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16x01 - The Christmas Haunting

Posted: 02/01/22 09:33
by bunniefuu



Shh, it's OK, it's all right.

Nothing to be scared of.
Easy does it.

Mind your heads here.


Libs, come on, take it seriously.



Follow me.

Come on.
We can't.

Conor, where are you taking me?

Trust me.



Spread out and use your equipment.

We're looking for orbs, cold spots,

And if we're lucky, the ghost of the
blacksmith's daughter will appear.




It's the ghost!
I'm scared!

The temperature's just plummeted.

Where are Conor and Felicity?





Come on.

Who is it?

Who's there?






No, no, get off.

Syksie, leave it.


You expecting something?



Morning, bump.

There's a card here addressed to

Sykes is doing very well this year.
He's got more presents than me.

I can't think why.

It's our last Christmas as a trio.
Soon, there's not gonna be as much
lying around, scratching bellies,

nibbling treats and falling asleep
on the sofa, is there?

Things might have to change for
Sykes too.

Odd that we haven't heard from Jones.

Not really, he'll be busy.

Brighton's a hectic place
and he's a DI now, thanks to you.

I know. I just didn't expect him to
move on and forget us so quickly.

You're missing him.

No, I'm not.


Ah, Nelson.

I'll see you there. Look forward to
meeting you.

Something's come up.

So is that Nelson as in Horatio
Nelson or Nelson as in
Nelson Mandela?

Only you've told me nothing
about him yet.

Charlie Nelson.

Ooh, good name.

Well, be nice to him.

Not everyone's Jones.


(SQUEAKING) one goes in or out.

Detective Sergeant Nelson, I presume?


Pleased to meet you.

Congratulations. Your first day as a
DS and in at the deep end. Welcome to



the victim is Conor...
Conor Bridgeman.

Male, IC- , mid s,
bespoke furniture maker.

He was k*lled in the middle of the

run through twice by a sword.

His wife lives across the village,
she's been informed.

Why was the victim here
in the middle of the night?

Fright Night. It's a paranormal

something to do with the ghost
of a blacksmith's daughter.

Does that happen a lot round here?

Not as far as I know.

I take it you've confiscated any

I'm assuming a paranormal
investigation uses some kind of
recording equipment.

I'm onto that, guv.

I'm sure this is the start
of a successful working relationship,
DS Nelson.

But it'll go a lot more smoothly
if you don't call me "guv".


Right, shall we?

Morning, sir.

Do you have to?

Yes, I bloody well do.


Thanks for coming round, Val.

It's all right, Tabby. Are you OK?
Not really, no.


You can't ring me here.

Right, everybody quiet!

Listen up.


I'm Detective Chief Inspector

Thank you for waiting,
I appreciate you must be tired.

Just to say that my officers will
finish taking statements and then
everyone can go home.

After that, we'll be in touch as

Oh, erm...excuse me.

Brendan Pearce, local historian.

You know who did it, don't you?

Little Rose Wilton.

Her father was ill, so Rose carried
a yule log here to the manor house
as a seasonal offering.

Sorry, sir, when was this?

She was thrown out of here
on Christmas Eve, years ago.

The poor wretch got caught
in a snowstorm and crawled
to her tragic death.

This is her revenge.

Well, that's that, then.
Open-and-shut case.

Hey, it's not a joke, you know.

It most certainly isn't. And I can
assure you we will consider every

Thank you.

Easy, Nelson. A little tact can go
a long way round here.


Dr Kate Wilding, Detective Sergeant
Nelson. Detective Sergeant Nelson...

We've already met.
DS Nelson was first on the scene.

Oh, OK.

What can you tell us about
Mr Bridgeman?

Time of death around am,
give or take.

One antique silver sword
thrust into the costal cartilage,

and another thrust
straight into the heart.

Done with conviction
if nothing else.

No fingerprints.

Where did the sword come from?
Just through there.

Can you find the owner?
We'll need a tour.

Yes, sir.

He seems keen.
Do you think so? I hadn't noticed.

Are you missing Jones?

Not in the slightest.

You might be interested in this.

It was in his pocket.

"Stop the Fright Nights.

Do not meddle with forces beyond your

..or vengeance will strike."


Thank you.

Mr Fergus-Johnson.

Simon, please.

Can I just say that we are all
totally devastated?

Con was such a great bloke.

Clearly not everyone agreed.


It's all right, love, I'm here.



Oh, no, thank you.

Before he was k*lled,
did you hear anything?

I thought I heard a rhythmic
knocking, did you?

I heard something.

Come on, Libs, this is good for the

Don't be silly.
It is, it's exciting.

I'm exhausted.

So whose idea was the Fright Night?

My daughter Pippa's. Her and her
friend, Des... Dev... I really don't
know what he's called.

They're into all that.

It's all part of a campaign of
events to reclaim the village's
long-lost title.

"Most haunted village in England."
That's the one.

Everyone's obsessed with this ghost

It's not exactly Fort Knox, is it?

Do you have any security cameras?

There's one out front,
should be working.

