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02x19 - Time To Leave The Nest

Posted: 01/31/22 11:27
by bunniefuu
Here's to a romantic breakfast
for two.

- Remind me to give you a raise.
- If you handled the money, I would.

That's right, that's your department.

I'll give you another ten bucks a week
but that's it.

It's so nice to be alone.
It's so peaceful.

So quiet.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing. And even if it's something,

we don't know about it.

So let's just be grateful
for what we have and enjoy it.

I can do that.


- Looks like a lot of bills.
- Oh. Great.

- Bill, bill, bill.
- I paid these.

I could use
that ten bucks in advance.

Can I owe you?

- With interest?
- Tons of interest.

- I'm in.
- Yes. Way to go.

- He didn't look too happy.
- So it must be the college near us.


Jeff Olsen really said I was cute?
You're sure?

Cute, not pretty?

Just cute.

I guess I can take cute.

Cute is for a kid. I'm more of a--

"A woman whose sexual nature
is hidden beneath her perkiness?"

- Give me that.
- "Just because I'm petite,

doesn't mean
my emotions are petite."


I can't take it anymore.

ANNIE: You know Matt's gonna
wanna live on campus.

Can't, can't, can't.

Well, he can if he gets a job, job, job.

Job? Can't, can't, can't.

I need a saw or some heavy rope
or barbed wire.

- I've got tape and paper clips.
- Tape. Where's the tape?

It's in the cabinet next to the oven.


I don't even wanna know.

Hey, look what I found.

Can I keep her?

Nothing, not even her name?

Nope, she doesn't talk.
She never said anything.

I was just walking down the street
and she came right up to me.

- So can we keep her?
- No, Simon, I don't think so.

That's not fair. You let Grandma
and the Colonel keep George.

- Well, that was different.
- I don't see how.

Well, it was different
because George was an orphan.

You think she has parents?

What kind of parents
would let their kid

go wandering the streets,
hungry and dirty like that?

I'm sure she's an orphan.
I can feel it in my bones.

I think we owe it to the child
to go a little beyond that.

Why? Even if she does have parents,
they shouldn't get her back.

When something belongs to you,
you have to take care of it.

- And that's the law.
- Mm. Not exactly.

If I didn't take care of Happy,

- you wouldn't let me keep her. Right?
- Right.

If I didn't feed her
and let her go wandering the streets,

a dogcatcher would catch her,
take her to the pound,

and some other family would get her.
Why isn't it that the same for a kid?

Your heart's
in the right place, Simon.

But I'm still going to have to do
the best I can to locate her family.

I know. But if no one claims her,
can we keep her?

Well, for the girl's sake,
let's just pray we find her parents.

You're on your own on that one, Dad.
I want her.



Which one of these dresses
would you like to wear?

I like that one too.
And it matches your eyes.

You're gonna look very pretty in it.

What are we doing?

Well, I'm taking control
of my own destiny.

Because it looks like
you're putting black tape on the floor.

Well, I'm dividing the room, okay?

I need to stake out my territory.
I need my own space.

Well, don't get any ideas
about moving into my room.

I just got Simon out of there
and I love it.

I bet you do.
But if I were you, I'd watch out.

- What do you mean?
- If that kid Simon found moves in,

she'll be your new roommate.

Welcome to the
Camden Boarding House.

Simon's friend
isn't moving in with us, is she?

No, honey.
We're just looking for her parents.

I can help you look if you want.
I'm good at finding things.

That's very sweet. I'll let you know.

I wanna tell you,
I have a date tonight.

- I thought we'd just hang out here.
- Fine.

Mom, what I mean is,
we're gonna hang out in my room.

Sure, I mean, it's more like
an apartment than a room anyway.

I mean, there's plenty of places to sit
and move around.

Besides, you're almost 18.
We've done our job, we trust you.

I'm glad you see it that way.
I'm looking for privacy.

Of course, privacy.
Good for everyone now and then.

And, by the way, congratulations
on getting accepted to college, son.

Yeah, it's great. I mean, especially
if I decide not to go out of state.

You know I got accepted
out of state too?

Yeah, but this is a better school.
I mean, this is a great school.

Why would you even
need to go out of state?

Yeah, why would I do
a crazy thing like that?

Um, he has a date tonight and
they're going to "hang out" in his room.

