01x15 - Christmas at Plum Creek

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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01x15 - Christmas at Plum Creek

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I gallop him?

Laura: No. You be
careful, Nellie oleson.

I don't want him
to get all winded.

Charles: Laura, come on.
Time to go.

That's enough.
Pa's ready to go.

Just one more time.

Laura: No.
Now, get off.

You ought to get
a saddle for him.

I don't need one.

If he was mine, I'd
get him a saddle.

Well, he isn't yours.

I wish he was. Would
you lend him to me?


Why not?

I'd let you play
with my China doll.

Lend him to me
for a week,

and I'll let
you play

with my China
doll all that time.


I'll buy him
from you.

He's not for sale.

You'd buy him for
me, wouldn't you?

The pony,

if I told you how
much I wanted him?

I don't know.
Now, I, uh...


I promise I won't
ask for another

single, solitary
thing for Christmas

if you buy me bunny.

Well, Laura, will you
take $5.00 for him?

He's not for sale.

Nellie: You can't say that.
Only your pa can say that.

He's for sale,
isn't he, Mr. Ingalls?

Well, I'm afraid not,
Nellie. That's Laura's pony.

If she doesn't want
to sell him,

she doesn't
have to sell him.

You don't even
have a saddle.

I hate that
Nellie oleson.

Laura, don't say "hate."
And don't even think hate.

Now, you may be angry,
but try to understand.

I'm sure Nellie must have
some fine qualities in her.

Your mother's right.

On the way home, we'll
try to think of one.

Ha ha!

Ooh! Ooh! Again!



It's a good thing we ran
into Nellie oleson today

or we might have forgotten
about Christmas altogether.

Laura: Not me.

Nor me either.

Not me either!

Oh. But what if we
did forget?

You think Santa claus
would come all the way down

from the north pole
for Christmas anyway?

What's Christmas?

"What's Christmas?"

Well, that's
a very good question.

Here. Let's see
if I can show you.


Now, you see
that star up there?

The real big one?

Well, a long, long time ago,

a star like that
appeared in the sky.

Except it was much, much
bigger and much brighter.

Now, lots
of people saw it,

but only a few people
knew what it meant:

Some Shepherds,
3 kings, 3 wise men.

And they followed that star
a long, long way.

They finally
came to a manger.

And you know
what they found?

A baby.

Baby Jesus.

And he was god's son.

And god gave him
to the world

because he loved us.

So, Christmas is
the baby Jesus' birthday.

Caroline: And now,
young lady,

it's time
for dream land.

Give me my kiss.

Mmm... good night,

This is our
first Christmas here.

I know that.

And we have to get
something special

for ma and pa.

I don't even
know what they want.

Do you?

Tomorrow I'm gonna
find out what ma wants.

What are you doing?


How much
do you have?

I'm not gonna tell.

Then I won't.

I don't have much.

Neither do I.

It's cold tonight.

Mmm, that it is.

Do you mind getting
some more wood?

I'll get some right now.

Ma, what can I get
pa for Christmas?

I don't know what I'm
gonna give him myself.

I'm sure that he'll like

whatever you finally
give him.

It's got to be special.

This is our first
Christmas here.

Well, one thing
is certain.

We don't have money
to buy presents.

If it's going to be
special, we're going

to have to make it
that way ourselves.

You mean you don't
have any ideas at all?

I'm afraid not,

Your ma's not one
for asking for things.

I've been scrounging
around in my head,

trying to come up
with something.

I just keep coming up

But I want to give
her something.

I know you do. So do I.

How did you learn to
make a fish trap, pa?

Hmm, just kind of
picked it up.

Having to do it for
yourself is the best

teacher there is.

Come on. Don't fret.

We'll think of
something for ma.

Oh! It's getting cold!

Caroline: Laura,
don't touch it.

Charles: Oh...

Lookit here, Carrie.

Oh, I'll be
right with you

in just
a minute, Mrs. Ingalls.

It's all right.
There's no hurry.

Two dozen today,
all candled.


Heh. Pardon me.

My lands.
Prices are going up.

Well, of course,
Mr. Ingalls.

It is
the Christmas season.

I almost forgot.

Now, uh, how many
did you say?

Two dozen, I said.

All right.
I'll mark it down.

Has the price
of eggs gone up?

Well, of course not.

Now we know what

Charles dickens
had in mind

when he wrote about
ebenezer scrooge.


Mr. Oleson:
Be right with you, Ingalls.

Take your time.

