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21x02 - The Miniature Murders

Posted: 02/02/22 15:41
by bunniefuu
Look! Bubbles!



It's almost time
for our light show.

So make sure you're ready
to take photos

of your little stars.

Whee! Whee!

Come on, mum and dad,
you can get them!

What about you?
Can you get them?

Here goes the bubbles!

Always your favorite, wasn't it?

Never mind.

It'll be here anytime
you want to come and see it.

Oh! Sorry!

Oh! Sorry!


If you'd like to take a seat.

On behalf of my fellow trustees,

welcome to the Midsomer Museum
of the Family.

This is one of the county's

most notable collections
of dolls' houses,

most notable collections
of dolls' houses,

and we're delighted to be adding
it to our existing display.

So please welcome
our generous new sponsor,

Alexander Beauvoisin.

Thank you, everyone. Thank you.


Thank you.

I'm honored to be here.

Now, you might be thinking,

he doesn't look much like
a dolls' house aficionado.

You'd be right!

But what I do know about
is family.

These incredible miniatures
were actually collected

by my great-aunt Olive,

by my great-aunt Olive,

the founder
of the Beauvoisin Estates.

She taught me to value family
above everything else.

Homes are the lifeblood
of any community.

They're the place
we raise our children.

They're the place
we make memories.

They're the place we feel safe.

And that's why it's so fitting
that Beauvoisin Estates

be making this donation.

And I honestly couldn't be...

Don't worry. They're both safe.

I spoke to Sarah.
Can we go in yet?

Yeah, firearms have just given
the all-clear.

We've got 60 people,
including 15 children.

Everyone we could find
has been searched.

- But no w*apon?
- Not yet.

They've either fled
or hidden the g*n.

And no one saw the sh**t?

And no one saw the sh**t?

No one actually saw
the g*n go off,

but everyone's talking about
a man giving the victim

a slow handclap from the back
of the room beforehand.

- He's disappeared.
- See if CCTV picked him up.

We need to know who he is
and where he is.


- You're okay?
- Yeah, we're fine, really.

None of us even realized.

We didn't hear a thing, did we?

Yeah, we just carried on
with the class.

We'll need your register.

We'll process
young families first.

We'll process
young families first.

- sil*ncer?
- Could be.

What do we know
about the victim?

Alexander Beauvoisin, 52.
He was a local estate agent.

He'd just donated a collection
of dolls' houses

to the museum, apparently.

That's his girlfriend,
Holly Ackroyd.

She tried to give him first aid.

Don't you start.

Don't you start.

I know. Just initial findings.

He's dead.
Shot at fairly close range.

I'd say you're looking
for a large-caliber firearm.

.45 or bigger.

Whoever tried to help him
had the sense to recognize

that air was
getting into the chest cavity.

They improvised a seal.

They did a decent job
on packing the exit wound too.

Anything else you can tell me?

Don't move house
the weekend you're on call.

Didn't know you were moving.

Desperately needed more space.

Desperately needed more space.

What for?

My many and varied interests.

He was shot in front of
a room full of people,

but nobody saw the g*n go off.

See if that door will open.

Here we are.

Caught in his clothes.

It feels very light
for a b*llet this size.

It feels very light
for a b*llet this size.

It's made of wood.

I've never seen anything
like it.


This house hinges at the back.
It's been left open.

And the frame's been blown out.

And the chest of drawers
is singed.

I think we know
where they took their shot.

Excuse me.

Sorry, it's the list
you asked for.

And do be careful.

And do be careful.

Some of those pieces
are extremely valuable!

I'm sure they won't do
any damage.

Maxine Dobson.
I'm in charge of exhibits here.

It's because they're toys,
you see?

People fail to show
the necessary respect.

I'm D.C.I. Barnaby.
This is, uh, D.S. Winter.

He will ensure
that every care is taken.

Was there anything controversial
about the event today?

Any reason to target Alexander?

It was a little ironic,
I suppose.

Dolls' houses donated
by the landlord from hell.

Dolls' houses donated
by the landlord from hell.

There were issues
with his tenants?

I'd say.

He had dozens of houses, but not
so keen on maintaining them.

A girl died
thanks to a dodgy boiler.

It was in the paper.

She was a student, I think.

They've been organizing protests
against him ever since.

Did you see a man give Alexander

a slow handclap
before the sh**ting?


But they were all talking
about it downstairs.

I nipped outside for a drink
as soon as I'd finished my bit.

I nipped outside for a drink
as soon as I'd finished my bit.

Came back in
when I heard the screaming.

I want to see
the toy-shop mouse.

I know, darling, but not today.

Toy-shop mouse!

Sorry, she's always been
obsessed with the, uh,

little toy shop you have here.

You like to spot the mouse
in the basement, don't you?

- I like him too.
- He's cute!

That's why most of our exhibits
must stay behind glass.

Come on.

This is her. Lara Wokoma.

Died in her student flat
three years ago

of carbon monoxide poisoning
linked to a faulty boiler.

Find out where her family are.

And we need to know who's behind
those student protests as well.

Holly Ackroyd?
D.C.I. Barnaby, D.S. Winter.

Holly Ackroyd?
D.C.I. Barnaby, D.S. Winter.

I'm very sorry for what
you've been through today.

We just have to ask you
a few questions,

and then there'll be a car ready
to take you home.


I don't know
what I can tell you, though.

I was out here when it happened.

Well, when I got back in,
I tried to...

I used my shirt, but there was
just so much blood.

You did everything you could.

You must have
first aid training?

Oh, years ago, yeah.

When I was a holiday rep.

Can you think of anyone
that'd want to hurt Alexander?

Business associates?
Someone from his past?

Business associates?
Someone from his past?

Not that I can think of.

The thing is, I don't actually
know that much about him.

It wasn't
that kind of relationship.

What do you mean?

We were having fun.
Nice restaurants, shopping.

Don't get me wrong, I liked him,

but we weren't in love
or anything.

You need to speak to Fiona.

- Fiona?
- His wife.

Oh. Right.

Oh, no,
it was nothing like that.

They were already separated
and stuff.

They were already separated
and stuff.

I got a sales job with him
in March,

and it... it kind of went
from there.

And how were things
with his wife?

Oh, they were fighting
over the house.

I stayed well out of it.

But she was in the car park
with me when he was k*lled.

Kept giving me dirty looks.

So when she left,
I went to have it out with her.

Did Alexander know
anyone else here?

The woman in the bird costume
gave him a hug.


They used to work together
or something?

They used to work together
or something?

Has anything else
happened recently?

- Anything unusual?
- Not really.

Except there was this thing
this morning,

with the guys who came
to move the dolls' houses.