This is just a test to see if he can find
an excuse to go away to college.

I know. And we are going
to pass this test if it kills us.

I'm gonna go to the police station and
look through missing-children reports,

help out with the search,
maybe speed things up.

I don't guess
Simon's too happy about that.

No, he's not.
Breakfast again tomorrow?

It's a date.

Anyone and everyone knows
that a diary is private.

No. What anyone
and everyone knows

is that you don't leave your diary
lying around with no lock on it.

I didn't know I needed a lock.

You do if you don't want people
to keep reading.

Keep? Keep reading?
You've done this before?

Not only have I done it before,
probably everyone in the entire family

has sneaked a peek at it because
you keep leaving it all over the house.

I never realised I was living
with people I couldn't trust.

As soon as Matt moves out of here,
I'm moving up to the attic.

No, I'm sorry.
I'm the oldest, I'm next in line.

Mom and Dad
are not going by oldest on this one.

They almost let Simon move up there,
why wouldn't they let me?

Maybe it's because of your sexual side
lurking underneath your perkiness?

You shut up
and stay out of my business!

That'll be easy. I'll just leave.
Something that you can't do.

Because, if you haven't noticed,
the door is on my side of the room.



Let me in!



You look nice.

Happy. Happy, sit up. Sit up.

Yeah, I can be pretty funny.

- Some might even say charming.
- Yeah, right, Prince Charming.

- What are we doing?
- We are busy.

- Did she cr*ck yet?
- cr*ck?

Talk, speak, move her lips
and make sounds.

Not a word.

Maybe I can get her to talk
and tell us where her real family is.

Forget it. She's staying.

And don't get any ideas
about sharing her.

I found her, she's mine.

Fine. But don't get any ideas
about her sleeping in my room.

Why should I?

See you.

- You can start looking through these.
- All of these are missing children?

Just the ones we haven't put
on the computer database yet.

My baby!

Somebody do something.
Somebody help me.

I've lost my little girl.

She needs me. I need her.

- I've gotta get her back.
- Can you describe your daughter?

Brown hair. About this high.

She's got big, beautiful, blue eyes.
Name's Sarah.

Sarah James.
Have you seen my Sarah?


I'm telling you, I need a drink.
I hurt. I'm in pain.

I told you, Mr. James,
I can't get you a drink.

- Maybe I can help, Kat.
- You're welcome to try.

- Who are you?
- I'm Eric Camden, Joe. I'm a minister.

- I have your daughter.
- You found my Sarah?

My son found your daughter
out on the street.

She was tired and hungry.

- She looked like she needed help.
- The only thing she needs is me.

You can't keep her, you know?
She's mine. I'm gonna get her back.

Since you obviously
have a little problem,

maybe your daughter
would be better off with her mother?

Look, I don't have a problem.
You have a problem.

No one knows where her mother is.
And even if you did,

she left us
when Sarah was just a baby.

So the only parent
Sarah knows is me.

She loves drunk, old me.

And nobody's gonna keep us apart.


Mom, this is Molly.
Molly, this is my mom.

- Hi, Molly.
- Hi.

- I'm Annie, really nice to meet you.
- Hi.

You don't know Matt from school?

- Actually, Molly already graduated.
- I'm 23.

MATT: We met at a coffee shop.
MOLLY: I work there, as a foam girl,

making cappuccinos and,
you know, things that need foam.

It's really fun
but it doesn't pay that much,

so I still live in my parents' pad too.

Oh. You know,
I thought we'd go up to my place.

You know, listen to some music,
just relax. You know, chill.

Unless, of course, you two would like
to chill with your father and me.

- Sound of Music.
- Maybe some other time.

Absolutely. Rodgers and Hammerstein
are so dope.


Even if it kills us.

Okay, time-out. Did you see that?

Matt is taking a girl up to his room.

A girl to his room
to do God knows what.

Do you think Mom and Dad know?
They couldn't know.

If they knew, they'd stop it,
wouldn't they?

Is there a new world order? Hello?

Are you listening to me?
Matt is taking a woman up to his room.

Are you gonna answer me or not?

I would love to talk about Matt
and what I know about his little friend,

but it seems that the line
that you've drawn

across the middle of the floor
has some kind of sound barrier in it.

