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05x01 - Visitation

Posted: 02/02/22 10:52
by bunniefuu
[bright tone]

[tense jazzy music]

♪ ♪

- Oz, the name on the street

for the Oswald State
Correctional Facility,

Level Four.

Oz is filled with murderers,
rapists, racists, drug dealers,

with the most common
of criminals.

But what is it
that makes a man common?

Better yet,
what makes him unique?

Winning wars?
Winning awards?


What lifts a man
out of the ordinary

is who he loves...

and who loves him.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪


[tires screeching]

[muffled screaming]

♪ ♪

- Today,
this great state of ours

can once again stand proud.

We have the finest,

most modern
correctional facilities

anywhere in the country.

Let the word go forth
to friend and foe alike

that we will spare no expense,
no time, no effort,

in housing
and punishing

the bottom-feeders
of our society.

[camera shutters clicking]

- Okay, could I have
your attention, please?

I would like to welcome you all
to Our Lady of Fatima Parish.

Now, I know that
due to the recent renovations

from the gas expl*si*n,

visits to Oz
have been severely limited,

and this is gonna be
the first chance

that many of you have had
to visit your family members.

- When your name is called,
line up here.

You'll be walking single file
back to Emerald City.

As you know, today's also the
first visiting day in months.

Many of you are anxious to be
together with your families.

So the quicker you
follow instructions,

the sooner you'll be together.

Officer Murphy.

- Number 96A214,
Adams, Philip.

- Carrie Schillinger.

[baby fussing]

Hello, Carrie, how are you?

How's Jewel today?

- She's fine, thanks.

- Um, Eugenia Hill.

- How are you, Father?

- I'm fine, Mrs. Hill.
How are you today?

- Excited to see my son.
It's been way, way too long.

- Of course.

Sonsyrea Arif.


- As-salaam alaikum.

- Annette Osorio.

- Right here.




[baby crying]

You're cute.

[bell ringing]

- Let's go.

- Ryan, look.
- Wow.

[all exclaiming]

- Looks good.
Look at this.

[engine rumbling]

♪ ♪

- g*dd*mn.

♪ ♪

[people conversing quietly]

- [whistling]

[all exclaiming]


- Wow.

- It's bigger.
- But not necessarily better.

- I like the new color.

- It's the same color.

- I miss the old place.

- Don't be daft.

- All right, Officer Murphy
will now give out

your cell assignments.

- I want a room
with a view.

- And maid service.

- Number 96A214,

Adams, Philip,
cell number six.

- Over the course of history,
many famous people

have joined the infamous
in prison.

Extraordinary human beings
with noble characters

who, for one reason
or another,

ended up on the wrong side
of the law.


Thomas Paine.

He was arrested for treason,
for fostering rebellion.

Yet without
his fiery writings,

America might never
have been free.

Or Thomas More...

the statesman, scholar,
and saint

who was sent
to the Tower of London

for being honest
with his king.

More's reward
was to be beheaded.

- Help!

Help me!

Help me!



- "And Samson sayeth
unto his brethren,

"'Now shall I be blameless...

when I do harm
the Philistines.'"

My friends,

there are times when we are
guilty for our actions

and should be
punished accordingly.

But there are times
when our actions,

however cruel,
leave us blameless,

because we have punished
the guilty!

all: Amen.

- Now let us pray.

Dear Lord,

we ask you to continue
the recovery

of the Reverend
Jeremiah Cloutier,

who survived
the gas expl*si*n...

[match ignites]


Which in turn freed him
from the wall

he had been bricked up
inside of.

Lord, we ask you to bless
the reverend's journey today

as he comes back to Oz
from the burn unit

of Benchley Memorial Hospital.

Lord, we also ask you
to bless Jaz Hoyt...

who took full responsibility

for sealing Reverend Cloutier
in the wall.

Jaz is a good man, Lord,

who suffers needlessly
in solitary confinement.

Look down upon him, Lord,
and keep him strong.

♪ ♪

- Gloria, has Cloutier
arrived yet?

- Uh, yeah.

- Well, I need
to see him.

You see, Hoyt was in charge
of rebuilding that kitchen wall,

so I got him
in Solitary,

but he won't say
who else is involved.

So I need Cloutier
to tell me.

- Well, he can't.
Not yet.

His throat was damaged
during the fire.

He can hardly make
any sounds at all.

- Is he conscious?
- Occasionally.

- Then he can nod his
f*cking head yes or no

when I read him
the list of names.

Where is he?

- In the private room.

Tim, wait.

He was very badly burned
during the expl*si*n.

I mean, the fact that
he survived at all is a miracle.

- Hallelujah.

- I just want to prepare you
for what you're gonna see.


