03x01 - Ghosts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Psych". Aired: July 7, 2006 – March 26, 2014.*

Moderator: fpfvst

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Follows Shawn who works for the police department which allows him to convince people that he solves cases with psychic abilities.
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03x01 - Ghosts

Post by bunniefuu »

on Psych...

I needed to talk to you.

Just say it, say what it is.

I don't want to feel guilty
about moving on with my life.

Your mother's not
a part of it anymore.

Look. I don't care what
you do, okay? I don't care.


Dispatch, we've located
the stolen vehicle.

Occupants inside.
Approaching now.

proceed with caution.

Henry, you don't
wanna do this.

I don't have a choice, Ray.

Think of the consequences.

I'm way past consequences.

This needs to end tonight.



It's my neighbor's car.
We were gonna put it back.

It was just a dare.

Is there a problem
here, Officer?

You wanted my attention,
Shawn, you got it, buddy.

Wait. You guys
know each other?

Yeah. He's sort of my dad.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask for
that "World's Greatest Dad" mug back.

You just keep talking, Shawn.

You keep talking.

Oh, don't worry, I will. Like
when I read you your rights.

Oh, I have rights?
That'll be new and fun.

What am I gonna
tell your mother?

I don't know, you think you can get
a hold of her new phone number?

I hope it was
worth it, smart-ass.

This officially ends your
chance of being a cop.

Let's be honest, I gave up wanting
to be like you a long time ago.

That's it! Somebody book him.
You, beanpole! Get over here.

Fingerprint him, now.

Oh, I'm, I'm sorry. Me?

Never mind, rookie,
I'll do it myself.

Burton Guster.

Dude. I'm freaking out.
You have to help me.

What's wrong?
My mom is here.

She's back
in the country?

Back in the country?
Try, try back in the city.

Try downstairs
in my dad's kitchen.

Where are you? Hiding out in my bedroom.

Oh, my God! Holy crap. I just found an
entire unopened box of Shrinky Dinks.

You're hiding in your bedroom
because your mom came to visit?

Dude, you've got problems.

Are you hearing
what I'm saying?

My mom is standing downstairs, in
my dad's kitchen, laughing it up,

having a grand old time. You
don't think that's a little weird?

And you're unhappy she's here?

No, I'm not unhappy
she's here...

I don't know. I haven't
seen her in three years.

She used
to tell me everything.

What's she doing here?


For the police department?

I guess, I don't know.

I haven't found out much because,
apparently, it's 1988 in my house

and no one felt the need
to tell me anything.

I know my dad
is behind all of this...

Oh, my God!


Dude, did you know
I had a Furby?

Shawn, I have no time for
this. I've got my own problems.

I have to go see
Frankjim Ogletree.

Frankjim Ogletree? Is that
a person or a hippopotamus?

He's the new
Regional Sales Manager.

My immediate boss.
And a tyrant.

They call him
the little Pinochet.

That's too abstract.

Why don't they just call him
"jerk pants"? Or "Suck McJones"?

They're MIT guys, Shawn.
Now, go face your parents.

You've been wanting
to see your mom for ever.

And tell her I'm coming by
for some Jell-O cake.

Holy... Dude! I just found a
pristine issue of Dynamite magazine

with Square Pegs
on the cover.

Hold on, I'm gonna read
"Bummers" to you.

The cheese knife
is in the same place, right?

Yeah, it's right there. You
want me to give you a hand, hon?

Did you just call me "honey"?

I did not. I was going
to say "hunchback. "

Oh, Shawnie,
look at this.

Not only does your father own a
very expensive bottle of Bordeaux,

he hand-made little cucumber
sandwiches. Do you believe that?

Wow, he is just chock
full of surprises today.

Well, I'm allowed
to expand my horizons, right?

I am so glad
to see you, Mom.

What are you doing in town?

Well, some police departments
occasionally call me up

to come back and do
psych evaluations.

How long have you
known about this?

Not long.
I almost didn't do it.

I changed my mind
at the last second.

I'm doing
Santa Barbara PD,

a few in San Diego,
the Bay area.

When are our dinner
reservations, Henry?

