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22x04 - Scarecrow Murders

Posted: 02/02/22 15:50
by bunniefuu




WOMAN: You've reached
Old Vogue Vintage Emporium.

Feel free to leave us
a lovely message.


WOMAN: Naomi, I know you're there.


I'm home now but if you want
to help, give me a call.

I'm home now but if you want




♪ She my baby, she knows how to rock

♪ She my baby, she knows how to rock

♪ She knows how to rock

♪ Head straight to the top

♪ She my baby, she knows how to rock

♪ She my baby, she knows how to jive

♪ She my baby, she knows how to jive

♪ She knows how to rock

♪ Head straight to the top

♪ She my baby, she knows how to rock

♪ She knows how to jive

♪ The whole room comes alive

♪ She my baby,
she knows how to rock. ♪






- It's £ , please.
- Oh, thank you.

The scarecrows are all on the map.
You can vote for your favourite.


Oh, look, Betty.

Some of these are brilliant.

Bit corny, if you ask me. (LAUGHS)

I'm just getting started.

You can try and stop me,
but you'll be clutching at straws.


This is gonna be a really long day.

Reverend, have you seen Naomi?

She's supposed to be filming this
so she can put it online,

You know, encourage people to come.

She said she'd open up the shop.

I'm sure she's on her way.

Is he OK to be doing that?

Oh, I should think so.


Tried to track down
your good lady wife.

Oh, I haven't seen her.

- Thea!
- Hi.

This is Lukesh, Asham and Carly.

So, you're the famous Thea
from boot camp.

Samira's basically allergic
to exercise.

I don't know what's got into her.

Ooh, guess what.

My bonus came through from work,
so I booked it.

To the Maldives?

Five-star, all inclusive.
I can't wait.

It's good to meet you guys.

How much is boot camp per month?

Hello and welcome to the th
Midsomer Scarecrow Festival

in aid of the
church restoration fund.

Last year's event raised...

We raised over £ , ,

and this year we're hoping
for even more, so please do...








What the...?

I know.

You got an ID?

Naomi Ashworth, .

She ran this place with her friend
Adele Paige,

but it was a sideline, apparently.

Her main job
was some sort of PR thing.

That's Naomi's husband,
Stephan Ashworth, and her father,

Reverend Oscar Hayden.

Forced entry.


But if the intruder
smashed this glass to get in

and then the table was knocked over
during the struggle,

why is the glass on top
of the table?

The door was smashed
after the m*rder.

And why do K*llers
stage forced entry?

To cover up the fact
that their victim let them in.

This was no random encounter.

Naomi knew her k*ller.

WOMAN: God almighty!

One, two, three, four...

...five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten.

Good morning.

Are you OK?


The deceased I can cope with.

They're endlessly fascinating.

But I don't do straw.


Horizontal injury to the neck,
plus petechial haemorrhage

Indicate ligature strangulation.

We've got thin, deep furrows,
so electrical cord, wire, maybe.

Time of death?

Rigor seems fully established.

So that's at least hours.

What's that tying her in place?

Looks like the stuff I use
in my garden.

I'll, um...

...get it to the lab.

See if you can find her mobile

and get the ball rolling
on bank details and IT.

I'll speak to her husband.

When did you last see your wife?



I had a two day hairdressing
conference in Bath. Just got back.

Was there anything unusual
about her behaviour recently?

Not at all.

She hadn't fallen out with anyone?

You see what they've done to her.

That's not a falling out, is it?

That's a sicko preying on women.

We can't assume anything.

We'd be doing your wife
a disservice.

There's this homeless kid
her dad's been helping.

Jack Baldwin.

This gold communion cup
went missing.

Naomi accused him of taking it.

She confronted this person?

She said he was shouting
in her face.

Bryony saw it all.

Who's Bryony?

Naomi's twin sister.

Ah. Is she here?

No, Bryony doesn't really...

She's had difficulties.

What kind of difficulties?

She doesn't leave the house.

She hasn't been out in public
in years.


This was yesterday afternoon
at our company event.

Naomi, my sales manager, Thea,

a few of our customers.

And Ventuity.
That's your company?

We're an online casino.

Naomi did our PR.

Were there any problems
yesterday with Naomi?


She was on good form,
funny and bubbly.

She was brilliant.

How long had you known her?

Six, maybe seven years.

I worried we might be pushing it,
setting this place up together,

But it's been great.

What time did you leave
the event yesterday?


We got back here around eight
to put the scarecrows up.

But then I got this text saying
my burglar alarm had gone off,

so I had to leave her to it.

- Who was the text from?
- I don't know.

I assumed it was a neighbour.

By the time I got home,
the alarm had stopped.

I'll need your phone,
I'm afraid, to trace the text.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Would you be OK to take a look
inside now,

See if anything has been taken?

Nothing's obviously missing.

Where do you find your stock?

Various places.

Lots of it online.

That came from a house clearance
last week.

WOMAN: Coo-ee!


Hello? Yoo-hoo!

Stay behind the corden, please

I'm Rachel Taylor,
head of the Scarecrow Committee.

I need to know with some urgency
if the festival can still go ahead.

It can, but I do need you
on the other side of that corden.

Thank goodness.
Everybody has worked so hard.

Is the reverend in there?

I don't know where he is, Rachel.

I'll try the church. Poor man.

Oscar's probably hiding from her.

She has a little crush.

Sorry, just, Naomi did this
amazing impression of her.

Rachel Taylor, cassock chaser.

- I see.
- You had to be there.

Slightly awkward
at the committee meeting

when Rachel walked in on her
doing it.

I really should go and rescue Oscar,
if there's nothing else.

That's all for now. Thank you.

Why aren't uniform on this call?

Sorry, sir.

Excuse me.

I'll please ask you to step away

- Caitlin.
- Jamie.

Oh, my God. Hi.

Friend of yours?

Uh, we were at university together.

Same... Same halls.

