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15x04 - Death and the Divas

Posted: 02/01/22 09:28
by bunniefuu
Here, miss!

Can I be of some assistance?

It's late and you seem
unsure of your way.

Thank you. I'm quite all right.

Come. It's a filthy night.

You do right to be cautious,
my child.

But you can trust me.
I am the Marquis of Gravely.

Such a pretty young thing.

And now your beauty need never fade.

Open the door, I want to get out,

Hush, child. Hush.

Who's there?


You frightened the life out of me!



Closer together.

Come in. Please, come in.

Please, come in.

Please sit down on the left.

Good evening.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Please sit down. Thanks.

I'm Colin Yule.

I'm President of the
Midsomer Langley Film Society.

Thank you.

I'd like to welcome you all to the
opening night of our very first,
hopefully not the last...

very first festival.

We're late.

Yes, but what are we late for?

Oh, you are truly perfect!

Can I have that in writing?

Why do I suddenly feel

That's Diana Davenport!

It can't be!
She's Hollywood royalty.

But she's also Stella Harris's

No? Come on.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you
an icon of 1960s British horror...


Midsomer Langley's very own
Miss Stella Harris!

Thank you!


Thank you.
You're welcome.

Over here, Diana!
Diana, can I take a picture?

Miss Davenport, I'm a huge fan.
Can I get an autograph?

Certainly. Who shall I write it to?
To Ian.

Look this way!

Thank you very much.

Stella, darling!

You haven't lost your talent
for making an entrance.

You! Move, move!

Is that Emma?

It's this way.

Aren't you going to kiss me?


The keys are in
the vehicle. Yeah, back it out.

Am I in the photograph?
You are.


How about that?
Great. It's your lucky day.

Scott! Oh, my baby.

Hey, Dad.

Thought you could outrun
your old man, huh?

Give me some credit.
It took you a year. Now, boys...

children of the night.

Kate! I didn't know
you two were horror fans.

No, that would be John.
He's always had a bit of a thing
about Stella Harris.

Excuse me.


Sir, I'm in Midsomer Langley.

Rose Cottage, near the Green.

How soon can you get here?

In about three minutes.





Looks like someone threw a party
and didn't invite me.

It happens all the time, Jones.

We've been at the Stella Harris
Film Festival at the village hall.


Had your chance, Ben.
John stepped into the breach.

Yes, maybe it's time to go.

Anybody need a ride?

That'd be great.
No, thank you.

I've got my bike, thanks.

We're having a little party
tomorrow night up at Langley Hall.

You must all come.

The victim's name is Eve Lomax.

Her landlord found her,
called it in at 8:16pm,

a guy called Patrick Tilman.

Someone's had a good look round.

There's a laptop charger,
but no sign of a laptop.

None of the other rooms
seem to have been touched.

Where's this landlord, then?

Through there.

Mr Tilman?

Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby,
Causton CID.

How long had Miss Lomax been
renting Rose Cottage from you?

About six weeks.

Why did you come here this evening?

To check the boiler.

There'd um... been a problem
with the hot water.

But I rang the door bell.
But there was no answer.

So um...
I let myself in with the spare key.

Look, Eve knew that I was coming.

So when she didn't open the door,
I... worried.

Can I go home now?

Not yet.

What was Ms Lomax doing
in Midsomer Langley?
She was writing a book.

About a couple of old actresses.

One of them lives over there.

And I've just rented out Langley Hall
to the other one.

Stella Harris and Diana Davenport.
That's right.

It's so strange
being back here.

Now I see why it took you so long.

This place is like a museum!

It's not just the house,
it's the whole village.

I know. Isn't it wonderful?

Stella hasn't forgiven us, though,
has she?

What did you expect,
a welcome committee?

Scott seems well, though. Happy.

Do you think?

Oh, come on, honey.

Everything's going to be fine.

There's no sign of forced entry, sir.

But there's a key under the flowerpot
by the door.

What do you make of Mr Tilman?

He's hiding something, for sure.
See if he's got any previous.

And find out who delivered this.

It could help us to narrow down
the time of death.

Hang on.

The Lees, Upper Warden.

That's Tilman's address.

Maybe he brought it with him.

Bit odd not to mention it, though.

Warden Organics.

Water feels hot enough to me.

I wonder what really brought
Mr Tilman here this evening.

You're late.

I spent ages settling in those film
people at the hall.

Till this time?
Not what you think.

I've warned you, Patrick.
I dropped off at the pub.

Had a bit of a skinful, actually.

Probably gonna snore like a pig.

I'll sleep in the spare room.

Still awake?

Did you have a good time?

It was unexpectedly interesting.

Help me get undressed.

Sorry, babe, I'm really knackered.

