03x10 - Six Feet Under the Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Psych". Aired: July 7, 2006 – March 26, 2014.*

Moderator: fpfvst

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Follows Shawn who works for the police department which allows him to convince people that he solves cases with psychic abilities.
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03x10 - Six Feet Under the Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

34, 35. Okay, that's everybody.
Okay. First stop is the touch pool.

Line up at the dolphin gate.
Oh, stay with your buddy.

Make sure you watch your step
as you enter the aquarium.

We did it, Gus. A year of
planning's finally paid off.

Don't you think we should wait
until they get a little further away?

No. We have to move now.

We've got 10 minutes to find a
dolphin, feed it, then ride it.

Plus, my dad being sick

and not being able to
chaperone, the fates are with us.

It's a perfect storm.

I don't want to
miss the otters.

No, we won't. Um... You brought
your dad's camera, right?

You're not sick.

And you're not
very thorough.

How did you know?

Oh, maybe it's that snorkel
hanging out of your backpack.

What kind of undercover operation
are you running here, kid?

Plus, you left
this behind.

If you're going to take time to
create a deception, do it better.

Wait. Dad, I'm confused.
You want me to lie to you?


I want you to make it more of
a challenge for me to catch you.

I always will.

Wait a minute.
Something's wrong.

What do you mean? I mean
this doesn't add up, Gus.

There's not really
a burglary ring

at a gentlemen's
finishing school, is there?

I'm sorry, Shawn. I made
up the thing about the case.

I needed you to come down
here to do me a favor.

Well, you know what?
This is a bad time.

My dad just got
a new fishing boat

and insists on taking me
out to k*ll innocent fish.

And I can only avoid
so many things at the same


All right.
What is it?

It's a funeral.

No. Absolutely not. You know I
hate funerals. They're depressing.

There's organ music, and six times out
of ten, there's a snake in the casket.

We'll just go really quick.
I need someone to support me.

All right. Who's it for?

Would you please
just tell me who died?

I don't like all this
secrecy, Gus.

And what's with
the aquatic theme,

all this Ocean
Society stuff?

Did Jack Costo die?

Jacques Cousteau
died in 1995.

Well, I don't think
these people got the memo.

Come on, who died?
Who was it?

One of those guys?
The boat guys?

Huh? Was there
some kind of accident?

Dude, I got it.

It's the guy with the
horn-rimmed glasses.

If there was ever somebody
with one foot in the grave...


You know, the camera
adds 10 years.

It's 10 pounds.
Shh. Just shh.

Wait a minute.

Is this a funeral
for a sea lion?

Yes. Yes, it is.
And don't start, Shawn.

Shabby's more
than just a sea lion.

He's a local hero
and a heartwarming story.

I can't believe you made me put on a
dress shirt for something with flippers.

The ocean is a little
smaller today

with the loss of this
inspirational guy.

Is that Randy LaBayda? Dude!

They got Randy LaBayda
from Animal Planet.

Shh! If sea creatures could
cry, their tears would cause

the water level of all
the oceans of the world

to rise an alarming
two-and-a-half inches.

But Shabby would
want us to rejoice.

I was the last person
to see him alive

and some people think
I'm crazy to believe this,

but as I returned him to
his home, Sweet Mother Ocean,

I thought I actually
saw him wink at me.

Just how famous
was this sea lion?

He's the big
local story of the year.

He was rescued by the aquarium
people, Shawn. Remember?

Floating on that
loose raft.

Then he died tragically after
being released out into the wild.

Come and grieve.

It's a poignant story, and I need
you to support me in my time of need.

You've got to be kidding me.
This is an open casket?


You almost made it.

But you touched our hearts
and our souls.

Be free swimming
in the ocean of heaven,

where there are
no natural predators.

Good speech.

Your turn.

You kidding me?

Shabby, buddy.

You lived a full life.
I guess.

Uh, probably balanced
a beach ball on your nose

At some point.

Maybe honked a horn
with your mouth

or barked the melody
of Grand Old Flag.

you ate very well.

Oh, no.

"Oh, no" what?