One of them, the older guy,
he totally lost it.

As in actually throwing things.

I told Alex to sort it out,

but he refused
to even go downstairs.

I think he was afraid.

She seems genuine enough.

Assuming the wife backs up
her alibi.

She was lying about
that first aid training.

I don't know
what 18-to-30s holiday reps

are expected to do these days,

but I doubt it includes
the treatment of g*nsh*t wounds.

Look into that removals firm.

Look into that removals firm.

And find out if she's ever held
a firearms certificate.

I'm going to speak
to Buddy Bird.

This is last Christmas.
Work party.

That was his tipsy face.

- You were close?
- Oh, yes.

Yes, I ran his sales team
for a decade

before I did this full-time.

Were you working for him
when a young woman died

in one of his properties?

He was devastated about that.

Okay? It wasn't his fault.

Okay? It wasn't his fault.

You'll probably hear some
horrible things about Xander,

you know,
but he was a successful man,

and it makes people jealous.

Or I don't know,
what's the word?


Are you talking about someone
in particular?

Well, his wife, for one.

Doesn't do a day's work
in 20 years

and then suddenly thinks
she's entitled

to every penny in the divorce.

Were you in there with Carys
when Alexander was k*lled?

Why would I... Oh, no!

We used to run
the soft play center together,

but then we had
some creative differences.

I see. So where were...

Look, in fact, I've been meaning.

Look, in fact, I've been meaning

to talk to the police about this

because when she left,
she stole some things.

Play mats, rugs.

My favorite orange bag
with a monkey on it!

Sorry, it's not important now.

Where were you
when the g*n went off?

Uh, near the entrance,
putting up my posters.

You know, Maxine didn't even
let me tender for this job.

She just gave it to Carys.

Not that I'm surprised,
'cause they're both weirdos.

Actually, have you spoken
to Maxine and Carys?

Because I saw them with Xander

in the car park
before the event,

and they did not look happy.

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Oh, tearing strips off him,
the poor man.

I don't know what it was about,
but it looked vicious.

You need to get me out of here.

We're done.

Birdbrain called.

Birdbrain called.

She loved being the one
to tell me.

I'm sorry... birdbrain?

Jemima Starling.
Alexander's one-woman fan club.

This isn't a celebration,
by the way.

It's the only thing
I had to hand.

Do you mind if we sit down?

Mm. Of course.




Is he in custody?

You know who shot your husband?

Well, I didn't see the g*n.

But it was Wesley Peters,

I mean, they let him
out of prison,

and then within 24 hours
he's standing there,

eyeballing Alexander
and giving him

this very aggressive
round of applause.

How did Alexander know him?

Wesley had the maintenance
contracts for his properties.

But he messed up. A girl died.

The faulty boiler?

He got five years
for manslaughter,

but he claimed
that Alexander set him up.

But he claimed
that Alexander set him up.

Wesley Peters. I'm on it.

Did your husband have
any other enemies?

Um, tenants, colleagues,

family of the girl who died.

Oh, and me, of course.

How long had you been separated?

Six months.

I should've left
as soon as the affairs started.

I should've left
as soon as the affairs started.

It was humiliating.

I understand there was conflict
over the house.

The day I filed for divorce,

I came home to find
he'd changed the locks.

Then there were all these
schemes for hiding his wealth.

I gave up everything for him,

but he was determined that
I should leave with nothing.

So why go to his fundraiser?

So why go to his fundraiser?

To stand up to him.

I loved those dolls' houses.

He was giving them away
to spite me.

Where were you
when he was k*lled?

Driving home.

You can ask his latest bimbo.

What do you know about.

Alexander's relationship
with Holly?

Enough to know that
"relationship" is pushing it.

He met her at work.

He also worked with Jemima,
didn't he?

He also worked with Jemima,
didn't he?

What did you mean about
her being his fan club?

She's the only
woman he didn't sleep with.

Poor Jemima.

She was in love with him,
bless her.

And told him as much
at one of their work parties.

And he laughed at her.

Which is why she quit.

Sir. Tracked him down.

- Wesley Peters?
- Yeah.

Well, give him my best,
won't you?

I know why you're here.
Just put that away, yeah?

They've lined me up a job here
starting tomorrow.

You're out on license,
is that right?

Since yesterday.

And your top priority
when you got out

was a visit to the museum?

Look, I'm not denying
I was there.

But I didn't k*ll him.

But I didn't k*ll him.

There must be a whole room full
of people who can tell you that.

So why did you run?

I panicked.

I wasn't there to do anything.

I just wanted to see
the look on his face.

What do you mean?

Last time he saw me,
I weighed nine stone

and I couldn't stand up
for myself.

I needed him to know
that's changed.

You believe Alexander framed you

for the manslaughter
of Lara Wokoma.

I know he did, 'cause I never
signed off on that boiler.

I know he did, 'cause I never
signed off on that boiler.

He sent some kid 'round
to patch it up,

then faked the certificate.

Some kid?

Nicco Dearden. He was only 18.

Came 'round
asking for odd-job work.

Obviously to fund a habit.

You could tell
by looking at him.

But he was cheaper than me,
and that's what mattered.

But you couldn't prove it?

It was Alexander's word
against mine,

and he had the better lawyers.

So that's it.

Two and a half years of my life,
written off.

Two and a half years of my life,
written off.

And what about Lara's family?

Did they blame Alexander?

You'd have to ask them.

But I know what I would do
if it was my daughter.

You can't really do it
in a suit.

Clear motive.

But if you're about to
sh**t someone,

why draw attention
to yourself like that?

It could've been a tactic
to create an alibi for himself.

He knew someone else
was about to do it?

It's possible.

Find out who he was
friendly with in prison.

And go back through
the statements

and see if anyone actually
had eyes on Wesley Peters

when the g*n went off.



Sorry I'm late.
Sorry if I smell.

How's the new place?

No hot water,
and I can't find the kettle.

Ah. Well, let me know
if I can help.

There's a pile of flat-pack
furniture with your name on it.

You're not moving too, are you?

Oh, they're persons of interest.

The Wokomas?

They're good lads.

- You know them?
- They did my move last time.

- You know them?
- They did my move last time.

Much better than the cowboys
I used this time 'round.

It was incredibly sad.

The daughter was helping
to earn some money for college,

then a few months later,

I found myself
performing her autopsy.

- Any luck?
- Yeah.

The museum paid them to move the
collection yesterday morning.

They've had a rough time.

The mother died a few years ago,
then Lara.

Don't go upsetting them.

I can be sensitive.

What? I can.



He was in good health.

A little alcohol in his system,

but no trace of narcotics
or other medication.

Cause of death
was exsanguination,

the b*llet having severed
the right coronary artery.

