01x04 - Conduit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x04 - Conduit

Post by bunniefuu »


Mom! Mom!


Mom! Mom! Mom!

Mom! Mom!

Mom! Ruby's gone!






Agent Mulder's latest 302.

Requesting assignment and travel expenses for the both of you.

Sioux City, Iowa. That's the first I've heard of it.

It came up through channels, from Mulder's ASAC to the District G-14, then my desk.

I don't understand.

In essence, Mulder wants the Bureau...

..to assign a case number to a tabloid headline.

He must have more evidence than... Not according to his 302.

I admit, that is strange.

Even for Mulder.

Perhaps it has something to do with this.

Take a look.

An X-File?

Has he shared this with you?

There's no need to protect him. He initiated the file himself.

She was his sister.

She disappeared 21 years ago. He was...

..12 and she was 8.

He claims that he was in the room when it happened.

He recalls a... bright light outside the window and...

..a presence in the room.

In your opinion, has Agent Mulder's personal agenda clouded his professional judgment?

In my opinion, no.

But you can see how it might appear that way?

As you know,...

..Mulder's preoccupation with fringe matters has been a source of friction in the Bureau.

This is another case in point.

I'm going to disallow the 302.

With respect, sir, at least let me talk with him and make a recommendation.

It just doesn't seem substantial enough to warrant an investigation.

So we disagree. It's not the first time, it won't be the last.

If we had a legitimate source... This is the essence of science.

Ask an impertinent question, you're on your way to a pertinent answer.

What makes this case any more credible than the 100-year-old mother with the lizard baby?

Because the lizard baby wasn't born anywhere near Lake Okobogee.




Is that supposed to mean something to me?

If you know anything about trout fishing.

Or UFO hot spots.

Define hot spot.

Four sightings in 1967, August, including one by a National Weather Service plane.

This is a light-blasted digitally-enhanced enlargement.

The pilot took that?

Try a Girl Scout with an Instamatic.

Four girls said they saw something. Five, including the Den Mother.

The Air Force said it was a weather balloon.

But no weather balloon was launched that day within 700 miles.

Now read me the names of those Girl Scouts from 1967.

Lisa Terrel, Bonnie Winston, Doreen McCallister, Darlene Mor...

It's the same Darlene Morris.

Darlene Morris? I'm Agent Scully and this is Agent Fox Mulder.

We talked with you on the phone last night.

Please come in.

Well, I knew that if I screamed loud and long enough that someone would listen.

But I never expected the FBI.

This is Kevin. Kevin,...

..say hi.

Would you like some coffee?

Some days I can't even...

..get myself up out of bed.

And Kevin has been acting so strange.

I don't know what to do any more. I just want her back again.

Ms Morris,...

..during the divorce, was there a custody battle?

Charles had nothing to do with this.

How can you be so sure?

Because I know what happened.

It's just like it was before.

Summer of 1967? The Girl Scout troop? How did you know about that?

Your name's on record at the Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois.


A pilot made a similar sighting over the same area on the same day.

They took her, didn't they?

You... you said that, um, Kevin was there the night it happened?

He didn't see anything. He was asleep.

Can I talk to him anyway?


You know,...

..I've told this story so many times now.

Oh, to the newspapers and the police.

And every time I tell it, people get this... look in their eye.

Just like the look that you've got right now.

Hey, buddy.

Mind if I sit down?


Your mom tells me you've been having nightmares.

I guess so.

You wanna tell me about 'em? No.

All right.

What are you doing?

Are you making something?

Can I take a look at it?


It's coming from there.

The TV?

Maybe it's a binary sequence. Could be anything, could be nothing.

I know you're busy.

Look, I know a friend who knows a friend who can get you a ticket to a Redskins game.

You got it!

All right. You know where to find me?

Thanks, Danny.

So, as I was telling your partner, we found no evidence of kidnap.

No phone call, no ransom note.

And since we have no body... You assumed she ran away?

It wouldn't be the first time Ruby ran away from home.

How do you explain what her mother saw?

I think Darlene has a very active imagination.

I've heard those stories since first grade.

So, basically, you ignored her statement.

I included it in my report.

But you didn't bother to check it out.

We found nothing at the campsite.

Let me tell you something. Darlene's little girl was no prom queen.

I can't count the number of times I pulled her out of parked cars...

..or found her puking her guts out.

It was just a matter of time... Before what?

Before something bad happened. If Darlene makes up stories to get past that, fine.

But don't tell me it's the truth. I'm not gonna waste my time.

I just think it's a good idea not to antagonise local law enforcement.

Who, me? I'm Mr Congeniality.

We might need his help one of these days.

I'll send him a Bundt cake.

You're looking for Ruby, right?

That's right.

Who are you?

Doesn't matter.

Are you a friend of Ruby's?

Ruby didn't have friends. She just had people she liked to hang with.

And she liked to hang out with you?

I guess we had some times.

Like the night she disappeared? It was Greg.

She was supposed to see him that night.

Who's Greg? Her boyfriend, Greg Randall.

Supposed to meet up at the lake. They had stuff to talk about.