You're always tired.

That's because I work hard.

And I don't?

Leave it out, Ems.

So she was watching the TV.

The DVD is still playing.

Check the disc.

A Thirst For Blood.

Ah! This is the film
Kate and I saw tonight.

Sounds like some trashy vampire film.

Less of the trashy, please, Jones.

This is a classic of the late 1960s,
in which Stella Harris -

You're not gonna believe this.


Time of death was between
3pm and 6pm,

most probably around 4pm.

She was healthy.

No lurking time bombs.

Cause of death was exsanguinating

from the two puncture wounds to her
neck, 25 millimetres apart,

one of which perforated
the carotid artery.

The injury was inflicted with what?

The wounds were equal in depth
and distance.

So I would say that she's been
stabbed once with a two-pronged

metal, probably steel.

Not a vampire bite, then?

You must be disappointed.

But somebody wanted to make it
look like one.

It's as if they want us
to make a connection with the film.

So who did it in the film?

A 300-year-old nobleman
who can only drink the blood
of female virgins.

Oh. I'll keep a lookout!

Good heavens,
is that Diana Davenport?

Good morning.

I know you're in there. Open up.

I'm not leaving until you let me in.

God knows, things haven't always
been easy between us.

We've both done and said things
we shouldn't.

Hateful things.

But you're my sister
and I love you.

I've dreamt of coming back here
for months, years...

even and now that dream is in
ruins because you can't forgive me.

By Love Divided? One can see
why you didn't win the Oscar.

I was robbed.

Show it to Dr Wilding before
you send it to the lab, please.

Tell her it was found
in the dishwasher. Yes, sir.

Oh, you still have Mother's clock.

How cute.

And Michael.
I was so sorry to hear about Michael.

It must be two years now.

It's so great to be home.

It's been too long.

Whose fault was that?

Well, I have been rather busy.

You haven't been back for 40 years,

Not to see Mother,
not even for her funeral.

Yes, well...
I'm not like you, I...

I've never been any good
with sickness and death and...

ugly things.

Real life, in other words.

So why are you here now?

It's time for the family
to heal itself.

Miss Harris. Detective Chief
Inspector Barnaby, Causton CID.

Erm... just a moment.

You should leave.

You'll come to the party?

Maybe. Now, go.

Miss Davenport?

I'll need to talk to you too, please.

Why would you want to talk to me?
I've only just arrived in
the village.


I'm at Langley Hall.

I saw the police cars last night but
I had no idea it had anything
to do with Eve.

Poor girl!

How well did you know her?

She was an old friend
of my daughter's.

She came to see me a few times
about her book.

She said all the right things but it
was obvious she was more interested
in my sister.

I'm afraid I rather lost enthusiasm
for the project.

And now this.

Were you surprised
she wasn't at the gala last night?

I think... Colin indicated...
that she wouldn't be welcome.

Colin Yule.

He organised the festival.

He's very loyal,

and when I told him my feelings
about Eve's book,

he... barred her.

I wish I hadn't said anything.


I told you everything last night.


You'd better come in.

What's your connection
to Warden Organics?

He's married to the owner.

Mrs Tilman?

I'm DS Jones, Causton CID.

Eve Lomax has been m*rder*d, darling.

The tenant at Rose Cottage.

Was it a break-in?
It doesn't appear so, no.

But one of your boxes was
in the kitchen.

When was it delivered?
I'll have to check.

Also, I'd like an inventory of
the contents of the cottage, please.

How long will you be there
at the cottage?

Only, we need to get it
back on the market.


You hardly knew the poor woman.

Mr Tilman found the body last night.

He didn't mention it?


This is Perry Stevens, my driver.

He delivered a box to Rose Cottage
yesterday afternoon.

What time did it get there,
Mr Stevens?

Uh... two?

Was Miss Lomax at home?



I don't know. I just took the box
into the kitchen and left it there.

There's a mark next to Miss Lomax's
name and some of the other clients.
What's that for?

Customers who pay cash.

Do you mind if I have this?
Thank you, Mr Stevens.
We may need to talk to you again.

Nice bike.



Have you got any idea what your
husband was doing at the cottage
last night?

Trying to seduce her, probably.

So why do you put up with it?

I'm waiting to see if he manages
to flog the hall to those
Americans first.

Save us from utter penury.
Langley Hall.

Sergeant Jones wants to know
if you were shagging Eve Lomax.

Thank you, Mrs Tilman.

I'll ask the questions,
if you don't mind.

Suit yourself.

Here's the inventory
for Rose Cottage. Thanks.

Were you sleeping with Eve Lomax?

Certainly not.

Remember this is a m*rder inquiry.

I need the truth.