Have you found the g*n?

No, it wasn't at the scene.

Well, I spoke to a colleague
in ballistics,

and this is what
you're looking for.

The 1917 Lundberg.

It's a Swedish semiautomatic

designed to fire
a lightweight wooden b*llet.

Fewer than a thousand
ever produced.

There was one other thing.

The lab ran tests on some marks
inside the dolls' house.

The lab ran tests on some marks
inside the dolls' house.

It's human blood,
mixed in with g*nsh*t residue.

I'm waiting to hear if
it matches anyone in the system.

Thanks. Anything else?

Not for now.

Just let me know
when you're ready.

For what?

That flat-pack.

I know you were only offering
to be polite,

but that's not my problem,
is it?

Dad. Police.

At last.

The phone's been ringing off
the hook with the good news.

I'm very sorry about
what happened to your daughter.

He wasn't.

You know he never even
made contact with us?

So worried about saving
his own skin,

couldn't say sorry
to a grieving family.

I do need to ask this,
I'm afraid...

I do need to ask this,
I'm afraid...

Where were you both
at around 5:00 p.m. yesterday?

I understand why you need
to ask us.

Hopefully you'll understand
why we're not gonna tell you.

You're refusing to provide
an alibi?

That's right.

- I know you're angry...
- No comment.

You do realize
the implications of...

No comment.

What about yesterday morning?

Were you employed by the museum

to move
a dolls' house collection

from the victim's home?

From the victim's home?

- No comment.
- Dad!

They obviously know
that we were.

I didn't realize
whose house it was.

Then when I saw
the family photos,

I had to get out of there.

Where did you go?

No comment.

Uh, he was with me.

Last night
he was at home with me.

Uh, 5:00 p.m., we were playing
video games together.

Uh, 5:00 p.m., we were playing
video games together.

Thank you for telling me.

After everything with Lara,
he's not good with the police.

Uh, there was something else,

When we were packing up
the dolls' houses,

Alexander was shouting upstairs.

And then the woman
who lived there was crying.

Did you recognize her?

Blond hair. Called her a thief.

Did you hear anything else?

No, that was it.

I'd better get back to work.

I'd better get back to work.

What did you say to them?

I told you not to come here.

Oh, I've got information
for mature students

if you're interested.

Do I look like a ma...

Never mind.

Erin Turner?

Oh. Yeah, hi.

I need to talk to you about the
m*rder of Alexander Beauvoisin.

It's true, then?

He was k*lled
at the museum yesterday.

You were running a campaign
against him, is that right?

Not just him. All landlords
that fail in their duty of care.

The focus was Alexander, though.

The focus was Alexander, though.

You've heard about
the girl who died?

I was her best mate.

Tell me about the protest
you organized

at the museum yesterday?

We wanted to challenge his
"pillar of the community" act.

I mean, it was sick...
Donating these tiny houses

when his real properties,
lived in by real people,

are damp and unsafe.

So why cancel it?

Not enough interest. Exam term.

Did you go anywhere near the
museum at 5:00 p.m. yesterday?

No, I went to Lara's grave
with her brother.

No, I went to Lara's grave
with her brother.

We always take flowers
around her birthday.

Are you sure you were there
at 5:00 p.m.?


I was supposed to have swim
training, but I missed it.

Because I just spoke to my boss,
and Finn's saying

that he was at home
with his father at that time.

Then he's confused.

Did you drive there?
Maybe we can trace your car?

We walked along the canal.

Look, Finn's been upset,
so he must have it wrong,

because he was definitely
with me at 5:00.

Oh. Uh, thank you.

5:02... Alexander comes onstage,

and Maxine Dobson
leaves by this exit here.

And Maxine Dobson
leaves by this exit here.

Then this must be the moment

that Wesley Peters
does his slow handclap.

I went back
through the statements.

Plenty of people saw him,
but no one remembers

specifically where he was
when the g*n went off.

And there's Fiona Beauvoisin...

and Holly Ackroyd leaving,

which backs up their account.

Did anything come back on Holly?

No. No criminal record
or firearms license.

She's not on social media,
which is a bit odd.

Well, I'm not.

Yeah, I know, but you're,
you know...

Yeah, I know, but you're,
you know...

Above all that.

I am indeed.

Where are we with the banking
records and digital forensics?

They're still going through
his computer,

but he was moving
a lot of money around.

You know the old school
building behind the church?

He sold that to Jemima Starling
and Carys Nicholson

for 70 grand.


Yeah, I spoke
to an estate agent.

It's worth at least 600.

Well, perhaps his wife
was right...

He was getting assets
off the balance sheet.

Any luck tracing Finn Wokoma
and Erin Turner's movements?

Any luck tracing Finn Wokoma
and Erin Turner's movements?

We're trying to get CCTV from
the streets near the cemetery.

Good, because Finn
can't have been

in both places at once, can he?

And what about
Alexander's tenants?

Have uniform spoken to them yet?


Three separate people
mentioned Maxine Dobson.

She rents the toy shop from him,

and they've been seen
in public, arguing.

Well, let's have
another chat with her.

Update from forensics.

They've found a purple thread
in the dolls' house.

They've found a purple thread
in the dolls' house.

They think it came
from a synthetic feather.

You need to stop.

Erin, please!

I said no.

It's incredible.

The level of detail
on this stuff.

Mm, that's why she has
a two-year waiting list.

Mm, that's why she has
a two-year waiting list.

Everything she makes
is a perfect reproduction.

And this one's going to
a collector in Tokyo.


Do you run this place together?

Um, sort of.

I'm her lodger,
but I've always helped out.

I'll... I'll go and get her.

Oh, I... I need
to talk to you too.

Oh. Yeah, sure.

You used to run a soft play
center with Jemima Starling?

You used to run a soft play
center with Jemima Starling?


Never go into business
with your quirky friend.

They might just turn out to be
your insane friend.

So who owns it now?

Oh, still both of us.
She's gonna buy me out.

Has she been accusing me
of stealing?

Because every item I removed
is something I paid for.

That's not why I'm asking.

I wanted to know why Alexander
let you buy the building

at such a discount.

I don't know.
I mean, Jemima set it all up.

She said it was okay.

She said it was okay.

Have we done something illegal?

Um, I'm not sure yet.

I understand Maxine rents
this place from Alexander

and that there were, uh,
disagreements between them?

She's been here 35 years.

He was trying to bully her out
so he could sell the place.

A witness saw you and Maxine
arguing with Alexander

in the museum car park
shortly before he was k*lled.

Yeah, because it was
getting ridiculous.

He actually paid someone
to stand outside the shop

scaring customers away.

- He admitted to this?
- Yeah, he was proud of it.

