21x15 - Planet of Fire - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x15 - Planet of Fire - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 1 March 1984
Running time: 23:57

K-MASTER: Journey's end, Doctor. I'm sorry. Your cremation will deprive me of our periodic encounters. Quickly, my time is short.

TIMANOV: Great Logar, receive these mortals as an oblation from your faithful people.

PERI: That's him. That's the Master.


PERI: Really?

TURLOUGH: Yes. We may be able to help.

PERI: How?

TURLOUGH: Something the Doctor pointed out earlier. Malkon, you keep them occupied and tell the Doctor about Kamelion. Quickly.

MALKON: Stop! There is to be no sacrifice.

K-MASTER: What are you waiting for? Continue the burnings.

MALKON: This man is an imposter.

K-MASTER: Who is this boy?

DOCTOR: Oh, don't you know? Allow me to introduce Malkon, Chosen One of the Sarns. You see? He's no Outsider. He doesn't recognise your Chosen One, and he doesn't understand the laws of the settlement.

PERI: That kid won't hold them off for long.

TURLOUGH: The Doctor can help him. We only need a few minutes.

PERI: Do you know what you're doing?

TURLOUGH: If I can hit the right circuits, if it still works, I think I can cut the gas supply to their sacrificial fire.

K-MASTER: Obey me or there will be no gift and I shall call down the wrath of Logar on you all.

TIMANOV: Malkon is overruled. Continue the burning.


K-MASTER: Never mind the boy. Now, to the fire with the unbeliever.

TIMANOV: Logar refuses the sacrifice. He's angry that his Chosen One has been struck down!

PERI: Oh, you've done it! The fire's out.

DOCTOR: He's not dead, but let them think he is.

MALKON: Warn the Doctor. Kamelion is the Master.

DOCTOR: Life must be very complicated for you at the moment. Not only are you a phony Outsider, you're not even the real Master. You're just a machine. Oh, no, no, don't turn away. You will accept my will. I am the Doctor and you are Kamelion.

K-MASTER: Will you allow my enemy to torment me?

DOCTOR: You are no more than the sum of your parts, a mass of printed circuits.

K-MASTER: k*ll him.

DOCTOR: You see? He likes to k*ll. He turned on your Chosen One. Next time it'll be you, Chief Elder.

K-MASTER: k*ll!

TIMANOV: No. Let Logar decide. Let the fire god send us a sign.

DOCTOR: Oh, you'll have a sign, all right. If I can break the energy link with the Master, this so-called will be nothing but a heap of spare parts. You're on your own, Kamelion. Your power is weakening, turning to silver. A silver puppet jumping on a string. String cut!

TIMANOV: He's shining.

ROSKAL: I don't believe it.

DOCTOR: Psychomorphic fringing. Nothing supernatural about that, it's an intermediate stage between anthropoid and robotic identity.

TIMANOV: No, it is the sign of Logar.

PERI: Seems like the Doctor could do with some more help. He'll need this thing too. It's from his TARDIS.

AMYAND: The more you attack it, the more it looks like the Outsider.

DOCTOR: I must concentrate.

MASTER: The cave, quickly. Shield yourself from the Doctor's mind. Use the cave.

DOCTOR: Obey me. The Doctor. The Doctor.

K-FOSTER: Take them to the cave.

TIMANOV: Obey the shining one.

DOCTOR: Mustn't resist. Any distraction will allow the Master to break through. That's right, Kamelion. Servile. sl*ve! Bond broken.


PERI: The Doctor's trying to control Kamelion's mind. I can help him. I know how to do that, too.

TURLOUGH: Leave it to the Doctor.

ROSKAL: What happened?

K-MASTER: Oh, Doctor, you quite let your enthusiasm run away with you.

AMYAND: What went wrong?

DOCTOR: The cave. Somehow it's screening the thought control.

K-MASTER: Oh, phew. Over the years I've dreamed of a million exquisite tortures to accompany your final moments. That it should come to this.


DOCTOR: Peri, get back.

PERI: Kamelion! You're supposed to be the Doctor's friend. Kamelion!

K-MASTER: You see? I've grown stronger since our last meeting. Your puny mind no longer affects me. I'm grateful, however, that you've seen fit to return the comparator.

PERI: That thing's where you'll never find it.

TIMANOV: No! There's been too much k*lling. Only the fire is acceptable to Logar.

MASTER: You're still resistant. Do not oppose them or my TARDIS will never be free. Take the girl with you. She's unskilled, but strong. There's much work to be done. As for the Doctor, he'll die in the holocaust with the rest of them.

K-MASTER: I'm sorry to be deprived of the pleasure of seeing you die, Doctor, although I am consoled by the thought that your imminent and inevitable demise will be excruciating.

K-MASTER: Now, Chief Elder, I've work for you elsewhere.

TIMANOV: Work? Where are the gifts? The Outsider always brings gifts from Logar.

K-MASTER: Of course, how foolish of me. I have them in safekeeping at the ruin. Buried. (to the Doctor) You will be cremated alive.

PERI: No! No! Doctor!

