Bekhudi (1992)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Bekhudi (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »

Rocky, you'll surely win the Aero modeling competition this year.

Thanks, buddy!

Don't be ecstatic so soon, Rocky.

Rohit isn't here with his model as yet.

He won't dare come. - I'm here, Rocky.

Hi Nisha!

Fact is, I'm not a kid no more to play with such toys like you.

And so, I've got that plane model with me.

Rohit, did you get a cobbler make this for you?

You're right!

Fact is, you weren't around, so, had to go to one. - Shut up!

Rocky, do you want to see how this flies? - This will fly?


Rocky, I've already won the cup.

But I can't see you sad!

I'll give you the award.

Happy Holi!

Congratulations! - Thank you!

Holi! It's holi!

Happy Holi, Rohit! - Wish you the same!

Where's the judge? - Dad should be here.

Happy Holi!

Happy Holi, son!

Happy Holi to you too, dad! - Rohit!

We're going to the Arts college. Want to come?

Dad, can I go with my friends?


Hey, listen.

Color the body and the mind.

Yours and other's too.

Okay dad. Bye!

Come on, let's go.


Hello baby!

Let me go.

Happy Holi!

Hey, some girls are getting away.

This is no place to play Holi.

Get out of here.

Hi mom! Hi dad!


You said you won't play Holi!

Some mischievous students!

It's the day for mischief.

Go, change your clothes.

Hi brother! -I told you, .. can't escape the color if you go out.

You were right!

I'm going out for dinner, mom.

And then, I'm going to Narender's house to study.

Study well, son! Your exams are next week.

Stand first in college and make your dad proud!

Sure, mom! Bye.


Hasn't ever topped in school, and he'll do that in college, right?

So what if he hasn't?

He hasn't failed. He's studious.

From the time we've opened the roof-top restaurant

our great son keeps studying there.

Wonderful! Wow!

Hi, Rocky! - Hello!

Shall we go? - Come on.

Don't you want to prepare for the exams, Rocky?

I'll do it on the day of the exams.

See you in college.

So the girl's very beautiful, eh?

I've never seen a face more innocent and beautiful!

She's very cute!

The driver will drop you to college.

Send the car. I want to go out with my friends.

Okey - Okay? Bye! - Bye!

Hi, Radhika! - Hi!

Nisha, only you can help me.

I've searched around all the colleges in the city.

I couldn't find her anywhere.

Nisha, just once, please! - Okay!

I'll put it on all the college's notice boards.

That any beautiful, innocent girl

should come and meet Rohit Gupta from law college.

Nisha, I'm not joking!

Excuse me.


Your book had fallen outside the law college.

And you followed me here? - Yes.

It's a rough book.

It was over. I'd thrown it away.

Oh! I'm sorry! - It's all right!

Thank you very much!

Driver, Stop the car.

Driver, Come on!

"Will remember you!"

"When we grow up."

"Wonder where we'd be."

"But wherever we are, we will complain."

"Will remember you!"

"When we grow up."

Rohit! - Back from court, dad?

For your kind information, I'm going to the court.

Is it morning already?

Guess I've to set up a court in this house too.

Why, dad?

Because, I think there're more chances of crime happening here.

Or, have you already committed one.

What do you mean?

When you find your son engrossed in solitude.

When his words are not with him while talking.

Or when someone continuously preys his mind.

What can you say? - What?

He's in love!

Yes Papa, I'm in love!

Who's the girl? What's her name?

Don't know.

Where does she stay? - Don't know.

Her parents? - Don't know.

Does she love you? - Don't know.

Oh, Rohit! Rohit!

Find out then.

You're amazing!

I'm signalling you for so long, and you don't even

Listen, what's your name?



And your name? - Come on, Radhika! Let's go.

"When the crazy heart didn't listen."

"I picked up the pen, my love."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"When the crazy heart didn't listen."

"I picked up the pen, my love."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"Think of this piece of paper as a heart."

"Think of this piece of paper as a heart."

"Wherever you see a drop of ink, think of it as mole."

"Drowning in your thoughts, kissing the paper"

"I etched the salutation of love to you."

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"When the crazy heart didn't listen."

"I picked up the pen, my love."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"Told the heart many a times it's not right to yearn so much."

"Told the heart many a times it's not right to yearn so much."

"Not right to be so desperate, being crazy in someone's love."

"The heart said it's helpless, that ..'s necessary to write the letter."

"The heart's become your sl*ve."

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"wrote about the state of my heart."

"I didn't know love would have such an effect."

"Didn't know that the heart would ache so much."

"Holding my heart, today, in your name."

"I wrote the first message of love for you."

"Wrote about the state of the heart."

"Wrote about the state of the heart."

"When the crazy heart didn't listen."

"I picked up the pen, my love."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

wrote about the state of the heart."

"Wrote your name on the letter,"

wrote about the state of the heart."

At present, all I know about her is that her name is Radhika.

Congratulations! You've managed that at least.

Now take her address. - Why?

So that, if ever the need arises

you can take a helicopter and go to her terrace.

Nisha! -My dear lover boy!