Oh, there's dinner
plans tonight?

You can make it, right?

Of course he can make it.

Of course
I will come, I just...

Need to cancel a date
but that is not a big deal.

You made other plans?

I didn't make other plans.
I didn't know.

Didn't know what?

That you were coming.

Henry, why didn't you
tell him I was coming?

He doesn't have a phone.

You don't have a phone? What... I do.

Are you having money problems?
Henry, why don't you buy him a phone?

Mom, I'm fine. I'm not
having money problems.

I dropped my phone while I was
solving a very important crime.

I was on the front page
of the newspaper yesterday.


May I speak
with you privately?

What the hell is
going on in there?

I tried to tell you, Shawn.

Allow me to
demonstrate trying.

"Shawn, guess who's coming
back into the country on Friday?

"Your mother. " That's it.
Mission accomplished.

All right! Look, I wanted to clear the
air on a few things before she got here.

Clear the air? You think you can
undo 15 years of hard feelings

with a bottle of... Pinot... Bordeaux.

I didn't even know
Walmart had a wine cellar.

Look, would give me a break? I'm just trying
to make a nice night here for her here.

You're sabotaging me.

Why would I do that?

I don't know,
but I'm gonna figure it out.

You wanted to see me,
Mr. Ogletree?

Shut the door, Burton.

I was reading
the paper yesterday

and something
caught my attention.

Have to say I was surprised, considering
you seem to already have a full-time job.

This is just something
I do on the side.

A hobby, really. Like collecting
thimbles or raising carrier pigeons.

You raise carrier pigeons?

No. Not at all.
That's totally lame.

I just said that
because I was flustered.

I raise carrier pigeons.

I'm glad you said that,

because I was afraid to tell you how
cool I thought carrier pigeons are.

Flying around and carrying
stuff. Coming back.

Awesome, I hear that.

Are you familiar with the
exclusivity clause in your contract?

It means we don't
allow second jobs.


No, no. Psych is more
like community service.

And it never
affects my work.

This photo was taken
Thursday night,

I noticed you signed out
early that day.

I think the important thing
is I signed out.

Let's roll back
the clock, shall we?

Monday, the 28th,

you had three appointments.
You missed all of them.

Tuesday, the 29th,
you disappeared after lunch.

And Wednesday,
well, here you are.

You did your entire week's
work in one afternoon.

It was a crazy week.

It seems to me
you had a crazy year.

I have taken the liberty
of preparing this for you.

What is this?

It's a termination notice.

Or, you could quit
your other job. You tell me.

Good choice.

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end

Shawn, you don't have to walk
me through the whole building.

I used to do
quite a few sessions here.

This is where I met
your father.

I know.
I heard the story.

You did his evaluation after
he shot some drug dealer.

He told you that?

He twisted his ankle doing
security for the Cinnamon Festival.

I had to clear him for duty.

Figures, that's about par.

What happened?

He said the two of you
are getting along better.

Mom, the last thing I wanna do
right now is talk about Henry.

Okay, that's fair.
Let's talk about you.

Who was that date
you had to cancel on Friday?

Ah, it was just some girl I
met. She was a museum curator.

It's not a big deal, Mom. I doubt
it would've worked out anyway.

How many dates?

That would've been the first.


Come on, Goose,
whenever we talk,

you're always about to not go on
a second date with somebody new.

I happen to be excellent
at first dates.

You know who is having
multiple dates?

Dad. I believe
he's up to number eight

with his Jekyll and Hyde
English girlfriend.

You guys should
connect more often.

He told me they broke it off
a few weeks ago.

We're talking
about him again.

Yes, we are. Let's stop.
I should let you go.

How many of these
do you have to do, anyway?

Oh, three uniforms
and a detective.

Oh. You wanted
to see me, Chief?

Yes. It has come
to my attention, Detective,

that you've discharged
your weapons

in the last four cases
you've worked.

Thank you.

That wasn't a compliment.

I'm just trying to
keep the streets safe, Chief.

The last incident
was at a cat show.

Well, let me just go on record as
saying that I would never sh**t a cat.