So why don't you write it in your diary
and I'll read it when I get a chance?

This is my room.
It's pretty impressive, isn't it?

You can stay here
as long as you like.

Really. As long as you like.

I was starting to worry.
Did you talk to the father?

Yep. And Simon's little friend
has a name: Sarah.

The police are trying
to track down the mother now.

We're hoping she's not
in the same condition the father is.

I'd like her here before the hospital
runs out of excuses for detaining him.

The police aren't gonna let him
take Sarah back?

I hope not. I'm hoping
Social Services will intervene.

- And if they do?
- He'll have to go through rehab

and prove he's a fit father.

- And if he does that?
- They'll return Sarah to him.

- But if he doesn't?
- They'll put her in a foster home.


What are we doing?

We are not doing anything
and you are going back downstairs.

I don't have anything to do.
Can I hang out with you guys?

Please, please, please?

- No.
- Sure.

Is this your little sister?

I have never seen her before
in my life.

He did so. I'm Ruthie.
What's your name?

- Molly.
- And my name's Matt. Bye, Ruthie.

Molly's a pretty name.
I have a doll named Molly

but she doesn't have
a head anymore.

- What happened to it?
- I pulled it off.

That is so radical. I used to pull
the heads off my dolls too.

She's awesome.
How can you stand it?

I can't.

Excuse me, I'll be right back.

- There's no bathroom up here.
- Oh.

- Will one of you please watch Ruthie?
- Why should I?

Do you see the circumstances
I have to live in?

The people who live in the slums
of Calcutta have more privacy

and they live on the street.

I don't wanna do anything that's gonna
encourage you to stay home next year

since I'm, you know, looking forward
to taking over your room.

You're not getting that room.
I'm getting it.

And I'm putting a vault
up there and locking my diary in it.

You two are completely mental.

Hey. How's everything going
with your date?

Well, Ruthie's having a blast.
Does that count?

- What?
- Ruthie. She interrupted everything.

I'll get her.

What's with the viper twins? They've
got tape down the middle of their room.

I'll take care of it.

- [MOUTHING] Shut your mouth.
- What?

I'll be back.

So how about those apostles?

- What?
- Just trying to make conversation.

Interrupted everything, huh?

- I would never have sex in this house.
- Good to hear.

Although "in this house"
kind of opens a can of worms.

Care to chat?

How about those apostles?

You're not the boss of me.

MARY: You're wrong.
I am the oldest. I am the boss.

I can tell you, Simon and Ruthie to do
something and you have to do it too.

Why don't you pick on them
instead of me?

Because you're right here
in the room with me.

For your information,
I am the boss of everyone.

If Matt goes away to school,
can I have his room?

- Mom, I'm next in line.
- You're fighting over nothing.

Matt's not going away to school.


Mom, Matt's way too old
to be living at home.

- He's 17.
- Almost 18 and going on 30.

Do you know that there's a woman
upstairs in his room?

Yes. And did you know she's 23 and
still living at home with her parents?

There's no way
I'll still be living at home when I'm 23.

Yeah, no way.

Well, at least you two agree
on something. That's a start.

You know, you guys just apologise
to each other and move on.

I'm sorry I ever trusted you.

Well, I'm sorry that you're petite
because I'd love to pummel

your un-petite emotions
right out of your little body.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Well, you know where the line was
and you'd better not cross it.


Come on, you got it. Come on.

- Excuse me.
- Hey, Annie.

Wanna see the new dance step
Molly showed me?

Some other time maybe.

Molly pulls the heads off
her dolls too.

Isn't that nice?

Well, sweetie,
I think that Molly and Matt,

- they wanna be alone now, so...
- I don't mind kids.

I can't wait to have some of my own.

- Thanks, Mom.
- Yeah.

You sure you guys
don't wanna see that film?

- Mom...
- Yeah.

- Come on.
- [MOUTHING] Thank you.

Sorry, Molly.
We'll bust a move some other time.

Yeah. Some other time.

You know, you are really sweet,

but I'm 23
and I live at home with my parents,

so I try not to date guys
who live at home with their parents.

My parents aren't like your parents.
They're trying to get me to stay home.

and your parents are trying
to get you to move out.

- Hey there.
SIMON: Hey, Dad.

- We need to talk.
- Her too?

