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20x06 - Send in the Clowns

Posted: 02/02/22 15:39
by bunniefuu
The finest acts

from all four corners of the globe.

Well most of our lives are spent on tour, so it's

always very special coming home here to Swynton Magna.

It's where I first fell in love with the circus.

Come take a look inside.

And as you can see, we have an amazing

troupe of performers from all over the world.

Something for all the family.

And I believe some tickets are still available.

One, two, three.


Mommy, look.

Well we have to go.

Great idea, Winter says the steak there is excellent.

I meant to the circus.

Don't worry, I can take her.

No no, it's fine, I'll come.

Oh yeah, what's the catch?

A large rib eye and a good bottle of claret, your treat.


Did you hear that, Betty?

We are going to the circus.
To the circus!

Oh where you been, Ter?

I was gettin' worried.

No drinking before a show, how many times?

I am a fifth generation Bellini.

Picked out as a whiteface by

Charlie Cairoli when I was years old.

I deserve better.
No, you do.

You do deserve better, Ter.

Last time, I promise.



Mom, what are the bookings like?

It's gotta be better than yesterday.

What is it?

I'm just watchin' ya.

It took me back a minute.

You're so like Elsa.

I wish you could've known her.
She knew the risks.

We all do.

But we take 'em every day 'cause we love what we do.

You wanted to see me.
I need an answer.

The land is mine by right, we are entitled to be here.

Yes or no.

Curtis please, please we're family.

That your idea of a joke?

Look, are you gonna sign, yes or no?

I've offered you a decent price.

It's not about the money.

When are you gonna wake up?

No one wants your sad little circus anymore.

Yeah all right, here we go.

I wanted to give you one

last chance to do the right thing.

That's the trouble with you, Joe.

You've never known what that is.

Curtis, please!

CCTV outside the Post Office in Swynton Magna.

Lay on a few foot patrols, that should deter them.


You weren't around for the zombie invasion in Finchmere.

They soon got bored when they

were barred from the local pub.

I went out with a clown once.

The most miserable man I've ever had the misfortune to date.

It is true what they say about shoe size.

On your feet.

Dad, did you know about this?

We've had lean periods before, it's just a seasonal dip.

But the bank is threatening to foreclose, dad.

Well we just need to work a bit harder, that's all.

Freshen up the acts.

We need to modernize and forge a new vision.

I've got some great ideas that I can talk to...

Let's hear it for

Oucho and Groucho ladies and gentlemen.

That was spectacular.

Let's hear it for our clowns!


And now,

Ferabbee's presents our very own human Casanova

and illusionist extraordinaire.



What'd you work me so hard for, Ter?

I could've broke me nose.

Something to remember me by.


Look, I've had a better offer, Lead Clown at Geronimo's.

I think it's about time I got the respect I'm due.

We're moving on?

Not we,


I'm doing you a favor, Les.

It's high time you hung up your clown shoes.

You're an embarrassment.

You don't mean that, Ter.

I have carried you for years

and I haven't got any more time to waste.

But we're partners.

A double act, you lead me.
Not anymore.

It's over.

Put some ice on that nose, by the way.

Freya, Freya.

I didn't know you were going out.

Two of the waiting staff called in sick.

I tried to get out of it but Ashley practically begged me.

I bought that wine you really like.


There's no one else to cover.

I'll drive you in.
No need.

You've had a long day.

Pack your things, girls.

We're getting out of here.

This is a really good choice of wines.

Thank you.

No more phones, you know the drill.

I'm sorry, I meant to turn it off.

Sorry about this, guys.

Complimentary bottle of wine for

every table while we sort out the power.

John, John.

Are you all right?

Stay here.

Look at that,

and have you seen how much they're gonna pay me

and there's a list job for Sophia.

It isn't about money, it's about loyalty.

You're my wife, how about your loyalty to me?

What the hell's going on?

Sophia says you are leaving.
Can you blame us?

We haven't been paid for three months.

I'm sorry, last show then we're out of here.

But you're my star.

Your face is on all the posters.

Well then change it, I've made up my mind.

And so have I, I'm not letting Joe down like this.

You would choose him over me?

Leaving would be a betrayal

of everything he's done for us.

Look, this opportunity will never come again.

You do know that?

Then take it.

Well it looks like it's just you and me then, Sophia.

Look, you only get one life.

Don't waste it like I have.

As the Chair and Head of the Planning Committee

of Swynton Magna Parish Council, look please, please!

If I may, if I may, I'm as anxious as anyone to stop the

clown harassment but we have to keep this in perspective.

You mean hush it up to protect your interests!

The well-being of this community has

always been my number one concern, Mr. Ferabbee.

Yeah well prove it then,

prove it before somebody gets hurt.

Is that what it's gonna take

to get things done around here?