I know what ma
wants for Christmas,

but I don't know
how to get it for her.

I know what
pa needs.


I'm not gonna tell.

Well, I'm not
gonna tell you

what ma wants, either.

Well, what did you have
in mind for today, Ingalls?

I need a measure
of gunpowder,

3 bars of lead.


My missis has got
a list, too.

You'll have to check
with her.

Say, you wouldn't happen
to know where I could

put my hands on a set of
buckboard wheels, would you?

I have a customer
who needs a set,

and there ain't a wheelwright
in the whole county.

Would he settle
for used?

Well, how used?

Pretty bad right now,
but I could fix them up.

I know where there's
a wrecked wagon.

You ain't
no wheelwright.

Well, I don't know
if I am or I'm not.

I never tried. How much
you willing to pay?

Well, I'll go
$6.00 for the lot.

No. Mm-mm.

For used wheels
out of a wreck?

No. $9.00 for wheels
in real good shape.



before Christmas?

Before Christmas,
and you don't

have to buy them if
you don't like them.



Good enough.

Charles: Whoa!

What on earth...

I got a little
repair work to do.

What for? What is this?

Now, Caroline, you
know that Christmas

is not a time
to ask questions.

Mary: You go home.

I've got something
important to do.

Where are you going?

It's a secret.

It's all right.
Ma said I could.

Said you could what?

That's for me to know
and you to find out.

You're mighty solemn
for a Monday afternoon.

Pa, do you know
where I can make

a lot of money?

I'm afraid not,

That's a riddle

I haven't solved
for myself yet.

Wouldn't know where
to start

for a pretty
young girl like you.

Ah, ah. Don't...
Don't touch that.

What is it?

Well, it's just something.
That's what it is.

Christmas is not a time
for prying and poking around,

nor for asking questions.

It sure is a time
for secrets.

Oh, that it is.

Now, why don't you scoot?

Guess what!

You swallowed
a mouse?

No, she
swallowed a pig.

Ma, I'm serious.
I bet you can't guess.

You're right, dear.
I can't. What is it?

Mary: I went
to Mrs. Whipple's, ma,

and showed her how
I could sew a seam

and do French knots,
chain stitches,

running stitches,
cross stitches...

Hi, everybody.

Well, that's
quite a welcome.

Oh, pa, the most
wonderful thing

has happened.

You've just
got to say yes.

You've just got to
give me permission.

Well, maybe I will give
you permission

if you tell me
what it's all about.

I went to Mrs. Whipple's.
You know, the seamstress.


Ma said I could stay
in town after school.

And I sewed her
how I could show.

I showed her how I
could sew. And she said

I could stay every
afternoon after school

and all day Saturdays

and help her with
her sewing if I had

your permission,
and please,

can I have your
permission, please?

What do you
think, Charles?

Well, I don't know.
What about your homework?

I can get it
done at night, pa.

Oh, please.

And your chores?

I thought maybe Laura
could do mine and hers.

Would you, Laura?
I'll pay you back.

I'll do yours
for you after Christmas

for 3 whole weeks.

And that's 4 days more
than you'd be doing mine.

Well, I guess so.


Why not?

Oh, pa!

What's she
paying you?

Mary: Nothing.

Laura: Well, you got
to get something.

You're not doing all
that work for nothing?



I'm not gonna tell.

All right, now, come on.

That's enough questions,

This is not the time
of year for questions.

Go on upstairs
and get ready for supper.

Yes, pa.

What, are you taking
eggs into town again?


Seems like a lot
more than usual.

Don't worry.
There are plenty for us.

Charles, you just
got through saying

Christmas is not
the time to ask questions.

Come in, whoever it is.

We thought we
should knock first.

It was
a good idea.

We just came
to say good night.

Oh, is it that
late already?


Have a good dream.

Girls: Good night, pa.

Good night.

Good night,

Bet I'm asleep
before you are.

It's not fair.

What's not fair,

Everybody knows what
to do about Christmas

except me.

Aw, don't you worry.

You're gonna come up
with some ideas.

I'll bet they'll be
darned good ones, too.

Right now, I want you
to get some sleep.

Good night.

Good night, pa.

Hello, bunny.




Can I ride bunny
to town today

instead of
riding in the wagon?

Ma said
I should ask you.

Well, let me see. Is it
because you feel like riding,

or 'cause you feel like
making Nellie jealous?

A little of both,
I guess.

I suppose you're not breaking
any commandment. Go on.

Thanks, pa.

Hi, bunny. Come on.

Hey! Leave me alone.