Actually, her has a name.

It's Sarah. Sarah James.

- Isn't that right, honey?
- Yes.

Please take me back to my daddy.

He needs me.
I shouldn't have left him alone.

It's okay, he's a daddy.
Daddies can take care of themselves.

But my daddy is sick
and we run out of food all the time.

So he needs me to go with him
and ask people for money

so we could buy stuff.

What kind of sick?
What's wrong with him?

I don't know but if he doesn't
drink a lot, he hurts real bad.

We can't let her go home
even if she wants to.

Promise me we won't?

ERIC: What time did Molly leave?
- I don't know. And don't ask Matt.

We have to act like we're fine

with this whole entertain-the-woman-
in-the-room thing.

Well, I just hope
she didn't hear us when she left.

What is it about stress
that is such a...? It's like such a--

- Turn on?
- Yeah.

There's been a lot of stress
around here.

Yeah. It's a good thing
we're married.

You know, it's not so much
the girl in the room that I mind as it is

the girl in the room
that's right over my head.

Well, we could renovate
and move him to the garage.

Yeah, or we could let him
go away to school.

- These are my choices?
- Afraid so.

The girl in the room
doesn't really bother me that much.


- Where are you going?
- I'm meeting Sgt. Michaels at Sarah's.

No, he needs my help.
It's official police business. Yeah.

- Liar. Liar. Liar.
- That's-- No, it's police business.

Judge was reluctant to give a warrant
since I haven't shown sufficient cause.

Eric, I think we should leave this
to Social Services.

Just wanna check it out.

- What are you looking for?
- Sufficient cause?

Who knows? There might be
other people living here

- and the other people might let us in.
- And then what?

I don't know.
What's that over there?

- Come on.
- Come on.

Oh. Look, the door's open.

Suspect's down in county--

That's for me. I'll be right back.

What do you want first,
the good news or the bad?

- Give me the bad.
- Well, there's no mother.

She OD'd in the Bowery
two years ago, Manhattan.

But there's some good news?

There's news that might be good,

Joe James's mother is alive,
so Sarah has a grandmother.

We just don't know
what condition she's in.

- Well, let's find out.
- Yeah.


Just say it.

I have to get out of here.
It's like a prison.

Well, don't hold back, Matt.
Tell me how you really feel.

It's time for me to be on my own.

Well, I guess there's always
the University of Texas.

University of Tennessee.

Yeah. I mean, I guess you could
get a job and pay for the dorm

- or share an apartment or something.
- And you and Dad would be okay?

Tell me how you really feel.

You know the choices.
And you've worked very hard.

And I trust you to do the right thing.

I just don't think you should go to
school all the way across the country

just to get a little independence
from your family.

I'll think about it.

Molly stayed over?

Yeah. But she just slept.
I slept in the living room.

The blankets are still folded up
at the end of the couch if you check.

I gotta check on Simon and Sarah
right now but we'll talk about this later.

Right. When Dad gets home.

Lucy, let me in.

- Look, what are you...?
- Lucy locked me out.


Open this door right now.

What is wrong with you two?

Did I not just explain last night
that I am the boss?

And the boss says
to apologise and move on.

I just needed a minute to put
something away, so I locked the door.

- Shoe box, top shelf, top box.
- She reads my diary.

I don't go and get it out
of the shoe box and read it.

I just read it when she leaves it
lying all over the room.

It's just stupid stuff like she's petite but
she's thinking about sex all the time.

Don't yell at me. Matt's the one
with a girl in his room.

He slept downstairs. I saw him.

Maybe we need to talk about sex.

- Really?
- We're not having sex with anyone.

I can see that you might be tempted to
some time in the future.

MARY: Well, can we wait
and talk about it then?

- I just ate.
- Well, okay.

Then maybe you'll tell us
about the good stuff?

- Good stuff?
- What? You have basketball.

I don't know. I don't know
what the stuff is. I just know biology.

Let me just say this for right now.

I remember this dark, stormy night
in this house--

I feel a flashback coming on.

And we had been here a few years
but it was still spooky

because the lights went out and
your dad didn't get home until very late.

Just after I put one of you to bed
after your midnight feeding in fact.

And he came in apologising
for leaving me alone.

He had been with Mrs. Bink
at the hospital. She had heart surgery.

