Map of Tiny Perfect Things, The (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Map of Tiny Perfect Things, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

You're going to be
looking at the rain

hitting ground midnight tonight,
moving in from the coast.

- Morning, Mark.
- Morning, Mark.

- Loser.
- Loser.


It's a village in Cuba.

- It's got three I's in it.
- Oh.

- And toast.
- Huh.

Mark, can you, uh...

- You know that's not real food, right?
- I know.

- Mark, eat something healthy.
- To be fair,

Dad, you're gonna be eating
an entire pint

of Chubby Hubby by yourself
in approximately eight hours.

You know you have math class
today, right, Mark?

What I know, Dad, is that
the capital of Burkina Faso

is Ouagadougou.

Is that...?

- O-U-A-G-A-D...
- Hang on, hang on.

- O-U...
- O-U...

- You are such a loser.
- You are such a loser.

- I am not. You...
- I... You are.

- I'm not.
- I'm not.

You'll be at Emma's
soccer game, right?

I'm sorry,
but that is incorrect.

- No, texter. Let it go.
- Uh...

Uh, the keys are in your bag.

Bless you.

It's, uh, straight down
that way,

and then it's kind of
one of these things,

and then it's your first right.

- But wait.
- I got kind of a Sherlock thing.

- I love that show.
- "The game is afoot!"

"Game is afoot."

Why would you say that?

Let's take one more look

at your winning numbers today:

42, 10, 25, 76...

Oh, my God. I-I won.

I just won!

I won the lottery.
Oh, my God!



Are you okay?

Thank you.

You're the Sherlock guy.

Did I give you directions
earlier?, the sun is 400 times
bigger than the moon,

but it's also 400 times
farther away,

so they look like
they're the same size,

- but they're not.
- Mm.

- Um...
- And that is why we have eclipses.

This is me.

Well, would you want
to hang out later?

Tonight or something?

Uh, I've got something.

Oh. Uh, thank you.

For your time.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Hey, man.


Dude, those guys have armor.

- You got to use the rocket launcher.
- Yeah. No way.

- Shotgun. Watch. Ooh!
- Here.

- You're not John Wick.
- Just a little bit of sn*per r*fle.

- Your projectile's only gonna make it worse.
- No, no, no!

Not in the face.
Not in the face. No, no.

Not in the face.
Not in the face. No, no...

He got you in the face.

Yeah, I know, Mark,
he got me in the face.

I'm never gonna find that key.

What if your whole life
was like that?

What, where you die and respawn?


Or, like, you go to bed,
and when you wake up,

it's the same day all over
again, just on repeat.

What would you do?

- Besides this?
- Or in addition.

You know?
Switch it up a little.

Wait, wasn't that a movie
where Bill Murray's stuck

in the same day till he has sex
with his hot boss?

Groundhog Day.

Then that's it right there.


You wouldn't... I don't know...

Tie a bunch of balloons

to a lawn chair or something?

Dude, no.
I'd definitely take the girl.

- Okay, forget that.
- No, no, no!

- You could be a force for good.
- Like Batman?

- Yeah, like Batman.
- But are we talking

Dark Knight Batman or
Ben Affleck Batman, because...

Dude, The Animated Series,

No, I'd still take the girl.

I feel like it would
ultimately be more satisfying.

- Yeah! Hole in one!
- All right.

But it might be harder
than you think.

Dude, you'd get, like,
infinite do-overs.

You'd just iterate.
Straight A-B testing.

Right. If there's
infinite do-overs,

then sooner or later,
it has to happen.

Just, like, mathematically.

Maybe it's like pi, though.

Just goes on forever.

There could be infinite ways
for you not to get laid.


Oh. -Oh, uh, next time...

Then you'd never get out
of the loop.

Right, but why
would you want to?

You'd be the center
of the universe.

- You could do anything.
- Yeah, but it could get

- boring or lonely.
- No way.

Man, I mean, you would be,
like, the king of everything.

Hi, honey.

- Sure, you will.
- No.

But say it's you
and you tell me.

- I'd just forget.
- Right, but you'd never

- believe me anyway.
- We could've had this

exact conversation, like,
50 times already.

- Yeah.
- The repetition.

'Cause it's not...

No, I don't think
I am being defensive.

I'm looking at this
as an opportunity.

The isolation.

You'd be like
the last man on Earth.

Three, two, one.


where you die and respawn?

Morning, Mark.

- Loser.
- Loser.

Straight down that way,
and then there's...

there's, like, one of those,

and you just take a right.

- Uh, wait.
- Psychic.

Uh, I love psychics!

So, what'd she look like?

- She's kind of tall, got frizzy hair.
- Ah!

Sort of, like, a long nose.

Not, like, a long, long nose,
but like a... like a...

So, not conventionally
the prettiest girl ever.

No, no, she's cute.
She's cute.

Oh, so you're into her.


So you're not into her.

Well, like,
I'm not not into her.

Dude, then why are you
looking for her?

Okay, fine,
I'm completely in love

with the girl from the pool.

- What was she wearing?
- She was wearing boots.

Who wears boots to the pool?