Same halls.


What are you doing here?

Well, they had me cover
the Scarecrow Festival,

and the lotto win vicar,

but obviously
there's a bigger story here now.

The lotto win vicar?

Yeah, the victim's father,
Reverend Hayden.

He won million quid back in ,
lives in a mansion,

yet he still expects people to raise
money for his church roof.

"Disgraced reverend"? Who's that?

Fergus Rooney.

He used to be
the vicar of Midsomer Langley

until years ago he made the
mistake of crossing Oscar and Naomi.

What happened?

Well, he went public about Oscar
keeping the money

Instead of giving it to charity.

And all of a sudden a story comes
out about Fergus visiting a brothel.

She planted the story.

According to Fergus.

But on to bigger things.

How was she k*lled?

We can't give out any details.

Should local women be concerned?

No matter how many times you ask.

Oh, I'll keep asking, don't worry.

It was good to see you.

Should catch up properly.


Dumped you and broke your heart,

Smashed it with a brick.

MAN: I have to tell her sister.
But what can I possibly say?

You can't think of anyone at all
who might want to hurt Naomi?

Not a soul.

What about Fergus Rooney?


No. This is more his style.

Keep appearing on the notice board.

Your lottery win.

He refuses to acknowledge the good
it's done for this community.

We were all blessed that day.

The Lord moves in mysterious ways.

Indeed he does.

How was Naomi's relationship
with Stephan?

She loved him.

Which is what matters, I suppose.

You're not a fan?

Naomi financed his hair salon
and then this fitness thing.

I call that freeloading.

Stephan said she accused a young man
called Jack Baldwin of theft.

I believe you know him.

He does odd jobs for me.

There is no proof he stole anything,
but he had been in the house.

And he argued with Naomi over this.

Jack was angry, but he's not evil.

Whoever did this quite clearly is.

Ah, thanks.

No luck with the CCTV.

We've got her computers and tablets
so the tech team can get going.

Anything come back on her husband?

Not for him, but look.

I've found our Jack Baldwin.

Three convictions for theft.

Last known address in Sheffield.

So what's he doing
homeless in Midsomer?

Any progress with Naomi's mobile?

What is interesting is at : pm,
she called Fergus Rooney.

"You cannot serve
both God and money."

Luke .

"For the love of money
is the root of all evil."


Can I tempt either of you gentlemen
to a rich tea biscuit?

Thank you.

So you admit putting these up
at Oscar's church?

I made no secret of the fact
he's a hypocrite.

One cannot preach humility with
a red Jaguar in the garage.

In this article from yesterday you
call Naomi a peddler of sordid lies.

You seem to have an issue
with the entire family.

Not with Bryony.

She's a sweet soul, but Naomi...

We'd known those girls
since they were .

They moved here from Yorkshire
after their mother died.

But then Oscar won all that money.

You thought he should give it away?

Without question, and he agreed.

But charity turned out to mean

becoming a major shareholder in
a gambling company

Because it was locally owned.

You took the story to the press
in .

That's when Naomi got involved,
isn't it?

She just started her PR company

She knew how to attract
the attention of the tabloids.

Patricia had to see
all those headlines.

Sex scandal vicar.

I've never been near a brothel.

Patty knew it was a pack of lies
but it was so humiliating.

She passed away last summer.

I'm sorry.

It was the Alzheimer's at the end.
That was tough.

Bryony was the only one
who even sent a card.

You stayed in contact with Bryony?

Oscar won't allow me on the
property, but we stay in touch.

Is it true that Bryony
doesn't leave the house?

She suffers from panic att*cks.

Any idea what triggered them?

It doesn't always need something
to trigger it.

That's not how panic disorder works.

I do have an appointment
in half an hour.

We won't keep you much longer
but I need to understand, why now?

Why give a new interview about Oscar
after years?

The Scarecrow Festival.

The hypocrisy of a multimillionaire
asking for charity donations.

It's been running for years.

You didn't say anything before.

I wasn't approached
by a journalist before.

Caitlin Dawson.

She dug up all the old stories
and asked for an interview.

I'm starting to wish I'd said no.

Phone records show that Naomi
called you a few hours

before she was m*rder*d.

Why was that?

She saw that article.

Was she threatening you?

How could she?

What could she possibly take from me
now that I haven't already lost?

Where were you last night
between pm and midnight?

This is getting silly now.



I was here all evening
and all night.

On my own.

As I always am.

Hi, it's Dad.

Can you at least let me know you're
getting my messages, sweetheart?

I'm on my way home.

Don't answer the door to anyone
until I get there.

Our father who art...

Our father...

A humble vicarage.

Mm. I know.

I am very grateful.
But please, not now, Rachel.


Oh, dear.

We were hoping to speak to Bryony.

Right. Yes,
she's doing one of her paintings.

They calm her down.

We host Bible study here

and Christmas lunch for seniors
in the drawing room.

That's very generous.

One small thing.

There is nothing in the calendar app
on Naomi's phone.

Do you know
if she had a paper diary or...

I think Bryony bought one
for her for Christmas, actually.

Her rooms are through here.




The police.

We're both struggling
to take it all in.

The idea something so awful
could be happening.

We were just sitting there
watching television.

- You were both here all night?
- Yes.


They were asking
about Naomi's diary.

She used the one you gave her,
didn't she?

Green leather.

Looks like a vintage novel
from the outside.

We'll need to have a word with
Bryony in private if that's OK.

Of course.

But please bear in mind,
it's been a terrible shock.

Mustn't upset poor little
fragile Bryony.

I'm sure he's just worried.

I loved my sister.

And I want you to find out
who did this to her.

You can ask me anything.

I'm not about to break.

Tell us about her.
Did you get on?

We were close.

I struggled a bit in my teens
and she was there for me.

She wasn't Mother Teresa,
though, whatever Dad's been saying.

What do you mean?

If you crossed her,
you'd know about it.

