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12x04 - The Glitch

Posted: 01/28/22 17:13
by bunniefuu
Watch your bike!

If you're going to ride like
maniacs, at least do it quietly!

It says in the guide books the
Valley of Midsomer Sanctae

has an atmosphere of calm, spiritual
repose! Fat chance!

Last refreshment stop before we turn
off the Ridgeway for Midsomer

Have we heard from the National
Trust? It's all done. Portaloos too!

First things first, Daniel.

When you get to my age, Emily,

it really does all revolve around
where the next loo is.

Look down there, you young clowns!

Midsomer Sanctae.

A thousand years of history
you can see.

Maybe , more you can't see,
but you can feel.

Last one down's exterminated!

Come on. We'll surprise them.
I know a little shortcut!

This is it!
Is this what you call cheating?


It's a handicap, like golf!

Morning, sir.
Morning, Jones. You're early.

Or did you get in in the hope I
wouldn't witness this unusual event?

I have been on a bike before, sir.
Nice bit of kit, that.

Brand new, isn't it?
Yeah, doing the Pilgrims' Ride.

I wouldn't bet too much of your
salary, generous though it is,

on beating Stephens. Fit girl, that!
It's not a race, sir!

Yeah, I know.
I also know you, Jones.

Oh, bad tidings from Aspern Tallow.
Your Bucketman struck again.

Oh, bad tidings from Aspern Tallow.
Your Bucketman struck again.


See no evil, hear no evil,
speak no evil.

Bucketman has turned law-abiding
villagers into the three wise

Oh, yeah. It's been three months now?

Yeah, and I'm no nearer catching him

than I was the first time he threw
a bucket over a sports car.

But there's nothing
I don't know about paint and glue.

It'll come in handy, sarge. Yeah, if
I want a job as a paint salesman.

Don't worry, you're not going to be
fired just yet.

You get the Bucketman...
by this weekend

and your job will be safe.

Mind you, the latest victim,
he's shouting very very loudly.

We're not taking it seriously.
We're on the villagers' side.

We're turning a blind eye to it all.

That's what the villagers are saying
about us

not stopping their plague of boy

Yes, but he's been in touch with
the Chief Superintendent.

Yes, but he's been in touch with
the Chief Superintendent.

Take a look at that.



How did you get here first?


It's cool here, Dad.
I've always thought so.

So what went on here?

Well, for over years

pilgrims gathered at Causton
to walk to this abbey,

to pray to St Frideswide
for blessings and help.

She was the daughter of an
Anglo-Saxon king,

but people prayed here long before

The Romans had a shrine here.

Before them the Celts.

And I want plenty of prayers to St

for good weather on the day. Please!

She didn't do very well for us last
year, did she? It bucketed down.

Which reminds me, the Bucketman was
out again last night.

Was he?

We're heading back, Tom. Dad was
always on about this place
when I was a kid.

I sort of see it.

It means a lot to him that you're

It's just a bike ride.

Thank you.

DCI Barnaby?
That's me.

Yes, Mr Finn'll see you now.
Thank you.

Is that a smile, Barnaby?

Certainly not, sir. It's the
sunlight coming through the window.

I'm not amused.

But you wouldn't be here if you
didn't know that.

I'm here because you complained to
my Chief Superintendent.

And to assure you that we'll do
whatever we can

to catch whoever it was
att*cked you.

In three months this Bucketman has
att*cked four people, now five.

All employees of Soft Earth Systems
and drivers of very fast cars.

Look, just leave it!
Get it picked up later.

And what about this guy? Jones?

If he worked for me I'd have cut him
loose a long time ago.

You said you wanted more of the
paint, Sergeant.

Knock yourself out!

If you guys can't hack it, maybe
we should do something ourselves.

I do hope that's not a threat, sir.

Where's the car, Mr Finn?
I need to inspect the damage.

Auto repair shop in the village.
Guy called Snape.

Well, thank you very much, Mr Finn.

That will be all for now, thank you.


What? Well, how does it look?

If he's not there...

George has got to be there,
Jonathan! Sort it out!

He's adamant!
I can't twist his arm, Clinton!

'Well, then try breaking his damn
neck!' On the table.

They've been up the manor already,
talking to Mr Finn.

