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04x12 - Angels Sometimes k*ll

Posted: 01/29/22 13:20
by bunniefuu
♪ Shine on me ♪

♪ Shine on me ♪

♪ Shine on me ♪

♪ Shine on me ♪


RICK: Good times, boys.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, boy!


Oh, oh, guess what.

- You having twins?
- Ah.

- Very funny, my friend.

Very funny. Nope.

Suzy is getting her ultrasound today,

which means I'm gonna see
the first pic of my kid.

Oh, nice.

What's the deal with you
and Suzy, anyway?

Uh, not really sure.

For now, she's gonna stay in San Diego,

finish out her residency.

Whatever you two decide,

that's gonna be one lucky baby.

You're gonna make great parents.

And obviously, you know,

'ohana's got your back;
whatever you guys need.

All right, why don't you start saving

for the college fund now,

because by the time the kid turns ,

it's gonna cost a fortune.

You guys want to go to
Sweet E's, get a bite?

Nah, I gotta split.

Gonna have the talk with Cade today.

The talk? Isn't he ?

I think that ship sailed.

(SCOFFS) Not that talk.

The one about school.

I want to get him reenrolled

so he can get his life back on track.

Well, I guess when I need
some dad advice

I'll come to you from now on.

You know what, I'm up for food.

All right, let's go. Let's go.

Munchie waffles on me.

You need to sign here,

and initial here, here and here.

Hey. What's going on?

Well, I am finally returning
Robin's Nest to Robin.

After she signs all these.

Doesn't your visa hinge
on you owning this place?

Well, it did, but MI
pulled some strings

with the State Department.

They secured me a new visa

and a fast track
to citizenship as a thank you.

That's really great, Higgy,

but, uh, I mean,
honestly, what about me?

If I wasn't there,

Cavendish would have
got away with the data

and surely caused the unfortunate demise

of queen and country.

Well, sadly,

I think you're just gonna
have to be satisfied

with me no longer being your boss.


Oh, it's Shammy.

He says he needs
our help with something.

Sorry to drop in on you like this.

- Oh, no need to apologize.
- Oh, thanks.

So what's going on, Sham?

Well, I don't know, exactly.

I've got this homeless buddy.
He goes by Dart.

He's been coming to my vet support group

for, I don't know,
about the past year or so.

Dart had a big job interview
coming up last Tuesday.

And he was so excited, and promised to

keep me posted on how it went,

but then he didn't show up
for this week's meeting.

And he never misses.

So I'm starting to worry.

What do you think might have happened?

He had a lot riding on that job.

Maybe the interview didn't
go well, and he spiraled.

I want to make sure
he's okay, but I've got

no idea where to even
start looking for him.

I'm sure we can help.

Do you have a photo of Dart?

Yeah, um...

this is from a couple weeks back.

That's him next to me.

HIGGINS: And is there anything
else you can tell us about him?

Any small detail that might help?

(SIGHS) He lives in
a homeless encampment.

Don't know which one.

Well, I mean, maybe he chose one

near to the V.A.

That would narrow it down some.

Well, actually, I wouldn't
go down that road just yet.

- He's holding a drink from Mahalo Subs.
- Yeah.

Maybe the truck was parked
near his encampment.

Okay, but that truck's in
a different spot every day.

Which is why they always post
their location to social media.

What? Have you not had
their meatloaf bacon melt?

It's delicious.

(CHUCKLES) All right.

Uh, what day did you take that photo?

Um, the th.

Okay. Mahalo Subs.

On the th, they were in Chinatown.

Well, yeah, I guess we start there.

Yeah. We'll keep you updated
if we find something.

I really appreciate this.

Hopefully he's okay, I just...

...I know what it's like
to be in a dark place.

I'm guessing you do, too.

Yeah, yeah, we've all been there.

Don't worry, Sham, we're gonna find him.




I thought you were going
to Island Hoppers today.

Yeah. Um, I am.

But there was something I
wanted to talk to you about.