- [gurgling]

- You got any visitors
coming today?

- Yeah, my sister, Annette.

- Nice.

- Yeah, she's a great gal.
I love her to death.

She's always been there
for me when I needed her.

And she's also
a bit of a head case.

- Got a light?

- Oh, no, there's no smoking.

- Oh.

Scooch over.

I want to sit down.

I hope you didn't mind
when I got on the bus,

me flirting with you.


- No, I...

- You know, 'cause I know
how you priests

don't go in for girls.

- Well, you know,
actually, we--

- Oh, no, I'm sorry.

That came out wrong.

I mean...

you swear to God
you'll never have sex.

- Well, yes, but--
- Do you know my brother?

- Sure, he comes to Mass
every Sunday.

- Enrique at Mass?


Jesus, he must be bored
out of his mind.

Oh, no, I'm--

that came out wrong.

I'm sure you give a very
cheery service, Father.

Only my brother's not,
like, you know,

of the churchgoing variety.

- Yeah, well, I got to admit
that most of the guys just come

because they want
to break the monotony.

- I haven't seen Enrique
in three years.

I've been in South Beach.

- What were you doing
down there?

- Bartending, mostly.

You know, I tried to go
for some modeling jobs

'cause I got
a good figure,

but you know, I wasn't
willing to play the games,

you know what I'm saying?

- Yeah, I think I do.

The guys try to
take advantage, huh?

- Exactly, which is why
I need to speak to Enrique,

'cause one certain guy
took too much advantage.

My f*cking husband.

- He hurt you?

- I loved that Cuban cocksucker
with all of my heart,

and he cuts a chunk
out of me.

I need Enrique
to talk to Javier.

- To call him from Oz?

- Well, my brother's voice
travels far.

He don't need a phone,
if you know what I'm saying.

- No, please don't
tell me any more.

- You're a priest.

You can't say nothing
to nobody.

- No, that's only
during confession.

We're not in a confessional.

We're on a bus.

- Oh, don't get so technical.

- Uh, Annette,

what you're about to ask
your brother is wrong.

- Bullshit!
Look at my arm.

- I didn't say that what
your husband did was right.

I'm just saying that that's
not gonna solve the problem.

- f*ck you,

you self-righteous jizzball.

You don't know d*ck
about d*ck,

and that came out exactly
the way I meant it!


[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- [spits]

[window slides open]

- Listen up!

When I give the order,
you are to walk

from your cell
and form a single line.

Step out.

♪ ♪

All right.
- Hey, what's going on?

- No talking.

[gate buzzes]

♪ ♪

- Holy shit.

- New and improved.

- No talking.

- Okay.

During the reconstruction,
we discovered

that there were problems
in the air ducts

throughout the building.

We need to clean out the ducts
in Solitary.

And so, until that job
is complete,

I'm gonna put you all
back into Gen Pop.

- Hey.
- There you go.

- Awesome.

- No talking!

- I didn't say shit.

- Now, this is a second chance
for you slugs.

If you behave yourself
over the next few days,

you won't have to
return to Solitary.


Don't f*ck this opportunity up.

- Warden?

[stammering] Exactly what
is the problem with--

with the air ducts?

- That's none of
your concern, White.

- What air duct--that's the air
we breathe, right?

You're talking about--ow!

- What part of "no talking"
don't you understand?

- Shit! Damn, man.

I got a constitutional right
to breathe fresh air.

- Oh, yeah?
- You know.

f*ck a duck.
- Breathe, brother, breathe.

[gate buzzing]

♪ ♪

- Whoa, where are
you going?

- To see McManus.
- He ain't here.

Get back in line.

[gate buzzing]

- Look who's back.
The girls are back.

[indistinct shouting]

- We missed you, man.

- [whistling]

♪ ♪

- Welcome home, Miguel.

Been hoping and praying
for this day.

We got unsettled business,
you and me.

- Oh, yeah?
- You k*lled my boys.

Carlo Ricardo
and Jorge Vasquez.

You got to pay.

- Spit, sweat, blood.

- What?

- Bodily fluids, you know?
Fluids the body produces.

Piss and tears.

Some are voluntary,
some not so voluntary.

When I was in my cubbyhole,
you know,

I had a lot of time to think
about my fluids

and my juices, you know,
my shit.

- You're f*ckin' nuts,

- Yeah, that's right.

That's right, that's me.
I'm f*cking nuts.

You say I got to pay?

Fine, put this
on my tab, okay?

- Hey, what the f*ck's
going on in here?

- We're taking showers.

- With your clothes on?

Up against the wall,
come on, move it.

- What, me too?

- No, I can see
you're clean.

All right, confine these
two dinks to their cells.

Put Guerra in the cage.