Fergus Rooney?

Fergus didn't do this.

You seem very sure of that.

He's the gentlest person I know.

What about Jack Baldwin?


The thing with the communion cup.
That was ridiculous.

Naomi admitted
she didn't have any proof.

But he was angry.

For about seconds, yeah,
but he's a good kid.

Naomi was just being overprotective.

Of whom?

The family, me.

Why would you need protection
from Jack Baldwin?

I don't.

That's my point.

Well, that's him, isn't it?

Jack Baldwin!


I'll do this.

You find that diary.

DCI Barnaby.

I'm investigating
the m*rder of Naomi Ashworth.

Is it true what everyone's saying,
they stuffed her like a scarecrow?

I understand Naomi recently
accused you of theft.

Yep, with zero evidence.

Something goes missing
so it must be the homeless lad.

You sound like you're from Yorkshire


I wasn't having the best time
up there.

A few issues with my dad.

I found a train ticket to Causton
on the floor, thought why not?

Rachel found me sleeping
in the church and told Oscar.

He gave me handyman work.

How heated was your disagreement
with Naomi?


Not gonna lie.

Where were you yesterday evening?


I went out for a walk with
my hip flask and I got lost.

I do it too much.

On your own?


I did speak to a few people, though.

I lost my wallet so I had to walk
home and ask directions in a pub.

Can you remember where exactly?

The Bell.

The barman should remember me.

Where did you get that wire?

The garages over there.




No, that's not...

Listen, do not
call this number again.


Phone, please.

It's what we agreed.




What the hell were you doing?

(LAUGHS) Looking for evidence.
Same as you.

It's fun, isn't it?

Hey, did you see how many
champagne bottles were in that bin?

You're going through the bins
at the crime scene?

Your chin still does that little
wrinkly thing when you're annoyed.

- Caitlin...
- Oh, Jamie, come on.

This is gonna be a massive story
for me.

I can't give you a comment.

Come on.

Are you looking for someone
who might strike again?

Well, it's a m*rder investigation
so there is always that fear,

but I genuinely can't discuss it.


So if I, I don't know,

tracked down a mate who used to
intern for Naomi,

I guess you wouldn't want to hear
what he had to say?


Naomi specialised in something
called dark PR,

which is basically
about destroying people.

Her clients paid her to discredit
their rivals with smear campaigns.

- What Fergus Rooney accused her of.
- Yeah.

Anything useful in Naomi's diary?

She was due to have an appointment
this afternoon

With a Lukesh Mallick.

I looked him up,
he's a psychiatrist.

- What's that about?
- Don't know.

She circled the last Tuesday of the
month every month but no details.

A woman circles the same day every
month and you're confused?


Perhaps ask your wife.

Ah. It might be that, I suppose.


Cause of death, as suspected,

was ligature strangulation
with a thin wire.

These half-moon shaped marks
on her neck indicate

she tried to pull the ligature away,

and we've got particles of green
plastic under her fingernails.

I found Jack Baldwin with this.

Looks like the stuff that was used to
tie her in place.

I'll get the lab to do a comparison.

In terms of timing, we're looking
at some point between and pm.

Certainly no later.

Just after Adele claimed
she left Naomi at the shop.

That bruise around her eye.

Yes, it was hidden under make up.

I'd say it was inflicted several
hours before she was k*lled.

Possibly even the day before.

If you look closely, you can make
out a pattern in the abrasion.

She was hit by something
shaped like a star.

A ring?

That would be my guess.

I'll let you know when the lab gets
back to me about the wire.

Thank you.



I dug these out for you.

I found them extremely useful
over the years.

The New Rules of Love.

Dating in the Digital Age.

You looked like you'd been hit by a
steamroller when you saw Caitlin.

It was a long time ago.

She cheated on you.


Well, yeah.

You clearly haven't moved on.

So now you have a choice.

Get her back or get closure.


I really don't think I need these.

Dating is a battle.

And in battle you must be prepared.

I'm happy to answer any questions
you might have

when you've finished your reading.


She was a patient, yes.

I have an office across the hall.

What were you treating her for?



Did Naomi mention any
specific problems?

Any conflicts?


Our sessions focused on her
internal landscape.

Self-esteem, inner voice,
that sort of thing.

Ah, sorry.
I don't mean to interrupt you.

My wife, Samira.

I was just wondering if Oscar's OK.

I mean, obviously he isn't, but...

How do you know the Reverend?

She's been his bookkeeper for years.

Did you know Naomi too?

Well, only just to say hello to.

She seemed nice.

Did she get involved
with his finances at all?

Why does that matter?

Look, I'm not telling you
how to do your job.

You have access to forensic
psychologists, surely.

When I need them.

So you must know this has got
nothing to do with Naomi or the way

she lived her life and everything to
do with the k*ller's emotional void.

Early behavioural problems

progressing to antisocial behaviour
as an adult.

Delusions of grandeur
and impulsivity.

The scarecrow staging is a classic
example of psychopathic narcissism.

It won't be the first time they've
displayed predatory behaviour,

and I promise you
it won't be the last.


"Police Admit Serial k*ller Fear."

"A senior source
inside the investigation says

"police fear a serial k*ller
is on the loose."

That's not what I said.

The second we finish here,

I want you to track down your
girlfriend and sort this out.

- She's not my...
- Sort it out.

A star-shaped ring?


And Naomi definitely didn't
have a bruise when I saw her.

She wasn't involved in
any kind of altercation?

If there was a punch-up at my event,
I think I would have noticed.

You mentioned that your sales
manager was there as well -

Thea Stannard.

Yes, I'll show you to her.

My officers visited your neighbours

and none of them heard your
burglar alarm going off.

That text you received was from
an unregistered pay as you go.

Meaning what?

Someone sent it to lure me away?


We also noticed that
your mobile phone

stopped sending out a signal
at : .

- It was out of battery.
- I see.