I was just thinking, now
that you're more settled,

maybe it's time for you
to go back to school.

We're too late. It's January.

A new semester already started.

I don't think that'll be a problem.

It'd be weird, though.

Plus, now that I'm ,
I don't have to go back.

I'd rather just get my GED
and keep working full time.

Well, that's one option, for sure.

But you know, high school
is about a lot more than

just the diploma.

The whole experience has value.

I mean, friends.
Extracurricular activities.


I've got friends.

And I meet more girls working here

than I did in school.

As far as activities, I'm not really

a chess club kind of guy.

Yeah, I-I hear you.

But you know, high school
is just the beginning.

I mean, you could do anything
with your life.

Especially with your hustle.

Man, education's gonna open up doors...

Okay, okay, look. I'm not going back.

Just drop it, okay?

It was a good talk.


You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Is it Lia?

Just said I'm fine.

You did, but you were lying.

So, is she still on leave, then?

No, she's been back for a few days now.

Well, that's good.

I'm glad that whole nasty
ransomware stuff is behind her.

Not so sure about that. Gordie
said since she's been back,

and everyone knows she's
the daughter of a crime boss,

she's not been too popular
at the precinct.

It can't be easy. How's she handling it?

Not sure, exactly. I haven't seen her.

She's been pretty busy

catching up, trying to regain
her co-workers' trust back.

That kind of thing.

What about your trust?

I don't know.

I understand why she'd
want to keep it a secret,

but to keep that secret from me,

what does that say
about the relationship?

Have you talked to Lia about it?

No, no, I think before
I have that conversation,

I need to figure out
exactly how I feel about it.


(SIGHS) This is gonna be like
finding a needle in a haystack.

Maybe they can direct us.

- Hi.
- Hi.


I'm Tom, this is Juliet.

We're private investigators.

I'm Maggie, that's Jill.

Don't get many P.I.s around here.

Is there something we can help you with?

HIGGINS: We're looking
for a man named Dart.

We think he might live here.

Do you happen to know him?

Yeah, we know him.

Not well, but he seems like a nice guy.

Haven't seen him today, but his tent

is right over there.

It's the tall one with the blue top.

American flag on the front.

Great. Thank you.

Thanks for the help.

Dart? You in there? Anybody inside?

Excuse me, are you Dart?

No. I'm Cam.

Dartster's been gone.
I'm just watching his stuff.

You mind if we talk to you for a second?

All right.


Uh, did Dart tell you
when he was gonna be back?


Are y'all with the guy with the Jag?

Who's that?

MAGNUM: Look, we don't
mean Dart any harm.

We're just concerned about him,
that's all.


I mean, Dart, he keeps
to himself usually.

But last week, this guy
in a golden Jaguar,

he-he cornered him,
tried to get him in his car.

Got arguing. It got heated.

Suddenly Dart, he-he shoved the guy.

I've never seen him act like that.

You know, he just, like, lost it.

Then what happened?

You know, a couple more words
were said, and the guy took off.

Did Dart say who this man was?

No. He was pretty shooken up, though.

And a couple days later,
Dart, he disappeared.

And I haven't seen him back since.

Well, thanks.


It really begs the question,

did Dart disappear on his own?

Or did somebody make him disappear?

Anything useful?

Uh, there's a lot of stuff
to sift through in here.

Pretty sad.

His whole life is in here.


Wedding band?

Yeah, it's pretty heavy.

I think it's... it's platinum.

It's got to be worth
a couple thousand dollars.

It must mean something to him
if he didn't pawn it.

It's got the maker's mark on the inside.

Might help track down the jeweler.

Yeah, but what are the odds
they'd remember

who they sold it to?

Well, it does have

an engraving on the inside, too.

HIGGINS: "Double Stuff."

Inside joke?

I don't know. Whatever it means, I think

it's getting us that much closer
to finding a name.

You know, you didn't
have to buy me lunch.

It's the least I can do.

You're my resident expert here.

- Yeah.