She's probably goth.

She's probably at
the Barnes & Nobles at the mall

reading a manga right now.

Dude, this girl does not
hang out at the mall.

She's too good
for the mall, huh?

No, she's not
too good for the mall.

- I didn't...
- Mm-hmm.

Feelings for this one you have.

Okay, is that Darth Vader
or Yoda?

'Cause you have to pick one. You can't do both.


Okay, does she have any tattoos?

I'm not trying to I.D.
her corpse.

She did drop a flyer
for a missing dog, though.

Mark, okay.

On the flyer,
it'll have her phone number.

Yeah, and I called the number,

and some guy picked up...

Who does have a daughter,
but she's eight.

And he seemed really upset

that I was using
his personal misfortune

to try and meet a girl.

- Which is...
- Which is fair.

- Yeah, that's fair.
- That's fair.

But wait. So she's looking

for the dog,
but it's not her dog?

You think maybe
there's a reward?

Did you try a dog shelter?

Can I help you?

Uh, y-yeah.
I'm-I'm looking for a girl.

We just have animals.

- Yeah.
- A vet?

An alley behind a restaurant?

I doubt she's looking
for actual Tramp

from Lady and the Tramp,
but thank you.

Maybe it's better
this way, you know?

Maybe you were gonna
have this, like,

doomed, toxic romance.

Maybe you dodged a b*llet.

Hey, no, no. Hey!

Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Come on.


Uh, h-hey.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, I'm Mark.

Uh, I just had a quick question.

- Okay.
- I was wondering...

This is gonna sound
really strange...

God, really bizarre...

But are you experiencing
any kind of temporal anomaly

in your life?

By "temporal anomaly," I mean...

I know what temporal anomaly is.

Okay, great.

So, what specifically
I was wondering is...

The thing where
the same day keeps happening?

Whoa. Okay.


I-I thought nobody else knew.

- Well, somebody does. Um...
- Yeah.

I-I saw you at the pool before.

You caught a-a beach ball, and
that had never happened before.

So I-I figured that
you probably had free will.

I've actually been looking
all over for you.

- You have?
- Y-Yeah.

You dropped a flyer
for a missing dog,

and I found it,
and the phone number on it

wasn't you-yours.

No, it wasn't.

So, what have you been up to
with, I mean,

like, I guess, in-infinite time?

Oh, you know, like,
solving crimes

and, like, finding true love.


No. Um, I've been
teaching myself how to drive.

Figure it doesn't matter
if I crash because, you know,

- time loop.
- Time loop, yeah.

- So...
- I was gonna try and-and cure cancer.

- Like that's what this was all for.
- Oh, wow.

And then when I figured it out,
it would...

time would start up again,
and I would basically

- have saved the entire world.
- Oh. How's that going?

Not that great. So far,
not a lot of real progress.

Maybe you set your sights,
like, too high.

Yeah. Like, maybe I should have

just tried to cure
athlete's foot.

Pink eye.



- Mark.
- Mark, this has been fun,

but, um, I actually have to go.

- You do?
- Yeah.

You know, 'cause, 'cause, uh

I mean, you know
that the same thing

is just gonna happen again
tomorrow, right?

Yeah, I do know that, yeah.

Sorry. I mean,
but it's like, you know,

it's great being
the only one who knows

what's gonna come next,
but it's also...


Like, everything that's happened

has happened
like a thousand times.

Everyone's, like,
sleepwalking, you know?

They think this is all there is.

Yeah. Like everyone else
is dreaming

and you're the only one
who's awake.


I know you have to go, but-but
you really need to see this.

No, you have to hide.

Here it comes.


- What? Where's my phone?
- Sammy, the phone!

Oh, no! Sammy, come back!

- Dude, your dog...
- Come on, Sammy!

Your dog is taking my phone!

I've watched that
like ten times.

- I think it's a metaphor for something.
- Hmm.

Come on.

There's a better one.


So, he's explaining

how feminists control the world
and that's why

no one will read
his poetry, when...

Quarters... drops them.

Now the recovery.

Oh, but it would appear his
Linkin Park-style wallet chain

got stuck under his bootheel
and the consequences

were nothing short
of disastrous.

I know it's wrong to laugh
at other people's misfortune...

But they are
objectively hilarious.

Um, I really have to go.

C-Could I have your number?

I'm sorry. I know that
it's kind of like, um...

But I just figured, since we're
stuck in the same day

for pretty much forever,
it-it'd be good

- to keep in touch.
- Yeah, sure, yeah.

No, not yet.

No, I don't think
I am being defensive.

Eight, five, nine...

one, seven...

...true love.


I'm supposed to be
in summer school.

But I've only gone like twice.

I want to... I want to go
to art school,

but my parents are obsessed
with putting me in honors math.

- You're in honors math, aren't you?
- No.

I'm in AP.

Why do you think
these things keep happening?

I don't know.

I honestly didn't figure it out
until there was

no new Doctor Who.

Why? Why do you ask?

I don't know. I'm just glad

that Stephen Hawking
isn't here to see this,

because it totally violates
all known science.

So, what's the craziest thing

you've done so far?

