scott was different.

You want us to find
someone for you?

No, no, no,
not "us." You.

Why not Shawn?

Well, it's a
tricky situation.

See, it's somebody
that I used to know.

A boyfriend.

A former boyfriend.

But you know, seeing
everything that's

it would be like
opening a wound

and you know
what I mean.

I will handle this in
perfect stealth mode.

You might not
know this,

but I'm known as
the Vault of Secrets.

No. No.
I didn't know that.

Shawn will never find out.



What are you doing?

Working on a
case for Juliet,

a random missing
persons case.

She doesn't want
me to bother you.

What? Jules needs
help, I'm in.
You know that.

(STAMMERlNG) But no,
she said no.

Look, I'd rather
do it solo.

Oh, my God!
Are you in the Vault
of Secrets right now?

You are.

It's settled.
I'm helping.

You are not helping,
period. Suck it.

Fine. I guess I'll just find
Scott Seaver by myself. Solo.

You don't know how
to do it solo, Shawn.

That's my department.

Sounds like a challenge.

It's not a challenge.

Challenge accepted.

Will you get out of here?

What are you doing here?

I have a meeting
with someone.

What are you
doing here?

I solved Juliet's case.

You did not.
Yes, I did.

All right, but let
me be the one
to break it to her.

Nope. Absolutely not.

She hired me, Shawn.

Gus, it was a tricky find.

I want all the glory
for solving Jules' case.

Besides, I'm the one
that does this.

Wouldn't it be weird
if you did it
all of a sudden?

I think it's weird
when anyone does it.

I think it looks
pretty sweet when
Simon Baker does it.

Simon Baker
doesn't do it.

He doesn't?

Oh, well at least
we have that.


Gus let me in
on your little
missing persons case.

You what?

Your random missing
persons case.

The person you've
never met before.

Yeah, I've got some
good news/bad news on
this Scott Seaver fellow.

Bad news is
he's dead.


Doornail. That's why
I had such a hard
time finding him.


Oh, my God.

SHAWN: Jules?

God, she really takes
these cases seriously.

It was her
boyfriend, Shawn.

Her college boyfriend.

What? You said she
never even met this guy.

I lied.

What difference
does it make?

What could possibly be
the good news coming
after that?

I was going to say
the good news is
we have a case,

because I'm pretty
sure he was m*rder*d.

In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity

I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity

If it's all right
then you're all wrong

But why bounce around
to the same damn song?

You'd rather run
when you can't crawl

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions
tend to psych you out
in the end

I know, you know

I know, you know

What are you doing
here so early?

I'm working the
Scott Seaver case, Gus.

Juliet needs closure.

We did a terrible thing.

No, you did
a terrible thing.

HENRY: Found it.

You called your dad in?

I was the one who
found the guy in
the first place.

With my help.

You sat there and ate
Munchos while I called

my contacts
in Sacramento.

I was on the missing
persons Web site.

The band, Missing Persons.

Point is, check out
this accident report
I was able to find.

I found that too.

That is the worst
m*rder cover-up
I have ever seen.

Scott Seaver was
pronounced dead

four and a half
years ago, right?

Car totaled on a lonely
stretch of highway
in the California desert.

Windows down.


So, it was 42 degrees
that night.

More importantly, cars don't
suddenly blow up on their own.

They certainly don't
blow up in a way

so there's no
trace of anything.

So, what's next?

So glad you asked.
Because the thing is...


(WHlSPERlNG) I managed
to get onto a Web site

that I probably
shouldn't be on.

Shawn, don't tell me
you're going all
Pete Townshend on me.

I finally busted out my
Treasury Department password.


You don't have a Treasury
Department password.

No, but Agent Lars Ewing
did, and he was really lousy

at using his other hand
to cover his typing hand.


Why are we using
my computer?

Because it's nice.


We just got a hit on
the name "Scott Seaver."

Is it local?

Fairly. Santa Barbara.


Are you sure it's
cool for us to be
in the Chief's office?

Of course it is.
I practically
run this place.

All right.

Hit the deck!

It's the biscuit lady.

We're good.

I owe her 80 cents,

and I kind of
made out with her
at the department picnic.

Okay, so here
are my findings.

It turns out
Juliet's boyfriend

was working
for a company

owned by the
infamous J.T. Waring.

GUS: Who?

Come on, Gus, she wrote
all the Harry Potters.