I thought you might know a way

I can get through to Cade on this one.

Okay, how about this?


Ask him to just try school

- for two weeks, that's all.
- Mm-hmm.

All right? Easier to convince a teenager

if there's an end point.

He won't want to leave after that,

but if he does, you gotta
be okay with it,

and so do the foster parents, of course.


See, the thing is, Cade didn't want

to go back in the system, so...

Where's the boy living?

I've been looking for an apartment,

but I haven't found the right one yet.

So I just converted the office
at Island Hoppers.

I-It's just temporary.

Cade's been sleeping in your hangar?

Child Protective Services would
have a field day with that.

Oh, come on. He's comfortable and safe.

And I'm right outside in my trailer,

so he's not really alone.

Still, it's no way for a kid to live.

Look, I understand. I get it.

It's just temporary.

As soon as I find an apartment...

No, TC, you don't get it.

I'm in a tight spot now.

I gotta tell CPS.

Come on.

I'm confiding in you
as a friend, not a cop.

I can't just look away.

Cade is a minor.

I am a mandatory reporter.

Look, I'm sorry, TC.

You have hours to get Cade
back into the foster system.

- Or what?
- Or I'll have to do it.


So I just got off the phone
with the jeweler,

and the "Double Stuff" engraving
did jog his memory.

It was for a wedding set
he made years ago

for a couple named Karl and Lucy Dartan.

Hence "Dart." Brilliant. Okay.

Well, let's see what we can find
on Lucy Dartan.

Here we go.

Seems she's still married to Dart.

She lives in the house
that they bought together,

and his name is still on the deed.

So this guy's living on the street,

but still owns the house.

Maybe Lucy could tell us why.

The man who fought with Dart
drove a gold Jag.

Can't be a coincidence.



Hi. Can I help you?

Yeah. Sorry to bother you,
but we're here about Karl.

Come in, please.

Dart. That's his Army nickname.

He enlisted, uh,

right after / .

He loved the Army. He really did.

He reupped a few times,
but on his last tour,

something... something bad happened.

He came home in , but he just...

He wasn't the same.

I'm guessing he had trouble
reacclimating to civilian life.


You don't have to get into it

if you don't want to, honey;
it's too much.

Yeah, we're really sorry
to ask you to dredge up

painful memories.

Really, it's-it's okay.

You know, I-I want to help.

Uh, you're right.

He-he did have trouble.

He wasn't sleeping
because of the nightmares,

and, uh, he was just so angry.

He would lash out all the time.

He would just snap
over the smallest stuff.

Were you ever able to get him any help?

I tried.

The V.A. diagnosed him with PTSD.

He went to therapy, he did EMDR.

They put him on meds. Nothing worked.

You know, he...

He hated what it was doing to me.

Seeing me walk on eggshells,

afraid to set him off.

He knew I was not gonna give up on him.

But he felt that he was, uh...
ruining my life.

So, one day, he just...

He-he disappeared.

I'm so sorry.

You know, I searched for him for years.

And, eventually, I just... (SNIFFLES)

You know, I just had to force
myself to move forward.

But for over six years
I lived with that guilt

of not knowing what happened to him...

until a few weeks ago.

What happened a few weeks ago?

My car was in the shop,
so I Ubered to work,

and, uh, the driver took
another route and we passed

one of those homeless encampments.

And, uh... that's when I saw him.

God, it was like seeing a ghost.

And I-I got out
and I approached him, but he...

he didn't want anything to do with me.

And was it a similar

sort of thing for you, Martin?

What-what are you talking about?

That is your Jag in the driveway?

You went to see Dart, too.


Lucy was heartbroken after she saw him.

I was, too.

He and I were friends first,
so I went to see him.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you were so upset.

I-I didn't want to make it worse
if it didn't go well.

Well, apparently it didn't go well,

'cause we did hear
about the shoving match.

No. Okay, no. It-it wasn't like that.

I begged him to let us help, okay,

and he refused.

But then he... he got agitated.