Listen to me. Write a footnote ..

..'to be continued' under this love story

and study for your final exams.

Rocky, what are you doing?

Looking for the answer for question no. .

Keep that text book. - Shut up!

I'll complain to the principal.

Stand there quietly.

Rocky, what's going on?

Can't you see?

What do you think?

That being a rich man's son, you can do anything?

You think you can cheat?

Get out.

Your honor, the accused, Rajesh Nath

in spite of police surveillance, showed the invigilator a knife.

He threatened to k*ll her.

Not just that.

He even affronted and slapped the principal.

Before I make a decision

I'd like to meet Rakesh Nath and the principal in my chamber.

I called you here so that you

realize your error stemmed out of anger.

So that you don't have to face the punishment.

I got it! Tell me, if I've broken a law, ..

..what fine should I pay?

Fine? - Forget it, judge.

I know very well why you've called me in your chambers in private.

After all, what does a college principal and a judge get?

? ?

A rich man's son spends that much in one night's fling.

Am I right?

Absolutely right!

Now tell me. What will I have to give?

The big take from the small! Doesn't gel!

Right, Mr. Principal? - What?

The mistake isn't his. It's yours.

Mine? - Remember the time when you were a student.

If we'd done something like this, what would be the punishment?

His teachers didn't give him that punishment.

One that he'd get now.


That's the punishment you should've got at school.

The punishment of the law is something you'd get in the court.

Teachers are the builders of the nation!

Insulting the teacher is an affront to the whole society.

It's like insulting the whole country.

For the crime of showing a knife to the teacher,

hand threatening to k*ll her

this court, under the Indian Penal Code section

sentences Mr. Rakesh Nath to days imprisonment.

And to keep the college discipline intact,

this court recommends the college authority to

rusticate the accused.

My son cannot be in a jail for days.

Go meet some minister. Do something!


What happened? - That Rocky.

He went to Nainital with his friends without telling him.

And so, he's angry.

Oh relax, dad!


There's a party at my place tomorrow.

I know it's your birthday tomorrow.

And, like every year, you'll celebrate with your friends.

How boring, Rohit! - Why?

Take my advice.

Spend this special day alone with your new friend.

Good idea!

But, will Radhika agree?

Depends on how you invite her.

Fine, I'll talk to her right away.

Radhika! - You, here?



Radhika! - Go from here, Rohit.

It's my birthday tomorrow. Will you come out with me for lunch?

Yes, I will, but for now, go away.

Are you sure you'll come? - I'll surely come.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Tomorrow, at , at Phulwari restaurant.

Okay! - Sharp o'clock.f

- I heard you, Rohit.

You'll definitely come, right? - Yes, Rohit!

Are you sure you'll come? - Yes.

Oh god! I have a lunch appointment with Radhika!

Hi, papa!

Where are you going so late at night?

I've a lunch appointment.


Where's the appointment?

Singapore? Bangkok?

Tokyo? - What?

It will be lunch time only in these places.

Father, my appointment is at one in the afternoon.

It's four in the morning now.

Papa, I don't want to be late.

You go to sleep.

I have a dinner appointment too.

Let me get ready too.

Getting ready for dinner now?

How silly!

Good morning!

I have a lunch appointment in your restaurant.

You have a lunch appointment so early in the morning?


Your lunch appointment is with a girl, right?

But, how do you know?

Are you a fortune teller?

No. A girl's come before you, and she has a lunch appointment too.



Happy birthday!

Thank you!

I'm so sorry!

For what? - I got late.

You're not late. I came a bit too early.



Yes, tell me. - What can we get to eat?

Nothing, because the buffalo hasn't given the milk yet.

And the hen hasn't laid the egg yet.

Okay! Get Thums up quickly.


You get very good food in this place.

But, I guess, we've come a bit too early.

It's okay. We'll get food after to hours.

Here, Thums-up.

Happy birthday! - Thank you!


Will you order lunch?

I'm full! - I'm full too.

Let's go. - Yes.

Come on!

Seems to be addicts!

Pretty late! The time just flew by!

Let me take you for a drive.

Where's your driver? - Why do we need a driver?

I'll drive my car. - Do you have a license?

Don't be silly, Rohit. Who asks for a license?

But you're just . You're not supposed to drive.

Of course, I can drive.

Radhika, what are you doing?

Radhika, slow down.

Radhika stop the car.

Stop the car!


Radhika! Careful!


Radhika stop!

Radhika stop!

Radhika stop the car!


Radhika, press the brake! Radhika!

How is it dark? - I don't know.

Thank god we survived to see our next birthday!

Come, I'll drop you home.

Come on. - Tell me, where's your house?

Wherever yours is. - Stop joking.

How will I take you home if you don't tell me your address?

Then, take me to your house. - Do you want to go?

I want to. - Where?


"How do I know where your house is?"

"How do I know where your house is?"

"How do I know where your house is?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"How do I know where your house is?"

"How do I know where your house is?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"I'm scared, it's so dark."

"To me, this looks like a place for ghosts."

"I'm scared, it's so dark."