THEA: That's no problem.

And I've popped a free credit
on your account, too.

OK. Be lucky. Bye.

Sorry about that.

- Police.
- Yeah. Hi.

We just can't believe it, can we?

And you think they're going
to strike again?

That's not the most accurate
piece of reporting.

We believe Naomi received a blow
to her right eye

In the hours before she died.

Did you witness anything?

I noticed the bruise.

She turned up with it
under a tonne of make-up.


You're more observant than I am.

I feel terrible that I didn't
ask her about it now,

but I didn't actually
know her all that well.

She's got a twin sister,
though, hasn't she?



I thought she never went out,

but I saw her driving towards the
village on Friday night.

You sure it was her?

Like Naomi, but with dark hair?


You couldn't miss her.

She was driving a red Jaguar.

BARMAN: There you are.


Hello there. Well done.

It's nothing like that.

I thought you and John
were too busy to play table tennis.

I am busy.
We're here to discuss the case.

I can see that.

Well, at least it means you avoid
the humiliation of defeat.

Ping pong requires balls.

Thank you.

I assume you still drink red.

Of course.

You've seen it, then.

It's not what I said.
You know it isn't.

The public have a right
to be kept informed.

Then stick to the facts.

If you're capable of that.

Is there something you want to say,

I just don't think it's helpful
to create panic.

You do know a woman's dead, right?

Yeah, but you're just stirring
things up to write a story.

Like with Fergus Rooney
dredging up an old feud

so that you could write about it.

Fergus was the one
who approached me.

He turned up with like files
of stuff on Oscar and Naomi.

And for the record,
I've never been a liar.

We were already broken up.

The number of the press office
is on there.

Any media requests should go through
the official channels from now on.

Don't be like that.

You were the one that texted me
to come for a drink.

I'd appreciate your cooperation.



BRYONY: I can't explain it,
it was just this feeling of dread

like something terrible was
happening and I had to get to Naomi.

You had a premonition.

This is why I didn't say anything.

People already think I'm crazy.

If I'm going to find out
what happened to your sister,

I need you to be completely honest
with me.

I am.

I was driving to Naomi's house,
but then I turned back,

I was afraid I was going to have
a panic attack at the wheel.

Naomi had a bruise on her face
before she died.

Are you sure her argument
with Jack wasn't physical?

% sure. I was there.

She seemed to have
a regular appointment

on the last Tuesday of the month.

Any idea what that was?


I can't think of anything.

I'm sorry. I do want to help.

You've got my number if there's
anything else you think of, OK?

Did you speak to Caitlin?

I tried.

But, listen, I just heard back
from the hotel

that Stephan Ashworth was staying in
for that conference.

They're saying that he checked out
on Friday morning.

He's lying about his alibi.

And, there were two people booked
into his room, Mr and Mrs Ashworth.

THEA: It's not JUST a fling.

We've been together over a year.

We want to get married, just had
to find the right time, didn't you?

And Naomi had no idea?

It was our ten year anniversary
in June,

she had this big party planned

He was going to get through that,
then tell her.

Where were you both on Friday night?

Thea rents the flat out the back.
We were there all evening.

Apart from I popped out to get food
just before : ,

that's when I saw Bryony.

Oh, sorry.

I said I'd go for a run with Thea.

- I'll come back.
- It's OK.

I'd like to speak to Stephan
on his own anyway.

I'll just get my water bottle.

We need to ask you about a bruise
Naomi had on her face.

I'm not perfect, OK,
we've established that.

But I do not hit women.

Are you aware that she was seeing
a psychiatrist?

A what?


But I am starting to wonder
how much I did know.

I was going to bring this to you

She'd hidden it at the back of
her wardrobe.

Why would she lie about Jack
stealing it?

She set me up.

Why would she do that?

Dunno. Just wanted rid of me.

But why? Were you a threat to her?

This is so unfair.

I haven't done anything.
Everyone just assumes.

Is everything alright?

Jack! You promised.


It was actually found at
Naomi's house.

Word in private, maybe.

That's fine, Rachel, thank you.

It's definitely mine.

Jack believes that Naomi
took it to incriminate him.

That's absurd.

If it was in her house, who's to say
Stephan didn't put it there?

Stephan was having an affair.

- Do you think Naomi knew that?
- An affair?

He was planning to leave her
for a woman called Thea Stannard.

Never heard of her.

But, actually...

My clever girl,
I think she did know.

What makes you say that?

Last month she asked me
to sign a letter

saying that the deposit I gave them
to buy their house was a loan.

She said it was a tax thing.

But now you think
there was more to it.

She was getting her ducks in a row.

Making it harder for him
to take the house.

Well, I can promise you this.

He's not getting his hands
on it now.

You own a red sports car,
is that right?

Ah, Bryony.


She did mention after you spoke
to her that she'd been for a drive

on Friday night, but she wasn't
trying to mislead anyone by saying

we were at home, she just
wasn't thinking clearly.

It wasn't Bryony who said
you were both at home all night.

It was you.

I could see the light on
under her door.

So, I naturally assumed
that she was still in there.

Now, if there's nothing else,

I'm due to give a sermon
in minutes.

Here, I'd hardly call it extensive.

It's just a few observations
I've collected.

- Mind if I have a look?
- The study? It's a mess.

You should see my place.

What's in here?

It's not what it looks like.


Because it looks like you had Naomi
and her father under surveillance.

They destroyed my life.

I forgave them for years.

I let it go.

So what changed?


She changed.

Or rather,
the Alzheimer's changed her.

She got stuck in that moment
when Naomi's lies about me

first came out.

Reliving the shame
and the humiliation.


...this time,
she thought it was all true.

Watching the person you love
dissolving in front of you...'s bad enough,

but my wife,
in the last years of our marriage...


...I betrayed her.

Naomi poisoned the end of our time

So, yes.

I hated her.


...I am not a m*rder*r.