How did you leave things?

Uh... (SIGHS)

...we made a deal.

I agreed that we'd
never bother him again

if he agreed to...


accept a prepaid debit card.

I am so sorry for not telling you.

We're gonna need that card number.

I'm running Dart's
debit card number now.

Oh, okay, I got it.

There are several charges,

including one from nine minutes
ago at Rainbow Drive-In.


- I don't see Dart anywhere.
- Mm.

You said the charge was
for $ . , right?

Yeah. Why?

I think that guy's got his card.

He's got the Mahi Mahi Plate,
the Loco Moco Bowl,

chili fries and a drink.
Adds up to $ . .



Uh, sure, you can sit at my table.

We're private investigators.

We're working on a missing persons case.

What's that got to do with me?

Well, the debit card

which you paid for this meal with

belongs to a man named Karl Dartan.

He's currently missing.

How'd you end up with his card?

Okay, I... I took it, but

it's not like he was gonna use it.

Why's that?

'Cause he's dead.

So Dart's death was an accident?

No, I said hit-and-run.

That was no accident.

What makes you so sure?

The car was idling.

When that homeless guy
walked by, it followed him.

He noticed, tried to get out of the way,

but they swerved towards him
and floored it.

Poor bastard never stood a chance.

- When was this, exactly?
- Tuesday night.

What kind of car was it?

Silver sedan. Older model.

- Did you see the driver?
- Too dark.

I checked the homeless guy,
found the debit card.

He was dead, so I called the cops.

Gave 'em a location,
described the car, but

they asked my name, so I-I hung up.


I might have

an outstanding warrant

or two.

Look, I'm really sorry.

Here. Y-You can have it back.

You know what, go ahead and keep it.


Thanks for telling us what you saw.

Enjoy your lunch.

What kind of person
would run over a homeless guy?

And why is there no record of
Dart's death in the system?

Probably haven't ID'd his body yet.


Yeah, it's him.




Sorry for your loss. Take your time.

- I'll be in the office.
- HIGGINS: Thank you.

Dart survived combat...

...just to come home and get run down?



He was so excited about that interview.

He-he really felt

like things were
about to turn around for him.

Look, we know it was a hit-and-run,

so there's no doubt the cops
are gonna be investigating this.

And now that we've ID'd Dart

and we know that it was deliberate,

HPD has more information.

I'm not holding my breath.

Hit-and-runs are tough to crack.
And when the victim's homeless,

I'm not sure how motivated they are.

Well, that's why we're
gonna stay on this case

until we figure out
who Dart's k*ller is.

- Yeah.
- Thanks, guys. Really, I appreciate it.

- MAGNUM: Of course.
- Of course.

Excuse me,

just one question before we leave.

Did Dart have any possessions on him?

Sure. I handed it all over

to the detective assigned to the case.

Who is that?

You're saying this was deliberate?

According to the eyewitness, yes.

Lia, will we be able to take a look

at Dart's personal effects?




What's this?

MAGNUM: Address and a phone number.

That was in his pocket.
I tried the number,

- but it's disconnected.

What about the address?

It's around the corner
from where he was k*lled.

Commercial building with % vacancy.

Unis canvassed with a
postmortem photo of Dart,

but nobody recognized him.

And any idea why he would've had
this address in his pocket?

Well, Shammy did say

that Dart had a job interview
last Tuesday.

Same day he was k*lled.

Is it possible that somebody
lured Dart to this location

with the promise of employment
only to mow him down?

(SIGHS) Who would go through
such an elaborate scheme?

Well, I mean,

the most obvious suspect
is Martin Hadley,

Lucy Dartan's boyfriend.

Maybe he felt like Dart resurfacing

was some kind of threat
to him and Lucy's relationship.

I'll look into Martin Hadley.

See where he was when Dart was k*lled.

Well, I mean, I could do that.

We would like to work with you on this,

if that's all right.

Look, my rep has already taken a hit,

and if it looks like I have to
go outside HPD to do my job...