- He admitted to this?
- Yeah, he was proud of it.

Look, when you speak to Maxine,
she's not...

She doesn't
find things easy socially.

Through here?

- Yeah.
- I'll be fine.

Thank you.

She must think
this place is soundproof.

I'm not some delicate flower.
Ask me whatever you like.

The argument you had
with Alexander...

I won't apologize
for standing up to him.

His great-aunt Olive promised me
a lifetime's tenancy.

She was a collector, you see?
She appreciated the craft.

She was a collector, you see?
She appreciated the craft.

I can see why.
And that's this place, is it?

- Like the one in the museum.
- Aah!

It's not finished yet.

Carys said you have a long
waiting list for commissions?

And they can wait.
This one's for me.

Why didn't you tell me
that you argued with Alexander

less than an hour
before he died?

I said quite clearly

he had a long list
of tenants who hated him.

He had a long list
of tenants who hated him.

You just neglected to mention
that you were on that list?

It didn't seem relevant to me.

Then again,
I know I didn't sh**t him.

You said in your statement
that you were outside

when the g*n went off,
getting a drink.

Why did you need to leave
the room to get a drink?

There was a table
full of prosecco in there.

Do I strike you
as a prosecco drinker?

I had a hip flask
of single malt.

Maxine, you do understand
the seriousness of this?

Maxine, you do understand
the seriousness of this?

A man you had
a public feud with is dead,

and you haven't been able
to provide us with an alibi.

I can't alter the facts.

If you find some evidence
against me,

I'm sure you'll tell me.

But until then...


Give yourselves a big round
of applause!

Well done, everyone!

See you next week!

A feather?

But I never even set foot
in that hall.

But I never even set foot
in that hall.

This costume is
my entire livelihood.

Yeah, well, you'll get it back.

Oh, well, obviously
I don't have a choice.

No, I had a few questions first.

Alexander gave you this building
at a very good price, didn't he?

Yeah, it was a gift.
For years of loyalty.

And it wasn't part
of his divorce proceedings?

What do you mean?

Well, he sells you this building
at a huge discount,

reducing the value of his assets
on paper,

and then you sell it back to him
further down the line.

It's a nice idea, but no.

If that were the case,
his death means that.

If that were the case,
his death means that

all this is yours to keep.

You're half a million pounds up.

You're wasting your time!

Have you spoken to Maxine?

Because I've
remembered something.

When I saw Xander
arguing with her outside,

he said he knew all about
her "little side project."

And that seemed to shut her up.

Did you hear anything else?

No. Perhaps I should've stayed.

Oh, God.

Were you in love with Alexander?


So you didn't tell him you were
in love with him at a work party

before he rejected you?

Mm. Fiona.

Mm. Fiona.

Of course.

You know, our friendship
really got to her.

So you didn't?

Well, I might have
said something,

maybe a bit like that,

you know, when I was drunk.

Like, you know,
"You're the best, you are!

I love you!"

But I didn't k*ll him
out of a crime of passion.

I didn't k*ll him for the money.

I didn't k*ll him!

I didn't k*ll him!

Yeah, I'm on my way back now.

I've been talking
to Alexander's solicitor.

She says Fiona Beauvoisin
offered her a bribe last month

for information on his finances

and whether
he'd changed his will.

And did he?

Not yet. But he intended to.

- Hello, stranger!
- Oh, hello yourself.

- You all right?
- Fantastic.

The day is finally here.

Ms. Perkins!

Ms. Perkins!

To what do we owe the pleasure?

They're coming home to mama!

Thank God.
They've been pining away.

Breaks my heart to see it.

We... We had a visit
from the police this morning

about Lara's landlord.

You're not working on that case,
are you?

You know I can't get into that.

No. Of course.

I shouldn't have put you
on the spot, should I?

Well, the kettle's on
if you have time.


What do you think I am?

Just figuring out
what he's sold.

Or what other people have
been helping themselves to.

D.S. Winter, I wonder if you
could speak to Holly, outside?

Good idea!

I've been in contact
with Alexander's solicitor.

Very loyal, isn't she?

In that she refused your bribe?

When the person
you're divorcing plays dirty,

you have to play even dirtier.

You believed he was
concealing his wealth.

Financially, you come away
with more as his widow

than as his ex-wife.

I don't see how this has
any relevance,

given I have an alibi.

I was outside the building with
Holly when the g*n went off.

I'm not suggesting
you pulled the trigger.

I imagine you're more
of a delegator.

Oh, you think I paid
someone else to do it?

What a fertile imagination.

What a fertile imagination.

I wouldn't even call it a row.

I guess it sounded bad
to the removal guys,

but it was like two seconds.

What was it about?

Oh, he couldn't find
his cufflinks.

And, well, no offense,
but he's a man,

so straightaway he thinks I've
tidied them away or something.

Did he accuse you
of stealing them?

Not seriously.

We thought they might've gone
in the break-in.

What break-in?

Last week.

Well, they got in
through that window.


Was anything taken?

Well, not that we could see.

I think we disturbed them.

We've tried to fix it,
but it's still a bit loose.

- Everything okay?
- They had a break-in.

- When was it exactly?
- Uh, last Thursday night.

I thought Alexander reported it.

No, nothing was reported.

Run prints and DNA.
We might still get something.

Are those your suitcases
in there?

Well, I can't exactly
stay here, can I?

I need you to remain
in the area.

I don't really have anywhere.

I don't really have anywhere.

I was gonna see friends
in Leeds.

She can stay here
a few more nights if necessary.

It's Alexander I'm angry with.

Hello, girls!

I've missed you.

Fleur Perkins.


Familial match?

Are absolutely sure?

Everything all right?

Sarah said it was urgent.

The lab called about those blood
particles in the dolls' house.

We're looking at Samuel or Finn.

I see.

Bear in mind, though,
the blood could've been there

before the shot was fired.

I saw Samuel today, and he said
they packaged up the collection,

so there's every possibility...

Have you been talking to
the Wokomas about the case?

Of course not.

It certainly sounds like
you have.

It certainly sounds like
you have.

I went to collect my stuff
from storage,

and he mentioned packing up
the dolls' houses.

That's all.


Let's be crystal clear.

I would never,
under any circumstances,

discuss evidence with a suspect.

I'm sorry.


Apology grudgingly accepted.

Provided you make it up to me...

one bookcase at a time.

Looking good.

Well, it says
in the instructions

that this bit requires
two people, actually.

You're doing a sterling job.

You're doing a sterling job.

I need to show Gladys and Brenda
a bit of love.

My girls!

We've been apart
for far too long.

We've been apart
for far too long.

A biker g*ng?

They call themselves
the Ladies of Leather.