Charles: Here we go.

Is it all right if I
work extra late today?

Mrs. Whipple said
she could use me.

Of course.
Just remember

to come
home before dark.

Come on,
Laura. Hurry.

I'm ready.

Appears to me
everybody's got

something pretty
important in mind today.

I wonder if it could
have anything to do

with Christmas.

Oh, of course not.

Charles: Whoa!

Mary: Bye.

Both: Bye, Mary.

Now, I want
two minutes alone

with Mr. Oleson, and
don't ask me why.

All right.

I want
two minutes, too.

Looks like we'll
have to wait, huh?

Daddy, I have to go
to the outhouse.

Oh, well, let's go.
We got time. Ha ha ha!


Oh, Mary.
Come on in, dear.

Whew! It's cold
outside, isn't it?

It is.

My, what a pretty

Thank you.

There are fresh
doughnuts waiting

on the table
for you.

Thank you.

Oh, dear, I reset
the sleeve last night,

because, well, it just
wasn't hanging proper.

Thank you, ma'am.

Dear, I'll go
fetch some milk.

Do you think
we'll finish in time?

Mrs. Whipple: Time
for that and two more,

if only my ladies
would allow me to work.

You know, it's just
talk, talk, talk,

talk, talk, talk, talk

every time
they come here.

You'd think they'd
run out of words.

Mary, now, you
set yourself here

at Mrs. Penny's skirt,

yes, ma'am.

And I'll finish
basting this

so that you can take over.

But first, here...

Have your milk
and your doughnuts.

Can't get work out
of a starving girl.

Mr. Oleson: Well, that's
ample, Mrs. Ingalls.

Enough here for
patch pockets, too.

Fine, then
wrap it up, please.

And you won't say
anything to my husband.

Not a word.

Thank you.

Ma's been in there
more than two minutes.

Well, just be patient.
You'll get your turn.

Here we are.

Mr. Oleson: Mrs. Ingalls.
Forgot your basket.

Mr. Oleson, can I talk
to you about something?

Oh, Ingalls, say,
by the way,

how are you getting on
with those wheels of mine?

Oh, coming along fine.

Do you think you'll have
them before Christmas?

I guarantee it.

Your customer's getting
a good bargain, too.

Steel hubs and rims
and hickory spokes.

Say, my customer
wants them painted.

He says yellow

with a band of black
around the rims.

You throw in the paint,
I won't charge you extra.

Well, come on inside.

We'll see what I've got
in stock, all right?

Laura: Mr... Mr. Oleson,

can I talk to you about
something, please?

Reckon a quart
will be enough?

Charles: I think more like
a quart and a pint.

And, let's see, I'll
need a pint of the black.

That should do it.

There's yellow...
And a pint of black.

All right.

If I don't have to open up
that other pint of yellow,

I'll bring it back.

Mr. Oleson: All right. Fine.

I'd like two minutes alone
with Mr. Oleson, please.

And don't ask any questions.

Charles: Well,
I wouldn't dream

of asking

any questions.
See you outside.

Now, this
has to be a secret.

Well, now, uh...

Don't tell anybody.

Well, suppose you
tell me what it is

first, young lady.

Got to whisper it.


Now, don't tell anybody.

Oh, I won't.

♪ Jingle bells
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun
it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse
open sleigh ♪

♪ Jingle bells
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun
it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse
open sleigh ♪

Caroline: Door!

Charles: Who is it?

It's me. Can I come in?

Just a minute.

All right.
You can come on in.

Hey, close the door.

Ma, could you help me
dye these with onion skins,

the way you do it?

I found the onion skins
you were saving.

I see you did.

But you got to promise
not to tell anyone.

Not anyone. You promise?

It's a secret?


I promise. Now,
the first thing

we'll need is a big
pot of water.

I know.

Oh, and, ma,
can I have these?

I found them in
your box of scraps.

More secrets?

More secrets.

Yes, you may.

Thank you.


Where did you
find that?

My box.

Well, my goodness,
Carrie. You're rich.

Caroline: Oh, Charles,
they're beautiful.

I think they're pretty nice,
if I do say so myself.

Thought I was
finished with them,

but I've got this
one spoke

that didn't quite set right.

Now, see, it still doesn't.
Still a little too tight.

You've been
working so hard.

Well, I haven't seen
any dust settling on you,

for that matter.

Ha ha! I suppose we
have been overdoing it.

Tell you one thing.

As soon as I get these
wheels over to oleson's,

I'm gonna take a nap.
And a 48-hour nap.