People are scared to go out.

I'm doing everything in my power.

I am Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby.

We are monitoring the situation very closely

and an increased police presence will be put

in place until this clown situation is resolved.

But Mr. Denton is correct, currently there is

nothing to suggest that this is anything more serious

than a series of random ill-advised pranks.

Random, random?

This all changed the day Ferabbee's came back to town.

Well said.
And you are?

I'm Mostyn, I'm Mostyn Cartwright.

All leads are being thoroughly

investigated, I can assure you.

Ah yeah, not by Mr. Denton they're not.

He doesn't care about the community

unless there's something in it for him.

Mostyn runs the Abattoir.

He hasn't been my greatest fan since the Parish

raised questions about his animal husbandry.

The truth is Mr. Denton won't hear a bad word

about the circus because he's their major sponsor.

Well said.


Which service do you require?

Police please.

Hello, excuse me.

The Big Top's not open to members of the public.

The next show's not until five.

Don't recognize your uncle, now?

What do you want?

I've got something for your father.

My lawyers have found a clause

that overturns his claim to the land.

Looks like Joe's gonna have to

find somewhere else to play circuses.

Perhaps you could give that to him for me, thank you.

Betty needs a wee.

I think the clowns are on next, are you gonna be all right?

Yeah, it's fine.

No problem.

Raoul Delgado!

Ladies and gentlemen,

our handsome

human illusionist star!

He can make anything disappear, check your wallets

and your wives.

And now Ferabbee's are proud to present

our very own Ferabbee's wonderful funnymen,

Groucho and Oucho.

Sarah's taken Betty home.

Thank God she didn't see anything.

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

I didn't, it was an accident, I didn't mean to k*ll him.

I can't believe this is happening.

The circus will be closed

until further notice, Mr. Ferabbee.

Can you think of any reason Les would want Terry dead?

Terry told Les that he was leaving.

It was without warning, nothing.

I didn't mean to, he's my...
He must've just lost it.

So Terry let you down as well then?

Well I wasn't happy, no.

What do you know about the g*n?

It's just a prop, it's a toy.

Well this one clearly wasn't.

Who's responsible for checking props?

Well Les.
That's enough.

In the circus, everyone has

a shirt sleeves job and a spangles job.

Les is our props man.


He was shot once through the heart.

Death would have been pretty much instantaneous.

A skilled shot, then.
Or lucky.

Les Morrison was so drunk he could barely walk.

I thought I'd check out the serial

number before sending it off to ballistics.

It was registered as stolen two years ago.

They're ready, sir.

Mrs. Bellini's ready for us now.


I hear Betty's birthday's coming up.

Yes, and?

Sarah said she'd been asking for a clown party.

Then she mentioned your little coulrophobia problem.

My what?

A common and specific fear of clowns.

From the Greek prefix coulro meaning one who goes on stilts.

I do not have

whatever you said I have.

Denial is a powerful form of defense but

until you acknowledge your problem, you're really...

I'm fine Sigmund, thank you.

And you are?
Freya Ferabbee,

married to Curtis, Joe's brother.

I live at the farm.
You were at the meeting.

And didn't I see you at Denton's restaurant?

I work there part-time.

I also teach yoga, that's how we became friends.

Could you give us a few minutes?

I'll be outside if you need me.

I understand your husband

was planning to leave Ferabbee's.

But you decided to stay out of loyalty?

I though Terry was making a mistake.

We both owed Joe a great deal.

You're a performer too?

I used to be, there was an accident.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Joe kept me on at the box office,

he didn't need to do that.

You called the police yesterday, why was that?

We had a break-in.

They took all me jewelry.

Anything valuable?
Only to me.

A locket.

One of a pair.

It was my twin sister's.

Two souls with but a single thought.

I assume the other reads "Two hearts that beat as one."

I studied Keats many moons ago.

My sister Elsa died,

which is why this meant so much.

But it's got nothing to do with Terry.


Won't be long now.
I can't wait forever.

And you won't have to, trust me.

Anything new on Terry Bellini?

No, but I did find this on Daniella.

So that's how her sister died.

The safety mechanism failed in

a notoriously risky act called The Silken Noose.

They both plunged to the ground, no safety net.

Daniella was badly injured but survived.

Elsa never regained consciousness.

Have you got any further on Les Morrison?

He's still not making much sense,

he insists that he's innocent.

Has he admitted being our rogue clown?

Good morning, campers.

Where on earth do you get your energy from?

Donuts, a couple of these

and I'm unstoppable for hours.

I better give it a try then.

I assume you're not here purely

to raise our cholesterol levels.

Firearms came back with some interesting news.

The handgun was firing blanks.

I went back to the scene.

Had another root through the sawdust.

Found this.

Blank rounds do not have a projectile or b*llet.