We'll need to see copies
of the recordings.

How many of you live here?

Just me, my daughter Pippa, my wife
Tabby, though she'd already gone to

My older sister Valerie has keys.

But she doesn't live here?
Not any more.

She looked after Dad and moved out
when he died. She lives
in the village now.

Thank you. That'll be all for now.

Check out the rest of the house,

talk to the girl Felicity.

Start making your way through the

Where are you going, guv...sir?

To talk to the victim's wife.

Was he with a woman?


I see.

He never could keep it in his

Who was it this time?

Felicity Hearn.

You know her?

She's my singing teacher.

Have you any idea who might have
wanted to k*ll your husband?

Apart from me? No.

Where were you last night?


What about other people? Anyone
he'd fallen out with recently,
business troubles?

Business was good, take a look.

Ross Clymer owed him money.

I know he was chasing that.

The landlord of the Blacksmiths
Arms. Conor did some work for him
way back.

Simon Fergus-Johnson's crossed off
this list.

Any idea why?

Simon approached Conor about
refurbishing the manor house
and turning it into a hotel.


Simon may have inherited a pile,
but he hasn't got two pennies
to rub together.

We have some family money, so Conor
offered to buy the manor house off
him instead.

And was Mr Fergus-Johnson
considering selling?

Negotiations were ongoing...

and increasingly fractious.

Two stags rutting.

Miss Hearn. DS Nelson.

Can we talk?

(SIGHS) They're all gonna hate me,
aren't they?

How did you meet Conor?

I'm his wife's singing teacher.

I accompanied her at a recital
and Conor was there.


But I haven't been here long.

I'm still trying to make friends.
This is really gonna help, isn't it?

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to
come to a Fright Night with someone
else's husband.

Well, I didn't know he was coming.

I told him I was
and he just turned up.

We're not open yet.

You'll be able to answer some
questions, then.

Mr Clymer? DCI Barnaby.

I see you're hosting a paranormal
event as well tonight?

Hopefully, we'll all survive
this one.

I see you've been leafleted too.
Any idea who by?

Some nut. The village is full of

So, the pub's connection to the ghost
story is?

This is the old forge.
The Wilton family lived here.

You're standing in their front room.

People staying here have reported
hearing voices, name

So you believe?

I couldn't give a stuff,
as long as it keeps the punters
coming in.

We've been doing these events for

We are the original ghost location.

As opposed to?

The manor house and Simon doodah

I mean, that loser tips up, claims
the ghost is his.

And plans to open a rival business?

And all because Daddy died.

It's not like he even deserves to be
there. That place should've gone to

She was a saint to their old man.

Have you any idea who might have
had issues with Conor Bridgeman?

Half the husbands in the village?

How about you?
Not married.

But you did owe him money, I believe?

I was a bit overdue, that's all.


Are you pointing the finger at me?

You knew that someone had been k*lled
up at the manor house,

even though no one has left there
and I didn't mention it.

Care to explain?


Hey, Mel.

What the hell are you doing here?

Can I come in?

This really isn't a good time.

I know it must be a shock,
me coming back.

I just wanted...
Conor's dead. He's been m*rder*d.

Don't suppose you had anything to do
with that?

You need to stay away from me,
do you hear?


You found your desk, then?


You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine, I just...

Well, no, actually.
There's something you should hear.

I heard a knocking.

It's an old house.
It could be the plumbing, anything.

Yeah, but what about this?

GIRL'S VOICE: You're all going to
die. You're all going to die.

Can't we send the tapes
to the voice recognition boys?

We do have tech people, Nelson,
but this is Midsomer, not MI .

Let's think about it for a moment.

Assuming that it wasn't a ghost,

what does this recording tell us?

That someone's faking phenomena.

What do the statements give us?

Nothing conclusive.
No one saw or heard anything.

And the woman Conor was with?

Felicity Hearn.

She's a bit neurotic
but she seems harmless enough.

"Seems," Nelson, "Seems"?

Don't forget your ABCs -

Assume nothing, Believe no one,
Check everything.

Never take your eye off the bigger
picture. Come on.

One: Conor's wife, Mel Bridgeman.

She has no clear alibi,
she knew he liked to play away.

She could have snuck in by the back

Two: Ross Clymer.

He owed Conor money.

He knew about the m*rder
and couldn't really explain how.

Three: Simon Fergus-Johnson.

He told us what a great mate Con was,

but it turned out he'd been rowing
with him about the potential sale of
the manor house.

We bring them in and apply some

Pressure's for masseurs.

No, you stay here
and keep going through the tapes.

Let's see if we can find out
who is behind these leaflets.

I'm going to speak to Valerie

Because she had access to the house
and knew her way around?


Oh, and check Tabby Fergus-Johnson's
phone records.

She was on her mobile when we first
met her.

Ross Clymer knew about the m*rder

So, two and two... Anything else?

It's on your desk.

Having fun?

I can barely contain my excitement.

His Nibs treating you all right?

I'm not expecting a Christmas card
just yet.

You've got big shoes to fill.
It takes time, that's all.


