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03x04 - Push

Posted: 02/01/22 07:48
by bunniefuu



- Come on. Please. Please, please.

- Gracie, give it up, okay?

At this point all that thing's good for

is keeping your ear warm.


CB radio, on the other hand,

that would come in handy, wouldn't it?

I'm sorry, what was that?

Oh, I was just saying
if we'd taken my truck

like I suggested back at the house...

Billy, if you're on your way
to an I-told-you-so?

I will rip your weasel tongue out,

stick it to that windshield
just to watch it freeze.

You conjure quite an image.


How's them contractions?

They still coming on the regular?

GRACE: Oh, God, please, no.



Why would you say that?

- Oops.

- Sorry.

Uh... Okay, just think of
something else, okay?

Uh... Why don't you...

You-you wanna squeeze my hand?

Just squeeze my hand.

You can keep your weasel hands

as far away from me as possible.

How about that?

Seems we have
a running weasel theme here.

All right. Why don't I
go do some foraging, huh?

Maybe I can find a car

that still drives or at least
has a working radio.

Yeah, I think that would be wise.

You know, like my truck.

- You... you're a dead man.
- Be right back.

Here I go.


♪ When I'm alone and I'm dreaming... ♪

TK: Come on, Mom, could
we please try one now?

GWYNETH: Just give it
one more second to cool.

TK: Ugh!

Don't ugh me. (LAUGHS)

Remember that Purim
when you tried to eat

the hamantaschen right out of the oven?

I was like nine.

And you couldn't
taste anything for a week.

TK: That's not true. It was two weeks

and everything tasted like hair.


You ever think about
going back, to temple?

TK: I don't know.

It's just been so long, it would...

it would be weird now.

I think it would be good for you...

you know, to get back in touch
with that part of yourself.

Now more than ever.

I'll think about it, okay?


- Now, could we please try one?
- MOM: Sure.


- Oh, wow.
- They're pretty good, huh?

(CHEWING) Pretty good?

That is the best cookie
I've ever had in my life.

You know what the best part
about that cookie is?

- TK: Hmm?
- Calorie-free.


Because, silly, they don't exist.

Um... Mom?


Am I dead?

You're not dead.

Are you?

I'm not even here.

How am I talking to you then?

Because you need me

to be the person to tell you this.

- Tell me what?
- Stop it.

Stop what?



JANINE: On two.

One, two.


NURSE: God, look at him.

So young.

JANINE: Kid's a hero too, apparently.

Heard he got hurt saving a little boy.

NURSE: He would have been better off

if they'd never brought him back
from that cardiac out in the snow.

JANINE: Yep, now he gets to
t*rture the friends and family

for another three days.

NURSE: Three days?

I've seen one go for three weeks.

No kidding. In this state?

Yup. First year out of nursing school.

Well, either way, at this point,
it's a matter of when, not...


We didn't mean...

Dr. Patel will be
by soon with an update.

Excuse us.






OWEN: Welcome home, big boy.


Oh, great.

We came home to rough it.








JUDD: Marwani, you're back.

I've been trying to reach you.

Hey, did you ever manage
to get in touch with the Cap?

It's nice to see you, too.

Yeah, I saw him.

In fact, he just dropped me off.

So he's back in town?

Oh, it's a whole story.

What, uh... Where is he now?

I assume home. Why?

I still got no service. Uh...

Did you get him to sign
the Billy letter?

What are you doing here?

I thought you were assigned to the .

Captain Tatum loaned me
to the to help dig Paul out.

Dig Paul out? Dig him out of what?

Gym collapse over at
the Providence Pasture Church.

What was he doing there?

We were all there.
After the first collapse.

You are aware

that you start your stories
in the middle, yeah?

- So did you get him out?
- Yeah, we got him out.

So where is he?

In the hospital.

Is he okay?

Yeah, I mean, he's okay.

MARJAN: All right.

So... who's not?


Am I the world's biggest schmuck?


I'm holding vigil for a man

who doesn't even want me in his life.

Doesn't that just scream "schmuck"?

Hell to the no.

First of all, TK loves you.

And second, where did you
pick up "schmuck"?

From TK.