They have a crimped extension like this one.

But you found a b*llet in the victim's heart.

Indeed I did.

But it wasn't fired by Les.

So Terry was k*lled with a different g*n.

But there was only one shot.

Or you heard two sh*ts fired

simultaneously, one live, one blank.

Gold star Winter, that donut's kicking in already.

According to my calculations,

given the trajectory of the b*llet,

I conclude that Terry Bellini was

shot from somewhere along this line.

Are you sure about that?

The b*llet is . caliber, designed for a r*fle only.

So we're looking for a r*fle, not a handgun.

Les didn't sh**t Terry.

Go through all the witness statements.

We need to know if anybody saw anything

and I want a list of every r*fle registered to

the area capable of firing . caliber b*ll*ts.

And for that genius piece of forensic sleuthing,

I think I deserve another one.

Unit four are bringing Les in now, sir.

What on earth are you doing?

What does that smell like to you, sir?


What do you want now?

I've got nothing else to say.

We'd like you to walk us through what happened.

I took out the g*n



shot him


But you didn't mean to k*ll him, did you?

No, I did not.

Where did you get the g*n?

Bloke down at Swynton Arms, ex-con.

You wanted revenge.

It was supposed to be a joke.

He said he'd given me blanks.

I just wanted Terry to feel the humiliation

he'd made me suffer all those years.


k*lled my best mate.
No, you didn't.

Someone else fired the shot that k*lled Terry.

I don't understand.

Is this you, Mr. Morrison?


What about this?
No, I swear.

Get those rags to Fleur for analysis.

We need to know if someone was

planning to burn the place down.

Sir, the list of r*fle owners has just come through.

. caliber b*ll*ts are rare,

so it narrows it down significantly.

One belongs to Curtis Ferabbee.

The Ringmaster's brother.

And there's one at the Swynton g*n Club

registered to Ashley Denton.

I'll talk to Curtis Ferabbee,

you see what Ashley Denton has to say.

Nice shot.

Yes, I've got g*ns

just like every other farmer in Midsomer County.

Not many fire . caliber b*ll*ts.


I can't stand the circus.

Anyone will tell you that.

But I do draw the line at k*lling clowns.

I've got better things to do with my time.

Can I see the r*fle in question Mr. Ferabbee,

if it's not too much trouble?

Certainly, come this way.

I sh**t for relaxation.

Not nearly as often as I'd like,

once or twice a month maybe.

Work keeps me pretty busy.

Do you ever take your g*n off the premises?

No, never.

Can you tell me where you were yesterday evening?

At the restaurant, which Freya can verify.

What is this?
Your r*fle is of interest.

It fires the same caliber b*ll*ts

as the g*n that k*lled Terry Bellini.

We're gonna need to take it away for ballistics testing.

Yeah, sure.

I keep our g*ns locked away in the g*n cabinet, Inspector.

I inherited four r*fles from my father, Billy.

He's up there holding the Purdey.

He looks very commanding.

Yeah, that's one word for him.

I bet my brother put you up to this, Inspector.

Well I can assure you it has nothing to do with me.

Something wrong?
Yeah, it's not there.

When did you last see it?

Do either of you remember

seeing anyone or anything suspicious?

I was at work.

And you went straight to

the circus when you heard the news?

What, the circus?

Daniella, she needed my support.

Anyone else have a key?

Our Abattoir Manager, Mostyn Cartwright.

It's just the last one on the right there.

Thank you.

Curtis Ferabbee's r*fle is missing.

Why didn't he report it?

They had no idea apparently, neither did his wife.

So either they're lying or

the k*ller stole it from the farm.

Ashley Denton claims that he only

uses his r*fle for target practice.

That it never leaves the g*n Club.

Let's see if the ballistics report gives us anything.

Mr. Cartwright.

Mr. Cartwright!

We need to ask you a few questions.

You look a bit queasy, mate.

Sure we're not gonna need to call you an ambulance?

What can I do for ya?

One of Mr. Ferabbee's r*fles has gone missing.

I understand you have access to the cabinet.

I got a copy of all the farm's keys.

He obviously trusts you.

He calls me the son he never had.

Everybody else wrote me off, baby look at me now.

I owe Curtis everything.

Mind if we have a look around?

Of course.

You sure he can handle it?

It's all automated.

The pigs are herded down this walkway here,

then on into the gassing chamber,

then it's night-night piggy-wiggy.

Sounds barbaric.

No, our operation's quite humane.

Ashley Denton would disagree.

I wouldn't get sucked in by Ashley Denton, Inspector.

He's a hypocrite.

I wouldn't feed his organic steak to my pet ferret.

Anyway come on, you've seen your lot.

More than he wanted by the looks of it, same way back.

Thank you for your time, Mr. Cartwright.


