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22x02 - The Stitcher Society

Posted: 02/02/22 15:47
by bunniefuu




Stop! Please, the...

Please, stop. This is crazy.

- Say it! You k*lled my sister!
- No! I am innocent.

- The truth, Toby. That's all we want.
- Harry!

- Say it, Toby. "I k*lled Viola."
- No!

Georgie, you... you have to believe me.

- Say it!
- Mimi...

We've been married for years. You...

You KNOW that I'd never hurt anyone.

Tell them, please.

If he won't confess,
just set the dogs on him.

No! No, no!



- Ooh!

- Paddy, what's got into you?

Well, I think he can smell your lunch.

- Mm?



Oh, that's, er... very green.





I hope you got his number plate.


Men! Men!

Men! Men!

- (DISTANTLY): Men! Men!

- Good morning.

- Men!
- Morning.

- Cooper.
- Harry.

- Have you been smoking?
- Yes.

Smoking as in smoking hot.



Men! Men!

Won't you ever listen?

When you've been given a
second chance... you take it.

And then it takes you! Oh...


Oh... Your scar is
knitting together nicely.

- Yeah, it is, isn't it?
- (DISTANTLY): Men! Men!

Men! Men! Men! Men!


Wow, back off, Mimi!

What's the matter, Rueben?
Can't take a little extra thrust?


Oh, Uncle... Can you check this over?

It's the insurance
policy for our new member.

New member? Ha... Is it
a she, and is she gorgeous?

No-one told me about a new member.

Everyone, I'd like to
introduce our latest recruit.

- Get him out of here!
- What on earth were you thinking?!

- All right, everyone, just calm down.
- Calm down?!

- I'll k*ll him!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

There's no need for this, not any more.

- Rueben!
- Just put the stick down, Georgie.

I know this is hard, but we'll
talk later, OK? I promise.

Toby is not what you think he is.

- Alberta, please...
- Of all the things you could do to me!

I tried to warn him.

And you still went along with it?

- Seriously?
- Don't bother answering that question.

You're no longer managing
the club. I'm sacking you.

Wait, you can't do that!
I've got ideas, plans.

That's exactly why I'm sacking you.

I need somebody I can trust!

- Mother!


Of course, yes, clear.

- OK.


OK. I'll see you soon. Yeah.

Argh! Oh!







Judging from the rigor mortis,
he's been here all night.

Do we know who he is yet?

Rueben Tooms, years young.

- What's that?
- A shinai stick.

With modifications.

They use it in kendo.

I once shacked up with a local champion.

When in Japan...


Sadly, Big Brother wasn't watching.

They also found this mobile phone.

I'll get onto the service
provider, see what it throws up.

Also find out who
practices kendo around here.

I'll go and speak to
the victim's relatives.

Arigato. Ogenki de.


I'd had an early night.

I didn't realise
Rueben hadn't come back.

Not even when you woke up this morning?

Rueben has...

... had... insomnia since his operation.

He didn't want to keep disturbing me,

so he moved into a spare room.

Oh, God, has Gideon been told?

- Gideon?
- Our son.

- Sorry, sir, you can't...
- Alberta, I've just heard.

- And you are?
- Harry Marx. Solicitor.

I am not going to allow you
to go through this on your own.

Save it, Harry.

We both know you need the work.

Mrs Tooms, do you know if your husband

had made any enemies recently,

perhaps upset someone,
had an argument with them?

I nursed Rueben back to
health after his heart bypass.

Day and night, I prayed for him.

I did everything I
could, and now, someone...

does this to him.

Why are you still here?


- WINTER: Problem, sir?
- It can wait.

- For now.
- I've got a lead on the kendo.

Apparently, it might belong to a
club called The Stitcher Society.

They meet here on the estate
in a lodge owned by the victim.

(SHE SIGHS) There's
definitely one missing.

I'm sorry to have to
do this now, Mr Tooms.

Of course. I want to help any way I can.

Who has keys to this building?

Doesn't matter, it's never locked.

So you're a... martial
arts club, then, are you?

Er, kendo is just a small
part of our rehab programme.

- Rehab?
- The Stitcher Society.

That was my father's idea.

He felt there was a shortfall
in post-operative care

- for heart patients.
- And that care involves

bashing each other with
bits of wood, does it?

Yeah, well, we also arrange lectures,

counselling, health and fitness,

and, more importantly, new challenges.

Anything that'll ignite
a passion for life again.

The trauma of an operation
can leave the heart patient

very depressed and...

pretty lost after... I'm... I'm sorry.

I can't take this in. My... my father
was standing right where you are.

Yeah, Mr Tooms, do you know if your
father had upset anyone recently?

Not recently, no.

Miss Marx?

Well, er... there was a
bit of a flare-up yesterday.

Yeah, sorry. I'm... I'm
not thinking straight.

My father stepped in to defend
our newest member, Toby Wagner.

Defend him from who?

The club members.

They were furious.

I think we'd better have
a list of their names.

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God...

You need to stay calm
while we think this through.

How can I? Rueben was my only ally.

And we can use that by making sure that

everyone knows that he was on your side.

Of the ten worst ideas I ever had,

moving back to Tamworth Springs
rockets in at number one. Cheers.

- Toby, please. It'll be OK.
- OK?

- OK?!

- You weren't at the club yesterday.

I don't think anyone
is ready to forgive him.

Forgive me for what? I
haven't done anything!

Is that right?

And the minute you turn up,

another person dies. Large
Scotch, please, Julia.

In memory of Rueben.

Just pour it, Julia.

You'll be glad of the business once
word gets out your brother's back.

And you can forget
about joining the club

now that Rueben is no longer
here to stick up for you.




Cooper Steinem?

Try again.

The clue's in the accent.

- Mimi Dagmar?
- Ha! Hilarious!


In that case, you must be their
employee and lodger, Mack Mclnally.


Can you tell me about the
flare-up at the club yesterday?

It was a bit more than a flare-up.

Wee Georgie, she threatened
to muller Georgie.

Georgie Tremayne?

Toby was lucky Rueben stepped
in. Could've been a bloodbath.

Well, how was it resolved?