"To me, this looks like a place for ghosts."

"I'm crazy about you, and you love me."

"Why do you fear treading the paths of love?"

"Don't test me."

"How do I know where your house is?"

"How do I know where your house is?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"Nobody comes nor goes."

"Even a waft of breeze raises my heartbeat."

"Nobody comes nor goes."

"Even a waft of breeze raises my heartbeat."

"Come my love, let me embrace you."

"People in love meet in places like these."

"I'd never seen such a world before."

"How do I know where your house is?"

"How do I know where your house is?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"Take me wherever you want to?"

"I don't want to go home today."

"I don't want to go home today."

"Your folks will wait for you."

"People's tongues would wag."

"Look, don't repent later."

"I don't want to go home today."

"Look, don't repent later."

"I don't want to go home today."

Hi rocky! Welcome, Rocky! - Hi! - Hi!


How are you, son?

I'm okay, mom. - Come on, come home.

No, mom. I'll go to college.

What will you do going to college?

I can't go to court and meet Justice Gupta.

But I can go to college and meet his son, Rohit.

Rocky, look! Rohit's friend, Nisha.

Where is Rohit?

I don't know.

You know where Rohit is.

Save me! Help me! Please help me! Please..

Nobody will help you here besides me.

Going to jail didn't do you any good too, Rocky!

A dog like you can never ever mend his ways!

Stop it, Rocky!

How dare you come here?

You've been rusticated from college.

Don't force me to call the police again. Now get out from here!

Rohit, your father sent me to jail for days.

I'll avenge every minute of those days.

If not in college, then outside!

What's wrong, Nisha? Why are you crying?

Sir, that Rocky..

Come. My driver will drop you home.

She's a bit shocked, sir. I'll drop her home myself.

Okay! - Susan, pass Nisha's shirt.

It's okay!

It's over now! Enough!



Radhika, What are you doing?

Stop it, Radhika! Stop it!

Stupid idiot!

Who? - Hello auntie, I'm Radhika's college mate.

Who is it?


Hi! - I hate you! - Radhika.

What are you doing?

You're wrong. I'm not Rohit's girlfriend.

You're lying!

I'll k*ll you!

I'll k*ll you! Radhika, just listen to me.

Radhika, I know Rohit for about to years.

He's my friend. - Shut up!

If there was something between us, why would I come to explain?

To make me jealous.

Radhika, Rohit loves you!

Don't lie. - He loves you a lot.

Thanks a lot, buddy! I'll return the bike by evening.






"With the images of your dewy dreams."

"With the fetters of your silken tresses."

"With the images of your dewy dreams."


I'm sorry, Rohit!

Rohit! - Please listen!

Listen to me.



Listen to me, Rohit!

Rohit. Listen to me.

Rohit. - Yes!

I love you.

Why don't we get married? - Sure.

But after you're .

But I don't understand.

What does marriage have to do with me being ?

The law doesn't give permission to marry a minor.

Law? What can the law do?

Want to know? - Yes.


This is the court. The temple of the law.

Just imagine the court to be filled.

Lawyers all around, and you standing there.

In law, the consent of a minor is no consent at all.

That means, a minor's consent has no bearing with the law.

And Radhika isn't as yet.

She is a minor.

Yes, she is a minor.

Yes, Radhika is seventeen and a half years old.

But if the marriage is held today or months later,

what difference does it make?

It makes a difference.

It makes a difference to emotions.

Your honor, maybe in months time, Radhika might forget Rohit.

That's all, your honor.

That was the case.

Now hear the court's decision.

Order! Order!

This court considers this case as kidnapping and abduction.

And, under Indian Penal Code section and

sentences Rohit Kumar to years of jail.

Radhika, what are you doing?

Who are you to separate me from my Rohit?

I hate you and I hate your g*dd*mn court too.


I was joking.

Stop crying.

Rohit, if we ever get separated.

This is what my state would be out of crying!

I cannot live without you, Rohit!

If you can't live without me, live with my memory.

"Whenever you miss me, and you're in a bad state."

"Whenever you miss me, and you're in a bad state."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."

"Whenever you miss me, and you're in a bad state."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."

"Whenever you miss me, the heart will ask questions."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."

"Sit close to me, I'll tell you about myself."

"Sit close to me,tell you about myself."

"I shudder to think how it'd be to live without you."

"Staying away from you for a few days."

"It's difficult, I'm scared."

"Being away from you for a mere moment."

"Is like living death."

"When you think of meeting me again."

"When you think of meeting me again."

"Whenever you miss me, and you're in a bad state."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."

"It's love's trait to torment everybody for some days."

"It's love's trait to torment everybody for some days."

"Love's intensified whenever lovers have stayed away."

"Who can separate a heart from the heart in this world?"

"All relationships appear false when this bond happens."

"When people give example of lovers."

"When people give example of lovers."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."

"Whenever you miss me, the heart will ask questions."

"Then, look at this kerchief."

"Remember me."

"Remember me."

"Remember me."

Aunt's flight landed. It's been half an hour since

Why hasn't she come out of customs? - There's Shobha.