Must have rubbed off.

Why do you say that?

That he loves me?

Because it's true.

You've been by his side all this time.

Does he ever...

talk about me?

Honestly, not much.

I didn't think so.

But he does bite off my head

any time I bring up your name.

That makes me feel so much better.

It should, you big dummy.

He doesn't wanna hear it

because it's too painful for him,

which means he still has it bad for you.

It's obvious.

Dude loves you.

If he loves me so much...

then why did he break my heart?

How do you like the new look?


Yeah, you're right.
It's pretty much just the same old look.

But no reaction, huh? Really?

How about this?
This give you a reaction?

- Yeah.


Captain Vega.


What's happened?

We need to talk.



They're telling me that his body
is trying to shut down.

And they say it's
because his heart stopped.

But I don't think that's right,

I think it's because mine did.

You were right.

I gave up. I quit.

And it didn't... wasn't
about ego... or pride.

I wish it was.

It was about fear.

Our world imploded so spectacularly

and everybody was looking to me
to put it back together and...

I was afraid I wouldn't be able to.

This time.

And so I ran away.

Everything that's happening...
it's my fault.

No, Owen.

OWEN: No, but it's-it's true.

So you can tell the universe.

Message received.

I mean, it may be too late

and I may not be able to fix things,

but I'm sure as hell gonna try.

I'm not waitin' around.

What does that mean?

It means I'm gonna go find Billy Tyson,

gonna put that signed
letter of apology in his hand,

and I'm gonna get myself reinstated.

You're gonna go do that now?

It's something he can do.

Look, I don't know if I can
fix the world in time for my...

for my boy to wake up, but...

When he does, I want him to see

that he's not the only Strand
who's still fighting.

Would you like some company, Captain?

I would love that.

You can reach me on my radio
if you need me.

PAUL: Hey, Cap?

It's good to have you back.



God, I've never been
this cold in my life.

And I know...

I got myself here
because I was headstrong

and I was reckless.

I was filled with wrath...

even though I'm... I'm kinda hoping

you'll overlook that last part

because this is Billy Tyson
we're talking about.


I'm scared now, God.


I'm asking that you please
deliver me out of this.

Not for me, but because this child

deserves a chance to meet her father.

Please, God.


Wanna open the door, please.


Did you find something?

Not gonna be the answer
to your prayers or anything


But better than sticking
around in this icebox.

How far do you think you can you walk?

As far as it takes.


Let me help you.

GRACE: I got it. I got it.





- CARLOS: Mom?
- ANDREA: Carlitos.

Aye, mi amor.

What are you doing here?

I told you not to go out in the storm.

ANDREA: Callate.

You think I'd let a few snowflakes

keep me from my boy when he's hurting?

Does Dad know you're here?

What is he gonna say?

Well, I... I appreciate it.

What are the doctors saying?

That he, uh...

he's heading in the wrong direction.

Well, the doctors don't know everything.

This boy is a fighter.

And he has something to fight for.

He's got the love of his life

sitting right here waiting for him.

We broke up.



A few months ago.

Why didn't you say anything?

I wanted to, but...

it was so amazing
how you and Dad supported us.

I just didn't want to let you down.


there is nothing
you can do to let us down.

Your father and I are so proud
of the man you are.

You have no idea how proud.

Thank you.

And we love TK too.

But when this boy wakes up,

we're gonna have a little conversation.

A conversation about what?

About why he thought
he can break my baby's heart

and get away with it.


- Mama's not happy.


BILLY: Just a little further.

Here we are.

- GRACE: What is this?
- BILLY: A tour bus.

GRACE: We gettin' out in this, Billy?

BILLY: Nah, it ain't going nowhere,
but it's shelter.

Come on.


BILLY: What do you think?

GRACE: It's not exactly sterile.

Yeah, neither was the manger.

Couch. A restroom in the back,

though I can't speak to the plumbing.

Here, why don't you...

You lay down.


No, not that one. I brought my own.

I don't know where that one's been.

All right, good call.

- GRACE: I got it, I got it.

BILLY: I'll see if I can
get the heat going for us.

GRACE: Whoo!

