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04x12 - Cuts Like a Knife

Posted: 02/01/22 08:08
by bunniefuu
[bright tone]

[tense, jazzy music]

♪ ♪

- In Oz, you have to be
ready to defend yourself

at any given moment.

Chances are the person
coming at you has a w*apon,

so you gotta have one too.

You've got to be ready
to k*ll your enemies,

or at least
slow them down.

- You told me if I let you
out of Solitary,

you'd snitch on
the other prisoners,

be my informant.

Well, you haven't told me
anything I don't already know.

- Morales won't let me
back into El Norte

unless I k*ll Redding.

- Then you're f*cked, Alvarez,
and no use to me.

Hell, I might as well send you
back to Solitary right now.

- Wait a second.
He tells me

to grease somebody, right?

There's conspiracy, man.

- I convict Morales on
a conspiracy charge, so what?

He's still in Oz,
still running dr*gs.

- Give me a couple days,

I'll try to figure out
some other way

to get in his good graces.

Just a couple
of f*cking days.

[gate buzzes]

- Miguel, Miguel,
where you been?

- I was kissing
the Warden's ass.

- That's funny.

- Not as funny as you think.

You know he wants me
to rat on you.

Says if I don't give him any
inside info on dr*gs and shit,

I'm gonna be playing
Solitaire again.

So I've been thinking.

You know, maybe
I could be like a...

double agent, right?

I just give him
the information

that you want him
to have, you know.

- That's a brilliant idea.
- Think so?

- Except for the fact that
there ain't no information

I want Glynn to have.

- Misinformation.

- You tell him stuff that
turns out not to be true,

how long's
he gonna trust you?

No, my friend...

if I were you--
and I'm glad I'm not--

I'd prepare myself
for the inevitable,

spending the next 50 years
all by your lonesome.

- Yo.
- Yeah, what's up?

What you want, Alvarez?

- I want to talk
to your boss.

- We got no business
with you.

- Morales wants
you dead, man.

- [scoffs] That ain't
no headline.

- He's ordered me
to do the deed.

- I see.

- I don't want to have
to spill any more blood

than I already done, man.

- I still don't see
what it is you want.

- I wanna help you
take out Morales.

- You're playing
a dangerous game, son,

betraying your own skin.

- Hey, they betrayed me
first, man.

- No doubt.

But the trouble with getting
in bed with a traitor is

you never know when
he might betray you.

I appreciate your offer,

but we're gonna have to decline.

- Decline.

- What you talking
to Redding for?

- I asked to borrow
some detergent.

- Yeah?

Well, we haven't forgotten
that you shanked Carlo Ricardo.

- So?
- When Chico Guerra

gets out of the hospital,

he and me are
gonna f*ck you up.

- Why wait till
he gets out, chicken shit?

Come on, baby.

I ain't got nothing, man.

Nothing to lose,
nothing to gain.

Let's do this, puto.

- Yo, yo, yo!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh!

[men yelling]

[indistinct shouting]

- Go! f*ck him up!

- [yells]

- Oh!

[intense, percussive music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct shouting]

- Now, this shank, which
we call the Gillette bayonet,

is not designed to pierce
but to slice.

[slicing sound]

The blade
of a disposable razor

is extracted
from its plastic casing

and then attached
to a pen or a pencil.

Only, the danger
with this sucker is--

[inhales sharply]

Ahh. You end up
cutting yourself.

[eerie tone]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Busmalis is in solitary
confinement, Norma.

- Why?

- In order to get
permission to marry you,

Busmalis promised the warden
he wouldn't dig anymore tunnels.

Only he'd already
started a tunnel.

When he tried
to fill it up...

Well, all hell
broke loose.

- How long will Agamemnon
be isolated?

- Hard to say.

Let me see what
I can do on my end.

- Thank you, Mr. Rebadow.

I miss Agamemnon so much.

- Yes.

I miss him too.

- So, the truth is, Busmalis
started digging the tunnel

before he agreed not to.

- It's a lovely story,

but why should
I believe you?

- Because you know me, Warden.

I've been in Oz
for 35 years.

I've seen murders, riots,

had 100 different cellmates.

Not once have I stepped up

on another person's behalf.

I've survived
by being uninvolved.

Busmalis deserves better.

- [sighs]


But no more
g*dd*mn tunnels!

- I don't know how you got me
out or how I'll ever repay you.

