01x14 - Gender Bender

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x14 - Gender Bender

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, my... God!

That was... That was incredible!

I mean it.

You don't believe me.

Can you hear me?

Hey, I don't even know your name.


Man calls his wife to say good night, goes out, meets a Chippy, brings her here for sex.

Beyond that, nothing makes a lot of sense. How's that?

Security monitor records the victim entering the room with a woman at 10.13.

Same monitor records a male leaving after midnight.

Couldn't she have changed clothes?

Male is definitely a different person. Short hair and at least 30lbs heavier.

The video never recorded his entry, nor the chippy ever leaving.

30 floors up. No other means of egress.

Did the doctor establish a cause of death? Guy blew an artery.

Must have been some roll in the hay!

Hard to imagine, this day and age, someone having sex with a stranger.

Any sign of robbery?

The male exited wearing the victim's suit, carrying a suitcase. Wallet's gone.

I don't know why we got this call in the first place.

Really? Somebody at the Bureau put out a request for any case involving this COD.

I assumed it was... Thanks for the call.

Five deaths. Four in the last six weeks between here and Boston.

In each case the victim dies in the throes of passion.

Two women and three men, including the last one.

All young, healthy adults. With symptoms of massive coronary arrest.

Is there a new drug on the streets? The oldest drug. Not even illegal.

Each body showed the presence of huge amounts of pheromones.

The chemicals animals secrete? You mean sexual attractants?

Radar love, only 100 times stronger than found in nature.

Strong enough to produce anaphylactic shock or a coronary.

So you think somebody's synthesising them?

It's been done, but not in such concentrations.

And hold on to your hat, Scully, cos you're gonna love this.

The pheromones we're talking about contain human DNA.

There's still a question as to whether humans can produce pheromones,...

..so how can that be?

I don't know, but if it's true this guy's a walking aphrodisiac.

He's the ultimate sex magnet.

He or she?

You've got victims of both sexes. Both a man and a woman on the hotel security monitor.

I know. That is a puzzle. So what is our profile of the k*ller?

Indeterminate height, weight and sex. Unarmed, but extremely attractive.

It gets weirder.

As I said, four deaths have matched this MO in the last six weeks.

In Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, and here in Washington.

The k*ller's moving south.

There was a death I made a note of a year ago with the same symptoms.

A 32-year-old UMW labour organiser was found dead outside the town of Steveston,...

..in the woods of Massachusetts.

Home to a sect of religious isolationists called the Kindred.

Right. They live up there without electricity, phones. A lot like the Amish.

The Kindred are known for their handmade pottery. They mine the clay in the local hills.

What's so weird about that?

The white clay in those hills is particular to that region.

It's also the same substance I scraped out of the scratches on the latest victim's side.

Wait a minute. Aren't these people famous for their abstinence and pure Christian ways?

Yes, but it looks as if one of them may have forgotten to clean under his fingernails.


Ma'am. This is Agent Scully. I'm Agent Mulder.

We're investigating a possible m*rder. Well, there aren't many killings around here.

What can you tell me about the Kindred?

They keep pretty much to themselves, huh?

Yeah, some folks say it's cos they do ceremonies up there. Voodoo or something.

I've got nothing against them. They bring in tourists.

Did they let you take those pictures? Those are from the '30s.

And the missing ones? Having them reframed. They're under here.

Can I take a look at 'em? Sure.

How would I get up to see them? They don't like strangers up there much.

Road's in pretty rough shape.

There's Steveston.

That's them now. They usually shop at the feed store.

Whoa, boy.

Excuse me... Ladies?

I think I'm gonna go inside. Need anything from the feed store?


She must have problems on the asphalt.

Has she ever thrown a shoe?

What's her name?


That's sweet.

Did you name her?

We named her all together.

I'm not allowed to talk outside.

It's all right.

I'm Dana Scully.

I don't mean you any harm.

Brother Andrew.

What are you doing?

I was just talking.