Do come in.
Would you like a cup of tea?

Oh, that would be very nice,
thank you.

You must miss the manor house
at this time of year.

Not really. Pretty lonely with just
the three of us -

me and my dad
and Pippa in the school holidays.

I understand that you still have
a set of keys.

Did you go over there last night
by any chance?

No, I'm not a big fan
of this ghost story stuff.

It frightens me, to be honest.
Dad was always going on about it.

You looked after your father,
is that right?

Yeah, he had a stroke when I was .

I think it was the stress of
Mum dying the year before.

Yes, I took care of him after that.

From the age of ?
That must have been tough.

Only recently,
seeing him deteriorate.

It was a blessing he went,
in the end.

Did you have any support,
someone to give you a break?

I've never had a holiday.

I've barely left Midsomer.

So where were Simon and Tabby
all this time?

Oh, off travelling the world,
living the high life,

developing Si's latest harebrained

They came back when Dad died.

I hope you don't mind me asking,

..did Simon inherit the manor house

That was always the deal.

I think Dad thought Simon would need
it more than me, give him a project.

I have everything I need here.

Thank you.

How did you get on with Conor

We were never very close,
put it that way.

Any particular reason?

He was quite a ladies' man.

I don't think I was his type.

Can I ask...the swords at the manor

where did they come from?

They were late-Victorian.

Dad said they were made by the
actual blacksmith who features
in the ghost story.

Can't you leave me alone? I'm tired!

I want to know where you were last
night. Clearly you weren't here!

I went for a drive.

What do you take me for?
How long have you got?

Just tell me. I'm your husband.

God, really? It's so easy to forget


I am here, you know!

Do you have to wear those clothes?

I mean, can't you put on a pretty
dress or something?



We should still be all right for
tonight, I think.

I'm more concerned about the caves
on Christmas Eve.

Streaming a live event.

We can worry about that later.

Are you all right?

Parents, that's all.

Yeah, yours are barking.

Glad it's not just me
that thinks that.

I'm really pleased you're here, Dev.

I've got to go out.

Again? Where?

Just uni stuff. I won't be long.

Merry Christmas! Morton Shallows
Christmas Appeal, please give

Ho, ho, ho!



Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!

Give generously, ho, ho, ho!

How's the appeal going this year?

It's gonna be another bumper year
this year, Val. Best yet, I predict.

And erm...what are the funds going
to be spent on?

The committee haven't decided.

I have a suggestion. The playground
has been neglected for so long.

Yes, but the playground
doesn't bring in any tourism.

It's not meant to, it's a playground
for children to play in.

What would you care?
You haven't got any!

Well, at least if I did,
mine might still want to see me.


Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!


The pub's shut.
But we agreed to meet.

I said the pub's shut!

A few of us are going for a festive
drink later on.

Do you want to join?
You look like you might need one.

I'd love to, thanks.

You must be exhausted!

I can sleep when I'm dead.

Don't say that, Brendan.

These are exciting times, Liberty.

Just think of the notoriety Conor's
m*rder is gonna bring to the

This could be the start of

That man has just passed away,

Every cloud, Libs.

Every cloud!

No such thing as bad publicity.

Hang on. Hang on!

These arrived. More brochures.



Proper glossies, these ones.

You are spending money that we don't
have and the bank are doing their

Belief is the bridge, Libs.

I don't know if you've noticed -
we're not exactly rushed off our
feet. Who's gonna buy them?

How many times? How many times?

You have to speculate to accumulate.

Remember the quote?
"Build it and they will come."

Who? The bailiffs?



♪ ..round the age of gold

♪ When peace shall over
all the earth

♪ Its ancient splendours fling

♪ And the whole world
send back the song

♪ Which now the angels sing

Very good, Soph.


Thanks. Thanks very much, Soph.
See you next week.

Thanks, Miss Hearn.

Bye. Bye.

Can I come in?

Of course.

Come through.

This was Conor's favourite.

You probably knew that.

Mel, I'm so sorry.

I always knew I could never really
trust Conor.

But you? What were you thinking?

I don't know.

Did you think I wouldn't find out?

I know he was a flirt. But...could
you not have just resisted?

I thought we were friends.

How could you do this to me? don't deserve any friends.

I just can't believe it's you.

Have you seen Mel?

I tried.

I think you always did make me

I wish.

You look so tired.

I'm just world-weary, that's all.

You haven't changed a bit.


In years? You've lost none of
your charm, then.

What are you doing tomorrow night?

We could go where we used to go.

I'd love to.

I told you I'd come back.

I said I need time. Hi, Mum.
Stop hassling me.

Who knows? Yes, maybe.


The more you pester me,
the less time I have to think.

Please, don't ring again.


If you want to know who's ringing
me, just ask.

Ross Clymer.

God. Even for you.

How low can you sink?

What are you going to do about it?

I just thought now we were back...
we could do without all that.

Did you now?
Well, you thought wrong.


Be a man about it for a change.

Get angry, throw things. But for
God's sake, do something, would you?