- Nonsense.
I owed you.


No more tunnels.

- Absolutely.

In solitary, I had time to think
about my obsession with digging.

Tunnels are nothing
but extended graves.

But I'm not dead.
Far from it.

- Because of Norma, you have
every reason to live.

- I'm gonna go call Norma.

- [chuckling]

- Now, the Weigert Corporation
has developed a pill

which causes the body to age
at a faster pace than normal.

So we give this drug
to a prisoner,

he ages the number of years that
he was supposed to have served,

and then we let him go.

But that whole
f*cking process

invalidates the whole
purpose of our jobs.

- Tim's right.
You take a k*ller at 20,

who's in for 20,

you give him the pill,
bingo, he's 40,

but he's still
a cold-blooded m*rder*r.

- This drug doesn't
factor in rehabilitation.

This drug is the ultimate
admission of our failure.

It says that we can't
redeem these men

and we shouldn't even try.

We've gotta pull the plug
on this project now.

- Leave it to you, Tim,
to turn a personal disagreement

between us into some
self-righteous crusade.

He's making speeches

because he didn't want
the O'Reily brothers included.

- Regardless, he's brought up
some valid points.

- Peter Marie--
- I'm sorry, he has.

- Valid points?

Which of you can
stand up and claim

that you've actually turned
one of these fucks around?

- True.

All we do is move 'em
through the system.

We bring 'em in, we lock 'em up,
we let 'em out.

At least with this pill we don't
get stabbed in the process.

- If you're so afraid
it'll work, Lopresti,

go back to selling used cars.

- You see?
- Don't be an assh*le.

- Yeah.
- This isn't just about me.

- Now, wait a minute,
you instigated this.

- Enough!

I'll call the Commissioner
and express your concerns.

But until he decides
to yank the plug,

the program continues.

That's all.

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

- Let me ask
you something.

This new drug
that we're testing,

how long until we start
feeling the effects?

- Well, as I said before,

it's never been
tested on humans,

but the lab rats began
to age in about three days.

- If I get old and wrinkled,

will you still love me?

[Velcro ripping]

Cyril, any complaints?

- I have a tummy-ache.

- Come on, sit down.

Okay, take a deep breath.

[bell ringing]

[gate buzzes]

- Count!


Ah. Cyril, come on,
let's go.

Come on, Cyril, get up.

Holy mother of Christ.

- Ryan...I don't feel too good.

- Be right back.

- Hey, so?
- He's begun to age.

- What about me?

- Your body might
metabolize slower

or you could be
on the placebo.

- Whoa, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

The idea was for me and Cyril
to go through this together.

Remember? To get out
of Oz together.

Are you trying
to tell me he--

he's gonna get old
and I might not?

- Yes.
- No, you stop

giving him that drug.

- No, I won't.

You both agreed to take it.

- Well, now, I'm unagreeing.

Look, everything I've done
has f*cked up Cyril's life.

I'm not about to sit by
and watch him disintegrate.

- You signed an agreement.

- I don't care.
- Well, I do.

- f*ck you.

Cyril, put your shirt on.
We're leaving.

- No, we're keeping Cyril
here a few more hours

for observation.
Get him out of here.

- Okay, you see
my brother's hair?

- Pretty bizarre.

- This aging thing is
out of whack, Beecher.

You and me,
we gotta drop out.

We gotta talk to Robson
and Kirk and the others

and we gotta get them
to drop out too.


- This is just like you,

I gave my word,
and as terrified as I am

about the effects of the drug,
I'm sticking with it.

- Fine.

I'll talk to
the others myself.

- Yeah, well, I don't know
if that's gonna do much good.

Mugs like Robson,
Hoyt, and Wick,

they're used to playing
Russian roulette

with their lives.

My guess is they're gonna
laugh in your face.

- You feeling good today?

- I'm feeling nervous.
It's a lot of money.

- Well, helping you out
is none other than

the host of the very popular
"Miss Sally's Schoolyard,"

Whitney Allen.
Whitney, welcome.

Well, let's play the game...

- Dr. Nathan says
I got pubic lice.

Tiny little bugs that
live around in my balls.

- Shit.

[indistinct chatter on TV]

- Wow. That's freaky.

His hair turning white.

- Yeah, at least that shit
won't happen to us.

- Other than the lice,
I feel great.