Well, who says it was?

Rueben asked Georgie to
meet him. Now he's dead.

Makes you think, eh?

I just saw red. I wasn't
really gonna hit Toby.

We're not here about
that, Miss Tremayne.

We're here about Rueben Tooms.

We heard that you were planning
to meet with him last night.

Sometime between the kendo
class and when he was m*rder*d.

I did meet him.

But I definitely wasn't
the last person he saw.

And you know this because... ?

Well, that would have
been his k*ller, obviously.

And what did you and Rueben talk about?

Oh... He wanted to put my mind at ease

about Toby Wagner joining
the club, which he did,

and then I came
straight home afterwards.

Tell me, what did
Toby do to make himself

so unpopular in the first place?

I run the local paper.

"Toby Wagner arrested in
connection with brutal m*rder"?

You didn't hold back in
naming and shaming him, then?

That's Viola. Alberta Tooms' sister.

m*rder*d in cold blood
for absolutely no reason.

And all the evidence
pointed towards Toby.

It says here the case was thrown
out of court and Toby walked free?

Harry Marx screwed up in court.

The defence destroyed his
credibility as a key witness,

and the rest of the case
disintegrated, and I was...

- furious.
- And yet you publicly hounded Toby regardless?

I couldn't bear see him strolling
around the village. No-one could.

It didn't take much to
whip them into a frenzy...

until he had no choice but to leave.

And now...

... according to Rueben...

... I've been wrong all this time.

And Rueben had definite proof of this?

He said another witness had been found,

putting Toby elsewhere at
the time of Viola's m*rder.

I don't know how, and
I don't know when, but...

he assured me he was
going to tell everyone.

Hm. I know that woman.

That's Toby's ex. Mimi Dagmar.

Or Wagner, as she was then.


Miss Tremayne?

It's probably nothing.

But she's been pretty
angry at Rueben lately.

To be honest, she looked like
she was gonna k*ll him yesterday.

Send for the case file on Toby Wagner.

I'd like to know how he walked
free in spite of the evidence.

And, erm, dig into Georgie Tremayne.

Let's see what sort of a history
she had with Rueben Tooms.

What about Alberta Tooms, sir?

Rueben did step in to
defend her sister's k*ller.

She might not be too happy about that.

Alleged k*ller, but
good thinking, Winter.

You know how I know it's good thinking?

Because I was thinking the same.


Mrs Dagmar?

Oh, wait, don't tell me:
it's Mr Barnaby, isn't it?

Oh! What a lovely surprise!

Are you and Sally still
in that house I sold you?

Indeed we are, and it's, erm, Sarah.

Anyway, erm, I'm here
to ask you about...

Still shackled together, then?


Erm, Mrs Dagmar, I'm here
on official police business.

Oh! In that case, I'm... all ears,

all eyes and all the rest of me.

Hm. Tell me about, erm, Rueben Tooms.

Only, a witness told
us that you looked like

you wanted to k*ll him
during your kendo class.

Well, isn't that the whole
point? To k*ll one's opponent?

I mean, not literally, of course.

Are you denying there was
enmity between you and Rueben?

Cards on the table: his wife, Alberta,

has been a very good friend to me
through all my ups and downs, and...

I had the overwhelming
sense that he was...

playing away, so I was just a
teensy little bit angry with him,

but only on behalf of Alberta.

Could the other woman
be Georgie Tremayne?

We know that she met
with Rueben last night.

They did meet, then.

She's so...

lost and vague these days.

I mean, come on, have you met her?

She's all... smocks and sandals.

Hardly going to catch anyone's eye.

Did you know that Toby
Wagner, your ex-husband,

- was coming back to the village?

He wouldn't be here if I had.

You still believe that he
k*lled Viola Deepdale, then?


I married a wrong'un, Mr Barnaby.

I just didn't realise
it until it was too late.

Now, please do remember
me to, er, Sandra.

Now, this is the beating
heart of The Stitcher Society.

It's where the idea was born, Jocasta.

And you think there could be one
of these in every town and village?

Easily. A surgeon might
mend people physically,

but it's what happens afterwards,

that's where the healing really begins.

It all sounds... well and good,

but are there honestly
that many heart patients?

Definitely, if Tamworth
Springs is anything to go by.

Trust me. Coronary
disease is a gold mine.

I mean, we've had a revolving door
of members for several years now.

All I need are the funds to
get as many Stitcher Societies

up and running as possible.

Premises, private nurses, money
for confidence-building activities.

People will pay a fortune for that.

There's no lonelier person in the world

than a patient with fears
no-one else understands.

Mm... Well, as I said,
I like it in principle,

but I would need to see
first-hand how it works.

Absolutely. Let's... Let's get you
down to our next class or outing.

Meet a few members. I can arrange that.

Oh... Text me a date and
time, and I'll pop along.

Thanks for the tour. It was
lovely to meet you, Mrs Tooms.


I'm... I'm sorry. I know
how hard that must have been.

I see you've reinstated yourself.

Mother, all you need to know is,
I'm gonna make a great job of this.

Only after you apologise for Toby.

I couldn't be more sorry.

Really and truly, but

Father insisted he was
innocent, said we'd all

find out soon enough, and I...


I suppose I thought the
more people in the club,

the more impressed Jocasta would be.

If you weren't my son,

you'd disgust me.

I'll get rid of Toby. I will.

You can consider him gone.

- And Georgie?
- What about her?

If your father changed
her mind about Toby,

we'll never hear the end of it.

She could turn everyone else.

Fair enough. She's gone, too.

But if I do that, where
does that leave me and you?

Are we gonna be all right?

We'll be just fine.

Like always.


Can't blame them.

People are in shock over Rueben.

Probably not up to a pub quiz.

Get wise. We've been blacklisted.

It was insanity,
bringing Toby back here.

Dear me.

Oh, chin up, Julia!

I'm here to offer you a
little bowl of hopefulness.

Only, I may have a buyer
for your... delightful pub.

You are outrageous. Just get out!


Ooh, pub quiz!

Question one, economics.

A man owns a pub and
can make a small profit

if he sells immediately.