- Crazy, like...?
- I tried to hop a freight train once.

How'd that turn out?

I got way more respect
for hobos now.

I did, however,
ride my bike through school.

Wow. Impressive.

Are you, like, five?

Well, I guess the practical
application is limited.

Okay, but what if you were
driving your Lamborghini

into, like, a candy shop

and the time loop ended
and you were naked?

See, that is exactly
what I'm talking about.

You must have done
at least one cool thing.

I put my chess app
on maximum difficulty.

- And?
- I lost.

There's got to be
something else.

Okay, I'll show you.

Hey, watch it!

You ever wish that today
happened on a different day?

Like Christmas or your birthday?

I wish I'd painted my nails

Really? I like them.
It's just nice.

It's like a nice, um,
chartreuse, right?

- That's a green.
- They're always chipped.

I think that looks cool.

Thank you.

I just wish today
wasn't the day my dad decides

to have "the talk"
about my future.

Besides, who knows what they
want to be when they're 17?

- I do.
- Really?

Aerospace engineer.

Specifically a NASA
mission specialist.

Wait. Like an astronaut?

'Cause that's cool.
That's like a...

I mean, it's just,
like, a big call.

I have 20/20 vision,
uncorrected, so...

You never know how shit

your friend's taste in music is
till you steal her car.

Y-You stole this car?

I need it more
than Marissa does.

And honestly, this song is

kind of growing on me.

Bro, my lane!

- Whoa.
- Don't worry.

I'm pretty sure if I k*ll us
in a car accident

that we come back to life.


God, there must be a lot
of people who die today.

You only just thought of that?


- What?
- That's how many people die every day... 150,000.


And you'd just go through it

over and over again,
like Sisyphus.

He was just pushing a big rock.

Dude, do you drive?!

Sorry, that was depressing.


Probably a lot of people's
birthday today, too.


Come on.

Come on!
We're gonna be late.


I don't get it.


I'm good, thanks.


How did you find that?

I was looking for that dog.

You know, the one on the flyer.

I don't even know why.

I just have all this...
this time.

I guess I just wanted to try
and, like, fix something.

Which I know doesn't even
make sense.

You can't find it anyway.

I think I identify
with that fish.

Okay, Jared. I'm coming.

So, I'll see you around?

- 19 million.
- What?

That's how many people's
birthday it is today.

Bye, Mark.

Hey, did you do that
in your head?

No, I don't think
I am being defensive.

I'm looking at this
as an opportunity.

Three, two...

Crazy, like...?

Mark, I hate to be judgmental,

but why are we watching
a bunch of skate rats?

You'll see.

It's like your thing
with the eagle.

It doesn't really seem that much
like my thing with the eagle.

Margaret, what is
the one universal law

of all skate rats everywhere?

Um, that, ironically,

even though skating
completely identifies them,

they suck at it, like, a lot.


You said 2:00.

Yeah, I thought you were
gonna be late.

Any luck with the dog?

- What do you got?
- Oh!

It might be time to give up
on the dog.

- Oh! You all right, man?
- I lied before.

I love being judgmental.

- Here she comes.
- Come on.

Some kind of joke?

Does your mom know you're here?

There's no way
you're landing this!

Pretty cool, huh?


Just wanted to hear you say it.


So, who's Jared?

He's a med student.

How old is that guy?

21. Graduated Harvard at 19.

Uh, I-I-look out!

- So, I have a theory.
- Yeah?

You know how the fourth
dimension's supposed to be time?

- Yeah.
- So, what if, like,

these fourth-dimensional beings
are sort of, like,

toying with us?
Like, they bent time in a circle

and now we have to live the
same day over and over again,

- like on a hamster wheel.
- Right.

For their amusement.

Except time's not
the fourth dimension.

- It's not?
- No.

Not in any meaningful
Euclidean sense.

Oh, yeah, well,
of course it's not.



That's what I think
that this is all about.

What, eating all the ice cream
in the world

and not getting fat?

No, you showed me this
when you showed me the eagle.

I mean, think about it.

Most of life is just junk,

It's-it's filler.

And then...

there's these moments

when all the randomness turns
into something perfect.

It's like life's dropping
all the bullshit

just for a second
to show us how amazing

it could be all the time
if it wanted to.

Hmm. I don't know.

I think maybe we're supposed
to become, like, better people.

Though I honestly don't even
know how that could be possible.

I mean, think about it.

We must miss so many of them.

All those tiny perfect things,

they're just... poof... gone.

Lost forever.

But not today.

That is a disturbingly
inspirational idea, Mark.

But... mmm... I have to go.

Why do I always feel like,
even though we're stuck

in the same day together,
I am never gonna see you again?

Because you watch
too much Doctor Who.

What if we found them all?

- What do you mean?
- All the perfect things

in this one town,
in this one day...

We could collect them.

Like Pokémon?

Kind of like Pokémon.

We'd be like partners.

I mean, talk about
seizing the day.

The day's been seized.

It's right here.
It's waiting for us.

Mark, you don't understand,

I'm not like you.

I don't want to seize the day.

I just don't want the day
to seize me.