Thinking maybe I'm one of
the five that got the placebo.

[laughter on TV]

- Wick, what are you doing?


Jesus f*cking Christ!

Murphy! Murphy!

Get some f*cking help
down here!

[shouts indistinctly]

♪ ♪

[dark tone]

♪ ♪

- Gloria.

- [sighs]
Come to gloat, Tim?

- No, to apologize.

I mean, you were
right on the money

when you said that
I turned our disagreement

into something else.

I'm sure you were acting out
on the best of intentions.

- Was I?

My answer to everything
that walks through that door

is pop a pill in his mouth.

I don't even try
to heal people anymore.

I'm a drug dealer.

[exhales sharply]

- Well, better that
than a, uh...

f*ck, I don't even know
what I am anymore,

except tired and hungry.

Good night.

- Tim.

- Yeah?

- That rain check
for dinner?

I'd like to cash it in.

- Really? You sure?

- Yeah.

I don't want to be
alone tonight.

- Remember when we were little?

Mama would sing to us.

- Just try and sleep, Cyril.

- I can't remember what song.

- [grunts]

Move over.

♪ Over in Killarney ♪

♪ Many years ago ♪

♪ Me mother sang
a song to me ♪

♪ In tones
so sweet and low ♪

♪ Just a simple
little ditty ♪

♪ In her sweet
old Irish way ♪

♪ And I'd give the world
if she could sing ♪

♪ That song to me this day ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Too-ra, loo-ra, loo-ra ♪

♪ Too-ra, loo-ra-li ♪

♪ Too-ra, loo-ra,
loo-ra ♪

♪ Hush now, don't you cry ♪

♪ Too-ra, loo-ra,
loo-ra ♪

- And I'm sure we all feel
enormous sense of joy

watching our brother embrace
the wings of Islam.

And so henceforth,

he will no longer be known
as Leroy Tidd

but as Salah Yudin,

which means
"honoring the faith."

Allahu akbar.

all: Allahu akbar.

- [laughs]
Welcome, my brother.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Imam, there are things
I want to talk to you about,

but I'm afraid.
- Well, don't be, my brother.

From now on, you must feel
free to ask me anything.

- Even about Adebisi?

[gate buzzes]

He was a bad man,
but he was my friend.

You plotted to m*rder him.

- No.

His death was never my goal.

I tried to save him.

But Simon didn't
want to be saved.

He felt he knew what
he needed from life.

After he'd satisfied
all of his appetites,

realized that
his desires were empty,

that he had nothing,

the only desire that
he had left was to die.

- How do you know that?

- You only need to look
into a man's face

to see if his time has come.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- Hello, Leroy.

Thought we had a deal.

Thought you were gonna
k*ll Said for us.

- I will.
- When?

- He's constantly
surrounded by his crew.

I'm waiting for a moment
when I got him alone.

As-salaam alaikum.

- Walaikum Salaam.

- What's going on?

- Said's napping.

You know he suffers from
hypertension, right?

- No, I didn't.

You want a break?

I'd be happy to take over.

- I do have to take a leak.

- Then relieve thyself.

- Okay.

He should be asleep
for another 20 minutes.

I'll be right back.
- Mm-hmm.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Salah?

- It's all right.

You're safe.

[intense music]

♪ ♪

- Ah, God!
What the f*ck?

- You know, I'm getting tired
of your boy Redding, man,

waiting to make his move against
Pancamo and Morales, man.

I mean, shit, I don't know why
we don't just go up there

and ice the m*therf*ckers
right now.

- Relax.
Red knows the score.

He'll tell us when
the time is right.


That--that's not who
I think it is, is it?

Jackson Vahue?
- Yeah, that's him, yo.

- Get the f*ck out of here.

I heard he was up in here,

man, but you know,
I ain't seen him.

- He like to keep
a low profile.

You know.
- Hey, I want to meet him.

- Yeah, yeah,
come on, man.

Jackson, yo, Jackson.

- What's up, man?

All right, all right.

How you doing?
- I'm good, you know?

- My man Omar White, B.

- Oh, hey.
- He wanted to meet you.

- What's up, man? Yeah.

Yo, hey, I was there that night,
man, when you scored, what?

48 points on the Bulls, boy.

That was--
- Poet, what you got in stock?

- I thought you was
off the dr*gs, man.

- Yeah, well, that was when
I was trying to win parole.