Billy, you didn't really
expect to find the keys

under the seat, did you?

Expecting? No. I was hoping, though.

Luckily, I possess a set of skills

one might call extra-legal.

Billy Tyson has a shady side?

Knock me over with a feather.



Now we're cookin' with gas.



- What happened?
- No gas.

Well, we gotta go
somewhere else then, Billy.


Those contractions are comin'
thick and fast now, okay?

You can't be out in the
elements trying to deliver no baby.

What difference does it make?

Either we freeze in here
or we freeze out here.

We are not gonna freeze, okay?

We just need some fuel.

So you just gonna
walk over to the filling station

and get some?


I'm gonna go siphon us some with this.



This is Captain Tommy Vega

going for Deputy Chief Tyson.

Don't use my name.
It gets him awfully skittish.

Yeah, I'm aware.

TOMMY: Deputy Chief Tyson, do you copy?

This is Tommy Vega.

Radio silence.

Owen, I, uh, I-I need to tell you...

No. No.

- You don't have to do that.
- Yes, I-I really do.

No, no, you don't. You know why?

Because I don't wanna hear it.

What are you gonna say?

There's something you could
have done differently or better.

Yes. Yes, that's right.

Well, you know what? You're right.

Because there always is.


You don't have to ask
for my forgiveness.

You already have it.

Thank you. For saying that.

Yeah. I mean...

No matter what happens,

I can't think of anyone

I would have rather have had
my son serve under than you.

- This is Captain Vega...

for Deputy Chief Tyson.

Do you read?



Good God.



It almost looks like he's
trying to say something, no?

The nurse said
they're just muscle spasms.

They don't mean anything.

Well, I wouldn't be so sure of that.

I think you need to talk to him, son.


Why not?

I wouldn't know what to say.

You tell him what's on your heart.

If I told him what's on my heart,

it wouldn't be very nice.

- Because you're angry?
- Yes.

- Then tell him.
- I can't right now, Mom.

Now is the time, Carlitos.

He needs to hear it
and you need to say it.

Heaven forbid
that this is your last chance

to say what you need to say to this man.

Hazlo, mijo.

I'll be outside.


(GROANING) Ohh, you're back.

Hey, I'm back.

How we doing?

GRACE: I'd be better
if you told me you found

an epidural out there, Billy.



I did find about a gallon
of diesel, though,

which does seem to take
the edge off, by the way.



All right, come on, girl.


Yeah. Here we go.

- You hear that?
- I hear it, Billy, I hear it.

Heat's on full blast.

Should only take a minute to warm up.

Apologies if I smell
like a barrel of crude.

- You okay?
- BILLY: Yeah, fine.

Just a sip or two of diesel
over my personal limit.

Are you sure, Billy?
Your eyes look a little glassy.

Yeah, I'm fine, okay? Just stop.

- I'm supposed to be looking after you.



Hey, Juddy, you there?

- It's Tommy.
- Yeah, I'm here.

You able to track down Captain Strand?

He's, uh, here with me actually.


I want you to know
how sorry I am about TK.

And I'm praying for him.

I appreciate that.

Um, have you happened
to have heard from your wife?

JUDD: No, not since
the cell phones went down,

but she's at home.


Uh, actually, she's not at home.

What do you mean? How do you know that?

Because we're standing
in your living room.

What the hell y'all doing?

Judd, we've been trying
to track down Billy.

We had his GPS ping to this location

and his truck is out front,
but he's gone.

We were wondering if you
might know where they are.

JUDD: There is no they.

Grace ain't going nowhere with Billy.

So look around, see if
you can find a pink duffel.

Okay? That's her go-bag
for the hospital.

- Yeah, there's no baby bag.

Well, then she must have gone
into labor of all the damn days.

All right, Juddy.

We've radioed every hospital

within miles and no one's got her.

Yeah, which means that
she's stuck out there in this.

Where were you planning
on having the baby?

Our birth plan was for West Park.

Okay, we're gonna head over there.

I'll see if I can get Captain Andrews

to lend me a truck
so we can start looking too.

You come in from the north,
we'll come in from the south

- and meet in the middle.
- Please, God.

Just let her be okay.