I think this sea lion
was m*rder*d.

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end

Why do you hate me?
I don't hate you.

I'm telling you, there's
something unnatural going on here.

We should go back to the aquarium to
check out Shabby's cage or something.

He wasn't in an exhibit.
He was in the ocean.

He was released back into
the wild three days ago.

Gentlemen, I'm gonna need
to see you for a moment.

Great, now you got me
kicked out of a funeral.

Nice. Just add it
to the list.

Kicked out of PetSmart.
Kicked out of Santa's Village.

Kicked out of
the Salvation Army.

Dishonorably discharged.

Now, what do you mean...
I apologize.

He's angry because I
tricked him into coming.

I am a conservationist.

I am an annual pass holder
at the aquarium.

I am a registered aqua-blogger
with topic-starting privileges

and level three-thread management
on the sea lion message boards...

No. I want to know what you
mean, "He was m*rder*d. "

I'm a psychic. I work
with the SBPD.

I also make
my own saltwater taffy.

Wait a minute.

Why do you ask that?

Because I've seen some suspicious
things at that aquarium.

We can't talk here.

Is there somewhere
we can meet?


Dude, what are you doing?

Cleaning up.

But why?
This place is a mess.

And it's not all the time that we
have an attractive conservationist

come by the office.

Oh, and by the way,
I call her.

What do you mean, you call
her? You can't call a person.

Why not?

'Cause I already called her
at the funeral.

You did not.
She touched me, Gus.

That's because you
bumped into her.

It doesn't matter. Contact is
contact. It's the rule, buddy.

You know what?
Get ready for battle.

"Get ready for battle"?
Come on.


This is ridiculous. We can't go to
battle over a girl we don't know.

I'll back off.

You'll back off? Why?

Because this is silly. Look,
you do your thing, you work it,

and I'll stay
out of the way.

You think I can't get
a girl on my own!

Fine. I'll back off.

I already backed off!
Too bad!

Backed off what?

Well, I was in charge
of Shabby's rehabilitation.

And a lot of unexplained
things happened.

First of all, they moved up the
date of his release by six days.

And why did
they do that?

Well, um. Randy LaBayda.

Randy LaBayda?
From the funeral?

And Pacific Ocean
Aqua Patrol. Yeah.

I used to watch that show after
wrestling practice in high school.

I was the captain.


Um, the aquarium

did a personal appearance deal
with him a couple months ago.

Put him on the ads, built a
Randy LaBayda manta ray t*nk.

What? And someone wanted him
to be the one to release Shabby.

And you didn't want
that to happen?

Well, no.
It was too soon.

Of course. LaBayda
shanghaied the whole thing.

It was supposed to be a quiet
release with a local photographer.

I got to the dock, the
photographer had been canceled

and I wasn't even allowed on the
boat. No aquarium staff whatsoever.

I never got to
see him again.

So awful.

So, uh, what happened
out on the boat?

Well, no one knows. Everyone
got back late and a little upset.

Then they locked up the ship's log
in LaBayda's office at the aquarium.

April, we're going to need to get into
that office so that I can feel things.

I can get you in.

How soon?


Are you wearing

These are my
sneaking-around pants.

Don't be jealous.
I got you a matching pair.

You're dressing up for her. Dressing up?

Dude, I'm wearing sweats and
this ridiculous lime-green jacket.

That's my lime-green
jacket, Shawn.

And it's only
for players.

Okay, look. I backed off.
You need to get over it.

Okay. This is it.

What, is there like a
hidden door in the rock wall?


You said you can
get us in.

Yeah, I, uh,
I can give you a boost.

The electrified security
fence is broken here.

Oh, unless they fixed it.

You don't work here?

Well, technically no.
I did, until Tuesday.

I was asking too many questions, and
LaBayda's producer, Tim, had me canned.

Which is why
I asked for your help.

You want us
to scale a wall?

Is it too high?

Oh, no. No. I could probably free
jump it if the ground wasn't so wet.

You could not.
I could vault it.

Where would you land?
Okay, listen.

There's a door right on
the other side of this wall.