Now, I'm stuck in this sh*thole
for another seven years.

Gimme some tit.

- Anything you need,

We got that for you.
- Yeah.

- All right, dog.

- Aw, keep you happy.

Keep your motor running.

- I'm your man, Jackson.
- [laughs]

- Man, boy,
Jackson Vahue, man.

I mean, there I am, man.
I'm up there

trying to be all friendly
with this m*therf*cker,

he's looking at me
like I'm not even there,

like I'm a f*cking glass
of water or something.

- Man, he got other shit
on his mind, man.

- I got this problem.

I just--I just don't
impress people.

- [laughing]

- No, man, this ain't
no joke, man.

I mean, ever since
I was a kid, man,

I meet people, man, I just--

for some reason I just don't
leave no impression on them.

- What you gonna do, man?

- What am I do?

I'll show you what I'ma do.

I'm gonna make
these m*therf*ckers

notice me, all right?

- Yo, don't be waving
that shit around, man.

- These m*therf*ckers are
gonna fear me, all right?

Watch me, watch me.

- Hey, get the f*ck
out of the way.

- McManus.

- Yeah?

Ohh! Ah!

[overlapping shouting]

- Central, this is 11.
We got a 66, hurry!

[alarm blaring]

- Apply pressure,
Raise his head!

- Bleeding like, a pig, McManus.

How does it feel, baby?
- Ah, f*ck!

[indistinct shouting]


[percussive music]

♪ ♪

- It's gonna be okay.
[alarm blaring]

- This particular shank
is called a blunt.

It's fairly standard.

A prisoner palms a hunk of metal
working in the shop

and then rubs the metal
against a stone wall--

in Oz, we got plenty
of those--

shaping it into a blade.

The beauty of this baby
is that

it causes as much
internal damage

as possible.

- Basil, you got a guest.

- Who?

- Nancy Mears.

- That's your mistress?

- Sort of.

She was my partner.

While I was undercover
in Em City,

she pretended
to be my girlfriend.

- You seem surprised
she's here.

- I am.

Up till today
she's refused to see me.


I can't tell you how happy
I am that you've come.

- The Lieutenant ordered me.

- What?

- Schmand.
He said I had to come.

- Oh. Well, I'm sorry
he forced you.

- You had something
to tell me?

- I wanted to apologize

for lying to you
while I was undercover.

I got so deep
inside Desmond Mobay

that I let
the situation get funky.

- Okay.


- Nancy, that's it?

Okay, bye?

- What do you want
from me, John?

- Forgiveness.

- Look,

being a cop sucks.

The people we're supposed
to protect and serve,

they think we're brutal,

insulated, and corrupt.

Every day I fight
against that image

and every day a scumbag
like you fucks it up.

So, no, John,
I will not forgive you.

But I promise you this,
I'll forget you.

I will forget
you ever existed.

And if Schmand asks, be sure
to tell him I was here.

- Hey, Hughes!

Wanna play some cards?

- Not with you.
- [sighs]

Mm, mm, mm.

When are you gonna
accept the fact

that you, me, and Johnny
share a bond.

We were all cops.

Cops who, for one reason
or another, copped out.

- I have nothing
in common with you.

I'm a political prisoner

by an unjust system.

- No, son.

You're nothing,
but a punk with bad aim.

- And you're a dead man.

- That a threat?

- It ain't a valentine.

- Like I said...


[dark tone]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- Quit staring.

- Relax.
- Cocksucker keeps staring at me

like he's putting
some kind of curse on me.

- Warden wants to see you.
Come on.

- I wonder what
that's about.

- Morales and Pancamo
k*lled Bian Yixhue.

- Do you have proof?

Well, then unfortunately
there's not much I can do.

- We wanted to see you,

so that you can
prepare the others.

- To return home?

- No, this is about
Jia Kenmin.

- Jia Kenmin?
You have captured him?

- Yes, he was already on trial
locally for drug charges.

Yesterday, the jury
found him guilty.

- He'll be tried again
in federal court

for illegally bringing
you and the others

into the country.

But in the interim,
he's coming here.

- To this prison?

- Yes, and we're gonna keep him
completely segregated

until your people are gone.

- Jia Kenmin, he is
to blame for the misery.

He arranged for the boat
that brought us from China.

- Yes, and he'll be
punished accordingly.

- I would like to meet him

to see his face.