She did a road trip across
Romania with them last summer.

Right. Well, in other news,
the prison got back to me.

They sent through a list of
Wesley Peters' main associates.

Anyone we should be looking at?

Well, not on the inside.

But the visitors' log's

Samuel Wokoma visited
over a dozen times.

And Carys Nicholson
was a regular visitor too.

And Carys Nicholson
was a regular visitor too.

The guards think that she
was Wesley Peters' girlfriend.

We'd been seeing
each other three months

when he went to prison.

So, what happened?

Well, we tried to keep things
going, but prison changed him.

Actually, not even prison.
It was the guilty verdict.

He just couldn't get past it.

He talked about Alexander a lot?

Wouldn't you in his situation?

He turned up at the museum
on Saturday afternoon.

Did you know that?

Did you know that?

What was he doing at the museum?

- So you didn't see him?
- No.

My class started at 4:30, and I
was setting up before that.

- Carys? Hi!
- I'll be with you in a minute.

I'm gonna have to go.

What's your relationship
with Wesley now?

Don't have one.
Broke up six months ago.

So you're not in contact
with him at all?

Like I said, he's changed.

Hi there. Are you okay?

Yeah, good, good.

Yeah, I've just got here myself.

I was taking
the little furniture out

to bubble-wrap it,
and I caught my hand.

If there's blood in there,
it's mine, not his.

Will you consent to a DNA test?

Have you got a warrant?

No? Well, feel free to come back
when you have.

Why were you visiting
Wesley Peters in prison?

He asked me to.

He wanted to give me
his side of the story.

And you believed it?

I believe that Alexander
set him up, yeah.

Paid some waster to patch up
the boiler for 20 quid.

Nicco someone.

Nicco someone.

My Lara wasn't even worth
the price of a proper service.

Are you ready to tell me
where you were

at 5:00 on Saturday?

Because Finn here says
you were at home with him.

Well, if that's what he says.

Only, Finn's friend Erin
says that

they were visiting Lara's grave
together at that time.

We went to the grave earlier,
but I was home by 5:00.

I'm told she was very confident
about the timings.

People don't have
perfect memories, do they?

Erin's got it wrong.

Shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh.

Hush, hush.

It's okay. It's okay.

They're still going through
Alexander's computers,

but look at this.

Hi, Lara! Look who I found.

It's Nicco, the handy handyman.

It's Nicco, the handy handyman.

- Say hello.
- Hello, Lara!

Nicco. Send it...

Alexander sent this to Erin
on Wednesday night

with this two-word e-mail.

"Let's talk."

Then, on Friday morning,
she canceled the protest.

Didn't Wesley claim it
was someone called Nicco Dearden

who messed up the boiler?


Erin seems
pretty pally with him.

Doesn't she?

And door-to-door turned up

something interesting
on her too.

Guess who Alexander's neighbor
saw near the house.

Guess who Alexander's neighbor
saw near the house

on the night of the break-in.

It's old, from when
I was a first-year.

I don't do that stuff anymore.

- dr*gs?
- Yeah.

He said I could cancel
the protest,

or he'd post it online.

I couldn't let that happen.
I'm trying to get into politics.

I wouldn't worry.

They seem to get away
with most things these days.

I'd be more concerned
with the breaking and entering.


Alexander's house.
We have a witness.

Alexander's house.
We have a witness.

I didn't take anything.

So, what were you doing?

I wanted the phone.

I canceled the protest,

but I didn't trust him
to delete the video.

You thought
getting rid of the phone

would get rid of the video?

Because even I know it's too
late once it's been e-mailed.

It wasn't just the video.
There were pictures.

Later that night, we...

I let Nicco take photos of me.

I wasn't sure
if he deleted them.

This boy, Nicco,
he was a friend of yours?

This boy, Nicco,
he was a friend of yours?

Not really.

He was just someone
I bumped into when we went out.

- So where is he now?
- We lost touch.

He went too far with the dr*gs
and stealing to pay for them.

It was a bit much.

Finn isn't backing up
your alibi.

He's still saying that he was
at home with his father.

I'm sure he thinks
he's telling the truth,

but he's got it wrong.

This isn't a misunderstanding.

One of you is lying.

One of you is lying.

And I'm going to find out who.

Good night.

Yeah, good night.

Ah, thanks. Perhaps we'll
manage dinner at home tomorrow.

Oh, look at this.

Erin posted a photo

of flowers at Lara's grave
on Saturday.

- Is Finn in it?
- No.

And anyway, we don't know when
the picture was actually taken.

And anyway, we don't know when
the picture was actually taken.


Forensics called when I was on
my way back from getting these.

The purple thread found
in the dolls' house

is a match for Jemima's costume.


The lights were still on
in the soft play center

as I drove past just now.

It's too late to go
and talk to her, isn't it?

Come on, leave that.
It'll stay warm.

We must've just missed her.

We must've just missed her.

Car's still there.

It's been forced.

Well, go on.

Perks of being younger
and slimmer.

- Anyone in here?
- I'm not sure.

I'll try and find some lights.


See how the cut begins
high on the side of the neck?

That suggests an attack
from behind.

There's dirt in the wound,

presumably transferred there
by the knife.

What sort of time scale
are we looking at?

Rigor has hardly set in.
She's not been dead three hours.

- Any sign of her phone?
- No.

We did find a diary
in her bag, though.

The evidence room
released her costume

back to her at 10 past 4:00.

And then she had
a children's party

over near Aspern Tallow at 6:00.

- Do we know if she made it?
- I spoke to the parents.

They texted to cancel the party

because their daughter
was feeling unwell,

but Jemima turned up anyway.

Apparently, she was angry
and then left just after 6:00.

Find out if any of the traffic
cameras picked up her car.

Have you seen that?

Yeah, the one by the main
entrance is smashed in too.

With any luck, the tech team
will be able to retrieve.

With any luck, the tech team
will be able to retrieve

some of the last footage.

If Carys knows the passwords,
that's probably quicker.

See if you can track her down.

Hold on. Look at this.

Green paint.

It's under the elbows,

and there are these
vertical stains at the front.

That's the exact color

the Wokomas were painting
the fence at the storage unit.

The cameras
are for child protection,

so they don't record
when the center's closed.

Yeah, there you go.
It stops at 6:00 p.m.

Yeah, there you go.
It stops at 6:00 p.m.

Oh, my God.

Sorry. Sorry.

How long had you known her?

Um, couple of years.

I was having a difficult time
after my mum died.

I was her carer.

It all got a bit too much.

I started helping out
at the toy shop,

and Jemima
was one of our regulars.

And Jemima
was one of our regulars.

She made me laugh.

So, what happened between you?