She told me she was seeing someone.

Any idea who?

Oh, no.
Hi, there!

Wow. Nice place you've got here.

How's your market?

Good. Er...
Our plants go to a wholesaler's.

But mostly we supply vegetables
to a company who deliver
organic boxes.

Oh. And this lazy bum, huh?
He really works for you?

I couldn't do without him.


So, you want to give me the tour?

Sure thing, Dad.

This is very kind of you, Mr Yule.

Not at all.

Just up here, Inspector.

The nerve centre of the entire


This is quite a collection, Mr Yule.

I don't think you'll find
a better one anywhere.

Your first night was a great success.

You were there?
Oh, yes.

Then I was called away
to the scene of Eve Lomax's m*rder.

Dreadful. Dreadful thing. It makes
you wonder whether any of us
are safe in our beds.

I understand you banned Ms Lomax
from attending the screening. Why?

You know about the book?

Eve and Stella fell out over it.

I didn't want Stella to be unhappy
on her big night.

Was that the only reason?

When Eve first came here,

I gave her a great deal of help.

I talked things through with her,
showed her my collection,
I even lent her photographs.

I requested a credit
and a modest consultancy fee.

She said no, and so
I asked her to return everything.

But she didn't?

There was one photograph missing,

a very rare publicity still
from early 1970.

A black and white shot of Stella
in a sort of fur-trimmed...


Eve claimed I'd never even
given it to her.

I see.

We hired a private detective
to find you.

Should I feel flattered?

So where are the security g*ons
waiting to take me back
to the desert?

I need to get back to work.

Hey, see you both tonight.

Eight o'clock, yeah?

Dress nice.

Dress nice?

What was that about the desert?

Oh, boot camp for delinquent teens.

I was 16.

I wouldn't recommend it for Rosie,
though. It's a thought, though.

Ms Harris?
Who's that?


Eve and I were at school together

until she was about 15.

And then her family moved away.

We lost touch.

Oh! She should never have
moved back here.


Rosie, go...

Go and feed the chickens for me,
love, please. Yeah.

It's all right, Ems.

Did Eve Lomax interview you
for her book?

Yes. I wasn't much help.

Mum doesn't talk about the past

I know almost nothing about
Aunt Diana.

Until last night,
I'd never even met her.

Even though she's your mother's only
sister and her son works for you?


Mum, there's another policeman here.


This is Detective Sergeant Jones.

And this is -
I came for a word with Mr Stevens.

I had a look at your delivery
schedule for yesterday afternoon.

You said you got to Eve's around
two o'clock.

Your next delivery was
less than a mile away.

Mrs Blake remembers you arriving
at 3:15.

What took you so long?

I pulled over for a kip.

I was tired.

I don't know whether I... should be
saying this, Inspector...

Eve's landlord, Patrick Tilman...

he'd been pestering her.

He kept coming over at odd times,

checking everything was OK...

offering to fix things
that didn't need fixing.

She didn't know
how to get rid of him.

So one way or another,
Patrick Tilman and Perry Stevens

were the last two people
to see Eve Lomax alive.

Kate's earliest estimated
time of death is 3pm.

So Perry Stevens could have done it,
but only by the skin of his teeth.

And why?

Maybe he was Eve's mystery lover.

We've only got Patrick Tilman's
word for it that Eve had a lover.

Patrick would have known
where to find the carving fork.

But if he did it, why would he
make it look like a vampire bite?

I think it's got something
to do with the film.

Or Eve's book.

Colin Yule, then.

A fan wanting to protect his idols.

Or the idols themselves?

Stella Harris or Diana Davenport,
you mean?

We can't rule anyone out.
Can we, sir?

Of course, Perry Stevens could've
been acting on someone else's behalf.

Come in.


You're early.

I wanted to catch you alone.
Come and sit down.

Thank you for these.
They're gorgeous.

So... tell me everything.

How's the job...
Diana? Diana!

Your father's been driving me mad
with his arrangements for this

We're in here.

I put the piano in the wrong place.


So... quit work early, huh?


We're good.

So... we need to talk.

About what?
Your future.

It's time to get real, Scott.
I told you I would handle this.

Your mother and I are going back to
the States soon. You're coming too.

We've only just got here!
No way.

Honey... Midsomer Langley.

It's nice for a vacation.
We cannot live here.

It's my home!

I've waited 40 years
to come back here, and you agreed.
That was before I saw the place.

Do what you like, but I'm not going
anywhere. I've got a life here,
a career.

Gardening's not a career.
It's what I'd do in high school
to earn a few bucks.

Nothing I do is ever good enough,
is it?

Don't be so pathetic!

No, Scott, please!
Don't try your macho bullshit
routine round here, old man.