- Gongjin--
- Please, I will do him no harm.

What harm could I do?

He is a k*ller.

I am not.

[dramatic music]

[no audible dialogue]

[tires screeching]

police radio chatter]

♪ ♪

- Prisoner number 01J813,
Jia Kenmin.

February 2nd, 2001,

Possession and distribution
of a controlled substance.

Sentence: 15 years,

up for parole in five.

- Kuang Gongjin, Jia Kenmin.

- How you doing?
- No physical contact.


The officer's gonna
remain in the room

for the entire
five minutes

and can shut the conversation
down any time before that.


[door rattles closed]

- So?

- I am told your parents

left China same as us.

Escaped the horrors

to make a better life
for you.

So, how can you treat
your own people like dirt?

I want to k*ll you.

But k*lling you will not bring
Yixhue back to his wife and son.

The men in this prison
are not honorable.

Are you?

Are you, Jia Kenmin?

If so, there is one thing you
could do to make up for the bad.

One thing I ask,
not only for myself,

but for the honor
of all who suffer.

[speaking Chinese]
Enrique Morales.

Will you do that?

Will you swear?

[tense, percussive music]

♪ ♪

- The State Department,
under increasing pressure

from the Beijing government,

has decided not
to grant asylum

to the 35 remaining
Chinese illegals

whose freighter crashed
off Jeb Island Sound.

The refugees will be deported
to China tomorrow,

where they face
an uncertain future.

Business news is next
with Marcia Levy.

- Yo, look who's
out of Solitary.

- I forgot Ketchum
was in Oz.

- Yeah, he got here
a couple months ago.

Calls himself
Supreme Allah.

- [chuckles] Right.

- He's been on trial for
k*lling two other inmates.

- Burr, heard you
were in circulation.

- Get the f*ck away
from me, Ketchum.

- Yeah, all right.

[gate buzzes]

- What was that about?

- Augustus, you ever wonder why
the cops knew where you was at

the night you got arrested?

- Yeah, I figured they
had me under surveillance.

- Surveillance, my black ass.

Ketchum told them.

- What?

- They had him
on an old warrant.

They were squeezing him hard.

He gave you up.

If it wasn't
for Supreme Allah,

you wouldn't be
in that wheelchair.

You wouldn't be in Oz.

[dark tone]

♪ ♪

- We don't like Burr Redding
any more than you.

- You want him dead;
we want him dead.

- Take care of this,

we'll cut you
into the operation.

- Done.

Only I need a little time.

Get some of the other
brothers on my side.

- But don't wait too long.

Redding's planning
his own move.

We have to snap his neck
before he snaps ours.

[percussive, jazzy tone]

♪ ♪

- Damn, dude.

Being crippled must suck.

- Nah, Supreme,
it's a pleasure cruise.

- I know you know Burr Redding
from the same corner as me.

- Hung with the man
all my life.

He took care of me and my family
when my daddy

got k*lled in 'Nam.
- Yeah, I know you

got much love for him,

which is why you got
to let the man know

sp*cs and the Wops

want him deceased.

- You so worried about him,
why don't you tell him yourself?

- [scoffs] n*gg*r won't
let me get near him.

- That surprises you?

- Shit, yeah.

I ain't never done
nothing to backhand him.

- What about me?
- Speak clearly, dog.

- You put me in here.

In Oz, in the wheelchair.

- Bullshit.

- Burr found out
that you was the one

that ratted me out
to the cops.

- Like I said,


- Bullshit.

I'll show you bullshit, n*gga!
- What the f*ck? What the--

- Hey! Ah! Shit!

Ahh! Ahh!

- Mother f*cking crazy!

- Ah!

- Takes a lot of balls to beat
a fella in a wheelchair.

- I didn't touch Hill.

- Just like you didn't k*ll
those two other inmates,

Shemin and Browne.

- I'm innocent of that.

- There's others who gotta
pay for that crime.

- Mm.

I suppose you're also innocent
of sh**ting Craig Daniels.

- No.

That m*therf*cker
laughed at me.

He got what he deserved.

[jazzy, percussive tone]

♪ ♪

- I'm telling you,
Supreme Allah knows

we whacked shemin and Browne
and that we pinned

the murders on him.

- How could he? I didn't tell
him, you didn't tell him.

- Hey, maybe
he figured it out.

Both of them were guys
Beecher f*cked.