Oh and if hear anything about that g*n,

I'll be sure to let you know.

Anything on the missing r*fle?

Uniforms searched the circus,

farmhouses, out buildings, nothing.

And Denton's g*n?

Our clown friend broke into a small electricity

substation, cutting off power to properties

including the g*n Club.

CCTV failed during the power cut and they've

been struggling to get it up and running ever since.

So it's possible that Denton's r*fle

was removed from the g*n Club unseen

and then returned the day after the m*rder.

But what about statements from the audience

who were there when Terry was k*lled?

No one reported seeing anyone

behind the bleachers but we do have this.

The Stage Manager caught it on their monitor.

They have cameras fixed up to record

every performance for insurance purposes.

That's the same area you found the rag.

Which Fleur has confirmed were soaked in paraffin.

See if the tech team can do

anything to enhance the clarity.

So is this our k*ller?

And when were they planning to burn the place down?

We could be looking at a terror campaign.

There was a little resentment

in the Parish meeting but arson?

Curtis Ferabbee said that he hated the circus

and he's the one with the missing g*n.

Should we go and see him then?


Find out when Freya Ferabbee starts work.

I'd like to talk to her without

her husband breathing down her neck.

We can still turn things around, dad.

The police still won't let us reopen.

Everything is conspiring against us.

Just hear me out, please dad hear me out, okay?

We reinvent Ferabbee's as a gothic extravaganza.

A cast of classic horror story characters.

Ghosts, werewolves, escaped lunatics...


And we tie it together with a narrative.

We give it a dark and more thrilling edge.

Light shows, rock music.

We would attract a bigger,

younger audience and we keep Ferabbee's alive.


We are running out of time, you have to listen to me.

The circus is a place of magic, light.

Somewhere to escape all the darkness of this world.

And that is not working anymore.

You may have lost your faith but I haven't.

Why don't you show any faith in me?

We are supposed to be business partners, aren't we?

This is my dream, it's my vision, it's not yours.

And look at where that's got you!


You didn't tell your husband that you

were at the circus yesterday after the m*rder.

Why is that?

Curtis is very protective.

Sometimes it's easier not to worry him.

Why would it worry him?

His mother left when he was very young.

He finds it difficult to trust.

Mr. Ferabbee gave me the impression that

his father could be a difficult man.

You'd have to ask him.

Now if there's nothing else, I have got work to do.

Oh just one more thing, you said

that Mr. Denton was here all day yesterday.

Yes, he was here catching up on paperwork.

Is it possible that he could have left

and come back without you knowing?

It's possible I suppose.

Thought you might want to see this, sir.

The tech team just sent it through.

Now the face is still unclear.

See there?

That's the g*n Club crest.

Now we're getting somewhere.

The CCTV image from Terry Bellini's last performance.

As a member of the g*n Club,

we thought you might be able to help us identify it.

It's me, Inspector.

What were you doing there?

I needed to talk to Joe about

a charity event we'd been organizing.

We have evidence that someone was

intending to start a fire at the circus.

A fire, oh my god.

So you know nothing about that, Mr. Denton?


I just popped my head in to see if the show

was nearly over, then it all kicked off.

And you ran.

Not very community-minded of you.

I agree, it was cowardly and I regret it hugely.

So why did you run?

I wish I had a better excuse but I was scared.

Hi Freya.

Saw you with Harry.

He's a bit young for you, isn't he?

What do you mean?

Heads together, hands touching.

So you're stalking me now.

You lied to me.

I said I was going to work.

That's where I've been, I've done nothing wrong.

I'm not going anywhere.

Harry just needed someone to talk to.

About what?

What the?

The uniform were on the scene in minutes.

They said there was no sign of the clown last night.

Over there, get after him, I'll call for backup.


Mind if I join you?

Always wanted to get to know you better but

you know, your dad, stubborn.

Freya was telling me you've got big plans to go on your own.

A more commercial touring enterprise.

I assume that's gonna need some investment.

Yeah well I shouldn't have said anything.

I had too much to drink.

Well I've got no children.

You get your dad to sign the land over to me

and I'll fund your project, simple as that.

You want me to betray my father?

He's not worthy of your loyalty, believe me.

Well the answer's no.

Harry, wait.




I just want a chance to tell you my

side of the story, that's all I ask okay?



Five minute call, guys.

You said it was a sellout.

It was but

people are nervous.

We just need to build up the public confidence.

I still think we should cancel.


The police have given us permission

to reopen and this is for your charity.

I have to put my reputation first.

This is already damaging business.

Someone is trying to destroy me.

I really need your support, please Ashley, please.

The local press are in, now you volunteer

for the first act and you're bound to make the front page.

Any publicity is good publicity.

I'll keep up the pretense for one more night

as a favor, then you're on your own.