It'll lead you straight
towards LaBayda's office.

The code is 1-8-4-2. If I'm
wrong, you can just leave.

If it doesn't work,
we're probably going to jail.


Who's first? Come on.

See? She's legit.

Legit? She just
boosted us over a wall.

She does have very impressive
strength for a girl of her size.

Coolest office ever.


What's this?

Wait a minute. Dude.

There's two laptops. Why lock
up this laptop over that one?

Why does this
have a GPS on it?

It's the only software on this computer.
And it's not picking up anything.

Can we stop playing with this guy's
computer and get to the ship's log, please?

Knock yourself out.

This is all wrong. They were supposed
to release Shabby near San Miguel Island.


Where they let him off is
nowhere near close to that.

Why would they do that?

We need to get
out of here.


Okay. Let's get out of here. All right.

Oh, wait, there's
one more thing.


I have unfinished
business here.

And a date
with destiny.

No. No! You are not
swimming with the dolphins.

When are we gonna have
another chance, Gus?

I don't care, Shawn.
Come on.

I'm in, I'm on it,
I'm out.

Hopefully they have a harness
or a small saddle of some sort.

I've charged up
my camera.

You don't have to worry about
the flash. It's all digital.

Just keep on snapping.
No, we are leaving, Shawn.

I'm gonna ride that
dolphin into modern history.

I'm going up top.
I'm staying here.

You're missing out on the
opportunity of a lifetime!


That dolphin is not
gonna ride itself.

Shawn, get back here!

Get out of here.

Not now!


Pa does not love Fa.

No, Pa does not
love Fa.

You're not listening.

I'm sorry.

Stop doing that!

What the hell
are you doing?

Conducting an investigation,
thank you very much.

Then why do you
smell like herring?

Because this is an aquarium.

You're feeding him! We're about to go
to jail and you're training dolphins?

He insisted. I had no choice in the
matter. I said, Pa does not love Fa.

And your hands are filthy. Do you realize
how many germs you can transmit like that?

Here. Give me that.

What? Give...

Here, dolphin.

You just
want to feed him yourself.

I'm getting rid of the evidence.
And, yes, it's not fair that you,

the person who cares less
than me about marine wildlife,

gets to feed them
and I don't.

Just throw it
and let's get out of here.

Don't make a move!

Drop the fish, sir,
and nobody gets hurt.

Breaking and entering?

It was really just entering. Climbing
and entering. We had the code.

Is that a backstage pass?
And a Dolce jacket?

I have third row center
at Phil Collins tonight,

and I get called back here

because my department's psychic wanted to
break into an aquarium to feed some fish?

That is not entirely true.

Then why were you
wearing swim trunks,

carrying a How To Ride
a Dolphin pamphlet?

Chief, that's a long story. The truth
is we're on the trail of something.

Something big.

Something important.
Slightly sexy.

Chief, I think I can
shed some light on this.

This is April McArthur.

I did it.
Yeah, um...

I couldn't let you guys
take the fall for me.

I'm sorry, miss. You broke
into the Santa Barbara Aquarium?

Yeah, well, um. I led them to believe that
I was still an employee at the aquarium.

I got them the code for the alarm
and got them into the facility.

She was also able to inexplicably
lift us over a security wall.

Yeah. Chief, she has a good reason.

She was actually
acting heroically.

Thank you, Juliet. No, thank
you. And I like those earrings.

Chief, there may have
been a m*rder.

I can't believe
poor Shabby is dead.

You, too, Jules?

Shawn, the ShabbyCam is my screen
saver. We can all learn from him.

Wait, wait, wait.
Who's Shabby?

You don't want to know.
I don't?

Yeah, probably not. Just know
I am taking lead on this case.

There is a crime at play. Trust me. I
will straighten out these aquarium people.

They do not want to press charges
at all. They like her. And so do I.

We do not want to arrest this
woman. We need to help her.

Wow! Well, thank you
for that endorsement, O'Hara.

Now, I have to get back to the
Bowl. Somebody needs to take me,

because if I miss Against All Odds,
then somebody is getting fired.