J.K. Rowling, Shawn.

J.T. Waring is
a Los Angeles mobster.

Went down for racketeering
a few years ago.

What's racketeering?

Nobody knows.

Get down! You!

That was a dude.

Must have been
some crazy picnic.

So this building was
Waring's legitimate front.

I think this Seaver guy
got in over his head,

and someone took
him down. Hard.

One of us is going to
have to grill Juliet

on her dead boyfriend.

I nominate you.

Wait a second.
We're going to
interrogate her now?

Hasn't she been
through enough already?

We'll all do it together.
Very delicately.


Jules, we were
thinking, um,

collectively, that it
might be nice if you
told us

a little more
about Scott.

Yeah. Especially his darkest
tendencies, priors, fetishes.




Gus, what are you doing?

I'm a sympathetic crier.

I'm not crying.

Can't you guys just
give me a little time

to get my thoughts together?

That was your fault.


What? Tell
eye faucets here.


For God's sakes, man.

No. I'm fine.

(PANTlNG) Jules!
I'm so sorry.

I don't usually do
horrible things

to people that l
care about. I don't.

Oh, Shawn, it's okay.

It was actually really
nice of you to
ask about him.

He was a wonderful,
wonderful guy.

Yeah, he sounds like it.

I was crazy about him.

All of my girlfriends
said it was because
he was so tall.

I love tall guys.

But for me it was
his heart
and his soul,

his athleticism.

Let me guess,
he played football.

Tight end.

You know, Jules,
sometimes we tend to
romanticize the past.

I'm sure you
know that.

No. No. Not with Scott.

He was just so secure

and genuine.

Optimistic and youthful.

He had this rare
figurine collection.

Dumbo. I loved Dumbo
when I was a kid.

And he gave me one
when I turned 18.

Broke up his set.
It was hugely
valuable as a set.

And he gave it to me
because it meant something

to me when
I was a little girl.

You like tall men
and fat animals.

Yes. Yes, I do.

He had this connection
through his late
grandfather's office

with the mayor,
and he actually got
us Super Bowl tickets.

Thirty-five yard line!

Super Bowl?

It was the most exciting
night of my life.


Get out of here!

You and your
black friend,
get out of here.

Wow. Shawn,
I actually feel better.

Thank you.
That makes me so happy.



(GRUNTlNG) Oh, come here.
Because we talked it out.

Okay, yeah.

I'm so happy.


Should we keep walking?


Look, Shawn,
the county sheriff
was no help at all.

And the accident
scene where Scott
crashed his car,

it's now a mini mall.

How nobody could have
taken one single photograph,

it just doesn't
make any sense.

These guys are
a bunch of jackasses.

Well, Dad, thanks for trying.

And bonus points for
using the word jackass

in another conversation

You've been on the phone
this whole time?

So you haven't heard
anything I said?

The complaining?
I heard the complaining.

We've been going the wrong
direction for about two
hours now, Shawn.

What? I know that look.
What are you on to?

Dumbo figurines.

So, it turns out
those figurines
are extremely rare.

Maybe three complete
sets in the world.

Did a little
search on eBay.

Someone is selling
the exact set,

minus the piece that
Scott gave to Jules.

So this is
the apartment of the
person who bought it.

I'll call Lassie.

No, no, no, Gus,
that'll take too long.

Besides, I have no idea
whose jurisdiction we're in.

Here's the thing,

I think Scott was
m*rder*d, robbed,

the k*ller thinks
the coast is clear,

he's finally selling
off his belongings.

So all we have to do
is find the seller.

We just did.



You just knocked on
the door of a m*rder*r,

and all you can
say is "ooh"?

Oh, I should have
thought about it
in my head

before I said it
out loud, but I wanted
a fun reveal for you.



Hey, Jules. We have
some good news
and some bad news.

What? Remember I told
you that Scott Seaver
guy was dead?

Oh, Shawn, not now.

Well, here's
the good news.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe it.



Okay, that's probably
enough of that.

(SlGHlNG) I can't
believe I'm seeing you.

There's so much
I want to tell you.

What's the bad news?

There is no bad news.

Actually, there is.

This is Daniel Wayne.
He's a federal marshal.

These are the two
that found Mr. Seaver.

(SCOFFS) You did this?

Yes, we did. But don't worry.
There's no need for a reward.