LIBERTY: Yes, I know, we are behind.
Couldn't you wait until...


And a Merry Christmas to you, too.


Hello, Inspector.


Can I help you?

I'd like to take this, please.

Are you all right, Mrs Pearce?

Yes, yes, fine.

Thank you.

What are you doing ringing me?
People will get suspicious.

I just thought we should talk about
what happened last night.

What is there to talk about?

It's important.

I think we should just leave it.

What's done is done, all right?

How long has your husband
been so involved with the village?

About four years, since Debbie flew
the nest.


Our daughter. She's away in the Far
East at the moment.

We were hoping she'd come home
for Christmas. But...she can't.

How did Brendan take her leaving?

Oh, he was devastated.

We both were, but Brendan in

Daddy's girl and all that.

Also, she was heartbroken at the

Why was she heartbroken?

Conor Bridgeman. She'd fallen for
his charm and his so-called

Where's your husband now, Mrs Pearce?

He's taking a ghost walk at Devil's

The caves on the outside of the

ejected from the manor house,

little Rose Wilton got caught
in a snowstorm.

That guy needs to get out more.

He's obsessed with that story.

I think our m*rder*r is too.

The same time of year, the m*rder
w*apon allegedly made by the
blacksmith himself.

It was here that little Rose came
for shelter.

It was here that she froze to death,

her body never to be found.

Local tradition has it
that the devil claimed it.

Please, do take a look around.

At your peril.

You're keen on ghosts, aren't you,
Mr Pearce?

Anything that helps promote
the village.

Just that? Or something to do with
your daughter as well?

Driven away by Conor Bridgeman.

Did you want to get back at him?

I don't understand.

For breaking your daughter's heart
and driving her away.

Just like the little girl
in your ghost story.

I'll be honest with you.
I never liked him.

Never did.

He can rot in hell for all I care.

Ah, yes, this stone is of particular

Right, OK. Well, let me know
when you hear anything more.

Yep, thanks for your help. Bye.

Think of it as a Christmas present.

Research for what?

Tonight's vigil. You're going.

Actually, sir - Didn't have
anything else planned, did you?

No, no.

Where are we at on those leaflets?

Ah, progress.
I wanted to show you.

Here's our leaflet protesting
against the Fright Nights.

OK, and?

This is a poster I found.

Ah, same design, same colours,
same fonts.

Same type of ink-jet printer.
I checked.

Strong possibility the same person
did both.

Mel Bridgeman.

We're here to talk about
the leaflets distributed
around the village.

What about them?
Did you do them, Mrs Bridgeman?

The paranormal isn't meant to be

It's too dangerous.

Some things are better left as

As detectives, you'll forgive us
if we disagree.

It's just the tone of the leaflets
is quite threatening, all that talk
of vengeance.

Because they're a warning.

It wasn't heeded and your husband was

Do you think there's a connection
between those two things?


The universe has a way
of kicking you in the teeth
if you don't respect it.

Something bad was bound to happen.

I just didn't know
it would be to Conor.

She's definitely a challenge.

And no one can confirm her alibi
that she was at home when her husband
was k*lled.

She's certainly strong enough
to handle a sword.



OK, thanks.

Ross Clymer's phone records.
You were right.

He rang Tabby Fergus-Johnson
more than once this morning.

And last night.


Mr Fergus-Johnson.

Why didn't you tell us you fell out
with Conor Bridgeman when he tried to
buy this place?

I didn't think it was relevant.

Isn't that for me to decide?

He made an insulting offer, I ranted
and raved,

told him to shove his offer
where the sun don't shine.

Was that the end of it?
Finances aren't exactly flush.

If he makes me an offer I can't
refuse, I'd be a fool to turn it

But I guess that won't be happening

Is there anything else you should've
told us?

No, and I'm sorry if you've come all
this way just to ask me that.

We haven't.

We've come to speak to your wife,

What about?

I'm not sure that's any of your

We're not exactly joined at the hip.

We're not joined anywhere.

Shall we go inside?


Come this way.

Do you want to lead on this?
Love to.

How well do you know Ross Clymer?

Er...local pub landlord.

Yeah, he is, isn't he?

Take a seat.
I'm all right, thanks.

He also rang you about a dozen times
overnight and again this morning.

About a lunch booking, was it?

Well, you seem to know so much,
what do you think it was about?

I'm making no assumptions,
I'm asking you.

We had sex once, ages ago.

It didn't mean anything,
I was bored. What of it?

Does your husband know?
You'd have to ask him.

Might get a rise out of him.
It'd be the first one in years.

Oh, come on, we're all grown-ups

Well, some of us are.

So Ross Clymer is still ringing you

Because he had a good time
and wanted more.

You know what men are like.

Did you have sex with Conor
Bridgeman? You are forward.

I'm just asking a question.

And the answer's no.

Conor seemed to like them younger
than me.

Is that everything, gentlemen?

For now.


How's Bump?

Bump is fine.

Ooh, film night, my favourite.

If you like eight hours' viewing
in which the camera doesn't move.