PERI: No, let me go!

DOCTOR: Interesting. I knew something other than rock must be screening me from Kamelion's mind.

ROSKAL: Turlough!

DOCTOR: What kept you?

TURLOUGH: I've been to the wreck of my father's ship.

AMYAND: Get this gate open, will you? Another surge could come at any moment.

TURLOUGH: I don't think so. I've been back to the bunker, re-routed the flow. Where's Malkon?


SORASTA: He's still breathing.

TURLOUGH: Who did this?

DOCTOR: One of the Elders.

TURLOUGH: I shall k*ll him for this.

DOCTOR: What good would that do? We must get after Peri.

TURLOUGH: You don't understand, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Come on.

TURLOUGH: I think Malkon is my brother.

K-MASTER: Beneath that rubble lies an object of incomparable value. A gift from Logar.

DOCTOR: How do you know Malkon is your brother?

TURLOUGH: The last Trion ship to come here crashed and Malkon was the only survivor. It must have been the ship my father was on.

DOCTOR: How does that make him your brother?

TURLOUGH: Just accept, for the moment, Doctor, that I know he would have been the only infant on board.

DOCTOR: He's in severe shock. There may be some damage to his nervous system. Keep him warm. Make him as comfortable as you can. Why fuel the cave with volcanic gas?

ROSKAL: The cave has always been used for sacrifices.

DOCTOR: With all due respect to your fellow Sarns, I think the people who built this had a more useful purpose than burnt offerings to Logar. Come on.

AMYAND: Where are you going?

DOCTOR: To find the Master and his TARDIS. Do you know this ruin he spoke of?

AMYAND: Yes, and I know a safe route to it. Follow me.

DOCTOR: Don't you want to stay with Malkon?

TURLOUGH: I must be there when the Sarns find out you've escaped from the cave.

AMYAND: How can you help the Doctor?

TURLOUGH: With this.

DOCTOR: Does everyone from Trion have this mark?

TURLOUGH: No. You have to be very special to wear the Misos Triangle.

TIMANOV: It's stone. It's a pillar of stone.

K-MASTER: My TARDIS. I am most grateful.

PERI: You do realise this creature is about to do a bunk.

K-MASTER: As my word is my bond, Chief Elder, this is a day of reckoning for us all.

DOCTOR: Something must have happened to the Master for him to be using Kamelion.

TURLOUGH: He certainly went to a great deal of trouble to get him back. Do you think he's into another regeneration crisis?

DOCTOR: His present body must be good for a few years yet. There has to be another reason.

K-MASTER: At last.

TIMANOV: Where are the promised gifts?

PERI: Don't let him go!

K-MASTER: Gullible idiot.

TURLOUGH: Too late.

DOCTOR: No. No, no, that's the Master's TARDIS.

PERI: It's like the Doctor's.

K-MASTER: But infinitely superior, as I am to that galactic philanthropist.

DOCTOR: I can stop the Master by materialising around his TARDIS.

TURLOUGH: You'll need this.

TURLOUGH: It is the will of Logar that you obey me. I am your new Chosen One. Order them to put down their staves.

TIMANOV: The mark of Logar?

TURLOUGH: I have released the prisoners from the cave. I now hold supreme authority.

TIMANOV: The blue box is sacred Logar. It must not be profaned by his enemies.

TURLOUGH: You have been cheated by the false Outsider. The Doctor is no enemy. He is the rightful custodian of the box. Will you compound the m*rder of Malkon by defying your new leader? Let the Doctor pass!

TURLOUGH: There we are.

DOCTOR: We're stuck. The temporal stabiliser's been removed. Another old trick of the Master's.


AMYAND: Where's he gone?

DOCTOR: Hmm? Er, I don't know yet. Someone's been interfering with the TARDIS navigational system. Kamelion. It's been remote-paralleled with the Master's TARDIS. So that's how he followed us to Sarn.

AMYAND: I don't understand.

DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh, it's perfectly simple. If this machine were working properly, we'd follow the Master's TARDIS.

AMYAND: What, anywhere?

DOCTOR: Indeed. Although the effort would hardly be worthwhile. He's still on Sarn.

PERI: What have you got in this?

K-MASTER: It's no concern of your. Place it here.

PERI: Oh. It's your control box, isn't it.

K-MASTER: Very perceptive, Miss Brown. But the real power of my control is well beyond your inadequate comprehension.

PERI: Where are we?

K-MASTER: In the heart of the volcano.

PERI: Look, if I'm to help you I want to know what you're doing and what happens to me when all

K-MASTER: You will obey me without question.

PERI: You said that once before.

K-MASTER: Perhaps you doubt the efficacy of this device? Allow me to introduce the Tissue Compression Eliminator.

K-MASTER: The same will happen to you, my dear, if you obstruct me.

DOCTOR: There's something the Master needs on Sarn. If we could find it, we'd find him. I think Turlough will need some help.

AMYAND: Nothing short of a sign from Logar will have any effect on Timanov and the elders.

DOCTOR: A sign from Logar. What does he look like, this fire lord?