Come on, move it!

You got anything else
to say, Alvarez?

- Man is 80% water!

- Hey, Miguel,
you are one lucky f*ck.

- Oh, yeah.

That--that's me.
You know, I'm Mr. Lucky.

- You know Guerra
wants you dead,

but I can yank him
off your ass.

- Oh, yeah,
if I do what, huh?

If I k*ll somebody
for you?

Those days are gone, chica.

Those days are long gone.

See, I got no interest
in sniffing the butthole.

- You won't survive solo.

You ain't got the balls.

- I ain't got what?

- The balls, cojones, pendejo,
is what I'm saying.

- [speaking Spanish]

Right, right, right,
you see this?

I did that.

Yeah, I cut my own face,
you know what I'm saying?

I shoved a shank
in Rivera's eyes.

You know what I'm saying?

I slit Vasquez's throat.

You know what I'm saying?

I handle a knife better
than a f*cking surgeon.

I got nothing to prove
to you, brother.


Come on, get the f*ck
out of my face!

[speaking Spanish]

Hey, Giles.


Think I haven't forgotten
about you sticking me, right?

Little f*cking cocksucker.

- Yeah!

- Hey!
- Yeah!

- [grunts]

[shouting and laughter]

[cheers and applause]

- This incident with Giles
concerns me, Alvarez.

You want to stay
out of Solitary,

you've got to stay
out of trouble.

- You and me both know
that I'm going back to Solitary

no matter what I do.

Glynn's not gonna
let me run around free.

And even if you did
convince him to, I'm doomed.

You know?

Attract trouble
like a f*cking magnet.

[bell ringing]

You know what
quicksilver is?

- Quicksilver?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, it's like
mercury, right?

Stuff they make
mirrors with.

- Mirrors, yeah.

Reflections, right?

It's just this
whole change in mood,

you know what I'm saying?

I mean, that's just me, man.

That's me, McManus.

You know, I'm just--
I'm quicksilver, man.


Whoosh, you know?

- Hey, Guerra!

[imitating gorilla]


You know, you look
like a f*ckin' gorilla

I seen one time
in the f*ckin' Bronx Zoo.

- f*ck you.

You better hope they don't
let me out of here soon, White,

'cause your f*ckin'
black ass is mine.

- Ooh.

Hey! Anybody got a banana

I can feed to the f*ckin' ape?

[cage rattles]
- Omar.

- There you are.

I've been waiting
to see you.

May I step forward,

- All right, yeah.

- I know I'm always saying
I'm sorry for all this nonsense

I keep getting
sucked into.

Kicking you
and stabbing you and shit.

- What, man?

- Well, when the hacks told me
I was coming back to Em City,

I said, McManus--
McManus is the man, son, yo.

I mean, he got
a heart as big as--

I don't know what's
as big as your heart.

- All right.

- No, no, wait, wait, wait,
I know what I'm saying--

- Don't f*cking touch me.

- Even if I'm not saying
the right words.

Look, I'm gonna make good
this time, I promise.

- You know, I'm glad that you're
willing to make another effort,

but I got to ask you
a question.

Why the f*ck did you
get so upset with me?

Why'd you kick me
in the head?

- Look, you know,

there I am sitting there
watching TV, right?

And there you come up on
the screen big as day, right?

And Guerra, f*cking Guerra!

He started making fun.

That's how the fight
got started.

- Look, I know all this shit.

Why did you
f*cking attack me?

- 'Cause you didn't
say nothing to me, man.

- About what?

- About being a contestant
on f*cking "Up Your Ante."

[crowd laughing]

- I think I know this.

- I mean, here I--
I think we--

we getting all friendly,
you know.

We shared our thoughts
and feelings,

and then...

I got to find out
you're on TV

the same time as all the rest
of them fucks.

- Oh.

- As a matter of fact, uh...

You sort of owe me an apology.

- Me apologize to you?
- Uh-huh.

[gate buzzes]

- Work detail!

- Go to work, Omar.

[bell ringing]

♪ ♪

- Here you go, Burr.

Hot and tasty,
just the way you like it.

- Appreciate it.

- Maricón.

- Stupid f*cking sp*cs.

- Don't worry.

You're gonna
get your chance

to hack up Chico Guerra
soon enough.

- That's just
the thing of it.

I'm tired.

I don't want to
hack anybody up anymore.

I'm really,
really, really trying.

I'm trying to keep it
on the straight and narrow

and up and up,
you know what I'm saying?

- Hey, n*gro estupido.

- Hey, tamale boy,

why don't you shut
your f*cking mouth?

- What?

Guerra's not
the gorilla, you are.

- [grunts]

[blows falling]

- Get him out!

- m*therf*cker!