Squabbles about this place.

Uh, I think if we hadn't
tried to work together,

things would've been fine.

Can you think of anyone
that would want to hurt her?

She was harmless.

We came across this.

Our insurance?

Jemima's death means that
you inherit this entire place.

Jemima's death means that
you inherit this entire place

with the mortgage paid off.


Well, that's news to me.
Jemima set it all up.

It leaves you very comfortable.

You and Wesley.

What's Wesley got to do with it?

You're not in a relationship
with him?

No, I've told you.

I saw you together on the
doorstep less than an hour ago.

We're not together.

We're just sort of
figuring things out.

Where were you this evening
between 6:00 and 9:00?

I was at home with Maxine.

Yeah, Wesley did come 'round.
That was about 9:00.

Yeah, Wesley did come 'round.
That was about 9:00.

But listen to me...
I did not hurt Jemima.

She was my friend.

Morning, sir.

Yeah. Yeah, she was here.

There are marks in the fresh
paint and a purple feather.

I think she was leaning
against the fence.

What can you see from there?

What can you see from there?

Uh, just the first rows
of containers.

I'll free up some manpower.

We'll get those searched.

You think the Wokomas
will cooperate with that?

They won't have a choice.

We'll just turn up there
with a warrant.

- Sorry.
- That's okay.

I had a closer look at the cut.

And from the shape and depth,

I think it was made
with a fairly small blade.

I think it was made
with a fairly small blade.

- How small?
- Penknife maybe?

It definitely wasn't
the best tool for the job.

More like they grabbed
whatever was to hand.

And what about the dirt
in the wound?

- It's cement dust.
- Introduced by the knife?

There's quite a lot of it.

My guess would be
that the knife was used

to open a bag of cement.

Any chance of narrowing down
the brand of cement?

We're working on it.

I'll let you know
if there's anything else.


What? You're not
into this stuff too, are you?

Ah. Came across it in the move.

I thought it could be
a useful teaching aid.


I can re-create crime scenes.

I have increasing reservations
about you.

I'd listen to that instinct.

The phone masts
put her near the house

where they canceled
the party at 6:00 p.m.

where they canceled
the party at 6:00 p.m.

Then she's picked up again

by the mast near the Wokoma
storage facility at 6:40.

She's not renting a unit.
Not under her own name, anyway.

So, what was she doing there?
It's in the middle of nowhere.

I spoke to the company
that provide their security,

and they stopped
the contract in April

because Samuel
kept missing payments.

The cameras
are just empty boxes.

I bet their customers
don't know that.


We have to treat the murders

of Alexander and Jemima
as related

until we can prove otherwise.

Until we can prove otherwise.

Who benefits from both deaths?

Mm, Carys inherits
the building from Jemima.

And with Alexander dead,

she doesn't have to
give it back.

That would
all be premeditated, though.

Now, Alexander's death
seems planned,

but it looks like Jemima
was k*lled in a panic.

I think she witnessed something
either at the museum

or at the storage facility.

But why didn't she tell us?

Well, perhaps she didn't
realize its significance.

Or perhaps she was afraid.

Or perhaps she was afraid.

A member of the public
reported a female swimmer

disposing of something
in the reservoir.

They think it's a g*n.


- Do you know why we're here?
- No.

Open your rucksack, please.


We have reason to believe

you have just disposed
of a m*rder w*apon.

- What?
- You were seen, Erin.

We know exactly
where you dropped the g*n.

There's a dive team on its way.

No. You've got this wrong.

Well, in that case, there won't
be a scrap of your DNA on it,

will there?

It's calm water.

Don't assume
it'll just wash away.

I haven't k*lled anyone.


Finn thinks his dad's
done something really stupid.

He found a g*n in the office.

He found a g*n in the office.

He was afraid
you were watching him,

so he got me
to swim out with it.

Is Finn here now?


Think very carefully
about what you do next.

I'm sorry. I had to.

Where was your father
on Saturday afternoon

when Alexander was k*lled?

I don't know.

But he wasn't with you.

You went to Lara's grave.

Was your dad at home
when you got back?

Was your dad at home
when you got back?

He didn't get in till midnight.

Then he was upset.

He's been drinking a bit
since... since Lara died.

Look, I was just
being paranoid, okay?

He wouldn't do anything
like this.

He had a g*n?

We found them
in house clearances.

He used to hand them in,
but sometimes he... he doesn't.

And he keeps them in the office?

Yeah. He always changes the code
to the safe when he's got one.

Did your Dad ask you
to lie for him, Finn?

No. No, the opposite.

He was angry
when I spoke to you.

Did he ask you
to get rid of the g*n?

He didn't ask me to do
any of this, okay? I just...

He didn't ask me to do
any of this, okay? I just...

I panicked, Erin, didn't I?

But I'm sure
it was all in my head.

I don't know what to say.

I'm sorry Finn thinks
I'm capable of that.

But I've never fired that g*n.

Do you have any more weapons
in your possession?


I need you to open
your safe, please.

I just pass them on
to a gunsmith.

I just pass them on
to a gunsmith.

That's still illegal.

Well, what am I meant to do?

We're still covering the costs
of the civil case.

W-We're drowning in it.

Do you recognize this woman?

Who is she?

Jemima Starling,
friend of Alexander's.

She was m*rder*d yesterday.

Sounds like she should've chosen
her friends more carefully.

She was here last night.
Any idea why?

She was here last night.
Any idea why?

Like I said, I don't know her.

Where were you last night?

I was here till about 5:00.

Then I bought dinner, went home.

I've got a supermarket receipt
here somewhere, if that helps.

Thank you.

Are you ready to tell me
where you were

when Alexander was k*lled?


Samuel, either you're guilty
or you know who's guilty

or you're just wasting my time.

- Which is it?
- No comment.

- Which is it?
- No comment.

Sir? Sorry.

Excuse me.

The fingerprints found on
the window at Alexander's house

have flagged up a match
in the database.

We already know who broke in.

But there were several sets
of prints found on the frame.

One set were a match
for a police officer

dismissed for misconduct
in 2016.

Dismissed for misconduct
in 2016.

Sergeant Leanne Carpenter.

Or as she now calls herself,
Holly Ackroyd.

Senior officer,
Met firearms unit.

She's using a fake identity.

And she's a trained sn*per.

Go through.

Let's go!

Leanne Carpenter.

Four years in firearms

before being dismissed
for taking a bribe.

I'm appealing that.

And in the meantime you're what?

Some sort of g*n for hire?

I'm a private detective.

Fiona paid me to date Alexander

and find out
how he was hiding their money.

Alexander was shot.

Alexander was shot.

You're a skilled markswoman,

and you've been lying
through your teeth.