Hey, TK.

It's me.

I've been here for a while now.

I don't even know
if you want that, but...

I guess you're not in any
position to walk out this time.

And even if you can't hear it...

Mom's right.

I just need to say it.

I'm so mad at you right now.

And the worst part about this is...

if this is...


I can't even hold your hand.

Or run my fingers
through your hair, or...

kiss your head.

Not without it feeling like
it's some kind of violation.

Believe people when
they tell you who they are.

Just believe them, right?

He looks so mad, Mom.

CARLOS: Yeah, well, that's exactly...

He doesn't look particularly happy.

...when you walked out our first date.

What in the world
did you do to this boy?

Why do you immediately
assume that it was my fault?

'Cause I'll have you know that
there was blame on both sides.

...I didn't, and that's okay.

MOM: Tyler Kennedy.

You don't really want to
go with that line, do you?

That's your mechanism of defense, right?

Whatever it was, just own it.

Why do I even have to tell you?
I mean, you already know.

You're just a figment of my imagination.

Figment or not, I am still your mother.



Okay, fine.

Remember when
Carlos' townhouse burned down?

Who can forget?

So many innocent hoodies
lost their lives that night.


After that, you know,
we were staying with Dad

while looking for a place and...

Carlos eventually
found this loft downtown

with polished concrete floors

and great light and,

you know, walking distance
to some amazing nightlife.

That sounds fantastic.

Ugh, you have no idea.

I was so in love with it, but...

they didn't wanna lease it.

They were looking for buyers,
not renters.

And you couldn't come up
with the down payment.

Well, you know my credit...

I-I haven't always made
the best choices.

You don't say.

So then we had to deal with
the crushing disappointment.

Whose crushing disappointment?

Mostly mine.

You know, Carlos said
he didn't care where he lives

so long as it was with me.

So we agreed to keep looking...

until eventually he says
he thinks he found something,

and he takes me back to
the same exact place and says,

"Surprise, it's ours!"

So without telling me,
he went back and made an offer.

That is so romantic.

Romantic? It's-it's a total power move.

Or an unbelievably sweet gesture.

Well, it could be both.

It was... a really sweet power move.

I mean...

he didn't want me to feel like

I was just living in his place again,

so he put me on the deed and...

he knew I didn't have the money,

but he still made me a half owner.

So you panicked.

And then I panicked.

Because things were too good.

Everything was perfect.

And then you did the thing.

I did the thing.

You blew it up.

I blew it up.


TK: I hurt him so bad, Mom.

What if he doesn't want to take me back?

MOM: There's only one way to find out.

You need to wake up!


GRACE: Billy...

Billy, I think it's time.


- Easy. Easy, easy, easy, easy.

Here, let me, uh...
What can I get you? Can I...


- Essential oils?
- No!

You got Valiant Vapor, Misty Mama.


Please just take my hand.

Yeah. Sure thing.

You got it.



Won't be long now.

(EXHALES DEEPLY) I need my husband.


Come on, Grace, where are you?

we're crawling up Exposition.

The road's a little jammed up.

Where are you?

We're southbound
on Enfield at De Zavala.

Still ain't no sign of her.

Owen, there,
I think that's Gracie's car.

Pull over!

Yeah, definitely Grace's car.

- We found her car.
- She ain't in it?

TOMMY: It looks like they abandoned it.

Tommy, footprints.


TOMMY: Footprints in the snow, Juddy.

She can't be far.

Hey, you know what? Just stop.

I'm gonna hoof it from here.

OWEN: Bus is running. Hey!


OWEN: Hey!



They're here!


Oh, Tommy. Oh, thank God. Gracie!

All right. We are here now.

I can see you're in good hands.

I'm gonna check you out. Here we go.

- All right. Listen to me.

It's time to push.

All right?

Tommy, we gotta wait. I need Judd here.

I gotta have my husband.

Gracie, listen to me.

He did everything he could
to get here in time.

Mama, it's time to push.

Trust me, we can do this.

- You got this. Okay?
- Okay.

JUDD: Gracie!





Sweetheart, you made it.

You didn't think I was gonna
miss this, did you?



