05x02 - Terms of Endaredevil

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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05x02 - Terms of Endaredevil

Post by bunniefuu »

and now the secret origin of

Mo-larr, eternian dentist!

Moe larrstein was just an

Average citizen until, one

Fateful day...

[ school bell rings ]

...The day he took his s.A.T.S!

[ ding! ]

With a math score of 520, the

University of eternia was

Marginally impressed.


Now there was only one thing

Left to do -- apply for a

Student loan!

An unsubsidized loan was

Available at a rate of 6.8%.

But in the most dramatic twist

Yet, moe qualified for a

Subsidized federal loan at a

Rate of 5.6%!

Moe suddenly realized that his

Student loan was tax-deductible.

His deduction could be claimed

Whether or not he itemized said

Deductions, as long as he used

The proceeds from the loans for

Qualified education expenses,

Such as room, board, tuition,

Fees, books, and other supplies.

His deductions were valid, but

Only if he attended classes at

Least part-time in a recognized

And accredited program!

When we return, learn which of

Mo-larr's credits transferred to

His new school.

The answers will shock you.

and I'm also a client.

and now a sneak peek at

"transformers 3."

careful, sam.

If megatron gets the allspark,

He will rule the entire


Or it might k*ll him and then

Possibly raise him from the


Frankly, sam, I don't [bleep]

Know what the allspark does.

starts Friday.

so, after you discarded the

Official massachusetts

Curriculum, what did you teach

Your science class?

well, I simply told my

Students that when you study how

The pieces of our world fit

Together, it's obvious it was

Made by a higher creative


[ jurors booing ]

he's a monster!

no, please!

I don't want this!


now rub it in.

Rub it in all over.

[ crying ]

oh, yeah.

That's the stuff.

Oh, yeah, I smell it.

I can smell you from here.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, if I puncture you, you're

Gonna ooze juices.

and now a sneak peek at

"transformers 3."

yo, dude, have you seen my

Teddy bear?

yeah, my mom said it was


She was cleaning it.

dude, I had a bag of

Angel dust in there!

oh, no!

[ munching ]

no, mom!

bargain gravy starlight

Pumpkin dollars!

mom, mom, mom, mom!

Mom, you are talking crazy.




starts Friday.

well, I'd like to do that,

But it's against my religion,

You know.

[ oinks, scoffs ]


Oh! You must be here for the --


Hey, feel free to look around

And --

if you need any help carrying

The --

[ flames whoosh ]

who dares disturb the slumber

Of the ancients?!

Prepare to be --


You want that.

Oh, heavens, yes.

It's all yours.

In fact, if you'd like --

No way!

Tell me you did not just --

Oh, that is --

That's just spiteful is what

That is!

You know what?

[bleep] you, all right?

Just [bleep] you!

hello, governor!

Ready for a new season of

Tracey ullman's

"state of the union"?

I can do impressions!

"I am a jew."

"hey! I'm a cabbie!"

"I'm an angry lady!"

It's wonderful!

[ slow-motion ] I created

"the simpsons," sort of.

this summerprepare yourself

To feel...

With tobey maguire...

I love you, mom.

...And jake gyllenhaal.

I also love you, mother.

Gene shalit says...

I miss her.

leonard maltin says...

I also miss her.

viggo mortensen in

"carlito's way" says...

Don't miss...

and now a sneak peek at

"transformers 3."

[ telephone rings ]

[ indian accent ] hello.

Customer support.

[ indian accent ] where is

The nearest deli?

you mean an old deli or a
"new deli"?

thank you! Come again!

who wants to be a


[ bollywood-style music plays ]

starts Friday.

much appreciate you letting

Me stay here, son.

I'm sure the bank just had some

Kind of computer snafu.

You know, that happens all the


I'll be out of here in no time.

if skeletor's army manages to

Breach the --

adam! Hey, check it out --

Cheese and crackers.

I call 'em "chackers."

Who wants some chackers?

Oh, the towel.

Well, me and chackers here get a

Little crumby watching my


Ah, you guys are working.

I'll be in the den.

I have the power!

but do you have the remote?

Ha ha!

I was just joking.

I thought it'd be, you know...

Anyway, you're busy.

[ roaring ]

hey, adam!

