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02x18 - Crime Scene: Andi Shack!

Posted: 02/01/22 08:56
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Andi Mack...

I need someone to do my math homework.

- Me?
- You are my tutor.

- You're right.
- About what?

Right about me not having a moral code.

Which means you still
want me to do your homework.

You're right.

You're really good.

- Thanks.
- What's really going on?

Sometimes I get kind of stressed
and can't catch my breath.

- Sounds like a panic attack.
- Yeah.

I regret not saying yes
to Bowie when he proposed.

I'm... thrilled!

Come on, you need to call
Bowie and tell him, now!

I'm not gonna do that, ever.

So, it's okay? I can stay with you?

Of course.

Andi? Andi?

For as long as you want.

Bowie, hey. Don't say anything.

I don't want Andi to know it's me.

I'm a mess.

I leave home for 13 years,

but now I can't handle
one night alone without her.

Any chance you think she'd talk to me?

Don't ask her! Just... if you
think she's ready to talk to me,

say... "Rococo."

No, that sounds like a code word.

"Pot roast," say "pot roast."

Pot roast.

She's here.

Cancel the pot roast.



You still mad at me?

No. Obviously.

I'm happy you're home.

Me too.

Home is where the heart is.

And clean towels.

- Hey!
- Hi!

There's a basketball game
today. You going?

Of course. Buffy's playing.

If TJ passes her the ball.

Can we sit together?

Sure. I was going to ask you.


Cyrus is getting there early
to save seats.

I'll let him know you're coming.

Oh, it's... it's... it's a group thing?

Well, yeah, we're
forming a cheering section.

TJ is going to know
that Buffy has posse power.

Great, I'll be there.


Bex! Bowie! Over here!

I'm sorry, is this too loud?
It only has one setting.

I'm sorry!

Hi! Here you go.

Here you go.

Here you go, and...

- Ooh.
- Here... you go.

- Thanks.
- Everybody got a megaphone?

I miss having you as a superfan.

No need. I'm a Jonah
Beck superfan for life.

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!

- Buffy! Buffy!
- Woo!

Ooh, we can also use
these to yell at TJ.

Why would we wanna do that?

To get him to pass Buffy the ball?

I don't think that's gonna be an issue.

- Be right back.
- Okay.

Are they friends?

You're not playing?

Nothing gets past you.

I'm not here as a punching bag.

I'm here to see if you're okay.

How about... you're not here at all?

Yeah! Go, Buffy!


We have megaphones!

Go Buffy! Go Buffy! Go Buffy! Go Buffy!

Go Buffy! Go Buffy!

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy! Woo!

Eating your feelings?

I do that.

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!

Think they'll win without me?

I don't even know who they're playing.

The Raptors. I should be in that game.

Why aren't you?

'Cause I'm failing math.

They won't let me play basketball

because I can't do
some stupid equations.

How are those things even related?

Maybe you should get a different tutor.

What I need is a different brain.

What's wrong with yours?

It... doesn't work.

There's a malfunction.

I might have this... math dyslexia.


Buffy's the one who figured it out.

She's been bugging me
to talk to Coleman.

Constantly on my back about it.

It's pretty common.
Not worth replacing your brain.

- Dude, it's a...
- Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!

...learning disability. I don't
wanna go around announcing it.

Dude, that's an overused buzzword.

There is nothing wrong with you.

And your teacher
can't fail you for having it.

Coleman can't fail me.

You could be playing basketball.

Right now.

And Buffy's been right all along.

At least I'll mean it this time
when I tell her she's right.

That really is
her favorite thing to hear.

I shouldn't have told you about that.

She'd k*ll me if she ever found out.

Ah, don't worry. She won't find out.

And she may have been right,

but you're the one who really helped me.

- Cheese puff?
- Sure.

That was a great game.
I'm so glad I went.

Ta-da! What do you think?

Are you kidding? This is, like,
your version of a ball pit.

I know, right?

Look at all my new best friends.