I'm just trying
to get through this.

So am I.

We're not that different,

We're not like other people.

Everyone else gets
a brand-new day every day,

but not us...
This is the only one we have.

Sometimes I think,
what if it's not enough?

I just want it
to mean something.

Besides, you know, it's just us.

Everyone else is asleep.

You know what you
said about the fourth dimension?

The one that's not time?

Yeah. It's still not time.

But I've been thinking about
what it really is, and...

You know we have
three dimensions, right?

- Right?
- Go on.

Okay, so now think
about your shadow.

Okay, your shadow
is two-dimensional.

It's flat.

So think about something
that would cast

a three-dimensional shadow...
That's the fourth dimension.

I mean, technically,
we're just the shadows

of four-dimensional people.

- Whoa.
- Yeah.

Somebody actually figured out
what a 4D cube would look like.

I taught myself how to draw it.

When I was little, I used to
look for it everywhere.

I mean, theoretically,
it's around us all the time.

We're just not looking
in the right direction.

You could see everything
from in there.

And you could see inside things,
you could never get lost.

It's like the whole world
is a map of itself.

But I never found it.

I guess this is all there is.

So you just gave up?

Well, if the fourth dimension
wants to stop hiding

like a little bitch,
it knows where to find me.

So, how are we gonna do it?

Do what?

Find the
perfect things or whatever.

We need a methodology, right?

Like a... like a system?

Well, we want to be rigorous
about it, so maybe, like,

take a survey map of the town
and, like, lay a grid over it

and split it up into squares,
each square is a 24-hour log,

and then you could take half,
and I...

Or we could just walk around
looking for cool stuff.

- Like partners?
- Like allies.

Like the U.S. and Canada.

- And I'll be...
- I'm Canada.

- No, you can't be Can...
- Too slow.

- I'm Canada.
- Sir?

- You did not.
- Oh, yes.

That was my thing.

That's my thing.

- Well, I took your thing.
- I showed you that.

I took it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm sorry.

It's on!

You know all that math
you're supposed to be learning?


I'm gonna teach it to you.


I can't keep hanging out
with someone who's ignorant

of basic logarithmic functions.

Mark, Mark, look at yourself.

You're a nerd who sucks at math.

Where does that leave you?

So, the first thing

that you need to know about math
is that it's always perfect.

If I don't use this stuff
later in life,

my fat, bitter middle-aged self
is gonna find you...



Can I tell you a secret?

Of course.

Sometimes I don't
want this day to end.

I just want time
to stay broken forever.

Have you ever seen Time Bandits?

What is that?

OMG, you've-you've never heard
of Time Bandits?

- Don't do that.
- What?

Don't say "OMG"
like it's a thing people say.

Okay, well, I mean,
this is why time stopped...

So that you can see the greatest

- motion picture about time...
- Mark, I have to go.

Okay, blow him off,
just this once.

Okay? Jared will
totally forgive you.

- All right, just...
- Mark, I just have to go, okay?

He'll immediately forgive...
You don't even...

I-I got it.

Return the map.

Return what you have stolen.

You're watching
Time Bandits again?

Yep, never gets old.

You're getting better.


So, Mark, I know it's late...

But I was hoping
we could have a talk.

About your future.

I'm so glad you brought that up,
because I've actually

been considering
joining the priesthood.

- Uh-huh. Okay.
- Or...

the Space Force.

Better yet, the Space Priests.

Space Priests?

Right. Is that... Do you have to
go to seminary school

- and aeronautics school for that?
- Uh-huh.

Uh-huh. Okay. Right.

Well, I wouldn't make
any snap decisions.

On that note...

Oh, my God!

So, who's Jared?

Just a little bit
of sn*per r*fle.

So I met this girl.

- Her name's Margaret...
- Wait, wait, wait. You met a girl?


- When?
- Couple days ago.

Dude, I saw you last night.

- You didn't tell me anything about a girl.
- I know.

I didn't want to make
a big deal out of it.

You don't have to
make it a big deal.

- It is objectively big.
- Okay, so, the point...

- It's just, it's not adding up.
- The-the point is that

I never used to say
this kind of stuff before,

but I feel
like we have a connection.

I'm sorry. This is just
a continuity nightmare.

Every night, it's 6:00 p.m.,
we're hanging out,

and boom... she disappears.

Like a vampire.

- Actually, that's more like a reverse vampire.
- Okay.

Which is basically just
a regular human, I mean...

- O-Okay.
- Okay, then if she won't go on a date with you,

then just spend a day with her.

Did that.

Okay, then take her
on a stealth date.

Just you two hanging out,
no big deal,

and then bit by bit,
by imperceptible degrees,

things get
more and more romantic.

And then bam!

You kiss her.

I don't think that's the sound
effect that I would go for...

- Okay, but you got to get the kiss, though.
- I know.

You just have to
take her to a spot

that shows
that you really get her.

I mean, you do get her, right?

So, to be clear, this isn't

- a perfect thing?
- No, uh...

I thought it could be fun
to take a break.

Hmm. I feel a little
bait-and-switched here.

Gonna be fun.