I can't find discovery channel

For the life of me.

Do we even get that?

It's shark week!

♪ bum, bum, ba ♪

Love me some shark week.

Never missed it.

True story.

All right, if you think of the

Channel, give me a little


Back to work.

[ sighs ]

Sack whack!

I'm sure you'll be happy here,


so, this is me placing an

Order for some spicy nachos,

Some guacamole -- wouldn't mind

That on the side.

If you don't mind, the mild

Kind, 'cause --

you'll observe "lights out,"

Or I'll knock your lights out.

Take that in.

[ door slams, locks ]

[ inhales deeply ]

[ sobbing ]

this might hurt a bit.

I doubt it.

[ shudders ]

[ laughs evilly ]

Once I transfer my consciousness

Into a smurf body, I'll

Infiltrate their village and

Destroy them all.


will I what?


will I [bleep] them before I

Eat them?

meow, meow.

oh, cook!

Will I cook them before I eat


[ both laugh ]

'cause I was like, "oh..."

I mean, you were almost looking

For a new apartment, man.


[ beeping ]

ah, damn. Lost already.

[ wolf howls ]

What is that?!

A wolf?! A fox?!

Some other "party of five"


And it's out of here!

[ imitates crowd cheering ]

Yes, now, where was I?

Oh, yes, terrified.

I don't know what you're

Blurring out.

Smurfs don't have nipples.

[ pop! ]

Not arousing.

a new smurf?

Most unusual.

What is your name, outsider?

gargam-- garga-- uh...

Gargle smurf.

oh, really?

Well, tell me -- how did you

Smurf that name?

if you're asking whether I

Will gargle your balls, sir, the

Answer is no.

wha-- moi?

That wasn't what I meant at all.

more like closet smurf!

then it's settled.

Gargle smurf must pass our tests

To become a member of our


[ all cheering ]

And vanity's gay.

[ all cheering ]

"smurf" is not only a noun

But also a verb, adjective,

Adsmurf, and a dangling


Now you try.

uh, the smurf...




...In a very smurfy...



It's like you're not even


now you must tame your very

Own smurf-eating bird.

did somebody say


both: Shut up!

[ zing! ]

[ bird roars ]

you can do it, gargle!

I smurfed it!

I smurfed it!

Aah! Aaaaaaaaaaah!


It's trying to feed me to its


[ grunting ]

[ bones cracking ]

Yeah, you won't get me.

[ all cheering ]

I'm so proud!

Your bird accepted you as one of

Its very own children.

Did you bond with your new

Brothers and sisters?

I sure did.

♪ chum, yum yum ♪

♪ chum yum ♪

♪ chum, yum yum ♪

smurfette, I have a


a what?

a smurfession.

oh, my.

I'm not really gargle smurf.

I'm --

I'm gargamel.

[ record needle scratches ]

[ smurfs hissing ]

Wait, wait!

I see how wrong I was all these


let's hear him out!

hear him out?

He ate farmer smurf last year!

in my other body, I was

Bitter and old, but here, I've

Learned what it means to love.

all: Awwwwww!

can you find it in your

Hearts...To love me?

all: Awwww!

people, he beat clumsy to

Death with a pipe!

oh, you're going to be a

Great smurf.

smurfette, I finally feel

Like I belong!

No one's ever depende me


[ flies buzzing ]

[ up-tempo music plays ]

[ telephone rings ]

hey, son!


I don't like it here.

I, uh...Want to come home.


no, no, no, before you go on,

Look, I know I messed up, but

You know what they say -- a

Man's home is his castle, and,

Uh, well, adam, my castle's

Filled with death and urine.

So, uh, what do you say?

Can dear old dad get his old

Room back? Huh?

I mean, look, I'll -- I'll givee

Table," I'll tell chackers to

Take a hike.

You remember when you fell off

The structure and you had those

Stitches, and -- and I ran you

To the hospital?


Okay, guilty.

That was "kramer vs. Kramer,"

But we saw it together.

Okay, let's think about this


♪ the cat's in the cradle and

Your dad is scared ♪


Are you there?

It sounds like you're working.

Are you?

Yeah, you're working.

All right, give us a jingle back

If you get a chance.

I'll talk to you later, adam.

This is your dad.
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