Black bitch
n*gga m*therf*cker!

I'm gonna f*cking get you.

Get the f*ck off me,
you bitch!

- What'd you say
about a banana?

[door closes]

♪ ♪

- Back in the day
before the day,

explorers would set out on ships
to discover new worlds.

Adventurers like Marco Polo
and Christopher Columbus

would sail into the horizon,
not sure if they'd find a place

to land or fall off
the edge of the Earth.

As a result of their journeys,
both Polo and Columbus

got fame, fortune,
and a pair of leg irons.

That's right.

The man who "discovered"
America was a con,

arrested for embezzlement.

After a few months
in a dank, dirty dungeon,

I bet old Chris
started wishing

he had fallen off
the edge of the Earth.

[chains rattling]

- Thanks, Father M.

- She was giggling. Here.

- She's excited
to see her grandpa.

We had the blood tests
done, you know.

Hank was definitely the dad.

- I heard.
- Yeah.

I just want Mr. Schillinger to
be there for Jewel, you know?

I mean, we don't
have anyone else.

- What about
your parents?

- My folks are back
in Montana.

They don't give two shits
about Jewel and me.

- Maybe in time, Carrie.

- Maybe.

Video games.

- I beg your pardon?

- Hank played video games
all day and into night.

Video games
and videos.

He watched that
"Natural Born K*llers,"

like, 60 times.

I just think that, you know,
maybe if he hadn't,

he'd still be alive.

- I don't think
it's that simple, Carrie.

Hank's upbringing,
family life, education,

they all had a lot to do
with making him who he was.

- Can you bless my baby, Father?

Can you take away the curse
that's on her head?

- Curse?

- The one that k*lled
Hank and his brother,

the one that put
Mr. Schillinger in Oz.

I just want my girl
to be happy, you know?

Have a happy life.

- All right,
I'll say a prayer.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- I can't wait to see
my granddaughter.

- Christ, are you gonna get
all mushy again?

- Grub, boys.

- Who the f*ck
you calling "boy"?

- Ooh, I'm sorry there,

I know you're having
a rough recovery and all.

I don't want to say nothing
to loosen up them sutures.

- Hey, hey, what'd you do,

serve everybody else
in this f*cking prison

and then bring us
the shit leftovers?

- Robson, you been in Oz
all this time,

and now you're gonna be
a food critic, huh?

Ooh, you scare me, ooh.

- We got to get back
to Gen Pop,

or I'm gonna go stir crazy.

- Dr. Nathan says
we're at full speed.

- It's time to take down
Kareem Said.

- That f*cking n*gg*r's gonna
live to regret shanking us.


Them Muslims got what
they call a jihad, holy w*r.

Well, they ain't seen w*r
like what's coming.

- Jihad?


- [laughing]

- You want to
go to the Hole?

- You can't put me
in the Hole.

I'm recuperating.

- Health care,
it's a bitch.

- Thank you.



- [exhales deeply]

- Look, the warden
has decided to charge you

with attempted m*rder for
stabbing Robson and Schillinger.

You want me to arrange
for a public defender?

- No.

- You intend to
represent yourself?

- No.

I intend to plead guilty.

♪ ♪

- Said's in a dark
and ugly place.

- Why should he be any different
than anyone else in Oz?

- Since he k*lled Adebisi,
I've watched him become

more and more angry,

This thing with Robson
and Schillinger is just

one more piece
in a long decline.

- He was defending
Tobias Beecher.

- Yeah, but I'm not debating
his motives, Pete,

just his methods.

The old Said would have
never resorted to v*olence,

at least not
as a first step.

- Well, I'm releasing Robson
and Schillinger today.

- Oh, great.

- Can't you keep them
in the ward longer?

- No, their wounds have healed,

and I need the beds.

- Then give 'em
a little Valium, some Prozac,

anything that'll
keep 'em calm.

- Well, why not
medicate everybody?

- Okay.

- Listen up,
I'm not gonna take any shit

from the Aryans or the Muslims.

I intend to
tell them so.

I want everyone
in the cafeteria at 3:00.

[all conversing softly]

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

[cheering continues]

♪ ♪

- Don't you want
your mail, Kareem?


♪ ♪

- [imitating farting]

♪ ♪

- Get the f*ck back!

[alarms buzzing]

- [inhales, exhales deeply]

[door opens]

- Hey, Tobias.

What do you think
of the office?

- It's very snazzy.
- Yeah.

- And they finally
upgraded my computer.

I've got 128 megabytes of RAM.

- How is Said?

- He seems fine.

- Mm, there's concern
among the staff

about the Muslims
and Aryans.

- For good reason.

- In the shower this morning,
I had a thought...

about you.