Now, does he, A, say no,
because his wife tells him to,

B, stall and lose the buyer,

or C, does he save himself from a
second stress-related heart attack

after his business
goes into receivership?

As soon as people accept
that Toby is innocent...

- ... they'll be back here drinking again.

My brother is not and
never was a k*ller.

You know the truth of all this, Cooper?

It's only going to get
worse from here on in.




Yeah, I don't blame you, mate.

Mm... Starters?

- What's the occasion?
- It's mains, darling.

Betty's class are having
a health awareness week,

- and we've decided to support her.
- I don't remember agreeing to that.

Well, that happened
when you said "I do"?


Are you happy that we
moved to this house?

Well, yes, of course. Why do you ask?

No reason.






RUEBEN: The truth, Toby,
that's all we want!

- GEORGIE: Say it!
- ALBERTA: You k*lled my sister!

- No!
- Say it!

Turn them loose!






Can you tell me where you were

on the night Rueben Tooms was m*rder*d?


I thought you were here
about the message on the wall?

Oh... I am.

So, where were you, Mr Wagner?

It's a quaint village, don't you think?


You look out...

... probably wouldn't
want to live anywhere else.



Lock the door. Lock the door!

- JULIA: What's happened?
- They tried to k*ll me!

- Who did? What are you talking about?
- Mimi, Harry, Georgie.

You've got to get me
out of here right now.

Toby, just slow down.

No, no, no, there's no
time! They could come here.

- They might even hurt you.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna
need your car keys.

As soon as I'm far enough away,

- I'll call and let you know where I left...
- No, you can't run.

- You're innocent. The court set you free!
- But I'm not, am I? Not to them.

- How long will you be gone?
- Er...

No. I'm gonna call the police.
Th... They'll protect you.

I hate it, too, but...

this is the best option,
for both our sakes.

I love you, sis...

... but you can't protect me.




I was a free man.


But that mob, thanks
to Georgie's newspaper,

they decided I was guilty regardless.

You didn't report the "mob"?

Georgie made sure that I was
hated by the entire village.

No-one would have backed me up.

Yet you're back here now?

Rueben came to visit me
after my heart attack.

He said he had proof of my innocence

and that he was gonna make things right.

I... I couldn't believe
it, but he was adamant.

Said that...

he hopes that I'd be able to
forgive him and the others, so...

I pitched up, and...

and nothing changed.

He hadn't even told
them that I was coming.

- It was like walking into a lion's den.

Have you arrested anyone yet?

- Someone broke into our apartment.
- It's Mrs Steinem, isn't it?

Can you account for your
brother's whereabouts

on the night Rueben was k*lled?

What are you talking about?

He... He wouldn't attack
Rueben. Why would he?

All the same, Mrs Steinman.

Well, he was here.

- All night?
- Yes.

I was with him.

Well, rest assured, we'll,
er... look into the break-in.


Thank you.

Make sure you stick to our
story. You were here all night.

I'm sorry. For a moment, I
thought you said "zipper".


It's how surgeons describe
the heart bypass scar.

Looks like a zip. What they do is...

break open the sternum and then slice

all the way down to a few
inches above the belly button.

If you're ever having a Sunday roast,

make sure you invite a surgeon.

They do a cracking job on your chicken.

Who would know he had that scar?

His surgeon, obviously. Nurse.

Or a member of The Stitcher Society.

I want everything you
can find on Rueben Tooms,

including whatever evidence he had

that proved Toby Wagner's innocence.

I'll start with his wife.

How's your eyesight, Mr Marx?

Why? Are you moonlighting
as an optician now?

- You almost ran over my dog.

What dog?

I think you've got the
wrong man, Chief Inspector.

Hope you don't make
a habit of doing that.


Sorry, just a couple
of things, Mrs Tooms.

How did you feel about Toby Wagner
joining The Stitcher Society?

Honestly? Volcanic.

And when you and your husband
returned home after the kendo class?

I was still volcanic. I'm
not going to hide that.

I was furious with him.

But please be aware that,
when you're married to someone

with a damaged heart, you tend
not to yell at them or upset them.

You're scared stiff it might
bring on another attack.

So whatever anger or rage I
was feeling, it never surfaced.

I merely went to my room.

Hm. Your husband told Georgie that
he had proof of Toby's innocence.

Interestingly, he didn't tell you that.

We didn't talk for the
rest of the evening.

One more thing, Mrs Tooms.

Were you alone the night
your husband was m*rder*d?


Yes, I was, but I
didn't leave the house.

And for what it's worth, I
loved my husband very much.

He may have done a very
silly, stupid thing,

but it was nothing that
years of a very solid,

very loving marriage wouldn't fix.

Training alone?

Mimi had to take a quick
call from one of her clients.

I am really sorry about
your father, Gideon.

Erm... thank you.

But listen, your subs are overdue,

- for this month and last.
- I apologise.

It's just a cash flow
thing. It'll sort itself out.

I'm sorry to do this, Georgie,
but you're out of the club.

You can't do that.
I'd be lost without it.

I hear you... I do, but it's...

- it's not really fair on the others, is it?
- You are not throwing me out, Gideon.

I think I just have.

I am running things now, after all.

Then perhaps I'd better tell the police

your father and I didn't just
talk about Toby when we met.

Rueben was really angry.

He said he'd sacked you,

and the next thing I know, he's dead.

Anyone else hear him say that?


Close the door on your way out.

Right. That's it.

All done. So, how am I? Still breathing?


Er, yes, you are, but...

Don't give me a "but".
Anything but a "but".

I got your echocardiogram results.

I'm sorry, Georgie, but
they've found an anomaly.

- Oh, God...
- Your surgeon is recommending a second operation.

I can't face another op, Erika.

But it's not gonna be anything
you haven't experienced before.

And the club will rally round to you.

I doubt that.

I can't pay the fees,
so Gideon kicked me out.


He's supposed to be
carrying on Rueben's legacy.

Even after Rueben fired him?

I didn't know he had.

Rueben told me the night he died.

Apparently... it
didn't go down too well.

You should start looking
after your own heart.

Oh, mine's fine.

