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04x10 - Conversions

Posted: 02/01/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
[bright tone]

[tense jazzy music]

♪ ♪

- Every person on the planet
was raised to believe

some version of the truth,

about God, about morality,

about the purpose of life.

We usually call those beliefs

And if,
over the course of living,

those beliefs break down,

if they prove themselves
not to be true,

we search
for a new religion to follow,

and we convert.

Now, that conversion
can be traumatic,

not only for ourselves,
our souls,

but for those around us.

[metallic banging]

- Can I have your attention?

Everybody's attention, please!

In my ongoing effort to improve
the quality of your lives,

I'm instituting
a couple of new programs.

Starting today, once a week,

we're gonna show you
an instructional video

for one half-hour of TV time.

Yes, yes,
and attendance is mandatory.

- Bullshit!
- Hey, hey!

I want to hear silence!

- Over there
is another idea of mine.

Now, when you violate the rules,

instead of sending you
to the Hole,

we're gonna stick you
inside that cage

in full view
of your adoring public.

Any questions?

- Mr. McManus, sir?

How big is your penis?

- Keller, you get the honor

of being the first slug
inside the cage.

[scattered cheers and applause]

- Keller, way to go!

- You f*gg*t.

- Hey, Keller, heads up, man.

- All right.
Everybody else find a seat.

Here's the first video.

Let 'er rip.

- Life's like a house.

Sure, you can paint it
and decorate it alone,

but then
only you'll appreciate it.

Others won't.

And don't you want them to?

That's what community is for.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- Hey, you out of here?
- Mm-hmm.

- Hey, yo, you tell everybody
in Emerald City

that Supreme Allah is not done,
you hear me?

Tell them
Supreme Allah is coming back.

And he coming back strong.
- Quiet down, Ketchum.

- Word is bond.
Let 'em know.

- Let's go.
Let's go.

- I got you out of Solitary

because you said
you want to change.

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, I'm giving you
that chance, Omar,

and I'm gonna do
whatever I can to help.

But I need you off the dr*gs.

- Mm-hmm.

- You screw up again,

I'm gonna send you
right back to Solitary.

Do you understand?

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.

- Shit, he called me
a drug abuser, man.

I ain't no drug abuser, Jack.

I mean, truth be told, son,

I treat my dr*gs better
than most.

Now he wants me to go to rehab.

- Rehab is cool, man.

You get to talk
about yourself a lot.

- Well, I'm doing,
what, 17 to life?

By the time I get out
this m*therf*cker,

ain't gonna be shit to recover.

You know what I'm saying, son?

- Miguel Alvarez, a fugitive

from the Oswald State
Correctional Facility

for the past six months,
has been captured.

Customs agents
near Nogales, Arizona,

found Alvarez late last night

as he tried
to cross the border into Mexico.

In other news...
- Alvarez is coming back.

- So?

- The m*therf*cker
tried to k*ll me.

- Yeah, only because
you tried to k*ll him.

Or did I get the story wrong?

You let it go, chico.

[tense percussive tones]

[gate buzzes]

♪ ♪

- How you doing, Glynn?

You miss me?

- No.

- You know, I almost made it.

I almost made it into Mexico.

- We would have found you there.

- I don't think so.

You know, I would have made
my way to Guatemala, Nicaragua,


walk the Andes through Chile

to light this little spark
called Tierra del Fuego.

You know about Tierra del Fuego?

- It's the end of the earth.
- That's right.

You would have gone that far
to capture me?

The end of the earth?

- Probably not.

- Next time.

- Take him to Solitary.

[bell ringing]

♪ ♪

- What's up, man?

- Keep moving.

♪ ♪

- Who's that?

- What's it matter?

- I just like to know
the quality of criminal

I'm neighboring with.

- He's a wank job.

Just like you.

[atmospheric music]

♪ ♪


- Can you put something
in Alvarez's food?

- Like what?
- I don't know.

Rat poison or something--
look, the point is,

you k*ll him, Omar,
I'll see that you get

all the f*cking tits you need.


What do you say?

- No.
- No?

Why no?

- I just don't like you.

- You don't like me?

- I can't put my finger on it,
it's like...

I don't know
if it's the way you look,

the way you smell,
your breath, the way you talk--

I don't know, but you know,

there's just something about you

just rubs me the wrong way.

- Oh, yeah?

Well, f*ck you, n*gg*r.

♪ ♪

[indistinct shouting]

- Do not resist!

[yelling continues]

- We got a 66.
We got a code 66.