Well, that's good because
we generally don't give
out rewards

for exposing
a key witness right out
of witness protection.

And after college
I landed a job

as an imports appraiser
for a company in Los Angeles,

but it wasn't until later

I found out that one
of the company's silent
partners was J.T. Waring.

CARLTON: Who is a well-known
figure in organized crime
circles down there.

You were working
for a criminal?

I didn't know.

Waring was using it
as a front for a number
of criminal activities

without the knowledge
of his employees.

So we raided his business.
We took him into custody.

And that's when I found
out what was going on.

Waring k*lled a federal
agent during the raid,

and it was Mr. Seaver's
testimony that placed him

in the room with
the dead agent,

effectively securing
his life sentence.

Mr. Seaver here is a hero.


I'm sure any of us
would have done
the same in his place.

No, we wouldn't.

Remember when you saw
that accident and then
you pretended to be blind?

That's different.
Our movie was going to
start in eight minutes.

Why would you
bring that up?

You were willing to risk
your life to put a
dangerous man behind bars?

Yeah. Mr. Seaver is
a great American.

Who worked for a criminal.

And now his life may
be in grave danger.

Mr. Waring is
very well connected,
even behind bars.

These people hold
grudges, and they
pay for them in blood.

Well, fortunately,
I have my team

preparing a new
identity for Mr. Seaver.

I'm not going.

My life is here.

Not only did you show up
at the train station,

but when I wasn't
there, you...

You searched high
and low for me.

I appreciate everything
that you people
have done for me,

but you got to understand,
witness protection,

it might as well
be prison.

I never felt comfortable,
and I never felt safe.

I vote he goes back.

You will never be safe
out of protection.

Once they make you,
you're gone.

Waring is serving
three life sentences.

I'm not the biggest piece
of the puzzle here.

The bottom line
is I'm out,

I'm safe and I don't care.


Scott! Scott! Hey!

What? All of a sudden,
this is my fault?

What about Gus?

I didn't really have
a chance to cook for
anybody in protection.

It's weird when a date asks,
"Tell me about yourself,"

and you have to answer
from a government-issued
note card.

tell me something,

when you were
in the program,

did you ever order
spaghetti marinara

and get egg noodles
and ketchup instead?

What do you mean?

Oh, It's from
Goodfellas. Never mind.

Oh, yeah, I get it.
No, I don't.

Wow. Look at
this spice rack.

All the seals unbroken.

Yeah. I don't really
get a chance to cook
for anyone either.

Cop hours.

Finally regretting that
choice not to attend
clown college?



How do we do this?

I guess we start
from seven years ago

and move on
from there

and leave out
all the boring parts.

And what if there are
no boring parts?

Then, this is going to be
a very long conversation.



(COCKS g*n)
Whoa, what is that?

I am so sorry, Scott,
but I'm going to

have to ask you to move
away from the window.

It's a male,
about five-eight.
I chased him off.

I don't know how
he slipped past me
unless he's a pro.

You stay put. I got
backup on the way.

Wait. This isn't a date?
You're protecting me?

WAYNE: Look, we need
to get him back into
protection, okay?

I got a guy who can
disappear with him
right now.

Waring's men are
out there, you know.

Look, Agent Wayne,
you know as well
as anyone

that Mr. Seaver is
a private citizen.

He isn't legally compelled
to do any such thing.

We are doing
everything we can
to ensure his safety.

Oh, yeah, posting
one cop outside
her exposed apartment

while she plays
grab ass inside.

Whoa, hey...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, who
was in your apartment?

The truth of the matter is
we may have overreacted
last night.

We never actually
saw the assailant

or the alleged assailant.

What time are
we talking here?

Before Conan
or after Conan?

A person was seen.
We chased him off.

We can't be sure that
he was coming after Scott.

Listen, girl,
I don't care.

Tommy Lee Jones.


You're missing some
of the country...

You know what,
shake it off.

Let's try it again.
I'll be Harrison.

You know, I used to
have some respect

and you have
single-handedly let this
guy destroy my career.

I get it, Agent Wayne,
you're very important.

But why don't you let
me handle my people

when you're in
this building?

(SlGHlNG) All right,
everybody, relax.

I admit that some
of this is my fault.


Much of it is my fault.
Almost all.

But we recognize
the trouble that
we have caused.

I have a plan,
and I will fix it.

This is your
fix, Shawn?

The man is a
convicted m*rder*r.