You only live once.

Oh, I see what you did there.

You practiced that.

Yeah, like a million times.

Um, I don't have
great associations

with this gym,
which will not be improved

if some security guard
comes in here and tases us.

Oh, it's okay, I'll just
tell him it was all my idea.

This was your idea.


getting a picture on the TV.

You got a good picture, huh?

McCANDLESS: Uh, there's
a great deal of contrast in it,

and, uh, currently it's
upside down on our monitor,

but we can make out
a fair amount of detail.

Here, we got to put these on.

- Seriously?
- Seriously.

Okay, Neil, we can see you

coming down the ladder now.


Okay, I just checked

getting back up to
that first step, Buzz.

It's, uh... the strut isn't
collapsed too far,

but it's adequate
to get back up.

Roger. We copy.

Takes a pretty good little jump.

That's one small step
for Margaret...

No, don't ruin it.

You know the real flag
fell over?

It got knocked down
when they took off

to go back to Earth.

Maybe you could put it back up.

Space food?


Come in,
come in, come in, Mark.

Why did you do this?

I-I just had some time to k*ll.

No, you didn't. Not really.

How did you do it?

Well, I had a lot of practice,
for one.

And then I-I may
or may not have bribed

all of the kids
in the art department.

I just, I wanted to, um...

Uh, you know...


There's one more thing.


We have to get back to Earth.

- How?
- With a space shuttle.

Space shuttles are suborbital;

they don't actually go
to the moon.

I promise,
you will not regret this.


- I already regret this.
- I wasn't ready yet.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Oh, no, no, no!

Oh, my God! Ah!

15 seconds,
guidance is internal.

- 12, 11, ten, nine...
- Ah!

Ignition sequence start.

Well, hang on!

Six, five, four,

three, two, one, zero.

All engines running.

We have a liftoff,
32 minutes past the hour.


And you wake up at exactly
the same time every morning,

except, you know,
if you stayed up all night,

- you'd mess it up.
- Right.

- You-you'd crash the system.
- You'd think.

- Except you can't!
- Except you can't.

Because something puts you
to bed at midnight

- every night, like...
- Mm-hmm.

It's like you get kidnapped by some cosmic nanny.

It's so creepy.

Is there anyone home?

Uh, no. My sister's
at violin practice,

and my dad has
old-person Pilates.

You want a...?

Why not?

Are these your parents?

Oh, uh, yeah.

Yeah, my mom works late tonight,

so I basically never see her,
which is kind of

the hardest part about the...
this whole thing.

My dad recently quit his job

to write a not-that-interesting
story about the Civil w*r.

What about you?


Your parents.

Old people that look like you.


- What do you want to do?
- It's evil!

Don't touch it!

So, at the end,
why is Sean Connery

cosplaying as a fireman?

- It's part of the mystery.
- Hmm.

I have to pee.

Because beer.

You should probably do that
in the bathroom.


It is completely...

hopeless. Okay.

Um, no. No, no, no. No. Uh...

- What is this?
- No.

It's a work in progress.

You made a map of everything.

- The whole day.
- All the perfect things.

But you must have just done it,
like, this morning.

Well, I-I draw it
pretty much every day.


Boys are so weird.

It's really good.

Maybe you should go
to art school.

This is gonna sound stupid,
but I, uh...

sometimes I think
if I stare at it long enough,

I'll find something, like a...
like a pattern.

I never do.

That does sound pretty stupid.

Well, okay.

And "tree house"... two words.

You made a map of us.

Too bad it's just
gonna get erased.

Yeah, it's too bad.

I can't.

- Oh, um, okay. Yeah, no.
- I'm sorry.

I should go.

Yeah, Margaret,
are you all right?

Why shouldn't I be all right?

I mean, is-is this about Jared?

- No.
- 'Cause he's not gonna call for, like,

- another four minutes.
- Oh, my God.

- Can you just let that go?
- I just feel like

there's something that you're
not telling me, and I-I just

- want to let you know that you can.
- Well, you're wrong.

Okay? So too f*cking bad.

Look, Mark...

We're castaways.

Except instead of an island,

we're marooned in a day.

We're stuck here together.

So I just think that

we need to be careful
to not mess it up.

The "perfect things" thing...
That was great.

But maybe that's enough.

I just think that maybe
we should be friends.

And have fun with it.

I don't want to.

Well, that's all I got.

So take it or leave it.

Yeah, I guess I'll take it.

I'll call you tomorrow.



You're going to be looking

at the rain hitting ground
midnight tonight,

moving in from the coast.

Not expecting to have too much
in the way of wind, but...

Morning, Mark.

How's Mom?

She's... fine.



It seemed like
she was opening up.

You know? Seemed happy.

Not, like, happy-happy,
but happy for Margaret.

That's rough, bro.

She sounds like
an awesome person.

Nah, I'm joking.
I literally have no idea

who you're talking about.
Oh, no!

Shotgun, shotgun.

- What am I doing?
- Not in the face. No!

Those are imperial elites.

They have four arms.

It's like bringing a shotgun
to a maser fight.

Well, maybe it's better
this way, you know?