- You back?
- Uh-huh.

- f*ck, n*gga, that gotta be

some kind of record
or something.

- You Alvarez?

- Yeah.

- You owe me, dawg.

- Inside.

♪ ♪

- Claire?
- Yeah?

- Hey, how much
do you love me?

- Oh, plenty.

- Enough to do anything I ask?

- Yeah.
- Attagirl.

- Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You f*cked Howell?

- Mm-hmm.

- You don't just drop
a nugget like that

without a few details, O'Reily.

- We had sex maybe five times
in the ladies' toilet

off the interview room.

And she got weird.

- What do you mean, "weird"?

Weird, like,
"possessive weird"?

- Yeah.

So when McManus came back
and took over Em City

and shipped her off to Unit J,

I was,
to say the least, relieved.

I haven't seen much
of her since.

- My esteem for you
has risen 69%,

but tell me, as one
manipulative turd to another,

now, did you f*ck Howell
for the sex

or to get her to do
some other kind of nasty?

- Just the sex.

[gate buzzes distantly]


- f*ck.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

[gate buzzes]

- Don't you be winking at me!

- What?
- Claire!

- The f*cking bastard's
winking at me!

Take him to the Hole!

- That's bullshit!

- Take him to the Hole.

- Mineo.
- Joe.

- All right, all right.

But you're filling out
the paperwork.

- Mineo.


You f*cking d*ke!


♪ ♪

- Ryan.

Have you missed me?

- Oh, Christ.

- Dr. Nathan, welcome back.

- Thanks, it's good to be back.

- Oh, no.

I wanted to put these
on your desk before you arrived.

- Oh, Pete.


- Wow, you look great.

- Thanks, I feel great.

You know, renewed,

ready to jump back into
the job with both feet.

- Listen, I've got six seconds
before group,

so let's meet later
and review the current cases.



- Gracias.

- Dr. Nathan, we need you.

- This guy took a shank
to the face.

The other guy wasn't as lucky.

- Cyril O'Reily.

- Yeah, I heard what he did
to that news guy, Jack Eldridge,

nearly beating him to death.

- Cyril's condition
is only getting worse.

We can't find
the right balance of medication.

- Hmm, I'd like to examine him.

Can you arrange that, Tim?

- Sure.
- So, who's next?

- I think that's it.

- Okay, I'm off to group.

- Hey, Pete, see you.
- Bye.

What are you doing?

Want to have some dinner?

- Nah.

- Well,
I really only mean dinner.

- I know.

Rain check, okay?

See ya.

- See ya.

- Okay, good.
Put your shirt on.

- Dr. Nathan, where you been?

- I took a few months off,
a little vacation.

- After you got r*ped?

- Uh, yeah.

- I wish I could have.

- Could have what?

- Taken a vacation
after I got r*ped.

It was okay, though.

I had Ryan to help me.

- Yeah, he's a very helpful guy.

- I wish I could help him.

He's sick.

When he was in the Hole,
he got a cold.

- You can take him back.

- [coughing]

- For Chrissake, O'Reily,
quit coughing on the food.

You're gonna get
the whole f*cking prison sick.

- Relax, man,
I'm not contagious anymore.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

[clears throat]
Hey, on second thought...

I'm not feeling so hot
after all.

I gotta go to the infirmary.

♪ ♪

- Deep breath.


Yeah, you do sound congested.

Give him a hit of albuterol.
Let's keep him overnight.

- Follow me.

♪ ♪

- Welcome back.
- Huh?

- Welcome back.

- Oh, thanks, Claire.

- I just wanted you to know

I'm taking good care
of Ryan O'Reily for you.

- What do you mean?

- You know,
giving him a helping hand.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Get back in bed.

- No, that's okay, Benny.

I want to talk to him.

But stay nearby.

Are you feeling better?

- Uh-huh.

- Did you send me this?

- Yes.

- You k*lled him, didn't you?


- Yes.

- You admit to murdering him,
even though you know

I could tell the warden
that you confessed,

and you'd probably end up
on death row?

- Keenan r*ped you.

He didn't deserve to breathe.

If I have to die
because of that...


k*ll me.

- Go to bed.

- I love you.

- Benny, Carl, we're finished.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

I have hated Ryan O'Reily
for so long.

So deeply.

He's responsible
for the death of my husband,

but he did it
out of love for me.

And Keenan too.
All for me.

He loves me more
than Preston ever did.

Ryan's love is enormous.



Am I crazy to push him away,

- Gloria, listen to yourself.

