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03x01 - The Boys Are Back

Posted: 02/01/22 09:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Andi Mack...

I made something for you.

Walker... I... can't accept them.

I have a boyfriend.

Whoever he is, he's a lucky guy.

Andi, I'm going to camp.

For eight weeks.

- I'm sorry.
- He'll be back before you know it.

You could say the same thing
about you and pops.

ANDI: We have the ring!

We're proposing tonight.

- We need a plan.
- ANDI: How about a cake?

BEX: Where do we put the ring?

ANDI: Inside the cake!

I've got a little surprise.

The Renaissance Boys!

Your boys need you.

We got our first international tour.

For real?!

Would you do us the honor of
becoming our rhythm guitarist?

- What...?
- Let me help you with that!


what is this?

Somebody tell me something.



BOWIE: Um...?

♪ ♪


This is the best day of my life.

Mine, too.

Oh, I'm gonna cry.

No, you're not.

(SIGHS) This is it.




Ahh! (ECHOING) No!

♪ I'm standin' on the edge ♪

♪ And everything I know-oh-oh
is blown away ♪

♪ Life is upside down ♪

♪ But any way it goes I'll work it out ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

- ♪ One, two, three ♪
- ♪ I'm ready for tomorrow ♪

♪ Tomorrow starts today ♪

♪ There ain't a map to follow ♪

♪ But I'm with you all the way ♪

♪ I'm ready for tomorrow ♪

- ♪ Tomorrow starts today ♪
- ♪ Hey ♪

♪ There ain't a map to follow ♪

- ♪ But I'm with you all the way ♪
- ♪ Hey ♪

♪ All the way ♪

That's so creepy!

I know! And it was a beautiful wedding.

The dresses! My dream-brain
is an amazing stylist.

You'll have time to think about that.

Bowie's still on tour
for a while, right?

Four more months.

But Jonah gets back
from Ultimate camp today.

You heard from him?

He sent me this text the night
before he left, with the date,

and "See you then!
Put it in your calendar!"

Which I did, with an alert...

I used that Drake song.

The one where he's in the box?


I didn't miss him as much
as I thought I would.

Or... at all.

Oh, look who's all "me, myself and I."

It's nice. Not having to
decide who I am or...

what I should call myself.

You mean, "boyfriend, girlfriend."

The only time those words
ever really mattered to me

was when I thought I couldn't have them.

It sounds like... you've moved on.

I think I have.

It's one thing to say it to you
now, but when it's D-Day...

- D-Day?
- Dimples.

Oh, there's Cyrus.

- He's wearing an ascot.
- Yeah.

'Ello, poppets!


Well, I guess we don't have to ask how
you enjoyed your visit to London.

It was ah-mazin'!

I may'av become a bit of an Anglophile.

- Thoughts?
- Ignore, and hope it goes away?

That's asking a lot.


- Ready to shop?
- Always!



♪ ♪


I just want to sit here all day
and look at myself.

Is this your Before?

I wouldn't know it's the same person!

Sh! I'm so sorry.
We're still learning manners.

Look! This is incredible!

We should make this her top
"Before and After."

You're going to put my photos up there?!

Oh, no, not if you don't want us to.

But, you'd be an inspiration
to so many people.

Umm... no.

She should be more grateful!
You gave her a new life!

Well, Mom, it's my job.

It's what I do.

- I want one.
- You want one, what?

A new life.

- You don't need a new life.
- Yes, I do!

This is the past! This is blahhh!

Get rid of it! Show me the future.

(LAUGHS) What's gotten into you?

Your father is out there,
somewhere, living his best life.

I'm entitled to the same thing,
aren't I?

Yes, you are.

Do I have any more appointments today?

That was your last one.

♪ ♪

Let's do this.

We'll need a Before picture.

Have a seat.

♪ ♪

♪ You can be anyone at all ♪

(BAD BRITISH ACCENT) 'Scuse me, Miss,

could I trouble you for
a tad more salad cream?


I wish there was a ranch
we could send him to.

CYRUS: Oi, speak up, luv.
Couldn't quite catch that.

Stop talking with an English accent.

Y'know, it doesn't even feel
like an accent anymore.

I think it's my true voice.


Oh, no.

- Look what the cat dragged in.

Is it Jonah?

Ugggh. I am not ready to have this
conversation in front of everyone.


Breathe, breathe.




Hey, Andi. Okay if I join you?