You all right? Yeah, I think so.

You wanna sit down?

Interesting way of life.

Get any sense about 'em?

There's something up there, Mulder. Oh, I've been saying that for years.

Oh, for a four-wheel drive.

Looks like about a mile... walk.

After you.

Now, this...

That's west.

What does the map say?

That we should be there already.

Mulder, look.

We're FBI agents! Federal police!

I'm Agent Mulder. This is Agent Scully. We're here to investigate a m*rder.

I'm gonna have to ask you to remain at a distance, please, sir.

Your weapons are forbidden here. We can outlast you at this spot.

You're not leaving where we stand until your g*ns are handed to our council.

You will have them again as you leave.

We can't do that. Please!

I'm Sister Abbey. This is Brother Oakley.

We're all saddened by what has happened in your world, but it does not concern us.

Up here, no-one kills another... ever.

We just want a few questions answered.

Your weapons are unwelcome here, not you.

Come and pray with us, be one of us.

You'll see we harm no-one.

Please relinquish your weapons.


Now there is no reason to be afraid.

Come. Sit.

Let us pray as one.

We who are separate give thanks for our allotted time in this world.

We ask for strength that we may bring forth the bounty that God has provided.


We pray for the day of the coming - the moment of our release.


Let us eat.

Could we ask a few questions? We're looking for someone who may have come from here.

We have pictures. We do not allow pictures.

A crime has been committed.

We have certain questions we need answered, if you'll forgive us.

What are these pictures?

Hotel security videos of a man and a woman who may have committed a m*rder.

Where was this crime committed? In a hotel in Washington DC.

If we can arrange for you to look at the video tape, maybe you can identify the individual.

How much v*olence has this person caused in your world?

Five murders so far.

And may k*ll again, which is why we need your help.

Has anyone left recently?

Your world does not interest us! We have no need for your v*olence or your questions!

I've said what is needed.

They have no right to be here at this time.

Brother Wilton, stand.

Before we can accept any man's person, we must accept our own.

And I ask who can stand in your sight when once you are angry?

I am ashamed to lift up my face.

And I shall not be ashamed in this evil time.

Make atonements for this wrath, Brother Wilton.

That's all right, we didn't take any offence. Anger, as v*olence, is not tolerated.

He must be admonished.

He can't breathe. He does not need your help.

He's choking to death!

Remove Brother Aaron from the dining hall.

We did not invite you here to interfere.

We take care of our own.

Would you like to dance? Not right now.

Look, I'm really not interested. OK?

Just one dance.


One dance.

It's a mile to your car.

Stay on the path.

Thanks for your cooperation.

The Addams Family finds religion.

Take me back to the 20th century.

You believe all that back there? Believe all what?

All that "we take care of our own" business?

They better take care of their own or that man's a dead man.

I think it was all an elaborate act. What, the choking?

No, this simple life, living from abundance crap.

These people know something, Scully. You can see it in their eyes.

You think they know the m*rder*r? They didn't answer one question of ours.

That outburst at the table was on cue.

Somehow they got us to answer their questions.

Did you ask yourself why no children? That was odd.

Wanna know what's really odd?

You know those pictures we saw at the store in Steveston today? The ones from the '30s?

I swear I saw some of those same faces at the table tonight.

They've probably been intermarrying for years.


Maybe not everything is as black and white as it appears to be.

What are you doing? I'm gonna go back for a little look-see.

Maybe they went to the movies.

You hear that? Uh-huh.

What do you think?

I think I wanna see what's in that cellar.

Come with me. I can give you information.

I know who did it. The murders?

You've heard our prayers. You've seen how we live our beliefs.

I want you to find this k*ller.

I want you to find him for me.

He was my best friend.

What's his name? Brother Martin.

I called him Marty.

Marty was different.

What do you mean, "different"?

How does he k*ll?

We're not sure.

All of the victims died of cardiac arrest.

He poisons them, doesn't he? Maybe. How do you know that?