His love is anything
but unconditional...

and often anything but love.

Now, look.

The feelings he has for you
are dangerous.

He is dangerous.

And for you to encourage him,

given that you don't share
those feelings--

- But I do.

I do share his feelings.

God help me.

I love Ryan O'Reily.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- When Christopher Columbus
landed in the new world,

a Catholic priest
was right alongside him.

From then on, priests kept
coming over to this continent

trying to convert the Indians,

trying to get them
to kiss the crucifix,

to stop smoking peyote,
to cover up their nakedness.

The Indians responded
with great enthusiasm.

They maimed, tortured,
and burned the priests

and then offered the bodies up
to their own gods.

- What's this?

- James Devlin is about
to get inaugurated

for his second term as governor.

- Hey. Change the station.

- It won't do no good.

The scum f*ck's
on every channel.

- Yeah,
we need to petition the warden

to get us some cable up in here.

- Augustus,
he's got wheels like you.

- Will you look at that?

- I do solemnly swear

to execute
the office of governor

to the best of my abilities

and to preserve, protect,
and defend

the constitution of this state,

with equality and justice
for all,

so help me God.

[scattered applause]

[TV shuts off]

- Wishing you were up there?

- Neil Bourne will make
a great lieutenant governor.

- That's not what I asked.

Do you regret
dropping out of the race?

- Nope.
- Good.

- Warden,
Barry Levine on line two.

- Who's Barry Levine?

- I don't know.
He says he knows you.

- Barry Levine?

- He wants to talk to you
about the warden's conference?

- Oh, you mean Barney Levin?

- Oh, maybe that's what he said.

- Look, tell him
I'll call him back later.

And use the g*dd*mn intercom.

- Yes, sir.

- Man,
Busmalis is driving me crazy.

He's the worst assistant
I ever had.

He gets numbers wrong.

He screws up appointments.

I'm hosting
the regional conference

of the Wardens Association
next week,

and he has managed
to mangle every detail.

- So get another prisoner
to assist you.

- Who?

How many drug dealers
can use Excel?

- Hire someone from outside.

- Every time I do,
they end up quitting.

They get jumpy working here.

I need to find somebody
who's smart,

funny, diplomatic...

and fearless.

- I may have
the perfect person.

A woman I met...

doing volunteer work
at a homeless shelter.

Her name is Floria Mills.

- I'm not late, am I?

- No, you're right on time.

- Oh, my car broke down
on the expressway.

I don't know why they call
that road "expressway,"

'cause the traffic
moves like snails.

Then I managed
to hitch a ride with a trucker,

only we got to talking,
so we missed the exit ramp,

and then he didn't want
to come all the way up here.

Turns out he served four years
for armed robbery,

so I had to walk,

which is why I must look
like yesterday's gumbo.

Here's my resume.

- You always have
this much energy?

- Actually, you caught me
on one of my slow days.

- Congratulations, Floria.

- For what?
- You just got the job.

- I did?
- Yes.

- [screaming and laughing]

[gate buzzes]

Yeah, I understand

the warden's former assistant

we needed food for 20,

but he made a miscalculation,

which I hope
you'll help me correct.

Now, Carl, nothing's impossible.

The governor is gonna
be at the conference,

and you know
if he likes your catering,

you'll be working
state functions for years.

Oh, thank you, Carl.

You're a sweetie.

[loud cheering]

♪ ♪


- Yeah?

- Well, if it's okay,
I'm going home.

- Sure.

Good first day.

- Oh, thanks, I had fun.

- Fun?


"Fun" is not a word
I'd associate with Oz.

- Oh, Warden, have you ever
thought about redecorating?

- Not really.

- Well, with your permission,

I'd like to make a few changes,

brighten things up,
get new furniture.

- Okay.

- Unless, of course,

you think your wife would mind.

I mean, I don't know the woman,

but I know
that there are some wives

who take
their husband's offices

very personally,

if you know what I mean.

- Mary won't mind, Floria.

At this point, she doesn't seem
to care much about what I do.

The fact is...

this morning, my wife and I
decided to separate.

- Oh, Warden, I am so sorry.

- She asked me to move out.

- Do you have somewhere to go?

- No, I hadn't thought about it.

- Well, I'll call you a hotel.

There's a Hyatt right over
on Bartlett and Third.

- Don't bother.

I'm gonna sleep
on this couch tonight.

- Do you think that's wise?

- You know,
this may sound odd, but...

sometimes, the walls around Oz
make me feel safe.


I don't know why
I'm telling you all this.