I missed it?
They released you already?

Lassy, it was all a big
misunderstanding. We're working a case.

Jules is helping out.

We are solving
a heinous crime.

Heinous crime?
Wait a minute.

How heinous?

Look, it's not a big deal. There may
have been a m*rder. We've got it covered.

I just need a name.

I'd rather not.

Listen. You guys don't know what I've
been through these last couple weeks.

I chased down a group
of diamond smugglers.

Not exactly.

I chased them to an airport, where
a plane was waiting for them. Wait.

What does "Rocinante"
mean to you?

A full-bodied Syrah. A
gay couple from Lisbon?

No, it was the name of their plane.
It flew off into a lightning storm.

I wanted to chase them, but
apparently our helicopters only fly

when there's rainbows in the
sky, so they got away clean,

which mean I'm officially
jackass number one around here.

I need a case.

Give me
the victim's name.


Is that a street name?

It's more of a given name.

Last name?
He doesn't have one.

Do not play with me.

Can I spell it?
I don't care.

T- H-E.
T- H-E...

S- E-A.
... S -E-A...

L- I-O...



What is that? French?


Pinniped? Never heard of
it. All right, description?


Black. Height and weight?

Six, seven hundred pounds.

Jeez, Louise!

can you get a body exhumed?

Of course I can. As long
as I'm in on the autopsy.

I'm going to
k*ll you, Spencer.

I never told you that the
victim wasn't a sea lion.

Carlton, I tried to
keep you out of this.

Uh, how long
is this gonna take?

I don't know. I've never examined
one of these things before.

Okay, that's fair.

Are there any signs of, uh...
I don't know, foul play?

Well, a couple of things
are odd.

I found a strange
empty piercing.

Maybe he started swimming
with the wrong crowd.

You didn't happen to
find any tattoos, did you?


Well, I found some flat
reef coral in the fur.

How is that possible?

Yeah! Coral!
In the ocean!

Are you really
asking that question?

A sea lion
is a precision animal.

It knows how to swim around a
reef without thrashing into it.

That's true.

And I found some
synthetic fibers.

Okay! What kind
of fibers?

Monofilament line. The
kind found in fishing nets?

All right. I've heard enough. Close
this thing up. Let's go, O'Hara.

Lassy, you're not being
very helpful right now.

Really? Well, let me see if I can
close this case for you right now.

Now, I'm no expert, but let me
take a shot. You've got a sea lion,

and you've got a net and you've got
the ocean. You put them all together,

case closed.


I'm worried
he might be right.

Are you serious?
I don't know, Gus.

We definitely need to see that reef.
And I know how we can get out there.

All right. That's it, that's it.
Your hands are at ten and two.

Down there, that's
your trim tab.

Over there, your heat gauge.
That's your fish finder. GPS.

Uses waypoints, just like in a
car when you find a place you like.

Look at that. You got a little
microwave down there. Would you... Shawn!

Please focus.
Look forward.

Do not become complacent
just because it's water.

Dad, we're still
in the dock.

Look, Shawn. Do you wanna
drive this thing or not?

I never asked that!
Isn't that right, Gus?

Yeah, I'm gonna get
in the middle of that.

Man, I just wanted to come see your
new boat, go out onto the reef...

The reef?

I'm not going out on the reef.
That place is restricted waters.

What if I told you
it was for a case?

Well, that would
make it worse.

What if he didn't?

Look, we won't tell anyone,
okay? We totally promise.

Plus, it'll totally
solve a crime.

Shawn, would you please listen to
me? I'm not going out onto the reef.

That place is off-limits to people.
I'm not going to lose my boat,

I'm not gonna lose my license to follow
some stupid, lame-ass hunch of yours.

You're really not
gonna budge on this?

What do you think?

Told you.

All right! All right! I do!
I wanna learn how to drive.

Shawn, hold up a second.
I wanna grab my tackle box.

Shawn! Shawn! No!

Don't worry, it's cool. It's
cool. What are you doing?

Get back here!

He's gonna come
after us!