Oh. I don't want to be rude, but
now isn't really a good time.

Andi, relax. I'm not here to see you.


He's here to see me.


Are you mad?

Well, I wouldn't describe myself
as overjoyed.

(SCOFFS) Why didn't you
tell me he was coming?

I didn't know.

- He does love a surprise drop-in.
- Apparently.

Well, you seem happy.



- Yeah...

So, I guess there's some stuff
you haven't told me.

Not really. I mean,
there's been some texts...

and... two VideoTimes.

But I told him I couldn't see him
in person until you knew about it.

Well, now I know about it.

Are you feeling weird about this?


Even a little bit?
Come on, you can tell me.

I'm really not.

I mean... Walker and me...
nothing ever really happened.

He drew that picture of me,

and we went out
that one time. That's it.

We painted that mural,
and he gave me sneakers.

I think that's it. Look, this is silly.

I'm making a scene,
and I barely know him.

You're happy and I'm happy for you.

We should get back to the table.

You sure?

Yeah! I just needed a minute
to wrap my mind around it,

and... done.


♪ ♪

How are we?

We're good.


This isn't bugging you?
That British accent?

'Cause it's driving us crazy!

I'm not one to pick sides.

I'm new here, I'm just trying to fit in.

Well! This has been fun!

- Andi...
- I'm... gonna go now.


♪ ♪


Well, that salad cream certainly
is taking its sweet time, innit?

It's like... it's... it's like...
it's like...

BEX: Just spit it out.

I'm... I'm... I'm trying. It's like...
it's like my mind is like... aggh!


or Walker! It's like, I just...

Stop beating yourself up about this!

And me. You're a teenager.

You won't be fully rational
for at least five years.

If you don't want to help me, just
say you don't want to help me.

It's scientific fact.

Your brain isn't fully formed yet.

- Look it up!
- You're being so mean.

CELIA: She's being kind.
It's more like ten years.

CeCe? Why didn't you
tell me she was in there?

Because I thought she
would be out by now!

CELIA: I'm not ready!

I'm still zhuzhing.

Stop! You're going to zhuzh
yourself down to a little nub.


Could you get that?

- Could you?
- Well, I'm busy.

- It might be Jonah.
- I doubt it's Jonah.

- It feels like it is!
- Why don't you want to see Jonah?

- Because... it's... it's like...
- Forget I asked.

CELIA: Is someone getting the door?




- I have to get this over with!
- Okay.


- Hey, schnoo.
- Pops?!

- Pops!

Ho, ho, ho!

- It's Pops!
- I lost my keys.

I think I dropped them
in the Ganges River.

This thing has no pockets.

- BEX: Dad!


Oh, oh, oh!

Is your mom home?

I hope she's happy to see me.

(SCOFFS) Oh, she will be!

CeCe! Did you hear me? Pops is home!

I probably should have changed.

Oh... yeah, probably.

She won't care.

♪ ♪



(GASP) CeCe!

Bex gave me a makeover.

Do I look foolish?

- Are you joking?! You look sensational.
- No, not at all.

I won't ask you the same question.

I think I know what you'd say.

I'd say, "Welcome home."

I'm so happy to be here.

♪ ♪


Yeah, I should shower.

Uh... is my soap still here?

Everything is right where you left it.

Soap, I'm comin' to get ya!



- He looks good.
- He looks happy.

He looks like a yeti.

Don't give me that!
We were all thinking it.

Still nothing?

She said she was cool with it, but...

maybe she's really not.

Maybe she just needs a little more time.

Exactly. "Keep calm and carry on."

That's what my people always say.

We're your people.

But we won't be if you
keep talking that way.

Calm down, luv, you sound like the
business end of a tea kettle.

Do you want him to stop?
I can get him to stop.

- Don't hurt him.
- I'll be gentle.

I'm tote'ly wiv yer, yeah?

- What?
- You see, I'd rabbit and pork like this

aw the beastly nickel and dime,

but nobody'd know wot I'm on about!

You're me bright boy!

Right cop to know each
uvver, wotcha say?

(NORMAL VOICE) You're right.
This is annoying.

- I can make myself useful.

So I see.

Did I tell you guys,
next year I'm going to Spain?

To run with the bulls!


That sounds safe.

- BEX: No!
- Please! You did it for CeCe.

Well, you're perfect
exactly the way you are.


I'm not saying it to be nice.

