01x12 - Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x12 - Fire

Post by bunniefuu »


Love you. And I love you.

Hello. Morning, sir.

Good morning.

Good morning, Cecil. Top o' the morning to yeh.

Oh, thank you.

Goodbye, darling! Goodbye, Charles!

What time can I expect you? Before supper.

Oh! I forgot what it was like to spend a day in court.

That's one of the luxuries to hunting down aliens and genetic mutants.

You rarely get to press charges.

It's open. What?

It's unlocked. That's weird.

I'm sure I locked it. Must be an X-File.

What's that?

I told you I locked the door.

What do you think it is?

Ten to one you can't dance to it.

Greetings, Agent Mulder.

Six months ago, British MP Reggie Ellicott received a cassette...

..like the one you're listening to now.

Unfortunately, when he popped the tape into the stereo...

..he armed a device which, when he tried to exit the car,...

..created an expl*si*n heard five miles away.

The Scotland Yard forensic team could only identify the poor bastard by dental records.

If only he hadn't reached for the handle and triggered the detonator!

But how was he to know he was sitting on enough plastic expl*sive...

..to lift the car 40 feet...

..and deposit the engine block on top of a three-story building?

Aren't we looking rather ghostly?

It's an old friend.

Aren't you going to thank me? For what?

Saving your life. One tends not to make the same mistake twice.

I'll try to remember that. You left your sense of humour...

..in Oxford ten years ago? It's one of the few things...

..you didn't drive a stake through.

You know, some mistakes are worth making twice.

Dana Scully, this is Phoebe Green, terror of Scotland Yard.

Hello. Hello.

She hates me.

What brings you to the colonies?

Some clever bloke has been giving the aristocracy a good scare.

k*lled off a ranking MP or three for good measure.

Set Windsor Castle ablaze in 1992.

Your car bomber? This one likes to burn his victims alive.

Can't figure out how he does it either.

Not a crumb of evidence at the crime scene.

The last one died in his front garden,...

..his poor wife watching helplessly as he went up in smoke.

The Irish Republican Army?

Our suspect likes to send love letters to his victims' wives.

Sent one to the wife of Sir Malcolm Marsden a month ago.

Three days later he narrowly escaped a fire in his garage, burned down.

So they're renting a place out on Cape Cod,...

..bringing the family for an extended holiday.

Or until we catch the dirty bugger. He's that determined?

Judging by his success, he takes a certain delight in his work.

So what brings you on this detour to Washington DC, Inspector?

I figured my friend Mulder...

..couldn't resist a three-pipe problem.

I'll run it by our arson specialist.


I'll call London, let them know.

Oh, goodbye.

Three-pipe problem?

From Sherlock Holmes. It's a private joke. How private?


We knew each other at school in England. She was brilliant and, uh...

I got in over my head and I... paid the price.

Mulder, you just keep unfolding like a flower.

It was over ten years ago, Scully.

Yeah. You couldn't drop everything fast enough to help her out.

I was merely extending her a professional courtesy.

Oh, is that what you were extending?

I am going to run this by the arson guys, then she's on her own.

Something tells me you're not going to get rid of her that easily.


Oh, just beautiful!

Look at that. Salmon-red flames.

This is 1400, 1500 degrees. This is a work of art.

Was there any kind of incendiary device used?

Yes, actually. The victim's body.

Spontaneous combustion? He was m*rder*d.

However, we've no evidence that tells us how he caught fire.

That's peculiar. People don't normally just catch on fire.

I mean, we burn, but we don't conduct all that well.

There's usually some extraneous fuel involved, like candle wax, gasoline,...

..something flammable and incendiary that adheres to skin.

Like an accelerant? Like an accelerant! Yes!

But we found no trace, save for magnesium at two sites.

That's alathactic pyrolysis, a residue from an exothermic reaction.

There's no evidence of the source. No pore pattern or ignition devices.

There have been some arson fires in Seattle lately, and Pennsylvania.

They burn so hot the firemen can't put them out. 7,000 degrees.

Hosing that down makes it worse. How's that?

Well, the, uh... reaction is so intense...

..that it splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Just adds fuel to the fire.

What were they using? We don't know for sure.

Could be rocket fuel. That burns so hot and clean there's never a trace left.

You see, it's very difficult to prove arson.

It's driving the insurance companies nuts.

That's about the only explanation that I can give you.

There are cases of pyrokinetics, people who can control and conduct fire.

Well, I've seen fire bend around corners.

I've seen it bounce like a rubber ball.

Fire's got a certain genius, you know,...

..a certain... demon poetry.

It's like it's got a mind of its own.

But I've never seen one that can defy the laws of physics. Not when you figure it out.