I mean in regard... to Gideon.


We're very happy. Thank you.

OK. I'll see you later.

- All right. Thank you.
- Yeah.


- HARRY: Hello?

- Hello, Harry?
- Yes?

- I need to come and see you.
- OK.

As soon as possible, please.

OK, thank you.

Thank you, sir.

So, SOCO found this in the pages
of a book in Rueben's bedroom.

It's, er... It's an agreement
with a letting agency.

He was due to move into
a new flat next month.

- Anyone else's name on the lease?
- Just Rueben's.

Who was handling the letting agreement?

- That'd be Dagmar & Deepdale.
- Mimi's agency.

Indeed it is, sir.


You just can't stay away.

Susan'll be wondering
what you're really up to.

It's Sarah.

So, this is how you knew
about Rueben's affair.

My bad. Should have said.

Only, he swore me to secrecy.

Even though Alberta is
one of your best friends?

- Don't you think I told him that?
- Yet still you helped him.

Well... what can I say?
He was... emotional.


... I have a big heart.



Sorry. I wondered where that had got to.

Do you know, you are
sitting precisely...

five feet and eight inches from me?

Make that...

four feet... and nine inches.

You mentioned that Rueben was emotional.

He was... very upset.

He said that the m*rder of Viola
had changed Alberta irrevocably,

she couldn't get over it and
it was dominating their lives.

And, sadly...

very sadly...

years of happiness
just... slipped slowly away.

Who was Rueben moving in with?

Oh... He refused to tell me.

Was it you, Mimi?

Are you the other woman?

Would you like me to be?

Now, I feel a bit feel
weird. Hands in, out?

- No, out.

- Hang on.
- What? Really?

- Yeah.
- Ah...

- And stop with the pouting.
- Pouting's what they all do.

- Oh...


Let's hope there's a fish
fancier out there, eh?

It's all right. It's good.

Well, I didn't come here
to save your love life.

Came here to save my...

(COOPER SIGHS) Just between you and I...

... how can I sell the pub
without Julia finding out?

You're not serious?

As a heart attack.

I thought Julia was your "everything"?

- She is.
- Well, she won't be for much longer. Hm?

Well, can you help me or not?

Mimi's found a buyer,
and they're in a hurry.

You're using Mimi's estate agency?

I mean, could you make it any worse?

Julia loathes her, and
Mimi was there that night,

threatening to feed Toby to the dogs.

Yes, and that's why
we're doing it on the sly.

And now Toby's back, things are
going to go to the wall, Harry.

Well, get rid of Toby.

Don't you think I haven't
thought of that already?

WHISPERS: Well, think harder.

It's all about
re-educating your palate.



Do you remember the woman
that sold this house to us?

Well, as if you don't!

She was practically
moving herself in with you.

Gigi something.


OK, so, first, you ask
if I like this house,

and then Mimi crops up.

What's going on?

Well, she's part of this
case that I'm working on.


Well, all the more reason for
you to focus on your, er...

healthy eating.

Eat your celery.


(MUSIC: "The Barber Of Seville
- Overture" by Gioachino Rossini)




Well, that's the last
time I go to a gym.

You go to the gym?

We need to find out who knew
Georgie was here last night.

- There's a rota inside, sir.
- Save your quads.

Everyone trains with
at least one partner.

But, according to the rota,
Georgie was here on her own.

I should be on double bubble for this.

I just heard. I can't believe it.

Tell me, Erika, who
writes up the fitness rota?

I do. Why?

Georgie was training
on her own last night.

I was under the impression
that the club was created

- to teach heart attack victims...
- They're survivors.

We don't... we don't use the "V" word.

... that there is support
for them at all times.

I know how it looks.

But Gideon had thrown
Georgie out the club

so I thought I'd make
a stand and show him

she was still very
much a part of things.

It was the last available slot.

What did Gideon have against Georgie?

She couldn't pay her subs.

much for helping people.

Yeah. He shouldn't even be in charge.

Georgie told me that
Rueben sacked Gideon

just before he was k*lled.


They're gonna come here,

- and they're gonna blame me for Georgie.
- No-one's gonna do that.

Aren't they? She publicly hounded him!

Made his life hell.

Who else are they
gonna think k*lled her?

Well, he's innocent, and there's proof.

We just need to find it.

That's the problem, Julia.

No-one's ever truly innocent, are they?

- What does that mean?
- It's a good question.

I'm not sure I know any more.



I'm really sorry, but we're
gonna have to let you go.

Why? Uh... what have I done?

Oh, it's nothing personal. It's just...

... Mimi has found a buyer,
and they want a quick sale.

Oh. Well...

I guess there's no ogling without me.

WHISPERS: There is one
tiny little hitch, though.

I haven't told Julia yet.

- She'll brain you.
- I could live with that.

Pff, assuming you get the chance to.

Yeah, I'm still waiting on the
results from the paint test.

Yeah, if you could. Thank you.

Anything back on Toby Wagner's trial?

Nothing new yet, sir.

I was thinking, what if
Toby was a k*ller then

and is still a k*ller now,

and he came back to settle a score
with the people that hounded him?

Trouble is, Georgie and Rueben
were seemingly on his side.

They wanted him back in the village.

Well, it's something that
the victims have in common.

Is that all they have in common?

Rueben stood in the way of his
son Gideon's plans for expansion,

but where does Georgie fit into that?

Well, we know that
Rueben had a secret lover,

and Alberta told me that
he made a silly mistake,

which I just assumed she meant

letting Toby back into the club, but

maybe Mimi isn't the only one

that thinks Rueben's having an affair.

This is deeply unfair
of you, Mr Barnaby,

to march in here and to accuse
my husband of infidelity.

Rueben had a rental agreement.

- Absolute nonsense!
- You claimed yours was a loving marriage.

- That wasn't a claim!
- All the same...

we believe that Rueben
had met someone else.

Look, I admit, we had
a few bumps in the road,

especially after Viola was m*rder*d,

but not enough to warrant his
running off with someone else.

- Was Georgie Tremayne the other woman?
- Georgie?!

Dear Lord.

You already knew that
Rueben was going to meet her

on the night he was k*lled.