I guess I could find
some solace in that.

Unless it was approaching
in a threatening manner

or refused to stop
upon my command.

I would probably just fire a
warning shot to make my point but

it's really a field decision. I
can't commit to it at this juncture.

I've requested a
department-sanctioned psychologist

to come here and have
a session or two with you.

I'm just gonna have to say no.

That wasn't a question.

Could you phrase it like one?

Hey, Katie. Kathy. Shawn.


What the hell
are you doing here?

I should ask you
the same question.

I work here.

Okay. I should ask you
a different question.

Why didn't you return
my calls all weekend?

Shawn, I had no other
choice about all this.

Oh, my God. This isn't a joke!
You're really quitting Psych?

I'm so sorry, Shawn.

In a text message, no less?

I couldn't think of any
other way to tell you.

I knew you would just
try to convince me to stay.

Listen, maybe we can still
do it on the weekends.

If you're ready to hear
some good news,

I have worked out a compromise
that will solve all of this.

Really? Yes. You quit this
job. This job, you quit!

We take on extra cases to make
up the difference in salary.

I make 48 grand a year, Shawn.

What is that? Yen?

Who needs $48,000 to live?

I need 32. The other 16
generally goes to you.

Don't be ridiculous. I
claimed you on my taxes, Shawn.

Holy crap, is this
Bianca's pappardelle?

Mmm-hmm, I found it
in the kitchen fridge.

Oh, my God,
she's going to go insane.

She hand-rolls the pasta
every weekend, Shawn.

They take all day. She grinds
her own spices, Shawn!

Well, I thought
it was for everybody.



Paul would like to see you.

Mr. Haversham? Really? Lovely.
I'll be there in a second.

What does she do?

She's Haversham's secretary.

Is Haversham the guy
who tried to fire you?

No. He's that guy's boss.
Everybody's boss. He's the VP.

Perfect. He's the one we have to
convince to let you keep doing both jobs.

I need a second.

I gotta clean my teeth
before we go in.

No. No, no, Shawn.
You're leaving now.

Gus, I'm not budging
until we make this nice.

All right,
but you asked for it.

Asked for what?

Let go of me!

Don't you dare go
boneless on me, Shawn!

Lower back.

You see? That's why it's
not... Oh! You son of a bitch!

You wanted to see me?

Yes, I did. I have a
project for you. Have a seat.

Is that your wife?

My grandmother.

Tell her I said she's lovely.

She died.

I'm going to sit down now.

Lots of talk about this
in the office.

Yes, sir. I'm aware of that, and
I've already taken care of it.

I don't think you have.

When my wife and I
moved into our house,

we were met with a series
of unexplained disturbances.

Perhaps fueled by my wife's
predilection for the supernatural.

Well, after a while
it stopped.

But recently, these
occurrences have returned.

To the point where my wife
is staying with her mother.

Mr. Haversham,
why are you telling me this?

Because I believe my wife
believes our house is haunted,

and I would like to hire you.

Gus, I had a strange
feeling I was needed.

Cool, huh? Looks like word
getting out about you moonlighting

isn't the worst thing
in the world.

Let's be clear. Haversham is the
most powerful man in this office.

He's gonna be running
this company sometime soon.

Give the man
the respect he deserves.

What is this?

His company bio. Learn it.

"Bred for success"?

His father is William
Haversham. Genius entrepreneur.

This guy grew up under the
tutelage of a business master

and real estate magnate.

I know him. He's the one
who built the Poliodome.


That's a much less
depressing name. Should we go?

No. Meet me
at Haversham's at 7:00.

I think I can handle that.

And no whimpering. And no
screaming. No running from anything.

I don't care how spooky
his old house is.

Haversham thinks my
nickname is Fearless Guster.

Well, do you want to start
some sort of recording device?

No. I don't record my
sessions. I prefer just to talk.

How do you remember
the important things?

You've heard
of a photographic memory?

Well, I have a bit of... I guess
you'd call it an eidetic tonal memory.

So, you'll remember
everything I've said?

Pretty much. Yes.
Would you like to start?

Yes, first question,
where's the bug?

The what?
The bug.