Maybe you were gonna have
this doomed toxic romance.

Hey, maybe you dodged a b*llet.

Feelings for this one you have.

- Yep.
- Mmm, I'm in love with this

- mystery girl, in love...
- Okay. Enough, enough.

- Enough.
- Of what, exactly?

This is the problem.
I thought maybe if I went around

enough times, I'd get it right,
but I guess not.

You know what,
maybe it is like pi.

It's just wake up,
rejection, repeat.

Is that from Edge of Tomorrow?

Yeah, it is.


Mark? Mark, is that you?

Oh, hey.

I'm glad I caught you.

Uh, I was just...

I was just hoping we could
talk about your future.

Chubby Hubby?

Here's the thing, Dad.

I don't have a future.

You know, I've heard that
before from people your age,

and it's pessimistic.

And frankly,
I think it's a little glib.

Well, I'm a little tired of

being the only one around here
that knows what's going on.

Look, I know about the climate.

I'm... I am woke.

- Do not do that "okay, boomer" thing with me.
- No.

That's not...
that's not what I mean.

Bottom line...

art school is expensive,

and when you graduate,
what happens?

I'm not gonna graduate, Dad.

No one is graduating,

because time is broken.

Sorry, metaphorically?

You have no idea what it's like

to just have your future
canceled for no reason.

And don't lecture me
about art school

when you quit your job
to write some

midlife crisis vanity book.

I don't think that's
entirely fair, Mark.

Why didn't you just
dye your hair?

Or, like,
take a knife skills class?

Or-or just buy a Tesla, Dad.

Just buy a Tesla.

Could you please stop for a sec?

Just a second? Emma, Emma,
could you please stop?

- I-I am begging you, please.
- Okay.


Thank you.

- So, did you talk to Dad?
- What?

He's been stalking you all day.

I may have yelled at him.

You yelled at Dad?

I may or may not have told him
to purchase a Tesla.

Is that a euphemism?


It's just, when he quit
his job, I thought,

"I get this.

He's doing what he wants.
He's following his passion."

And then when I try and do it,

suddenly I'm lazy
and irresponsible.

He didn't quit.

You know Dad got fired, right?

I don't think he messed up
or anything.

They just didn't need him

And he doesn't want
to admit that,

because he's in
such a shame spiral.

And Mom's mad at him
for losing his job,

but she doesn't want
to admit that

because it'd just
come across as too mean.

They're just stuck right now.


I don't even think
he minds you going

to that art school so much.

We just can't afford it now.

How do you know all this?

Psychic powers.



Because I think about
other people besides myself.

You should try it sometime.

Hey, Em?

How'd your game go?

We lost, three to nothing.

I'm sorry.


Keep working on that.

- Uh, hi.
- How can I help you?

Um, I'm-I'm in
your algebra class.

I-I just had a quick question.

I don't think
I've ever seen you before.

Yeah, yeah,
I've been sick a lot.

Like, really a lot.

So, suppose, theoretically,
that something happened to time.

Like, the flow of time.

Like, instead of going
in a straight line,

like, it-it just got stuck
in a circle

and-and kept repeating
over and over.

- Wasn't there a movie...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What I wanted to figure out
is what could cause that.

I've been doing some research.

Could the Earth have fallen
into a wormhole?


I-I mean, I don't think so.

What if it got accelerated
past the speed of light?


Is reality just a simulation?

That is unlikely but possible.

- Ancient curse?
- No.

Cosmic nanny?

I don't even know
what that means.

Is time just a big ball

of wibbly-wobbly
timey-wimey stuff?

Okay, that-that's a quote
from Doctor Who.

I really don't remember
seeing you in my class.

What if we're in hell?

Like we did something bad

and now we have to live this
one day forever as punishment?

This conversation is something
how I imagine hell would be.

Maybe your spiritual advisor
would be

- a more appropriate person...
- What about a singularity?

You know, those black hole
things where physics

gets all weird?

Yeah, I know what
a singularity is.

And, I mean, sure, in theory,

a singularity could produce
a local temporal anomaly.

So we would just
have to get out of it.

Like, get on a plane...

and fly out of it.

Why not?
Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go do the same thing
I did yesterday

and then forget about it.

Perfect thing alert.

False alarm.

I'm starting to think
maybe we found them all.

Just had a theory that
when we found the last one,

that time would start up again.

I guess not.

To be honest,

I'm kind of over the whole
"perfect thing" thing.

You realize it's never
gonna be Christmas?

Cool. You hate Christmas.

Yeah, but I don't want
to not have it.

I just feel like screaming
at everyone,

"This isn't real.
You're asleep.

- Wake up."
- What? Whoa.

God, they're like zombies.

You're a zombie.

I'm serious, Margaret.
It's time.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
Trust me, Jason,

- that's more your thing.
- Do I know you?

- Why?
- Why? It's like you said, we're stuck here.

I didn't mean "stuck" stuck.

Everybody else is stuck.
We're free.

Free from getting older,
from going to school,

- from climate change, cancer.
- Okay, great. I get it.

- Pink eye. Instagram.
- What-what about all the stuff

- that we don't get to do?
- Like what?

