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02x07 - Head Over Heels

Posted: 02/01/22 08:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Andi Mack...

If we didn't race,
we could still do this.

Which we're both good at.

- Maybe one of us is slightly better.
- No.

Can't help yourself, can you?

You're the only person who gets that.

Should Jonah and I
be holding hands by now?

Good-sized knuckles. I don't see any

reason not to be holding this hand.

You're so creative. You're so smart.

Sorry, sometimes my palms get sweaty.

Pops and CeCe are selling the house.

What about AndiShack?
What happens to AndiShack?

Don't worry. We'll find room
for your craft supplies.

AndiShack is not just the place
that I keep my glue g*n.

There's nothing else like it.

Cyrus, hey. What brings
you to The Fringe?

Oh, we just got in a shipment
of mustache magnets.

Actually, I wanted to talk to you...

but... you have company.

Oh, yeah, Brittany asked me
to put faces on these.

This one's Winona.

This one's Marilyn,
note the beauty mark.

And then Tigress.

She's the fiestiest.

Mm-hmm. You know, if you ever
need someone human to talk to,

my parents are professionals, and I'm

sure one of them takes your insurance.

Dude, I haven't lost it.

Tell him, Marilyn.

So, what's up?

I have decided to become a screenwriter,

And I've written a script, and I need

someone to read it, and I've chosen you.

Oh. Well, this is a surprise...

and an honor. Mostly a surprise.

There's just five years left
before I apply to college,

and so far my only
extracurricular activities

are substitute flag monitor

and lunch lady's favorite assistant.

I guess it's never too early
to start obsessing.

- But why a screenplay?
- Well, I'm blocked on my novel

and my rock opera doesn't seem
ground-breaking enough.

Please read it.
I need an objective opinion.

Well, why me?

Why not Andi or Buffy or... anyone?

They'll just tell me
what I want to hear.

Plus I know you're doing that
movie makeup unit in school

and I was really hoping I could get

some feedback from someone in the biz.

Okay, but I'm not sure I'm qualified.

I really don't think I'd know a
good script from a terrible script.

This is a terrible script.

- Sounds like you really enjoyed it.
- You guys, it was awesome.

I was climbing a mountain.

It felt so real,

like I was actually

touching the rocks.

One day we'll be telling

our kids that we actually had

to go outside to touch rocks.

They don't just have rock climbing.

They have hang gliding, volcano jumping,

or you can just sit in a tree house

with a hedgehog.

This place must be new.
I didn't know there was

a virtual reality arcade in town.

I could use some virtual reality.

My actual reality kind of stinks.

CeCe is selling their house.

She is? That's terrible.

Yeah. It is.

Including AndiShack,

which is the most important
place in the world to me.

So, can we please change the
subject before I start crying?

Hey, if you want to take
your mind off of things,

I'll take you to the
arcade this weekend.

Yeah, that sounds good.

Cool. It's a date.

- You should come too.
- Uhh...

Gotta go. Late for practice.


So close, Buffy.

I know.

He actually used the word "date."

I thought we were finally gonna go
do something, just the two of us.

It's okay. I won't come.

No. Do. If you don't, he'll just
end up inviting someone else.

Well, as awesome
as that invitation sounds,

I still don't want to be a third wheel.

Wait. You and Jonah are a couple?

Who can tell? We've never
used that word before,

and he has so many
friends that we always

end up doing everything in a group.

But he still likes you the best.

Does he?

Sometimes I don't know if we're together

or if we're just friends
that like holding hands

and ending calls
with "No, you hang up first."

You want half my fries?

You never order them,
and you always regret it.

That's okay. They taste
better when I steal

them from you and you
pretend not to see.



They forgot your extra napkins.

- I'm on it.
- Thanks.

- What?
- Extra napkins.

Everybody knows I like extra napkins.

I didn't, but obviously Marty's
been paying attention.

Are you seriously gonna tell me
he doesn't like you?

That's just how he is.

He's... thoughtful.

Thoughtful to you!

And for the record, why not?

You guys would make a great couple.

Well, we're not a couple.

But we could be one for a day.

I could bring him to the arcade,

and then it would be
like a double date...

which it won't be.

But that way,
I won't be the third wheel.

Do you think Marty
would be okay with that?

Hey, I need a plus one
for the virtual reality thingee.

- Wanna come?
- Yeah, cool.

Just another service we provide.

What are you doing?

I'm restocking the nail polish.

In that order?