- So, maybe he thinks
that you did it.

But not me.

- What, are you looking to hang
me out to dry there, O'Reily?

- No.

Look, maybe I can go see Allah,
figure out what he really knows.

You can trust me, K-boy.

- I got no other choice.

[keyboard clacking]

[pounding desk]


I'm such an idiot.

[sighs] Hey, Supreme,
old pal.

This thing is crashing
every time I try to boot it up.

Can you take a look
at it for me?

- No.

- No? What do you got,
PMS or something?

[gate buzzes]

- You know, I sat in Solitary
plenty of hours, O'Reily.

Had time to put
two and two together.

Shemin and Browne
plus Keller and O'Reily

equals me almost
on death row.

- Hmm. Well, you had it
wrong there, cuz.

- [sucks teeth]

Well, addition never
was my best subject.

Always favored subtraction.

Let me see, Oz minus

Keller and O'Reily

equals justice.

[dark tone]

♪ ♪

[knuckles crack]

- Why are you so anxious to see
the world rid of Supreme Allah?

- Well, I guess
the same reasons as you.

His grasp exceeds his reach.

- And you come to me?

- I'm willing to give you
any assistance you may need.

- [chuckles] Yeah, well,
I need no assistance

because I don't
mean him any harm.

I wish the man
only the best.

That's right, Thursday,
11:00 a.m., sharp.

You hear me, Tug?

Be on time.

We're all set.

I'm telling you, we gotta
do something and fast.

- You know, I just got
the funniest feeling

the old man is gonna
take care of everything.

- The reason
you couldn't come see me

is 'cause they
had me in Solitary

'cause they thought I k*lled
some m*therf*ckers.

You understand?
I didn't even do shit to these--

I don't even know
these m*therf*ckers.

Talking 'bout how
I stabbed these...

[tense, jazzy music]

♪ ♪

- 'Sup?

- Ah!

- [screaming]

- Ah, f*ck!

- This shank is a classic.

The bottom end of a toothbrush

is carved down
to its sharpest point,

almost like an arrowhead.

But the best part is,

the w*apon doesn't have
to be concealed.

It can be placed in a pocket,

bristles showing,

ready to be grabbed
for action.

- Look, I barely met
Tug Daniels.

He calls, he says
he needs to see me.

Man, how was I supposed to know
what he's got

brewin' in his head?

- Did you know Supreme Allah
was serving time

for sh**ting Daniels' brother?

- Yeah, man, I guess.

- Where'd he get the shank?

- He must've brought it in
with him.

Look, don't be blaming me
for your lax security.

- Maybe some time in the cage
will help you

see things clearer.
- The cage?

I ain't do shit.
I ain't do shit.

Ahh, man.

[eerie tone]

♪ ♪

- Timmy.

- Father Mukada,
where you been?

- On retreat.

Father McConkey says
that while I've been away,

you stopped being
an altar boy at mass.

- The Catholic church
is Satan's whore.

- What?

- The Pope sucks
on the tit of the beast.

Rome is the Gomorrah
of the new world order.

- Where on earth
did you hear that?

- The Reverend Cloutier.

At first when
he started preaching,

I thought he was
a real dipshit.

But a lot of what
he says makes sense.

- Like?
- That I should convert.

Cloutier says
if I do convert,

there's this Bible college
in West Virginia

where I can do
a correspondence course,

get my college degree
for free.

- Timmy, if that's
what you want,

there are plenty of other
schools to choose from

before you decide.

I could help you--
- No, that's okay.

God be with you.

- Hello, Reverend.
Please be seated.

Thank you, Officer.

Well, I wasn't here
when you arrived,

so I thought that now that
I'm back, we should meet.

- Excellent.

Although, Father,
I must say I was shocked

to see how the protestant
population of Oz

was being served.
- I try to do the best

I can for everyone.

- Yes, I'm sure you do.

- And, uh, I'm glad
that you're here to help.

Which reminds me that I had
a discussion with Timothy Kirk.

He says he wants
to go for a B.A.

- Well, with
the right education,

he could find the way.

- Well, see, that's
exactly what I wanted

to discuss with you,
the right education.

I don't think that
a Bible college is best for him.

- Where would you
prefer he study,

With the Jesuits?

- No, not necessarily,
but he's young,

lost, confused.

I would hate for there to be
any undue pressure.