He's going to
have us k*lled.

Gus, don't be

And wait for...(GRUNTlNG)
Snore. Great.

Hello, Mr. Waring.
My name is Shawn Spencer,

psychic detective,

and this is my associate,
Burton Guster.

(WHlSPERlNG) Now you want
to use my real name?

We'd like to ask you
a question about
one Scott Seaver.

You mean now
that he's out
of witness protection?

You knew that?

You just
confirmed it for me.


I can't catch a break
this week, can l?


What do you want,
Mr. Spencer?

We were hoping
we could come here
and appeal to you

so that nothing
happens to him.

Scott Seaver is
the reason I'm in here.

Look, Scott Seaver worked
for you for two years.

He had no
beef with you.

(SOFTLY) Why are you
talking in an accent?

I'm speaking this
man's language.

The man's language
is English, Shawn.

What's your point?

I have a point.
It's this.

Scott Seaver's a decent guy
trying to live his life
in a decent way,

and I am sensing that you
are also a decent man.

Perhaps it will ease
your conscience a bit
to let him be.

You sense I'm a decent man?

Yes. Plus, you're serving
three consecutive
life sentences,

so Scott's testimony
that put you in the room

with the dead marshal's body
doesn't really mean much.

I mean, not in the
grand scheme of things.

Look, Mr. Spencer,

sometimes things happen
without my knowledge.

People on the outside
want to do things for me

whether I ask
them to or not.

I have that kind of
effect on people.

Of course they do.
You're super cool.


My question is this,

could you ask those
people to not do
those things to Scott?

Perhaps. What's
in it for me?

How about I bake
you a cake that's
extra high in iron.

I have a far less ridiculous
counterproposal for you.

If you are a psychic,
how about you prove
something for me?

What's that?
Stop it.

That I didn't k*ll that man.

Seriously, Shawn,
of course he's going
to say he's not guilty.

All cons are innocent.

Let's just hear him out.

The dead marshal
at the raid,
Agent Renfro,

he was dead
when I found him.

I was at the wrong place
at the wrong time,

and the m*rder
got pinned on me.

My God!
He's convincing.

He's a criminal.

Yes. But he has
a great head

and a real presence.

There's something very
Billy Zane-ian about him.

You and Billy Zane
are the only ones
who use that term.

The man is playing
you, Shawn.

He's a m*rder*r,
a liar and the
lowest form of trash.

You know these things
don't turn off, right?


Do you understand about
honor, Mr. Spencer?

Of course I do.

I have a bootleg copy
of Saving Private Ryan
at home.

It's the first and last
thing my father taught me.

Without honor
there is nothing.

Now I don't mind serving
the time for a crime
I may have committed,

but I don't k*ll people.

And I can't have
my children think I do.

I believe you.
You do not.

Yes, I do.
Oh, my gosh.

Then vindicate me,
and Mr. Seaver
will be safe.

But not until
my name is cleared.


(SOFTLY) Don't do it.
Don't do it, Shawn.

Don't do it.
No, no, don't do it.


I just want you to know
that you have my blessing.

For what?

To consummate your
relationship with Scott.

Whoa, Carlton.

I just meant that should
this thing work out,

this guy's okay
in my book.

Look, I don't get to be
a confidant all that often,

ever, for anybody,
because people don't
really talk to me.

So I just...
I wanted to give this
careful consideration,

and after a thorough
background check

and an unauthorized
blood test,

I get what you
see in this guy.


What? You don't
seem so sure.

I showed up for
a cup of coffee,

and now he thinks
I combed the state
for him. I mean,

I would think I was
a little creepy.

It's just a lot to take.

You know what I feel like?

I feel like
that scene in Grease.

After the bonfire when
Sandy sprung on Danny
when he least expects it.

What? I can't
see movies too?

That is spot-on.
With scary precision.

Oh. Here's
the thing, O'Hara,

you haven't seen this
guy in like seven years.

You're both entirely
different people.

The only way you're
going to know anything

is if you get to know
each other again.

Everything else is
pure speculation.

It's like wondering what
would have happened

if Kenickie had driven
at Thunder Road.

Are we still on Grease?

We never weren't.

GUS: You didn't have to
break the window, Shawn.

What was I going to do?

Climb over the
barbed wire fence?

I'm just saying the door's
been sitting here
for five years, untouched.

There's decay.