Livid, he is.

Whatever else you might say about
him, he had a nice head of hair.

'In quo corriget?'

'Wherewithal shall a young man
cleanse his way?'

Let's hope Mr Finn takes note.
At least one car's off the road.

I'm surprised you've given it
house room, Daniel.

Couldn't resist it, I'm afraid.
It's a beautiful machine,

in the hands of someone who can drive

Detective Sergeant Jones, here to
investigate injury to my tandem!

Mr Wayland-Smith. Miss Harte.
Mr Snape.

I'm sure you all know why we're here.

It's not my tandem after all?

Clinton Finn has been dealt with by
another instrument of justice.

'Noli aemulari.' 'Fret not thyself
because of the ungodly.' I don't.

Have to dash. Back to school.

But I'm sure all my buckets are
accounted for.

Another paint sample for your
collection, Sergeant.

Devil's own job getting it off.
It's the glue.

Terribly sticky with paint.


Sorry, Jonathan. I forgot.

Well, you'd better tell him I'll be

Was there some part of 'I won't be
coming to your press conference

that needed elaboration?

What needs elaborating is your
commitment to this university.

This place is here to give me the
opportunity to say what I like,

think what I like,
discover what I can,

or fail to do any of those things.

Of course it's true that without
your work

Soft Earth Systems wouldn't be
offering this money.

We all recognise that and applaud

But this is about the university!
It's about intellectual integrity.

I invented Kernel Logic ten years
ago. I've discovered it's flawed.

So you say. And if I come to your
press conference,

I shall say that very loudly.
Is that what you want?

Do you know. Jonathan, you're almost
persuading me I should come.

Yes, Bains?
Dr Jeffers' new bicycle.


Lead on!

I might even give you a spin round
the quad.

I don't think we handled that very
well at all, Jonathan, do you?

Hey hey hey!

Where have you been, Tom?

You've got time off for studying.
I don't see much evidence of it.

I rode to the abbey with the lads.

Well, your father and Miss Muffet
got back hours ago.

Couldn't you keep up?


Oh, walk right in!

Make yourself at home!

Everyone else seems to.
You said you'd talk to him.

Our son is out of control.

And I don't think his relationship
with his ex-primary school teacher

is healthy,
even if you think yours is.

You wanted me to talk to him.

Emily has made that possible
for the first time in years.


Haven't you been married enough,
for God's sake?

It starts in the cloisters at St

straight down to the river,

then it's a steep climb up to the

but after that, open country
all the way to Midsomer Sanctae.

That's miles and miles.
I don't have to do it all.

I'll start with Cully and then when
I've had enough, I'll just stop.

There is one little flaw in this plan
of yours, Mrs Barnaby.

You do not have a bike.


I don't enjoy asking you about this,

but since George Jeffers doesn't seem
to communicate with anyone
at St Frideswide's these days,

I'm forced to try other means.
Bicycles, son.

What do you mean, 'bicycles'? All I
ever talk to him about is bicycles.

Anything else he does is beyond me.
It's beyond most people.

And more to the point,
it's not my business.

It's not your business he's putting
the future of the college at risk?

Cos that's what it amounts to.

It's not been easy persuading Soft
Earth Systems to put up millions.

Is George happy to lose it?

I need to know if he's going
to take it that far.

He must talk to you about
the college, Dad.

You knew him when he was
an undergraduate

and you were the head porter.

Surely you care, Dad?
Bicycles, son.

I won't let him do it.

It's not just about money.
It's about MY future.

Jonathan, you are big enough and old

It'll all come right.
You worry too much.

Ha-ha! Emily!

Well, what do you think?

About what?

As a collector of vintage sports

you can appreciate a beautiful

Brilliant engineering.

The ultimate space-frame bicycle.

Whatever turns you on, George.
Whatever turns you on.

But what about this?
Not so pretty, huh?

I'm not sure I ever found you very

There are those who do.

Yeah, we've had our disagreements
lately. The Glitch.

I didn't think you'd pull out of
the press conference.

All right, announce a delay. Let
your people know we have a problem,

tell them I'll redesign the logic

It's been ten years and tens of

I can't ditch it

because you think a theoretical
glitch in theoretical circumstances

might cause theoretical problems!