Well, I'm saying it
to be nice. My point is,

is that there is absolutely
no way to improve upon this.

So, I'm not giving you a makeover.

Ugh. It's like living with a fairy
godmother that won't bippity-bop me.

How about a red carpet look?

♪ ♪

That I can do.

♪ Every day I find another piece ♪

♪ Of another world I've never seen ♪

♪ Picking up and chasing dreams ♪

♪ That won't let go of me ♪

♪ And I-I-I ♪

♪ Was never meant
for the faint-hearted ♪

♪ I-I-I ♪


Yes! Fabulous! Stunning! To the camera!

Andi Mack, what is your latest project?

Well, it's for science class,
and it's on the solar system.

Amazing! You pick that dress
out yourself?

- I did!
- Your style is exquisite!

Buffy, Cyrus, collaborators.

Did you choose them?
Or did they choose you?

- It was very mutual.
- I knew it!

Andi Mack! One more question!


(IN UNISON) Jonah.

How do I look?

Do you realize this never happens?

Nobody ever looks like that when
they run into a guy from their past.

They usually look like this.

Oh, I can't wait to see his face
when you open the door!

- Okay.
- Okay.

Breathe, breathe.

Just... answer the door.







Just set that down, yeah.

- Try that again?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪


I missed you.

♪ ♪

ANDI: I can't believe you're here!

Did something happen?

Because according to your schedule,
which I have right here,

you're supposed to be on stage
in Tokyo in minutes.

Something did happen...

about two months ago,

when I found a ring inside a cake.

Hey, does this belong to anyone
or can I call finders keepers?

I guess I have to be the adult here.

Solid plan, especially
because you are the adult here.

We were going to propose.

Together. It was my idea.

The cake was also my idea. The
whole dinner was actually my idea.

Hey! Who came up with the proposing? Me.

Who found the ring? Me.

Okay, uh, when's the actual proposal?

Spoiler alert... my answer's yes.

We're not proposing.

Hold up. Was that definitely decided?

You're not?

Plus, he already said yes!

No, the Renaissance
Boys already proposed.

They were ahead of us.

- I can tell them no.
- No, you cannot tell them no!

You have to go on that tour!

Then what happens to this?

I'll hang on to it.

And then, six months from now,
when you get back,

we'll pick up where we left off.

Does that work for you?


It sounds like another messed-up
marriage proposal. I don't get it!

It's such a simple concept,
with a very basic procedure,

and for some reason, you two
just cannot make it happen!

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have said that.

We love each other,

that's what matters.

That's all that matters.

Who cares if we don't
get this part right?

I remember that.

You left out the part
where you're four months early.

Something intervened.

Let me guess. The Universe!

Close! The Universe... ity of Michigan.

Micah, our drummer, got into law school!

Oh, that's great!, but...

You just canceled the rest of the tour?

Also, Rafe threw his back out and
Guthrie met a girl in Australia,

and plus, I never really
wanted to go in the first place.

Well, that doesn't answer
all my questions.

I still have a lot of questions.

Well, I just have one.

Actually, so do I.


(IN UNISON) Will you marry me?


Oh, sorry! Sorry, uh, keep going.



- (IN UNISON) Nailed it!
- Finally!

Oh! We need pictures!
Where is the camera?!

And bubbles! Bubbles!



- Yo!
- Yo! What?!

- BEX: Jonah!
- Hey, Bex!

- Andi!
- What?

Someone here to see you!


ANDI: Jonah! Hey!


- My parents are getting married.
- Cool!

♪ Oh my brain, on Sunday ♪

♪ The weekend seems so far away ♪

♪ It's all work and no play ♪

♪ Forever planning our escape ♪

♪ Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo ♪

- Oh, it's good to see you!
- Sorry I didn't come sooner.

Oh, don't apologize,
that's totally okay.

So you and me, we're...?


- Just friends.
- Still together.

Next on Andi Mack:

I told Jonah that I just
want to be friends.

But he still thinks we're a couple.

Either way, I should probably invite
him to the Moon Festival Party.

- You've outdone yourself!
- ANDI: It's beyond Chinese New Year.

Please tell me this doesn't mean
what I think it means.

She invited Aunt May.

Isn't it wonderful?
Mothers and daughters together.

- Bonding.
- It's so stressful!

JONAH: Saying the right things,
wearing the right clothes!

I don't know what we're gonna do
about this mess.

If I were you, I'd break up with me.

Do you want to break up with me?