Today, I want to give thanks.

This is the darkest of times
for me and for my family, but...

...through your acts of service,
you continue to spread light.

The Scarecrow Festival
raised funds for the church.

Tonight, the soup kitchen will
deliver meals to those in need.

The world... still good.

I thank you for showing me that.

Particular thanks are, of course,
due to Rachel.

I'm sure she will be relieved to hear

that a permanent churchwarden
has now been appointed by the parish,

so she will finally be relieved of
some of her duties.

The reading today is from
Mark's Gospel...

"For, from within...

"..out of the heart of men
precede evil thoughts,

"adulteries, fornications,
murders, thefts, covetousness,

"Wickedness, deceit.

"All these evil things
come from within...

"..and defile the man."

Are you OK?

A woman's been m*rder*d.
Your best friend, supposedly.

I just meant the new churchwarden

Wonderful news. Such a relief.

Excuse me,
I must just catch Mrs Lovell.

Oh, thank you so much.

(CALLS) Bryony.

I'm going to check the gates,
then I'm off to bed, OK?

Goodnight then, sweetheart.

Well, thanks.

That was a plus.
If you can just hang around.

- Did Bryony find him?
- No.

Jack did, actually,
and called it in just after eight.

There's a name for fear of
scarecrows, I looked it up.


Shall I tell you what else
there's a name for?


Wound to the chest.

There's blood soaked through his

but no other damage to the material.

So, he was k*lled
and then dressed up afterwards?


Livor mortis isn't quite fixed yet.

So I'd work with pm till midnight.

Looks like the same wire.

They've not done such a neat job,

They had more time with Naomi,
they were hidden in the shop.

Pretty exposed out here.


Although, we can't assume
it's the same k*ller both times.

A copycat?

Could be.

But why daughter then father?

Do we know what happened
to the original scarecrow?

It was found in those bushes.

There was a dry cleaning bag
with it too.

It's on its way to the lab.

I saw Rachel Taylor yesterday

bringing Oscar's robes back
from the cleaners.

Ask her to check
if anything's missing.

Will do.

Oh, and another thing,

the wires to the cameras on the
house and the gates have been cut.

Oscar never let me have the keys,
so Bryony usually lets me in.

I found her,
told her to stay inside, but...

...she wouldn't listen.

She saw him.

And she ended up...

She was pulling at...

...pulling at him,
trying to get him down.

Just for the record,

where were you last night
between and midnight?

Helping out in the soup kitchen.

People at the church can tell you.

You didn't hear anything at all?

I take tablets to get to sleep.

They knock me out.

You didn't have any visitors

Anyone who could have
stayed on the property

after the gates were locked?

Stephan came looking for Dad
while he was at church.

He was angry.
Like, out of his mind angry.

What about?

He said Dad changed the locks
on his house.


I'll just be a moment.

His watch is missing.

He never takes it off,
but it's not on his wrist.

If you can find a photo of him
wearing it, that would be helpful,

In case they try to sell it.

I think there's one upstairs.


I got hold of the CCTV.

Now, it's not a great picture,
but look.

We've got our k*ller.

Must have gained access
to the estate during the day

and then used the scarecrow display
to hide in plain sight.

Bryony said Oscar
checked the gates every night.

Whoever that is,
they knew his routine.

Can you shut these curtains?

The curtains?

Yeah. And close that door too.

We need it as dark as possible.


You gonna tell me why?

Oscar said he assumed Bryony
was in her room on Friday night

because he could see the light on
under her door.

But it's a perfect seal.

See? No light.

You admit that you were angry.

I had to break into my own house.

Can you take me through
your movements yesterday evening?

I went to his place just after : .

He wasn't there,
so I spoke to him at the church.

And was this a heated conversation?

I was pretty restrained, actually.

I told him to back off,

then I came back here
and that's where I was all night.

You can ask Thea.

I could, yes, but neither of you has
a great track record with the truth.

You needed capital
for a new life together.

Your wife's death
would provide that.

I loved Naomi.

But then her father steps in,

trying to block your claim
to this house.

You're not listening to me.
This thing with Thea, it's just...

Look, I don't want to say
it was just a bit of fun,

because I care about Thea.

But all that talk about
getting married...

Those are her plans.

Not mine.

You're looking for a blade
cm or longer.

What about the wire?

The stuff holding those bodies up
has the same composition.

As does the wire you took
from Jack Baldwin.

But it's sold all over the place.

Sorry I'm late.

Latecomers are not guaranteed

He can fill you in.

Have you seen
the latest message from tech?


Oscar texted Fergus a few hours
before he died, asking to meet up.

Fergus called him straight back.

I'll try and free up some more
manpower to track him down.

You can do that on your way
over to the Mallicks.

Look, Naomi sent this email
to Samira last year.

"If you don't want me to tell
my father, we need to talk."

She sent Oscar's bank statement
with it,

showing transfers to Samira.

£ , .

£ , .

£ , ?

His own bookkeeper
stealing that sort of money

And he didn't even notice?

Asham was just a few months old.

And, uh...

...I was lonely.

Maybe a bit down.

You see the adverts, don't you?

Win a holiday. Play for free.

It was just on my phone.

I didn't even think of it
as gambling, to begin with.

By the time I found out,
our savings were gone.

The money we were putting away
for the kids.

She had credit cards, loans.

I thought I could put it right.

By stealing from your employer.

I... saw it as borrowing.

I honestly thought if I could
just have one decent win,

Everything would be OK.

But you lost again.

So you borrowed more and more,

until last year
when Naomi found out.

We begged.

In the end, she agreed we could
pay it back gradually.

Oscar didn't notice?

It's a drop in the ocean to him.

It's £ , .

How were you ever hoping
to repay that?

Well, we cut back.
I took on new private patients.

Well, we cut back.
Well, that's surely not enough.

Well, that's surely not enough.

You had a debt
you would never be free of

While Naomi and Oscar were alive.