I haven't told anybody else.

- Good night, warden.

- Call me Leo.

- You go easy
on that stuff, Leo.

[tense percussive tones]

- [sighs]

[bell ringing]

- The warden fired me.

No thank you.
No pat on the back.

Just, "Clear out your desk."

- Well,
maybe it's all for the best.

- Best?

I'm back mopping floors,

scooping up
poop and piss and vomit.

- Do you think I love what I do?

Answering Miss Sally's email?

Forging her autograph
on photos?

I don't think
it matters what we do,

as long as we do our best.

- Oh, Norma, you have the best
perspective on the world.

These past few months,
you coming to visit,

they've meant everything to me.

- I'm glad, Agamemnon.

I want you to be happy.

- When I'm with you,
I'm delirious.

I love you, Norma.

[gate buzzes distantly]

Will you marry me?

- Yes!

- Oh, boy!
- [laughs]

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- I want you
to be my best man.

- Have you thought this through?

Marriage is a big step,
a big commitment.

What kind of life
can you two have together,

you in here, her out there?

- I won't be in Oz for long.

While you were in the hospital,

I started digging
another tunnel.

You and me, old friend.

We'll dance the hasapiko
at my wedding.

- Saul was a soldier
riding his horse to Damascus

when, all of a sudden,
he saw a huge cross in the sky.

Instantly, he changed the first
letter of his name to "P",

becoming Paul.


I don't know.

Most of us ain't that lucky,
seeing a cross in the sky.

For most of us, signs from God
aren't quite that clear.

- "Put not God with other gods,

"for thou wilt sit
despised and forsaken.

"Thy Lord has decreed that ye
shall not serve other than him.

And kind"...

What do you want?

- I need to talk
to Minister Said.

- Continue.

- "And kindness towards parents,
whether one or both of them."

- Minister, please.

I want to become a Muslim.

- Tidd.
Go away.

- I know in the past
that I've been fierce,

hanging with Adebisi and stuff.

But when I saw him bleeding

and you with that shank
in your hand,

I knew I had to change.

♪ ♪

I want to join you.

- Get up.
- Save me, Minister Said.

- I said get up!
- Hey, hey!

What's going on?

- This man is harassing me.

- You causing trouble, Leroy?
- No.

- Then get your ass gone.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- You know
I never liked Leroy Tidd--

the man's done nothing but flex
since he came into Oz--

but if his conversion is real,

- It's not.

- How do you know for sure?

- Now, you, of all people,

you're gonna question
my ability to judge others?


- No.

Things are as you say they are.

- Good.

And I don't want no more talk
about Leroy Tidd.

♪ ♪

- I am a fiend.

I'm also a liar, a thief, a--

I just want
to turn my life backwards,

you know what I mean?

But, 'cause I've been hard,
no one f*cking believes me.

- We believe you, Leroy.

Don't we?

- Oh, yeah.

- I believe him.

- This guy, Leroy Tidd,
I think he is genuinely sorry.

I think
he genuinely wants to change.

- And you came
to this conclusion how?

- He was in rehab today.

- Many in Oz have used rehab,

have used Islam
for their own agenda.

Tidd is one of them.

- You've embraced a lot of men
far worse than him.

Jefferson Keane.
Poet. Adebisi.

- No!

Not Adebisi!

[gate buzzes distantly]

- I see.

- Oh, you see?
You see what?

- Tidd hung with Adebisi,

and you feel guilty
about having k*lled him.

- No.
I do not feel guilt!

I did the right thing.

I did what had to be done.

- Jesus Christ.

That's what I said
about Andrew Schillinger

and Hank Schillinger.

Taking a life is acceptable

as long as it's excusable,

- Beecher.

Get away from me.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- So, he says, "Don't eat me,
eat the n*gg*r."


What's the matter?

You don't think that's funny?

- No.

But you...

You're a joke.

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

- Knife! Knife! Knife!

[indistinct shouting]

- Ah!

You m*therf*cking n*gg*r!


- Yo, Schillinger,
I want to talk to you.

- Somebody tell him
that I don't talk to--

what is
the politically correct term--

jungle bunnies.

- Oh, you gonna want
to talk to me.

I saw the dustup between
your pals and the Muslims.

And I know Said's to blame

for your boy Robson spending
a few days down the Hole.

Now, what I'm offering
is to take care of Said.

For the right amount of cash,
of course.

- Will somebody tell him we can
take care of Said ourselves?

We don't need to subcontract.

- Will somebody tell him
I'm gonna get close to Said,

close enough to cut his throat.