The Denton Trust is a charity

that I am very proud to represent.

So thank you all, ladies and gentlemen for coming

and a special thank you to Ashley Denton

for his unfailing support.

Ashley Denton, ladies and gentlemen.

But first ladies and gentlemen,

our Cuban Casanova

and illusionist extraordinaire,

the cruel

Raoul Delgado.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen

and now for the most terrifying

and dangerous part of the show.

For those of you with a nervous disposition,

I suggest that you leave now.

I need a volunteer.

Who is brave enough?

No one?

One of you out there must have nerves of steel.

I'll do it.

If everyone donates what they can,

I promise to match the total.

How could we possibly refuse?

Mr. Ashley Denton, ladies and gentlemen.

I don't understand.

They're the same blades I always use.

Do you keep them locked?

They're not real, they're fake knives.

So you're saying that someone tampered with them then?

How well did you know Ashley Denton?

Oh no no no, I don't know Ashley Denton.

I don't know anything about any of this.

I'm shocked like everyone else.

I got the knives from the prop table like I always do.

So there was nothing different about tonight?


Except it should have been Joe in the box.

He volunteers every time, it's never an audience member.

That was dad's idea, he was telling

Ashley it would be good for publicity.

Why would I want Ashley dead?

He was my friend.

A friend who was about to

withdraw his support and sponsorship.

Why did you suggest that he volunteer?

Who told you that?
Your son.

Well I thought Ashley would enjoy being in the spotlight.

That it might change his mind about pulling out.

But you think you were the intended victim.

What else would I think?

Any enemies who might wish you harm?


What about your brother?

Well we haven't seen eye to eye for over years.

If he'd wanted to k*ll me, he'd have done it years ago.

Two murders at the circus,

Terry Bellini and Ashley Denton.

With Joe Ferabbee seemingly the intended victim.

Although Ashley was threatened the night before he died.

By our illusive clown who's

still out there somewhere minus a shoe.

Denton was caught on CCTV on the afternoon

of Terry Bellini's m*rder in the same area

that paraffin soap rags were found.

Was he planning to set the place on fire

or is Joe Ferabbee our arch-manipulator?

He was angry at Terry's betrayal and he suggested Ashley

Denton swap places with him, resulting in Ashley' death.

The rags could be down to him too.

We know that the circus is in financial difficulty.

Insurance fraud would secure the circus' future.

Check whether he's made any recent changes to the policy.

We need to investigate any links between

Curtis Ferabbee, Denton and the circus.

But most of all, we need to find that missing r*fle.

Mr. Denton died from exsanguination.

As you can see, the blade sliced

straight through his abdominal aorta.

He didn't stand a chance.

Anything on the m*rder w*apon?

Unlike the other trick knives,

the mechanism was locked to prevent retraction.

As for the blade itself, it was sharpened like a razor.

You can still see microscopic

traces of stone dust on the leading edge.

That you might find if it had been

sharpened on an industrial whetstone?


Ours isn't the only whetstone in Midsomer.

Why would I want Joe Ferabbee dead?

The circus is one of our regular customers.

I'm surprised Curtis agreed to

supply him, given their history.

It was his way of getting his own back.

Take some money off him.

So you're aware of Curtis'

deep-rooted animosity towards Joe.

You said you owed Curtis everything.

How far would you go to prove that?

Bumping people off isn't

in the job description, Inspector.

This isn't Sicily.

Who else has access to the whetstone?

No one.
What about after hours?

The Abattoir's locked and it's alarmed.

Well who has keys?

Curtis, Freya

and me.


You know for a moment I felt I was in Germany again

watching your aunt Elsa, she was just so graceful, fearless.

You're just like her.
That's what mom says.

You've got her talent.

I'm flattered but...

You're more than capable of performing the drop

that made her famous.

The Silken Noose?

No one's done that for years.

It's in our DNA to push ourselves higher, faster.

To take those risks that no one else can.

Yeah, calculated, not suicidal.

I'm nowhere near ready.

I think you are ready.

I looked into the circus insurance

and their current policy has lapsed.

So there's no financial incentive for arson on Joe's part.

Anything else?


I did some more digging into the Ferabbee brothers.

I found this.

When their father died, he promised to leave

everything to Curtis but there was no will,

so the estate reverted to both sons.

Curtis wouldn't be too happy about that.

And according to this,

Curtis was in league with Ashley Denton

to get the circus evicted from the land.

What was in it for Denton?

He'd acquired a considerable

amount of land bordering the estate.

I can't believe he bought it to protect

the hedge rows and endangered bird life.

We should talk to Joe Ferabbee.

Point those fingers, let's see those shapes.

That's it, you can smile.

That's it, right.

Here it comes



Perfect, you see you can do it.