- Okay.
- TOMMY: All right, Daddy.

- Come on. You're up.

- TOMMY: Almost there.
- You got it, Gracie. You got it, Grace.

- TOMMY: Yes. Yes.

Good girl. Good girl. Okay.





Nurse? Nurse!


You got this, baby.



One more just like that,
just one more breath in.


NURSE: Please.

He's fighting, doctor.

- TOMMY: Push.









NURSE: Oxygen saturation levels
are stabilizing in the high s.




Hey, baby.







You better not be peeking.

(LAUGHING) Is this really necessary?

I've already seen this place.

Not finished, you haven't.

(SIGHS) You're such a control freak.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up.

- Okay.
- Hm...

Open your eyes.

TK: Oh, my God.

Th... This is so much nicer
than I remember.


TK: Wow.

Is that my exercise bike?


Is that my... my throw blanket?

Did you break into my house

and move me in
while I was in the hospital?

(CARLOS LAUGHING) No, of course not.

Mateo let me in.

You moved me in.

- I moved you in.
- Moving sucks.

Welcome home, TK.


You know, you...

You are the world's
biggest control freak, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's okay. You love it.

You love it. It's okay. It's okay.


You guys ready to meet
your little cousin?


Tranquilas. She might be sleeping.

Oh, friend, I wish.

Come say hey, girls.

It's all right. She won't bite.

Oh, she bites.

But she saves that just for her mama.

Aw, she's so cute!

Thank you. Now this is Evie and Izzy.

They're both gonna be looking
out for you your whole life,

so you gotta do what they say, okay?

We'll be nice, we promise.

We brought her something.

I see. What is this?

A penguin. Because she
was born in the snow.

Y'all are so sweet. Thank you so much.

- I thought of it.
- IZZY: No, you did not.

- EVIE: Did so.
- I'm the one

who just did the report
on the emperor penguins.

- EVIE: So what?
- TOMMY: Ladies, enough.

Y'all did the right thing
just startin' with one.

Oh, she's beautiful. Aw.

Yeah, she's lucky. She favors her mama.

Oh, yeah, well, I see plenty
of you in there, Juddy.

Oh, my goodness.

All right, time to take your godchild.

What took you so long?


Oh! Now have y'all decided

what you're gonna name
this miracle baby?


Tommy, we wanted to name her Charlie.

EVIE: Charlie's a boy's name.

Hey, now.

IZZY: Sounds like our father's name.


GRACE: Now we, um...

we just wanted to honor him, T.

We don't wanna overstep in any way.

Yeah, if it's, if it's
uncomfortable or anything,

you know, we ain't married to it, so...

I like it.

Yeah. Do you like it?


I like it very much.

All right, Marty. Lower it down.

Go more. More.

Can't believe it's finally over.

MARJAN: Hey, at least
we went down swinging.

Thank you for fighting for the ...

and for me.

It's been a pleasure
working with you, Marjan.

You, too.

I have never had as much fun on the job

as in your house, Cap.

That's very kind of you to say.

All right, Marty. Lower it down.

Little more.

It's good.

NANCY: Uh, Cap?


Now, I know y'all aren't trying to have

a pity party without carbs.

- Come on now.
- Hey, man. What's up?

♪ In the morning when I wake... ♪

What are the odds
any of this is gluten-free?

No way, Cap. Those are
fully leaded, old school,

everything is bad for you donuts.

Today, we eat our feelings.

- Give me a bear claw.
- Oh! Well done, good choice.

How about you, Marj?

You know what,
just save me one with sugar.


♪ Shall I write it in a letter? ♪

So glad you all came.

You kidding? We wouldn't miss it.

I mean, we wouldn't miss it again.


I can't lie. This one stings.

Yeah. I spent the best
years of my life here.

Hell, most of my life.

I'm really gonna miss this place.

FOREMAN: All right, Marty,
whenever you're ready.

NANCY: Oh, man, you guys.

Here we go.


♪ Can I be close to you?

Holy crap.

I mean, holy crap.

NANCY: What?

Our GoFundMe to save the ?

It just got fully funded.

Come on, Marj, stop messing with us.

- MARJAN: I'm not.
- Wait.