No, he can't swim that fast.
Besides, he wanted me to do this.


He wanted you to steal his boat? Yeah.

He didn't want to be responsible for
crossing over into restricted waters.

Shawn! Get back here!

Didn't you get that with the whole, "Shawn,
Shawn, let me show you how to drive"?

I think he wanted to
show you how to drive.

Yeah, so I could
steal it later.

This thing's all numbers. It's very
hard to read. Maybe it's upside down.

First of all, Shawn,
that's a Thomas Guide.

Ah! I thought it was a
little land-heavy. But look,

I think the reef is down
here in the corner. A-7.

Did you listen to anything your
dad said? The map is the screen.

Gus, don't be exactly half of
an 11-pound black forest ham.

That's clearly the GPS.

Exactly. It's latitude and
longitude. You follow the degrees.

Oh, yeah?

Those numbers with the little
quotation marks there?


Dude! I think I know
where it may have gone down.

That laptop was probably tracking
LaBayda's boat. Here. Here. Punch this in.

34 degrees,

and then, uh, one of those
little lines that I would use

to, uh, to make a
winky face in a text.

No, no, no,
go back, go back.

It should be the left eye
that's winking, not the right.

No... Gus,

pretend the person doesn't
even have a right eye.

No ocular socket
whatsoever. Sutured shut.

From birth.
Shawn, I got it.

Yes! That's it, right there. That's
good. Okay. Now, 50 degrees...

Come on, buddy!

Two degrees to the right.
No. Up. Two degrees up.

What do those two
little dots mean again?

Kick out the lights. Oh, dude, we're
getting close. Right on top of it.

Kick out the lights. Why am
I gonna kick out the lights?

I think I see another boat
out in the distance.

Where is another boat? It
doesn't matter where, Shawn.

We're in
restricted waters.

I can't get arrested twice
in the same week.

You might have a few arrests
in you, but I don't. Okay. Fine.

Did you hear

Like what?

Like voices.

Take him!

I had this dream
before, Shawn.

Ever since we saw Dead Calm. You
have to take one for the team.

What are you talking about?
Take one for the team!

But no one's gonna hurt us. Hey, guys.

These are restricted waters.
What the heck you doing out here?

Ahoy there! Um, yes. Right.
Uh, my name is Shawn Spencer.

This is my first mate,
Hummingbird Saltalamaccia. Hello!

We were turned around.

We just now realized that
we're in restricted waters.

Just now. And we both
have hepatitis.

I also couldn't help but notice
you are not the Coast Guard.

No. No, we thought you were the
Coast Guard coming to tow us in.


No, no.

But does that mean that they're
coming? And if so, do you have an ETA?

No. No idea. We just... we've been,
uh, drifting for about an hour.

We stalled on our way
to Monterey.

Ah! Old Mexico.

Monterrey, Mexico is 2,000
miles inland, Shawn.

Up north. So, what are
you guys doing out here?

Oh, you know. Just, uh,
hiding from sharks.

Yeah, we heard that they can
see you if your lights are on,

so we kicked ours off.

Uh, that's not how
sharks work at all.

Regular sharks. Of course. Right.
But we heard there was an infestation

of genetically-altered, shark-like
beasts here, in this area of the water.

They can smell the light.

They also type. True.

Not well.

But they're sharks, with fins,
so it's still impressive.

Oh, and, uh, how long did you say
before the Coast Guard gets here?

They're not just right around
the corner or anything, are they?

I'm telling you, Gus, there's
something wrong with those guys.

Did you want to stay out
there and chat it up with them?

No, but we may not be the only ones out
there looking for the sea lion's k*ller.


Maybe he didn't want me
to take the boat.

I'm jumping out here.

Okay, but you're
gonna get wet.

I can't believe this, Shawn. I'm gonna
get arrested two times in one week.

Okay, Dad, we have to come up
with a system for unspoken actions.

I can't believe
you called the cops.

I didn't call them, Shawn.
They called me.


The coroner finished
his inquiry.

Found a b*llet
inside the sea lion.

Two. 22 slugs, actually.

He was shot?