- You were thinking about me

while you were naked
in the shower?

- Oh, boy.

You and Said are friends,

and you and Schillinger
were getting along,

at least until he heard
about your possible parole.

What if I could organize
an interaction

between Schillinger,
Said, and you?

If you can broker a peace
between these two,

you'll save a lot of lives.

And when you're up for parole
again at the end of the year...

- I'll smell even sweeter.


- Yeah.

Imagine that.

Said, Schillinger,
and I in a three-way.

- No, absolutely not.

I'm not going
anywhere near Said.

- Vern...

- My people don't associate
with his kind.

- Yet you have
in the past.

Like when you asked Said
to represent you

in your conspiracy
to commit m*rder trial.

- That was different.

- How?

- He hadn't shanked me then.

- That is exactly
why the two of you

have to sit down together,

and that's why Tobias Beecher
has to be there.


Remember when
you came to me,

wanting to make sense
of your life

so that you could find
some peace of mind,

some happiness?

This is the same.

You'll be able to express
whatever it is

you're truly feeling inside.

- What I feel inside...

Is rage.

- But you're smart enough
to know

that there's no comfort
in rage.

Rage feeds off the soul,

till there is no soul left.

- I call.

Beecher, I call.

- Huh?

- You want to play cards,
or you want to d*ck around?

- I'm out.

- All right, great.

- My deal, right?
- Yes.

- Something going on,

- This is Oz, Bob.

There's always something
going on.


- What's that?

- Number of days till
my next parole hearing.

- Two matches.

Beecher, I bet two.

Are you in or out?

- I am in.

- Oh, good, ah...

sit down, gentlemen,
sit down.

Sit down.

I spoke to the three of you

to explain what I hope
we can accomplish here.

I know there's a lot
of skepticism on your part,

and so I appreciate
your giving this a try.

- We must always
choose life over death.

- Hey, you're the one who
shanked me in the back, pal.

- Kareem, Vern, please,
you know the rules.

Each of you will get
a chance to speak.

First, I want to hear
from Tobias.

- [sighs]


I do feel a certain sense
of responsibility

about what happened that day
in the library.

You were happy that my parole
got turned down,

and given all the shit
that's gone on between us,

I can understand that.

And you saw him and Robson
in my face threatening me,

and you wanted to help,
and I can appreciate that too.


you were both
justified, mostly,

in the way you behaved.

- Question.
- Go ahead.

- Beecher, would I have been
justified shanking Said?

- I wouldn't have
been taunting him.

- Kareem.

- Do you mean if
the circumstances were reversed

and Said was threatening me?

- Uh-huh.

- Yes, I think you'd be
justified in stabbing him.

- Horseshit.

- Here's why.

And you're gonna want
to have Sister Pete

send me to the state asylum
when you hear this one.

You two are
exactly alike.

- What?
- You are crazy.

- Listen to him.

- You are both
powerful men.

Not only natural-born leaders,

but each of you has
a vision of the world,

and even though those visions
are in direct opposition,

they do share some things
in common.

- Like what?

- You both believe
in your people,

in the rights of your people

and the God-given gifts
owed to your people.

You both believe that
your people deserve a full life,

happiness, security...


I don't know, I guess
that's all I have to say.

- That's good,

that's enough for today.

I think we should think
about what Tobias said

and come back tomorrow.


[door opens]

- Rapists, pedophiles,
male hustlers.

We got all kinds
of men in Oz.

Men who've turned sex
into a crime.

And for that, they belong

in the deepest recesses
of our hell.

But as we also know,
sex is not necessarily love.

And there are times
when love itself

will get you incarcerated,
like Oscar Wilde...

who loved,

and lost two years of his life

sitting in Reading Gaol.

Two lips,

maybe a little tongue
pressed against two other lips.

A simple kiss...

can be more lethal
than a g*n.

[passing car horn honking]

- Addiction is Satan's tool,

his evil system
to keep our people down.

He supplies the dr*gs
to our men and women,

and then arrests them
for using.

He locks our sons
and daughters in his prisons

and then walks away,

a smile across
his white face.

- Uh, Mrs. Arif,
I hate to...

some of the other passengers
on board have asked me

to ask you if you could
keep your voice down.

- [scoffs] Why?

Because they don't want
to hear the truth?

The drug policy
in this country

is excessive, oppressive,
and r*cist!

- Well, be that as it may--

- Instead of locking
young black men behind bars,

we ought to implement
substance abuse treatment,

which is less expensive
and more productive.

- Well, I agree, but now's
not the time--

- When is the time?

Did you know that the number
of inmates in American prisons

has more than tripled
in the last 20 years?

- Yes.

- Did you know that
if the inmate population

continues to grow exponentially,
by the year 2053,

the United States will have
more people in prison than out?