I wanted to be straight with you
after he died.

But Fiona was worried
about how it would look.

She paid me to keep
the Holly thing going.

I'm going to ask you again,

Where were you
when Alexander was k*lled?

I was in the car park
with Fiona.

I went out there to give her
Alexander's cufflinks.

She needed things
from the house to sell.

Look, she didn't pay me
to k*ll him.

But if you told me
she'd paid someone else,

But if you told me
she'd paid someone else,

I could believe it.

What's going on?

Oh, we've been having a chat
with Leanne.

She's been very helpful.

I've told them everything.

It's fine.
We haven't done anything wrong.

Alexander wasn't playing fair,
so I did what I had to do.

Are you aware
that Jemima Starling

was m*rder*d last night?


I mean, obviously that's awful.

Jemima was in a corridor
at the museum.

Jemima was in a corridor
at the museum

when your husband was k*lled.

Did she see either of you?

I don't know,
but if she did, she just saw us

leaving the building.

Where were you last night?

I was here all afternoon
and evening, as was Leanne.

So once again,
your only alibi is each other.

I'd like you gentlemen to leave.
These questions are absurd!

Are they?

With Alexander dead,
you inherit everything.

You've got exactly
what you wanted.

What I wanted was a family!

What I wanted was a family!

I wanted a husband who liked
and respected me!

Who thought that I was enough!

But I didn't get that.

24 years, and all I had left
to fight for was a posh house.

So I fought for it!

And I don't feel the need
to apologize for any of that!

Whoever k*lled Jemima
didn't plan to do it

with a small penknife.

They reacted in the moment

because she suddenly
became a threat.


Maybe she put two and two
together about something.

So, what did she know?

It was Jemima who told us

about Alexander's argument
with Maxine, wasn't it?

She saw them outside.

Yeah, but she didn't
hear the content.

Only that Alexander
referred to Maxine

as having
a "little side project."

Any idea what that is?

She's got the shop, the museum.

She's got the shop, the museum.

She sells her miniatures online.

Would you call any of those
a little side project?

This is her main seller page.

She ships all over the world.

Carys was packaging things
to go to Tokyo.

Mm. Mainly five-star reviews.

Except this one, back in March.

A collector accuses her

of misselling a jack-in-the-box.

How do you do that? No spring?

How do you do that? No spring?

She claimed that it's
a one-of-a-kind prototype

from the 1930s.

But then the collector found
there was one on display here.

Ah! The only example of
this prototype in existence.

Half the things
she's selling here are

identical to the ones
in these cases.

She's making and selling
fake antiques.

I most certainly am not.

I most certainly am not.

Every item I sell
is 100% authentic.

It's these that are the fakes.

You've been stealing
the exhibits?

Why not?

It doesn't make a jot
of difference to the visitors.

They have no respect
for the collection.

Better to have replicas here

and let the originals go to
collectors, who appreciate them.

And Alexander found out
about this?

Oh, he didn't care!
As long as he got his rent.

But it's your reputation.

Alexander wanted you
out of that shop.

Alexander wanted you
out of that shop.

Was he blackmailing you?

Is that what Jemima overheard?

Carys has told me what happened
to that poor woman,

so I know where
you're going with this.

And, no, I did not commit
a double m*rder,

over a replica jack-in-the-box!

9-millimeter semiautomatic
from World w*r II.

It's not our m*rder w*apon.

There's definitely no way?

The b*llet that k*lled Alexander
was 11-millimeter.

You couldn't even load it
in this.

That doesn't let the Wokomas
off the hook, though.

They have access to g*ns.

Perhaps Finn just got rid of
the wrong one.

- Here we go.
- Have you got something?

- Here we go.
- Have you got something?

Whoever wiped it on the outside

forgot to think about
the magazine.

It's giving me a match.

Wesley Peters.
Is he a person of interest?

He very much is. Thank you.

I'm needed back
at the storage units.

Call me as soon as you find
Wesley Peters.


So Wesley Peters
has got a cottage.

It's in the middle of nowhere.

He's got it set up
like a t*rture room.


That boy who Wesley blames
for Lara's death.

I think we've found him.

I think we've found him.



Don't make this worse.

With this level
of decomposition,

we're talking a good few weeks.

Although, actually,
that patch of lividity

doesn't make sense with the way
he's lying on his back.

- You think he's been moved?
- I'd say so.

Not much sign
of blowfly activity.

The most likely scenario
is that the body

was kept tightly wrapped in
something for a period of time

was kept tightly wrapped in
something for a period of time

and then moved here
quite recently.

I'll call you once we've got him
back to the mortuary.

I know how this looks.

But I swear, I was never
going to use the g*n.

But I swear, I was never
going to use the g*n.

I didn't even have amm*nit*on.

But you admit that
you brought it to the museum.

Only to frighten him.

I was gonna wind him up
until he'd follow me out

into the car park.

I had the van ready for him.

So your plan was to force him
into the van and bring him here

and then t*rture him on camera?

I needed him to say, on tape,
that he set me up.

That I never should've gone
to prison.

Did Samuel Wokoma provide you
with the g*n?



I gave it back to him
the next day.

But that's all he did, okay?
This was my idea.

And Nicco Dearden?

What about him?

His body
has just been discovered

in the storage facility.

That's it, then, isn't it?

What do you mean?

Alexander and Nicco were the
only people who knew for sure

I was telling the truth.

If they're dead,
what chance have I got?

I'm going to have to arrest him.

Let me talk to him.

It's not your job.


Get him out of there
and start grilling him.

He's going to say
"no comment," isn't he?

Five minutes.

The diet's going well, then?

Starts tomorrow.

Yeah. Me too.

I hear you've been
digging your heels in.

Alexander Beauvoisin
wasn't interested

in justice for my daughter.

And now I'm expected to help
get justice for him?


I can't imagine what
it must've been like...

getting that knock at the door.

Being told your little girl
was gone.


Thing is, Jemima has parents.

Thing is, Jemima has parents.

They're in Devon, apparently.

And a few hours ago,

a family liaison officer
knocked on their door.

It's just starting for them.

It's wrong that you didn't
get justice for Lara.

It's very wrong.

It's very wrong.

But don't stand in the way
of that for Jemima's family.

Give them this.
Tell them I got there early.

I don't understand.

When Lara was tiny,

she begged and begged me
to take her to a ballet...

A proper one where you got to
dress up and all that.

A proper one where you got to
dress up and all that.

I said we'd do it
for her 21st birthday.

But it sounded like
my worst nightmare.

She knew I was putting her off.

Then the older she got,

it became like this joke
between us,

like, how many years
till I had to deliver?

She would've...

She would've
turned 21 this week.