Didn't we watch a Russian film like
that once?

This is work.


How was he?

How was who?

The new guy - who do you think?

Oh, him. Erm...

All right, I suppose.

That's it? "All right, I suppose."

What do you want, his life story?

Something - a bit more. Like where's
he staying, for example?

I have absolutely no idea.


♪ SLADE: Merry Xmas Everybody!


I just don't think we have enough
lasers. We've got plenty.

Like we said, seeing you know the
jargon, I'll welcome everyone and
introduce you.

Yeah, we know how it works, Ross.

You here for the vigil?

DS Nelson. Yeah.


Good, keep your wits about you.

Will do.

I've just been doing my research.

What do you want?


You got a problem with that?

You're not welcome.

Can you leave my pub?

On what grounds?

I don't need any, I'm the landlord.

All I want is a pint.

You owe me that, don't you?

I owe you nothing.

You're still sticking to your story,

Still peddling the same old

I said get out, now.

Are you gonna make me?

If I have to.


With the help of this copper...

..if needs be.

What was that about?

So what does he look like?
Come on, describe him.


Oh, well, that narrows it down.

You must be the envy of the force
when it comes to identifying

Talking of identifying
people, "Bump Barnaby" will not look
good on a birth certificate.

I don't know. I quite like a bit of


PIPPA: Do you know how to use that?

Press here and then...that.

Do you want this one?


Are you gonna take it seriously
tonight? Yes.


Thanks, everyone, for coming.

Especially after events elsewhere.

But don't worry, breakfast is on
the house tomorrow morning.

Assuming we all make it.


I'm gonna hand you over to these
guys who are helping out tonight as
part of their research.

Right. Mobiles off.


This is all about listening. It's a

We spread out around the building,
spaced apart.

We take up a position each and wait.

Er...who or what exactly are we
waiting for?

Most likely audible manifestations.

This is where Rose Wilton lived.
Footsteps have been heard. Crying.

We want to capture that
on our monitors.

If you hear something, record it.

Don't scream and shout,
and come running, OK?

Let's go.

I'm gonna go and check the cellar.




OK, everyone. Lights- off time.

Three, two, one.

So does Charlie have a girlfriend?


Well, I'm worried about him. He
could be on a park bench somewhere.

He's at a paranormal investigation.

SARAH: Oh, I like that. He's got
interests. A sense of wonder.

Someone was m*rder*d at one last


And you're sat here watching the
telly with your feet up,

while that poor, good-looking boy
has gone into the lion's den?

Who said he was good-looking? And
it's the Blacksmiths Arms, actually.

What if something happens to him?

Keep on like this and it will.
He'll get his P in the morning.

A DS is not just for Christmas,

Right. I'm going to bed.

Thank you.




Esther's kicking.

Esther? Esther.

I'm just trying it out for size.

Or Archie, if it's a boy.

Come on, then. You think of

What about Barnaby Barnaby?
So good they named him twice.

Why don't I think you're taking this
seriously? Are you in denial?





What was that?

John, was that the Jeep?

No headlights.

Who's driving?


So she wasn't asleep.

Ross Clymer. Landlord of the
Blacksmiths Arms.

Walking towards the manor house
before a m*rder took place.

The Blacksmiths Arms?
Well, isn't that where Charlie is?







FEMALE VOICE: You're going to die.
You're going to die.

You're going to die.



Someone hit the lights!


FEMALE VOICE: You're going to die.

Stay where you are.



FEMALE VOICE: You're going to die.
You're going to die.

Miss Hearn.

What are you doing?

What did you do that for?

I was trying to help.

Help? Well, you all seem to take it
so seriously.

It seems to matter so much to you
all. I thought I'd try and help.

By faking it?

I think that's awful.

We could, of course, always spin

Brendan. Pretend it's genuine.

Ross? What do you say?



Mr Clymer?

Blunt-force trauma
to the rear of the head,

triggering a massive subdural
haematoma and multiple skull

Single blow is consistent
with the blood-stained hammer
we found at the scene.

The blacksmith's hammer.

Left-hander? Right-hander?
Impossible to tell.

My reckoning is the freezer door
was open.

The victim was then struck
from behind, and all but falls
or was pushed inside.

Freezer door shut, handle wiped.

How long had he been there
when we found him?

Not that long.
That's what I don't get.

Why bother to shut the freezer door?

To echo the ghost story, I suspect.

A body left freezing.


Are you all right, Nelson?

No, I'm not. I was there.
I should have stopped it.

But how? It was dark, you were
dealing with a whole other situation.

You did nothing wrong,
nothing I wouldn't have done.

Even so, Ross Clymer was k*lled
right under my nose.

I've given Felicity Hearn
a stern warning. Good.

Did you hear anything else
at the Fright Night? Nothing.

Could any of the people around you
have snuck into the kitchen
or come in from outside?

Felicity clearly thought
you could move around unnoticed.

Everyone was so spread out.

I did notice one thing, though.

A faint red glow coming towards me.

And then it disappeared.
Are you sure?