He was m*rder*d.

So, am I gonna need a lawyer?
'Cause mine's on a boat.

Off Cape Horn.
It might take a while.

Mister LaBayda, would you remove
that bird from your shoulder?

Oh, this is an
Australian hissing owl.

And I have to do a show with
him in about three hours.

If I haven't bonded with him by then,
he will spend the entire sh**t crapping

all over my Ed Hardy tee.

Now, I would appreciate it
if you'd watch your tone.

'Cause this thing
is like a sponge

and he can get really
aggressive when things get tense.

Detective, telephone.

I'm in the middle of
something. It's the FBI.

Again? Would you
tell them

I didn't know they were
smugglers until it was too late?

And tell them if I had access to my own
plane, I could have followed the Rocinante

into the storm! Maybe you
should tell them yourself.


Didn't I have her fired?

Oh! Is that your source?

No. Mr. LaBayda,
our source is the court,

as in a court-sanctioned
search we did of your office.

We found animal-tracking
software on your computer.

We don't tag
our animals, Randy!

Once they're released
into the wild, they're free.

Perhaps you'd like
to explain.

I need someone
to take the bird.

All right.

We were going to track him.

But it was such a great,
heartwarming local story.

It would have been
a great national one.

I mean you can't
blame me for

wanting the people to
know what happened to this

special creature.

Yeah. Well, we need to know
why you released him miles away

from where you were
supposed to.

I, uh,

think I'd like to
make my phone call now.

Yeah. I bet you would.

LaBayda's Sea Adventure.

Burn the disks.

Is this you, boss?

Destroy the footage.

Take a vacation in Mexico for
at least a week. Can you do that?

I can't get to the footage
right now, Chief. Why not?

Because your two hair analysts
are reviewing it right now.

I don't have
a hair analyst!

Who set that up?

Oh, crap.

Get over there! Now!

Hair analyst?
That worked?

I've always dreamed
of having one myself.

I need the sunset perfectly
framing the silhouette.

It has to be me
and the wild.

Now, let me just say, you see a
single strand of my hair out of place,

let me know. We cut right then and
there. And that includes chest hair.

Tim, you got me?
You got me?

Yeah, I got it.
All right. Here we go.

All right. Three... What?

Freighter, freighter.

No! No! Get out
of the way!

Get your big polluting ass
out of my shot!

How many boats
are there gonna be?

Okay! Perfect.

I guess this'll
just have to do.

I don't like it. I wanna go on
record saying, "I don't like it. "

Gus, he's not a m*rder*r.
He's just an egomaniac.

And for fairly good reason.
His hair is spectacular.

Swim. Swim, my friend.

He released Shabby in the wrong
place to get a better shot!

That means Shabby was just in
the wrong place at the wrong time.

Arrivederci, my furry
little Michael Phelps.


He didn't sh**t him.
He didn't do it.

Yeah, pumas are pretty mean. I
know one time I ran into a puma.

Oh, man, I was...

Gus, look at that. That's the
same boat we saw. The same guys!

It was five days ago.

We've been drifting
for about an hour.

We stalled on our way
to Monterey.

They weren't on the way
to Monterey.

They were on their way
to the reef.

The reef where Shabby
went off the grid.

Why would they be going
out there at night?

Guys? Out of there!

Plan "A" or plan "B"?

Get out of there!

Oh, my God,
I k*lled him!

Shawn, you can't steal your
dad's boat for a second time.

Gus, you don't understand.
My dad wants me to do this.

Do I, Shawn?

You were really
good with him.

So were you. You really
scared him. And the bird.

Listen. I don't know if this is the
right time to ask, but what about Shawn?

What about him?

I don't know.


You know, odd.
It's refreshing.

I was thinking of letting him
know that I'm, uh, "available. "

You know, and all
that. What do you think?

I don't know.

Is there a problem?

No. No, there's no problem.

Your dad's getting
pretty good.

Too good. I think he's been waiting in
there since Thursday. It's pretty creepy.

And mildly impressive.

Gus. Opportunity.

They're going that way. We
gonna follow them or not?