[tense percussive tones]

- Here. Drink that.

So, the doctor says
everything's okay?

- Yeah.

We did a sonogram.

You want to see?

- Yeah.


- Mr. Schillinger.

I'm worried.

It's been five months.

We still haven't heard
a word from Hank.

- It's like I told you, Carrie,

he just loves to disappear
for long periods of time.

Got the soul of a wanderer.

Just like his mother.

He's gonna be here
when that baby's born.

In the meantime,

I'll get you whatever you need.

- You positive
Hank'll come back?

- I believe it
with all my heart,

and that's what you gotta do.

Okay? You gotta believe.

[gate buzzes distantly]

[no audible dialogue]

[deep bell resounding]

♪ ♪

- Prisoner #00C966.

Jeremiah Cloutier.

Convicted December 27th, 2000.

Embezzlement and petty larceny.

Sentence: nine years.

Up for parole in five.

- He's one of them
TV evangelists.

- One of them?

Until the scandal,
he was bigger than Falwell.

- He cured my sister of leprosy.

- You liar.

- Pneumonia?

- Gentlemen.

Mr. Schillinger?

- Yeah?

- I bring you greetings
from Calvin Anderson.

- Oh, you know Cal?
- Oh, indeed, I do.

When you have some time,
I'd like to talk to you.

- About what?

- Life--
in general, here in Oz.

- Well,
my schedule's pretty clear.

How about right now?

- "Jack came down
out of the beanstalk

"as fast as he could,

"and he ran and he ran

"till he got
to his mother's house.

"Once there,
he gave her the golden harp

"and all the other treasure

"he brought back
from the giant's castle.

And they lived
happily ever after."

- Do you believe
in Jesus Christ?

- Yeah, of course.

- Good.

I want to ask you
another question, Vern.

I'd like you
to answer me honestly.

Are you happy?

- Sure.

- Honestly.

All your life,

you thought that your way
was the right way,

the best way,
the only way.

And yet, as a result,
your wife is dead,

one son dead,
the other missing.

And you are stuck
in this miserable hellhole.

How could any man be happy?

[gate buzzes distantly]

Let the joy of Jesus Christ
fill your heart.

Let him who suffered
take away your suffering.

Open up to the Lord.

- Get your f*cking hand off me.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- How's law school, Angus?

- I'm in a constant state
of chasing my own ass.

- I remember that feeling.

- No, I mean, not only do I have
to become the perfect lawyer,

I mean, I have to be
an ideal husband and father.

- Because I f*cked it all up.

- Jesus,
that's not what I meant.

- That's the way
Mother and Dad feel,

especially since the kidnapping,

especially since I told them

I was f*cking another man.

- Toby, they're old-fashioned.

I mean, none of this
makes any sense to them.

- What, do you think
it makes sense to me?

[gate buzzes distantly]

[atmospheric music]

♪ ♪

- Well, let's play the game,

and the category
is "literature,"

and William Shakespeare
once referred to this act

"the beast with two backs."


- I'm not real confident
when it comes to Shakespeare,

so I think I need a hint.

- Robert.

- Shakespeare.

Isn't that the guy that
made it with Gwyneth Paltrow?

- "The beast with two backs."

- Sex.

- Oh, sex.

Sexual intercourse.

- Hey, Beecher.

That your little brother
I saw you with

in the visiting room?

He's cute.
He fool around?

- The last time I made it,

my girlfriend fell asleep
in the middle.


- Evil-Merodach,
King of Babylon,

in the year that he became king,

released Jehoiachin from prison.

And he spoke kindly to him.

And Jehoiachin took off
his prison clothes,

and he took his meals
with the king

all the days of his life.

- This is bullshit.

- Who said that?

Well, come on, loudmouth.

Have the courage to face me.

- I said it, and it's true.

- Step forward.

[gate buzzes distantly]

What is your name, my friend?

- Jim Burns.

- And why are you in Oz,
Jim Burns?

- They say
I m*rder*d my brother,

but I'm innocent.

- You see before you a sinner.

You see before you
a man possessed by demons,

the demons of fear
and guilt and hate.

I say, demons, be gone.

I cast thee out in the name
of Jesus Christ the savior.

Demons, be gone.

Leave this man!

Sink back into
the eternal fires of damnation!

In the name of God,
I command it!

In the name of God, be gone!

Now, you rise.

Rise up, Jim Burns.

You rise and praise the Lord.

Praise him.

Praise the Lord.

- Praise the Lord!