- We didn't do this.
- And we can prove it.

Friday - school parents' evening
till late. Dozens of witnesses.

And last night, our neighbour
from across the road

Was here till gone .

Go over there now and ask him.

Why did Naomi let her stay on
as Oscar's bookkeeper?

It makes no sense.

Well, perhaps she liked having Samira
in her debt for some reason.

Why, though?
How is she useful to Naomi?

Unless she wasn't.

Lukesh was.

Naomi covered up the embezzlement

because you agreed to hand over
confidential medical records.

That's laughable.

We know that she paid for
stolen information

To build her smear campaigns.

But, um, don't worry,
I'll speak to the hospital

and find out whose records
you've downloaded.

There's no need for you to do that.

You admit that she was
blackmailing you?

I'm not answering any more questions
without a lawyer present.

OK, thanks.

That was the school. Lukesh
was telling the truth about Friday.

And their neighbour confirmed
their alibi for last night.

What about Jack Baldwin
in this soup kitchen?

Rachael Taylor confirmed

that he was definitely running it
last night.

She was there with him.

Any progress with Fergus Rooney?

His photo's out there and
his number plate's with ANPR.

OK, you stay on that.

I'm going to have a word
with Rachel Taylor.

I only found out an hour ago
when your sergeant telephoned.

He needs some training
in breaking bad news.

Were you aware that Oscar
contacted the bishop about you?

Bishop Chilton?

He was concerned that you were
becoming too, um...


That's why they appointed
a new church warden.

Well, that all seems
very unnecessary.

Were you in love with Oscar?

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

The new warden must have
felt like a rejection

after all your hard work,

and after Naomi made fun of you.

What point are you trying to make?

Did you humiliate Oscar and Naomi
as punishment for humiliating you?

I spent last night in a soup kitchen
feeding people, not k*lling them.

You're right about one thing,

I am humiliated.

All I've ever tried to do
since I moved here

is be helpful and kind,

and I've had enough.

I have to request that you don't
leave the area.

Well, please notify me
as soon as I'm free to leave,

because I've lived all over
and frankly,

people in Midsomer
are the absolute worst.


Soccer spotted Fergus
at the crime scene.

- He got in across the fields.
- Where is he now?

- In the house with Bryony.
- I'll meet you there.

I wasn't hiding.

I took a bike ride to clear my head

then came to offer support
to Bryony.

And did you meet with Oscar

I did, yes.

He asked me to go to the church
after the service.

I assumed he wanted to reconcile.

And you were willing to do that?

He just lost his daughter.

He was once a friend.

Why did Oscar want to meet you?
Did he think you k*lled Naomi?

No, not me.

He was worried about Bryony.

In what way exactly?

Everything that had happened.
He was concerned.

She confides in me.

Oscar thought Bryony
m*rder*d her own sister.

That's why he lied
about her going out in the car.

He was wrong, of course.
Bryony loved Naomi.

Why would a thought like that
even enter his head?

He must have had a reason
to suspect his own daughter.

Was it something to do with Jack?

Are they having a relationship?

Is he controlling her in some way?

It's OK. You can tell them.

It's not mine to tell.

The reason we moved here from
Yorkshire was that I had a baby.

He was five months old.

I'd never left him,
but Dad said I needed a night out.

By the time I got back...

They said it was cot death.

I'm sorry.

All Dad could talk about
was how I'd miss my education.

He went on and on about adoption,
even after he was born,

and then... when he...

They wouldn't let me see his body.

You think your parents
gave your son away.

He'd be next month.


He had my hair.

My eyes.

When he smiles,
he looks just like Dad.

You think he came here to find you?

He doesn't know
that I've worked it out yet.

He needs to come to me
in his own time.

Who have you told about this?

Just Fergus until a few weeks ago,
but then I told Naomi.

What happened?

She didn't listen.
She was part of it, you see.

She was there
when they said Aaron died.

So then Dad's communion cup
goes missing

and she's accusing Jack
of stealing it.

As a way to get rid of him.

Perfect excuse to drive him away.

Was Jack the reason you went out on
the night your sister was m*rder*d?

He called the house phone
and Dad answered, but I listened in.

He was drunk and he said
he was lost,

but Dad refused
to go and rescue him.

So you took the car? Even though
you were afraid to leave the house.

He needed me.

And did you find him?


I was looking for hours.

Dad could see how upset I was
when I got home,

but I just slammed the door on him.

He knew that I'd been arguing
with Naomi,

but I can't believe
he thought I'd hurt her.

I don't think he did. Not really.

He did.

He died thinking that.

We've got Jack's DNA on file.

If they were related, it would
have flagged up a familial match

With Naomi or Oscar.

Oh, I know. He's not her son.

- She has a right to know that.
- Yes. But at the right time.

She's dealt with enough today.

- You think she's innocent, then?
- I wouldn't go that far.

I think she genuinely believes
that Jack is her child

and that Oscar and Naomi
took him away.

But people have k*lled for less.

- Oh, great.
- I'm here to help you.

I very much doubt it.

You're looking for someone
wearing a star-shaped ring.

Thea Stannard?

She posted it. to her private social
media accounts back in October,

But hours ago, it was deleted.

- Who put you onto this?
- I can't say.

Caitlin, please.
You could be in danger.

Occupational hazard.


One second!


I'm sorry. It's cancelled.
It's too high risk.

Yeah. Even for me.

Stephan and I were sure
Naomi didn't know about us.

But then I started getting
phone calls.

It's always men.

They've got my name and
they think I'm some sort of escort.

Then on Thursday, we found this.

I've only ever sent those photos
to Stephan.

Naomi must have found them.

You think that she set this up?

It's just her style,
playing the long game.

She was doing everything
she could to damage our future.

Then we were all at
the event together.

She'd obviously told Adele
about the affair

and they kept on making
all these little comments

They thought I wouldn't pick up on.