Georgie and Viola
were lovers, Detective.

So there is very little
chance that she and my husband

were having an affair.

I'd like you both to leave, please.

Ah... here she is.

Erika Marx. Medicine woman.

Hey... how are you doing?

How do you think?

Ask a stupid question...

I liked Georgie.

Do you wanna talk about it?

I'm just... here to get drunk.

Well, that's also my kind of talk.

You still haven't let me give
you a proper health check.


Ach... You know what
my answer's gonna be.

And I don't want anyone else dying
because I didn't do my job properly.


You look like you need a friend.


That's a bit quick, isn't it?

I bet the heating's not
even been turned off yet.


Mrs Dagmar.

Mr Barnaby.

You're handling the sale
of Georgie's cottage?

That's somewhat swift.
She only died last night.

Are you thinking of making an offer?

- What would this go for?
- Oh, let me see.

Oozes charm and character.

Deceptive frontage,
yet dynamic interior.

Worth a small fortune, I'd say.

Sounds like there's a
windfall coming your way.

Tell me, Mr Barnaby...

why is my ex-husband
still walking around?

It's just two people have
died since he came back,

and yet here you are,
asking me about house prices.

If you'd like to do some good,

perhaps a little police
protection wouldn't go amiss.



That man's going to end
up running someone over.

Want me to have a word, sir?

- Confiscate his licence while you're at it.

Mr Marx!

Have you got a minute, Mr Marx?


- Where did you say you live?
- Oh, just up the hill.

Look, you could just give
me my keys back, you know.

Oh, that would be a
dereliction of duty, Mr Marx.

Dangerous driving. You
could do time for that.

Sounds tempting.

Probably have more friends.

You don't fancy a pint, do you?

In you come.

What's this? Are you leaving?

Cooper can't afford to keep me on.

I thought I'd sh**t a few clay
pigeons and then be on my way.

Have a seat.

Yeah, it's clean.




Well, you'd better strip off now then.

- In the name of medicine.

An MOT before you check out.

It's Stitcher Society rules.

I've got to make sure you're
not falling apart at the seams.

- Literally.
- I have a sewing machine for that.

Can I trust you, Mack?

Of course.

Why? What is it?

Rueben and Georgie are dead...

... and all Gideon can think
about is building an empire.

I've seen him cry.

I've seen him look upset,

but the truth is...

... I don't believe any of it.

It's all an act, Mack.

(SHE SIGHS) And it scares me.


You think Gideon k*lled both of them?

GIDEON: Mother got inspired.

My father used to take us up to
Scotland for the Glorious Twelfth.

Admittedly, this is slightly different,

but it'll still get the blood pumping.

Next week, we'll have them fire walking.

Well, this is rather more
ambitious than I imagined.

- In a good way?
- In a very good way.

- I want to have a go myself.

- And you won't be alone in that.


Oh, sorry. I need to be somewhere.

But, look, I am going
to push hard on this.

Though I'd have to insist on a makeover.

"The Stitcher Society"

sounds like it's about old
ladies embroidering hankies.

So, how about... Blood Pumpers Limited?

Be... Because that's
what I'm feeling here.

Well, have a think, OK?
Hm, get the blood pumping.

- See you in a bit.

It's happening, Mother.

It's really happening.

"Blood Pumpers"?

Your father would have hated that.

Another club event?

Got to keep the tickers ticking.

Even though two of
your members have died?

It's not down to me, Chief
Inspector, it really isn't.

I'd soon as cancel everything,
but my investor insisted

- on seeing the club in action.
- Your investor?

It was my father's dream.

To reach out to as many
damaged hearts as possible.

Start again.

- Sorry?
- I know your father sacked you

and that you now stand
to benefit from his death.

Why did he sack you, Gideon?

He found out I was trying to sell
the format of The Stitcher Society.

I'd found an investor. She...
She'd shown a lot of interest.

And Georgie Tremayne?

You threw her out of your club,

- so what had she clone to upset you?
- I didn't k*ll her.

If anything, I was gonna reinstate her.

I mean, think about it.
The more members there are,

the more the club looks
like a viable proposition.

You won't believe this, sir, but

Harry Marx just told me that
Georgie went to him yesterday

and changed her will.

He didn't think to come to us as
soon as he knew she'd been m*rder*d?

He's stoned - . I'm surprised
he even remembered this.

Well, who's the beneficiary?

It's the newest member of
the club. One Toby Wagner.


Mr Wagner?

I don't know what to say.

You weren't aware that Georgie
had made you her sole beneficiary?

- No, I swear.
- He didn't know about the will.

How... How could he?

Harry is hardly going to call Toby.

I know that you and Harry Marx
are good friends, Mr Steinem.

You know that doesn't mean
he owns this filing cabinet

and he invites me to have a rummage.

Hm. Let's hope not.


- I swear I never knew about this.
- I guess you can move out now?

He's not going anywhere.

You can't deny a man a home.

Come to think of it,
it's really good news.

The village is starting to accept him.

Maybe he won't need you as much, Julia.

One thing I don't understand is,

that mob had Toby Wagner,

the most hated man in
the village, at its mercy,

- and yet they did nothing.
- Not everyone's a k*ller, sir.

Well, all the same, they
had dogs, he'd hurt his leg,

and yet still, he managed to
escape and get to his sister's pub.

And I'd like to know how
he managed to do that.

Tell me about that night
on the village green.

Which one? I've had many
nights out on the green.

This one involves dogs and an angry mob.


I didn't know I could
feel that murderous.

- TOBY: No!
- Turn them loose!

Mimi, for the love of God!

- Dinner time, boys!
- Just... Just... Just wait.

This is crazy! I am innocent.

OK, OK, please, just...
just... just wait.

Get out of here! Get
out of here, Toby, go on!

- Rueben!
- HARRY: What are you doing?

- Rueben, he was about to confess!
- Go!

- He k*lled Viola!
- Look at us, Alberta.

We are not these people. None of us are.

And Viola wouldn't want
this. She'd be horrified.

We weren't really going
to set the dogs on him.

We just wanted to scare
him into confessing.