[cheers and applause]

- "By mercy and truth,
inequity is purged.

and by the fear of the Lord,
men depart."

- May I?

- Please.

- I do want to be happy.

[tense percussive tones]

- Come on, what's the scam?

- There is no scam.

- You serious
about going through with this?

- It's been months
since Beecher's kid died.

I kept thinking
he was planning something,

some kind of way to retaliate.

He hasn't done anything.

- Yeah, but you and this prag
sitting together

in one of Sister Pete's
interaction sessions?

That's crazy.

- Why?

I'm just sick
of all this horseshit.

I want to concentrate
on the birth

of my first grandchild.

You know, I just want
a little taste of happiness.

- Vern,
you're starting to scare me.

- Tobias, I believe
that Schillinger is genuine

in wanting to put this ugliness
between you to rest.

- I tried to do that
by finding his son Hank.

What'd I get in return?
My son's dead.

My daughter's traumatized.

- Yeah, but this time,
for the first time,

the need for reconciliation
is coming from Schillinger.

- So what?

This could just be
another one of his plans,

some sort of revenge.

- Well, you'll never know
if we don't try.

[mechanical hissing
and whirring]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

- Prisoner #01B784.

Ronald Barlog.

Convicted January 12th, 2001.

Car theft.

Sentence: 13 years.

Up for parole in six.

- This is your sponsor,
Tobias Beecher.

He's gonna help you
acclimate to your new life.

Beecher, this is Ronald Barlog.

- Ronnie.

- Hey.

- All right.
Let's go, Ronnie.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- Holy shit.

Holy f*cking shit!
Keller, man.

- Where'd you get
this m*therf*cker?

Hey, man, how are you doing?
- How you doing?

- Real good.
Real good.

Last time I left you,
at Tommy F's--

- Come on.
- You're screaming for Leila.

"I gotta meet Leila
at the pier."

I'll tell you what, man,
why don't you

get yourself settled,
then we'll catch up?

- All right, cool, cool.
You winning?

- No, I'm getting my ass kicked.

- He's cute.

Does he like to fool around?

♪ ♪

- So,
I guess I'm on the bottom?

- Unless you want to be on top.

- No, no.

I'm good with the bottom.

- You knew Keller
on the outside?

- Oh, yeah.

Yeah, we were--
we were partners for awhile.

- You two ever f*ck?

- What?

- If you need anything,
you ask, okay?

- Okay.

♪ ♪

[g*nshots firing]

[g*nshots firing]

♪ ♪

- Prisoner #01R289.

Burr Redding.
Convicted January 11th, 2001.

m*rder in the first degree.

Seven counts
of attempted m*rder.

Sentence: life without
the possibility of parole.

- Ever since Adebisi died,

the Homeboys have been
in complete disarray.

Redding is just the guy
to galvanize them.

- And you would like me to--

- I would like us both
to gain his confidence,

make him a partner
instead of a foe.

- I'll do what I can.

- Mr. Redding.

I'm Tim McManus.

This is Kareem Said.

- As-salaam alaikum.

- You the cat
that wasted Simon Adebisi.

- Yes, I am.
- Outstanding.

I heard
he was one mean m*therf*cker,

which makes you even worse.

I guess
I'm gonna have to watch my step.

- I k*lled Adebisi
in self-defense.

The court exonerated me.

- No doubt.

But motives are less important
than outcome.

He's dead, and you're not.

- May I go now?

- No.

Burr, I think it's important
that you grasp

how things work around here.

- I grew up in the ghetto.

Pops died when I was 10.

I had to quit school,

support my family
by doing some of everything,

from shining shoes
to sh**ting crap.

I went to Vietnam,
where they taught me

how to k*ll
small children and women.

I've been in all kinds
of penitentiaries,

from Arizona to Alabama
and back.

And I say all this
not out of pride or shame.

I just want to make sure
that you grasp

that I already grasped
how things work around here.

May I go?

- Yes.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

[gate buzzes]

- Yo!

- Augustus.

- Oh, man,
I'm glad you're here, Burr.

- Hmm.

- You know, man,
I ain't glad you're here.

I got it.

Yo, how's Delilah?

- Delilah died, man.

Ovaries went sour on her.

- Oh, man,
I'm sorry to hear that.

- So, lay this situation out
for me.

Who's the players around here?

Which one of these brothers
needs some talkin' to?

- Okay.

First off, there's that dude.


♪ ♪

- They say since Adebisi died,

you've been running
the Homeboys.

- That's right, man.
That's right.