TURLOUGH: Perhaps I should choose new elders from amongst the citizens, and a Chief Elder who would be more faithful to his new leader.

TIMANOV: No, wait. It's a time of crisis. We must do nothing to thr*aten the continuity of our people.

TURLOUGH: Then obey me in all things.

TIMANOV: We will be guided by you, Chosen One.

DOCTOR: How about that?

AMYAND: Not quite. He's fatter, a larger head, bright silver. That's more like it.

K-MASTER: The Doctor's TARDIS. A modest thunderbolt, I think.

PERI: What are you doing?

K-MASTER: You'll see.


PERI: You did that?

K-MASTER: The entire power of the mountain is at my command. But enough of games. I'm here for more serious work.

TURLOUGH: I said into the TARDIS! Quickly!

TURLOUGH: Sorry, Doctor. There was nowhere else I could bring them.

DOCTOR: Welcome, gentlemen.

TURLOUGH: This is the Doctor. He's not an enemy of Logar, but an elder from the city of Gallifrey.

DOCTOR: Do any of you recognise this?


TURLOUGH: You see? He appears at the Doctor's command.

TIMANOV: Why doesn't he strike down the heretics?

TURLOUGH: Logar is the friend of all people, whether they believe in him or not. He's only angry when the citizens fight amongst themselves. (quietly) It's a man in a thermal suit.

DOCTOR: Hmm. Must be some sort of control centre inside the volcano. Timanov, have you actually ever seen Logar?

TIMANOV: Yes, once, when I was a boy.

DOCTOR: Where?

TIMANOV: It was the summit of the fire mountain. The fire god spoke to me, encouraged me to inhale the gases. I felt intoxicated, invigorated. I felt reborn.

AMYAND: You were drunk.

TIMANOV: When I returned from the mountain, my body and my mind felt stronger and fitter.

DOCTOR: I wonder if that's what the Master wants. To be born again.

DOCTOR: Now, isn't that interesting? According to this, the Master and Peri are inside the volcano.

PERI: How much more is there?

K-MASTER: Stop mewling.

DOCTOR: The seismic scanner. Something's happening inside the volcano.

TIMANOV: We must gaze upon it.

DOCTOR: Shall we gaze upon it too?

TURLOUGH: The Master must have precipitated an eruption.

DOCTOR: I don't think so. That isn't an eruption.

TIMANOV: No, it's the blue flame. It hasn't been seen for many generations.

TURLOUGH: What is it supposed to indicate?

TIMANOV: It's a sign of great favour from Logar. He's showing his mercy to the sick and the injured. There'll be a gathering. We must go to our people.

DOCTOR: I wonder if Logar will help a sick Time Lord. Perhaps the Master needs the blue flame more than the people of Sarn.

TURLOUGH: We should get back to the bunker.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, the Hall of Fire. I want to analyse the deposit on the walls. Unless, of course, you can tell me what it is?

TURLOUGH: How should I know? That cave's part of a colonial civilisation that ended ages ago.

DOCTOR: The control centre's been maintained. Just what sort of interest have your people got in the stability of an abandoned planet?

TURLOUGH: I don't know.

DOCTOR: When we arrived, you expected to find Trions here. Why?

TURLOUGH: The triangle here in the ruin.

DOCTOR: If this is an abandoned planet, what was your father doing here? All right. But if you're holding back anything that will aid the Master, our friendship is at an end. Is that understood?

TURLOUGH: Yes, Doctor.

K-MASTER: Excellent! We now have control of one of the greatest energy sources in the universe.

PERI: A blue flame?

K-MASTER: Numismaton gas, my dear. An immensely rare catalytic reagent from deep inside the planet. When the surge comes again, I shall be ready to absorb its infinite transforming power.

PERI: Really.

PERI: Well, you're getting no more power!

DOCTOR: Hmm. Trace elements of numismaton gas. Very useful for an injured Time Lord who can't regenerate. Now, why would he want the gas in such quantities?

TURLOUGH: Perhaps he plans to bottle and sell it.

DOCTOR: Even if I were in a better humour, that wouldn't be funny.

SORASTA: Doctor, Malkon is much worse.

TURLOUGH: We must get him back to the TARDIS.


TURLOUGH: Doctor, please!

DOCTOR: Thanks to the Master, he's far better off here. I must get back to the bunker and organise the gas flow.

PERI: The Master's control box. I may have a puny mind, but you don't need to be Albert Einstein to find the off switch.

MASTER: You escaped from my sl*ve, but you will obey me or die.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Mark Strickson

Nicola Bryant

Peter Wyngarde

The Master
Anthony Ainley

Barbara Shelley

James Bate

Professor Howard Foster
Dallas Adams

Voice of Kamelion
Gerald Flood

Edward Highmore

Jonathan Caplan

Michael Bangerter

Simon Sutton

Max Arthur

John Alkin

Assistant Floor Manager
Robert Evans

John Peacock

Malcolm Thornton

Film Cameraman
John Walker

Film Editor
Alastair Mitchell

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Elizabeth Rowell

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Claire Hughes Smith

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
John Summers

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson
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