But then Rueben stepped in and
prevented that from happening.

- That must have hurt, Mrs Tooms.
- Horribly.

I'd never felt so betrayed.

But then, later,

when Rueben had his heart
attack, I was there for him.

I couldn't not be.

Every day, every minute.

And you did all that
just for another woman

to come along and take him from you?

We were making things work.

Caring for him had
brought has back together.

Until he stopped believing
that Toby was guilty.

Ancl worse, started
convincing people like Georgie.

Toby Wagner bludgeoned my
sister to death in cold blood.

He lured her to a house he
told her he wanted to buy.

She turned up to show him
around, and he k*lled her.

That is the only truth of this.


- What the hell?
- Oh, gosh!

Er... so sorry. Erm,

Cooper said to do this when
Julia wasn't here, but I...

- I can come back later.
- Yeah.

- Maybe you should.
- Yeah...

Oh... by the way, you can't
tell Julia that I was here.

(HE SCOFFS) This village.

Jam-packed with secrets.

Not to mention a k*ller. I mean...

I can't believe that Toby
hasn't been arrested yet.

Maybe you've got it wrong, Mimi.

Could be someone else.

Could be me.


You're not funny, Mack.

Why don't you jog on back
to your wee estate agency?

Sell a few houses, this pub.

Whatever keeps you
in pearls and perfume.


You forgot this.

- Oh...

Sir... finally got the
report back on Rueben's phone.

- It went to the wrong department.
- Hm.

What can you see, Winter?

The village?

From this specific vantage point.


Harry's office...

... and the estate agents,
Georgie's cottage...

... and the pub.

Yes. The pub.

That's exactly what I can see.

Good. 'Cos we need to go back there.

Your mobile number was
called on this phone

on the night Rueben Tooms died.

The history of the call was
erased from the phone's log, but

it still showed up in the service
provider's automated records.

- So... ?
- The phone belonged to Rueben.

Is there anything you'd
like to tell us, Julia?

Only that Rueben Tooms would
never have any reason to call me.

Well, he was about to move
into a rented flat with someone.

- A woman.
- His lover.

(SHE CHUCKLES) I loathed Rueben.

You know what he did to my brother.

Him and all those other savages.

Except they didn't actually
do anything to Toby.

Because Rueben stepped in.

Anyway, I would never
have answered the phone.

Not to a number I didn't know.

Hm. That's odd, because the call
lasted -and-a-half minutes.

Mrs Steinem?

You're looking in the wrong place.

Maybe someone else picked
up my phone and spoke to him.

It certainly wasn't me.

I swear.

I heard everything.

They're clutching at straws.

- You and Rueben... were running away together.
- Not now, Cooper.

What about me, Julia?

Hm? You're gonna leave me
here to die, like this pub?

Well, it's a good job I'm selling it.

- You're what? You can't! How dare you?!
- Wait. No, please, listen.

I'm doing this for us.

I didn't nearly die on an operating
table just to have you walk away.

I got through that not for me, for you.

For you, Julia.

And I want us to move on. Up sticks.

And get away from
everything, including Toby.

Coop, we're done.

It's finished.

The only reason that I
am still here with you

is because Rueben's dead.

- You all right?

- Fancy watching a matinée with me?
- What?

You've got a starring role.

- Ah... That doesn't look good, does it?
- How... ?

What? I didn't k*ll Rueben.

Talking of whom, you know, he
owes me a fair amount of moolah.

I mean, obviously, he can't stump up,

but I thought, well, you
could do it on his behalf.

Owes you? For what?

Proving that your brother is innocent.

- You've got the proof?
- Eh! Money first.

- Oh, I need to know.
- And, if you pay me extra,

I can make this little film disappear.

(SHE SCOFFS) You know we're broke.

You won't be when Cooper sells up.

How do you know about that?

This is all you need
to worry about the now.


Oh... That's outrageous.

So's what's on this film.


Wha... ?


Rules are there for a reason, Harry.

Leave your g*n uncocked until
you're in a designated sh**ting area.

I thought I told you to
get rid of Toby Wagner.

I will, I promise.

Ladies and gentlemen,

today is all about targets.

The things you think
have drifted out of reach.

That you'll never be
able to grab for again.

Well, none of that is true.

You are all highly capable people.

You'll see that I've put
your names on the g*ns

solely because I what you to pick
up that w*apon and become its master.

- Or mistress.

You need to take control of all the
things that scare or unsettle you,

and you need to do it now.


Right. Let's get this
sh**ting party started.

Yes! Come on, Coop.

- Barnaby?
- He's in the canteen.

Something about
"murdering a sausage roll".

We found several sets of
fingerprints in the lodge,

none that shouldn't have been there.

- So?
- Drum roll, please.

I ran them anyway, and one set
showed up on the police database.

The prints belong to Mack Mclnally.

- The Scotsman?

Ugh... I knew it.

That's the same paint that Mack
was using when I interviewed him.

Mack threatened Toby?

He's a bag of tricks.

Turns out he's also a
private investigator.


Which begs the question as to why
he joined The Stitcher Society.

Was it for health or business?

Mack's got a room at the Steinems' pub.

Get a team round there,
see what you can dig up

whilst I take in a spot of,
er, clay pigeon sh**ting.


Apparently, it's good for the heart.

Cooper, you're up first.

- Me?

- Aye, you big Southern jessie.
- Hey, less of the "Southern", you!

Right, I might need to, er...

do some... deep breathing.




Oh, for God's sake.

And by the way, you don't belong here.



(g*nsh*t, APPLAUSE)

Good shot.

- Take note.

Er... great stuff, Mother.
Leading the way, as usual.

Mack, why don't you see
if you can follow that?

And, obviously, stick
to the safety guidelines.


This is for Culloden.

Remember, eyes on the target, Mack.

Never anywhere but...


- (g*nsh*t)
- Oh!

- Good.


- (g*nsh*t)
- Oh!


Good for the heart, you see.

I take it the shotgun was tampered with?

It's easier than you might imagine.

Thin strips of cloth
used to jam the barrel.

The shell had nowhere
else to go but backwards.

All but guaranteed to
remove someone's face.