Your glitch has never glitched!

I'm surrounded by scientists
who tell me it does not exist.

No, you're surrounded by idiots

you've PAID to tell
you it doesn't exist.

They're all corrupt, of course.

All that matters is, I'm right.

The air traffic control system
you're loosing on the world

is catastrophically flawed.

I can't undiscover the Glitch,

You have blind faith a solution will
be found before people die. I don't.

So now I'm going public.

I will not let you do it,
whatever it takes.

We've got a meeting, George.
You haven't forgotten, have you?

Hey, come on!

Respect the bike!

Don't get a puncture.

Oh, good grief.

You can't ride this!

It's got no chain.
Well, you'll have to get one.

You're good at that sort of thing.

You only pretend not to be
so I never ask. Joyce...

Right, any more business?

Yes, Midsomer Children's Hospital
T-shirts at a fiver each.

We've got to get ,

and assuming that everybody who takes
part in the ride buys one,

together with the sponsorship money
and the spectators give on the day,

we're hoping for close to
, quid.

That's wonderful.
Less if it rains.

Where's your optimism, Dan?

The less optimistic I am,
the less disappointed I get.

Well, I will be very disappointed
if we don't get to the pub on time.

Are you going to come and join us?
I may, I may.

See you later.

Melanie was here earlier. Tom.


She thinks if I shout loud enough,
he'll buckle down and work.

In my view, he'd do the opposite.

Oh, you mean he's his father's son?
Oh, not much of a father.

Oh, you mean he's his father's son?
Oh, not much of a father.

With your help I-I've been trying,

It's not just about Tom, is it?
What do you mean?

Erm, I just know...

how she looks at me.

Well, that's ridiculous.
We're friends!

Even if there WAS more than that...

'This is the weather
the cuckoo likes

And they sit outside
at the Traveller's Rest

And maids come forth
in sprig muslin dressed

And citizens dream of
the south and west

And so do I.'

Never a good day for it, but on a day
like this, makes it even worse.

Who is she?

Emily Harte. Primary school teacher
in Aspern Tallow.

Emily Harte... When did it happen?
Bullard thinks last night.

Not late.
Have you been into the village yet?

No, I came straight here.
They're very angry.

The accident that was waiting to
happen. That's what they're saying.


Oh, she's very young.

All right right for them
to take her back, Tom? No, hang on.

The...cause of death?

A lot of broken bones.

She was hit by a vehicle travelling
at speed.

she must have been very visible.

Car went right over her,
no sign of breaking.

Drunk-driving is all I can think.

All right, you can take her now.

Yep. OK.

Uh-oh. Stay here for a bit.

Have you spoken to Emily's mother?

In the kitchen.
She's making some tea.

I erm...

I was watching the children...

I'm sorry, sir.

Don't apologise, Gail.
There's no need.

Now, come on,
when did the mother last see Emily?

Emily went out yesterday evening

to a meeting at the Midsomer
Cycling Club,

at a Dr Jeffers' house.

What time did it finish?
Well, I spoke to a Mr Canning.

He called in to see Emily's mother.
He was at the meeting.

He says : .

He rode back from the village with
a Mr Snape, who owns the garage.

Emily stayed and talked to
Dr Jeffers.


Was she all right?
Yeah, yes she was.

You've had a run-in with Dr Jeffers,
haven't you?

Yeah, a person who thinks
I should have arrested everybody

with a fast car
at Soft Earth Systems.

What kind of animal could leave...?

Dr Jeffers, we need definite times.

Emily Harte was here about
the Pilgrims' Ride?


What time did the meeting end?

Er, , : .

It was dark when she left,

that's why she was riding my bicycle.
There were no lights on hers.

You know the trouble we've had,
the near-misses...

Yeah, we are aware of all that, sir.

The time you've wasted looking for
a man with a bucket of paint,

when you should have been doing
something to stop these idiots!

A woman is dead! A young woman with
her whole life ahead of her,

and the best you can say is,
'We are aware of that'?

I'm really sorry about Emily.

Thought YOU'D be pleased.
That's a terrible thing to say!

You hated her.
Oh, Tom!

Because Dad liked her
and I liked her too.

That was a problem, right?

She could have been his daughter.

She was bidding to be your mother.
I should be so lucky!