Hello, Shobha! - Brother!


I'd heard that people eat a lot in Canada.

And you prove the point!

You've put on kgs in years for sure. - Good program!

Hello, aunty!

Hello Rocky, how are you, son?

I'm fine. I'll keep your luggage.

Come. - Okay!

He's so handsome!

Brother, He's the most handsome boy in our family!

Where's our Radhika? - She's gone to college.

She'll be home in an hour.

Brother, I have to make an urgent call to Hotel Meridian.

What's the hurry? Call up from home.

It's very important, brother.

You remember that partner of mine in Canada, Mr. Malhotra.

One who died years ago. His son, Vicky is in Delhi too.

I want Vicky to be married to our Radhika.


Hi! - Hi!

Nisha's brother's getting married in the evening.

Be there by . - I might be a bit late.


It's after years my aunt's coming from Edmonton.


Oh, your aunt stays in Canada? - Yes.

I'm going. She must be waiting.

Brother, you can't get a better boy than Vicky for Radhika.

But Shobha, children these days

don't like their parents deciding about their marriage.

Hi, aunty!

Hello, my sweet little Radhika!

Remember the last time I came, I picked you up like this.

I won't lift you, but put you in the plane, and take you to Canada.

That too, as a bride!




The boy's name is Vikram Malhotra.

I've got him from Canada so you can meet him.

He must be on his way with Rocky. - Aunty!


Hello vicky!

Come, meet them.

This is my big brother, Mr. Nath.

My sister-in-law, Nalini.

And this is our Radhika.


You want to marry me?

Yes! - Radhika!

Do you know the Indian law?

I'm a minor. I'm not as yet.

And if you marry me.

Do you know what'll happen? - What?

You'll have to go to court.

Anyway, I have to go for the wedding. I'll get ready.


Radhika, what took you so long?

I told you my aunt's come from Edmonton.

A boy's come with her. He has a huge business.

So? - He's come to India to meet me.

Why? - I'm getting married to him.

Hi, Radhika!

"Mom and dad are getting me married."

"Mom and dad are getting me married."

"The groom's folks are coming home on Sunday."

"You come for my wedding too."

"Get a nice gift,"

"Don't hurt my heart!"

"Don't hurt my heart!"

"Mom and dad are getting me married."

"The groom's folks are coming home on Sunday."

"You come for my wedding too."

"Get a nice gift," "Don't hurt my heart!" Don't hurt my heart!"

"I'll die if this marriage takes place."

"I'll go drown in the well."

"I'll die if this marriage takes place."

"I'll go drown in the well."

"Go put some sense in your parents."

"Go shed some tears."

"Mom and dad are very smart."

"No excuses will work."

"Forget me now, and lose your heart to someone else."

"Don't hurt my heart!"

"Mom and dad are getting me married."

"The groom's folks are coming home on Sunday."

"Let's elope to Calcutta."

"My uncle stays there."

"Let's elope to Calcutta."

"My uncle stays there."

"We'll get married there. What can mom and dad do then?

"I'm an Indian girl."

"I won't elope, my dear."

"Try someone else."

"Teach her the lesson of love."

"Mom and dad are getting you married." - "Yes."

"The groom's folks are coming home on Sunday" - "Yes."

"So, go home."

"Celebrate your wedding with great pomp. -What?".

"Celebrate your wedding with great pomp. -What?"

"Don't hurt my heart!"

Greetings, sir! - Greetings!

Serve food fast, and tell dad I'm back. - Yes, sir!

'Mom and dad are getting me married.'.

'Mom and dad are getting me married.'

'The boy's folks are coming over on Sunday.'

'You come for my wedding too.'

'Get a sweet gift.'

'Don't break my heart.'

So, how did you find my choice?

Fantastic, buddy!

Tell me, do you know her name now, or..

You don't know?

Radhika. - Radkhika!

Call up Radhika.

Tell her I'd like to meet her dad tomorrow evening

to talk about your engagement.


I'll go tell Radhika personally.

Bye, dad! - Eat your food!

What are you doing here?

That's what I want to ask you.

What are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

This is my house.

So, you are Radhika's brother?

How do you know Radhika? - Rocky!

What's the problem?

He's trying to forcibly enter our house.

Greetings, uncle! My name's Rohit Gupta.

I want to meet Radhika. - At this hour?

There's a function in college. Have to make arrangements.

What function?

One minute, Rocky.

Radhika is sleeping now. - Yes!

Call her up tomorrow. - Okay!

Greetings, uncle! Bye.

Damn! - What did you say?

Come in, Rocky.

Father, do you know?

He is that Justice Gupta's son.

Come in.


Radhika! Radhika!

Are you sleeping?

Radhika, get up.


I've got very good news.

Dad's found out everything about us.

Now, these sweet hands will be in mine forever.

And I'll kiss them everyday, all day long!

Radhika, you're happy, right?

Bad program.

Brother! - What is it, Shobha?

Just now, a hand came into Radhika's room from the window.

A hand? - Yes, a strong and young hand.

I caught him, but he escaped.

I'd say, shut that window pronto.