Oh, no, what about Judy's Blooms?

The plants are gonna be so jealous!

Not to mention the plant doctor.

I'm sorry.

That was petty.

And you're not petty... you're pretty.

I can be pretty petty.

That's a pity.

Are they getting married?

He asked her. She turned him down.

They just look so...

I know.

I still have hope.

Shall we head off to The Spoon?

Yeah. I wanna be there
when Buffy walks in.

Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, sure.

We're gonna catch up
with you guys later.

What's that about?

No idea.

I just wanna see how you were doin'.

- Fine.
- You know, with your... thing?

You're not going to tell Andi, right?

No. No, but if you need
someone to talk to...

I'm really fine.
I haven't had any more...

- att*cks.
- Good. That's good.

But I'm always afraid I might.

The last one... came out of nowhere.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I have somethin' for you.

Are you giving this to me?

I know it's pretty beat up.
It was my first guitar.

What? I... I can't take this.


It's hard to ask for help,
I... I know that.

But with this, you don't
have to ask, it's just...

there when you need it.

And looking at you playing music...

it... it seemed to center you.

It did.

Then you take this,
and as an added bonus,

I'll quit buggin' you about how you feel

every single time I see you.

Deal? Hmm?


All right.

So that's where you've been
this whole time?

Playing nursemaid to toxic TJ Kippen?

I'm sorry, but if you had seen him,

he just looked so sad and lonely

and miserable. And he felt like his
life had no purpose or meaning.

Go on. I'm enjoying this.

Look, you had the whole school
cheering your name.

He had no one.

Except my best friend.

Which brings us back to... I'm sorry!

I am a wretched waste of humanity.

Yo, Slayer.

Go, Player!

You were saying?

- Slayer?
- Present.

You already got a nickname.

That's right.

But you didn't see me play,
so you don't get to use it.

Try and stop me.

Behold, the Slayer!

Most valuable player! You must obey her!

And pay for her taters!

It would be my honor.

I like that rhyme.

I thought you might.

- Will you do it again?
- Certainly.

- At The Spoon?
- If you like.

- With this?
- You're the Slayer.

- Who is this?
- Ninja cow.

- Moo.
- Walker?

- Hey!
- Walker!

I don't know if you remember me.

I just said your name.

I was a caricature artist
at a bar mitzvah party.

- I know.
- Oh. Um, okay. Just checkin'.

- What?
- Take care. Bye.


Are you kidding me? What was that?

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing right now?


Those smell amazing.

Roasted cashews.

They're so good.

Oh, I'm... sorry, did you want some?

Well... yeah.

That's good, because...

I got you your own bag.


So, are we heading somewhere
or are we just rambling?

I'm fine with either, by the way.

I'm taking you to one
of my favorite art galleries.

It's my favorite because
I have a painting there.

You have a painting in an art gallery?

- Wow.
- Manage your expectations, please.

- Are we almost there?
- Yeah, it's right through there.

You like it?


The city has an
Office of Art and Culture.

They made this an exhibition
space for local artists.

You had to apply to get a wall.

And you did?

Which one's yours?

See if you can figure it out.

Well? Can you tell which one is mine?


I know you did your shoes.

Which are awesome, by the way.

Thank you.

Just tell me.

I don't wanna keep guessing wrong.

It's this one.

What do you think?

I think that...

you haven't painted anything on it yet?

- Please tell me I'm right!
- You're right.

Do you know what you're gonna paint?

Um... no idea.

Is there some kinda deadline?

- It's today.
- Ha, ha.

Andi, look...

I'm being serious.

That's why I brought you here.

I need your help.

I'm gonna lose this space
if I don't put something on it.

I'm gonna say you're really good at
this, but you're obviously kidding.

And you're not kidding.

You might wanna put this on.

Dude, you see it now, right?

I mean, I don't have
to teach you anything,

it's already there, inside of you.

It's kinda crazy. I... I
never knew I could do this,

and now I wanna do it all the time.