Like grow up or...
I don't know... be an astronaut?

- Mission specialist.
- Whatever.

What about all the things that I want to be?

We're saying goodbye
to the rest of our lives.

We will never do anything that
takes longer than 16 hours.

I can get a lot done
in 16 hours.

Hello. You can't go in there!

I feel like I'm living
in an Etch A Sketch.

Everything I do gets undone,
everything I fix

just gets broken,
and everything that I make...

- It just disappears.
- Hey.

We're thinking too small. Okay?

We haven't even snuck into a zoo
or ridden a Zamboni

or ghost-ridden
any cool new whips.


- Public nudity...
- Margaret.

- always an option.
- Margaret, stop.

It is. I'm just saying.

- Oh, thank you.
- Margaret, you're not listening.

- What?
- Margaret! Stop.

This isn't working.

Is this 'cause I won't kiss you?

Why don't you just kiss
one of them?

'Cause I don't want to.

Y'all will forget
about this tomorrow.

- Margaret.
- Come on.

I have something
to make you feel better.

I've been saving it.

Do people live here?

Mm-mm. It's a show house.

I guess they use it
to make people, like,

want to buy one of these.


It's perfect.

Okay. Ready? Oh!

You know, even before this,

I always thought there was
something wrong with the world.

Like, really broken.

Not fixable.

But nobody else saw it, so...

I just walked around pretending
everything was fine.

And then what happened?

Nothing. I still feel like that.

But with you,
I don't have to pretend.

I was talking
to my math teacher,

and he said that we're

probably just in a singularity
and if we go far enough,

like, on a plane...

...we could get out of it.

Are you really in
that much of a hurry?

Like, "Hooray, it's the future."

It's marriage counseling
and global warming

and colonoscopies and...

student loans.

And suddenly you're 80,

and you're waiting
for your Zoloft prescription

at a Rite Aid
in your sweatpants wondering,

"Where is that creeping sense
of failure coming from?"

Because it all went by so fast.

And you never wrote that book,
you know?

Or kissed that girl or...
went to Paris.

It's all over.

And it wasn't even
what you wanted.

I mean, it's not
gonna be perfect.

It's the same stupid crap

over and over again,
just like in here.

Yeah, but, I mean,
you don't actually think

that this is living, do you?

We're stealing people's lives.

My dad is-is never gonna finish
his stupid Civil w*r novel.

Henry's never gonna finish
w*r Fight.


My sister loses her soccer game

three to nothing

every day.

We have all the time
in the world.

No, we don't.

This is not time.
Time is the stuff that

when you spend it,
you don't get it back.


Um... "okay"?

Okay, there's-there's
a flight to Tokyo

at 10:00 in the morning.

Let's go.

If this works, our parents
are gonna freak out.

Why Tokyo?

I actually don't think
it matters.

Just so long as we cross
the international date line,

it's automatically tomorrow.

Though there's a vending machine
at the airport

that sells puppies, so...

I can't afford puppies.

I spent like 30 years of
my allowance on these tickets.

You nervous?
'Cause I checked...

This flight definitely
does not crash.

Don't jinx it.

You know, if this works,
we'll technically

be saving the entire world.

My sister said that I should
think about other people more,

so I feel like
saving the entire planet

is a pretty good start.

You didn't cure cancer, though.


You know, when I was a kid,
I used to call these eye muffs.

Although, if you think about it,

an asteroid could hit
the planet tomorrow.

Like, maybe that's why
time started looping.

Because it's the last day
before the apocalypse

and really,
instead of saving the world,

we're actually just
destroying it, which would...

Margaret, are you okay?

Flight attendants,
prepare doors for departure

and cross-check.


Take your seat
and fasten your seat belt.

- I, uh... I...
- Please take your seat, sir.

Sir, please, sir,

take your seat
and fasten your seat belt.

You're going to be looking

at the rain hitting ground
midnight tonight,

moving in from the coast.

We're not expecting
to have too much...

Morning, Mark.


Thought you were gonna
call me a loser.


You were thinking it, though.


Hey, Dad, how's your book going?

It's-it's great.

I mean, the scope
of the Civil w*r is just...

you know, we can't even
grasp it today.

Do you know more Americans
died at Spotsylvania

than on Omaha Beach?

I... do now.

As I've mentioned,

smallpox, tuberculosis,

The casualties
were unimaginable.

And the thing is, the w*r could
have ended so much earlier,

especially if McClellan
had just pressed through.

After Antietam...

Go, Emma!

She's not gonna make it.

- Go, go, go, go!
- Go! Cover! Go!


Go, Emma!

I won!

I won!

And Mark again.

- 72.
- That is correct.

Ah. What's got into you?

On fire today.

Isn't that a movie where,
like, Bill Murray's

stuck in the same day?

- Groundhog Day.
- Oh!

- There he is.
- Hey.

Good luck.

Oh! Go for it!

You're gonna be okay, man.

This stuff happens all the time.

So, was that "Tony Hawk,"
like the bird?

I'm just a phone call away.


And just a...

...little bit of sn*per r*fle.