- They also say
you been doing a shit job.

- Look, old man,
let me tell you something--

- You think
"old man" bothers me?

Boy, I done had
a whole lot of men

tougher than you
that called me worse

didn't make it to old.

My age is my honor
and my strength.

- Shit, you think you can just
come up here and take control?

- Some people are born leaders.
Others are not.

A wise man knows
his own limitations.

You think on that.

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- Now,
we got a nice operation going.

- And we don't need you
f*cking things up.

- Chucky.


Now, we'd value your friendship.

We'd even be willing
to cut you a slice.

- Extremely generous.

I'll get back to you.

- Back to us?

- You take the deal now,
or there is no f*cking deal.

- Pancamo. Morales.

I told you dinks before,
this classroom is for classes,

not your board
of directors meetings.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go, move it!

What are you waiting for,

an engraved invitation there,

Come on!

- Red, man,
you know them m*therf*ckers

is plotting against you, right?

- Good,
that's what I want them to do.

- You want them to k*ll you?

- I want them to try.

♪ ♪

- Last night,
a Chinese freighter ran aground

off the Jeb Island Sound.

When the U.S. Coast Guard went
to evacuate the crew,

they discovered
36 illegal aliens

stowed on board.

Until the state department
can determine

the legal status
of the refugees,

the 18 men, 12 women,
and six children will be housed

in various state buildings,

including the Oswald
Correctional Facility.

[all groaning]

- Leo, this is insane.

The state's got
40 other prisons.

Put these men somewhere else.

- I got a call
from the secretary of state.

The secretary of state
asked for help.

I'm not inclined to argue.

- What, are you looking
for an appointment

in the new administration?

- Don't be snarky.

- My question is,

where are we gonna house them?

We're on the brink
of overcrowding as it is.

- Well, since this is
a temporary situation,

I thought
we might set up some cots

in the common room
of Emerald City.

- No way.

I have only just reestablished
some order in there.

You're not gonna upset
the apple cart.

- This isn't a matter
for discussion.

We have an emergency,

and everyone, including you,
will bend.

- You mean bend over.

- Tim...

I know from a practical side
that this is a pain,

but we cannot lose sight
of the humanitarian issue.

These men and their families
fled repression in China,

paying a sizable amount of money
to book passage on this boat.

And from what I read
in the papers,

the conditions were worse
than sl*ve ships.

They sailed for months.

They crashed.
They got arrested.

They're separated
from their wives

and their children.

So if we must have them,

let's at least embrace them.

- Warden, this is Gou Liu Xio
from the state department.

- Ms. Gou, pleasure.
- Thank you.

We have the men
in a bus outside.

- Okay, well, let's get them
to receiving and discharge.

- Hi, Tim McManus.

They'll be staying in my unit,

so anything I can do
to make them more comfortable,

you just let me know.

- Excellent.
Come with me.

- [sighs exasperatedly]

- I'm not gonna lie to you
and say that life will be easy.

- [translates in Chinese]

- The prisoners in Oz
are amongst

the most violent criminals
in the country.

- [translating in Chinese]

- But we have added
extra correctional officers

to the unit,

and they've all been instructed
to watch over you.

- [translating in Chinese]

- Do any of them speak English?

- [translates in Chinese]

- I...
- [speaks Chinese]

- I do.

- Good,
then I'm gonna be relying on you

to help
keep communication going.

- I'm at your service.

- Thank you.

All right, you all need
to follow Officer Armstrong.

[gate buzzes]

- [speaks Chinese]

- This is America, Gongjin.

Speak English.

- Never volunteer.

- We are in danger
of being sent back to China.

I will do everything I can

to prove that I belong here.

- These people are our guests,

and I expect you
to treat them as such.

If any harm comes to them,

the repercussions
will be severe.

Now, they're gonna
be arriving shortly,

all right,
and until they get familiar

with their new surroundings,

we're gonna put
the rest of you in lockdown.

- Come on, what?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
my heart's breaking.

Lockdown, let's go.

Move it!

[gate buzzes]

- So, are you staying
in town tonight?

- Yes.

- Doing anything for dinner?

- Are you asking me out
on a date?

- Oh, no, no,
but we've both gotta eat.

There's a little diner I know,
very informal,

where we could grab
a quick bite.

It's nothing fancy.

♪ ♪

- [speaks Chinese]

- Your grandfather is right.

These are bad men.

♪ ♪

- You got a problem with
the cuisine there, Hop Sing?

- No, no.
- Then move along.