Nothing new in this area. Must
be concealed on your person.

I honestly don't have
anything on me.

Then you wouldn't be opposed
to me patting you down?

Actually, I'm very
opposed to that.

Would you be willing
to submit to a polygraph?

Shawn, don't do this
to me. You are late.

At this moment,
you are officially late!

Just call me
when you get here.


Is somebody there?

I just heard you squeak.

Damn you, Shawn! I thought
you were a ghost from outside.

And yet, you still came in
all by your lonesome.

Fearless Guster impresses.

How did you
get inside the house?

Hadewych, the housekeeper. She
was leaving so she let me in.

Tiny little dollop of a
woman, Dutch-Indonesian.

Enormous forearms.
She made me a pannekoek.

It's like a pancake but it is
the size of a manhole cover!

Are you wearing
Haversham's robe?

Yep. You should try it. The worm that spins
this silk is extinct. You can't find these.

Take it off.
I can't.


Where are your clothes?
In the dryer.

In the dryer?

Well, the sauna was a little
bit hotter than I was expecting!

Mr. Haversham.
We got here early.

Hadewych let us in. We love her,
and we'd like one of our own.

Is that an ascot?

Yes. Yes, it is.

I like it.
It's a classic accoutrement.

It's nice to see someone
with a sense of tradition.

Gus and I are both
huge fans of the classics.

To be completely honest, I'm surprised
he isn't wearing his spats this evening.

Can we see the epicenter
of the ghoulish activity?

Please, don't touch anything.

I'm sorry, Mr. Haversham,

but I'm afraid I'm going to have
to touch absolutely everything.

Including this
naked lady lamp.

I almost might have
to sniff some stuff.

Possibly lick some things. These
Tootsie Roll pops come to mind.

Are you a skeptic, sir?

Elaine's the real believer,
so I guess you could say that.

Just as I thought.
Please leave.


I'm sorry, sir.
You are a skeptic.

Therefore, you must wait in
the hall, preferably at the end.

You're k*lling
all of my jujubes.

Jujubes are candies.


You better
take off that robe.

I will.

And I know
what you're trying to do.

What? Innocently flip
through a photo album?

No. You're sabotaging
this on purpose.

Why would I do that?

To get me fired so I have no other
choice but to go back to Psych.

That's actually
an ingenious plan.

But that's not
how I play, Gus.

I play fair,
and I roll hard.

I'm gonna find this man's
ghost and I will rid him of it.

Did Haversham
have any enemies?

Not really. Corporate
thinks he's a magician.

He completely revamped
our inventory system.

Really? Whole system
from A to Z, including M?

All the vowels? This guy
sounds like a real maverick.

Mr. Haversham,
allow me to say

this is my most valuable
work experience yet.

Well? Allow me to say
that I'm not impressed.

Duly noted.

Magnum! Quiet, boy!
Stop that!

Quiet, boy!

What is he barking at?

I don't know, he never barks.

Come on, boy. Come on,
that's it. Here we go.

Dude, look at you. You were cool
as a cucumber while that went down.

Fearless Guster
is a badass.

Let's check the basement.

I can't.

Why not?

My feet won't move.

So? How did it go?
I'm winning.

How are you winning?

I answered every question in
character as Tom "Gunny" Highway.

Who is Tom "Gunny" Highway?

Clint Eastwood's character
in Heartbreak Ridge.

It's not
a contest, Carlton.

Don't kid yourself, O'Hara,
you'll only come out losing.

Losing what?

Why are we going
to the basement?

Because, Gus, that's where ghosts do their
thing. It's cold, and dark, and dusty.

Excuse me.

Can I help you two? Yeah, we're
just gonna check out the basement.

We don't go to the basement.

He doesn't go
to the basement.

Why is that?

Mold spores. My wife
had some workers here.

You can get to the door, but you
can't get in 'cause it's bolted shut.

I still think
it's probably worth...

Is that hot

It's Dutch cocoa. Hadewych makes a pot
for me each night before she leaves.

I see. Mr. Haversham, in order to fully
understand the connection that you have

with this ghost, I will need to see
what you see, wear what you wear,

drink what you drink.