Nobody has to know.

Well, from what you said,

Dart served his country with honor.

We owe him justice.

Screw how it looks.


Uh, I'll head back to the car

and start the background
on Martin Hadley.

- I-I'll see you there.
- Yeah.


Uh, we should...

You want to talk?


(CHUCKLES) Really?

- Interrogation room, huh?

It's the only private room.


Hope we're not being recorded.


What's going on with us?

I don't know. (SIGHS)

I mean, I'm just
a little messed up right now.

I worked so damn hard to get where I am,

and now it feels like I'm
just starting from square one.

No, no. The officers,
the detectives here,

they know what kind of cop you are.

It doesn't matter.

I'm not the cop they know anymore.

I am Jonny Kim's daughter.

I think it's less
about who your father is

and more about the fact that you lied

to everybody.

Including me.

I did.

I was scared.

I didn't trust

that the people around me
would see me for me,

and now I'll never know
if they would've.

I'm sorry, Thomas.

Apology accepted.


So, where do we go from here?


Damn. Uh, I'm wanted upstairs.

Can we pick this up later?

Of course.


CADE: What's up?

There's no easy way to say this.

I screwed up.

I was just looking for advice

on how to get you to go back to school.

And I went and talked
to my friend Gordon and...

You went to a cop?

Yeah, I know.

Look, I'm sorry.
I didn't know he would...

He's calling CPS, isn't he?

He's giving us hours.

It's the law.

- Look, I'm really sorry.
- Yeah.

You said that.

(SIGHS) Look, you got
every right to be mad.

But I'm-a do everything I can

to make sure that you land
with a good family.

No, I'm not going back to foster care.

Not ever.

Must've been a really good reason

why you ran the last time, huh?

(EXHALES) After my mom left,

my friend told our teacher.

She called the cops,
who put me in the system.

That's why you didn't want
to go back to school.

It's not that I didn't want to.

It's why I can't.

My foster dad, he was mean.

All right? And when he got drunk, he...

If I didn't run,

he would've k*lled me.

I'll take my chances out on the street.

But I won't go back in the system.


HIGGINS: So, it looks like
Martin has an alibi for the m*rder.

He was attending a Rainbow Warriors game

when Dart was struck,
so couldn't have been him.

He could've hired somebody.

Yeah, or he's telling the truth

and he really did want to spare Lucy

- any further heartbreak.

Hey, Lia. You got me and Higgins.

I think our k*ller might be a woman.

- MAGNUM: Why's that?
- I just got a call from the ME.

Seems a woman stopped
by the front desk an hour ago,

asking if they had any John Does
fitting Dart's description.

- Was it Lucy, Dart's wife?
- LIA: Nope.

Said they were a business associate.

- Business associate?
- LIA: Gets better. When the clerk

told Mystery Lady

Dart's body had just been ID'd,
she seemed thrown,

then asked for a copy
of the death certificate.

What name did she use to sign in?

Molly Glass. But it's fake.

And unfortunately, cameras are out,

so that's all we've got.

How did this woman know
about Dart's death

before anybody in his life did?

Well, if she k*lled him, she'd know.

Yeah, but then why risk

exposing herself to ID his body
at the morgue?

Well, it's clear that her main objective

was to obtain the death certificate.

It must be valuable to her.

Well, you only two things
from the death certificate.

A bereavement fare or a payout
on a life insurance policy.

Wait, so this is an insurance scheme?

Maybe. I mean, what better
target than a homeless person?

Somebody no one's gonna miss.

Basically invisible.

So you take out the policy
on them, wait for it to mature

and k*ll them.

Okay, well,
there's only one way to be sure.

I'm gonna have to hack into the...

Hold on. We're doing this one
by the book,

- right?
- Right.

Commerce keeps records

of all life insurance policies
in the state.

If Dart has one, I can get a subpoena.

Force the company
to identify the beneficiary.

And we have our k*ller.

I got to say, I'm a little surprised

that Gordie reacted like that.