Why are you laughing?

Radhika refused to marry Vicky.

Do you know why? - Why?

Because of the hand that came in from the window.

Go sleep. I'll speak to Radhika in the morning.

That means, the boy at the window is welcome through the door.

And my Vicky has to leave from the window!

Bad program.

Radhika. - Yes, dad!

Come here.


What's it, dad?

Are you in love?


Give me an answer. Yes or no?


What's his name? - Rohit Gupta!

Hello. Gupta here.

Mr. Gupta, Mahendra Nath here.

Good you called. I wanted to talk to you.

We'll meet at my hotel this evening.

We'll talk there.

As you wish.

I'll wait for you in the lobby at . p.m. Okay?



Nalini, we've two guests coming over for dinner. - Who?

Justice Gupta and his son, Rohit.


The judge is coming to the hotel in the evening.

I'll invite him for dinner then.

But why?

I'm fixing Radhika's engagement with his son Rohit.

What are you saying? - Nalini,

Radhika loves Rohit.

And I like this alliance. - But we don't, absolutely.

The man who got our son rusticated, and sent to jail.

You want our Radhika to marry that man's son?

This won't happen, dad!

That judge's son cannot be a member of our family.


Who was caught copying in the exams? You, or Justice Gupta?

Who misbehaved with the principal? You, or Justice Gupta?

I can't deprive my daughter her happiness because of your wayward ways.

What have you come here for?

I've come to meet your father, son.

Don't you dare call me son!

What nonsense is this?

Get out of here if you value your life.

Behave yourself.

I'll teach you how to behave.

What happened, dad? What did Mr. Nath say?

Son, forget Radhika.


Try to understand, son.

But why?

What happened, father? - That Rocky..


Rocky did this?


Rohit! Rohit!

Rohit, at least listen to me.

Your father didn't come?


You hit my dad!

Hit him! Hit him!

What do you think of yourself?

Catch the rascal.

What if you are the owner?!

l will k*ll you!


No Rohit! I am sorry Rohit.

Please don't k*ll me. Forgive me, Rohit.

Please Rohit, I am sorry. Leave me.




What happened, mom?

What happened, mom?

Tell me, mom. What happened?

In the hotel, Rocky and Rohit.


What did Rocky do to Rohit?

What did he do? - You're asking what Rocky did to Rohit?

Yes, mom. What did Rocky do to Rohit?

Your Rohit k*lled my Rocky.


Your love took my son's life!

k*lled him!

k*lled him!



I'm very sorry, Mr. Nath!

I regret it.


have you arrested Rohit Gupta?

Besides the inspector's report, I have read the entire enquiry.

Rocky's death was just an accident.

As per the eye witnesses,

Rohit tried to save Rocky. - That's a lie.

My son has been k*lled!

He has been m*rder*d.

And the m*rder*r is..

He is my son's m*rder*r! I won't spare you today.

No, Mr.Nath! - I won't let you live!

His pyre will be lit here too!

His pyre will be lit here too!

So what if you are a judge's son!

I won't spare you.

I swear, dad! I tried to save Rocky.

Son, I know you're innocent.

A father who's lost a young son

cannot believe the truth.

The flight is at . . You'll reach on time.

If not for the property case, I wouldn't have gone to Bangalore

But.. - No, you go.

You have to.

You also resume work now.

Only if you meet people will you forget this sorrow.

Consider our time with Rocky was meant to be just this much.

Tell sister-in-law to take care of Radhika. I'll leave.


Think of the past as a bad dream, and forget it.

Rohit wasn't fit for you.

He didn't even think

that Rocky was your only brother.

And he k*lled him

Why are you'll falsely accusing him?

People have seen whatever happened at the hotel.

Yet, you people shunt yourself from the truth.

The truth is that our son has been snatched away from us.

And Rohit is responsible for that.

Only Rohit.

We can never forgive him.



I hate you! I hate you!

I hate you! I hate you!

How dare you come here?

How did you dare come here?

Rohit! - Shameless, get out of here.

Get out!

Come here again, and I'll sever your limbs!

I'll k*ll you! Get out.

"When someone writes the story of love."

"The first thing he'll do is call me crazy."

"I'm one who loves, I will love."

"I'm one who loves, I will love."

"I live in love."

"I live in love."

"And I'll die in love."

"I'm one who loves, I will love."

"I'll ruin myself for the sake of love."

"I'll ruin myself for the sake of love."

"I'll even die for the sake of love."

"I'll declare this openly today."

"I'm one who loves, I will love."

"O beauty, gather courage now."

"O beauty, gather courage now."

"Love is calling, come to your senses."

"I'll wait for you at every turn."

"I'm one who loves, I will love."

"I live in love."

"And I'll die in love."

"I'm one who loves, I will love."

I ask you. What is your law for?

Can this boy, in the presence of the law and the police

insult a prestigious man like me publicly.

And you'd just keep watching?

This is not done, inspector. This is not done.

Mr. Rohit gupta. I warn you

from meeting Mr. Nath's daughter henceforth.

Furthermore, you won't go even feet close to their house.