You're holding up
my regular customers.

- I wonder how Wanhua
and Jiayu are doing.

- My Suying is tough.

She look after Wanhua.

- But my son--

they put all the children
in the orphanage.

He's never been apart
from us before.

- [speaks Chinese]

- Hey, guys, this is my table.

- You say what?

- This is my table.

Get your chink asses up,
and move.

Chop, chop.

- Oh, hey!
No, no. Stop.

We're sorry.
[speaks Chinese]

- Chucky!

That's no way to treat
these poor fellas.

You their leader?

- Uh, no.

- Well, they listen to you.

- Yes.

- That makes you their leader.

You come and see me.

We'll talk, all right?


[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- Do not go.

- How can I not go?

He's a powerful man.

We may need his help.

- I wish we had never
got on that boat.

I wish
we were in Chengdu right now.

- Stop it.

You watch our crop burn
in the hot sun.

You watch your daughter die.

I cannot do that.

- If they send us back--
- I will not go!

I would rather die
here in America.


- Zhuxi?
What does that mean?

- "Chairman," like Mao.

- I love that.

Zhuxi Morales.

- In fact,
it would be "Morales Zhuxi."

The family name is always first.

- See, now,
that's what's f*cked up

about your side of the world.

The names.
The way you read.

The funny alphabet.

I mean, you people do
everything backwards.

- Or you people do.

- Right.

Mr. Bian, the reason
I asked to see you

is because I want to warn you.

See that man over there?

- Yes.

- Burr Redding is your enemy.

He hates you
and all your friends.

- Why?

We have done nothing to him.

- Well, he served in Vietnam.

- We are Chinese.

- He don't know the difference.

All he sees is your yellow skin,

and he has vowed to k*ll
each and every one of you.

- I will go to him.

I will reason with him.

- Does he look like
a reasonable man?

You must k*ll him.

Not you necessarily,
but one of your men.

- We are simple folk.

Factory worker.

We left China
to escape the K*llers,

not to become one.

- Then from now on,
I will call you "hombre muerto."

- What is that?

- "Dead man."

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- One of the Chinese
came to me

telling me
that you threatened him.

- What are you talking about?

I haven't said two words
to any of them.

- Well,
I've got a lot more reason

to believe him than you,

so I'm gonna tell you something.

Anything happens,
anything at all,

I'm gonna hold you
personally responsible.

- That's bullshit.

- Regardless,
that's the way it is.

You steer clear, you understand?

- That's wonderful.

Have you heard from Jiayu?

Tell him that--
that I love him.

And... Wanhua...

I love you too.


- How does she sound?
- She miss me.

She say Suying
is bossing everyone around.

- [speaks Chinese]

- Thank you
for the phone call, Zhuxi.

- It's the least I can do.

[gate buzzes]

- Work detail!

- What is that?

- Oh, we all have jobs to do.

- Oh, I would like to work.

- Yeah?
- You sure?

- I would.
I want to do my part.

- Okay.
Let me go talk to some people.

- Okay.

[atmospheric music]

[dead bolt snaps]

♪ ♪

- What's going on, "Oo-see"?

- "Ee-shoo-ay."
- Yixue, sorry.

Not that I'll need to know

how to pronounce your name
for much longer.

- What--

what is going on?

- Well, you see, Yixue,

you've done everything
I needed you to do,

and I'm grateful,

but there's just one last thing
I must ask of you.

- What?
What's that?

- Die.

- My wife.
My son.

- They will mourn you.


- [yelling]

[g*n hissing]

[heart beating]

[tense percussive tones]

♪ ♪

- I warned you.

- What?

- Put him in the cage.
- What the f*ck for?

- Come on, let's go.

- What the f*ck's going on
in here?

- Come on!
Move it!

- Oh, you m*therf*cker.

- Come on.

Come on.


♪ ♪

Get the f*ck in there!

- Open up the g*dd*mn door!

Open it up!


No! No!


- Any convert, whether he goes
from communist to capitalist

or from six packs a day
to smoke-free,

ends up condemning
his former practices.

Because those beliefs
didn't work for him,

they can't work for anybody.

His vision becomes narrow,
blinded by the light.

he's transformed into a Hindu

or joins AA,
he becomes a fanatic.

If you ask me,

it's the fanatics
who f*ck up the world.

It's the fanatics who think
they got God on their side.

The rest of us?

We don't need divine light.

In the dark of night,

all we want is enough light

so that we don't stub our toe
on the way to the toilet.

[tense jazzy music]

♪ ♪