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10x04 - Shark Island

Posted: 01/29/22 08:16
by bunniefuu
come on


lady stopping

we could make this one


now you're gonna load down properly


we're back in the water

you don't calm down you're gonna k*ll

multiple from him coming

tell them to stand by him on my wife

what's going on

don't worry

ladies how you doing Nick hello me

australia love that accent sorry part of

the new training center in Hollywood

yeah like I'm gonna spend a little bit

more time with the North Shore what's

your name Ali this is jesse ok

Oh is he the cutest thing you ever say

I'm not indicate lucky was only looks

like another conquest


Ali eyebrows what our hearts so

beautiful thank you

it's for luck luck running look for

everybody fall and let's go yes Coast

Guard summer name

yeah wait a minute you like it right

said he was cute that you dif look just

let him know but this behind your right

ear you're interested and available i

never do that

it looks so beautiful see that's too

bold advertising and exactly you know

what's right

yeah so you do want that

ok but of coca-cola can advertise ok you

Ali welcome to barbers point I'm Nick

Montgomery the rescue swimmer hiding

great i wasn't sure you got you guys

made my gear we recognize you

our ignorance almost cost that man his

life we're here today to learn about

rescues the Coast Guard's point of view

this is petty officer Nick Montgomery is

an aviation survival technician or

what's more commonly known as the rescue


hi it was actually a very simple mistake

that was made to put the victim in this

drop you have raised his left arm slip

on this drop make the hoist no problems

right if you haven't raised his right

arm slips over his head

exactly alright it's gonna give us a

rundown on the air crew positions and

equipment that most effective first here

on the ground and we're gonna take it

into the air so you ever been in one of

these supplies them

violet instrument-rated and qualified

for night

you just keep getting more and more

impressive two positions that are most

critical to us during arrest you are the

ast and the flight mechanic EST that's

me in the water and direct contact with

the victim the flight mechanic operates

the hoist and guides the pile in over

the rescue area we're gonna do a

practice run then we'll swap off at each

of those positions get to know them i'll

be a victim

fine dawn you're gonna be the flight

mechanic JD you'll be the st Jason

you're gonna be on the jet ski with me

watching but stop

hey gidi let Ali do it let Holly go

first so she can rescue Nick hey Ellen

you go

why what trouble myself just going to be


yeah I'll honest to be fun watching this

Coast Guard i'm getting my approach

the training area

all right here we go


is their problem

no problem that fitzy

you're up


he's going down

the water swimming

Roger that ready to take the load

right no my hand things all knotted up

I got pounded working sunny beach ouch I

don't think it's not clear

oh ah ah oh yeah that's good good

you are tight

oh you right hands thank you

all right there story there right there


oh god so good how's that feel

oh thank you no problem

yeah no problem it's his pleasure

oh hi Jesse yeah

Keiko had a lake crap that was just so

oh I was working it out what do you know

kokoa had a leg cramp

I believe that

hey JD

I've got next

hey hey where you headed

actually I'm going for spec riding

taking tanner out trying to loosen him

up he's got some problems at home he's

pretending doesn't exist

sean is going on with Jason he's not a

team player Jason is basically a solo

act as many great lifeguards are but

thing about this kid he's got this

innate ability that just raises the bar

for the rest of us great individual

performers don't work well with others

I'm worried about him from the team i

can't do that Mitch cut him from the

team stakes are too high i realize that

i can't cut them look I'll put a clock

on it

how much time until I'm sure he can't do

it you really think he's that valuable

to the team i do better be right

the local channel thanks

that's it shark out well which even

should like a shirt which is the reason

why it's called Shark Island dummy on

the shins we all set

sure yeah we're gonna wait on the beach

breaker canoe we're gonna pair you said

you wanted this vacation to be an

adventure didn't you

it's an honor you know about the legend

there's a lady yeah about a boy whose

father and it's a true legend a true


yeah boy his name is Kai your age best

swimmer on the islands on every race

every competition ever held in Hawaii

one day he swam out to the island he

never came back

what happened to nobody knows what he

assumed he drowned or was eaten by

sharks everybody but his father model

model kaylani never got over the loss of

his only son a lot of fathers would even

care you know in Hawaiian mono means

shark people say that mana was a great

fisherman because the sh*ts protected


that's why when people said the guy was

eaten by a shark mana would never accept

that because he knew the Sharks would

protect his son

Wow all set


gonna find mono I sure want you don't

you know what aspect get ahead of

ourselves here huh

this trip is about us you and me you

know to be alone and talk

you've been away for a long time i got

lots of things I want to talk to you

about me the things you want to tell me

sure but I just thought it'd be cool if

we find

hey Jesse what does look nice in my


great yeah that's exactly what we need

in the new facilities p*rn

p*rn's is that what you see i see

a woman she's naked for no other reason

than sexual objectification did you know

that there are members the Polynesian

culture that believe that the ocean

cleanse your soul as well as your body

that as we go through our daily lives we

accumulate all sorts of harmful

destructive emotions anger and V deceit

pettiness you know what I'm talking


they believe that this negative energy

collects and covers are so like a layer

of Filth call it called grime on your

spirit ok this Polynesian woman swims

naked to allow the ocean to cleanse your

soul wash away all that stuff it's

that's built up so that her spirit can

can shine through and she can start over

this image reminds me that the ocean

heels so that when things build up in me

and start taking over me i know that i

have a place where i can find solace so

you some naked

yes I do

and it works well she'll mellow it makes


can't him just not gonna cut it and

tomorrow it's fresh fish areas and

coconuts that we pick straight from the

trees don't tell me about it

the trees

oh yeah you're gonna have to give me a

boost as a high as you can and all tell

me what happened is cool

yeah I don't want to talk about it ok I