That's tight,
but I think It'll make it.

Why don't you go in the house
and get some sleep,

because I think I'm going
to be a little while.

Good night.

You finished?

All done.

Mmm. I made some
coffee earlier.

I'll get you some.

Sounds good.

I'm sure Mr. Oleson
will be pleased

as can be with your work.

You know, a wheelwright
couldn't have done better.

Oh, I'm constantly
amazed, the way you can

learn to do things
that you've never even...

Tried before.

Come on, Mary.
Hurry up.

Caroline: Shhh.

Now, no noise

until you're well
away from the house.

Your pa needs
his sleep.

Now, Laura,
you and Carrie...

As soon as you
finish doing

what you have to do,

come straight
home, understand?

Yes, ma.

Mary, I suppose you'll
be all day again?


All right.
Home before dark.

Think he should have
something warmer

for the winter days?

Oh, well, the flannel
would be perfect for that.

Oh, that's...

If you're talking about
a winter shirt, that's...

Now, that would be
very nice...

Oh, excuse me
just a minute.

Oh, my goodness! Where did
all that money come from?

Carrie: Me.

Mr. Oleson: And you
want to buy something

with this, no doubt.

Carrie: Star.

Oh, the star.
All right.

Fine. We'll
get it for you.

Uh, you don't
mind, ma'am?

No. Go
right ahead.

Oh, Carrie. You don't
have enough money.

That star
costs 5 cents.

Well, this tag
happens to be wrong.

It should read
one penny.

And one penny

is what I'm going
to take for it.

There you are.

Laura: Could you wrap
it, please, Mr. Oleson?

Well, sure.
Here we are.

Uh, do you want me
to wrap that

while I'm at it?

No. I think I'll
just wait

till I go into mankato.

They have
a better selection.

Laura: Here we go.
Another mountain.

Up, down.
Going up and down.


Well, kept my promise.

Oh, say, you've done
a fine job,

there, Ingalls.

I think so myself.

Fine as you can find
in any catalog.


I used all your paint.

That's all right.
That's all right.

Want me to give you a hand
putting them in your shed?

No, no. Let's just leave
it out here for now.

Come on inside. I'll
give you your money.

All right.

That was $8.00,
wasn't it?

That's right.
But I don't want the money.


Uh-uh. No,
I want the stove.

It's marked $7.87.
You owe me $8.00.

I'll take 13 cents worth
of candy to make it even.

Uh, 8 cents
worth of licorice,

5 cents worth
of candy canes.

Good deal for you.

You make a profit
on the stove.

Well, yes, it's a good
deal, all right,

but the only
thing is, uh...

You can't have that stove.

Why not?

Well, somebody else
has already bought it.

I'm just holding
it for them.

Well, what
about the storeroom.

You have another one?

No, that's the only one.
Not much call for stoves.

Most folks around here
have already got one.

You're just gonna
have to order me one.

How long will it take?

10 to 12 weeks.


Why don't you settle
for something else?

Why, you could have that
nice China lamp there.

I'll throw in
the kerosene for it.


What about
a knickknack shelf?

That's solid walnut,

With a little
dresden figurine on it,

it would set off
your house real well.

No, sir. My mind's
made up. I want the stove.

You're just gonna
have to order it for me.

Let me see your catalog.

Right there.

I'll take
the candy anyway.

Hey, what
about a clock?

I've got one here
that runs

for 8 hours here.
A little bird comes

out 4 times an hour,
every quarter-hour.

No, I don't need
a clock. I need a stove.

Is this the stove
right here?

Uh, yeah,
that's the one.

Mind if I
take the page?

Well, go ahead.


Now, if you could just give
me a Christmas envelope,

I'd have something
to put on the tree

on Christmas day, huh?

How's that?

Yeah. That's fine.

Well... sure wish

you'd change your
mind about that clock.

It's hand-carved
and all.

Imported from

I want the stove.

My wife's really
gonna be surprised.

I'm sure
she will be.

Good night.

Good night.

Oh, dear. I don't know

how I'm gonna manage
with this oven.

You get a Turkey, pa?

Laura: Oh, pa!
A Turkey!

Man: Ingalls!

Charles: Oleson.

Got a delivery
here for you.

Hold this.

What on earth?

I'll give you a hand getting
it in. It's quite heavy.

Charles: Hey, hey!

It's not full of chicken
feathers, that's for sure.

I can't imagine
what it could...

It's addressed
to you, Mrs. Ingalls.