You need a teacher, a real one.

I'm gonna send you to Sid.

Who's Sid?

The best studio musician.

A perfectionist. Very prickly.

Difficult to work with.

He sounds fun.

Only because she's better
than everyone else,

which makes her a great teacher.

If she accepts you.

She doesn't take a lot of students,
so you'll have to audition.

I don't know.

Don't worry, she's gonna love you.

Yes! You're in!

Eleven a.m. tomorrow.

Tomorrow? I... I'm not ready.
I only know one song.

Oh, you can't play that song.
She hates that song.

Do you want me
to have another panic attack?

No, of course not.

But you're not having one,
and I think I know why.

Because deep down inside...
you know you're ready.

All right.

Eleven a.m., sharp.

She won't see you if you're late.

Hey, mark my words.
This is gonna change your life.

You go first.

No, you go first.

- It's your painting.
- Please?

Very nice.

Can I use more than this one brush?

Yeah. Use as many as you'd like.

This is fun.

Wasn't that a great game yesterday?

- Yeah!
- Woo!


I'll see you guys in there.

I come in peace.

What's going on?

I'm back on the team.

Since when?

Since I told Coleman
that I might have dyscalculia.

The math dyslexia thing.
That's what it's called.

Oh. Well, I'm glad you finally told him.

Me too.

Well... welcome back.

I guess.

Oh, uh, before you go in, you
need to go talk to Coleman.

About what?

I kind of told him
that you did my homework.

Did you tell him that you asked me to?

Of course.

I'm changed!

I'm a completely open book now.

He's not kicking me off the team, is he?

I honestly don't know.

But I hope not.

I heard you played a great
game against the Raptors.

Everything you've just said is a lie.

Isn't it?

Old habits die hard.

I'm really trying, though.

But, as usual, you're right.

Are you making fun of me?

No. I'm saying you're right.

You say that to me a lot.

Especially when you want me
to do something for you.

Such as your homework.

I don't know, maybe.

So what?

So it's almost like someone
told you to say that.

Someone who knows me really well.

That's what happened.

Isn't it?

- Well...
- You don't have to say it, TJ.

I know I'm right.

Do you like it?

Do you?

I love it.

Me too.

I'm very impressed with us.

We're in an art gallery.

We have to sign it.

I feel like it needs something.



Can I ask you something?

Was today really the deadline
to finish this painting?

It's art. There is no deadline.

I just thought
it'd be fun to do with you,

and I was right.

I'm suspended from the basketball team.

I won't get to play again before I move.

That's so unfair.

All because I did TJ's homework.

Why would I do TJ's homework?

It's so unlike me.

Any theories?

I'm dead. Aren't I?

You are so dead.

What can I do to make it up to you?

I can't be your friend, Cyrus.

Not if you're friends with TJ.

You're giving me an ultimatum?

Him... or me.


You. Buffy, I choose you.

You're my best friend!

Buffy, I choose you!

So, how was your day with Walker?

- Fun.
- That's good.

But not so good for Jonah, I guess.

This look on your face.

What about it?

Jonah's clearly not in your head.

I wonder if he's still in your heart?

Fun. Look what came with dinner,
a human fortune cookie.

I like Jonah, okay?
I'm feelin' protective.

I just wanna make sure you're honest
with him about your feelings.

Oh, I totally will be.

Right after you're honest
with Bowie about your feelings.

How do you feel?
Living in your glass house?


What's that?

- Here's that.
- Mm-hm.

Next on Andi Mack...

This is my friend Miranda,
and this is Morgan.

- Say hello.
- No.

Do you see anything you like?

- That's pretty.
- This is off-limits,

but you can use anything you like.

Bye, Morgan!

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

She took it!

Are you avoiding me?

You betrayed me.

How did I betray you?

I can explain it to you,

but I can't understand it for you.

I really need you guys right now.

You can't fight.
You have to stop fighting.

Now the pancakes are burning!

I'm having another panic attack.