Make the audience believe you're gonna fall.

What the hell are you doing?
Trying something new.

The Silken Noose.

You're not seriously suggesting...

You know how dangerous that is.

Daniella, she's ready, you should be proud.

It's gonna happen again.
Don't worry.

It is perfectly safe.

Joe, you're under a lot of stress,

you're not thinking straight.

Joe, I'm begging you, that's me daughter.

Yeah, she's your daughter and you both work for me.

Where the hell have you been?

I don't have to answer to you anymore.

Do you know the police think I've got something

to do with all this because of what you told them?

I told them the truth.

This your way of getting your own back, is it?

Who do you think I am?

You want to destroy this circus like everyone else.

No, you did all that on your own.

But you just can't see it.

I did everything I can to support you.

At least my uncle is prepared to invest in my idea.


He told me everything dad, so don't try and stop me.

I really don't know how you sleep at night.

We need a word, Mr. Ferabbee.

Daniella, can I help at all?

I've just been to see Freya.

Oh, what for?

Just wanted to make sure she was okay.

And why wouldn't she be?

She and I used to be so close.

I just thought she'd want some support.

Oh that's nice, we'll I'm here now.

All right.

You really think that I k*lled

Ashley Denton because of a land dispute?

What can you tell us about that?

Well I knew that Curtis was intent on evicting us

from the estate by any means possible but I had no idea

he had the power of the Parish Council behind him.

You believed Ashley was on your side?

Until last night, yes.

His death had nothing to do with me.

In fact, I am clearly the victim

of a concerted hate campaign.

You should be investigating that.


I just found this in my wagon.


when were you gonna tell me?

I found this flight reference number in your bag.

You said you'd never leave me.

I just, I needed a break.

Yeah, in San Francisco on your own?

I don't believe you.

If you leave now,

you get nothing, I'll make sure of that.

No, give me your phone.


And I'm locking all the bank accounts!

You're not gonna steal any more of my money!



He died of CO poisoning.

Large exposures lead to toxicity

of the nervous system and heart.

With this concentration,

he'd have been unconscious after two or three breaths

and dead in under three minutes.

He also has severe bruising to the head and shoulder area

here and here, consistent with a fall from some height.

A pretty grisly end.
That's an understatement.

On a lighter note, the clown shoe.

We found deposits on the toe cap and on the sole,

possibly blood but they were contaminated.

A specialist lab might get us more conclusive results.

Keep me updated.

Mr. Cartwright.

You said before that the gassing system is automated.

What happens when it's complete?

There's a door on the other side.

The pig rolls down and a robot come

and lifts it onto the overhead storage system.

So once the system is set in motion,

there's no human involvement in the process?

The future, Inspector.

Curtis was all for it.

Can you talk me through the security system?

State of the art.

It's all monitored by the security firm.

They get an alert if it's been triggered.

And Curtis would have disabled it on entry.

But an intruder wouldn't.


We have a problem with vermin.

We don't set the central motion

sensor if the Ferabbee's are at home.

Except in the office and the storeroom.

Get in touch with the alarm company.

See if the alarm was triggered yesterday

evening and if so, why there was no response.

The number's on the box over there.



The alarm company received an alert yesterday at : .

They called Mr. Ferabbee and he

said that he was dealing with it.

So either this was a freak accident

or he was deliberately forced over this barrier.

It seems Mostyn's got a serious form.

Youth offender for armed robbery and aggravated as*ault.

But nothing since?
It doesn't look like it.

We need to know everyone who benefits from Curtis' death.

Mind that oil.

Did your mother never tell you to look where you're going?

You weren't concerned when Curtis didn't come home?

He often worked late.
You weren't concerned when Curtis didn't come home?

He often worked late.

Slept in the spare room.

So this man who kept tabs on your every move

could disappear for hours straight without

a call or a text to confirm where you were?

He knew I'd be home.

The alarm went off around five o'clock,

didn't you hear it?

I mean it wasn't on for long.

I just assumed that Mostyn or Curtis turned it off.

And you were at home all day, alone?

Daniella came around to see if I was okay.

She left.

I went for a walk.

You told me things weren't

always easy between you and your husband.

We were dealing with it.

How about the last time you saw him?


everything was fine.

And you were here all evening, after your walk?


I told you.
Can anyone confirm that?


That was the Solicitor.

Freya Ferabbee inherits the house and the assets.

Mostyn gets the Abattoir.
And the land?

All farmland reverts to surviving brother.

Joe gets just what he wanted.

You think we need to go and talk to him?

No, we need to find Daniella.

Make sure Freya is telling the truth.

Who is it?

It's DS Winter.

Oh, I was looking for your mother.

She's out.

Well maybe you can help, is it all right if I come in?

I just wanted to confirm her movements yesterday afternoon.