I thought the visible
spectrum was a safe bet.

You don't organize them by color.

You organize them by feeling.

It's supposed to go
"happy, fancy, flirty,

edgy, angry, dangerous."

Where do "controlling" and "bossy" go?

Silly. Those aren't colors.

- Hey, Bex!
- Cyrus!

Hey. Back already?

I know it's soon, but I just
couldn't wait any longer.

Just to set the scene
for you, it was like,

Cyrus's bedroom.

Cyrus sits on his bed,
nervously drinking milk..."

"wondering what Bex thinks
of his script. Fade out."

So, did you get a chance to read it?

- Yes.
- And?

Uh, Cyrus, here's the thing.
I really didn't...

expect... to love it as much as I did.

Really? You liked it?
What was your favorite part?

Oh, um, probably the noir mystery,

the space stuff, or how it all builds

to that ping-pong match at the end.

Okay, but there must've been
something you didn't like.

Was the time-traveling dog too much?

Who doesn't love a time-traveling dog?

What about at the end when you find out

that the main character
is actually twins?

- Random, right?
- Which is why you never see it coming.

I mean... right?

Yes! That's what I was going for!

Seriously, Cyrus, you should
be really proud of yourself.

This is the best day ever.

Oh! I feel like Cody the Quantum Terrier

when he travels to the future with
the cat-shaped fire hydrants.

- Uh-huh?
- Huh? Huh?

Got it.

You look like Robo-Jonah.

- Robo-nah.
- I like it.

Master of Beck-nology."

And coming soon, "Andi the Android."

Andi the Android is definitely
one of those robot vacuums

that keeps getting stuck in the corner.

What other appliances do you do?

All of them, but my best
is the microwave.

- Wanna see?
- Yeah!

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

That's also my
"truck backing up" impression.


Ooh! Watch out for that eagle!


- That was...
- Unreal.

- It was like we were...
- Actually flying.

Never felt anything like that before.

Me neither.

My heart is still pounding.

I'm so glad you invited me.

- Me too.
- Why did you?

Oh, because I didn't want
to be a third wheel.

So, we're a fake couple?

A virtual couple.

- Go again?
- Goggles on.

- Watch out for the lava.
- I see it. Don't worry.

Okay, but you're getting close
to the edge.

Relax. I got this.

I just don't want you to fall.

It's a game. I can't...


Oh my gosh. That was hilarious.

Are you okay? I'm sorry.
That was so funny.

Did you hurt yourself?

- No.
- Let me see your chin.

- No.
- You should have an ice pack.

- Let me see if they have an ice pack.
- Don't.

- Are you mad at me?
- No.

How bad is it?

It's... not so bad.

Yeah, it looks great.

Uh, I'm gonna go get you more napkins.

Oh. I'll come with you.

Look. I'm really, really sorry
that I laughed at you.

It's fine.

But it feels like you're mad at me.

I'm not. Can we just
stop talking about it?

Kinda hurts to move my jaw.

Ow. Ow.

Oh, I'm actually waiting for someone.

Cyrus? Funny kid, likes cardigans,

sometimes runs into the door?

That's him. Yeah, he said
he wanted to meet me...

About the screenplay. I know. Me too.

Why would he...

'Scuse me.

Who's ready to make a movie?

- Spielberg?
- It's us.

We're gonna sh**t
"Disillusionment of Souls."

You said that was a working title.

It is... because it's totally working.

Even better, it's pretentious.

The Ivy League schools love pretentious.

Wait. Isn't making a whole movie
just a little bit ambitious?

That's why I'm assembling a great team,

and I thought you could be the producer,

because... none of this would
be happening without you.

Oh. Please, don't put this all on me.

And he asked me to be the star,

well, because... obvious.

- You've read it?
- Not yet. Did you bring my copy?

- Mm-hmm.
- Pause!

I just decided what
I'm wearing to the Oscars.


Aren't we getting a little
ahead of ourselves?

She's right. She's right.

First there's
the Independent Spirit Awards.

You'll wanna wear something a
little more casual for that.

What makes you think he's mad?

I sent him a text last
night, and he didn't answer.

- Does he answer every text?
- I wasn't keeping track before.

Well, what did your text say?

"Good night."

And he didn't respond?

It's almost like he was already asleep.

He didn't answer this morning either.

Normally I'd get at least a smiley face,

but I would've been happy
with the cat face,

the dancing girls, or even the top hat.

He's got to be mad at me.

Well, now's your chance to find out.