Yeah? Or what?

It'll be the last time you do.

It's so great to see you.

Oh, you came, I'm so glad!

I couldn't disappoint Rosie.

You both look beautiful -
belles of the ball.

This is amazing.

Less than 24 hours and you've
made the place look like a bordello.

Well, you should know.

Where's Cy?

I've got a dreadful feeling
he may be rehearsing a speech.

Try to be nice, won't you?


Champagne, sir?

Champagne, sir?


You're here with me, remember?

Yes, and you're the most gorgeous
lady at the party.

You've done it this time.

Remind me again
what we're doing here.

Saving our skins. Wait here.

Hello, stranger.

You look fantastic.

Why did I ever let you go?

Go away, Patrick.

Hello, Perry.

I've seen you, you know,
driving round in your little... van.

I've tried to call you.
Have you changed your number?

I think you've got the wrong bloke,

It's Colin. You remember.

Naughty Colin.

Thank you.

Miss Davenport?

Patrick Tilman,
owner of Langley Hall.

Mr Tilman, I have loved this house
since I was a child.

I wish I could live here forever.

No reason you shouldn't.
Make me an offer.

Oh, I'd love to,
but my husband wouldn't hear of it.

I understood you were renting
with a view to purchase.

My husband's changed his mind.
We have to be back in the States
almost immediately.

Excuse me.

Right, that's very helpful. Let me
know if the situation changes.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

That was Eve Lomax's publisher.

Two days ago, Cy Davenport took out
a High Court injunction

to prevent publication
of Eve's book.

Maybe she was about to expose some
scandal about him or his wife.

Stella Harris didn't want the book
to be written either.

The house-to-house threw up
something interesting.

One of the neighbours saw a blue
Jaguar parked outside Eve's
cottage yesterday.

They didn't write down the number,

but it matches the description
of Cy Davenport's hire car.

And we've traced the overseas mobile
that called Eve's number twice

and three times the day before.

Let me guess. Cy Davenport.

I think it's time we paid a visit
to Langley Hall.

Looks like another party
you haven't been invited to, Jones.


What's he gonna do this time?
What is it?

Cy's gonna make one of his
entrances. He's such an old ham.

Help me!

He used to be a stunt man.

One house we lived in,
he'd swing down from the chandelier.




Everybody, please,
stay where you are and keep calm.
Nobody is to leave the house.

So Cy Davenport must have walked
or staggered along there.

The k*ller could have hidden out
anywhere up here, but where did
they go afterwards?

Not down there, that's for sure.



This is unusual.

Where does this lead to,
the tomb of Rameses?

Apparently Patrick Tilman's
grandfather was an Egyptologist.

Aha! Here we are.

Then we mingle with the guests.

Whoever did this
knew their way round the house.

The blade penetrated the body to
the left of the spinal cord,
twisting as he fell.

It's a standard kitchen
carving knife, by the way.

Put it with the fork that k*lled
Eve, you'll have a nice set!

Shall I see how Uniform
are getting on with the guests?

Do that. I'll talk to the family.
They've been fingerprinted?


Who had access to the upstairs area

Almost anybody.

We didn't think about security,
not here.

Colin Yule was... wandering around
upstairs a little earlier.

The Film Society guy.
Where exactly?

I just saw him in the corridor.

What do you know about Eve Lomax,
Mrs Davenport?

Eve Lomax?

The woman who was m*rder*d yesterday?

But you knew she was writing a book
about you and your sister?

No, I didn't.

Your husband took out an injunction
to stop this book being published.
Any idea why?


And you arrived in Midsomer Langley

Is that correct?
And Cy couldn't wait to leave.

I may as well tell you now,

My father and I had a fight today.

But I didn't k*ll him.

Of course you didn't!

Obviously, nobody saw anything
and nobody remembers anybody

who wasn't where they should have
been immediately before
the m*rder.

All too busy gawping
and drinking champagne.

It seems everyone at the party
has some connection with Eve Lomax.

Diana and Scott Davenport,

Stella and Emma Harris,

then there's Colin Yule.

Scott told me that he saw Yule
upstairs where he had
no business being.

We need to talk to him again.

The Tilmans were here.
He owns the place.

His wife told me he was hoping
to sell it to the Davenports.

Doesn't sound like
he had much chance with Cy.

He planned on getting back
to the States as soon as possible.

Not soon enough, as it turns out.

The delivery guy, Perry Stevens,
was here with Emma Harris too.

Bit odd, don't you think?

Well, a van driver at a do like this,

dating a film star's daughter?

You're a snob, Jones. It comes from
growing up in the country.

Check him out by all means.

Fancy taking in a movie?

Hello, Ben. Come for a sleepover?