I'm amazed no-one saw
it being tampered with.

Humans, Barnaby.

If they can find a way, they will.

And, of course, now, I can
answer your earlier question.

He doesn't have a zipper scar, does he?

He was here on business.

Probably working undercover.

Did I say, "Class dismissed"?

These are bar towels.

From a pub.

Rueben is k*lled, which
means Gideon can go ahead

and build his Stitcher Society empire.

Georgie's death means Toby
inherits a cottage, and...

Mack was k*lled because...


He found a witness who
proved Toby's innocence?

But who is this witness, sir?

I mean, so far, there's no evidence
of one anywhere. No name, nothing.

No sign of forced entry.

The door was unlocked when we got there.

No self-respecting PI

is going to go out and
leave his door unlocked,

especially not if he's undercover
and hiding who knows what.

You think someone had
a spare set of keys?

Let's ask the landlord, shall we?



Mrs Steinem.

If you don't mind?

I-It's not... It's not mine, I swear.

I'll get Tech onto it.

All roads keep leading
back to this very point.

Don't they, Julia?

- No!
- Turn them loose!

- Dinner time, boys!
- OK, OK, please, just... just... just wait.

The mob was about to scare
a confession out of Toby.

But then Rueben steps in.

Get out of here, go on,
just get out of here!

Toby managed to get away,

but he wasn't your only
visitor that night, was he?



How long had your affair
with Rueben been going on?"

I'm so sorry.

For a while. But it ended

when my brother was
arrested for k*lling Viola.

Despite the trial collapsing,

Rueben just couldn't accept
that Toby was innocent.

So... we fell apart.

How dare you come here?
You're one of them.

No, I swear I went along
with it to try and save Toby.

- You need to leave.
- Julia, please.

I know what I want now, and it's you.

I want you.

I told him to leave.

That all I wanted was for my
brother to be able to live peacefully

in our village without
accusations and threats.

So Rueben decided to
prove Toby's innocence?

It took a few years...
a few false starts.

Plus, he had to do it all
behind his wife's back.

But, a few months ago, he...

said that he'd found
someone who could help.

That they were confident that
they could find unequivocal proof.

So Rueben and I started
making plans to be together.

The night that Toby
escaped from the mob...

... were you alone in the pub?

Er... no.

They were your dogs, Reuben...

Cooper was upstairs.

Though he'd sleep through a hurricane.

He was absolutely petrified!

Yeah, no, I can take
it from here. Thanks.

So, this is linked to a
specific Wi-Fi configuration.

It's... It's transmitting
to a laptop or a PC.

- Can you locate it?
- Thanks to Tech, I can.


Oh... That's...

Wait here, Mrs Steinem.




We'll take that, if you don't mind.

I'd also like you to explain

what you're doing with
a m*rder*d man's laptop.

It wasn't Mack who did that.

It was you. Wasn't it, Mr Steinem?


Toby wouldn't take the hint, would he?

Him coming back, it ruined everything.

Me and Julia were happy.

- Happier than we'd been in years.
- Until Rueben hired Mack.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Then why did you steal Mack's computer?

To be honest, I found him creepy.

He was always sneaking
about, poking his nose in.

I wanted to know what he was up to.

Or you knew exactly what he was up to

and decided to erase
everything he'd found out.

What, me? Pfft, no. No way.

Where were you on the night
Rueben Tooms was m*rder*d?

- Why?
- Because Rueben was having an affair

with your wife, Mr Steinem.


- Was.
- You're also Harry Marx's only friend.

- He told you about Georgie's will, didn't he?
- Hang on a minute...

Which gave you the idea to
frame Toby for Georgie's m*rder.

Then you'd k*ll Mack to destroy
any evidence of Toby's innocence.

Come on. That's a bit
of a stretch, isn't it?

I've already had confirmation
that the bar towels

used to block Mack's
shotgun came from your pub.

And I did all this because... ?

Julia would have no-one
to turn to but you.

You'd have your wife back, Mr Steinem.


Do you know what?

That is really good. I
honestly really like that.

Yeah. It's got legs.

Pff, makes perfect sense.

Only, may I return to the
original question you asked me

that you wouldn't actually
let me answer? Little bit rude.

Where was I the night
Rueben was m*rder*d?


- ... believe it or not...

... I was with Alberta Tooms.


I-I-I'm so, so sorry, but
I needed to talk to someone.

It's been doing my head
in, and I-I think...

Rueben and Julia are back together.

I'm not saying I know this
for sure, but you of all people

know what it's like to be
married to someone that you adore,

every breath, every move, every nuance.

I have ignored this once, and I am
not prepared to ignore this twice.

You'd better come in.

When you meet the single-most
amazing person ever,

you would do anything,

anything to hang onto that person.

So... all those things that
you have accused me of...

... I probably could have done them.

In fact, I... I probably
would have done them.

But I promise you...

I didn't.

Even after she broke my heart.

Well, assuming Cooper
isn't lying about Alberta...

Then they both have alibis for
the night Rueben was k*lled.



Ah! Look at that. Mack filmed us, sir.

Never knew I had such screen presence.

Is there anything else
Mack's cameras picked up?

Oh, there's tons of
video files here, sir.

OK, so, what have we got?

- Hm, I meant of interest.
- Sorry.

Oh, look, it's your admirer, sir.

Thank you. What else?

Well, that's Georgie meeting
Rueben on the night he was k*lled.

That's Julia Steinem.

And she told me she was in the pub

on the night Rueben Tooms was m*rder*d.

Hi. Yeah, it's me.

I'm at Georgie's cottage.

OK. I'll see you in a bit.


- Argh!
- Well?

Why would I k*ll Rueben?

I was about to start
a new life with him.

The film on Mack's laptop

places you in the vicinity
of Rueben's m*rder.

A film that Mack was
trying to blackmail me with.

Look, I promise you
that all I did that night

was go out to tell Rueben

that we needed to hold
off on leaving the village.

Because the village wasn't as safe
for Toby as you hoped it would be.

Viola's m*rder has twisted this village

into something it wasn't meant to be.

I hoped that Rueben
and I could change that.