So I ask you, Father.

How long do we wait to
change the way things are?

[baby crying]

- Her baby's trying to sleep.

[crying continues]

- Your husband's a drug addict?

- He was,
until he found Allah.

- My son, Augustus,
he was too.

- 70% of those arrested

test positive
for substance abuse.

- Ms. Arif--
- Sonsyrea.

- Sonsyrea,

your head's all crammed
with facts and figures.

But a cold, hard fact

is never as good
as the simple truth.

Your husband...

did he hurt you and your
children while he was addicted?

- Yeah, he became a thief.

- And now?

- He struggled and he struggled
and he fought his cravings.

With the help of Allah,
he is clean.

- And your children?

- They miss their father,
but they are blossoming.

- Then, girl, that's the story
you ought to be telling.

That's the stuff
people need to hear.

- You're in a good mood today.

- Yeah, man, my wife's
coming to see me.

- All right, is she bringing
your children?

- No, Sonsyrea and I need
some time, just the two of us.

That man is an animal.

- [shouting]

- He m*rder*d Patrick Keenan
with such brutality,

every time I see him I wonder
how he lives with himself.

- How you doing,

Eat up, Arif, move it.

Hey, take over here
for a second, okay?

- Where the f*ck
is you going, man?

- [snaps fingers]

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

- Hey, O'Reily, relax,
I haven't seen your brother

since he checked out
of protective custody.

We just catching up,
man, come on.

- I don't want you
anywhere near him.

- But, Ryan, I like Henry.

- I told you,
this guy's a scumbag.

- It takes one
to know one.

- You on some kind of
a kamikaze mission there,

Stanton, huh?

If I see you talking
to Cyril again,

you're going down
in flames.

[bell ringing]

- Later.

- What'd you say to him?

- Nothing.

Nothing. Jeez.

- Hey, you mick fucks.

We're working over here.
You want to join us?

- You know, I agonized
and agonized over telling you

I saw Ryan O'Reily
m*rder Patrick Keenan.

But finally, minister Said
convinced me to step forward,

and yet O'Reily's
never been charged.

- That's because I haven't
been able to gather

any concrete evidence
against him.

At this point, all I have
is your testimony,

and you won't even
speak publicly.

Or have you
changed your mind?

- If I do, O'Reily
will have me k*lled.

- Well, don't expect miracles.

- You know, I've been going over
and over that moment in my mind,

trying to remember
every detail.

And this might not be
important, I don't know,

but I think I saw O'Reily

pull a shamrock
off of Keenan's neck.

- A shamrock?

- Yeah, a gold shamrock
on a chain.

- I see.

- Don't let this slide, Warden.

Justice must be done.

O'Reily must be punished.

- Uh-uh, stay back.

- But I've got a pain.

- [sighs] Where?

- In my heart.

I'm heartsick
'cause you keep ignoring me.

- I'm busy, Ryan.

- I just wanted to know,
did the medical board--

did they rule on your case
for malpractice?

- Yes.

They reprimanded me,
fined me,

but I'm still a doctor.

- Well, that's--
that's great, right?

- Gloria?

May I see you?

- Sure.

- Let's walk.

Whoever k*lled Patrick Keenan
took a gold chain

from around his neck,
a shamrock.

At one point, when we spoke,

you had a shamrock
in your hand.

- It was his.

- Where'd you get it?

- Arrived one day at my office
in an unmarked envelope.

- When I interviewed you
about the m*rder,

why didn't you tell me
you had evidence?

- Leo...

I was r*ped.

After a trauma like that,

you're not always
thinking clearly.

There are things that I've done
since that night

that make no sense.


Just when I think I've got
my feelings under control,

the slightest thing
sets me off.

- I know, and I'm sorry.

- Honestly, there's a part of me
that's happy Keenan's dead.

I just want to put his face
behind me.

- Of course.

Um, Gloria...


One last question,
and I promise,

I'll never bring it up again.

Where's the necklace?

- Here.

I threw the f*cking
thing away.

♪ ♪

- Oh, come on, Warden.

There's got to be a rule
about the number of times

you can keep on asking me
these same questions.

- Do you think I'm screwing
with your civil rights?

You want to
consult an attorney?

- I don't need an attorney,
'cause I didn't k*ll Keenan.

Look, man, check
the assignment records.

I wasn't near the gym all day.

- My informant
says different.

- Your informant's a liar.

- Why would he lie?

- Look, a lot of people
got issues with me.

A lot of people
had issues with Keenan.

That kid was a scrapper.
He was in fights all the time.

You go through the files,

you'll find a shitload
of suspects.

- I have.

You're still the nearest
and the dearest.

Take him out.