..got quite a case for yourself here, Mulder. I almost wish I could be in your shoes.

Hey, Jackson!

Boy, that's a nice house! What a pleasant surprise!

Welcome to America, Sir Malcolm.

In here, please.

And over there as well. But the second one I want upstairs.

Gentlemen, the second set of boxes will go directly up the stairs.

Hello there. Hello.

I'm Bob, the caretaker.

We've been exchanging letters. Oh, hello, Bob!

Excuse the paint. Hi.

Just trying to spruce the place up for you. Well, it's delightful.

The photos don't do it justice. Anything I can do for you,...

..anything at all, you just holler.

Thank you, Bob.

He seems like a rather nice fellow. Very.

My God, darling!

That painting rather looks like you.

Do you think?

Oh, I don't know.

Bloody little cur! I'll skin you alive!

You see? I'm the caretaker now.

So, Sherlock, is the game afoot?

Afraid so, Watson.

But you're off the hook on this one.

What do you mean?

I'm not going to put you through this.

Put me through what? Phoebe's little mind game.

What are you talking about?

There's something else I haven't told you about myself, Scully.

I hate fire. Hate it.

I'm scared to death of it.

When I was a kid, my best friend's house burned down.

I had to spend the night in the rubble, to keep away looters.

For years I had nightmares about being trapped in a burning building.

And Phoebe knows about this? This is classic Phoebe Green.

Mind-game player extraordinaire.

Ten years, and then she shows up with a case like this.

She shows up knowing the power she has over you and makes you walk through fire.

Phoebe is fire.

Are you sure you don't want me to help you out on this one?

Sooner or later, a man's gotta face his demons.

Hello. You're the Marsdens' driver?

Who's that?


The caretaker.

Oh. Yeah.

Bum a smoke? Yeah, sure.

I'm going into town. Can I get you anything?

Some cough medicine, if it's no problem.

Syrup or... uh... lozenges?

Syrup'd be good.

Can I give you some money?

I appreciate that!


They don't let you bring your own around here.

I guess they'll just have to make an exception... won't they?

You're English!

God, I just love that accent!

Allow me.

A gentleman, to boot.

Oh, my God!

Now, that is a trick!

Hey, guys! Take a look at this!

Care for a light?

I pulled this report off the wire.

A customer in a bar caught fire, but they're still looking for a body.

Any indication an accelerant was used?

The bar is across from a fire station. Burned down before they could respond.

It turned the concrete foundation into sponge cake.

This is a woman who was in the bar.

Hello. Hello.

Miss Gotchek? Yes.

I'm Special Agent Mulder from the FBI. This is Inspector Green.

Can you tell us what happened in the bar? There was this guy.

I'd had a few drinks, so...

He sat next to me and...

..he did this thing.

It was like a magic trick where he lit his finger on fire.

When I turned around he was up in flames.

Can you describe him? Good-looking, I think.

Brownish hair.

Long hair? Short hair? I've already told the police.

Could you work with an artist and come up with a sketch?

I had a few drinks. Can I get your name and address?


I live with someone.

He thinks I was at school last night. It's no problem.

You can come down to the field office and work with somebody.

I'll give you a minute to think about it, OK?

Deftly done, Agent Mulder.

Casually disregard her indiscretion.

Firm but polite until she co-operates.

A technique I refined in my relationship with you.

Oh. I see you haven't lost your sense of humour.

I'm sorry. That was a cheap shot.

I don't want to dredge up the past.

Let's just stick to the case. Let's.

Look, Phoebe... Unless I'm mistaken...

..ten years seems time to have forgiven if not forgotten...

..a few youthful indiscretions. I'm cursed with a photographic memory.

Then don't you tell me that you've forgotten...

..a certain youthful indiscretion...

..atop Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's tombstone...

..on a misty night in Windlesham.

Like I said, let's just stick to the case.

It occurred to me that we're going to a lot of trouble...

..to find the description of a man who was burnt to a crisp.

I would agree, but they haven't found a body yet.

So, can we count on you?

Yeah. OK.

I don't know if it matters...

He had an English accent.

Having a rough time, huh?

Maybe it's the cough syrup.

After reviewing the files of the Scotland Yard arson murders,...

..two points remain unexplained. One is the use of an untraceable accelerant.

The other involves the victims.

Since they all burned in the presence of family members in safe surroundings,...

..this indicates unusually intimate access to the victims by the arsonist.

The arsonist is most likely a male, less than 25 years of age.

He will often act out of impulse,...

..satisfying sexual urges or insecurities with destructive behaviour...

.. which compensates for social inadequacies or maladjustment.

You boys want to see a magic trick? OK.