Bring peace. Even closure.

But people don't forget.

No, and they never forgave
Harry for losing the trial.

Hence his unpopularity.

That spaced-out fool is almost
as reviled as my brother is.

Losing that court case
has haunted him ever since.


We need to talk to Harry Marx.



- Hello!



(SHE GASPS) Harry!

Erika, have you seen your Uncle Harry?

Oh, sorry. I haven't.

Though, knowing him, he's
probably out reversing

all the good work the heart surgeon did.

I've warned him. Nobody wants two
zippers running down their chest.

Say that again?

About... the zipper?

Oh, it's more about the
person who didn't have one...

... and who else knew that.

Fleur, I need you to
look something up for me

on Mack Mclnally's computer.

You were asked a
question five years ago.

Now, you're gonna answer it.

Harry... what the hell?

Just because I screwed up at the trial,

that doesn't make him innocent.

You know it, I know
it, everyone knows it.


You have five seconds to confess.


Two... three...



Meet me at Georgie's cottage.

♪ Nellie the Elephant
packed her trunk ♪

♪ And said goodbye to the circus ♪

♪ Off she went with
a trumpety-trump ♪

♪ Trump, trump, trump ♪

But... OK.

PANICKED: ♪ Nellie the
Elephant packed her trunk ♪

♪ And said goodbye to the circus ♪

♪ Off she went with
a trumpety-trump ♪

♪ Trump, trump, trump ♪

It's not working.

I think he's had a heart attack.

Yes, I'll keep trying.

Uh, uh...

♪ Nellie the Elephant
packed her trunk ♪



♪ Off she went with
a trumpety-trump ♪

♪ Trump, trump, trump ♪


FGod, Harry, Harry, I
thought you were a goner.

Arrest him, then. He tried to k*ll me!

- WINTER: We've got him, sir.
- Thank you so much for your help.

Yes, no I think we're all right.

Actually, I didn't come
here for Harry Marx.

Did I, Mimi?

I'm flattered, Mr Barnaby,

but may I remind you that
you are a married man.

I'm also a chief inspector.

And I'm arresting you for
the murders of Rueben Tooms,

Georgie Tremayne and Mack Mclnally,

and not forgetting Viola
Deepdale, your ex-business partner.


I think someone's been on Harry's weed.


Was it Rueben letting Toby
join The Stitcher Society?

Is that what triggered this?

- I'm gonna k*ll him!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

There's no need for this, not any more.

- Rueben!
- Georgie, just put the stick down.

I know this is hard,
but we'll talk later, OK?

Toby is not what you think he is.

Rueben's about-face must
have come as a huge shock. a

It meant he knew that
Toby hadn't k*lled Viola.

Your daughter must love
your bedtime stories.

So you had to k*ll Rueben
before he could get to Georgie.

Trouble is... you were too late.

Could the other woman
be Georgie Tremayne?

We know that she met
with Rueben last night.

So they did meet then?

She's so lost and vague these days.

You couldn't have Georgie
believing that Toby was innocent.

She would have gone to press
again, told the whole village.

But, Harry saw Toby leaving the house.

In mean, Viola had "meeting"
written in her diary, so..

That was probably something that
you added after Viola was k*lled.

Now, John, you are cleverer than this.

For one, Georgie hated Toby.

I mean she was ready
to take his head off

when he appeared up at the club.

And then she changed
her will in his favour.

She was refusing a second operation.

She wanted to pay him back for the
nightmare she'd put him through.

And let's not forget he got a
very lovely cottage out of it.


Whatever change Georgie's mind
must have been nagging at you.

Rueben Tooms must have had
some very substantial evidence

to be able to do that,
which leads us to Mack.

He doesn't have a zipper scar, does he?

Is there anything else
Mack's cameras picked up?

Oh, it's more about the
person who didn't have one...

... and who else knew that.

And when you saw that he
didn't have a zipper scar...


You forgot this.

... It had to mean that he was
here under false pretences.

It wouldn't take much to
do some research on Mack,

find out who he really
was and what he was doing.

That search is probably
still in your history.

This is all on you, you
Flower Power pothead!

I saw Toby.

- I know it was him.
- You saw me, you idiot!

Mind you, you were probably
hugging a tree at the time.

You know if anyone's to blame
for all this it is actually Harry,

if you really think about it. I mean,

Toby, should have been locked up.

How could he settle
with some prison wife

and I wouldn't have to
have done any of this.

You didn't need to anyway.

Our Tech team processed
Mack's hard drive.

He hadn't found out a single
thing about Viola's m*rder.


What are you talking about?

He took the money from Rueben

in return for telling him
what he wanted to hear.

Mack had a history of conning people,

hence his fingerprints being on file.

No, you've got that
wrong. You must have.

You k*lled three people for nothing.

There was no other witness.

It was a lie, Mimi.


I believe you are a free man, Mr Wagner.


One last thing...

Why did you k*ll Viola?

Would you think more kindly of
me if I said it was accidental?

She hated the way I did business.

Claimed I was always
over our male clients

and their wifes didn't like
it, and I was losing sales

left, right and centre.

I mean... We'd only
gone to price a house and

suddenly there was a rather
weighty object in my hand, and well.

What can I say, she
stepped out in front of it.

Three or four times as it happens.

I mean, can you imagine
that, me, flirting...

Wherever did she get that idea.



MAN: Let's dive straight into it.

Firstly, we need to
chop up all our veggies.

So, grab your carrots and your
red peppers and mushrooms,

and first of all, we're just
gonna give them a quick rinse,

and then we're gonna thinly slice

those red peppers,
carrots and mushrooms.

And, to add some flavour
to your stir-fry...

- Oh-ho!


... one or two red chillies.

Now, my wife loves to put spice
in her stir-fry, so I use...



- SARAH: John?

- Shh, Shh! Shh!

Wow! Finally, it's sunk
in. It only took you a week.

Well, you and Betty have a
point, and the last thing I need

is to have to join a,
er, Stitcher Society.

That really would be bad for my health.

- Well, looks wonderful.

I'm gonna look forward to it.

Hey! Paddy!


Oh, Paddy...