You're saying you'd like
some hot chocolate?

Yes. With
marshmallows, please.


What? It's Dutch!

It tastes like it was dipped
straight out of Willy Wonka's river.

Would you get serious?

Well, he's not the most
gracious host, you know.

If he'd just offered
I wouldn't have had to ask.

And that pannekoek? Not nearly
as filling as it may have seemed.

You're getting hot
chocolate on the floor.

Did you see that?

What the hell is...

Magnum! Down, boy!

That dog is kind
of an "A" hole.

It sees something.

Yeah, urine stains
on my pants.

So, what do we do now?

I think we stay here. We close the blinds.
We lock the doors. We call it a night.

Del Taco? Del Taco?

No, not me.
I'm going out there.

Are you kidding me?
Shawn, this is what we do.

There's a ghost out there,
so would you cut the...

We need to do this...

Okay, fine.

Do you have high-end energy
efficient xenon flashlights?

Pardon me for saying so,
but Fearless Guster sucks.

I don't care what you say, we're
solving this case. So suck it up.

Suck what up?
What are you talking about?

What are you talking about? I don't
know. You got my mind all messed up.

I'm going that direction.
She went that way.

Good luck.

Hey, it's me. Not
letting you do this alone.

Where is he?

I got her!

What do you mean,
you got her?

What is going on here?

I don't know.

I realized something.

Yesterday, with all
that talk about weapons,

I neglected to ask you
a very important question.

What kind of g*n
do you carry?

Would you like to see it?

I would love to.

Picked this up
with a little extra cash

after I decided not to go
with a divorce attorney.

You're going through
a separation?

Well, yeah.

Yeah, it's...

You know, she went with one of
these high-powered ambulance chasers

but that's just her
insecurities, you know.

You know who
you remind me of?


Did you ever see that movie
Heartbreak Ridge?

Mold spores, Shawn.

Well, I'm attracted to places
I'm not allowed to go.

Good luck with your
stachybotros virus.

Listen, man, we need to wrap this up quickly.
I have dinner plans with my mom tonight.

I've hardly had a chance
to see her at all. Shawn.

What? Hadewych!

It's okay, I'm Shawn Spencer, it's me
and my partner, Lemongrass Gogoloab.

Have you noticed
anything strange?

Only now.

We saw a woman
in the woods last night

that may not have been alive.

Saturday, the missus,
she leave.

Go to mother's, yes? Sunday,
I forget my bag, come back.

I hear voices,
lady voices in the house.

What did you do?

I leave. Too much
strangeness here lately.

Something's off
with that woman, Shawn.

Okay. Nothing's happening.
I gotta go.

Gus, we made plans.

My dad has been manipulating
her time all week.

Shawn, let me be clear. I'm
not leaving here until Haversham

not only wants me to keep
moonlighting at Psych forever,

but also makes me a partner.
Sorry, buddy.

Wait, what's this?
Are you leaving?

Mr. Haversham, it is my belief that we
have done all there is to do here tonight.

Tomorrow, we will look into
the history of the house,

see if there's anything there
that can help us.

Just don't have any leads
at this point.

So, I think we should all pat each other
on the backs for a job well done so far,

reconvene first thing in the morning
for a nice farmer's breakfast.

I have dinner plans
with my mother.

Oh, you made it. I was sure
you weren't gonna make it.

I'm sorry, Ma. You've no idea
the day I've just had.

Well, I'm just running to the
ladies'. We're right over there.

Oh. Your father was lonely

and I thought I might have to eat
dinner alone, so I let him tag along.

That's fine, right?

You're absolutely certain
he's my father?

Oh! Hey, Shawn. Grab a menu. We already
ordered. I'm sure it's all right.

All right, what is this?
What is what?

This. What is all of this? The
aftershave, pumiced scalp, the suit.

I can wear a suit. Which one of the
three tenors did you borrow that from?

Not the dead one, I hope.

It's my suit, Shawn. I dress up
occasionally. You have a problem with that?


I have a problem with this pretend Henry
that showed up when Mom got to town.

I don't know where
you're going with this.