heard the school side like to hear yours

it's nothing

canada was cut in a Kn*fe fight

you're the only person to solve it

that's a lot more than nothing and it's

done can why can't you talk about it I

just don't want you

why not now you're gonna pry into

everything I say everything I do now

you're turning into my real father and

I'm not trying to pry here so I'm just

trying to help you leave me alone


you got robot nobody no thanks

yeah keep avoiding me why would I do


wow that's really bad

sorry to look I know your feelings

probably hurt that business with me and

kekoa it's not how it looked

JD I think that maybe you and I went a

little bit too far too far with each

other you know because our relationship

I'm not a jealous person but i have been

feeling all of this negative stuff and I

hate it when a new place the new look

new people just see you're making

something out of this that isn't there

I'm not interested in kekoa i'm

interested in you

you're missing the point

Teddy listen I heard some of that and I

don't want to be the cause of anything

that would hurt you Jessie or the team

you know if I misled you

I'm really sorry


hey up early

sweet Jerry yeah yeah I'm sorry better

what I said I didn't mean any of it

you're nothing like my real father

nothing not all really sorry commander

it's ok now ok

pretty exciting time isn't it what's

that you and Nick before the

relationship actually begins you just


everything is possible the better they

start the worst day and sometimes I

think we don't see the person not at

first always see is the image that we

create its that illusion that we fall in

love with not the reality at all then

the illusion falls away and were left

with the only disappointment

I've lived that then I think I'll maybe

this time this guy might be different

that's what I mean in the beginning

aren't they all

you know there's this content darkness

confusion us he will not be

you are

to him as my son

just to me souls embracing

hey you okay yeah he was here who model

I swear

Jana you were dreaming I was dreaming

but about a boy about my age then

marcame I swear I talked to go back to

sleep okay

I got it

my jellyfish director float on your back

to work

yeah multiple jellyfish stings I think

he might be going into anaphylactic


I don't know

my right leg so now i can't do anything

what should have a suit on

like a dream you rescued by a beautiful

naked lifeguard listen pal

she just saved your life story comes out

any other way and i will personally drag

your ass back here and drown you got it


yeah i'm just scared I'm really scared

remembers our office and games

the fight was over me both games want me

to join when i get back i have to pick a

color g*ng you tell me they want you to

join a g*ng

why don't you wasn't a part of what do

you mean you have to

dad you don't understand there is no

choice your reason with them before you

get sit sit down

that's what they want you to think you

listen to me you do have a choice

okay I'm gonna go back to LA with you

make sure you make the right one

dad you can't the games I'm afraid to

work you

that's why I didn't tell you in the

beginning yeah

don't you worry about me okay we're

gonna get through this together as long

as we're honest with each other and

trust each other

alright okay alright okay listen up

in order Jason do you mind

in order for this team to be fully


we have to understand every aspect of

the rescue especially the victim's point

of view it's an interesting idea to feel

what they feel the fear the terror are

you gonna do it yeah how do you plan on

making us feel like the victim you put

any one of us in the water was starving

we drowned my gonna put you in the water

the victim is usually in a situation of

life or debt which they've never faced

before and that's what makes it so

terrifying to reflect out we take away

the sense that you depend on most site

put you in a position of jeopardy which

you've never experienced before leaving

you vulnerable gone

Jason it's time you learn with the

victim fields you take those off on the

next plane home

why me because you're too self-reliant

you have to learn that each one of us

depends on the other but if you don't

want to do it you can give it to someone


it's fine I'll do it

come on now

let's go purpose of this training

exercises books you're gonna have to

learn to trust whoever comes to rescue

put your life in their hands why are you

making me do this i start with me

if you don't have a trust Jason maybe

it's because you never need to trust

before here we have two trips each and

every one of us must trust the others as

light bars and its members of a

life-saving team being an individual

even a hero is fine on the sand at home

but here we r IC so that's about

teaching you to know what it feels like

I mean really feels like to be alone to

be dependent

trust your life

you want to give me Jason

John arse on the boil he specifically

said remind you to take the black

you want to f*cking anywhere you want

help why take these off

alright get your feet

not too bad

all right here with no i'm not alone for

just leave me here like this


come on answer me


ok so i got it

the sound of it

maybe feet above surf on the leeward

side of the island

all right who's there

I don't somebody's out there you won't

just leave me alone up here

not like this ok who's here JD come on

talk to me

starting to get to him yeah service


need to do is find a bigger ledge

good thing about being a rock climbers

you don't have to see all my field

watching flying over my god you but I'll


forgive you






take this

you go

a neck are you coming back for me

sorry to believe into found here know

what to believe but there's not much we

can do about it is I know but somehow I

have the feeling he's different he's

happy he's not lost anymore neither our

weight got a plane to catch bra

youwave into on oh yeah

Kalin to death special thanks

I had the best time you know what I had

the best time to not afraid of those

guys anymore are not anymore not told me

to put all my trust in you said that I'm

a part of your soul is right and work

this out together you and go

even we should run you by the hospital

I'm necessary i'm ok maybe they just

want to hold you for observation them

maybe a week just a headache that's on

worry about Sean that's a call from my


yeah I know you did so I mean I get sent


I'm going to say this because yes we are

listening as always because it's


thank you all of you

especially you js

wow maybe we need an acronym for this


surprise you drop this video first here

would you like to wear not show this

type of flowers usually worn behind

the year left to right right

you done with those just keeping this

reminder what

that he needed me