And then there was this man
in the pub beforehand. Ollie Tabori.

He was asked to leave.
There was clearly some bad blood
between him and Ross.

The barmaid thought
that Ollie Tabori used to be
Valerie's sweetheart,

but then he was sent away,
to military school.

Let's check him out.
I already have.

He's a major in the Marines.

I put a call in to his commanding
officer, but I haven't heard back.

My point is, what if the red glow
I saw was the glow given off
by night-vision goggles?

Military man. Motive?

I don't know.

Unlike Simon Fergus-Johnson
whose enemies seem to be dropping
like flies.

I want to know where he was
last night.

Yep. We should also check out
Dev Kardek.

The barmaid said that he'd been in
several times for one-to-ones
with Ross Clymer.


Ha! Doing well for Christmas cards
this year.

Oh, they're not Christmas cards.
They're er...

threats for legal action.

I don't think we can carry on, Bren.
Course we can, Liberty.

Everything will be fine.
No, it won't.

It won't be fine.

It never is.

Oh, Brendan. Can't you see?

You're just tired.
I am not tired!

It's you. You're in denial!

It's Christmas, Brendan.
It's Christmas!

We've got no money for food.

There's been two murders.


God, I miss our Debbie.


There'll be a last-minute rush.
We'll be fine. (SCREAMS) No!


Ross Clymer was k*lled last night.

Well, that's that, then.

We'll need to know both of your
movements from midnight onwards.

I was here holding the fort. Simon?

Went for a walk, to clear my head.

From when to when?
I don't know.

I...left around ten-ish. Was...

..gone for a few hours.

All right. We had a row.


Ross. It was about Ross.

Did you go anywhere near the
Blacksmiths Arms, Mr Fergus-Johnson?

You didn't finally go
and do something, did you?

You didn't finally stand up
and get counted? No, I didn't.

I went nowhere the pub.

No, of course not.




What are you doing? I'm working.

So why won't you show me your PhD?
Maybe I can help.

I don't want anyone reading it
until it's finished. It's me.



I love it here.

It reminds me of my childhood.

Join me.

I'm a bit rusty.
Aren't we all, Inspector?

Ross Clymer was k*lled last night.

Who by? Are the two murders

We're exploring every possibility.

We need to talk to Ollie Tabori.
Do you know where he is?

Why Ollie? He's only been back
a couple of days.

All the more reason to speak to him.

Why does everyone
point the finger at Ollie?

Who's everyone?

How well did Ollie know Ross Clymer
and Conor Bridgeman?

They were at school together.
We all were.

Till Ollie got kicked out.

Is that why he left the village?

He was expelled for messing
with the brakes on the school van.
The teacher drove it into a ditch.

No-one got hurt...
but Ollie took the rap for it.

Only, it wasn't him.
It was Conor and Ross.

Thick as thieves, those two were.

Ollie was a bit of a loner so...

It was their word against his.

Everyone believed them.

Except me.

Valerie, I need to find Ollie.
Do you have any idea where he might
be staying?

It's a long shot, but you could try

Mel Bridgeman?


She's Ollie's sister.



Those things that are meant
to remain a mystery, Mrs Bridgeman,

do they include Ollie Tabori being
your brother?

Biologically we may be brother
and sister, but...we don't speak.

Ollie and Conor never got on.

Because of what happened at school?

Ollie hated the fact
that I started seeing Conor.

I hated the rift he caused
in the family.

And that feud lasted all this time?

Ollie did try to make contact, but
Conor didn't want any part of it.

He tipped up yesterday.
What did you do?

I told him where to go.

Do you think your brother
could have k*lled your husband?

I don't know.

Didn't think we'd be doing this

It feels like yesterday.

How long are you staying?

I don't know.


How does it work?
Are you between postings or...?

Do you mind if we don't
talk about it?


This place needs brightening up.

You made a pretty good start.

Did you learn this in the Marines?

I think the idea there
is to stay hidden.


It's fine. It's fine.

I was never much of a soldier.

You're a hero.
I'm not a hero.

Will you stop...apologising?

I don't understand.
Where is Ollie Tabori staying?

I've tried every pub and B&B in the
area. Nothing.


What is it?

It's from his regiment.

Ollie Tabori suffers from
post-traumatic stress disorder
and went AWOL three days ago.

They think he might be dangerous.



Major Tabori?
Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby.

You need to come with us.

Why does he need to go with you?
We need to ask him some questions.

You've got it wrong. He hasn't done
anything. It's fine. Don't worry.
It's OK.

Why don't you explain to me
what right you think you've got
to hold me against my will?

I don't think you have a clue.

Thank you, gentlemen.



Well, you're wasting your time.

I'm sick, but I'm not a m*rder*r.

We have two bodies in our mortuary -
Conor and Ross.

People you were at school with,
people you fell out with.

We have a m*rder*r who knows how to
use weapons and night-vision

You can see where we're coming from.

When exactly did you er...
arrive back in the village?

A couple of nights ago.

When, a couple of nights ago?
Middle of the night.

By car, train?