- Oh, oh, you got him on the left?
- I got him on the left.

- Okay.
- Okay, dude, listen. We're stuck in a time loop.

You, me, everybody, same day's
repeating over and over again.

- What?
- Like in Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow,

except only me and this girl
Margaret know about it,

and we were sort of almost
boyfriend and girlfriend,

but not really,
and then we broke up,

and you won't remember
any of this because your brain

keeps getting erased.

Wait, dude,
you had a girlfriend?

Not really.

Well, what's she like?

She's amazing.

She told me this story about
how, when she was a little kid,

she was always looking for

the fourth dimension.

It sounds cheesy,
but when I met her,

it was kind of like I found it.

There was just more
to everything

than I'd ever seen before.

And there was more to me, too.

And there always had been.
I just never...

realized it
until Margaret showed it to me.

Nah, bro, she sounds amazing.

Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.

Well, if you're all
fourth-dimensional now,

how come she dumped you?

That's the thing... I thought
everything was perfect,

but there was more to the story
than that.

I thought it was a love story
and I was the hero, but...

wasn't about me.

It wasn't my story at all.

It was Margaret's.

What are you thinking about?

Just this boy.

I messed that up.

It's never too late.

I mean, unless you're dying
of cancer,

but not until then.

You know, even before this,

I always thought there was
something wrong with the world.

Like, really broken.

You know, not fixable.

But nobody else could see it.

So I just walked around
pretending everything was fine.

Are you Henry?

I think I can help you.

- So, you're a friend of Mark's?
- Yes!


That's funny, because
he never mentioned you.

Where did you two meet?

Uh, temporal anomaly.

Cool. Cool.

So, if we're in
a temporal anomaly,

how many times have we had
this conversation?

First time.


Okay, so, and...

what are you doing here?

I'm saving your ass, obviously.

And the dog?

Oh, that's not my dog.

His name's Chewbarka.

There's these posters for him
all over town.

I think he jumped out of a van
on the way to the vet,

and I've been looking
for him forever.

And then suddenly,
there he was, just like that.

But it doesn't matter.

Because tomorrow, he'll just
be lost all over again.

Mark was right... everything
we fix just gets broken again.

Okay, so, I don't understand
what you're saying...

Wait. Did you use the shotgun?

Yeah, you need the grenade
launcher attachment, though.

- There's a grenade launcher?
- Yeah.

It launches grenades.


I've died so many times
doing that.

Yeah, that's the thing.

Death, it's so terrible.

So terrible to lose someone.

And if you don't face it,

if you don't deal with it,
then... just end up
losing yourself, too.

Are we still talking
about w*r Fight?


Yeah, you can take it from here.

Oh, my God.

It's the key.

Whoa, it's the map.

I was so lost before,

but it all makes sense now.

Oh, no.


It's something...

It's something Mark said.

I think Mark might have been
right about something.

That doesn't sound like Mark.


Sorry, I think I have to go.

- I have to go check something.
- Wait.

- What?
- Watch Chewbarka.

I love you.


Sometimes I feel like,
if I stare at it long enough,

something will happen, like,
a-almost a pattern or something.

There's something missing.

And it's time.


No way.

There's one missing.


7:00 at the pool.


- You're up.
- Mm.

Are you okay?

It's a relative term.

I thought we'd have
so much more time.

I know.

But you will be all right.

I don't know.

I don't know if I can do this.

Listen to me,

because I'm old
and I know things.

It's true that
we're losing time every day,

all the time,

until one day it's all gone.

But you're gaining it, too.

Every second,

perfect moments,
one after the other,

until, by the end,
you have your whole life.

You have everything.

And it costs you everything.

But it's worth it.

I promise that it's worth it.

You're still here.

The plane thing didn't work.

You were right
about the map, though.

There is a pattern.

It's just not finished yet.

There's one more perfect moment.


I will keep a lookout.

I'm serious.
I think that there's one more

and that's the key,

and once we find it, that's it.

It's all over.

Margaret, I...

saw you go to the hospital.


not gonna...

try and take you away from her.

I can't do that.

Before this all happened,
I went to go see her,

and they told me that
it was her time,

that it was over.

And that night, all I could
think about was that

tomorrow can't come yet;
I'm not ready.

I'm not ready to not have a mom.

I just wanted time to stop.

And it worked.


And I was so happy about it.

I just wanted to stay
in that moment, you know?

And then the really weird thing
was that you showed up,

and I didn't know
where you came from

and why it was you, and...

and, um, now I think I know why.

I think it's because, you know,
when it's time to go,

I wouldn't have to go alone.


And it's time.

And it's not gonna be perfect.

You know, we're never gonna
find the fourth dimension

or cure cancer or fix the world.

The point is,
is that I was wrong.

We're the ones sleeping.

Everyone else is awake,
and it's just us dreaming.

I know it's gonna hurt
really bad...

...but I think that
I have to wake up now.

I think that this is the moment.

Right now.

And I don't want to miss it.

That was kind of perfect.

There was a hair in my mouth.

Kiss me again?

Goodbye, Mom.

You ready?

I don't know.
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