I lost it.

Did Adele see you attack Naomi?

I hit her once.

It wasn't an attack.

But yeah.

We were all in the toilets.

Adele started defending her,
so I let Naomi have the truth.

Adele knew about the affair
from day one.

Adele said she didn't see anything.
No punch, no bruise.

Why did she lie for you?

I think...

...perhaps Stephan spoke to her.

He was worried about
how it would look.

But why would Adele care
how things look for you and Stephan?

What did Stephan have over Adele
to persuade her to lie for him?


Adele told me that blackjack table

came from a house clearance
last week,

but this was taken months ago.

Tuesday, October th,
to be precise.

The last Tuesday of the month.

What was this event exactly?

It was just a party.

I don't think so.

All these messages at the bottom
with dollar signs.

Sir, this is one of the private
accounts commenting on the photo.

It's all poker content.


The whole vintage thing's a front,
isn't it?

They were running
an underground gambling club.

Not Naomi.

She and Stephan went to it,
but it was run by Adele.

High stakes, but all off the books

so she could hide it
from the taxman.

So we're not talking about
a friendly game of poker here.

This was big money.

Seriously big.

And Stephan knew about it.

That was his leverage, then.

He was blackmailing Adele
into lying for you.

'Cause he knows we were both

When Naomi and Oscar were k*lled.

He knows neither of us did anything.

Love, alright?

OK, thanks.

There's nothing in Naomi or Oscar's
emails about Last Tuesday Club,

but they did find an email
that Oscar sent

to his broker on Friday.

Apparently, he was planning to sell
every one of his shares

In Adele's company.

- Really?
- Mm.

Looks like she might be in there now.

Oi! Am I invisible or something?

- One for you, I think.
- Love?

I only asked you for a light, love.

OK. Let's just take this down a bit,

Alright, alright. OK.

OK. Alright. We're gonna do it
like this, are we?

You're under arrest.


I was trying to help,

that's why I gave the picture
to the journalist.

I wanted you to know
that Thea hit Naomi.

Just not enough to tell me that
when I asked you.

I was afraid Stephan would find out
it came from me.

Then when Oscar was m*rder*d too,
I had to do something.

You know, Stephan turned up
at the sermon?

Just stood there, staring him down.

Are you accusing Stephan?

I'm just saying...
he put pressure on me to lie.

By threatening to expose the illegal
gambling den you're running here.

There's nothing illegal
about gambling

at a private member's club.

There is if you're dodging taxes
and it's completely unregulated.

Why else was Stephan able
to blackmail you about it?

I just didn't want any trouble.

You're keen to point the finger
at Naomi's husband,

but there's another version
of events, isn't there?

Hours before Naomi was m*rder*d,

she found out that you'd kept quiet
about Stephan's affair.

Because I didn't want
to destroy her marriage.

Quite a betrayal
from her best friend.

You must have known
she wouldn't let it go.

She was going to report you
to the gambling commission.

That's why Oscar
was selling his shares.

Was he?

I think you know he was.

You were on the brink
of losing your gaming licence

and your biggest investor.

You've got this wrong.

You were the last person
to see Naomi alive,

and then your phone was switched off
at the crucial time.

So you've no idea
if he's here or not?

So who can help me, then?

He was arrested this afternoon.

You waiting on Jack?

- It's going to be a while.
- Then I'll wait.



We know that Adele
gave you the photo.

You should have told us.

I promised I'd protect my source.


You might not believe it,
but I do have some integrity.

OK, well, where are you staying?
Let me walk you home.

No, it's OK.

I don't want you walking home
on your own.

Because of the murders?

Is that confirmation
that you're hunting

For a serial k*ller, Sergeant?

It's just confirmation
that I'm a decent guy.


Well, I never doubted that.

I'm staying literally two minutes
that way. I'm a big girl.



...text me when you get home
so I know you're safe.

I will.


None of the neighbours
heard anything.

There's no sign of a break-in
at her flat.

Good Lord!

Massive skull fracture.

I need a CT, but it's the type of
injury you get with a hammer attack.

And we are talking multiple blows.

Can you hazard a guess about time?

I can do better than that.

She's wearing a smartwatch
and it's synced to her phone.

Her heart rate spiked,
then plummeted at : pm.

By : ... wasn't registering at all.

They're getting more violent
each time.

And the fact that they all knew
each other doesn't rule out

someone k*lling
just for the thrill of it, does it?

But serial K*llers tend to become
more efficient with each k*ll,

They refine their technique.

We've got three completely
different m*rder methods here.

Same scarecrow staging, though.

Same wire.

Although the knots
holding Naomi's body up

were carefully tied.

It was more haphazard with Oscar.

And then this -

the wires just wrapped around.

No straw beneath the clothes
this time either.

Well, they're hurrying more,
they're losing control.


You do the full on Thea.

Bank accounts, phone records, IT.

- Yeah.
- I'll speak to him.

Can I have some help here, please?

Where were you at : last night?

At home.

Thea was going to pack up her flat,
then move in with me today.

Moving in?

Yesterday you implied
your relationship wasn't serious.

It wasn't... not serious.

Well, which is it?

Because your feelings for Thea
and Naomi seem to keep changing

depending on what paints you
in a better light.

It was a mess, OK?

I loved them both.

And I didn't know
what to do about it.

But that doesn't mean
that I k*lled either of them.

Anything more from Forensics?

Yeah, the analysis came back
from that dry-cleaning bag

Found at Oscar's.

There's only one usable set
of prints, a Lisa Jarrett.

Probably someone
who works at the dry cleaners.


Apparently we had her prints on file

because she was arrested
at a climate change protest

In Bristol a few years ago.



"Bristol mum campaigns for tighter
age restrictions for online gambling

"After son's su1c1de."

Hold on.

That's Rachel Taylor.

Oh, my God.


Naomi did the PR,
Oscar was a major shareholder

And Thea was their top saleswoman.