I shouldn't have said that.

Don't keep Clinton waiting, Mum.

You don't want to lose another one.

Forensics have got samples of the
car's paint from the bicycle.

Dark green.
We may even get a make out of it.

The bike itself was barely touched,

but there's obviously some slight
damage to the bodywork of the car.

Dr Jeffers works at the university.

He's some kind of hotshot scientist.

Need to know more about him, not just
fact that he likes cycling.

She leaves Dr Jeffers' house,

she's on Dr Jeffer's bicycle,

it's a dark night.

Would YOU have known it wasn't him?
No. No.

Why was the damage to the bike
so little, George?

Emily's injuries, well,
they they were terrible,

like the wheels had gone right over

She could have fallen off the bike
and the car went over her.

But then you say the car reversed?
To see what damage was done?

No, no, George.

I don't believe the driver ever got
out of the car.

I think he, or she, reversed,

like you said,

and then drove over Emily

No accident. We're looking at
first-degree m*rder here.

George isn't interested in money.

You say that,
but I never really believed it.

No, it's true.
He was so careless about patents,

he moved on to Kernal Logic

and he just couldn't be bothered to
protect our interests.

I can't afford that luxury.
It has cost me a fortune to develop.

We'll make a packet when it goes
online, but so will George.

Should have hung in there, Mel.

Well, he always was
his own worst enemy.

I'm putting together an army of
bigger and better scientists.

I'm gonna tell the world that
he's entered the Twilight Zone.

I'm gonna destroy him
before he destroys me.

Cully loved this so much.
We should keep it.

It's still in decent nick
and you never know...

Never know what, love?
You know.

Cully's not going to give you a
reason to use that any time soon.

Is she?
Mm... Oooh! Right!

Oh, yes. What a genius!

I've done a good job on this!


No, no! Stop!

I'd love you to stay, but I've got
enough problems with Tom.

Oh, no, he's a big boy now.

I know, but he's just taking it
really badly.

Oh, no. Look, I promise I'll sort
something out, OK?

Are you OK?

It's better to do it on the sofa
than in the car.

I don't know what the neighbours

Don't you dare speak to me like

Where are you going?
I don't know.

But at least I'm not going round for
a heart-to-heart with Emily.


You're here late?

You asked me to contact a dozen
scientists. Four are in California.

So I thought it was worth waiting
for them to get out of bed

before asking them to do YOU
a favour.

Are they going to write for us? Mm,
except Steve Wright from Stanford.

What's his problem?
His problem is,

he actually thinks George has got
a point.

Ah, he's a second-division clown.

Do you wanna have a drink?
No, not tonight.

I don't know what division
I'M playing in,

but I will not be played as
a substitute.


Well done, sarge.

The training's obviously paying off.

Sorry, can you spell that
for me, please?

I've been talking to some of the
students at the university.

Jeffers made his name in the ' s

with an invention called Wafer

The circuit boards that drive

are printed on wafer-thin
slices of silicon.

The wafer is then cut into a hundred
separate chips

and the necessary connections
are made between them.

Jeffers' Wafer Logic said,
let's not cut the wafer,

let's build connections between
the chips inside the wafer.

Is there more?

Ten years ago,
he came up with Kernel Logic.

This time he said,
let's not slice the silicon,

let's build a million computers
inside a whole block of the stuff.

A million computers?

Yeah. It takes that kind of power

to model the air space
of the entire planet.

If it works, it'll make a fortune
for Soft Earth Systems

AND a tidy sum for Jeffers.

And if it doesn't, the investors
will lose...billions.

Well, thank you for that, Jones.
Very good. Very good indeed.

Ah, you had the chain too tight.
Much too tight.

Fine machine, though.
Don't make them like this any more.

I never know if that's a good or bad

That's not going to work,
is it...?

Know who did it yet? That's what
we're here to find out, Mr Snape.

Identify the car and you can find
the driver, right?

You got something I can go on?
It's one of them.

Look at their cars and you'll find
the driver quick enough.

We deal with the press conference
as best we can.

If Jeffers doesn't show,
no big deal.

It's educational press.
Hardly investigative journalism.

The more I think about it, we're
better off without him.

And if we're rubbishing his ideas

You know what's at stake here?