Uh, I'm definitely a
"not" right now. But...

They might be
coming back.

Walking in the opposite direction.
I think this is our best opportunity.

But they're going
to get help.

They're unloading stuff.

Barnacle Bill.


You wanna be Hawkeye
or Crow's Nest?

What do either
of those mean?

I don't know.
I was hoping you did.

What is all this stuff?

GPS, radar, sonar, electronic
pulse sensors. High-tech stuff.

That's how they knew
we were in the water.

Whatever they were doing,
they didn't want to be found.

And they were
doing it at night.

It's just a bunch
of salvage equipment.

Wait a minute.

We need to get this thing off.

What are we looking for?

This thing! This thing!
This thing!

Here. Let me do it.
I was a Navy scout.

This is a satellite
tracking tag.

What's it for?

They use it for tagging
animals. Training, research.

Well, a couple
of things are odd.

I found a strange
empty piercing.

Why does this
have a GPS on it?

LaBayda was tracking
the sea lion.

He found a b*llet
inside the sea lion.

Two. 22 slugs, actually.

They k*lled him, Shawn.
But why?

We should go.

They're coming. They're gonna
see us! Quick! Jump in the water.

Okay. Hang from the
anchor. Where's the anchor?

That only works
in cartoons.

Is there a shark cage?

How could that
possibly be a good idea?

I don't know! At least I'm
coming up with some ideas!

I'm telling you, I saw the boat
rocking. I swear. It's fine!

There's no one.
Everything's fine.

I saw something.
I'm telling you.

You're paranoid, man. We're in the
home stretch here. Let's go. Get going.

No, I'm not.
I'm checking the pull.

Dude, this is like Out
of Sight, but super gay.

Don't touch me, Shawn.

Wait! Wait! You hear that?

Hear what?

All right. All right.
I'm just nervous, man.

I see a flashlight.

Don't touch me, Shawn.

Wait. What does "Rocinante"
mean to you?

No. It's the name of their airplane.
It flew off into a lightning storm.

Dude! I solved it!
Will you be quiet?

But I solved it!
Be quiet!

Hey! I heard it again.
Didn't you hear that?

What do you hear?

I hear birds!
Listen! Listen!

Untie, push off.
Please. We're going.

I think
that's the engine.

I'm gonna k*ll you, Shawn.

Okay. I think they're gone.
I'm gonna call for help.

No. He'll hear you.
He has eagle ears.

Eagle ears?

How about I send a text?

Mute your keys!
How do I do that?

Come here! Okay, what?
What? What's so important?

I just got a text
from Shawn Spencer.

And what did it say? It says
that he solved the crime, and...

And what?

He's trapped in the hull of a
smuggler's boat going out to sea.

What do we do
with that?

"How can we find... "

Okay, now type the letter "U" instead
Y-O-U, and you don't need that punctuation.

It's just faster.

Dude, I really do feel
so Clooney right now.

I am not Jennifer Lopez.

That was a compliment.

How is that
possibly a compliment?

Did you see El Cantante?
She was amazing.



Hold on.

Get off me, Shawn.
Get off me.

Got it!

Ooh! Ooh!
I got another text!

What does it say?
"Turn on LaBayda's laptop. "

Uh... Someone get it
out of evidence!

all we do is wait.

Gus, scratch my leg.

Just... Would you just scratch
my leg? I'm not scratching.

The elastic on my sock... I'm
not scratching your leg, Shawn.

Can you give us a general
location of the boat?

Well, it's a little bit problematic.

Well, I have my sister on ready with the
Coast Guard. Just give us the coordinates.

That's the problem. We have
a very definitive location,

it just doesn't seem
to make any sense.

How far out are they?

First Street and Main.

Juliet wants me
to check outside.

You are not doing that.

She says we may not be
where we think we are.

I trust her, Gus.
I'm gonna do it.



Uh, Gus?

Change of plans.

All right, let's do this
quick. I got the diamonds,

we'll lose the equipment
as fast as we can, we'II...

What the hell?

Wait a second.
This is not my boat!