Is there any way
you can verify your movements?

Not really.

I hitched from London.

And why did you come back?

Why not?

Did you want to get back at Conor
and Ross for driving you away?

You must have been angry -
unjustly accused.


Leaving this village was the best
thing that ever happened to me.

I didn't end up making furniture
or running the local pub.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

At least, not here, anyway.

You still haven't said
why you came back.




Do you believe him?
I don't know.

If his doctor says he's OK,
we have to let him go, don't we?

Yes, we have no evidence.

We're trying to clear the place out,
Pippa, not clutter it up.

Dad, it's Christmas.


Mum? I got a tree.

I thought maybe
we could put decorations on it.


You start.
I might come and join you later.

Mince pies, for breakfast?
It's nearly Christmas.

I spoke to Mel Bridgeman.

She told me that Dev Kardek went to
see Conor a few days before he died.

She's not sure what about.
Chase his uni.


she thought it might have something
to do with the Christmas Appeal

Well, Brendan and Conor
were both on the committee.

And guess who else was?
Ross Clymer.

Brendan's our last man standing.

If someone's trying to take out
the committee Brendan's either
a target...

Or a m*rder*r.

Brendan? Bren?


Mrs Pearce, we need to talk to your

Brendan didn't come home last night.
I thought he might have been here
when I got in but...

I'm worried something might have
happened to him. He's been under
such a lot of...stress.'s locked.
He's taken to locking it.

All the more reason we need to check.
Do you know where the key is?

No need.

Oh, my...

Where's the money?

(DOOR Closes)


Auntie Valerie...

What's wrong?

I miss you.

I miss Grandad.

I miss you too.
Then why don't you move back in?

(LAUGHS) I'd love to, but...

I've got my own place.

I can't. Things are changing for me
right now.

Ollie Tabori's back.
We're making plans.

Perhaps get to see the world

Of course. You're right.

Wanna help me with these, though?

Try and stop me.

NELSON: Right.
OK, thanks for your help.


The bank said Brendan cashed it all
in first thing this morning.

To get it into the Appeal account?

To change it for the largest
denominations possible.
He left with the money.


Hey, Liberty. Guess what?

Da-dah! (LAUGHS) I won some money.

Where do you think you're going?


Somewhere hot, by the look of it.


How could you?
The Christmas Appeal money.

What were you doing?
Were you running away?

Going around the world?

Not on my own.
Well, who with, then?


It's always been for you.

I've given years to this village,
but it's you I love.

So now you decided it was payback
and stole the Christmas money?

For Liberty.

Mr Pearce, the other two committee

I know. Both dead.

I couldn't believe it.

Every cloud, eh?

That's why I thought
I could get away with it.

I just wanted enough to... visit our daughter.

That's all. I want to take my wife
to see our daughter.

That's not so bad, is it?

Brendan Pearce may mean well,
but his head's all over the place.

It's not his head that's the
problem. It's his heart.

What people won't do for love.

That's very profound, Nelson.
And Brendan's not the only one.

I'm going to speak to
Valerie Fergus-Johnson.
Something's bothering me.

Hello? Ah, yes, thanks for ringing
back. It's about one of your
students, Dev Kardek.

He's doing his PhD
in the paranormal phenomena. I...

What is it about, then?

OK, thanks. Bye.


Dev Kardek's a fake.

You doing another event?

It's Christmas Eve. We're hoping
Rose will come through, so we're
streaming live from the caves.

Mr Kardek, I need to take a look
at your computer.

It's private. You haven't been
entirely honest with us.
With any of us - have you?

Do you want to tell Pippa
or should I?

Tell me what?
The real title of your PhD.

I don't know what you're talking

"Gullibility, Irrationality and
the Inability to Confront Reality.

A test case Psychological Study."

What's that supposed to mean?

It's just slightly different,
that's all. It's no big deal.

"No big deal"?
You were using me as a guinea pig.

I'm your case study?
Look, Pippa.

You can't seriously think
all that paranormal stuff
is anything but a fantasy.


She's completely delusional.

What I wanna know is, what were you
doing visiting Conor Bridgeman and
Ross Clymer?

Er...interviewing them.

They were sceptics too.

Perspectives on my primary source.



Inspector. Ollie's not here,
if you want to speak to him.

And I know about his condition.

Actually, it was you
I wanted to speak to.

Conor and Ross's lies,
as you see them,

drove Ollie away from the village,
away from you.

That must have been painful.


Did you not resent them?

I learnt to shut it out.

There's something else
that's been troubling me.

You were so convinced
that Ollie hadn't done anything.

How could you be quite so sure?

"Love is not love which alters
when it alteration finds."

I've had years to think about

I had complete faith in him
then...and I do now.

I gather his return
has not been universally welcomed.

What would you do to keep him here?

I would do whatever it takes.

Quite single-minded,
aren't you, Valerie?


I'm definitely not the saint
everyone thinks I am.

But people don't see that, do they?
People only see
what they want to see.

We're home.
Who's we?

Me and Nelson.