She went to see Freya.
And then?

And then she came home, we had dinner, that's it.

Is everything all right?

You seem a little, a little on edge.

A couple of days ago I found

Mostyn Cartwright in our wagon.

So why didn't you report it?

I knew he had a record, he could lose his job.


I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but

they don't always deserve it.

Mostyn's delivery schedule for the past month.

It places Mostyn at the circus on

the day that Daniella's jewelry was stolen,

the day that Harry's note was found

and the days that Terry and Ashley were m*rder*d.

That's a lot of coincidences.

And the Land Registry confirms that the circus

land contains all the access roads and services

that Ashley Denton needed to secure his development.

How far would somebody go to stop it?

See those bruises on his torso?

They're more consistent with severe blunt force trauma

than a fall and I found metal splinters in both hands.

The trolley, we need to get back to the Abattoir.

But I've got news on the clown shoe.

Unless it's got something to do with the m*rder

investigation, I really don't want to know.

You'll want to know this.

The sample from the toe cap is pigs blood.

Check the sample against the blood used on

the notes to Ashley Denton and Harry Ferabbee.

I might, if you say please.


No sign of Mostyn, sir.

We've circulated his description.

Mostyn claimed that the central Abattoir alarm

wasn't usually set, only the office and the storerooms.

So the intruder would only trigger

the alarm if they entered one of those zones.


Which according to this,

it was the office, the storerooms and the cellar.

Mostyn didn't show us a cellar.

I think the cellar's over here, sir.

It looks like we've found our thief at least.

Let's see what else we can find.

Oh my God.

No wonder he didn't want us to see this.

It's like something out of a Hammer horror film.

Before your time.

Everything's before your time.

Thanks, there's no sign of him sir.

There are only two roads that lead out of Swynton Magna.

What's the most fundamental skill

a training police officer has to acquire?

Making a decent cup of tea?


See anything familiar?

It's not Hansel and Gretel, sir.

It's all we've got.

Yeah, great.

Thanks Fleur.

There he is.

The pig's blood on the shoe

is a perfect match for the notes.


Put the g*n down, Mostyn.
Back away from me.

I'll use it.

We found the cellar you didn't want us to see.

Put it down.

You lied about everything, the truth this time.

I did it for Curtis.

He needed me to help him.
Help him with what?

Ashley wanted the circus land.

He came up with a plan to turn all the locals

against them so he could get what he wanted.

So Ashley made you dress up like a clown

to scare people, to cause trouble.

Was it you who planned to set fire to the circus?

I thought that'd nail it.

When I told Ashley I'd got it all sorted, he went mad.

So he went back there to remove the evidence.

When Terry was shot,

he had to make himself scarce.

Just give me the g*n Mostyn, come on.

Come on.

Is this Curtis' r*fle?

Did you k*ll Terry Bellini?


That's my r*fle.

I use it for sh**ting vermin.

And your chamber of horrors?

There's a black market for fermented blood

and dried pigs intestines.

For what?
Black pudding.

Old school.

Listen, there's loads of red tape around raw food products.

I'd fail the Health and Safety.

You do surprise me.

And the thefts?

I was there, I couldn't help meself.

Look, do you really think I'd k*ll

the only man who ever had faith in me?

I loved Curtis.

More than his wife ever did anyway.

What do you mean?

She was gonna leave him.

I heard 'em arguing the day he died.


Freya's not here but I had a quick look around.

Found this taped to the underside

of a drawer in her bedroom.
Get it checked out ASAP.

And there's something else.

It's definitely the missing g*n,

I checked the serial number.

How did it get back here and why would anyone return it?

What's that?

I was looking for Freya.

I came to pay my respects.

Not to claim your inheritance?


brother's death is convenient,

given your historical dispute

and to your advantage, we understand

all the land reverts to you now.

To my advantage, do you really think so?

When Harry got that note,

I realized that he mattered to me more than anything else.

I'd got it wrong.

I was gonna sell Curtis the land,

rebuild my relationship with my brother

and now he's, he's gone forever.

He always said he hated the circus.

But he loved it as much as I did.

You were two boys living on a farm.

Why the circus?

One night my father went too far.

My mother couldn't take it anymore.

I just ran, I had to get away.





And that was it, I left the farm without a word.

I ran away to the circus.

But you never came back for Curtis.

I just wanted to pretend that that part of my life

hadn't happened, just sort of dismiss it as a nightmare.

A nightmare your brother was left to live alone.

I was gonna ask him to forgive me.

Not that I deserve it.

And now it's too late.

Can you feel the earth moving, my darling?

Quite a temper you've got there.

He deserved it.

I just wish I'd hit him harder.

With the same impulsive v*olence

that caused your husband's death?

That wasn't me.