What kind of stuff?

Greg got Ruby pregnant.

Whatever. She got herself pregnant.

Do you know what they were planning to do about it?

They were gonna leave town. At least that's what Ruby told me.

You know Greg from school?

Greg? School?

I don't think so.

All he ever did since we met him was pour beer. The Pennsylvania Pub.

Excuse me! Do you know where we can find Greg Randall?

Who's asking?

What kind of trouble's he in now?

We were hoping you could tell us.

Greg called in sick three weeks ago. I haven't heard from him since.

Any ideas where he might have gone?

No, but if you find him, tell him he's fired.

This is our hotel if you hear of anything.

That's a nice tattoo. What is that?

What's it look like?

A flying saucer. You don't believe that stuff, do you?

I take it you don't?

No, I think it's just a bunch of crazy people howling at the moon.

So, you haven't been out to Lake Okobogee, have you?

No, I haven't. Why?

You should ride with us some time.

You might see some things that'd change your mind.

Get a k*ller sunburn in the middle of the night.

Where's Mulder?

Where did you get the document?

If you explain what you're talking about, maybe I can help.

This is a document?

It just looks like a bunch of ones and zeros to me.

Tell me where you got it. Tell me what it is.

Keep playing games and you'll be facing the D6.

You can explain to them why you're obstructing justice.

It's your call, Holtzman.

But I'm not accountable to anybody outside my sub-committee.

I don't care if it's the NSA or the Vatican police.

It's a defence satellite transmission.

You're kidding!

A fragment, but highly classified. We need to know where it came from.

Well, sure. I'll let you know as soon as I find out.

You just bought yourself a one-way back to Washington.

We got it.



You shouldn't have told 'em. They have no jurisdiction.

Mulder, they're NSA. They think the boy's a threat to national security.

How can an 8-year-old boy who can barely multiply be a threat to national security?

People call me paranoid.

How did Kevin obtain top-secret information?

Where do you think he got it from?

Watch your step, ma'am.

It'll be OK, baby. Don't worry.

It'll be OK. Come with me, son.


It'll be all right, baby.

Watch your head, please.

You guys do really delicate work.

Let's get this to Cryptography.

I think we got what we needed. Thank you.

What is it? I'm not sure.

We scanned it through the mainframe. And none of the information is actionable?

Other than the satellite transmission, none of it is a national security risk.

The boy's being released later.

So it was just a random set of ones and zeros?

There was nothing random about it.

I don't understand.

All information can be rendered digitally in a series of ones and zeros.

When we downloaded the data, we found an amazing range of... Well, see for yourself.

Da Vinci's Universal Man.

A DNA double helix.

There's lots more.

That's the Brandenburg Concertos.

But they're just fragments. Some lines from the Koran, a Shakespearean sonnet.

Like someone's switching channels?

Mrs Morris? I have nothing to say to you.

Please, give me a minute to explain.

Would you please just wait right over there for mama?

I thought you were supposed to help us. This has been a terrible mistake.

The government will pay for all repairs and damages.

I don't want your money. I want my daughter back.

And I want you to leave us alone.

But your son has seen something.

You stay away from me and you stay away from my child.

Come on, honey.

It's OK. Let's go now.

I thought we were headed back into town.

Where are we going?

The boy is the key, Scully. I know it.

The key to what? Finding Ruby.

Just think about it for a minute.

He's receiving digitised data from a television screen.

Agent Atsumi said it was a statistical aberration.

A conduit?

A link... or a connection to whoever...

..or whatever took Ruby that night.

But how?

If there was an abduction, it's likely that Kevin was touched in some way.

Mulder, I know what you're thinking.

I know why this is so important to you.

I know!

But there is no evidence indicating an abduction.

That's why we're going to Lake Okobogee.

According to the police photos, Ruby and Kevin were sleeping right here.

A stone's throw from the forest wall.

Meaning what?

Meaning anybody could have come out of the forest to grab her.

Have you noticed the tree line?

Evidence of extreme heat.

Or an electrical storm.

Besides which, there's nothing to connect it to the night...

..of Ruby's disappearance. That's true.

Do you think lightning could have caused this?

Do you have any idea at what temperature sand solidifies into glass?

2,500° Fahrenheit.

Something was out here. Something hot enough to turn sand into glass.

To singe those trees and to blister the roof of that camper.



What is it?

It's a grave. Shallow, by the smell of it.

What are you doing?

Mulder, you are disturbing a crime scene.


What if it's her?

I need to know.

Are you OK, Mulder?


Looks like a male Caucasian.


Victim's name was Greg Randall.

Ruby's boyfriend.

Ruby had a lot of boyfriends.

Can I take a look at that? Go right ahead.

Look at that.

It's her. The girl from the library.


We didn't get her name, but she claimed Greg and Ruby had run off together.

Well, Doc Fowler's a buddy of mine. Delivered both my kids.

I can find out who had that appointment.

Have a seat, Tessa.

We know that you lied to us the other day.

We know that you had the appointment with Dr Fowler on August 7th.

We know that you're pregnant, not Ruby.