And he said that that was ironic.

And I didn't understand
why it was ironic.

And he laughed
because he said that I had forgotten

that that day was Valentine's Day.
And I had forgotten.

I mean, I was a young mom
and I was just too busy to remember.

And he took a Hershey bar
out of his coat pocket

and said that that
was all he had time to get.

He'd gotten it at the machine
at the hospital.

And I just remember
that when we kissed,

the rain seemed to stop.

And your father,
he put his arms around me,

and I felt so loved and so protected
and so happy.

- That's the good stuff?
- I'm getting to that.

You're the good stuff.

That's the night
that you were conceived.

- I was conceived on Valentine's Day?
- Well, an hour or so after.

This is so cool.
Why didn't you ever tell me before?

Well, I just felt
that this was the time to point out

that when you really love
someone completely

and you're committed
and responsible,

that's when sex is good. Really good.

Well, what about me?
How was I conceived?

You're not old enough to hear that one.
Maybe I'll tell you at your wedding.

I was conceived on Valentine's Day.

This should make for some
good diary entries.

I love living alone

I love my space, my place
Because it's my room

All my own
Alone, alone

I love my room
I love living alone

I love my space, my place
Because it's my room

All my own
Alone, alone

- How are things going?
SIMON: No matter what I do,

she just keeps asking me
to take her home.

My daddy will be worried.
He needs me to take care of him.

Honey, everything is gonna be okay.

Simon's daddy is out trying to get
your daddy some help right now.

Sarah, I'd like you to meet someone.

Sarah? It's me, Grandma.

I'm your daddy's mommy.

No. Where's my daddy?
I want my daddy.


You see?
Sarah doesn't want to be with me.

The child's afraid of me.

All that time I spent wondering where
she was and what she'd look like,

It doesn't matter. It's too late.

He's isolated her from everyone
just like he isolated himself.

It's hopeless, Reverend,
just like my son is hopeless.

Nothing's hopeless.
Trust me, I'm in the hope business.

I'm old. I can't take Sarah with me
if she isn't willing to go.

And what happens when Joe gets
drunk and comes to take her back?

Even if he doesn't, who's gonna take
her when I'm not around anymore?

The important thing is
you're here for Sarah now.

The rest, we'll figure out.
We have time.

I want to see my daddy. Please don't
let that Grandma lady take me away.

What do you say
you and me and that Grandma lady

go into the kitchen and bake up
a batch of your favourite cookies?

That way, we'll get to know her.
I bet she's really nice.

And you're not going anywhere tonight.
You're staying right here.

Hey, baking cookies
is a lot of fun, huh?


Look, I'll be right back.
It's gonna be okay.

Look, Sarah's grandmother's here
but she doesn't know her.

So Mom is gonna take Sarah
into the kitchen with her grandmother,

do some baking, work the Mom magic,
and I need you to help.

I'll pass. I was looking forward
to a little quality alone time tonight.

Look, I know I was rude before
about sharing Sarah and everything,

but she needs someone
to show her how to do all that

and mother-daughter stuff.

I think you're the only person
for the job.

Is she going to go
live with her grandma?

I hope so.
It's better than her dad taking her back.

- I thought you were keeping her.
- I want to, but...

If you love someone,
you have to let them go.

And I love Sarah,
and as hard as it is,

it's best if she goes
with her grandmother.

- What are you doing tonight?
- If you heard my date slept over,

we weren't doing anything.
I slept downstairs.

I know. Your mom filled me in
when I called home this afternoon.

- Do we have to talk?
- Yeah. But not here.

- Where?
- Come on, we're going on a mission.

Okay, you two,
I need a cup of sugar.

What about the egg?
Can we break it?

Of course.

See, I told you. Moms are cool
and grandmas are the coolest.

They'll let you do just about anything.
they never yell at you,

and they let you eat
anything you want.

ANNIE: Are you okay?
- Yes. And no.

I can't tell you how many times
I've dreamed about this.

It's gonna be okay.

I used to say that about my son,
but it never was.

It never was.


I thought this would be a good place

to talk to you about the importance
of a college education,

moving away from home,
not drinking or doing dr*gs,

responsibility, marriage,
sex, children,

setting a good example
for your brother and sisters.

That kind of stuff.

Shall we?