I need to show you something.

Something about Marty.

We found them out on Route 44. We were wandering.

Marty and I used to do that - explore the edges of our world.

Somebody must have left them for garbage.

They are garbage.

Why did you keep them? It was Martin who kept them.

Some of what I saw in the magazines, some of it was beautiful,...

..but most of it I didn't like. It was garish.

But Martin... Marty couldn't get enough.

He liked even the paper it was printed on. Slick.

Marty was captured by your world. He left us to become one of you.

Brother Wilton, the woman's returned.

Where is she? With Andrew in the main house.

What about the other one? He's missing.

You said Marty was different.


How? I mean, how did he k*ll his victims? I could be banished.

Does it have something to do with the ceremony tonight?

What are you doing?


Marty is different.

We're all different.




Get off of her!

I asked you not to interfere.

What the hell were you doing back there? I don't know.

You don't know?! No.

You all right?

I wasn't ignoring you. No.

Of course I saw you, I just... didn't recognise you. That's all.

Excuse me. I'm on a conversation.

How you feeling? Better.

A little embarrassed, actually.

Why? You don't remember any of it.

It's like I don't remember...

Why didn't you get out before he... He said he knew who the k*ller was.

How did you know he wasn't the k*ller?

I believed him.

So, what did you see down in the cellar?

Just Brother Whatshisname buried in a gopher hole in the wall.

Buried alive!

How do you know he was alive?

Because I was in there with him and his face was... different.

Even his hair was almost feminine. It was like he was going through a transformation.

Changing sexes? That would explain the hotel security video.

So you're saying these people...

I know what I saw, Scully. And I saw you about to do the "wild thing" with a stranger.

Think he was trying to k*ll me?

Maybe it's the sex that kills.

Well, if he was trying to k*ll me, why did they let us go?

I don't know.

All right, let's break it up.


Outta the car.

Sorry, Officer.

You, too.

You a pro? Pro?



On a scale of one to ten she was a "kind three",...

..but there was something about her.

Did she touch you or make physical contact in any other manner?

Her touch was...


..but after that I remember... only vaguely.

What do you remember? Nothing, actually.

Try to remember, Michel.

The policeman supports what you said,...

..but maybe there was something... unusual about this woman.

Something you'd feel uncomfortable telling the police on the record.

But this is off the record? Yes.

What did you see, Michel?

After she left the car and fought with the cop, I saw her in her clothes...

..and she looked like... she looked like a man!

She was a man?

The club scene used to be so simple.

It's off the record?

Scout's honour.

One can't rule out the possibility we're looking for a tr*nsv*stite.

I think Don Juan knows the difference between males and females.

I don't want us to ignore the obvious.

How else could you explain a woman overpowering a 200lb cop? She was a he.

Agent Mulder, Agent Scully, the credit card stolen from the last victim was just used...

..to order takeout in a hotel downtown eight blocks from here.

It was always forbidden,...

..but after the first time I couldn't help myself.

Touching a human man,...

..or a woman,...

..is as powerful for me as it was for you.

This is Agent Scully requesting police backup at 771 Catherine Street.

It's the Hotel Catherine.

Your world offers pleasures. Pleasures we don't know because we're different.

But you know that now.

The others will punish me for what I've done.

They'll find me...

..because the day is coming and they won't leave without me.



FBI! FBI! Clear! Stay down!

Dead body!



I'm OK.


Scully, down the stairs.

Federal agent. I'm armed!

Back away!


Step away!

Step away!

Please... don't hurt him.

No. Step away.

I'm armed.



The surrounding ten blocks have been secured for the past hour.

We set up roadblocks on all routes out to Steveston. So far nothing, no reports of them.

There's no way they could get through.

What if they did get through? There's only one place they'd hide.

They're gone.

We found something in the hayfield.

I don't understand. How can they disappear? They have no means of transportation.

No earthly means of transportation.

I made this!
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