If George goes public, my company
loses billions and I lose my job,

your university doesn't get a science

and YOU don't become Master
when he retires.

So, I want reassurance.

When this gets ugly, and it will,

I don't want this university
defending George

out of some misguided notion of
academic freedom.

When I say he's crazy, he is.

I've um pranged my car, Mr Snape.

How did you do that, then?
Will it affect the cost?

Have you been trying to paint it?
How quickly can you do this?

That is, of course,
if you want the job.

I could always take it
up to Causton.

Have fun.

We know that Emily Harte was k*lled
between : and : ,

but if we take the time
she left Jeffers' house...

If someone wanted to k*ll Jeffers,

what are the chances of just coming
across him cycling at night?

Very slim. Must have been unplanned.

Look, it was already dark.

At some point outside the gate
or along the road,

our k*ller sees the bike and sees
someone he THINKS is Jeffers.

It's the right place, right clothes,
right bike.

Maybe someone thought
he was the Bucketman?

Um, couldn't help but overhear...

Now, for an intelligent man,

George was always stupid
when it came to judging people.

He doesn't believe what you're
saying. I do.

And what am I saying, sir?

Somebody tried to k*ll him.

I know exactly who.

'Deus auribus.' 'We have heard with
our ears.' Clinton Finn!

Clinton Finn?

The man you say was responsible
for damaging your tandem?

I'm at the university too, with
Jeffers. Organist and choirmaster.

I'm one of the few Fellows who
objects to selling ourselves
to Soft Earth Systems.

'Eripe me de inimicis.'
'Deliver me from mine enemies!'

The university's enthralled of him
with his swanky new science building,
from IBM Master down,

all terrified Jeffers is going to
lose us the dosh.

And the break-in the day before.

A burglar's in the house and Jeffers
says, 'He's not a very good one.'

There's no point in bothering the
police'! Fool!

Mr Finn's at the university
at a press conference.

He'll be back this afternoon.

We've got to talk to anyone who might
have seen Emily Harte
on the night she died.

Did you see her?
No, I didn't.

She wasn't someone I knew or had
even spoken to.

Well, were you out and about
that night?

We've got to find someone help
identify the car that k*lled her.

I was working here until ten.

So you drove home, then?

No, I didn't.

I was working here late with
Clinton. We had a drink. I stayed.

And yes, before you ask,

'stayed' does mean
what it might infer.

Look, maybe it wasn't an accident,
Mr Barnaby,

but maybe George Jeffers wasn't the
intended target after all.

And why do you say that?

Well, I know she was everyone's idea
of a little angel,

but it would be a mistake to imagine
there wasn't anyone

who'd want to harm Emily Harte.

I thought you didn't know her?

I didn't, but I do know Melanie

who first lost a valuable husband,

then felt she was losing her son,

both to the same woman.

Not the nicest woman in the world.

Doesn't mean she's not observant.

Go and see the ex-Mrs Jeffers,
Jones, see what you make of her.

I'll try and find out why our Dr
Jeffers seems so...

relaxed about his burglary.

I can't see how an inept burglar is
more significant now than yesterday.

Nothing was taken.

Someone broke in here, Dr Jeffers.
Why didn't you call the police?

I don't believe anybody's trying to
k*ll me.

Besides, I'm taking my own

There a webcam.

So now, if I'm not here,

I can see what's happening
via the internet.

Dr Jeffers, I still don't really
know what happened to Emily,

but I have to consider whether she
really was the intended victim.

It was a hit-and-run.

And on that road
it will have been a local car.

You've had some disagreement,
haven't you,

with Mr Clinton Finn of Soft Earth

About science, not m*rder.

Isn't there an adage in your line of

that there comes a time in the
development of any project

when the marketing manager has to
sh**t the designer?

I do hope that's not literally true,

but I'm guessing that your

might cost millions
if not billions of pounds?

Oh, come on, Dr Jeffers, indulge me,

in terms an ignorant layman
might understand. OK.

The binary system deals with any

by giving the answer 'yes' or 'no'.

So far, so good.

We call it a logic system.

But I can now prove

that when any binary system receives
two almost, but not quite, identical
bits of information

at almost but not quite the same

it can theoretically fibrillate,

or not make up its mind.