What's this? - It's the police's order.

That I'd be ft away from Radhika's house.

It measures ft here.

I'll wait for Radhika here.

Wait all your life!

Forget about meeting her, you won't even be able to go near her.

The police has ordered Rohit to be away from me.

They haven't told me to be far from Rohit.


I'll permanently end your trysts with Rohit.


pack up her stuff. Call up Shobha.

Tell her to take Radhika with her to Canada.

She'll get her married to Vicky there. - No!

Come, child!

This is our hotel. Good program, right?

You go rest in my suite. You must be very tired!

Mike. Telephone.

Brother. - Yes, Shobha, you've reached safely?

Yes, we reached peacefully.

How is Radhika?

Quiet, but nothing to be worried out.

Bye, brother.

Okay, Shobha. Thank you!


Where is Radhika?

Radhika is not here now.

Soon, she is going to get married in Canada.

Hello, sir!

Has Rohit come? - He's on the terrace.

Did he eat? - No, sir.


What's wrong?

They've sent Radhika to Canada.

Her aunt's getting her married there.

Why won't she?

Who will stop her?

You, one who sits day and night with a sullen face?

What do I do then, dad?

Dude, is this what you call love?

No fire in the belly or guts in your love.

You don't have the obsession to meet your love.

But dad, she's in Canada.

Son of an idiot, is Canada outside the world?


The times now isn't for perennially suffering lovers.

But ones who can brave b*ll*ts for love.

Go to Canada

and don't come back home without Radhika.

But remember one thing.

It's a one man show out there.

Best of luck, son!

Radhika, let's go to that shop.

Good program

You go in, aunt. I'll wait for you here.

But why? - Don't feel like it.

Suit yourself. Silly girl!


Is this Canada? - Yes.

Are you sure this is Canada? - Yes.


Hey you! Have you ever driven a sports car?

Hey you! Have you ever driven a sports car?

You idiot!

I'm dead! No, I'm safe!

What a sports car!

Teasing me! Driven a sports car, eh?

I was asking to find where the brakes are.

You don't know where the brakes are?

This is not your car? - No, I stole it today.

I mean, I took it today. I'll get another one

Push me!

Are you from India?

I'm Indian, settled in Canada.

Your name? - In India, my name was Rambhau.

People call me Rambo with love here.

Due to my personality.

When did you come from India? - The morning flight.

And your stuff. - Whatever I have is in this bag.

Is it? Good bag.

What brings you here? - In search of someone.

Search? Do you have an address?


How will you search?

I don't know. - Don't worry, I'll find

How will you?

Rambo can do anything in this country. Just follow me.

Come on.

You must be tired. Let me take your bag.

No. - Don't refuse. You're my guest.

The bus is here. Get inside.

Come in, Rambo! - Go, go!


Stop the bus. I got to go! - I can't, its a*t*matic.









Leave me!




How did Rohit reach Canada? How did he find you?

Did you call him?

The scent of my love will blow like a breeze..

.. and tell him my whereabouts.


"I remember you once again."

"The eyes are moist once again."

"The heart calls once again."

"Come, my beloved!"

"Where are you, tell me."

"Where are you, tell me

"O my love, once in love, you shouldn't ignore."

"O my love, once in love, you shouldn't ignore."

"Once made, the relationships of the heart cannot be broken."

"Promises shouldn't be broken."

"You shouldn't be so cruel to your own."

"Shouldn't be cruel."

"Where are you, tell me."

"Where are you, tell me."

"Your face is in my eyes."

"And on my lips, is your name."

"Your face is in my eyes."

"And on my lips, is your name."

"Your memories within me, all day long."

"The yearning eyes call, do me this favor."

"Come show me your face, my beloved."

"I bind you to my oath."

"I remember you once again."

"The eyes are moist once again."

"The heart calls once again."

"Come, my beloved!"

"Where are you, tell me."

"Where are you, tell me."

"Whenever you miss me, the heart will ask questions."

"Then, look at this kerchief and remember me."



Where is she?

Bad program.

I was helpless!

But we'll never be separated again!

Take me away from here. - Where?

Wherever you wish.

But you do take me!

But Rohit, where will we go?

Didn't think of that.

If aunt reports to the police, they'll arrest you.

Just days left for you to turn .

We have to somehow be away from the police for these days.

But how? We don't even have money.

If I can call up my dad somehow.

He can arrange for our trip back to India.

What a film!

Hey. - Yes!

Thief. Constable!

Sorry, police! - Shut up!

I'll kick you karate style.

Hey, Rambhau. - Call me Rambo.

Yes, Rambo. Return my bag.

That got stolen. - Stolen?

All my money was in it.

Now, neither do I have money, nor a house. Now, what do I do?

Have no fear. Rambo is here!

Come and live in my house. I've a palace.

I've bought it from the king of Canada. Follow me.

One minute. Radhika.

So, this is the one you came to Canada for! - Yes!

Come, this is my car. - You know where the brakes are?

I know all the brakes.

Rohit, there are so many dents in this car.

We'll show it to some dentist. Come on.