I'm sorry about this.

Ah, this is it!

Death And The Diva -
the one with the staircase.

John, come on,
it's two in the morning!

You'll give Sykes nightmares.

Sit down and give him a stroke, then.

There's been another k*lling and the
boss thinks the clue is in one of
Stella Harris's movies.

Yeah, produced by Cy Davenport.

Who's he?
The man who was m*rder*d tonight.

It is a bit odd, though, isn't it?

Watching this sort of thing for fun?

You can mock, but horror films
are like fairy tales.

They are a way of us exploring and
defusing our deepest fears
within safe boundaries.

You can come out now.

OK, I get the point.

But where does that leave us?

Looking for somebody who is an
expert on Stella Harris's films...

and trying to predict when and how
the m*rder*r will strike next.

Oh, that's interesting.

Morning, Mr Yule. I've a warrant
to search the premises

as part of our inquiry into the
murders of Eve Lomax and
Cy Davenport.

But I told you all about Eve

And I hardly knew Cy Davenport.

Then what were you doing upstairs
at his house last night, minutes
before he was m*rder*d?

Mr Davenport produced
Death And The Diva.

But he also played the monster.

Isn't that a little unusual?

Well, it was a tiny budget.

And Cy started in the industry
as a stuntman.

Were you close to your sister
and brother-in-law?

Until the evening before last,
I hadn't seen either of them
for 40 years.


Death And The Diva
was... a big success.

Cy went back to Hollywood to set up
his first studio picture on
the strength of it.

And I was going to play the lead.

My big break.

It was 1970.

Emma was eight months old.

And it was Christmas.

But I left her...
with her father and grandmother.

And went to America.

Go on.

Just before filming started...

Diana came to visit.

And within a week...

she was Cy's girlfriend...

and his new leading lady.

And I was on my way home,
tail between my legs.

And you never worked again?

If I could have k*lled
one or both of them then...

and got away with it,
I probably would have done.

But 40 years is too long to wait
for revenge.

Careful with that.

Mr Yule?

Take it through to the kitchen,
would you?

Juliet said to let you know there's
been a substitution this week -
spinach instead of chard.

As long as I get everything else
that I ordered.

He tried to say she gave them to him.
But in the end, he admitted
they were nicked.

A trophy hunter.

So that's why he was sneaking around

Unless it was a cover story
in case he was spotted.

Which film are we gonna watch next,

I'd like you to check out
everyone connected to the films.

See who's still alive, find out if
any of them were at the party
last night.

For every film?

Start with A Thirst For Blood
and Death And The Diva.
Anything else?

Yeah. It turns out Perry Stevens
has got a bit of form.

A couple of convictions
for supplying Class Bs.

Ah! And you think he might be
expanding the definition of
'organic vegetable'

to include weed?

He's got a brand new motorbike.
It's a bit of a stretch on
a van driver's wage.

It turns out Mr Stevens isn't
the only one with a..druggie past.

What are you doing?

Cancelling the festival.


It would be inappropriate with
all this unpleasantness going on.

Anyway, I expect to be quite busy.

I spoke to Eve's publisher this
morning about taking over her book.

Frankly, Eve got most of her ideas
from me, anyway.

What with you and Diana being
close personal friends of mine,

he was extremely interested.


You'd do well to remember
what happened to the last person

who tried to write about
my sister and me.

It seems the Los Angeles Police
Department have quite a file on you,
Mr Davenport.

So I got into a little trouble
when I was a kid.

I wouldn't call two convictions for
driving under the influence of dr*gs
and alcohol

'a little trouble', sir.

What are you doing
in Midsomer Langley?

A rehab in LA is full of people
like me, Mr Barnaby.

After my last stint,
I knew I had to get away.

I thought I'd come to see
where my mom was born.

I didn't expect to stay long,
but Stella and Emma made me feel
like I belonged here.

And before I knew it,
I was living a new life.

When your parents showed up
a couple of nights ago,

did you feel that new life
being threatened?

My father was trying to force me
to go back home, yes.

But like I told you,
I didn't k*ll him.

I'm going in to see my sister.

Cy gave me that
for our first wedding anniversary.

It used to belong to
the last queen of Poland.

How much did it cost?

It's worth about
a half a million dollars.

Take it off.

What do you think you're doing?

This is a house of mourning.

Aunt Diana said it was OK.
Leave her be, Stella.

It actually makes things
a bit more bearable...

to have someone of her age around
who takes pleasure in all of this.

I see you've thrown yourself
into your new role.

The grieving widow.

Mum! Don't worry, honey.
I don't pay any attention.

Did Eve Lomax interview you
for her book?

I met Eve a couple of times
through Emma,

but I told her straight out
I preferred not to talk
about my parents.