Instead of 'yes' or 'no',

it says, 'I don't know.'

Logic flies out of the window,

systems can behave in totally
unpredictable ways.

They can crash?

Not a word anyone wants to hear in
relation to air traffic control.

I can't keep silent. I believe a huge
air traffic control system,

based on my invention, Kernel Logic,
is susceptible to the Glitch.

And that would mean what?

If they take me seriously, it will
cost them millions of dollars.

If they ignore me, people will die.

I'm surprised at you, Dan.
What do you mean?

Looking after their cars,
even after what's happened.

Are you going to call the police?
What do YOU think?

Well, I'm forever arguing with
George. It's what we do.

Not that it gets me far,

but I have to provide a home
and a future for Tom,

who also happens to be George's son

though a lot of the time
you wouldn't notice it.

He doesn't acknowledge Tom?
Well, when he remembers.

Most of the time, I don't think he
cares whether he sees Tom or not.

You don't want to believe everything
she says.

I don't like saying my mother's
a liar... Tom!

..but where Dad's involved, you want
to be careful. Just shut up!

I'm sorry you heard that. He does
care whether he sees me, Mum.

He likes me. And I like him.

And you do hate that, don't you, Mum?

Just like you hate anyone he cares

Just like you hated Emily Harte.

Get out! Just get out of here!



I'm sorry.

He's right. I did hate her.

I felt she was taking them both away
from me. Not just George, Tom too.

Huh. What must they think of me now?

Oh, God!

I've said some stupid things,
Mr Barnaby.

I wish I hadn't.

Most of all, I wish I hadn't said
them to my son.

But whatever I felt about Emily
Harte -

Mrs Jeffers, we're not here to judge

we're here to find out what happened.

I resented her, that's all.

She was younger, prettier.

And the only two people in the world
I really care about adored her.

And that hurt me more than anything.

Jeffers has been married three times
and Melanie was his third.

They were married nine years.

But people are saying that Melanie's
in a relationship
that he's not happy about.

And who is the unwelcome suitor?
Clinton Finn.

So Emily Harte had at least one

That makes Melanie Jeffers
a suspect.

Who did she intend to k*ll?
Emily Harte or George Jeffers?

It's coming along, but er, it's
a celebration. Do remember that.

Joy is what I want
for the Pilgrims' Ride.

'Omnes gente plaudite!'

'O sing to the Lord
with the voice of melody!'

That's it. See you later.

Well done, everybody

Whadda you think?

A triumph, of course, Norman.

I'm sorry, you're not in the mood.
Not much in the mood myself.

I still can't believe she's dead.

I think there are several things
you can't believe...

and really should.
I've told Chief Inspector Barnaby.

The man's no fool. He can see it.

It seems you won't see it at all.

If someone really was trying to k*ll
me, don't you see,

I'm responsible for Emily's death!

How do I live with that?

Not by pretending it didn't happen.

So, this wonderful building

will not only bring the finest minds
to our university

from across the globe,

it will also bring benefits
outside our walls.

New industries. New jobs.

Wherever there is excellence

is where the technology of the
st century will base itself.

So I think we could take questions
now? Yeah, why not.

Yes, madam?

Does anyone really give all that
money for nothing, Mr Finn?

Yes, er, someone does. We do.

The money for this project is coming
from Soft Earth's new air traffic
control system,

which is based on the Kernel Logic
technology invented by Dr Jeffers?

A good example of new technology
emerging from theoretical science.

So why isn't Dr Jeffers here
to tell us all about it today?

Well, if you've read any of George's

you'll know that
he's left mainstream science.

Where his ideas are taking him,
no-one really knows,

but it's a long way from
air traffic control systems.


Yes, well, I think it's time for us
all to have a closer look

at this extraordinary building.
Yes, please. Gather round.

Thank you very much. Erm...

Doesn't look like a Bucketman job,
does it?

YOU'RE the expert, then!
And you.

Paint but no glue, see?


Is that the colour of the car
that k*lled Emily?


Any ideas?
I could give it some thought.

There's not many cars round here
I don't know.

No, keep the card.

Let me know if you come up with

How do you feel about this project?

I'm excited by the intellectual

a department of theoretical science
can bring to this university.