Hello. Charlie. Pleasure to meet
you. I'm Sarah.

Pleased to meet you...both.

Didn't John tell you we're having
a baby?

Er...yes. Yes!

Hasn't stopped banging on about it.
He's got you lying for him already.

Marvellous. Well, you'll go far.
Cup of tea?

We can't stop.
We just came back to check something.

Where have they got you cooped up?
Er...some shoebox on the edge of

You can't stay there over Christmas.

I'll be fine. Honest.
Do you have family nearby?



I told you he was good-looking.
Yes, yes, the footage...

I'll er...leave you two to it.

OK, this is what I wanted to show
you. It was something that Valerie

People only see what they want to

When I saw Ross Clymer
headed towards the manor house,

I thought he was heading
to k*ll Conor.

I'm with you so far.

So, I made my way over
to the Blacksmiths Arms, concerned
that you might be in danger.

What was he doing at the manor house?

Oh, hang on. He's on the phone.

To Tabby.
That would match his phone records.

Where's he off to now?

Keep going. Keep going.

Ah, Tabby's back.

With Ross. They met up. Of course.

So Tabby was lying about it
being a one-off, then.

(SIGHS) This lot are so screwed up.

Dysfunctional, I think, Nelson.

BARNABY: What people won't do for

Mrs Fergus-Johnson.


Don't you ever knock?
Not always.

You lied to us about your
relationship with Ross Clymer.

You were with him during the first
Fright Night.

No idea what you're talking about.

You were caught on the security
camera with Ross.

It wasn't just a one-off, was it?

Ross kept asking me to go away with
him. I was tempted.

Did you love him?

Oh, I don't really do love.
It's more that I hate it here.

I hate everything about this place.

So you would have been happy
if Simon had sold the house to Conor.

Delighted. The place has always
given me the creeps.

All that weird ghost stuff.

The old man was full of it
and Pippa lapped it up.

Did you happen to notice when Pippa's
interest in the paranormal started?

She was talking about it
at his funeral.

Where's Pippa now?
Why are you asking me?

Because you're her mother.

(SIGHS) She was always closer to

But Valerie's got her own life now.
Well, good for her.

Well, I mean...Ollie Tabori.

The knight in shining armour
who's gonna come and whisk her away
from all of us.

Has Pippa left for the caves?
Yeah, she's about to go live.

Get over there now.

Can you show me on here, please?
What, now?

Yes, now!



Don't do that. You scared me.

Rose Wilton died a terrible death
years ago tonight.

I believe her traumatic death
triggered the creation of her ghost.

I want to replicate that.

No-one's ever created a ghost

I want to prove it can be done.

That's strange. We've lost the feed.

We didn't lose it. It was pulled.

Hadn't you ought to be streaming
this live?

Not any more.

Val said you needed a hand
with the transmission.

Well, I don't.

I told her that to get you here.


Pippa! What are you doing?


(RAPID breathing)


Easy, Pippa.

Your k*lling Ollie isn't going to
solve this.

This is about home, isn't it?

This is about the manor house.

You k*lled Conor because he wanted to
buy it.

It's the one place I feel I belong.

With your family.

All together at last. Your father,
mother and you.

And that's why you k*lled Ross too,
wasn't it?

He was trying to take Mum away.
Like he is with Valerie!

Don't you think she deserves
to be happy?

What about me?

Pippa! You'd never lose Valerie.
She loves you too much.

(PANTING) I just...want the chance
to be normal.


Ollie. Ollie!


You all right, Nelson?
Yeah, I'm fine.

Bit er...gung ho at the end there,

..well done.

Feel like home yet?
Getting there.

What are you doing
for Christmas Day?

Er...Christmas lunch at the hotel.

Turkey and all the trimmings.

Hats as well.
It's quite reasonable, really.

And that will be a table for...?

Me. Well, er...


You can't open a cr*cker on your
own. Course I can.

That way I'm guaranteed to get
the toy inside.

How long are you booked in for?
Till I find somewhere else.

I was meant to be looking, but er...

things got kind of busy.

It tends to do that round here.

Look, I've got a spare box room.

If you want. Reasonable rent.
No funny business.

I could do with the extra cash

and if you can put up with my
sherry-soaked nan stuffing the
turkey, you can move in tonight.

What do you think?

Here's to us all. Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas.

Oh, by the way, Sherlock...

that card for Sykes...postmark's

Oh, why didn't you say?

(READS) Sykes. Here's wishing all
four of you a very merry Christmas.

Say hello to the old man.

And tell him he taught me more
than he'll ever know.


PS. If the baby's a boy
and they want to call him Ben...

..that's fine by me.

A bit of alliteration.


Benjamin Barnaby.

I like it.


Sorry, we're closed.

I don't know what we're going to do.
I know.

Mum, Dad.

Debbie! Debbie!


♪ THE POGUES: Fairytale of New York




Thanks for coming.
It's lovely to see you.

Go through.

Oh, look, it's snowing.


SARAH: Oh, it's wonderful.


Merry Christmas, everybody.

SARAH: Sykes, come on.