♪ ♪

- Glynn really wants to nail you
for Keenan's m*rder, huh?

- He's got some witness,
only I don't know who.

If I could only find out
this fucker's name,

then I could persuade him
to change his testimony or...

- k*ll him?

- Yeah, well, in any case,
I need to confuse the situation.

- Yeah, I know.

- This clipping.

It needs to find its way
into Henry Stanton's trunk,

buried beneath
his underwear.

- Meanwhile, what are you
gonna be doing?

- Encouraging an entirely
different eyewitness

to step forward.

- Whoa!
- Go, go! Go, Marty, go!

Go! Go!

- Come on!
- Yeah, baby!

- Out!

- What the f*ck are you
talking about?

I was right--
- You are out!

[overlapping shouting]

- Prisoner number 99M633,

Martin Montgomery,

convicted March 16, 1999,

two counts of as*ault
in the first degree.

Sentence, eight years,
up for parole...

in five.

- Hey, Marty, my boy.

How about another piece
of cake?

- Sure, thanks.

O'Reily, right?
- That's right.

- How come you're
offering me extra cake?

I've been here
almost three years.

You never even farted
in my direction.

- Well, you're right.
We're not friends.

Everybody knows
we're not friends,

which is why I can offer you

an exciting money-making

- Which is what?

- I want you to
go to the warden

and tell him
you saw Henry Stanton

m*rder Patrick Keenan.

- But I didn't.

- Marty, there's a lot more cake
where that came from.

- Stanton caught Keenan with
the barbell right about here.

Keenan went down.

Stanton ripped the necklace
from his throat.

- What happened next?

- I ran, I mean--

what, I'm gonna
stick around?

- All right.

Thanks for coming forward.

- Like I said, my conscience
couldn't take the strain

of keeping what I saw inside.

- I'll be damned.

nobody rats on anybody.

Now I got
two different witnesses

identifying two different
suspects for the same m*rder.

- Well, Montgomery had
a lot more details than Arif.

Specific details.

- Yeah, and according
to the records,

Stanton and Keenan
were constantly fighting.

But why would Arif lie?

- Ask him.

- No.

First I'm gonna have a word
with Henry Stanton.

- Me?

k*ll Patrick Keenan?

I wish.

- At least twice
in Unit B,

Keenan kicked the shit
out of you.

- That ain't true.
I got my licks in.

- Medical report...

says after the first fight,
you had two broken ribs.

The second one,
a broken wrist.

Keenan had
no injuries at all.

- Mine was a moral victory.

- That day in the gym,

you whacked him,
didn't you, Stanton?

- No.

I swear on my children, no.

- We found this in your cell.

- I've never even
seen this before.

- You're obsessed
with Dr. Nathan, aren't you?

- No.

I mean, she's got nice tits
and all,

but other than that,
I never even--

- Take him to the Hole.

- The Hole, why?

- Maybe a few days there
will jostle your membrane.

- f*ck you!

f*ck you!

[door closes]

f*ck you!

f*ck you, you motherfuck!

- Warden, how's
the investigation going?

- Fine.

- When are you
gonna charge O'Reily?

- Let me ask you
something, Arif.

Why are you so hell-bent
on Ryan O'Reily going down?

- As I said,
justice must be done.

- Mm-hmm, there's
no other reason?

No other agenda?
- No.

- As in payback for some wrong
done to you?

- No.

- I've been digging around.

During the riots,
you and O'Reily

almost came to blows.

- The riot?

That was five years ago.

- In my experience,
cons have long memories.

- You think I made
this story up?

- You know what?

At this point,
I don't know.

And I'm beginning to wonder
if I even care.

[gate buzzing]

- Ready for this?

Glynn suspended
the investigation

into the m*rder
of Patrick Keenan.

Too many suspects,
not enough clues.

- Perfect.

- Bet you could press it.

Bet you could get
Stanton convicted.

- Don't want to.

- Why?

- Look.

Henry Stanton gets
the death penalty

for Keenan's m*rder?

Gloria Nathan's not gonna let
an innocent man die.

She's gonna feel compelled
to tell the truth.

No, I win
by keeping the ball in play,

by keeping the facts murky.

Have that placed
in Marty Montgomery's cell.

- Montgomery?

Why Montgomery?
- Life insurance.

[bell ringing]

- Ryan, can I tell Henry
our secret?

That we fooled
the warden?

- No, Cyril,
for Chrissake,

don't say a f*cking word
to him!

- Stop yelling.

Why do you always yell?

Like Papa.

- f*ck off.

- Galileo Galilei
challenged the principle

that had been accepted
for over 1,000 years,

that the Earth was
the center of the universe,

that everything
revolved around us.