I was just wondering,
did you get my text last night?

I was gonna answer, but...

my phone died.

Right. Right.

Look, I know you've already
answered this question,

but I just need to make absolutely
sure you're not mad at me.

Like I already said, no.

Okay, then... talk to you later?


Ready to stop?

- I could go another mile.
- Same.

You might want to tie your shoe, though.

Well, since you stopped first.

Liar! My shoes aren't untied.

I had a great time yesterday.

Yeah. It was a lot more
fun being a fake couple.

I couldn't deal with all the drama

that Andi's going through with Jonah.

But you know with us,
it wouldn't be like that, right?

- What?
- With us, there wouldn't be any drama.

I mean, we're great together.

Yeah, we're great together
because we're not a couple.

I'm just saying... I think we could be.

And I'm just saying
I know we shouldn't be.

- We have the perfect relationship.
- Not to me.

I don't want it to be fake.

I want it to be real.

Is that a possibility?

- Marty.
- We're already running partners,

and bantering partners, and plus-ones.

And I get you extra napkins.

We're halfway there.

We're more than halfway.

But I like what we have.
We're Buffy and Marty.

We get each other?

We're friends.

And we can joke around, remember?

Virtual couple?

Feels... more like virtual nothing.

Okay, I need some specifics.

He hurt himself, you laughed,

and now you think he's mad at you?

I don't think it.
I know it, but he's denying it.

And now it feels like he's avoiding me,

and he's not answering
my texts, and it's just...

Okay, calm down.

At least he's not giving you some lame

excuse like, "My phone died," or...

He is. He said that! What should I do?

You asked if he was mad.

- Twice.
- Twice...

Here's what you do.

You ask him one more time.

Why would I do that?

Because the first time you ask,

they're just saying what
they think you wanna hear.

The second time, they stand their ground

to prove that they weren't
lying the first time.

And the third time, you get the truth,

but only because you cared
enough to ask three times.

He can't tell from this?

What if I bake him some brownies?

Three times.

Aww. You gonna eat that?

No, it's for Jonah.

Are you sure he's coming?

He's usually here by now.

He has to come.

I need to ask him if he's mad at me...

which he obviously is,

because he's not here.

But didn't you already ask him?

Yeah, twice, but
apparently you don't get

the real answer until the third time.

Who told you that?

- Bex.
- She's so wise.

What's going on with you two?

We broke up.

Oh. I'm so sorry.

I didn't even know
you two were together.

We weren't.

Jonah never showed up.

What if I never get the chance
to ask him a third time?

Is it too soon to ask
if I could have his muffin?

Yes. Yes, it is.

But it's just going to waste.

Bex! You have terrible taste,

and not just in tops.

Excuse me?

This script, it's awful!

A ping-pong mystery in space?

- I know, it's bad.
- So, why haven't you told him?

He's just so excited about it.

He's like a little puppy who's really,

really excited about his script.

Okay. Well, in the meantime,

I'm stuck playing "Rafalka, 19,
an alien table-tennis phenom,

with tentacles of steel
and two hearts of gold"!

Okay, okay. I never should've
let it get this far.

- I just can't hurt his feelings.
- Well, I can.

So, either you tell him
the truth or I will.

I'm sorry, Cyrus. I should've just

told you the truth in the first place.

I was feeling so good about myself.

You still should.

Finishing a script is
a huge accomplishment.

And one day you're gonna
take your great work ethic

and your ambition and... bam!

You'll be amazing.

I just wanna know who
I am, and where I'm going,

and what I'm doing, so the
future doesn't look so...

- wide open.
- A wide-open future is the best.

Quit worrying about college. You're 13.

You don't have to be you yet.

You're still figuring out who you are,

and that's okay.

- It is?
- It really is.


That's pretty great already.

Thanks, Bex.

You know, "Cyrus in Progress" would
be a great name for a web series.


I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna
ask him for the third time.

- But are you sure?
- Nope.

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh.

It's okay. I'm not mad.

Are you?

I'm over it.

Aw. How'd you trip?

That was so bad.

Next on "Andi Mack"...

There's been a new development.

CeCe won't sell the house
if I spend some more time there.

There's sound coming out
of that room again!

Don't you love it?

There's a student who needs tutoring.

- Him?
- Her?

- No way!
- Walk to the muffin,

like you already own it.

He can't do that.

Hey, don't tell him what he can't do.

- What's wrong?
- I got a call from the school.

Andi never showed up.