And she respected that.

Are we done?
For now.

Who do you think you are?

Mum, please stop. Coming back here,
acting the big star.

Living in this ridiculous house.

You stole my career,
now you want my life as well.

Do you want to try that line again,

This time with a bit more feeling.



What do you know about Perry Stevens,
Mr Davenport?

He's my cousin Emma's boyfriend.

You don't like him?
I think she could do better.

Listen to me.
I sound like my father.

Has Mr Stevens ever offered
to sell you cannabis?


If you tried, your face
would break into 1,000 pieces.

Like this.
No, no!

Oh, Stella!

She's already hypnotised poor Colin
into thinking he can write a book.

With her as heroine, of course.
Poor Stella. Has her little
lapdog deserted her?

I'm sorry, Chief Inspector.
My sister's just having one of
her little turns.

Aunt Stella, go easy, OK?
Mom just lost her husband.

And where was she
when I lost my husband?

Well, I wasn't standing in your
bedroom throwing china at you,


So that's what they call artistic
temperament, is it?

Stella and Diana
were enjoying themselves.

Emma was the only one
who was really upset.

I spoke to my gran, by the way.
Always good to hear.

Stella and Diana's father was
head gardener here in the old days.

So his daughters
would know the place well.

"Hello, this is Perry. Leave
a message, I'll get back to you."

Hi, it's um... Colin.

From the party.

Um... you're not there.

I just wanted to say...

don't worry.

I'm not going to tell anyone
about you.

About us.

It was good to see you... again.

Yes, if you ever want to give me
a call sometime, then...

I would like that very much.


No, please!
Silence, child!

It's your father
who's to blame for this.

And now it's his daughter
that will pay the price in blood...

for the vile sacrilege.


I tell you, these people
are Pharaoh worshippers.

They were about to sacrifice that
poor young girl to their
infernal master.

Mr Yule?


Morning, John.

I'm afraid I pulled the bandages off
his head and... took the wadding
out of his mouth,

in case he was still alive.

He wasn't. He's been dead...
eight to ten hours, maybe.

The Mummy Rises.

It's in the DVD player downstairs.


I checked out everyone involved in
the film. Nothing doing.

This is the picture that Colin
claimed Eve Lomax stole from him,

found at the back of a drawer
in her cottage.

Good of you to return it in person.

I don't remember ever seeing this
film. I had a question for him
about the date.

So yesterday, we heard
Stella Harris telling her sister...

that Colin Yule was taking over
the writing of Eve's book.

Also present were Scott,
Emma and Rosie.

And today Colin Yule is dead.

Sorry, Jones, am I boring you?

Just a minute, sir.
This is Colin Yule's phone.

And the last person
he called was Perry Stevens.

Time we spoke to Mr Stevens,
I think.

I'm onto it.

Morning, Mrs Tilman.

Can you give me a copy of Perry
Stevens's delivery schedule
for today, please?

What do you know about Colin Yule,
Mr Tilman?


Thank you.

Mr Barnaby?

Mr Barnaby?
Can I have a word?

"Hello, this is Perry. Leave
a message, I'll get back to you."

Perry? Juliet. That policeman's
been snooping around again.

I had to tell him where he could
find you. So be careful, OK?

Colin Yule was a good friend?

Not a friend, exactly.

It was impossible not to be
flattered by his... his devotion.

Especially since I have
so few fans left.

Don't be so sure of that.

Where were you between the hours of,
say, ten o'clock last night
and one this morning?

At home. Alone.


Was this like another of the films?


He suffocated.

His head and body were wrapped
in bandages.


The Mummy Rises.

This is deliberate, isn't it?

The m*rder*r is copying my films.

It would appear so.

That's what we're trying
to find out.

Do you...

recognise this, Miss Harris?

Where did you dig that up?

It was found in Eve Lomax's cottage.
Though it probably didn't
belong to her.

Have you any idea why it might be
important enough for her to steal?

It's from a film called sl*ve Woman.

A bit of nonsense from the 1960s.

The finance collapsed a week into
sh**ting. It was never completed,

And you're sure it was the '60s?

There's a hand-written date
on the back.

February 1970.

Is that Colin Yule's handwriting?

I think so.

It was all so long ago, Inspector.


It's that time again.

That's it, that's it.




Oh, come on.


Definitely the brake pipes.
Thank you.

In a film called Torment,
Stella plays twin sisters.

One is possessed by the devil
who tries to k*ll the other one
in a car crash.

The brake pipes have been cut.

Just like in the film.

So which one's the evil sister,
Stella or Diana?

That's what we're going to find out.

Mrs Davenport...

did you ever meet or communicate
with Eve Lomax?