- He was baptized a Catholic,

went to eight years
of parochial education.

There were monks
in his high school.

You don't call that
undue pressure?

- Look, I didn't ask you here
for a theological debate.

- No, that's exactly
why you asked me here.

You're afraid of losing
Kirk to Christ.

- He already has Christ.

- That is not Christ.

That is showbiz
on a stick.

- Showbiz.

You, of all people, you have
turned faith into a cartoon.

- Be careful, Father.

Anger, envy, those are two
of the seven deadly sins.

This afternoon, I will be
baptizing Timmy Kirk

as a true Christian.

You're welcome to attend.

- ♪ Jesus loves
his little children ♪

♪ All the little children
of the world ♪

chorus: ♪ Red and yellow,
Black and white ♪

♪ They are precious
in his sight ♪

♪ Jesus loves the little
children of the world ♪

[gate buzzes]

- My first few days here
I was terrified,

sharing a cell
with Adebisi.

And you came to me,
all friendly.

- I saved you from
that black bastard.

- Vern, you know the rules.

Let Tobias finish
his thought.

- Right.

Go on.

- [sighs]

The man that I was,

the man that I have become,

that's mine to carry.

But you've got to accept your
share of the responsibility

for everything
that's happened.

[knock at door]

- What are you doing
interrupting us?

- Sorry, Sister.
Warden sent me

to fetch Schillinger,
says it's an emergency.

- I got a call today from
the Massachusetts State Police.

A few days ago they discovered
the body of a young man

who'd evidently been dead
for several months.

A b*llet to the back
of the head.

They checked
the dental records,

and discovered
the identity of the victim.

Your son, Hank.

- No.

No, Hank's in Florida.

Cops made a mistake.

- That's possible,
but I doubt it.

- It's a mistake.

Cops made
a f*cking mistake.

Hank's not dead,
he can't be dead.

He's got
this cute little wife

and they're gonna have
a baby.

Hank is not dead!

You hear me?
He's not dead!

- Yeah, your kid was involved
in all kinds of shit.

Drug deals and pimping.

So there's any number of people
who might want him dead.

- This is you consoling me?

- This is me giving you
the hard, cold facts.

Your son was m*rder*d.

Now, somebody's gotta pay.

And I think that somebody
is Beecher.

- Beecher.

- You know how we kept
expecting him to retaliate

for Hank k*lling his son,
but nothing happened?

Well, that's 'cause he'd
already taken care of it.

We're in Oz.
There's a shitload of guys

who could arrange that hit.

- That f*ck--

I'll k*ll his daughter.

I'll k*ll his whole
f*cking family.

[tense, jazzy music]

♪ ♪

Do you see him?

- No.

- Vern, I just heard
about your son.

I'm so sorry.

- Thank you, Reverend.

- Why don't we
pray together?

- How does the quote go?

"There is a time to be born,

"a time to die,

a time for every purpose
under heaven"?

- Yes.
- Well, the time

for praying is over.

- No, Vern, Jesus
can comfort you.

- Not today.

- Leave the man alone,
okay, Rev?

- You seen Beecher,
where's Beecher?

The shit is
going down fast.

- He had a play date
with his daughter.

- God damn it.
I gotta get to him.

How the f*ck am I
gonna get to him?

[children chattering]

- Mr. Lion, hello.

- Hey, you.
- Me?

- Yeah.

You Beecher's brother?

- Uh-huh.


[intense, percussive music]



- I have a civilian down.
- Oh, Angus!

Oh, God. Angus.
- Get him out of here!

- He's my brother!
- Get him out!

- Please, just get him
some help!

Get him some help!
- [screams]

- Just get some help!

- And then there's
the Don Juan.

You take a spring from the frame
underneath your bed,

uncoil it, and then
sharpen the edge.

The wound itself is smaller
but goes much deeper.

Like Don Juan,

it penetrates.

- Dad.

You've got to take
Holly away.

- She's in danger again.

- From the same man
who k*lled Gary.

- Well, we'll tell
the police.

- The police?

The police can't
help us now.

Take her away,
keep her away.

Do you understand?

- Yes, I understand.

But I'm not sure she will.

Talk to her, Toby.

Explain what's happening.

- Thank you.

Holly, it was so good
to see you today.

I know I told you that
you'd be coming back soon,

but, uh, Grandpa... gonna take you on
a little trip for a while.