What's your names? Michael. And Jimmie.

Doesn't he talk? Yes!

What kind of magic trick? Maybe I'd better not.

Show us! You might tell your mom and dad.

We won't tell. Really?

Promise? Promise.

Hope to die? Stick a needle in your eye?

OK, boys. You've taken the solemn oath of trust that can't be broken,...

..except... under penalty...

..of death.


Is it in there? No.

Ah! You're too smart for me!

Where did it go? Where did it go?

Where do you think, Jimmie? I don't know.


I think I remember.

Ah... ah... ah!


Do it again! You want me to do it again?

OK. I'll do it again.

Agent Beatty? I'm Special Agent Dana Scully.

Can I steal a minute of your time? Yeah, sure.

Come in. I'm just working on this Mafia torch job here.

I'm... working with Agent Mulder.

Oh, yeah. Wild case.

So, what can I do for you?

You said the arsonist might be using some kind of rocket fuel as an accelerant.

Just speculation. It doesn't explain how he sets bodies on fire.

What if he got some of this fuel into some...

..hand cream, or...

Well, you've got to understand that...

..even the smallest amounts of this stuff can produce temperatures over 5,000 degrees.

But I suppose it's not impossible.

Extremely diluted. He'd still have to find a way to ignite it.

Wow! It lit by itself!

Come on. Sit down.


You guys ever smoked a cigarette? No, they're bad for you.

Would you like a puff, Michael?

No. Make a man out of you.

I don't want to. Why don't you hold one for me?

How about you, Jimmie?

Huh? Little man?

Jimmie! Michael!



We've had a bit of bad news.

Our driver has taken ill and we're due at a party in Boston this evening.

Is there any chance that we can impose upon you to drive the family into town?

We'd be happy to pay you for your time and put you up for the night.

I'd be very happy to do it as a favour. Good. Thank you.

Boys, let's go. Daddy's got lunch all ready.

The arsonist is usually unmarried and prone to obsessive fantasies...

..about women or men inaccessible to him.

The setting of fires results from his cowardice...

..and inability to develop a natural relationship.

His crimes are often very clever and elaborately planned.

The suspicious nature of the fire last night strongly suggests...

..the arsonist has followed Lord Marsden to the United States.

A check of all recent immigration to the northeastern area is under way.

It has become not a matter of if...

..but when he will strike.

Here's that immigration data you wanted. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Remember those reports about people who can control and conduct fire?

Vaguely. This guy just told us he's far more exotic.

I should say so, if he can set himself on fire.

What? I'm not used to someone so quick to agree.

Oh. What protection does the family have?

The driver's a very capable bodyguard.

He should get more men and limit exposure.

There's a party in their honour tonight in Boston.

They'll have to cancel. Unless you want to set a trap.

I had thought of that,...

..but we must be careful and discreet.

The party's at eight, at the Venable Plaza. I'll travel with the family.

Why don't you go on ahead and have a look around?

Oh, and I've taken a room at the hotel for the night.


Thank you.

Mulder. It's Scully. Where are you?

I'm in Boston. I’ve got something to show you.

I'm going to come up there. What have you got?

I might have information on the identity of your arsonist.

Are you there, Mulder? Yeah.

Yeah. Can I meet you somewhere?

It's just that I'm kind of anticipating having my hands full.

Hey! We're here!

Phoebe. Thank you.

Evening, sir. Hello.

Enjoying yourself?

Good food, witty conversation... I'm having the time of my life.

I wondered if you think it's safe enough to indulge ourselves in a dance.

It doesn't look like your arsonist is going to make an appearance.

That doesn't mean there won't be any fires to put out.

I've thought about you often.

There's a fire upstairs!

What? On the 14th floor.

That's where the children are.

You've got a fire on the 14th floor!

Help us!

Here we go! We got one down!

Come on, buddy! Come on!

Can you walk? I got him.

Here we are. Jimmie! Michael!

You saved their lives!

Who is he? He's the driver.

Well done! Good job.

You were really out.

Where's Phoebe? She's down the hall.

What about the kids? OK. The doctor checked them out.

What happened to you up there?

I panicked. Couldn't move, Scully.

It could have happened to anyone.

Yeah. But it happened to me.

I haired out.

Plain and simple.

What do you know about this guy that saved the kids? The driver?

I checked him out prior to the Marsdens' arrival.

He's worked on the property for eight years. No record.

His references checked out. They were lucky he was here.

Who was watching the kids tonight? He was.

I could have sworn I saw him in the hall about the time the fire broke out.

You couldn't have. Anyway, our suspect is English.


I came to see if you were OK.

How are the kids? They're fine.

Everybody's anxious to get back.