You're acting like a phony
and you know it,

and it's bugging the hell
out of me. Look at yourself!

Shawn, I order a braised quail salad and all
of a sudden you think I'm putting on airs?

Excuse me. Who here has the guinea
hen crostone with the liver pancetta?

That'd be me.
Everybody here is ordering it.

Look, I'm...

I'm just gonna make this
easier for both of us, okay?

I know exactly what you're up to.
And I'm not gonna let it happen.

Let what happen, Shawn?

Yeah, if you don't mind my saying so,
you've been a real jerk to me all week.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you that
your mother was coming back into town.

I'm sorry you think that I
messed up your whole youth.

I'm sorry you think
that I screwed up your life.

Get over it.

You had your chance.
Now, leave her alone.


Did you know that Ogletree
raises carrier pigeons?



That's strange.

Who called?



Well, there it is
again. That's my number.

From work?
No, from here.

The call is coming
from inside the house.

Put it on speaker.


Who is this?

Does this number have
any other extensions?

No. Well, there's one,
but it's not plugged in.

Where is it?
I'll go check it out.

It's up in the attic.

The attic?

I'll stay on the line.

You... Good luck.

Come on. Don't be mad.

You haunted my boss' house?

It was the only way to show him
how important and needed you are.

Look how brave you've been.

If we're being honest,
I think this has been

a real confidence booster
for you, buddy.

Plus, once you solve the case, you're
a hero, he never bothers you again.

Maybe you get a numbered
space in the green lot.

Shawn, stop it.
How did you even...

Gus. Friday,
after you quit our business,

I went to your office in hopes of
haunting your Regional Sales Manager,

Ogletree. Unfortunately,
he doesn't believe in ghosts,

so I had to go
a little higher on the rung.

Luckily for me, Katie from Accounts
Receivable gave me a little tip

about Haversham's wife.

I finally got to use my air
conditioner and heating guy disguise.

I had an ultrasonic beeper
in my pocket for the dog.

I actually thought you
caught that one for a second.

Dude, hear me.


Don't ever, ever put
dry ice in your mouth.

Doesn't matter
how well you wrap it up.

Okay. What about
the old woman?

Young woman. She does
Shakespeare in the Parking Lot

down at the Albertsons
by La Cumbre Plaza.

She was all stoked
to finally have a paying gig.

And ditching
the dress in the woods?

That was just an improv
because who knew Fearless Guster

would come after her,
you badass.

The rest of it was
pretty simple, really.

I even visited Alice Bundy in
prison to get a few pointers.

How do we solve it?
Solve what?

The ghost. How do we solve a
case where you're the culprit?

That is a very good question.
I hadn't thought that far ahead.

You haven't thought
that far ahead?

Well, give me a second.

I'm hiding under the towel.

And then I realize,
the towel is my life,

and the pool is third grade,
and the high dive is my father.


Oh, wow, I...

I poured out to you secrets
even I didn't know I had.

That was amazing!
I mean, so

to trust someone with your

darkest innermost secrets.
Where have you been?

Why haven't you
been here before?

I used to be here quite a bit.
I just recently came back.

I know someone here who works
for the department occasionally.

Actually, he's my son.

Really? Well, you know, I know pretty much
everybody who comes through the department.

What's his name?
Shawn Spencer.

Ghost gone.

Just like that?
Just like that. It's split.

It's history. Will not be bothering
you again. And that is a guarantee.

One hundred percent.

How can you guarantee?

Please, don't ask. Just enjoy.

And now, regarding our fee. Of
course, there will be no charge.

Knowing that you appreciate the work
that Gus does for the community...

And for the company. It's
more than enough reward.

But if you were to insist on some
sort of expense reimbursement,

we, of course,
would not accept.

Hmm. Please, have a seat.

I have a bit of a sixth sense
myself, Mr. Guster.

Helps me out when a business
deal is about to go south.

And it's bothering me
right now.

I don't understand this
guarantee, and I don't like it.

Last night, when that call came
in, Guster, you went upstairs.

At the end of that call, I heard something
that made me question all of this.

What was it? It was the voice.
Something was wrong with it.