What was your relationship
with Colin Yule?

There was no relationship.

I met him at my sister's screening.

And maybe he came to our party.


Please, how is Emma?

She's... alive.

When did you last visit her home?

I've never been there.


So how do you explain this set of
your fingerprints found on her
kitchen window?

Sir? A word.

Why have you arrested my sister?

Mrs Davenport is here voluntarily.

You've got it all wrong.

Whatever else Diana might do,

she would never harm Emma.

Because she's Emma's mother?

You told me this picture was taken
in the '60s.

Colin Yule has it dated February
1970, and he was right,
wasn't he?

Filming began on February 8th
and folded ten days later.

Just two months after that,
Emma was born...

on the 15th of April 1970.

The woman in that picture
is not about to have a baby.

Our mother...

was fiercely ambitious for us.

And Diana... got into trouble.

She was beside herself.

She told me I'd ruined her life...
and mine.

She said having an illegitimate
child would end my career
before it had begun.

So Mother came up with a plan.

I was already married.

So we'd pretend the baby was mine.

And you both agreed to this?

Believe me,
she was a remarkably forceful woman.

You don't say. I had a home
birth without any complications.

Michael, my husband,

registered Emma a few weeks later
as his and mine.

And that's what she became.

Luckily for us,

since it turned out we
couldn't have children of our own.

Who is Emma's father?

He was a tutor at my drama school.

Does he know what happened
to the baby?

I told him she'd been adopted.

Where is he now?

Dead, probably.

He was a good deal older than me,
smoked like a chimney.

And Eve Lomax worked all this out
from that photograph.

As did you.

She came to see me
a few days before she died.

She said she had proof
that Emma wasn't my child.

She wanted me to confirm that
Diana was the... natural mother.

I refused.
Does Emma know any of this?


Unless you've told her.

Of course not!

She wasn't even there when
I went round her house this morning.

I just wanted to see where she lived.

She's going to be fine.

You can come and see her
at the hospital, if you like.

Excuse me, sit down, please.
I haven't finished yet.

You said my sister
was not under arrest.

So far as I'm aware, neither am I.

Either of them could be guilty still.

Do you think either of them would
know how to sabotage a
Land Rover?

I wouldn't put anything past
those two.

Anyway, I don't think Perry Stevens
is our guy.

I've found out what he's been up to.


The thing is...
it's a bit close to home.

You've got visitors.

Not a word, I'll tell her.

How are you?

It's OK, darling, it's OK.

Hello, Mum.


What are we having?
We are having a vegetable tagine.

Oh. Organic ingredients, I trust?
Yes, as it happens.

I signed us up to a new delivery
service, Warden Organics.

It's all good local stuff
and they're very obliging.

And were you in
when this lot arrived?

Yeah, I'd just got back. Actually,
it was rather a dishy delivery man.

Really? And did the dishy
and obliging delivery man

offer you any... optional extras?

Come on, John, spit it out.

Vegetables with added spice,
you might say.

And I'm not talking about fresh
chillies and hand-ground
cumin seeds.

You're joking?
Scouts' honour. Jones has been doing
some undercover surveillance.

What a swizz! All I got was a bunch
of carrots, four beetroots
and a cabbage.

You must let me make it up to you!

And please let's get a takeaway.

Why did you lie to me?

You should have told me the truth.

I was afraid.

I thought you'd look to the life
you could have had,

and wish that Diana had never
given you up.

Is that what you really think of me?

Diana has a gift
for making people love her.

She always did.

And I'm not like that. I know
I can be difficult and critical.

You are the best mother
I could ever have wished for.

And I will never let Diana
come between us.

Perry, a word.

Mrs Tilman.
You again.

Perry, you're late.
I was visiting Emma at the hospital.

She's not dead, then?

Patrick will be thrilled.
Go and help them in the shed.

Actually, Mrs Tilman,
I want to talk to you both.

I assume you're aware Mr Stevens here
was employed by an escort agency

before he came to work for you?

Perry is an excellent delivery man,

His past is of no interest to me.

Come off it, Mrs Tilman.
We all know what's going on.

The little extras Mr Stevens
offers special clients.


You do know that living off immoral
earnings is a crime, don't you?

I heard about Emma Harris's crash.

How is she?
Bruised and confused.

But she'll be fine?

Your wife said you would be
thrilled. Why would that be, sir?

She's almost part of the family.
Isn't she, Patrick?

Morning, Em.

Nurse, where's my daughter?

Mrs Harris?
Your daughter's already gone.

She told me
her mother was coming for her.


Is Emma here?

Isn't she still in the hospital?

Diana's just collected her.
I thought they'd be here.

Maybe they've gone back
to Langley Hall.