It's a very small thing for me. Please come.


Please come. Hello!

This is a zoo. I mean, my bungalow.

From today, this is your rest house. - Rest house?

I mean, you can live here for free.

Oh, someone's left this. Johnie Walker!

What are you doing, Rambo?

I have this habit of drinking on the sly.

Anyway, forget it.

You have insulted a big man. Follow me.

Please come.

This is my bedroom. Victorian style.

Bedroom? This is the bathroom.


Sometimes I sleep in the tub. It's a new style.

No problem. I'll show you another bedroom.

Mughal style. Follow Akbar.


See one more bedroom.

Now, you'll go to sleep. Girl, you here.

You, upstairs. If god wishes, we'll meet again.

Meet again? - I mean, we'll meet tomorrow morning.

We'll have breakfast together.

Good night.

Tired, right?

Good night!


The whisky bottles are gone.

This Rambo

Oh my god!


Radhika, get up. This isn't Rambo's house.

He has again.. I'll go see.

Oh, god!

What happened? - The owner's here I guess.

What will we do now?

Let's go talk to him. Maybe he'll understand our situation.

I'm scared, Rohit!

Good morning, sir!

Who are you?

Well, we didn't have a place to sleep.


we've run away from home.

Run away from home?

But what are you doing in my house?

A fraud got us here.

Told us it's his house.

We're telling the truth, sir.

Fact of the matter is..



You know him?

Rohit, I'd told you aunty,

Edmonton, a boy.

When I'd gone to India to meet Radhika

she gave me a big lecture on law.

And now I know who the lecturer was.

I know now that you've eloped.

But Radhika, what's the problem?

She's just a child. Just years old.

And that boy. Bad program.

As soon as we know something, we'll let you know.

Thank you! - Welcome!

So, you want to get married.

And this marriage isn't possible till Radhika turns .

Radhika's th birthday is a week away.

And what if you get caught in this one week?

Don't worry. You won't get caught.

You stay here. No one will know about you.

I'll get you married after a week.


Radhika, are you happy?

Thank you Vicky! - Oh, come on Rohit!

The police has no information as yet.

About Radhika, you know? That fool!

Yes! Shobha here!

Hello, Nalini here.

Oh, sister-in-law, I thought it was the police calling.

Why will the police call?


I'd reported my dog being lost.

Sister, we're reaching there on the th of September.

Where, here? - Yes, there.

Radhika! - Yes.

Your towel. - Hang it outside.

Fine, I'm going for work. - Okay, bye!

Hey you! You!

Who are you? - I work here.

Here, in the house? - No, in the saw mill.

Saw mill?

I've seen you somewhere.

Must have seen me in the saw mill. I'll send Vicky.

I've definitely seen him somewhere.

But where?

Hello, Eddie! I want all these logs to be lifted today

and delivered to Edmonton in the evening. Okay?

Vicky! - Over!


Yes, Rohit? - Radhika's aunt's at your place.

Aunt's come?

I'm coming.

Aunt, I was surprised. - Yes!

I'm also a bit surprised.

You're a bachelor! You live alone.

And there's noise of the shower?

What gives? - Aunty, the shower is spoilt.

The water doesn't stop flowing.

Well, Vicky. I'm in a big soup. - What happened?

Radhika has run away from home.

Radhika is here.

What? Here? - I mean,

the Canadian police will surely find her.

I'll report it. - I've already done that, Vicky.

What are you doing here then? You should be in Edmonton.

Why? - Where will the police contact you if they find her?

Oh, yes! You're right!

I better rush. Bye!

Hi! - Radhika!

What are you doing here? - I've come to take you.

Where? - To roam around.

Radhika, I can't leave my work. - Come on, Rohit!

Radhika, Vicky will feel bad. - I'll speak to Vicky.

Oh! Radhika!

Yes, Jeet's video consignment is ready, okay?

Hi, Vicky,


Vicky, can Rohit get an off today? - Why?

Just like that.

Please, Vicky!

Okay! - Oh thank you, Vicky!

"Come, let's play a game."

"Let's play a game."

"Come, let's play a game."

"Let's play a game."

"You do whatever I say. - What?"

"Don't feel shy to do what I say."

"You do whatever I say

"Don't feel shy to do what I say."

"Do you agree?"

"I agree, my love."

"Come, let's play a game."

"Let's play a game."

let's play a game."

"Let's play a game."

"You do whatever I say.

"Don't feel shy to do what I say."

"Do you agree?"

"I agree, my love."

"Come, let's play a game."

"Come, let's play a game."

"Come close to me, sit here and close your eyes."

"Come close to me, sit here and close your eyes."

"I don't like this mischief in the name of game."

"Where will we find such solitude?"

"Look, no one is here."

"Leave my hand, don't be stubborn."

"Sit here and just talk."

"Leave my hand, don't be stubborn."

"Sit here and just talk."

"Do you agree?"

"I agree, my love."

"Come, let's play a game."

"let's play a game."

"Let's not torment each other anymore."

"Let's not torment each other anymore."

"I'm scared something might happen unknowingly."