Decay? This isn't
Planet of the Apes, Gus.

This was actually a
very fortified building.

Waring was big on security
so you're both right.

You guys always
disagree like this?

Not always.

SCOTT: It's weird being in
here after all these years.

So, this was Waring's
legitimate business front?

And you weren't aware
of any improprieties
going on whatsoever?

Do you doubt me, Shawn?

No. Maybe a little.


I'm an appraiser,
Shawn. Not a smuggler.

Plus I turned
my boss in.

I was the only one who
could place Waring in
the room with the body.

Which room?

Waring's office.
Right over there.

This must be
where it happened.

Gus, get down there.
Be the body.

I'm not laying
on the floor.

Come on, man.
I'm onto something.

This is a $260 shirt.

You got that
for 18 bucks.

List price, Shawn.

You cannot quote
list price.

There's blood
on the floor.

Are you crazy?
That's not blood.

That's clearly
crime scene oil.

I've never heard
of crime scene oil.

That's because they stopped
using it in the mid-seventies.

FDR was like,
"Not in my house."

That makes
no sense, Shawn.

Whose dad is a cop?

Why is he laying
in a pool of blood?

He was being the body.

You know, he was laying in
the wrong direction anyway.

No, Scott,

I am a psychic
and I am sensing

that the body was turned
the other direction.

I think I remember
pretty clearly.

His head was over
there by the window,

and I came in through
the back door there,

saw Waring standing
over the body with
a g*n in his hand

and then he ran out
the front door.

Let me ask you something.
Why did they need you?

Couldn't they have
convicted him with
the b*llet?

No. The b*llet went
right through the guy.

And they never found it.

Didn't you read
the trial transcript?

(SCOFFS) Yeah, Gus,

that was right at the top
of my "to don't" list.

Excuse me. Shawn.


Maybe you should stop
doubting this guy.

I don't know.

Nothing he says
holds any water.

Everything you said
in the last two days
has been wrong.

That's not true.
I was right about Mr. T

being an extra in
The Blues Brothers.

I'm talking about
the case, Shawn.

All right, fine.

Let's just say
for argument's sake
that you're right.

The body was this way
and the head was
down there.

That would mean
that the sh**t...

SCOTT: The b*llet went
right through the guy.

(g*n FlRlNG)

I think I know where
the b*llet went.

You know those
are backwards.


Oh, my! That makes
all the difference
in the world.

You're looking
too low, Shawn.

No, I'm not.

That window was 20 feet
off the ground, Gus.

If you'd read
the coroner's report,

you'd know that
the exit
and entry wounds

on the victim were
the same height.

That means
the b*llet traveled
relatively straight.

Sometimes, I have to help
my partner here with
the police aspect of things.

But you're not
for the hill.

I most certainly am.

But you're looking at
the forest like it was
five years ago.

The trees grow.


Holy! Is that what
I think it is?

GUS: Shimmy up
a little higher.

Stop worrying about
messing up your

This thing is covered
with sap, Gus.

And you know I have
very sensitive cuticles.

And if you're so great,
why don't you come up
here and do it?

Gentlemen, I think we
may have just found
ourselves a b*llet.

(g*n FlRlNG)

Guy with a g*n!
We need to go!

With me! You're
supposed to bring me!

It's too high.

It's not that high.
Besides, they want
Scott, not you.




This better be
good, Mr. Spencer.

Oh, it'll be good,
Chief. Please.

There is a b*llet
in this tree.
It's in a tiny hole.

You cannot see it,
but my senses have
led us here.

We can see it.

No, Lassie, you'd
need a ladder

or a psychic third eye
to see it from there.

Lodged deep in
the trunk is the b*llet

that k*lled
Agent Xavier Renfro.

That's not
his name, Shawn.

We see the hole.

No, no, Jules,
you'd need binoculars

to see it from
that vantage point.

Uh, Shawn.

Yes, Gus?

Oh, no, someone
must have gotten
here before us.


The real k*ller.

Mr. Spencer,

you've reached a new
level of recklessness

this week and unfortunately
it's become necessary to

issue you both
formal reprimands.

On what grounds?

How about misuse
of a federal database?

Informing a convicted
criminal that his accuser
is out of protection,

agreeing to assist an
incarcerated m*rder*r...

These are crimes?
What is this,
North Korea?

I think they all are
except the last one,

which is just
poor judgment.