Yeah, but he's right, though.

A hangar's no place for a kid.

Cade won't go back into
foster care. (CHUCKLES)

And I sure as hell won't let him
live on the street.

I don't know what to do.

Of course. I mean, you care about him.

And you lived your own version
of what he's going through now.

- Yeah.
- You want a do-over.

For him. Makes sense.

What if there's another option?

You're already playing the role
of parent in Cade's life.

Why not make it official?

(CHUCKLES) There's a big difference

between keeping an eye on the kid

and becoming his foster dad.

I'd be responsible for his...


You're already doing that now.

(CHUCKLES) Nah, man.

It's different.

My whole life would change. Buddy,

your life changed the moment
you stepped up for Cade.

I mean, you're already
his guardian in every other way.

Fostering him will just make it legal.

Found a policy on Dart

issued by
Greystone Insurance Corporation.

They complied with the subpoena
and sent it over.

Emailing it to you now.


In the event of Dart's death,

there would be a $ million payout.

The beneficiary is

an LLC named Banyan Enterprises, Oahu.

I'm assuming that's a shell company.

Yeah, but here's the kicker.

Dart is listed as an officer.

Safe bet Dart didn't know that.

You would think a payout
that big would get flagged.

Who was the underwriter?

Name's Russell Newman.

MAGNUM: Okay, well, I think we
got to pay Russell Newman a visit.

- Yeah.
- LIA: Let's divide and conquer.

I'll take the office.
You take his house.

- Sounds good.
- Great.

- Not many underwriters can afford

a Maserati.

It's Lia.

She said Newman left minutes ago.

Apparently, he was feeling sick.

Or he was spooked by the subpoena

because he's in on it.

- Mr. Newman?
- Hello?


looks like you were right.

Lia's subpoena's on
the computer. I guess

he felt the walls were
closing in and decided to run.



I stand corrected.

Guess he chose another way out.

Newman's smartwatch gave us
his precise time of death.

: p.m.

He knew he was about to get
busted for insurance fraud,

took his own life.

Something still doesn't feel right here.

We don't know who the mystery
woman from the morgue is,

but she had to be
involved somehow, right?


I mean, someone drove the car into Dart,

and it wasn't Newman.

He was working late that night.


I searched his phone,
and laptop for clues

as to who his coconspirator might be.

No luck, but I did find this.

LIA: A su1c1de note in an email.

But it was sent at : p.m.

That's eight minutes after he died.

Newman's su1c1de was staged.

So, he gets the subpoena,

panics and then contacts his partner?

They meet here to regroup.

The partner kills him,
makes it look like a su1c1de.

MAGNUM: Great. We have a theory

but have no idea who the partner is.

Well, maybe the g*n
can give us some answers.

Any idea how long
ballistics is gonna take?

Couple hours.

But there might be a faster way.

A k*ller may wipe down
a g*n after using it,

but a lot of them forget
about the a*mo inside.

Let's see if we get a hit.

Got one.

You know this person?

You could say that.

All right, sweetie, this form
is gonna get you an EBT card.

I just need your full name,
date of birth and social.

I can fill out the rest.

Okay, so that's how you do it.

Beg your pardon?

You steal homeless people's information

by pretending to sign them up

for government assistance programs.

HIGGINS: Then you use that information

to take out
life insurance policies on them

without their knowledge.

You're back.

Did you find your friend?

Yeah. At the morgue.

Thanks to her.

Are you accusing me
of murdering a homeless man?

After everything I've done
for this community?

they're the ones accusing you

of murdering the underwriter.

Jill Picone,

you're under arrest for
the m*rder of Russell Newman.

- I've never even heard of him.
- Yeah, that's really odd,

because you two have been
pulling this scam off for years.

You get the marks,

he signs off on the fraudulent policies.

HIGGINS: Newman's
paper trail leads to two other

homeless people
with life insurance policies

who mysteriously died
in the last months.

I'm guessing you k*lled them, too.