We'll make this the Liverpool or
Manchester United
of scientific experimentation.

Of course, you can't do that without

Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby?
Ursula Carroll, Causton Advertiser.

Ah, yes.
We've met before, haven't we?

You're investigating the fatal
hit-and-run in Aspern Tallow,
I believe?

I just wondered why you should turn
up at this press conference?

I need to talk to a lot of people
and I find them where they are.

Is Mr Finn one of those people?

Look, whoever was in or around
Aspern Tallow

on the night Emily Harte was k*lled

is one of those people.

And there are a lot of people.

Waiting to talk to me, I guess!
Yes, indeed I am, sir.

About speeding, the Bucketman

or the Centre for Theoretical

No, it's about the death of
Emily Harte, sir.

Not making any connection there.

Excuse me, but if you'd like to use
my room, Clinton?

It's this way.
Thank you.

George has his Glitch catastrophe

Like any conspiracy theory,
no objective truth is needed.

Any disagreement proves the
conspiracy to keep it from the

Are you embarrassed at all about
Jeffers not being at your press

Well, I wish he hadn't abandoned
serious technology to boo and hiss,

but who should be more embarrassed,
him or me?

I believe that Emily Harte was the
unintended victim

of an attempt on Dr Jeffers' life.

And he has enemies, as you will know,

George is trying to wreck something
we worked on together.

Am I hacked off? You bet.

Am I out there to k*ll him? No.

You tell me where you were on the
night Emily Harte was k*lled, please.

I'll need discretion here.
There's a woman involved.

And she is?
My product manager, Helen Markham.

Not Mrs Jeffers?

Do you deal in the facts
or just the fancy footwork?

Look, I really didn't feel like I
needed to waste my time

reporting another Bucketman incident.
You've done nothing in the past

and you're not going to do more
in the middle of a m*rder

Someone threw a bucket of paint over
your car, they ran off

and you just shrugged and drove

Well, it did cause me to crash into
a gate post.

But yes, I cleaned the windscreen as
best I could and I drove on.

You didn't tell Mr Snape that
when you took the car in.

Because I went to get my car

I didn't want a gathering of village
idiots to dance around it and cheer.

And you didn't think to report it?
No, because I've done nothing wrong.

Listen, I'm sorry about Emily Harte's
death, truly I am,

but I had nothing whatsoever to do
with it.

You've had arguments yourself with
Dr Jeffers, haven't you? Yes.

Heated arguments.

If you're going to jump to the

that everyone who's had an argument
with George Jeffers is a m*rder*r,

you're in for a very long haul.
Answers, please, sir, not opinions.

I was here, working.

It was late by the time I finished.
I slept here.

Anyone confirm that? Well, I ate in
the senior common room.

The college servants will tell you
that I came back here at about nine.

I saw no-one else.

And no-one saw you?

I'm afraid not.

We need money.
A great deal of money.

It's tedious, but we don't need to
sell our souls or to k*ll for it.

I hope we're a little more
sophisticated than that.

Well, somebody isn't, sir.

Perhaps you should look at George's
personal life.

There's been a string of disgruntled
wives and mistresses.

And I've always thought those are
just the ones we know about.

'Cum invocarem!
'Hear me when I call!'

Well, I'll bear that in mind, sir.

Thank you, Doctor.


I'm cooking risotto, your favourite.

I'm going out.

Tom, I can't undo what I've said.
I'm sorry.

Can we start again? You know I'm not
such an awful person.

I've got...things to do, Mum.

Mr Snape.
Your wife will do well on that.

They've all got fancy bikes now.
All paint and no pedals, most of 'em.

Oh, that's great. Thank you.

I could have picked it up myself.
I had to be in Causton.

And I'm hoping you've something
better to do.

Oh yes. Yes, we have. I'm drawing up
a list of green cars for Sgt Jones.

Oh, that's much appreciated
As long as he told you.

Some people have doubts as to which
side he's on

when it comes to the Soft Earth mob.

Well, I'd be happy to set them

Now, Mr Snape, how much do I owe

Don't matter. Wasn't a big job.

You've got to take something. All
kinds of accusations come our way.

Here you are. quid, that's yours.

OK. And thank you.


A university cannot be fettered

by the financial consequences of
telling the truth. