Cherry (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Cherry (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: Hey.

You want me to sit here?


Can I smoke?


Hang on.





Where do you want me to start?







I'm years old,

and I still don't understand
what it is that people do.

It's as if all of this were
built on nothing and...

nothing were holding
all this together.


I grew up around here.

Apartments are nice.
Some of them have balconies.

And the trees are nice.

I don't understand them
either, but I like 'em.

I mean,
I think I'd like 'em all.

It'd have to be a pretty f*cked-up
tree for me not to like it.


Sometimes I wonder if
life was wasted on me.

It's not that I'm dumb to
the beauty of things. I...

I take all the beautiful
things to heart,

and then they f*ck my heart
till I about die from it.


It's just something in me
has always drawn me away...

until there's nothing
holding me together.

You know where you're
going, right?

Make the first left three times.
You can't go wrong.

I'll meet you in the parking lot.
Two or three minutes, give or take.

I'm in a baseball hat.

Red scarf, white button-down
shirt, blue hoodie.

Some jeans, old sneakers.
Nothing out of the ordinary.

The scarf is to cover the
lower half of my face.

Although it's a little
late for it to do any good.

I've been at this a while now.

- (g*n CLICKS)

And it's no secret what
my face looks like.

All right, no alarms!
I'm a wanted man! They'll k*ll me!

What is happening?


I got a lot of sadness in
the face to make up for,

so I gotta act like I'm crazy,
or people will think I'm a p*ssy.


Get on the ground!
Get on the f*cking ground now!

The one thing about robbing banks
is you're mostly robbing women,

so the last thing
you wanna be is rude.

Ma'am, it's nothing personal.

- That's okay.
- What's your name?

- Vanessa.
- Hey, Vanessa. It's nice to meet you.

- What's your name?

You're funny, Vanessa.
Now, open your f*cking drawer.


As I stood there holding a
g*n, taking her in...

something overtook me.

Like a kind of sadness.

It's... as if I'd always known that this
was how things were supposed to end.

But I wasn't made to realize
it until that exact...


The first time I saw Emily, I was
attending one of the local universities.

The one with the Jesuits.
It was a decent school.

And I don't wanna tell lies,

but I thought, "Man, I'd really
like to f*ck this girl." (CHUCKLES)


Called your name,
like, ten times.

Sorry. Uh, my music was loud.

- Hey.
- I like your sweater.

Thank you.
I, uh, got it on Coventry.

It's an old,
sad bastard sweater.

You're in my English class.

I know.
Um, class sucks though, right?


Yeah. But you always go.

Yes, I do.

I guess I'll see you around.

Hey, where are you from?

Elba, New York.

What's that like?

Same kinda lake. Same kinda town.
Just... little bit shittier.

I, uh...
I've had a girlfriend since high school.

Really? That's sweet.

Yeah, she, um,
goes to school in New Jersey.

She got a name?

Yeah. Uh, Madison Kowalski.


EMILY: She's really pretty.

Yeah. Super pretty.

I really liked Emily,

but I'd already promised Madison
I'd catch the Greyhound bus

and go and visit her
at school that weekend.

She was staying in a dorm room,
and her bed was too small for two people,


at least her roommate had gone home,

Her grandmother died.

That's too bad.

(SCOFFS) Whatever. She was old.


tell Madison I said hello.

Madison thought I was a bitch.

Let's go.

The parties she took
me to were mostly shit.

I mean, the kids drank beer in a
basement done out in cinder block.

Some kind of beer pong, sex dungeon,
red-light district bullshit.

Everything was dismal as m*rder.

All these random
dudes knew Madison.

I mean, she'd only been at the school
a month, but they all knew her somehow.

She liked every eye in the room on
her, which is fine. Whatever.

It just got a little awkward when you
were the one who was there at the party

with the girl who is on top of the
table, f*cking a ghost.

I had a job, and I'd go to work when
I could have been doing better things,

such as anything. But...

I had to work.

Old Man Fatook had half a dozen
daughters and granddaughters,

and they all worked
at his restaurant.

I don't know if he had any grandsons,
but if he did, none of them worked there.

All of the granddaughters drove
Escalades or Denalis or whatever.

Some of the waiters dated 'em.

And she likes to
take it up the ass.

Shove her face down in the pillow.
Spit on her.

I mean, I think she's
really f*cking crazy.

I wonder who taught
her all that shit.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Come on. Let me see you do it.

Oh, no. f*ck, shit. Shit! f*ck!

Are you a man or what?

Huh? Throw it high. High!

So they can hear it in the dining
room, cocksucker.

- f*ck this guy.
- Yeah, I know. f*ck him. f*ck him.

I only lasted two weeks.

After work I went by
James Lightfoot's house.

He was my best friend
since grade school.

His dad had died when
he was young and...

and so did his mother.
And then...

And then his brother came
back all f*cked from the w*r,

so James is mostly alone.

MAN: Hey, man.

Except for me.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

I needed a ride to the bank,
so James offered to take me.

The sun was shining
on us that day.

And Roy also came.

He painted houses,
but he wasn't working.

What's up?

And James Lightfoot was yelling
at Roy about his cousin Joe,

- because Joe kept saying...
- I'm going, so just drop it.

JAMES: Roy. Roy. Did you tell him?
You gotta tell your cousin

- he can't join the marines.
- Why do I gotta tell him?

- He's joining the marines.
- JAMES: Don't join the marines, man.

Give me...
Give me one good reason why, okay?

I don't wanna do this
for the rest of my life.

JAMES: Why do you wanna join?

I don't wanna do this
for the rest of my life.

Why are you content just
f*cking driving around, man?

I don't understand why
you're okay with it.

He wants to do a thing.
Just let him do a thing. f*ck.

It's an obligation of you and
your love for your cousin,

who we all love so much.

Now you're telling me, "Oh, I wanna
send him off to his f*cking death"?

What are you doing?

- What are you thinking?
- JOE: I've signed up, man. It's over.

I could only understand half
of what James was saying.

I couldn't help noticing
that he looked helpless,

waving his arms around,

and that probably no one would ever
listen to him for as long as he lived.


JAMES: This is not a shitty car.

ROY: It is, man.
This is the shittiest car.

JAMES: I just need a cup of
water to cool the engine off.

Get me a cup of water.

I had a problem with the bank.

They'd made a mistake,
and I was there to sort it out.


So you guys sent me this
overdraft, but it's not right.

I paid this off already.


This is a new overdraft notice.

But that's not possible. I haven't made
a withdrawal since the last deposit.

That deposit brought your
balance up to $ credit.

But there was an additional
overdraft charge against your account

that put you back
in the negative.

But... But how could you charge
me another overdraft charge

after I'd paid it off already?

- The deposit didn't clear in time.
- No, but I paid it here in cash.

- It didn't clear, sir.
- It was f*cking cash. Right here.

It didn't clear.


Sorry about your car, man.

It was a piece of shit.

Did you get your money back?


As we walked back to James's house,
Roy passed around his Trainwreck.

And after a few hits,
we felt like we were winning again.


The next day was a healthy fall day,
where you could smell the wet leaves.

So I went to Shaker Square
to see some kids that I knew.

They wanted some of my Xanax,
which I was taking because...

I'd had some panic att*cks.

- KID : Here you go, boys.
- MAN: Eat up.

- What you doing later?
- Um, we're going to a party

- at this girl Maggie's house.
- Cool. Can I come?

Yeah, sure.
Do you want some, um...

And in return,
they offered me some ecstasy.

f*ck yeah, I want some ecstasy.



EMILY: Is that you?

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What are you...
- You know Maggie?

- What?
- You know Maggie?

Uh, yeah, sort of.

- EMILY: Small world.
- Mm.

Holy shit.

- What?
- Your pupils are huge.


(CHUCKLES) Yeah, I, uh...
(WHISPERS) I just did some ecstasy.

How is it?

- It's actually really good.
- Hmm.

I would give you some, but I, um...

I don't have any more.

That's okay.
I turned some down earlier.

This, uh... This weird guy offered me some.
He said that I should pop it in my butt.

What the f*ck? (CHUCKLES)

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Who the f*ck is this guy?
- I don't know.

I don't know.
He's definitely gone.

It's kinda disrespectful.

Yeah, well,
that's just how some boys talk.

I'm really happy you're here.

- EMILY: And why is that?

Um, because I like you. A lot.

- Shut up.
- I really do.

- EMILY: Mm?
- And...


And your jacket's really cool.


And, um... What?

- EMILY: I was just thinking.
- What are you thinking?

Just thinking that you're shady.

Wanna go for a walk?


MAN: Your lips taste amazing.

EMILY: What happened to Madison Kowalski?

MAN: That girl's cold-blooded.


I think I adore you.

Do whatever you want, man.

Sometimes I feel like I've already
seen everything that's gonna happen...

and it's a nightmare.


Nothing. I just, um...

(SNIFFLES) I, uh...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (SNIFFLES)

You don't ever have to be sorry
for the way that you feel.

Why are you being
so sweet to me?

I have a thing for weak guys.


That's how you find the
one to break your heart.


Can you look back to when you
met the one you love the most

and remember exactly how it was?

Not as in where you were
or what she was wearing,

but rather in what you saw
in her that made you say,

"Yes, this is what I came here for."

EMILY: He was on the phone with
her, and I was eavesdropping.

MAN: And why were you eavesdropping?

- You're a jerk.
- Sorry. I mean, um,

that must've been awful for you.

EMILY: I confronted him about it the
next day, and he tried to buy me off.

Said he'd send me to volleyball
camp if I didn't tell my mom.

MAN: Damn.

- I really wanted to go to volleyball camp.
- Yeah? So what'd you do?

- I went to volleyball camp.

And then I told my mom.


Your dad sounds like a d*ck.

Sometimes I feel like love
doesn't actually exist.

It's just pheromones
playing tricks on people.

I love you.

Thank you.

EMILY: I'm leaving for good
at the end of the semester.

- I really wanna go to school in Canada.
- MAN: What?

Since when?

Since now.

There's this, uh...
This really great school in Montreal.

In Montreal?

Yeah. It's the Paris of Canada.

Yeah, I know what it f*cking is.
Please tell me that you're kidding.

- This isn't funny.
- Why would I be kidding you?

So, what? That's it? We're just
supposed to break up. Just like that?

Well, we can't exactly be together when
we live in two different countries, so...

Emily, what the f*ck?

Can you please just
be mature about this?

Emily, please.

Can we not just talk about this, please?


So, what makes a joker like you wanna
join the United States Army for?

MAN: This guy had
a face like death,

and every other word out
of his mouth was "joker."


- WOMAN: Why aren't you going? f*ck!
- g*dd*mn joker.

Uh, well, I've just been
seeing on the news, you know,

that there are kids dying over there.

- You know?
- Hmm.

Guys from Cleveland who are my age
just trying to do something good,

and here I am, feeling sorry for myself
because my girlfriend broke up with me.


She broke your heart.

You're searching for
that gold in the gutter.

A sense of purpose, right?

Yeah. Sense of purpose.

Hot damn!
Tell you about purpose.

I like him.

MAN: I was too easy.

He knew he had me, and so by the next
day, I was sworn in.

Against all enemies.

- OFFICER: Foreign and domestic.
- Foreign and domestic.

JAMES: How can you let him go to w*r?
It's f*cking w*r...

- ROY: What do you want me to do?
- Talk him out of it.

I've already talked to him.
I talk to the m*therf*cker every day.

JAMES: You talk to him every day.

But you haven't tried to talk him
out of it. He'll listen to you.

JOE: James, you f*cking slug, dude.
I can f*cking hear you.

- ROY: I've met your brother, bro. Yes.
- JOE: I'm going to f*cking Iraq.

- JAMES: Have you met my brother, dude?
- Not everybody ends up like your brother.

...have a conversation with him for
two seconds? He's f*cked in the head.

JOE: Can you please
f*cking move...

- Can you move?

JAMES: No, because I'm
trying to f*cking help you!

We've had this conversation!
I'm going next week!

- I don't know what to tell you!
- JAMES: What the f*ck?

- You can't even understand...
- James! James! James! Look!

- What?
- He just doesn't wanna do this

- for the rest of his life, all right?

JAMES: Since when do
you give a shit, man?

You haven't said shit,
and now you're on his side?

Can someone please get
the f*cking phone, dude?

It's been ringing
for, like, minutes.

- JAMES: Listen...
- JOE: ...f*ck out of the way, bro.

- Hello?
- EMILY: Hey. It's me.

- You there?
- Yeah, I'm here.

Hey, shut the f*ck up, James.

Hey, sorry. How you doing?

I'm leaving soon.

For Montreal.

Can we say goodbye?


well, I... I just...
I have work today.

Oh. Uh... no worries.

No, no, no. No, no. No.
I wanna say goodbye.

Just... Just come by work.


MAN: After Fatook's, Roy had got
me a job at another restaurant.

The owner was throwing a party that
day, and I got to serve drinks.

I told Roy and Joe to come by
so they could drink for free.

And I, of course,
asked Emily to stop in.

But she was late.

- You good?
- Yeah, bro, you look good.

- What's up, man? Yo, she here yet?
- Not yet. No.

ROY: Relax. Yo, line up the sh*ts.

JOE: I go to Parris Island on, uh...
on Sunday.

- Parris Island is the marines, right?
- Yeah.

It's a good way to go to heaven.

MAN: Hey, man,
have you seen Emily yet?

Hey, breathe, okay?

Relax. I don't know what
you're freaking out about.

What the f*ck, man?
Who is this guy?

I do not have a problem
with it in general...

- Yeah.
- ...but if it makes you better, then...

- Hey.
- Hey.

Uh, this is Benji. He's from Ghana.
He's going to Case.

Benji, hey.

MAN: I gave Benji a real man
handshake, like I was a real man,

so he was forced to
keep his hand off her.

You know, I know a better restaurant
we could go to called Mi Aldea.

The food is so good there.
I think maybe we should go.

- Can I talk to you for a second?
- No, you can't.

- Why not?
- Because you're being a...

- Sorry, are you all right?
- Benji, just give me a minute, dude.

Look, nobody thinks the food
at Mi Aldea's is any good.

He knows they don't card there,
and he's trying to get you drunk.

I came to say goodbye.
What's your f*cking problem?

Want me to punch
this guy in the d*ck?

No, Joe.

You came here to say
goodbye to me with him.

I'm not with him.

- Do you really think that's f*cking fair?
- Yeah, I do.

- Please let me punch him in the d*ck.
- Joe, please go and sit the f*ck down.

I gotta work. You should go.

I'd like you to leave.






MAN : Hey, hey, how you doing?

Jesus Christ, dude.

- Come on, you gotta cheer up, man.
- Right.

The f*ck? You could bang ten girls in
here tonight. Throw a f*cking rock.

- Okay?
- (CHUCKLES) Yes, sir.

Listen, I need you to do me a favor.
I'm tired. I'm going home.

I need you to look after a buddy of mine.
His name is Tommy.

That guy over there. Nice guy.
Great guy. Just got out of prison.

Tommy was drunk as f*ck.

And I was supposed to make sure
he didn't throw up in the place.

He kept saying everybody was
full of shit, and they were all a...

Bunch of fakes over here.
All these Cosa Nostra m*therf*ckers.

They like to talk a big game,

but they ain't got the balls
to put a g*n to the guy's head.

Huh? Put a g*n to the guy's
head and blow his brains out.

And that's what he kept saying.

They didn't have the balls to
put a g*n to a guy's head...

...and blow his brains out.

And then he got to
asking me what I did.

So, uh... what...
what do you do, kid?

I actually just joined the army.

You joined the army?

MAN: Mm-hmm.

Those people don't give a shit about you.

Uh, what...
what are you thinking?

I just, um...

I didn't have any better ideas.


do you have the balls to put a g*n to
a guy's head and blow his brains out?


Ah, you'll be all right.

All right, I gotta go, Tommy.

- Why? Where you going?
- Gotta go to bed. It's late.


What... What, you need... you need a ride?
I'll give youse a ride.

- MAN: You're good to drive?
- (SCOFFS) f*cking A, bubba.

And Tommy ran over the
curb for good measure.

MAN: Thanks.

- Hey, you drive home safe, okay?
- TOMMY: I will.

I never saw him again.





Is it okay that I'm here?

Yeah, I... (CHUCKLES)

I was gonna bring you
these later anyway.

Supposed to be a goodbye cake,

but they, uh...
They only had muffins ready.

And there were supposed to be ,
but I gave one to this guy Tommy,

because he really
needed to eat something.


What's wrong?


I'd never seen Emily cry before.


I'm sorry about earlier, okay?

I told her how I knew she didn't mean
anything by bringing Benji around,

and that she was
just a sweetheart

who believed in diversity
and developing countries.

(CRIES) Stop. Stop.


It's all my fault. I'm so sorry.

No. No, no, no.
You never have to be sorry, baby, okay?

You... You don't ever have to be sorry.
It's okay.


- It's okay, okay? Hey.
- (SOBS)

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

- Hey, you want a muffin?



- Muffin?

It was a while before
she stopped crying.

And then we laughed.

And then we f*cked around...

and it was perfect.

I'm not gonna go to Montreal.


I joined the army.

EMILY: What?

Why would you do that?

'Cause I was sad, baby.

So you joined the army?


Maybe this will be good.

I can go away,
and you can go to school in Montreal.

- I don't wanna go to school in Montreal.
- I thought you loved Montreal.

No. The only reason why I was going
to Montreal was to get away from you.

'Cause I love you.



I know school is
important to you.

And you wanna finish, right?

(SOFTLY) Yeah.

Okay, so... (SNIFFS)

...while you do this...

I'm gonna do that.

It's just a couple years.

Just a couple years in
a lifetime together.

And I mean that.
I really mean that.

Like... you're it for me.

I feel the same way.


EMILY: Maybe we should get married.

So we went down to
the courthouse...

and we got married.

And then we went to celebrate.

It's as if we were the two most
beautiful things in the world...

and no one had it on us.

But the days ran out.

And I had to go to basic training.



First we got the haircut.

SERGEANT: Welcome to the army.

For the next ten weeks, the next
thing that comes out of your mouth

is "Yes, Drill Sergeant," and
"No, Drill Sergeant."

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Drill Sergeant!

DRILL SERGEANT: That goes for you
that's getting your hair cut too.

You're not special. You're not special.
Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Drill Sergeant!

to be louder than that.

First name Drill,
last name Sergeant.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Drill Sergeant!

What are you doing?
You think you're still pretty?

- No, Drill Sergeant!
- You think you're still pretty?

No, Drill Sergeant!

Then get the f*ck up
and get out of my chair!

Go away. Go away. Bye-bye.

Next, we got about a
hundred f*cking sh*ts.

- NURSE: Next.
- And I found out that I was actually...

NURSE : Color blind.

That explains a lot.

Can I still be a medic?

You know what color blood is, right?


mommy, and we are your daddy.

At no point do you get to do what you
want, when you want.

There was a lot of
standing in line,

and our legs ached because
we weren't used to it.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Drill Sergeant!

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Drill Sergeant!

- MAN: What the f*ck is this?
- What are you doing with your arms?

Put your f*cking arms down!
You are a part of the United States...


DRILL SERGEANT: Your laces are
gonna be inside of your shoes,

and your shoes are gonna be touching.

- SERGEANT : Come on. Get 'em off. Now!

- DRILL SERGEANT: Five, four...
- What the f*ck is the matter with you?

- ...three, two...
- Faster, faster, faster!

- You've done this a hundred times!


SERGEANT : Move, g*dd*mn it!

- Ten, nine...
- Get your f*cking attitude right.

- ...eight, seven...

They had us strip down to our underwear
and duckwalk the circuit of a big room.

The room smelled of balls, unwashed.
And feet, ditto.

All good.


And there was a man whose job it
was to check everybody's assh*le.

Drop your pants.

MAN: You know,
I really like this jacket, man.

I'm gonna take my girl out to
dinner in this when I get home.

Oh, yeah?

Imagine all the patches
and medals on it and shit.

You think you're gonna get a
medal, huh?

That's Jimenez.

I know I am. (CHUCKLES)

We had become friends on account of the
fact that we both wanted to be medics.

He'd joined the army 'cause
he'd gotten his girl pregnant.

Hey, I love you. So much, okay?

A-And I want this.

I'm gonna get a job.
And I'm gonna take care of both of you.


We'll figure it out, okay?

Look at you,
you f*cking weak d*ck flap.

You ain't shit!


- There was a lot of yelling.
- SOLDIERS: Six...

Move, d*ck flap. Let's go!

Do you wanna die,
you beef curtain?

There are hajis breathing
down your piss hole.

- They called us names like...

d*ck with ears!
Get up, you d*ck with ears!

- Our hands were...
- Use your g*dd*mn d*ck skinners!

- Our mouths were...
- Cock holster!

You shut that ugly cock holster.

Drill sergeants pretended to
be real angry all the time.

The f*ck?

Next time, back the f*ck off,

or I might wig out and
snap your f*cking neck.

PTSD, they say.

What are you looking at?
Eyes forward!

Like this one time, Drill Sergeant Cole
punched me in the penis for no reason.

- COLE: Attention!

Drill Sergeant Deco,
he even choked a kid.

Drill Sergeant Deco.


f*cking haji.

Drill Sergeant, that's Levine.

It wasn't because of PTSD though.

Deco hadn't ever been anywhere.
He was full of shit.

Some of the drill sergeants
had actually seen Iraq,

but they were full of shit too.

In Iraq,
there are grenade children

who try to sneak up
on American soldiers

so as to blow them the f*ck up!

I had to run over the hand
grenade children with my truck!

That's why I'm sick in the head!

Now, let's go! You need to be at your
three o'clock... You need to be...

Holy crap, wake up, son!
Wake up, son! Wake up!


- Bang, bang!
- COLE: Nine o'clock.

Bang, bang!

- Haji left!
- MAN: Bang, bang!

Haji on the right.
Haji in the trees! Look up!

DECO: Sneaking up on
you, haji left.

- COLE: Haji to the right!
- DECO: Haji on your left!

Haji to the left!

- DECO: Haji on your left!
- Haji to the right!

I started to get this weird feeling
like it was all just make-believe.

SOLDIERS: Bang, bang.

That we were just
pretending to be soldiers.

The drill sergeants were just
pretending to be drill sergeants.

DECO: Jabberwocky, jabberwocky,
jabberwocky, jabberwocky...

COLE: Mishmash, mishmash, mishmash...


And the army was
pretending to be the army.

MALE CHORUS: [font color="#FF "]♪ For where'er
we go You will always know [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ That the army
goes rolling along [font color="#FF "]♪

The only way not to
graduate basic training

was to try and k*ll yourself.



One kid tried to hang himself
from a water pipe in the latrine.

f*ck! Shit! Jesus Christ.
f*cking hell, bud.

Uh, help! Drill Sergeant!

He didn't die,
but he didn't graduate either.

- MAN: Hey, can you hear me?

EMILY: Yeah. Hi.

Are you all right?

I, uh...
I just snuck out of the barracks.

Yeah, but are you okay?

I'm good now.

[f ont color="# c "](SPEAKERS: g*nf*re RECORDING) [/b]

SERGEANT: Heads down.
Asses down.

When they finally taught
us how to be medics,

there was a lot of f*cking
around with mannequins.

SERGEANT: Don't let him bleed out.
Get pressure on.

- His life is in your hands. Let's go!
- COLE: Sucking chest wound!

- Ticktock. Ticktock.
- COLE: Give that wound a bandage.

Apply to body from inside
the bandage wrapper.

SOLDIER: Pressure on there.

Seal all three sides tight.
(AUDIO SLOWS) Airtight-tight.

- Come on. Get it done now.
- COLE: Check his back for an exit wound.

There were mannequins that
were just trunks with heads.

There were mannequins with rubber
bones sticking out of their legs.

There were mannequins that
could squirt fake blood.

There were even little baby
mannequins with cherubim faces.

Traumatic amputation.


You're a go!
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

One and two and three
and four and five.

- Breathe.
- SERGEANT: You're a go.

Jimenez and I saved the
lives of dummies.

And so we passed the class.

SERGEANT : Warrior Medics.

You were told to come
up with a company cheer.

You had a week to do this.

This is what is
called a deadline!

As of now,
you have missed the deadline.


since you have failed to
come up with a company cheer,

I have taken what is
called the initiative...

and come up with one
you'll have to learn.

And this is what
he came up with.

[font color="#FF "]♪ Warrior Medics in the fight [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Warrior Medics in the fight [font color="#FF "]♪

SERGEANT : [font color="#FF "]♪ On the
double day and night [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ On the double day and night [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ We will beat out all the rest [font color="#FF "]♪

MEDICS: [font color="#FF "]♪ We will beat
out all the rest [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Charlie Company is the best [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Charlie Company is the best [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Don't stop, get it, get it [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Don't stop, get it, get it [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Soldier on, Warrior Medics [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Soldier on, Warrior Medics [font color="#FF "]♪


MEDICS: Hooah!

[font color="#FF "]♪ Make way! [font color="#FF "]♪

MEDICS: [font color="#FF "]♪ Here come the Warrior Medics! [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Ooh! Tay! [font color="#FF "]♪

MEDICS: [font color="#FF "]♪ Here come the Warrior Medics! [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Make way! [font color="#FF "]♪

And from that day on, whenever the
company was called to attention,

something that happened no less than
a million times on any given day,

the company cheer was to
be recited in its entirety.

- [font color="#FF "]♪ Here come the Warrior Medics! [font color="#FF "]♪
- No exceptions.

SERGEANT: You guys are soft
like some nice titties.

[font color="#FF "]♪ Make way! [font color="#FF "]♪

And to make matters worse,
after a while,

it got to be expected that the
guidon bearer, which was me,

would do the robot
throughout the refrain.

[font color="#FF "]♪ Here come the Warrior Medics! [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Make way! [font color="#FF "]♪

[font color="#FF "]♪ Here come the Warrior Medics! [font color="#FF "]♪

So don't ever join
the f*cking army.

You were wide awake when
you got on the ground

outside the wire
for the first time.

You expected to get
shot at any moment.

Even if you were in a spot where
you couldn't see anyone for miles,

you were nevertheless sure
that there was a haji out there

who had been waiting all
day just to sh**t you.

SOLDIER ON RADIO: Attention on the net.
Attention on the net. Troops in contact.

Current location,
Victor-Sierra , .

Stand by for SALUTE report.

Break, break. Raven Base.
This is Quebec-Romeo-Foxtrot.

We are seven minutes out,
en route to TIC. Over.

- Number one, bump it up.

- We have troops in contact.
- All right. Let's get us in there.

SOLDIER: Contact.
At least to people.

Activity, coordinated attack.

Request immediate support.

We're under heavy
fire, vicinity of...




SOLDIER: Contact right!
Get out! Get out! Get out!

Raven Base, Raven Base!
g*dd*mn it. Raven Base!

- Hey, Sarge!

- What have we got?
- We got two wounded over there!

Take those two back here.
I'll get the QRF.

- Okay. Copy.
- Move it!


SERGEANT: Arnold, take six.

And grab your shit.
Let's go, go, go!

- f*ck! f*ck! (PANTING)


Hey! Hey, look at me! Breathe.

Stay on me.

Let's go.


- Cover right. Cover right. Go!


Medic up! Medic up!

Get down!


Hey! Get some pressure on it.

Get the f*ck off me.
Up the hill. Up the hill!



Stay here!

- Coming in! What do you need?

I got at least two wounded up front!
Get them the f*ck out!

- All right. Move, move, move!
- Let's go, let's go!

- Okay.

MAN: Medic!

- MEDIC: Over here. Get his guts in!
- Jesus f*ck!

- SERGEANT: Bring it in.
- MEDIC: I said get his guts in now!



MAN : More!


- MEDIC: Everybody.
- Lift him.

- Ready?

- MAN: Three, two, one! (GRUNTS)
- MEDIC: Here it is. Here it is.

Bird inbound! Bird inbound!
Get the litter up!

- Lift up!
- MEDIC: Let's go!


In the dust,
I could see the man's face.

His eyes were wild and grieving,
and he was in his lizard brain.

Hey! Hey! Look at me! Hey!

- We locked eyes, and I said...

I've got you!

I said it real loud,
so he could hear me over the helicopters.

And then I felt embarrassed,
because it was a stupid thing to have said.

All right, let's move on out!

SERGEANT: Ready! Ready! Up!

- Up!
- SERGEANT: Let's move!


Back! Move back!




- (g*nf*re FADES)



- SOLDIER: Oh, yeah.




This f*cking blood won't
come out of my wedding ring.



In the early days, the infantry felt like
they were ten feet tall and invincible.

They were impatient
to begin k*lling.

They wanted to k*ll so bad

there was this profligate
confidence in our firepower.

And there was this
bullshit camaraderie.


OFFICER: At ease!

OFFICER: What in the f*ck?


SOLDIER: Running. He was just running.
Fast, fast, fast. And then...



Dude, what the f*ck happened?

This guy,
his guts were hanging out.

We had to put 'em back in.

Getting shot at.

- We had to run up to the chopper.
- Hey.

I heard on the radio those guys
you put in the helicopter are dead.


Hey, Sarge. Is it true those guys
we put on the bird today are dead?

Who told you that?

- Arnold said he heard it on the net.
- Arnold's a f*cking ret*rd.

- I... I thought that's what I heard, Sarge.
- Shut up, Arnold.

That's Staff Sergeant Greene.

They said he'd already k*lled hajis.

He was a hard m*therf*cker.

So, they're not dead?

Quit worrying about it so much, huh?

You got your cherry popped today.

We took eight f*cking
casualties today.

Out of .

And we're here for
a f*cking year.

A year's worth of f*cking days.
Do the math.

Oh, we're f*cked.


What did you guys think
you were coming here to do?

JIMENEZ: Damn, Lessing.
You're a downer.

LESSING: Truth hurts, baby.

And he was right.

Everything there was about dying.

They even called the area we were
stationed in "the Triangle of Death."

And, like idiots,
we patrolled every inch of it.

Most days, it felt like we
were just glorified scarecrows.

There to look busy,
expensive as f*ck and dumber than shit.



Look at that one in the dress. She
looks like Pebbles from The Flintstones.

Oh, yeah. She is kinda cute.

That's Sergeant North.
He was from Idaho.

- And he was also a k*ller.
- WOMAN: Stop.

NORTH: You know you want it, bitch.
Ow, f*ck! Stop f*cking moving.


- (IN ENGLISH) Mister. Mister.
- You want this? This?

You want this?

Move. Get out the way. Pebbles, come here.
Come here, Pebbles.

You want this?
You want this? Yeah?



Let's go.


On Christmas Day,
the Denver Mustang cheerleaders arrived.



They waved and bounced
with their white teeth.

The whole thing
seemed g*dd*mn awful.

Beautiful women with skin
like expensive cream.


It wasn't like they were gonna f*ck you.
And that's what it was all about.

You were supposed to
want to f*ck them,

and they were supposed
to not f*ck you.


You know you want it, bitch!

All right. Everybody looking at
me, say "Hajis."


But I was okay with that.
I didn't even watch porn, you know.


I'd jerk off in the porta-shitters.


Didn't even think of other girls.

f*ck me.

f*ck me.



I'm not ashamed of this.
I just tried to be good.


Miss you so g*dd*mn much, baby.

EMILY: I miss you too.

Hey, I've got some
really good news.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

Your parents offered to
help us buy a starter home.

- You there?
- Yeah, I'm here. I just, uh...

- I'm happy, that's all.
- Time.

- Jesus, man. I'm on the phone.
- Hurry the f*ck up.

I'm on the f*cking phone, dude.


I think about you everywhere I go, baby.

- SOLDIER: f*ck you, new d*ck.
- MAN: f*ck you, m*therf*cker.

- I'm on the g*dd*mn phone.
- Well, then hurry the f*ck up!

- EMILY: What is it?
- It's nothing, baby. I just...

- I can't wait to be home with you.
- NORTH: Time, Private.

(SOFTLY) f*ck.

Time, Private!

I gotta go, baby.

- I love you.
- EMILY: I love you too.

It's all yours, Sarge.

Calm the f*ck down, towelhead.
Get the f*ck back!

MAN: Uh,
could you ask him what happened?


He says it happened when he was
zip-tied, few days ago.

MAN: Ah, Jesus.

Um, hey, dude,
look at this guy's hand.


Hey, excuse me, Sarge?


Uh, would you take a
look at this guy's hand?

It's cellulitis.

Well, we're out of antibiotics.


So, what can I do for this guy?

Tell him to eat shit and die.

Okay, you gotta tell
him to go to a hospital,

see a doctor and get some antibiotics,
'cause we don't have any medicine here.

- Yeah, you're welcome.

- Thanks.
- Make sure he gets to a hospital, okay?

- They won't take us.
- Well, you just gotta try, buddy.

Try your best.



SOLDIER : Yes, sir!

All right, who's next?


- MAN: Please. Please.
- Not these little f*ckers again.

Hey, Pebbles, come here.

- Whoa.
- Nah, she's all right, man.

Come here.

NORTH: What the f*ck are you doing?

This... This is for you, okay?

I want you to have this.
That's for you. All right.



Ah, shit, man! She got hit!

Ah, look at that.

Made her f*cking day.


You know what I would love right now?


f*ck you, bitch. f*ck you.

Yes, a m*therf*cking taco.
Yes, I would love a taco.

What do you want in your taco?

Some carne asada,
some f*cking guacamole, some onions.

What? Yeah, uh-huh. f*ck you.

My girl's the only one.

- For real?
- Yeah. Yeah, bro.

- The only one?
- The only one.

- But Bautista too, right?
- (LAUGHS) f*ck you, bitch.

What you reckon they're
doing right now?

Probably with, you know, her...
Her new dude.


You know, I'll have to k*ll him.

Some big-ass dude.

He'd been away a year,

and his wife has
a one-month-old baby

that she f*cking says is his.

I f*cking hate it here, dude.

I just wanna go home.

NORTH: Raven Base, Raven Base.

This is Echo- -November, over.

SOLDIER: Echo- -November,
this is Raven Base.

NORTH: Yeah,
we're gonna get off this line.

SOLDIER: Base copy, over.

Lead, this is two.

SOLDIER : Go for lead.

We're gonna get off
this line to the right.

SOLDIER : Copy that.

Hey, excuse me, Sergeant North?

What is it, fuckstick?

I don't think we should try and
drive through here, Sergeant.

I think we ought to
stay on the road.

Oh, is that what you think,
you f*cking PFC-wanna-be-a-private?

That road runs right through an
"oh, shit" zone.

You want me to put all
these men in danger

'cause you don't wanna
save two f*cking minutes?

When I went out with First
Platoon, we got four vehicles stuck

trying to drive through this
shit, Sergeant.

NORTH: Looks fine to me.

It ain't fine.
It's the shit that's underneath...

NORTH: Enough!

Hold your f*cking man pleaser.

Floor it, Cheetah.

NORTH: Stop the vehicle, Private.

Stop the vehicle.

Stop the f*cking vehicle! f*ck!

Hey, yo.
What did I f*cking say, man?

NORTH: Cheetah!

Get your vitamin-depleted ass up here
and get this POS out of the f*cking mud!

Hey, I wouldn't do that if I were
you, Sergeant.

That's exactly what we did.

You'll only make things harder
for QRF when they get here.

Shut the f*ck up and
watch your sector.

You need a Bradley and a tow cable, Sarge.

Shut the f*ck up.

- Roger that, Sergeant.


- (SOFTLY) f*ck this shit.

- m*therf*cker.
- MAN: It's hot as f*ck out here, man.

- JIMENEZ: I'm so thirsty...
- B!

- Go get me a f*cking Bradley.

We're gonna be stuck here for...

North says QRF can't get
here for a few hours.

He wants me, Yuri,
Lessing and Jimenez to go back

- and get a Bradley with a tow cable.
- Yeah, no shit.

You're on radio
watch, smart-ass.

- No, tell him to go f*ck himself.
- Really?

Yeah, for real.
Tell him to go f*ck himself.

- Bautista!
- Coming now, Sarge!

Come on, boys!
Let's go! Move out!

- MAN: What are you, North's bottom?
- No.

I don't want to spend the next
four hours waiting to be shot.

(SCOFFS) Guess Cheetah
just loves America.

- I do.

So let's get out of this f*cking sh*thole
sandbox, and let's go home. Come on!

Hey, don't let North f*ck
with you too hard, all right?

I think he means don't let
North f*ck you too hard.

Oh, yeah, he's got a big d*ck?

f*cking assh*le.



f*ck! (GRUNTS)

- NORTH: Get down! Get down!

Oh, shit!

NORTH: Don't f*cking run into it!

(PANTING) Oh, shit. No, no, no.

No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.

The smell is something
that you already know.

It's coded in your blood.

The smoke gets in your
pores and every gland.

Your mouth is full of it...

to the point where you might
as well be eating the shit.

SOLDIER: No other contact?

NORTH: No contact.
We didn't see anything.


I'll go get me a Bradley.

SOLDIER: I'll go get the bodies.

Hey, bring the bags.




That was Lessing.

Our driver was, um... was Yuri.

Our gunner was, um, Bautista.

And that...



And th-that's, um... That's...
Private Jimenez in the back.

SOLDIER: Let's get 'em out.

All right. (GRUNTS) f*ck. Uh, Captain...
f*ck. My gloves are melting, Captain.

CAPTAIN: It's all right. It's all right.
Just, um, try hooking your arms instead.

Yes, sir.

- I got it.

- You good?
- Yeah.


CAPTAIN: All right.





PEBBLES: Mister, mister, mister!

Mister, mister! Mister, MRE!

MRE, mister! Mister. MRE.

Mister. Mister. MRE!

Mister. MRE. Mister, mister!

Suddenly there was nothing
interesting about it anymore.


There was nothing.

EMILY: Are you seeing bad things?

MAN: Yeah, a little.

EMILY: Are people getting k*lled?

Because I'm seeing on the news that
people are... are getting k*lled.


- Hello?
- Yeah, baby, I'm here.

EMILY: You're gonna make
it through this, okay?

I know that you're gonna
make it through this.

Could you just talk
about you for a second?

What's going on with you?


EMILY: Well, I got a job as a
waitress down at the Academy,

close to the neighborhood I
think that we should settle on.

You like those streets
over by Larchmere, right?




Yeah, baby, I'm here.
I just, uh...

EMILY: Are you sure
you're doing okay?

MAN: I just miss you.
That's all.

EMILY: I miss you too.

I love you.


f*ck! (SOBBING)




- SOLDIER: Get him out! f*ck!
- (g*nf*re, EXPLOSIONS)

All right! He's good!






After Private First Class
Jimenez was k*lled in battle,

this soldier went on to take
care of his platoon as well,

serving three platoons in total to
complete more combat missions...

- I really wanna get the f*ck out of here.
- ...than any other medic in his battalion.

I don't feel like I've done anything
to go running into a gymnasium about.

OFFICER: It is my honor to
present to you the Medal of Valor.

My one true accomplishment
was not dying.

And I didn't really have
anything to do with that.

- Congratulations, Specialist.
- Thank you, First Sergeant.




Emily drove me back to Ohio,
and I got to see our new house.

Started taking night classes at
a school Emily was working at,

and I got a job that
paid eight bucks an hour.

Roy's cousin Joe
helped me get it.

- This coffee is shit.

They're all spoiled fucks.

No one there but Joe and I had
ever had anything to do with w*r

or murders or anything like that.

The world meant something different
to them than it did to us.


And after he got back,
Joe had problems for a while.

All I did was ask you if you
really needed to keep drinking,

seeing as you're
already shit-faced.

- And I said that I did.
- And I said no, you did not!

- EMILY: Holy shit!
- WOMAN: Oh! f*ck!

Stop the car.

I mean, he wasn't the
only one with problems.


I didn't sleep.
And when I did, I dreamt of v*olence.

- Hey.



- Are you okay? (BREATHING SHAKILY)
- Yeah.

- Hey.
- What happened?

I shit blood, I farted blood,
and then I craved sleep.




Basically I was being a sad,
crazy f*ck about the horrors I'd seen.

Hurry. We'll be late.

Yeah, baby. Sure.


Hey, thank you for
thinking to do this.


MAN: Why are we the
only ones dressed up?

Doesn't matter.

EMILY: Didn't notice.

All these middle-aged people with
money, for Christ's sakes.

And they can't even be bothered to
wear a jacket to the f*cking theater.

- Stop.
- Yeah, I'm talkin' to you.

- What's your problem, dude?
- Dude, what's your problem?

My problem's the fact you
didn't even have the decency

to take off your L.L.Bean before
you came from the f*cking golf club!

- Please be quiet.
- MAN : Okay, tough guy...

- f*ck you, m*therf*cker...
- EMILY: I'd really like to go now.

No, babe,
we're not going anywhere.

I would really like to leave.

(SNIFFS) It's all right, man.
There's nothing to f*cking look at.

This guy's just an assh*le.

MAN: f*cking take this L.L.Bean
and shove it up your f*cking ass.

f*cking p*ssy.



I wanna leave.


I punched the bathroom mirror on
accident while I was washing my hands.

- Come on, we gotta go.
- Jesus Christ.

I mean we gotta go right f*cking now.
Let's go.


And when I went home,
I took a few more Xanax.



That also happened to be the
night that James Lightfoot

tried coming around
to welcome me back,

but he got arrested
breaking into my house.

- Hey, man.


(SNIFFS) Hey, wake up.

Hey, man, what the f*ck?
Who's you?

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

- JAMES: Sorry... Oh!

Except it wasn't my house.

The f*cking dumb shit
broke into the wrong house.


Since I left for Iraq,
James had busted up his knee

working for the
Highway Department

and gotten into using
OxyContin pretty bad.

- JAMES: I didn't mean to.

- (JAMES SOBBING) I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Come on.


JAMES: You f*cking pig!
f*ck you!

After I bailed him out,
he started hanging around a lot.


Dude, are you all right?

No. No, no. No, not all right.



(DISTORTED AUDIO) f*ck. f*ck.

- JAMES: Deep breath.


JAMES: Deep. That's right.

A few weeks later,
James asked me to take him to the bank.



James wanted me to talk
to the teller for him,

'cause he said I
could talk good.


- So I'm gonna sign my checks over to you.
- Mm-hmm.

And then you're gonna
give me the cash, okay?


'Cause they won't let
me have a bank account,

'cause I'm in ChexSystems.

My credit's totally f*cked.

Come on.

I can't cash these checks, sir.

It wasn't exactly a smash hit.

The teller thought I was being a
d*ck because I was high on OxyContin,

and I wasn't exactly trying to hide the
fact that I thought he was an assh*le.

You know what? (SNIFFS)

You're an assh*le,
and I'd like to speak to your manager.

MAN : Well, I am the manager.

- Well, you're still an assh*le.
- MAN : Okay.

- Sir.
- I'm a f*cking w*r veteran, dude.

And you're f*cking treating
me like an undesirable.

I don't know what I'm
gonna do about this,

but I'm sure as f*ck this isn't the way
you're supposed to treat people, fucker.

You have a good day now.

- Thanks, guys.
- Thank you.

Thanks for your help.

f*ck yeah. You get the money?

No, I didn't get
the f*cking money.

Hey, man, it's really unfortunate
how that all just played out.

Sorry, dude. (SNIFFS)

Yeah, well, thanks anyway.

Sure, yeah.

Do you think I could get
some more of those pills?

Everything had changed.
And nothing had changed.

The problem was,
is I really liked Oxy.

Made me feel a type of way so I
wasn't about taking shit from anyone.

EMILY: Where the
hell have you been?

MAN: No.

Where have you been?

EMILY: You were supposed
to be home three hours ago.

What the f*ck did you take?

What are you f*cking taking?

I'll tell you what I
haven't been taking...

is your shit.

I'm not taking your shit.

I promised Emily I'd find a better
way of dealing with my w*r shit

than just taking pills.


Have you been experiencing
any suicidal thoughts?

Sometimes, yeah.

I just feel like if
I died in Iraq...

she'd be happier now, you know?

She would've been sad for a
while, but...

ultimately her life
would've been better.

(SNIFFS) How long you been back?

Eight months.


Have you been evaluated
for PTSD before?

Isn't that what
we're doing here?

I mean, I tried. (SNIFFS)

You guys kept
transferring my file.

I guess someone left and the new
someone was trying to get caught up.

I don't know. (SNIFFS)


currently on any medications?

Xanax. (SNIFFS)

For my anxiety.
But they don't work anymore.

How's your pain level?

mental pain or physical pain?


- Nine outta ten.

Have you ever
heard of OxyContin?

Naturally, Emily was pissed,

and she'd understandably
reached her limit.

EMILY: Fine.

These are for me now.

Because I would love...

- I would love a break...

from all of this shit!

f*ck you!



EMILY: I wish I never
told you I was leaving.

For Montreal.

Remember when you used to wear
that white ribbon around your neck?


That was my jam.


Yeah, I liked that.

Can't see that we'll ever
make it back there though.


But I'm okay with that.


Me too.

And that is how
we became addicts.

MAN: Babe,
how do you want your eggs?

Can you walk Livinia today?
I need to leave in, like, ten minutes.

You want 'em scrambled
or sunny-side up?

Scrambled, please. On toast.

What, like, in a sandwich?

Yeah, like a sandwich.

The story of being a dope fiend is
that you could k*ll yourself real slow,

but you feel like a million
f*cking bucks doing it.

(MAN, SOFTLY) It's okay.

today's the day that I stay late.

So you need to be there by : ,
or I'm not gonna make it through class.

- Professor's still out.
- MAN: I got you, babe, go on.

- Uh, you said : , right?
- EMILY: : p.m.

- MAN: Mm-hmm. Yes, ma'am.
- EMILY: Thank you.

MAN: At first we said we'd get a
dog, and we wouldn't be dope fiends.

But we stayed dope fiends,
so now we're just dope fiends with a dog.

I gotta go.

- I love you.
- Love you too.

EMILY: Don't forget.

YOUNG WOMAN: "See her knitting in my
hand, and her empty chair ready for her.

I cry with vexation and disappointment"...

Lia? Uh, keep reading,
I'm gonna run to the restroom.



You good?


MAN: Of course,
the future looked bad though.

You went into debt.


My last GI check got deposited
into the wrong account. And...

Stabbed your parents in the heart,
over and over and over again.


Old friends stayed away. New friends would
eat your eyes out with a f*cking spoon.

(SNIFFS) Hey, Black.

But there was always
more heroin to be done.

And that would usually serve to
settle things down for a bit.

If you could front
me, like, another ,

I got money from the GI
Bill coming in on Friday.


Flip that grilled cheese for me.

If you didn't know any better,

you would've thought that this guy
was Biff from Back to the Future,

but he wasn't.

- He was Pills...

...and he was Coke.

Hey, man, you want me to put
this on a plate? It looks done.

PILLS & COKE: Shelly,
come get your toasted cheese.



What are you guys doing?

Making some special candy.

SHELLY: I like candy.

Can I try it?

That depends.

What do you think, junkie?
Should she try some special candy?

All right,
open wide for the choo choo.


- And everyone you met was a fucker.

Stop f*cking with me, dude.
Are you really not gonna front me that ?

I don't know, man,
is a lot of money to some people.

Please, dude, come on.

Maybe. But you gotta go see
a guy in Buckeye for me.

- Okay.
- Pick up something for Black.

For Black?

- Yeah.
- What am I picking up?

It's a safe.
And don't f*cking ask what's in it.

Why, what's in it?

You're a c**t-nugget.

- Please, please tell me you scored.
- MAN: Mm-hmm.

- What the f*ck is this?
- MAN: What?

Oh, Pills & Coke asked me
to watch a safe for him.

That f*cking guy?

I hate that f*cking guy.

That f*cking guy fronted us,
so it felt like the right thing to do.

- Are you good?
- Mm-hmm.


EMILY: I told you that guy was a scumbag.
This dope isn't doing shit for me.

And here you are watching his safe that
probably has all the good shit in it.

So we called James Lightfoot,
who used to work for a locksmith.



I can't hear anything.

MAN: Did it work?

Oh, yeah. Yeah,
it totally f*cking worked. Genius.



JAMES: Hit it, man.

- Yeah, hit it. Hit it.
- (MAN GRUNTS) f*ck.

EMILY: Get angry, baby.

- It's coming. (GRUNTS)

- (PANTS) f*ck them.





MAN OUTSIDE: Open the door!



It's the f*cking police.

- (MAN GRUNTS) It's not the police.

MAN OUTSIDE: This is the police!

- It's the f*cking police!

Get rid of all the dr*gs.
Quick! Hurry!

- f*ck!
- They know about the safe!

I told you they
know about the safe.

MAN: I don't know how they
f*cking know about the safe.

- Oh. f*ck, f*ck!
- MAN: What are you doing?

- I'm emptying!
- MAN: That's not gonna f*cking work!

f*ck! f*ck!

- Here.


- Okay, listen to me. Listen to me.
- Okay.

Put your hands behind your head like
this, okay? Stay like that.



MAN: Let's do this
nice and peaceful!


- Son of a bitch.

Oh, what a f*cking dumbass.

Come on, open up. (CHUCKLES)

Come on in, man.





How much f*cking shit
was even in there?

Tell me!

A lot.


You said you were the f*cking
police, dumbass.

You f*cking put this shit on
me, you doped-up f*ck?

It wasn't my fault!
It wasn't my fault! (GRUNTS)

EMILY: Stop! Stop! Stop!
Stop, you're gonna k*ll him! Stop!



(INHALES) Ooh. Ooh.


All right,
let me tell you what's gonna happen.

Black is gonna put
on his black mask.

- What?
- His black mask.

- What black mask? What are you...
- His black mask. His f*cking black mask.

He's gonna put on his
m*therf*cking black mask!

Stop saying that!
I don't know what it means.

He's gonna put on
his black mask!

I don't know what it means!

He's gonna k*ll us all.

- He's gonna k*ll you.

- He's gonna k*ll you.
- EMILY: No.

He's sure as f*ck gonna
k*ll that c**t-nugget!

And guess what then?
He's gonna f*cking k*ll me.



you can give me

a giant f*cking shitwad of cash.

Right now.

We don't have any money.

- We don't even have dog food.

I have a plan.

I have a plan.




PILLS & COKE: Okay, we're square.




Oh, my God.

How much did you...

Oh, my God.

That's a lot of f*cking dope.

And that was cause for a celebration.






- Sorry. (SNIFFS)



Hey. Joe.

- Joe?
- Yeah. Roy's cousin Joe.

Oh, f*ck.
Hey, Joe, what's up, man?

Hey, man,
did you rob a bank today?

I'm going to f*cking jail, babe.

No. No, here. It says the suspect
is six foot and has blue eyes.

- You're okay.
- Yeah, but look at the f*cking picture.

Does it look like me? (SNIFFS)



Yeah, maybe you shouldn't
leave the house for a while.

The essential problem
of being a drug addict

is that whenever you get
flush, you spend it on dope.

Until the money's gone.
And when the dope's gone, you get sick.




At which point you need
to find more money.

Go rob another f*cking bank!



WOMAN: You... Are you okay?

It was just a sneeze.

WOMAN: Look,
I really think you're sick, man.

No, I'm fine,
I just can't stop sneezing. (SNIFFS)


I don't imagine that anyone
goes in for a robbery

if they're not in some
kind of desperation.

With robbery it's a matter
of pure abasement.

Thank you.

And we were abased.

What's crazy is,
is that % of the time

the tellers really don't mind
if you're holding up the bank.

There are exceptions, of course,

like this one lady on the West
Side, looked like Janet Reno.

That's as high as I go.

You f*cking kidding me?

You can read, right?

That's as high as I go.

But this was a fanatic.
Usually it's very civilized.

Hey, babe.

- You all right?

- Where were you?
- I was at the bank. I couldn't get much.

- Feel like a f*cking purse snatcher.

Yeah, this is the one.
(SNIFFS) All right.



How is it that you can rob all
these f*cking g*dd*mn banks,

and yet somehow,
in some f*cking way,

you still owe me a f*ck ton of money?


(SNIFFS) 'Cause we sh**t a
lot of f*cking dope, man.

Well, you need to sh**t a lot
less, m*therf*cker,

'cause when you owe me
money, I owe Black money.

And Black does not like
being owed f*cking money.

Oh, that's good shit, right?
I'll meet you around the corner.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the f*ck you talkin' about?

I told you I needed a driver.

you did not f*cking say that.

- Yeah, I did. I called you this morning.
- No, no...

I said I needed a
driver for the robbery.

That's not what I f*cking heard.
I'm not doing the junkie bank robbery.

(GASPS) Wait, but you just said
that you owe Black money, right?

Yeah! Because you owe me money.

Look, do you wanna
pay him back or not?


We gotta discuss terms, dude.

The f*cking terms are simple.
I'm gonna go rob the f*cking bank,

you're gonna meet me round the
corner so you can pay Black back.

PILLS & COKE: I don't like those terms.

- I may or may not be there...
- MAN: Those are the terms, man.

m*therf*cking piece of shit.

Those are the f*cking terms!

Come on, Sheina,
I know you can do better than that.

That's a lot of money.

That's a banded
to some f*cking ones.

I said all the money
in your drawer.

That guy couldn't give a shit about
what's happening with you right now.

I'm not f*cking around.


I'll flash my g*n
on the way out,

so he knows you didn't
just give the money away.

That supposed to make
you a good guy now?

Did you fight for
this f*cking country?


PILLS & COKE: You know what
f*cking terms we never discussed?

The ones where you're in my car with me,
and the m*therf*cking police sh**t us!

We never f*cking discussed those
terms, you f*cking junkie.





EMILY: Where were you?
It's Wednesday.

You were supposed to come down
to school and meet me by : .

I'm sorry, baby.
I was getting really sick.

Yeah, well, now I'm sick,
and I had to cancel my f*cking class

because I shit my m*therf*cking pants.


I'm trying really hard...
(SNIFFS) do something here.

I'm not just trying to...

sit at home on the f*cking couch,
enjoying my m*therf*cking high.


- f*ck!
- The f*ck is this?






- MAN: Baby, all right, f*ck.
- I can't f*cking...

I can't f*cking do it.

- It's all right, baby.
- Will you please help me?

Come on, come here.
It's all right. I got you.

- It's all right. Here, tie yourself up.

- All right.

- Are you ready?
- Mm-hmm.





MAN: I'm right here with you.
Would you hurry the f*ck up, please?

PARAMEDIC: You gotta calm
down and let us do our job.

MAN: Baby? I'm right here.
I'm right by your side.

I'm not gonna f*cking leave you, okay?
I got you. Okay?

PARAMEDIC: Female, .
Agonal breathing, pinpoint pupils.

- MAN: Please.
- Rapid heart rate...

MAN: I just got to be
here with my wife. (SOBS)

I need you to go to the waiting room.

MAN: Okay, I can go.
But could you please just...

- Can I stay for five minutes?
- NURSE: No, listen.

There's nothing you can do
in here but get in the way.

There's nothing you can do.

MAN: Okay, I'm going.

- DOCTOR : Oh, Jesus.
- DOCTOR : Ready, go.

- DOCTOR : No response here.
- DOCTOR : Take over the airway.

DOCTOR : Hooking
up the monitor.

- NURSE: We're gonna do the best we can.
- I don't know what I would do without her.

NURSE: Okay?
We're gonna do the best we can.

Emily, I'm outside, baby.

NURSE: I need you to calm down
and tell me what happened.

I don't know what happened.

- NURSE: Come on, help me out here.

I need you to calm down
and tell me what happened.

(SNIFFS) We were home
and we fell asleep,

and then she f*cking
woke up and she was blue.

- NURSE: How long was she unconscious?
- I don't know.

NURSE: What did she take?

- I don't know.
- What did she take?

I don't know, ma'am.
I don't f*cking know.

NURSE: Listen, help us help her.
I need to know what she took.

Can you please just tell me
if she's breathing or not?

Please, I'm a medic, ma'am, I...

We're trying the best that we can, okay?
I need you to tell me what she took.

WOMAN ON PA: Paging Dr. Staman.
Dr. Staman, please.

(INHALES SHARPLY) She took heroin.


(SOFTLY) I love you.

you've got problems.

I know you're broken.

But please don't break my daughter.

If you love her...

then you'll be a man and walk away.

You get up and walk away.

Or I'll f*ck you up.










f*ck! f*ck you!






- What the f*ck are you doing?
- Hold on.

- Hey, is this bus going to Elba?
- What the f*ck are you doing?

Hey, get back on the bus, Em.

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- Emily, get back on the bus.

I'm not getting back
on that f*cking bus!

- Listen to me, Emily.
- What the...

Baby, f*cking listen to
me, all right?

- Hey, are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm all right.

- Sorry.
- Just don't touch her, bro.

Yes, sir. Understood. (SNIFFS)

you gotta go back to rehab.

I don't wanna be in rehab.

I wanna be with you.

MAN: You can't be here with me.

EMILY: That's not your decision to make.

- Yes, it is my decision...
- No, it's not your decision to make.

- Yes, it is my dec...
- It's not...

- Yes, it is!
- It is not your decision to make!

I waited two years...

for you to come back
from that hellhole.

- Two years.

And I stayed with you through
so much f*cked-up shit.


And I really don't
wanna do this alone.

Please don't make
me do this alone.

I'm so sorry...
(SNIFFS) ...but I can't.

I'm not good for you.

I'm not good for anything.

I have this noise in my head.

I can't...

- Baby, stop.
- It's so g*dd*mn loud,

and I just...
I can't make it stop.

It'll stop.

One day it'll just...
it'll go quiet.


Can you please just
get back on the bus?

For me?


I'm gonna get high
with or without you.


Please don't.

Please, baby, just... (SNIFFS)

I'm gonna get high.



It's not even that interesting. The
bank's not gonna fight you over the cash.

I mean, they don't even care.
It's like taking sand from a beach.


- But it's somebody's money.
- MAN: No, it's the bank's money.

Do you need the money or
do you not need the money?

Of course I need the money.

All right, well, I can get a lot
more if we hit all the tellers.

But to hit all the
tellers, I need you.

But if we're both pulling the
robbery, why am I only getting %?

Because I'm the one doing all
the talking and carrying the g*n.

All right? If you were carrying the
g*n and threatening all the innocents,

it'd be a different story, huh?

- Then give me the g*n.
- No, I'm not gonna give you the g*n.

- You just said if I had the g*n...
- I don't care what I just said!

We're gonna do what
we originally agreed.

Jesus. Can you stop being such
a flaming f*cking p*ssy, dude?

f*ck it, let's do it.


No alarms! I said no alarms!

Sir, don't you touch that f*cking phone!
Don't you touch that phone!


All right, I want everybody to
give their money to this man here.


Don't you touch
that f*cking phone.



Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!

(GRUNTS) The f*ck, man?

- The f*ck is wrong with you?
- f*cking infamous.

- Man, I'm sorry.
- PILLS & COKE: What do we do now?

I don't f*cking know.

JAMES: How about we do it again?

I can drive,
and you and Pills do the robbing.

So now I've gotta rob a bank
'cause you're a f*cking p*ssy?

I'm just not good at robberies.

Pills, look, it's three,
four times the money.

f*cking nerves are shot, man.

Come on, man.

All right,
but I'm having the g*n.

- No, you're not having the g*n.
- I am! I'm having the f*cking g*n!

And you're a junkie

With PTSD.

The f*ck is going on with you, man?

- Probably the Klonnie.
- What Klonnie?

- My nerves were shot, man.
- You took f*cking Klonnie?

Just some.

- Well, are you good for this?
- I'm good.

Are you good for this?

I'm good, m*therf*cker.
Let's do this.

Put that f*cking down.

All right, everyone,
give your man this money.

- Now!


What the f*ck is wrong with you?
Give me the f*cking g*n.

- f*ck, man.
- Take this, get the f*cking cash and go.

- Ma'am, get off the f*cking phone!
- Get down.


- Go, go.
- Come on. Come on.


What happened?
Did you sh**t somebody?

- No.
- Where's Pills & Coke?

He f*cking bailed, man.
He bailed.

Where you going?
What the f*ck are you doing?

Get the f*cking... f*ck.

Everybody, give me your cash.

Open the f*cking drawer.
Get it out now! Hurry up.

f*ck. (GRUNTS)

We can't leave him.
He's gonna rat on us in a heartbeat, dude.

We gotta go back and get him.

- No.
- What do you mean, no, James?

Turn the f*cking car around!





Never lock a gunman in
with innocent people.

You're supposed to lock me
in between the f*cking doors.

What's the matter with you people?
Are you Ret*rded? Huh?

- James, turn this f*cking car around! Now!
- JAMES: No.

- Okay. Okay. Okay.

The police are on their way.


Open the door right now.

Look, you've put all these
people's lives in danger.

If you don't open that f*cking
door, your boss is gonna fire you.

- (g*nsh*t)
- (GASPS) What the f*ck was that?

- JAMES: I don't like this.
- Did you hear that?

I don't like this, man.
I don't like this.

- MAN: You see him?

Is that him? I see him.
That's him, that's him. Stop the car.

Dude, get in the f*cking car.
Come on.

The f*ck are you doing?
Get in the f*cking car now!


Get in the car.



The f*ck is wrong with you, man?

(GROANS) This is all your fault.

Should never have
f*cking brought you.



- Oh, shit.

Oh, f*ck.

- He's been shot, man.
- JAMES: What the f*ck?

- He's been f*cking shot.
- You said nobody f*cking got shot.

MAN: Put some pressure on the
wound, all right?

- Here. Let me feel your back. Let me see.

Let me see. Hang on.
I know. I know it hurts.

JAMES: You know how to
take care of him, right?

- MAN: f*ck, there's not an exit wound.

- We gotta get him to a hospital.
- We can't go to the hospital.

James, if we don't take him to the
f*cking hospital, he's gonna die!

We can't go right now, man!
You're not listening to me!

They'll f*cking arrest us!

We just robbed a f*cking
bank, are you f*cking crazy?

They've seen you plenty
of f*cking times!

So you need to think
f*cking straight about this!

What do we do? What do we do?

PILLS & COKE: Please just
take me to the hospital, man.

- Take me to the hospital.
- JAMES: I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, man.

(MUTTERS) Guys...

JAMES: We can't. You know we can't.
You know we can't, right?

- Right?
- Guys...

JAMES: What can we do?

- What can we do?

PILLS & COKE: Please, man.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


Just f*cking drive, man.

JAMES: Okay. Okay.

Just get us outta here.

This is so f*cked up.


We never did find
out how he got shot.

But it didn't matter.


JAMES: Come on.

Come on.








EMILY: What is he doing here?

- Go inside.
- What does he want?

Just go inside, baby.


If you're gonna sh**t me,
can we go somewhere else?


You know...

for the neighbors.

I'm not gonna sh**t you.

I won't get my money back...

if I sh**t you.

I can't do this anymore.

- BLACK: Sure you can.
- I can't. (SNIFFS)

You can.


For your girl... you can.

I just gotta get right first.



Hey, guess what.


Black is gonna drive for
me so I can pay him back.

Did he front you?


Can you make me a shot?

I'm just...

just really tired.

(SNIFFS) I know, baby.

- I want it to be quiet.
- (KISSES) I know.

Can you give me another shot?

Yeah, baby, when I'm back.


When I get back, baby.


I love you.

I love you too.



You know where you're going, right?

Make the first three lefts,
can't go wrong.

I'm not gonna be long,
two, three minutes, tops.

And don't be late.
I'll meet you in the parking lot.

Give me my f*cking money, Vanessa!
Hurry the f*ck up!

Slide it over! Now!



Vanessa, I need you to do me a favor.

What's that?

I need you to hit that alarm for me.

It's all right.
I'm not gonna hurt you.


Thank you.










Here's your...
































MAN: Therefore, it is our vote to
grant parole. Effective immediately.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
My client is most appreciative.

Thank you.

Thank you so much. (SNIFFS)


GUARD: Good luck.










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