The mad monks in the Inquisition
imprisoned Galileo

and ordered him to repudiate
his theory, which he did.

How much worse of a punishment
is there than being forced

to publicly deny
your deepest beliefs,

to say that what
you know to be true...

Is a lie?

[baby cooing]

- I see that baby over there

and I can't help but think
about Augustus

when he was just born,

when he took his first step.


You know, you think back
and say, "If I had done this",

or, "If that hadn't happened",

his whole life
might have been different.

- Allah guides our every step.

- I know.

God is my rock,
but he can't stop

the thoughts
from flooding my head,

the memories from flowing.

Augustus' first suit,

his first day of school.


Oh, his wedding day!

He looked so happy.

He and Annabella both did.

The sun was
shining so bright,

I had to squint my eyes
as they drove away.

And now...

I feel like I lost him
that day,

in more ways than one.

His--his world got narrower,
you know?

With the dr*gs and all.

- Is he still using?

- Oh, no, thank God.

My boy's been clean
over three years.

I'm very proud of him
for that.

- Yes, indeed.

- And that's why I'm worried.

That's why today
is gonna be so hard.


I've got news
to tell him,

bad news,

news that I want him
to hear from me first,

because maybe if I can just
cushion the blow,

he--he won't go back
to the crack.

His wife, Annabella--

she's divorcing him.

- Oh, my.

- I tried talking
to the girl, but...

Her mind's made up.

She's got another fella, and...

she wants to be free.

And yet,

God help me, I...

I can't stop blaming her,

for the darkness
in Augustus' life.

She was with him...

The night he shot
the policeman,

the night his spine
got snapped.

[crying] She should've taken
better care of my son.


- Eugenia?

- [sobs, sniffles]

Oh, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

The tears are for Augustus,
my little emperor.

Locked in a cell
down in that wretched place.

Half his body dead.

And damn...

All I keep thinking of

is his first step.

- Yo, Burr, how come you
don't never get in line?

- 'Cause ain't nobody
sending me nothing.

- You see this?

m*therf*ckers want me
to donate money

to the United
n*gro College Fund.

They got to be kidding.

- f*ck.

It's a letter
from some lawyer.

My wife's divorcing me.

- Uh, is this a surprise?

- No, I guess not.

I mean--no, no.

I mean, she--

she been visiting me
less and less, you know.

When she does come, there's...

definitely a distance.

- Well, what
do you expect?

- You been cooped up here
in Oz for the last seven years.

That's a long time

for a young gal
to keep a candle lit.

- I know.

It's just that--

you know,
we loved each other.

The least Annabella
could've done

was come and said good-bye.

- It's tough luck,

Man, it's tough
f*cking luck.

- You'll survive, son.

You survived this sh*thole.

You'll survive a divorce.

- Maybe.

It's like, losing her, it's--

it's like giving up
my last piece of hope.

It's like admitting
to myself

that everything
I had out there is gone.

It's gone forever.

- You know, I never
told you this, but...

Dee and I was fixing
to divorce too.

- What?
- Just before she got sick.

Course, after she got sick,
I couldn't leave her then.

- But I thought you and Dee
was happy.

You always seemed so happy.

- That was the vodka.

Only woman I knew that could
drink more liquor than me.

That love in her eyes was
always a little bit blurry.

No, you and your moms

was the only real family
I ever knew.

- She's coming today.

- Eugenia.

- Maybe you and me
could visit Mom together.

- You know,
I'd like that.

I'd like to see Eugenia.

[clears throat]

She always had
the sweetest pair of eyes.

- [inhales sharply, exhales]

[choral music]

♪ ♪

- Okay, it looks like we're
gonna be at the main gate

of Oswald
in about five minutes.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [faintly]
Sonsyrea Arif,

Charles Balis,

Eugenia Hill...

♪ ♪

Sandy Laitman,

Annette Osorio,

Shirin Patel,

Joanie Ranzer,

Carrie Schillinger.

- What about my granddaughter?

Jewel Schillinger?

- She's at Benchley Memorial.

She's in stable condition.

♪ ♪

David Swanson...

♪ ♪

Pamela Turton...

♪ ♪

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lots of fine people
have sat,

staring at the inside
of prison walls,

Socrates, Gandhi,
Joan of Arc,

even our Lord,
Jesus Christ.

He spent the last night
of his life

not with holy men,
but with scum,

like the kind
we got in Oz.

One of the last things
Jesus did on Earth

was invite a prisoner
to join him in heaven.

He loved that criminal.

I say he loved that criminal
as much as he loved anyone.

Jesus knew in his heart,

it takes a lot
to love a sinner.

But the sinner...

he needs it all the more.

[tense jazzy music]

♪ ♪

[bright tone]