What was wrong with it?

It said "Gus. "

Just like that.

Well, sir, I am pretty sure that
that can be easily explained.

Yes. I'm sure that it can.
But there's something

I really need for you
to do for me right now.


Leave. And, Mr. Guster,
I will carefully ponder

my next move and your future
with the company.

Let's talk, Burton.

Well, thank you for your time, Mr.
Haversham. I'm sorry you don't believe me.

But I do understand.

Can we speak privately?

Just one second.

What's your game?

I have two games,
Red Rover and lawn darts.

We'd need at least four for even
the most rudimentary game of Rover,

and they don't make lawn
darts anymore. Too dangerous.

But that's not why I'm here. I
sensed several things in that house

that I couldn't tell you
with other people in the room.

This is getting desperate, Mr.
Spencer, but, please, wow me.

You weren't raised
by your father.

You were raised
by your grandmother.

It was her ring.

Her ring that
your wife wears now.

Okay, perhaps my father
wasn't as present as I'd hoped

and yes, my wife wears my grandmother's
ring. That doesn't mean anything.

Maybe not to you,

but the sanctity of marriage
means a lot to your grandmother,

and having an affair
with what? A secretary?

That just feels wrong.

No matter how good
her pappardelle is.

And just what the hell
are you accusing me of?

You're getting hot
chocolate on the floor.

Is this
Bianca's pappardelle?

I hear voices.
Lady voices in the house.

No accusations here. I'm just telling you
your grandmother is very disappointed in you.

And she doesn't want
you to go to jail.

Nothing you've accused me
of is illegal.

He completely revamped
our inventory system.

Repackaging samples
and reselling them,

while lucrative,
is highly illegal.

So, what is this, now?
A shakedown?

There's no shakedown. I'm
just telling you what I know.

I'm a psychic, and with great
power comes great responsibility.

And that responsibility,
I share with Gus.

All we want is the opportunity
to continue doing our work.

Just between us?

I'm a psychic.
I can't lie.

Mr. Guster,
get back to work.

As per our conversation, your raise
will be reflected in your next check.

I'm sorry,
I'm confused.

Spend a little more time in
your own business, Frankjim.

Excuse me.

I know about you, too.

His hair is horrible.

She who bore me.

What are you doing
here, Goose?

Finished working on my case, and I had
this amazing idea that I would come by

and scoop you up and take you to
a movie, and it would just be us.

Actually, your dad was
planning on coming by.

Of course, he was.
Okay, I'll go.

Wait. Enough. What happened?


Between you two.

Mom, that is a veritable
lifetime of conversations.

Follow me.
No, Mom! Mom, come on!

Oh, God!


Are we really gonna do this?
Sit down.


What happened?
Don't mince words.

With Dad? Mom, we were both there, you
know, we don't need to revisit the past.

Maybe we do.

Well, I'm not sure I wanna
forgive him for what happened.

The divorce?
It wasn't what happened, Mom.

It was the way
that it happened.

I mean, let's call it
what it was.

He left us. He left you.

He ended up with the house, and he left
you by yourself to pick up the pieces.

That's not exactly what I
call hero material, you know?

Shawn, I left him.

Come on, Mom. You don't have
to spin this for me, okay?

Let me be clear.

Your father was wonderful to me. He
wanted to keep going to counseling,

he kept saying we could make it, but
the writing was on the wall a long time.

You're losing me here, Mom.
What are you...

When I got that job, out of town,
it was an incredible opportunity.

I was afraid I would never have
a chance again, so I took it.

You were into your senior
year. Your path was set.

It seemed the right time,
if such a thing is possible.

I thought, of all people,
that you would be okay.

But I am so sorry.

Mom, you don't ever have
to be sorry about anything.

Don't you spin this. Sometimes,
I get the worst realizations.

I know.

I know that I failed you,

but I think that day,
my life began again.

That sounds terrible, but don't you
ever think I wanted to leave you.

In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity

I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity

If it's all right
then you're all wrong

But why bounce around
to the same damn song?

You'd rather run
when you can't crawl

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end

I know, you know

I know, you know
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