Then you don't know nothing. We can prove it, Tessa.

And we can prove that Greg... was the father.

So what if he was the father?

This is very serious.

Do you understand how serious this is?

You've waived the right to an attorney.

So if you lie to us here today,...

..you could be charged with perjury.

He promised me we'd be in LA by Christmas.

He had a friend there.

And I'd never seen the ocean.

You said he and Ruby were seeing each other.

You said they were planning to meet at the lake. Is that true?

Look it, I was nowhere near the lake that night, OK?

Sure you were, Tessa.

You knew they were meeting, so you sat and you waited for them.

You were angry and jealous. I wasn't.

You waited, and when they showed you k*lled him first, isn't that how it went?

No. You snuck up and you shot him in the back.


And then you k*lled Ruby.


What was she doin' before she died?

Was she pleading for her life? Was she running away?

I didn't k*ll her!

Where's she buried? I don't know!

You don't know where you buried her? I didn't k*ll her!

You didn't? She wasn't even there that night!

Well, how would you know that, Tessa, if you weren't there yourself?

You're not seeing the whole picture here.

Which is? Which is that in all likelihood Ruby is dead.

Is that your conclusion or the Sioux City Sheriff's Department's?

They're searching the National Park and a dive team is going to drag the lake.

They're wasting their time.

Do you really think Tessa is telling the truth?

Why not? What if Ruby never did show up that night?

She lied to us in the library and lied about her pregnancy.

Why wouldn't she lie about k*lling Ruby?

Because something was out there in those woods!

We have a suspect in custody. We have a confession to one m*rder...

..and a statement which speaks to the intent to commit another.

It's over, Mulder. It's time to turn this over to local law enforcement.

I can't do that.

Mulder, where are you going?

To talk to the boy.

Darlene won't let you. I've gotta see him.

They don't want anything to do with us!

Mulder, stop! Stop running after your sister.

This won't bring her back.

Come with me or don't, but until they find a body I'm not giving up on that girl.


Mrs Morris?



What does it mean?

I don't know.

I'm gonna check upstairs.

Oh, my God!

What is it?

Just come up here.


It's her!

It's Ruby.

This is a long shot. They could be anywhere.

You know, when I was a kid...

..I had this ritual.

I'd close my eyes before I walked into my room.

Because I thought that one day when I opened them my sister would be there.

Just lying in bed... like nothing ever happened.

I'm still walking into that room.

Every day of my life.



Look, there's a trailhead.

Are you OK? It's here. I saw it.

Where's Kevin? I couldn't keep up.

Go ahead!


Are you OK? She's back!

Kevin, I'm sorry, but...

She's here. I know it!

Kevin, I don't think she is.

I know you wanted it to be her. I did too. Mulder!

Come on!



She's unconscious but alive.

I'll get help.

She's been awake for almost an hour.

Any ideas what caused the coma?

No sign of head trauma, no narcotic traces or electrolyte abnormalities.

But her white blood cell count was sky-high.

Any attendant reduction in the lymphocyte population or release of glucocorticoids?


Actually, both. How did you know that?

They're symptoms of prolonged weightlessness.

Shuttle astronauts have reported similar imbalances.


Hi, Ruby.

Who are you?

We're with the FBI. I'm Special Agent Dana Scully and this is Fox Mulder.

My mom said you might be coming by.

How are you feeling?

Fine, I guess.

Where were you, Ruby?

Can you tell us?

It's OK, Ruby. He knows.

I'm not supposed to tell.

They told me not to say.

Who told you?

Ruby, who told you?

Sweetheart, you don't have to say anything.

You're right. We should wait till Ruby gets a little stronger.

Can we speak outside for a moment?

I think that it's best that we put all of this behind us.

I mean, hasn't Ruby been through enough already?

I know how disoriented she must seem right now. But in a couple of weeks, we...

I don't want her talking to you. Or anyone.

She should be encouraged to tell her story. It's important that you let her.

Important to who?

I have my daughter back. I don't want more trouble.

Besides, she can't remember anything.

But she will remember one day, even if it's only in dreams.

When she does, she'll want to talk about it. She'll need to talk about it.

Like I did?

Listen to me.

I have been ridiculed for speaking my mind.

But it was the truth, Darlene.

It's caused me nothing but heartache. I don't want the same thing for her.

It doesn't have to be that way for Ruby.

As far as I know, she spent the last month on the back of a Harley-Davidson.

Is that what you'll tell Kevin?

I'm sorry.

Your eyes are open? Yeah, but it's like...

..nothing's happening. Try turning your head.

I can't.

Why not? I don't know.

I can't move.

So I don't.

I just lie there in bed. Can you see your sister?


But I can hear her.

What does she say? She's calling out my name...

..over and over again.

She's crying out for help.

But I can't help her.

I can't move.

Are you scared? I know I should be, but I'm not.

Do you know why? Because of the voice.

The voice? The voice in my head.

What's it telling you? Not to be afraid.

It's telling me that no harm will come to her.

And that one day she'll return.

Do you believe the voice?

I want to believe.
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