Did Agent Wayne
put you up to this?

He wanted charges
brought against you.

I cannot believe that
you are bowing down
to this man.

Can someone give me
a reason why he is
so obsessed

with this silly
little case?

Because the agent who died
in the raid was his partner.

Wow. You should just
stop talking until
this streak blows over.

May I speak with
Agent Wayne, please?

Agent Wayne is escorting
a witness to a handler
to go back into protection.

Not Scott.

Yeah, he agreed
to go back in.

Getting shot at
in the forest was
a real eye opener.

And besides,
you just missed him.



You know,
Mr. Spencer, now.

Holy crap.
It was him.
It was Wayne.

He's the one that
dug the b*llet out.

Oh, honestly, you are
scraping the bottom
of the barrel now.

You're not listening to me.

He was there the night
of the sh**ting, was he not?

Yeah, he was.

Why do you think
he's so passionate
about this case?

That is not why
he was so passionate.

Scott Seaver did not
witness a m*rder.

He witnessed a cover-up.

Somebody might
want to follow me.






What the hell
do you think
you're doing, Spencer?

I'll have you arrested.

Funny. I was about to say
the same thing to you.

On what grounds?

Let's see here, m*rder,

attempted m*rder,

unlawful carving
of a spruce tree.


You're the one that
dug the b*llet out.

The one that k*lled
your partner.

The one that came
from your g*n.

It was you.
You did it.


Wait a second.

It was an accident,
wasn't it?

You saw a g*n
and you saw a figure

and you thought it was Waring.
And then Waring came in,

saw the body on the ground,
and pulled his g*n.

And that's when
Scott came in.

He found Waring
standing over the body

and then saw him
flee the scene.

When you got to the room
you realized your horrible

Your partner lying
lifeless on the ground.

The only one that could
have shot him was you.

You repositioned the body,

made it look like
Waring had shot him

and then you pinned
the whole thing on Waring.

m*rder conviction
was a lock.

Followed by
a long sentence,

which Waring deserved
but always eluded

because of his cool demeanor
and Billy Zane-ian qualities.

I mean, let's be honest,
that man has a presence.

But perhaps most
importantly, it meant

your partner,
Agent Renfro,
didn't die in vain.

I really wish you
hadn't said that.

Sorry, Wayne.
No take backs.


You know,
getting rid of him,

that was going
to be easy.

You, hmm, not so much.

Just let it go, man.
You're clearly outnumbered.



I guess that evens
things up a bit.

You think so?

(COCKS g*n)

Oh, boy.

You're going to hide
behind your little g*n,

Come on, man.
Put that thing down.

Take me on
a mano a mano, huh?

Just two dudes
going at it.

Two unevenly matched
dudes, huh?
Where? Where am l?

You going to be able to
bend those things, huh?

Can you bend
those b*ll*ts?

You know, I always hate
when they make
that speech in movies.

I mean, who's going to drop
their, you know, g*n...

I'm not proud of that.


Scott Seaver was
a convenient witness!

Right place, wrong time!



(PANTlNG) Putting him
in witness protection

would ensure that
there were no
questions left behind.

Dude, did you see
what I just did?


You're not going
to k*ll me.

You're not a
cold-blooded m*rder*r,

otherwise you would have
k*lled Scott a long time ago.

The only difference is
I didn't have to k*ll him.




(COCKS g*n)



I'm a federal agent,
you idiot!

Not anymore.

So, what happened?

the old a mano a mano speech.

Did it work?

Not even sort of.

Then what?

Had to knock
him out, Gus.

I thought Scott
knocked him out.

I've heard it both ways.

Oh, Scott, I have
a confession to make.

I didn't come looking
for you last week.

Shawn did.
All on his own.

I know.

You do?

Well, I guess
I was kind of
hoping it was you.

Well, I would have

if I thought you were
really in trouble.

So, uh, where does
this leave us?

I'm not sure.

Seeing you again changed
so much in my life.

Me too.

But I don't even know
what my life is right now.

I mean, I lost
five years of it.

(STAMMERS) I guess
some day I might,
but the thing is...

Hey, I have an idea.

How about in three years,

we meet right back here.


Same time.


See ya.

One problem.

Three years is too long.

(LAUGHlNG) Well,
how about two?

How about one?

See you then.

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions
tend to psych you out
in the end

I know, you know

I know, you know

I know, you know