My bad! Gus, I told you, our
boat is called Just Chillin'.

Just Chillin'!
Ah! Yeah!

Inexcusable, huh?

We're sorry, and we'll be on our way.

I'm sorry you
had to be here.

Apology accepted.

Get down.


Around this way. Come
on. Towards the truck.

Now what the hell's going
on here? All right, guys,

I'm just gonna be honest, 'cause that's
usually the best policy. Right? I'm a psychic.

You're psychic?

So I know you guys weren't
really on your way to Monterey,

and I know you weren't
stranded. In fact,

you were in a desperate search for
the wreckage of the Rocaninante.

That was
nowhere near close.

I really hate
that you said that.

Do we sh**t them?
I don't know yet.

You don't know yet? Well, uh,
I'll tell you what else I know.

You found your wreckage from a
plane that everyone assumed escaped,

but actually went down
in restricted waters,

which is why your booty
was so tough to find.

You a cop?
We are not cops.

No, but if I was a cop, I'd
be a bad cop. That much I know.

Not because I'm tough or
unscrupulous. Because of lateness.

Just general tardiness.
Would you stop moving?

Get over here. What's the point of this?

Unfortunately, a sweet
sea lion named Shabby

was innocently looking for
a fish or a squid to eat...

What the hell
is the point of this?

The point is,

you saw the signal coming.
I got a hot signal coming.

What is it, a boat? No. It
could be a diver, though.

You thought
you'd been had, so...

You fired into the water,
thinking it was a diver, but no.

I got it, whatever it was.

A sweet, innocent
sea lion,

attached to a beeper by a
television host on the slide

hoping to exploit his
story for a comeback.

And when you tried to
pull him out of the water,

he managed to break free. Why?

Because he was a winner,
and a very strong swimmer.

And a survivor.
That's right. At least...

At least for a couple
of hours he was.

You're here because
of a sea lion?

I'm here for all the
sea lions, Jack!

And the fish,

and that stuff that looks like
coral but moves when you touch it.

Gus, what am I
talking about?

Sea amanonees.

Don't do this to yourself.
Sea anenomies?

Yes! Yeah, well, it's too
bad you can't do anything

with all that information,
isn't it, now?

Yeah. Except that Shabby left
a little something behind.

And I've been doing something
I like to call stalling.

And Rutger Hauer
calls "shhtalling. "

Because he's Dutch.

No, why are you stalling?

Because of that. Put
it down! Don't move!

Drop it!

All right.

Saving your ass
again, Spencer?

Lassy, I believe you'll find

that whatever your missing smugglers
had is in that truck over there.

Perhaps in the boat.

What are you
talking about?

I'm helping you. I told
you. It's a two-way street.

Hold on. How did you...

A little bit of this,

and a whole lot
of that.


The case is finished,

but I still have to do
a little paperwork.

That's all I'm doing here.

But look at you!
Look at you!

Yeah! First day back. They even
offered me LaBayda's office.

I said no.


That's the worst decision
anyone's ever made.


Listen, Shawn. Um,
I asked them for you,

but they don't really allow
people to ride dolphins.

But we could arrange an
interaction. That would be easy.


No. No, it's okay.
I'm gonna wait.

Wait until it's natural,
organic, happens in the wild...

Um, that's illegal.

What if I ride a whale?

I mean, what if I do the
same thing, but with a whale?

That's a joke.
Of course it is.

Of course it is.
Okay. Yeah, the, um...

Well, listen. Anything else I can
do, please, you really are amazing.

How about dinner? You and me. Mmm.

Very dark restaurant. I'll bring
some candles, in case it's too dark.

That's something
I like to do.

Listen, Shawn, I, um...

I really would love to.

Uh, but,

I don't want to
get in the way.

Get in the way?

I like her, and I think
you two will get there.

So, thanks for everything.

Uh, what does that
even mean?

Good luck, Shawn.

In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity

I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity

If it's all right
then you're all wrong

But why bounce around
to the same damn song?

You'd rather run
when you can't crawl

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end

I know, you know

I know, you know
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