And, um, when you get back,

you and I are gonna be
together forever and ever.

Okay? I love you.

Remember that.


- You've gotta k*ll

- No.
- What's the alternative?

- I let him k*ll me.

- What the hell
does that mean?

- If I offer to die,
maybe that'll end all this.

Maybe he'll let
my family be.

- And what are you
gonna get out of him,

a written guarantee?

- What are my options?

- We pin Hank's m*rder
on someone else.

- Who? And then what?

Schillinger kills that person?
No, I've got

enough death
on my conscience.

I gotta go.
- No, Beech, Jesus,

come on, just listen to me.

Let's just relax,
all right?

Let's breathe,
all right?

Think what you're doing,
think it through.

- I have.

My family can't hide forever.

If I don't handle this now,
Schillinger will destroy them.

- That's what I'm talking about,
handling it.

Don't you understand that?

All we gotta do
is k*ll Schillinger.

- And then the Aryans
will still k*ll me.

And for all I know,

Schillinger's unborn
grandchild will grow up

and find my grandchild
and k*ll him.

No! Chris, this is
the only way to do it.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

- Chris, let me go.
- Wait, just wait, wait.

[whispers] Just wait.


- [grunts]

- Tomorrow we'll continue
with the spiritual evaluation

of Zedekiah.

- Reverend.

- Yes. Uh, Keller, right?

- You know what Vern
Schillinger has planned

against Tobias Beecher,
don't you?

- I'm afraid I do.

And I'm helpless to stop him.

- He thinks Beecher
ordered the hit on Hank.

Schillinger's wrong.
I ordered the hit.

- You?
- I will confess my crime

to the authorities,
but I need you

to tell Schillinger the truth.

- So, you see that Keller
is the guilty one.

Tobias Beecher
is totally innocent.

Doing harm to him or his family
would be a tragic mistake.

- I appreciate your coming
to see me, Reverend.

- You believe this bullshit?

Beecher k*lled Hank.

Beecher k*lled your son.

[dark, percussive music]

♪ ♪

- What's your best memory
of your son?

- First time he came up,

unprompted, and hugged me

and said, "Daddy, I love you."

- Beecher, I promise not
to hurt your daughter

or anybody else in your family.

See, I wanna believe that you
are innocent of k*lling Hank.

I wanna believe because...

...I need to believe
in something.

Something besides hate.

This grandchild
that's coming... my last chance.

My last hope.

I want this kid to--

put his arms around my neck

and say, "I love you."


[clears throat]

See, I never had that before.

I am sorry about your son.

- I'm sorry about yours too.

[gate buzzes]

- Hello, Chris.
- Sister Pete.

You come to wish me
a bon voyage?

- Sit down.

Uh, I--I don't know

quite what's happened,

but I suspect, as usual,

that you know the whole truth.

- Which I've told.

- I think you lied.

- [chuckles] Do you?

- You lied for a greater truth.

Some time ago you and I had
a conversation about God.

"We don't choose God.

God chooses us."

- I remember.

- And you said that you
wanted God to choose you,

but you thought
it was too late.

It's never too late.

God finally
did choose you, Chris.

And he chose wisely.

[gate buzzes]

You have a couple minutes.

- Sorry, I can't hug you back.

- Schillinger believed Cloutier.

Thinks I'm innocent.

He even shook my hand.
- Yeah, you see?

And I get a nice trip
to Massachusetts,

stand trial, serve life
in Cedar Junction

far from Schillinger's reach.

- There are Aryans
in Massachusetts.

- Half-assed Aryans.

Besides, I think I've proven
that I'm pretty nimble

when it comes to staying alive.

- Why are you doing this?

- I would have thought
that was fairly obvious.

- Yeah.

- Besides, I love the irony.

I've gotten away
with all of those murders

I actually committed,
and here I am

confessing to the one
I'm innocent of.

- Uh, it's time, gentlemen.

- I'll see you.

- [chuckles] When?

- Back here.
Or in heaven.

- You really think
we're gonna get into heaven?

- Aw, you and me together.

God doesn't have the balls
to keep us out.

- The worst s*ab wound
is the one to the heart.

Sure, most people survive it,

but the heart is never
quite the same.

There's always a scar,
which is meant, I guess,

to remind you that
even for a little while,

someone made your heart
beat faster.

And that's a scar
you can live with,


all the days of your life.

[bright tone]