That's where you were
on Saturday?

I was sitting in a box
at the Royal Opera House.

Keeping your promise.

Royal Opera House,
Saturday night.

Give them a call.

Wesley planned to t*rture
a confession out of Alexander,

but he didn't k*ll him.

- Do you buy it?
- I'm not sure.

The g*n with his fingerprints on.

The g*n with his fingerprints on

isn't actually
the m*rder w*apon.

And if we're looking at him
for Nicco too,

then he was in prison.

But he could've ordered
Nicco's execution from inside

and then k*lled Alexander
as soon as he was released.

So how does Jemima fit in?

Nicco's key card was used
at 6:38 last night,

around the same time that
the mast picked her phone up.

This all begins with Nicco,
doesn't it?

Fragment of wood
in the entry wound.

That'll almost certainly be
the same g*n as Alexander.

That'll almost certainly be
the same g*n as Alexander.

But what I wanted
to show you is this.

See that gray dust in his hair?
It was on his clothes too.

I think it might be cement dust.

Same kind as Jemima?

I've sent a sample
down to the lab.

They managed to match the stuff
in Jemima's throat wound

with a brand called
Alton Ready-Mixed.

So Nicco was buried in cement
for weeks and then moved?

And probably wrapped
in plastic first.

There was a small piece
stuck to his arm.

We need to find
that burial place.

I'll leave that with you.

I'll leave that with you.

- What the...?
- Yes, quite.

Dr. Perkins plans
to terrorize her students

with her basement of horrors.

I'm a well-respected teacher.

And his name's Clive.

We need to go back
to the museum.

Maxine's making a new one
of these in her workshop.

An exact replica.

Except it's not.

I'm sure the new one
doesn't have that cellar.

She needs this version gone
because it tells everyone.

She needs this version gone
because it tells everyone

that the shop she lives in
has a hidden cellar.

Excuse me.

Oh! H-Hold on!

You can't
just come in here and...

And what, Maxine?

Alton Ready-Mixed.

I think you need
to start talking.

No? Then I will.

You had a g*n.
An unusual thing... Swedish.

Where did you get it?

It was my grandfather's.

I never thought
I'd have to use it.

We'd had these break-ins.

It made me feel safe.

You did use it, though,
didn't you?

You did use it, though,
didn't you?

I was on my own.
I heard breaking glass.

I wasn't even sure
the thing was working.

He was there in the doorway.

Then, when he was lying there
on the floor,

I could see his face.

He was a boy.

Carys was away,

so I kept the shop closed
the whole weekend,

and I sat there with him.

If I didn't move,
it wasn't really happening.

But at some point
he ended up in your cellar,

covered in cement.

I thought as long as I could
keep living here,

I could make sure
nobody went down there.

We know that Alexander
was k*lled with the same g*n.

We know that Alexander
was k*lled with the same g*n.

He started demanding access.

He... He wanted to survey
the whole building!

Meaning your only option
was to k*ll him?

I tried everything
to put him off.

There was no way
to get the body out.

He was gonna find him on Sunday.

So you k*lled Alexander.

But then you still moved Nicco.

I'd already started
digging him out of the concrete.

I couldn't
live like that anymore.

I found a card to the container
place in his wallet.

I found a card to the container
place in his wallet.

How did you carry him
on your own?

It wasn't easy.

And how did you get rid
of the g*n?

I threw it into the bushes.

And yet an entire search team
have been unable to find it?

Where's Carys?

She had nothing to do with this!

She was running
one of her kiddies' classes

in front of a dozen parents,

including your wife!


Where is she?

Where is she?

Ah. Oh, thanks.

Sarah! Sarah!

In here. Carys is sorting
Betty's birthday for us.

Can you take Betty to play
in her room, please?

- John?
- And stay with her.

Betty, come on, darling.

Come on.

Maxine is under arrest
with our colleagues.

She's saying she did it all,
isn't she?

That's what she'd like us
to believe.

All Maxine's guilty of
is being afraid.

She acted in self-defense.

Were you there
when she shot Nicco?

I'd been away.

When I got back, she was
on the floor of her workshop.

I don't think she'd eaten
for two days.

I made her some food, gave her
some sleeping tablets, then...

I did the rest.

I got some plastic sheeting,
wrapped him up,

but it wasn't enough.

You buried him in concrete

because he was starting
to smell.

And Alexander?

I tried to talk to him,
believe me.

I begged him.

If there'd been any other way,

The man was a bully.

Maxine was falling apart.

So I had a choice...

Let her die in prison.

Let her die in prison

or do something.

I was back in two minutes.

But the whole area was searched.

How did you get rid of the...

The balloons.

They were everywhere.

I only hurt Alexander
to protect Maxine.

You still needed to move Nicco.

Wesley said how bad things were
with Samuel,

that he'd stopped paying
for security.

So when I found Nicco's key
card, I thought it could work.

But Jemima was watching.

She'd got it into her head

that I'd poached some children's
party booking from her,

so she followed me.

She'd been going on about me
stealing stuff from her,

and she called me
to have it out.

And she called me
to have it out.

What were you doing there?

Was there something in that rug?

- Because it looked like...
- Please. Just don't.

What have you done?

I'm gonna leave now,

give you some time to calm down.

I've k*lled my friend,
and she's done nothing wrong.

I... I wish I'd just...

I wish I'd been thinking
more clearly or...

You were thinking clearly enough
to smash the CCTV cameras.

You wanted to imply

that whoever k*lled Jemima
thought they were recording.

That whoever k*lled Jemima
thought they were recording.

I didn't go looking for this.
I was trying to protect Maxine.

You don't understand!

You keep saying
you did all of this for her.

But she's just your boss.

She's not just my boss.

Jemima didn't tell you?

Tell us what?

How I met Maxine.

How I was sat on the edge of
a motorway bridge at 5:00 a.m.,

and I did not care.

And I did not care.

She was out walking her dog.

A complete stranger.

She took me home,
gave me some food,

didn't make me talk.

We just sat

painting one of
her little houses together.

We sat there for hours.

And I felt safe.

What's gonna happen to her?

Oh, Fleur, it's just lovely!

Looks like you're settled
for a while now.

I think so. It's not a bad area.

Lots of interesting work
for a pathologist.

Uh, where's John?

Went inside for a beer.

He's been gone quite a while,

No man can resist
the siren call.

No man can resist
the siren call.

Look, Mummy!


The dolly must have
got one of those

strawberry bubble baths
like you've got.

Heh. Let's get you a drink.

This is the only way to travel.

Why did nobody tell me?!

You are too old
for a midlife crisis.

I'm only human!

Nobody's perfect!
Are they Paddy?

Off we go!