Says not to be
opened till Christmas.

Whew! Well, I guess
I'd better be getting on,

because I've got other
deliveries to make, too.

I'll see
you out.

Merry Christmas,

Merry Christmas
to you, Mr. Oleson.

Good night.

Good night.

Charles: Oleson?

I want to thank you
for bringing it out.

I don't know how you
managed it, but...

Look, Ingalls,
merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas
to you.

Merry Christmas,




Charles, what is it?

What's what?

In the other room,
there's a big box.

What is inside of it?

Caroline, you're worse
than the girls.

I'm not gonna tell
you what's in that box.

You're just gonna have
to wait

till the morning.

But, Charles,
I can't sleep.

Well, you're gonna
have to sleep.

You'll find out
soon enough.

I'm putting another log
on the fire.


What are you doing
out of bed so late?

Something wrong?

Well, what is it?

Santa claus comes
down the chimney.

That's right.
He comes down the chimney.

But if he comes
down the chimney,

he'll get all burned up.

Is that what you're
worried about?

Well, I'll tell you.

Santa claus is
kind of like magic.

See, he can just pop
down that chimney

and pop right
back up again

and never even
touch the fire.

But he won't pop down
that chimney at all

if everybody isn't
asleep in their bed.

Think we ought to
get in our beds?



From Santa claus.
What did you get?

Oh, a gingerbread man.

Half-pint, this is
my favorite color,

and it's warm
as toast. Thank you.

Oh, let's see what
Mary's got here, huh?

Oh, ma... Pa.
It's just beautiful.

Thank you.

Oh, you're

Thank you.

Merry Christmas,

Oh, look what
Carrie's got.

A necklace.
Now, that is very pretty.

Laura: Say thank you.

Carrie: Thank you.

Let me help you,

Thank you.

How's it fit?

Oh, that
looks pretty.

Very grown-up,
too, I must say.

It's pretty.

Thank you.

Here's your
present, pa.

You better like it,
because I made it.

Well, me
and Mrs. Whipple.

If you made it, I know
I'm gonna like it.

I'm just wondering
what's in here.

Oh, Mary, that...

That is beautiful.

Look at that,

Hope it fits.

Oh, it looks like
a perfect fit.

You did a beautiful
job, Mary.

Aw, thank you,

Well, I'm gonna be pretty
fancy going to church...

New shirt, new scarf.
I think there

might be something under
that tree for half-pint.

Let's take a look.

This looks like
a half-pint present.

Pretty big for
a half-pint size present.

I knew how much
you wanted one.

I had a hard time keeping
it hidden from you, too.

That's why I didn't want
you sneaking in the barn.

Looks like somebody
really likes her present.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, pa.

Well, I don't know about
the rest of you,

but I'd like to find out

who gave me what
in that big box.

Charles: Well, there's
only one way to find out.

Let's open it.

Charles: Hammer's
on the mantel.

You need some help?

I can do it.

Oh, it's the stove!

I wonder
who gave that to you.


Let me see.

Oh, oh.
Careful there.

Hello, Nellie.

Merry Christmas,

Same to you, oleson.

Mr. Oleson:
Merry Christmas,


Well, Mrs. Ingalls,
how do you like it?

Oh, I...

You should be very proud
of your little girl.

She's quite
a sharp trader.

Of course, she had
me over a barrel,

knowing how much
Nellie wanted

that pony. Ha!

Laura: Come on, Nellie.
Let's get bunny.

I'm sorry, Ingalls,

that I had to spoil
your surprise,

but there's nothing
I could say.

I understand.

Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas
to you.

Charles, her pony,
we can't...

she had the right.

But she loves bunny so.

I think she
loves you more.

Oh, I can't...

she wants to do this.

She loves you.
Don't spoil it for her.


I'll be good to him.
I promise.

You better be.

Come on.

Mr. Oleson:
Thank you, Laura.

Now, steady, bunny.
That's a girl.

There you go. You got
a new home. Yes, sir.

Steady, bunny.

Oh, Laura...

Oh... l just love
my stove.

Don't cry.

Someday we'll
have another pony.

It's not the pony.

I'm sorry about
all the hard work you

had to do
on the saddle, pa.

Oh, saddle.

Papa, open mine.

Open mine, papa.

Carrie, we almost
forgot about you.

Well, that's quite
a present.

Who's it for?

Baby Jesus.


Well, let's see.

That is very pretty.

Want to put it
on the tree?

Come on.
Up we go.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Happy birthday,
baby Jesus.
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