I need to speak to my lawyer.


You have the right

- to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used

against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an
attorney, one will be...

♪ Love's the Pacific ♪

♪ Full of... ♪

SHAMMY: I'm sorry for your loss.

Dart was a good guy.

He didn't deserve this.

Thank you.

(SNIFFLES) You know, it actually

helps a little to know that he...

he still had people in his life

who cared about him so much.

He, uh, he kept this ring

for all these years.

♪ Drown ourselves under our own waves ♪

♪ It's for the peace... ♪

He, uh...

he still cared about you, too.

- ♪ Feeling of being with you ♪

♪ And it gets confusing ♪


♪ When yesterday ♪

♪ You were in my hands ♪

♪ We're on the shores... ♪

♪ Of a different land... ♪

It's weird how you always know
exactly where to find me.

I wish I could say
I was a psychic, but...

(CHUCKLES) I just used Find My Friends.

- Anyway, I'm sorry for...
- No,

you don't have to be sorry.

You did so much for me.

Nobody ever...

You were just trying to help.

Look, I don't want to get
you into any trouble.

I promise I won't let that happen.

I'll figure it out.

I think I already figured it out.

What if I could get you
back in the system

and you wouldn't have to go
to another foster home?


I didn't start the paperwork yet

'cause I wanted to make sure
you were on board.

What do you say
to me becoming your foster dad?


You don't have to do this
just to fix your mistake.

This ain't about me fixing any mistake.

I want to foster you because...

I care about you.

I know what it feels like
to be left behind.

I don't want that
to ever happen to you again.

Look, bottom line is...

I want to do this
because I want to do it.

(CHUCKLES): I wouldn't if I didn't.

But the question is, do you want this?


♪ There's a forest beyond the sea ♪

♪ And I go there when I need peace ♪

♪ City is grand, lots of people ♪

♪ Go there ♪

♪ But I don't like it ♪

♪ 'Cause all the people
don't let me be ♪

♪ And I stand up ♪

♪ And a thousand people try
to find a way to just sit down ♪

♪ I stand and say... ♪

(CHUCKLES) Oh, it's official, Juliet.

Mr. Masters signed off.

You're no longer the
owner of Robin's Nest.

- Phew.


Oh. Hey, guys,

do you want to see a picture of my kid?

ALL: Yes!


RICK: What do you think? I mean,

I know it's an ultrasound, but...

looks a lot like me, right?
Minus the beard?

- Right?

It looks like a jelly bean.


Come on, Kumu,

- a very handsome jelly bean.
- Yes!

- Very handsome.
- RICK: Thank you.

- RICK: Let's see. Jelly bean?

- Hey. Lia's here.
- Really? I-I'm not getting that.

I'm not getting jelly
bean. I'm getting, uh...

I'm getting a stud.
That's what I'm seeing.

♪ From the way... ♪

Ready for a drink?

Mm, nah. Can't stay long.


I just wanted to let you guys know

that Jill copped to k*lling Newman.

And Dart. Thank you,

guys, for helping me crack the case.

Well, we're really glad we could help.

♪ Always dreaming of... ♪

Uh, I'll go tell Shammy.

♪ Let me run... ♪

You want to talk outside?



So, about our talk earlier...

I think I've got
some soul-searching to do.

See if my inability to trust

is about my past or if it's about...




Maybe it's for the best.

I mean, ever since this thing
happened with your dad,

you and I, we just feel... different.

And I don't think it's just me.

It's not.

But I really wanted this to work.

Yeah, me, too.

Sometimes it's just...

not in the cards.

It's not goodbye.

I mean, I'm gonna run into you
at HPD, right? We know that.

If you're asking, yes,

I will still do
the occasional favor for you.

Okay, good. That's exactly
what I was asking.

Come here.

See you around, Thomas.

See you around.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Just saw Lia leave.

Is everything okay?

We decided to take a break for a bit.


I'm really sorry.

Nah, don't worry about it.

Well, uh...

To being single.

To being single.