Look there.

That's Chad Baldwin.

Rachel didn't find him
sleeping rough at the church.

They already knew each other.


But how could they have m*rder*d

Jack was locked in our cells
all night

and I saw Rachel
going into the station at : .

She'll be on our CCTV.

So there's a third person,

someone whose life has been destroyed
by gambling addiction.

Samira Mallick.

We know that Thea was customer
relationship manager for Ventuity,

which is corporate speak for
encouraging people to lose money.

Have you got that list
of her clients?

They're arranged by first name.

No Samira Mallick.

But there is an S. Kaul.

"Client requests contact
by email only. His family unaware."

See if Samira
has a networking profile.

There she is.

Kaul was her maiden name.

So Thea was Samira's contact
at Ventuity.

With no idea
she knew her in real life.

If this is all about Ventuity,
then how is Adele Paige still alive?

Let's hope she is.


- Sir?
- Just do it.



Lisa, we know who you are.

Drop the knife.

I know you lost your son,

but this isn't
going to bring him back.

He was when he gambled away
his birthday money on her website.


By the time he was ,
he was drowning in debt.

(SOFTLY) Please.

(SOBS) I'm sorry.

You weren't sorry
when his death was in the papers.

All you cared about
was manipulating the story

so it wasn't your company
that was the problem.

It was him.

Naomi ran a smear campaign
against your son.

She twisted everything.

Made him seem troubled.

Like that explained it.

Later I found my beautiful boy... the garage...hanging... he deserved it.

So what is this,
some sort of m*rder club?

We met in a chat room
for gambling support.

We were all victims of Ventuity.

And we started joking
what we'd like to do to them.

And at some point
it wasn't a joke anymore.

You identified people who were
making money out of your misery

and came up with a plan
to k*ll them.

I gave them a chance first.


He was your target?

His name was on a list of investors,

so I found him in the church
and I told him about my dad.

How he'd you use payday loans
to gamble on Ventuity.

How he lost the house.

He should have got help.

You can exclude yourself
from the site.

He did.

Your lot wouldn't leave him alone!

You wanted Oscar to use his influence
to change things.

I thought he'd want to.

I mean, he was a vicar.

But he basically put the phone down.

That's when I told Lisa I was in.

So the two of you moved to Midsomer,

you worked at the church

and concocted that homeless story

as a way to infiltrate their lives.

But you already lived here.

I couldn't believe
it was just up the road.

You'd never met Thea face to face.

It was all by email.

I'd stop myself playing for a week
and then she'd pop up in my inbox.

I told her
that I had a gambling problem.

And do you know how she replied?

With a free punt to cheer myself up.

They're like drug dealers...

...waiting on the steps
outside rehab.

You found out who she was.

Her photo was on the website.

It said her hobby
was boot camp fitness,

so I signed up.

Got to know her.


She liked to laugh about
how all her holidays were paid for

by sad cases
throwing their money away.

So the scarecrow stuff,

that was to make it look like
the work of a single crazed k*ller?

Press fell for it, though,
didn't they?

That text pretending to be
my neighbour, that was from you?

Of course.

When I moved to Midsomer, I was
afraid Naomi might recognise me.

But I wasn't important enough
for her to remember.

She just thought
I was the village busybody.

So I made sure she knew exactly
who I was and why it was happening.


Oh, you're a lifesaver.

I, uh...

...saw Adele abandoning you.

I thought you might need a hand.

What's that, Naomi?

Got nothing to say, have we?

Because you had a lot to say
about my son, didn't you?


And what about you, Jack?

We were all supposed to do it on
Friday to make it look like a spree.

I called in from a phone box
and pretended I was stranded.

The call Bryony overheard.

I was going to lure him
into the woods and do it there.

But he didn't even have the decency
to come and help me.

I knew he checked the gates
every night.

I hid for hours, waiting.



Rachel gave me his robes
to dress him.

And provided you with an alibi.

Why did you take his watch?

I wasn't going to, but...

...when I saw it...

Samira's family is in so much debt.

I wanted to help.

Lukesh thinks I stole it myself
from a locker at the gym.

He has no idea about any of this.

Yours was the most violent attack
of all.

I wasn't going to go through
with it,

but then, at the weekend,

Thea sent me another email...

...a free punt.

I lost three months' salary

in an hour.

I still had the wire
Rachel gave me and...

...and the hammer.

I, uh...

Sorry, I hope you don't mind.
I just really need a cigarette.

I had no idea you smoked
in all the time I've known you.

And how long's that, Thea?

What do you mean?

You've known me
a lot longer than you think.


I hit her.

Only, once I started,
I couldn't stop.

The hatred wasn't even for her
in the end. It was for me.

I tried to do the scarecrow thing,
like we agreed,

but I... I couldn't look at
what I'd done.

She ruined your life, Samira.

Your family's life.

We k*lled three people.

And I wish we'd k*lled a fourth.

One roll of the dice too many.

You're off?

Uh, yeah. I'm going to be back
for the court case, but...

I owe you an apology, don't I?

For everything that happened at uni.

It's fine.

No. I do.

You were kind and sweet.


Didn't appreciate it enough
at the time.

Honestly, it's fine.

I mean, we were .

I think I'm finally over it.


Well, that's good. I'm glad.

Me too.


You take care of yourself, Caitlin.

Here, let me...

Oh, sorry.


Pub. Now. Come on.

I'm OK.

You're better than OK.

You're an adventurous,
fun-loving foodie

with a passion for the outdoors
and a great sense of humour.

What's she talking about?

They've set up a dating profile
for you.

- You've what?
- It's nothing to do with me.

It's only been up an hour.

You've got messages already.

- Really?
- Only one of them is from me.

Bees to honey.

Must be the description
I wrote for you.

I sprinkled it with my famous charm.


What are you laughing at?
What... What? What's so funny?

I... I...


Why are you laughing, darling?

Up you get.