I'm trying to conduct an

interview here Mr. Morrison, thank you.

Hold on, hold on.

The calls made from Freya Ferabbee's secret

mobile were all made to a number registered

to a Mr. Ray Dawkins from Dunstan.

That's you isn't it, Raoul?

Used to be.

We got a problem with that?

You were sick of Curtis controlling your life.

You had to k*ll him before he shut down your escape route.

No, I went for a walk, went home and stayed there.

We only have your word for that.

Ray Dawkins has two wives

and three other women suing him for child support.

I'm the victim here, you're treating me like a criminal.

Polygamy is a crime, Mr. Dawkins.

You made Freya think that you wanted to spend the rest

of your life with her, that you were free to marry.

She didn't need much persuading.

All you were really interested in was the money

that she'd been transferring from Mr. Ferabbee's

personal and business accounts which Curtis discovered

along with your plan to leave the night he died.

You win some, you lose some.

Take them both to the station.

Get off my jacket.

Ray Dawkins in a manipulative liar but

I don't see him as a m*rder*r.

Freya has motive and no alibi but we need hard evidence.

The uniform matched the inventory of everything reported

stolen against a list of items was found in Mostyn's bag.

Everything was accounted for

except Daniella's missing locket.

Why isn't the locket with everything else?

Maybe it was pawned.

It's unlikely, Daniella said it was only valuable to her.

We know that Sophia suspected Mostyn of being the thief.

Did she tell her mother?

You think maybe one of them went

back to the Abattoir to look for it?


You again.

Come on.

I just wanted a photo of us together.

Terry had eternalized us.

I thought Daniella might've got

rid of 'em all after what I told her.

What did you tell her?


personal, nothing to do with any of this.

Ancient history.

Let's go, all right mate, all right.

Come on.
Yeah, yeah.

Two hearts that beat as one, this is Elsa's.

Everything is about Elsa.

This puts Daniella at the Abattoir.

She must have discovered Mostyn's bag.

We need to find her.

Check out the Big Top, I'll try the box office.

She's not here, sir.

Go and stand in the ring where Terry was shot.



We just want to talk to you.

Come down Daniella, please.

Mom, what are you doing?

Daniella, come down.

Daniella, we just need to talk to you.

Three people have died Daniella, why?

Terry didn't do the safety checks the day Elsa died.

He was too busy screwing one of his dancers.

Les told me a few days ago.

I couldn't let that go.

What does that mean?

He k*lled my sister.

So when Les told me about his

plan to sh**t Terry with blanks,

I had to take it further.

And Ashley, that was you too.

Ashley was a mistake.

That knife was meant for you.



You've always been my friend.
And I thought you were mine.

But now I know our friendship's based purely on guilt.

It's your job to supervise the safety checks,

your name on the insurance, it was your signature

on the safety log the day Elsa died, the day I

almost died even though you knew it hadn't been done!

How could you do that?

You falsified the evidence to protect your star.

No, no.

To protect the circus.

We'd have been ruined if it had come out.

Ferabbee's is my life, I couldn't just let it die.

No, there was nothing you wouldn't do to keep

it going including risking my daughter's life!

What about my brother?

What had he ever done to you?

Nothing at all.

Finally I had a chance to be

the brother that Curtis deserved.

To make up for all this lost time

and you stole that from me.

Just like you stole Elsa from me.
and you stole that from me.

Just like you stole Elsa from me.


doesn't it?

You took Curtis' r*fle, then returned it, how?

He almost caught me.

I wish he had.

Daniella, can I help at all?

He thought I'd gone

but I couldn't risk leaving the r*fle.

I walked back to the trailer, then I heard them arguing.

I took my chance.

On the way home, I had to avoid Mostyn.

Sophia told me she'd found Mostyn in our wagon,

that he was carrying that bag.

You thought that he was the thief

and that the bag might contain Elsa's locket.

And I knew I didn't have much time but still

I had to see if it was in there and it was.




It was an accident.

Mom, please don't.

Elsa lost her life this way.

She wouldn't want that for you.

For Sophia.

Mom, please come down.




Come on, come on, come on.



All right sir, well I'll see you tomorrow.

Stay for a drink, I think we could both do with one.

Betty, hello.
Hello, daddy.

Fleur, I wasn't expecting to see you.


So you know that Betty wants clowns for her

birthday party next week, I know you're not keen.

So I was going to say no...
So I suggested you try

some aversion therapy beforehand.

Hey hey.
Come on, guys.

There we go.

Patty's more scared of clowns than I am.

Told you, you should have had his balls removed.

Clowns in my house.

They're here now.

You might as well give it a go.

Go on, sir.

You can do it.

Only if Patty does it with me.

Come on, good boy.

Come on.

It's k*ll or cure.

Send in the clowns.