To the Cape? Only to pack.

They're travelling back to England the day after tomorrow.

And you?

I'll be leaving in a few days.

I'll give you a ring back at the Bureau before I leave.

Good bye.

Are you OK?


Are you at all interested in what I came all the way up here to show you?


Well, I did some checking on my own.

I didn't know a whole lot about arson or arsonists, so I took the opportunity.

For my own edification, of course.

I ran a profile of possible incendiary fuels and accelerants...

..that could have been used in the crimes.

I also took the liberty of running a search through Interpol...

..of all the gardeners and domestic help that were hired by the m*rder victims.

And? And...

These people probably don't even tie their own shoes.

There were over 200 names,...

..and not a duplicate... except one.

A Cecil Lively.

He worked as a gardener for two of the victims.

What did you find on him? Nothing.

So he's clean? Apparently,...

..he was questioned by Scotland Yard and they released him.

But I dug a little further.

Cecil Lively is a documented citizen of Great Britain.

Paid his taxes, never been on the dole... A model citizen.

Until he died in 1971 in a London tenement fire.

I know. That's what I thought.

So, I checked a little further.

Cecil L'Ively, spelled L apostrophe, came up again. In fact, it came up twice.

On a list of death certificates, among children who died in ritual sacrifice...

..by a satanic cult in 1963 in the Tautingham Woods outside Bath, England.

Where else did you find it? You're gonna love this.

On a list of recent visas issued by the British Government.

Cecil L'Ively's passport was stamped by US Immigration...

..two weeks ago in Boston.

Call the local field office in Boston of the FBI and get them to fax you...

..the composite the witness did.

Fax it to every local law enforcement agency.

What are you gonna do? Try and catch Phoebe.

This guy could be waiting for them at Cape Cod.

Yes. This is Special Agent Scully.

I've been waiting on hold for you guys to fax me a composite of an arson suspect.

Right. Hang on a second.

It's coming through. Thanks.

Oh, my God!

It's the driver.

The cellular customer you are flying to reach is out of the area.

Excuse me.

His name is Cecil L'Ively.

Who? Your arsonist.

Where's the rest of the family?

They went outside for a walk. Well, go find them.

We've got to get them packed and out of here.

Come on, hurry! Let's go!

It's the driver.

I know. He disappeared.

What's the matter?

Nothing. Um...

I found this out in the garage... It's been very hard on the family.

Did you get the composite?

Yes. I don't believe it. I can’t believe it.

He's worked for us for over ten years. Obviously there's been some mistake.


Oh, my God!

This isn't the driver! It's the caretaker! He's upstairs with the children!




Looks like we've found the missing driver.

Mulder! In here, quickly!

What's going on?! They just went off - all by themselves!

My God!

Oh, my God! Everybody out!

I think he rigged the whole house. Oh, no!

It's fuel.

Go! Go!

Come on! Move! Move!

Scully, find a fire extinguisher.

Everybody else, out! What about the children?

I'll take care of the children.


Are you going to be OK, Mulder? Oh, yeah. I'll be fine.

There's no place I'd rather be.

Michael! Jimmie!

Are you in there?


Time to call 911?

Don't move!


Federal Agent.

You won't sh**t me.

Stay right where you are!


Cos you don't know...

..the spark from that round...

..won't blow this whole house to kingdom come.


Back off, Scully! It's the accelerant!

Someone help us!

Oh, my boys! My babies! Michael! Jimmie! Thank God! Thank God!

You can't k*ll me!

You can't fight fire...

..with fire!

Care to take me to lunch?

Scare you?

You have no idea.

Where is Phoebe?

I don't know. You don't know?

She didn't call? No.

She did messenger this to me last night. Did you play it?

No. Why not?

Aren't you curious what's on it?

Ten to one you can't dance to it.

X-File number 11214893.

Addendum to the file opened by Special Agent Mulder.

The arson suspect, Cecil L'Iver was admitted to Boston Mercy Hospital...

..with fifth and sixth degree burns over his entire body.

Military burns specialists have been...

..brought in to study the case, which they're calling extraordinary,...

..as the suspect not only survived, but also had rapid regeneration of his basal cell tissue.

Full recover is anticipated in as little as a month.

L'Iver is being held in a high-security medical facility, confined to a hyperbaric chamber...

..until he can be tried for the m*rder of a Massachusetts caretaker.

His body temperature remains at a steady 109 degrees.

Health technicians have removed anything flammable from his room...

..due to several fires in the vicinity.

According to Agent Mulder, further incarceration...

..remains a problem for federal penal authorities.

Can I get you anything, sir?

I'm just dying for a cigarette.

I made this!
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