Somebody gave us $ . million?

A whole five actually.

Who would do that?

Someone named Cole Robertson.

- Hey! Hey!
- Hey.

- Whoa, whoa, hey!
- MARJAN: Stop! Stop!

OWEN: Time out. Time out.

Does anyone know
who this Cole Robertson is?

- No clue.
- I've never heard of him.


Are we sure he's even a real person?

Oh, yeah, he's definitely real.

I want to start by thanking
the Robertson family,

whose generous gift to the AFD

allowed us all to be here
together today.

It's the least we could do

after what your people did for us.


OWEN: The push-in
ceremony has its origins

dating back to the s

when horses were used
to pull hand pumpers.

But upon returning to the station,
the horses

could not back up to push in the rigs.

So the firefighters

had to manually push them into the bays.

In honor of that,

it's become tradition for firefighters

to push their rigs in

the very first time
they enter their firehouse.

The push-in ceremony reminds us

that even the best equipment
in the world

is useless without
the people who operate it.

The six is a family.

These uniforms
bind us tighter than blood.


Like a family, we argue,

screw up...

- Let each other down.

But as long as we keep
fighting for one another,

there is no challenge
that we cannot rise to.

There is no crisis
that we cannot overcome.

This building stands today

not because of its bricks and mortar,

but because of the heart
and the soul of the family

inside of it.


And so it shall always be.





That's what I'm talkin' about.
That's game, baby!

PAUL: No way! My girl Lindsey's puck

wins it for team red in a squeaker.

MATEO: I think you've
had too much punch, Paul.

Nancy's is definitely the winning puck.

PAUL: Oh... Hey, Marjan. Marjan.

Which puck is further?

I'm gonna have to go with whichever one

belongs to the daughter of the man

who bought the table
and the building that it's in.


- Red, red!


Hey, hippie. You wanna hold her?

Uh, that's all right.

Probably just make her cry.

That's the effect
you have on most people, but...

she's gotta get used to you sometime.

Come on.

All right. Come here, you.

Come on.


Oh, don't do it.

Don't cry.


BILLY: Hell.

That's a future fire chief right there.

JUDD: Oh, Billy!

So what do you think?
It's still homey, right?

I didn't go too far on the remodel.

What are you talking about?
It looks exactly the same, Dad.

Are you out of your mind?

The subway tile on
the backsplash is new, isn't it?

Thank you, Carlos.

Always wanted to get rid of that.

Almost makes this whole thing
kinda worth it.




Is she really here?

She's late, but she's here.

GWYNETH: I am so sorry
that I missed the ceremony.

Why didn't you tell us you were coming?

Because I didn't know
if I could, and your father

thought it would be
more fun to surprise you.

- Hi, Carlos.
- Hi, good to see you, Gwyneth.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Hi! Hi.


Oh, don't squish your brother.

OWEN: He is gonna be a heartbreaker.

Am I crazy or does he
kinda look like me?

You're crazy.

That's not diesel, is it?


I'll take it.

Well, you did it, New York.

With your help, Texas.

All I did was
get the hell out of the way.

That's all you had to do.

BILLY: Boys look good in their new spot.

OWEN: Mm-hmm.

To the .

- - .

♪ This is the house
that Jack built, y'all ♪

♪ Remember this house ♪

♪ This was the land
that he worked by hand ♪

♪ It was the dream of an upright man ♪

♪ That was the room
that was filled with love ♪

♪ It was a love that I was proud of ♪

♪ This was a life of a love
that he planned ♪

♪ On a love, the same old love ♪

♪ In the house that Jack built ♪

♪ The house that Jack built ♪

♪ Remember this house ♪

♪ There was the fence ♪

- ♪ that held our love ♪
- ♪ Yes, it was

♪ There was the gate
that he walked out of ♪

♪ This is the heart ♪

- ♪ that is turned to stone ♪
- ♪ Yes, it is

♪ This was the house,
but it ain't no home ♪

♪ This is the love that I once had ♪

♪ In a dream that I thought was love ♪

♪ In the house that Jack built ♪

♪ The house that Jack built ♪

♪ I'm gonna remember this house ♪