Oh, boy.

I thought I'd give you a ride home.

And then later, if you like, I'll take you
to meet a friend of mine, Bill W.

There's no way I'm going to AA.
So you and Bill W. can shove it.

- You afraid it might work?
- I don't really wanna live like I live,

so I'm always trying to change
and I'm always failing.

Failing doesn't bother Sarah.
That girl loves me.

The question is, do you love her?

Why don't you get lost?
I don't need a ride home.

No, you don't.
You can always walk or take the bus.

Welcoming committee?

- It looks different about this place.
- You noticed it.

- Welcome home, Joe.
- Welcome home, Joe.

I rewired everything so you won't have
to borrow electricity anymore.

And I fixed the plumbing.

Everything's been scrubbed
and disinfected.

I don't think you'll have pest problems.
They've all been sprayed or trapped.

And we put an old bed that we had
in our garage in your bedroom

so you don't have to sleep
on the floor.

And it has new sheets
and a new blanket.

And I took some Church funds

and caught you up
with the gas and water companies.

Oh. Ruthie, show him the best part.

And lots of food.
I picked out the chocolate milk myself.

Why? Why would you do this?

Daddy, I missed you.

- You look good, Daddy.
- Yes, Joe, you do look good.

Sarah, please go outside
for a little bit

and let Daddy talk
with Grandma. Okay?

She's just a little girl.
She can't take care of you anymore.

Joe, I wanna
take her home with me.

I want you to tell her to go,
make it okay for her.

Why would I give away the only person
in this world who loves me?

Oh, Joe. I love you.

I've always loved you.
But more than that,

someone upstairs must love you
like his own son

to find people like this
to take you on.

I spoke to our deacons and we're
gonna make you a Church project.

Someone from Church
is going to come here every day

to drive you to your AA meetings.

Then you're gonna get a hot meal from
our Meals on Wheels programme.

And hoping to see you
in church every Sunday.

We'll even give you a ride.

What if I don't wanna be
a Church project?

Well, then Social Services
is gonna make you a project.

And so is the Police Department.
Your daughter can't stay with you.

It's either your mother
or a foster home.

But I love her. I love Sarah.

If you mean that,
then just do the right thing.

As hard as it is,
do the right thing.

Honey, you've been taking care of me
for a really long time,

but I think I need more help
than a little girl can give me.

- I wasn't doing a good job?
- No, no, no.

See, I wasn't doing a good job.

It's your turn to be taken care of.

And Grandma's great
at taking care of people, honey.

Do me a favour and let your grandma
take you home for a while, okay?

I'll miss you.

But you deserve
a better place to live,

with some new toys
and some pretty dresses.

I don't need new toys or dresses.
I need you.

Sweetheart, that's why I'm gonna
stay here and get some help.

But I don't think I'll be much good at it
unless I know you're with my mom.

That way, I won't worry about you.

I love you, Daddy.

I love you too.

You get Sarah
and her grandmother home?

Yeah. They're gonna be fine.

- What's all this?
- This is Thanksgiving.

You're a few months late,
aren't you?

Actually, we're early. We didn't wanna
wait till November to say "thank you."

Yeah, thanks for letting me
have my own room.

And thank you for never letting me
wander the streets,

hungry and dirty, looking for food.

And thank you for telling me
about that stormy Valentine's night.

It seemed like the right time.

It made me feel really special.

You always make me feel
really special.

You know, after I get through
crying and yelling about being me.

And I wanna thank you
for making me share a room with her

because having a sister who has
the guts to be vulnerable like that

is some kind of weird blessing.

I think we know
what you're thankful for.

Did you tell them?

I'm thankful Mom and Dad are gonna
let me go away to school next year.

I'm going to Tennessee,
as long as I can get a job

and pay for my own living expenses.

We wanted Matt to make up
his own mind

and that's what he decided.

We'll miss him
but we want him to be happy.

So maybe it is time
for him to leave the nest.

We won't see you for years?

No, I'll be home every Christmas
and every summer, I promise.

So this could be the last
Thanksgiving together for a while.

- So can I have the attic?
- No way, it's mine.

I was supposed to have it
in the first place.

- No, me.
- Maybe I want it.

- No, no, you guys. No, I'm the oldest.
- No, no, no. Excuse me, can I--?