Call me if they turn up!


Hey, is there a problem?

You think there's gonna be
another m*rder? I'm sure of it.

Which film is it gonna be this time?

The problem is,
we've run out of films.

Are these definitely all the films
Stella Harris made?

Yes. After Death And The Diva,
she never worked again.

Oh, you're a genius, Jones.

Well, yes, sir, obviously.

It's not about the films Stella
made. Not any more.

It's about the film
she didn't make.

What is this dreadful place?

Every Usher since the beginning
is buried here.

It is time for you to join them.


Not that, I beg you, Roderick!
Not while I still breathe!

Your tomb awaits, dear sister!

The Fall Of The House Of Usher.

A mad aristocrat buries his sister
alive in the family vault.

It's the film that Diana stole
from her sister.

And Stella's career never recovered.

You think it's Stella Harris, then?

Or somebody who loves her very much
and has taken on the job
of avenging her.

DS Jones.

So why are we here?

I want to show you something.

Sir, that was Scott.

Apparently, Emma left the hospital
with Diana and no-one can find them.

Come on, Jones!

Read it.

George William Tilman.

Yeah, I remember them both.

They were ghastly snobs.

They're Rosie's
other grandparents.

I thought you'd like to know.

Patrick Tilman is Rosie's father?


Come on.

Emma! Emma, what are you doing?

Emma, what are you doing?


They're not
your ancestors, I'm afraid.

But they're Rosie's.
That'll have to do.

No, what do you mean?

Please, Emma, I really think we ought
to get you back to the hospital.

You know, you're still...

There is nothing wrong with me!

Listen, trust me.
Trust me, I'm your mother.

Don't say that!

Don't say that!

You abandoned me!

I was forced to! I've regretted it
every single day of my life. Liar!

Liar! All you ever cared about
was your career.

That's not true, I promise.

Oh, yes, it is.

What are you doing here?

Go away.

Drop the knife, Emma.


This has to end, Emma.

We'll get you help.

I am doing this for you.

I know, my love.

But I can't let you.

Give me the knife.

Mum, no!

Emma! Emma!


Diana. It's all right.


Here. It's all right.

It's all right, ssh.






Open the door!


It's locked!

Thank goodness you're here.

Diana's in the crypt with my mother
and she's got a knife.

Let me go. You don't understand!
She's gonna k*ll her!

That's not true, Emma, is it?

Anyone there?

Are you OK?

My sister is injured.

You have to get down there.
She's k*lled three people already
and she tried to k*ll me!

Nobody tried to k*ll you.
Someone sabotaged my brakes!

- Yes. You!
- Backup needed, Langley Hall Church.


Eve Lomax warned you that
she was going to publish her scoop,

that Diana was your real mother.

But you couldn't allow that,
could you?

So when Colin Yule announced
that he was taking over the book,

you had to k*ll him too.

And destroy that photo.

That ruthless bitch may have given
birth to me but she is
not my mother.

Press. Down, hard.

The door's locked
and I can't find the key.

Where's the key, Emma?
The key!

Come on.

And Cy Davenport. You k*lled him
because he gave Diana
a part in a film?

It was the worst kind of betrayal.

And Mummy never got over it.

You told me that your mother
never talked to you about the past.


She put on a brave face,

but whenever she was drunk
or depressed, it all came out.

Acting was part of who she was.

And without it,
she didn't feel whole.

And I grew up hating Diana
for taking that away from her.

Hate is a waste of time, Emma.

I think Stella realises that now.

What do you mean?

You've seen Stella and Diana

Whatever happened 40 years ago,
they're still sisters.

Maybe in the end,
that is what is really important.


Where's the key?

Try to keep still.

They'll get us out soon.

When did you know it was her?

Last night.

When I told her
you were her birth mother.

She pretended to be surprised.

She's not a very good actress.

If only you, Mother,
hadn't made me give her up.

Nobody made you.

You were willing to do anything...

for success and fame.

Give up your child,
betray your sister.

I was better than you would
ever have been in that part.

And you know it.

You didn't have what it takes.

You didn't want it badly enough.

And you've spent the last 40 years
telling yourself that it was
all my fault.

What have we done, Diana?

Please give us the key, Emma.



I will never ever forgive Diana.



Thank you.

Why didn't you tell me?

I hoped I could stop her.

I hoped it wasn't true,
though I knew it was.

When will I be able to see her?

Diana or Emma?

My daughter, of course.


You were right all along
about movies being the key, sir.

I take no pleasure from that, Jones.
I'm never gonna be able to
watch them again.

What about The Matrix, sir?
There's a good film.

Top g*n, hm?

You know your trouble, sir?
You're a film snob.

Oh, Jones.