"Don't separate from me, my beloved."

"Don't be annoyed with me, my beloved."

"Tomorrow, I'll get your wedding procession."

"And then, I'll hold your hand."

"Tomorrow, I'll get your wedding procession."

"And then, I'll hold your hand."

"Do you agree?"

"I agree, my love."

"Come let's play a game."

"Let's play a game."

"Come let's play a game."

"Let's play a game."

Who? - Vicky,

Rohit said you've taken our photographs.

Yes, I'm printing them.

Can I watch? - Oh sure.

I'll show you the photographs when they're ready.

I'm sorry, Vicky! Thanks anyway.

Vicky, the photographs are very nice!

Check! - Rohit,

Yes Vicky has clicked some very good snaps.

Really? Where are they? - In the room.

I'll go see them. Excuse me.

Can I play? - Oh, sure!

What happened? - I don't know.

Tomorrow, I'll be the first to wish you on your birthday.

And then the priest will come. And..

What is it, Radhika?

What are you thinking about?

I don't know why, Rohit.

As the moment closes in, I feel a bit scared! - Rohit!

These are some important documents.

Have to reach Edmonton today itself. Take my van.


Don't go. - Why?

I'm feeling scared.

Vicky has suddenly changed, Rohit.

Looks like.. - What?

As if he.. Let's go from here, Rohit.

Lets go from here.

It's only till tomorrow.

I'll be back in just hours.?

Bye. - Bye.

Vicky, who went in that helicopter?

Radhika's parents with Radhika.


Radhika's parents took her?


And you let Radhika go?

You! One who befriended me!

One who was supposed to get us married! - Forget it, Rohit!

Listen to this carefully.

Radhika is getting married to me, not you.

Vicky, you cannot marry Radhika.

You know very well that she doesn't love you.

After marriage, she will. I will teach her to love.

Never! I'm her love!

Radhika is.. - Beware, don't you dare mention her.

Radhika is mine!

She was mine right from the beginning.

Her parents sent her to Canada for me.

I'm getting married to her tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Radhika will be mine.

She can never be yours!

With you around, I can't get married, right?

What if you aren't around?

Nobody can come between Radhika and me.

I'll k*ll whoever comes between us.

Ismile, It's my niece's wedding tomorrow.

You know wedding!

That lawn section will be closed for the hotel guests.

I don't want no disturbance.

And for the marriage, I want the best.

Best. - Good program.

No, I won't marry Vicky!

Crying won't fetch you anything.

You have to marry Vicky.

I will marry Rohit.



Who did this to you?

Take me to Radhika.

You've lost her again?

Radhika's aunt's hotel is miles from here.

Please take me there quickly, Rambo.


Damn Rambo!

Rambhau will take you there in minutes. Come in.

Radhika, this is your bridal outfit.

Wear it. - I won't.

Don't be stubborn, child.

Why do you want to forcefully get me married?

Brother, the priest is here.

Radhika, you aren't ready as yet?

Why do you want to marry me?

I love you! - But I don't!

Even then, I love you!

You're lying. Not me, it's my body you want.

You want my body, right?

Take it.


Go. Hail India!

I won't marry anyone else.

I will marry only Rohit.




Rohit, I'm coming.

Leave me, Vicky.

Radhika, I'm here.

Control yourself! - Let me go!


Leave him.


Leave him.

You want me to spare Rohit, don't you? - Yes.

Then, you'll have to pay for that.


I want to invite you for my marriage with Radhika.

Radhika will never marry you.

Don't believe it? See for yourself.

See that.

Have a happy wedding!


I want to ask you something.

Have you ever seen a girl being r*ped?

Then see it today.

Watch my r*pe. That too, in front of my parent's eyes.

Radhika, what are you saying?

Why? Being forceful with a girl is called r*pe, dad!

You getting me married against my wishes is my r*pe indeed!

We're doing this marriage for your good.

No, mom. You're doing this for your happiness.

You want to hold a corpse and take it round this nuptial fire.

You've decorated a corpse and called it a bride.

Radhika. Stop it!

A marriage is for a boy and a girl's happiness.

Did you think about my happiness?

I'll be forced. There'd be religious chants.

Blessings will be given.

But what's the use of those religious chants?

Ones which don't emanate from the heart?

What's the use of blessing me with happiness

when you all know I won't be happy with Vicky at all?

Priest, begin the joke of these traditions.

And light a flame to my funeral pyre.


Break these handcuffs.

Remove this noose.

Aunty, what's going on?

Just shut up Vicky!

Radhika will marry of her own choice, got it?

If Radhika isn't mine, she won't be anybody else's too.

Vicky, leave him!

Go down.



Radhika, are you okay?


Go ahead!

Get him!

Get him!







Get up, Radhika. Open your eyes.

You can't leave me, Radhika.

Get up, Radhika.

Get up, Radhika.

Open your eyes, Radhika.

Get up, Radhika!



Radhika! Get up! Get up, Radhika!





Hey, you!

Have you ever flown a helicopter?

Singapore Airlines, Flight SQ to Bangkok

Son, hasn't your father come?
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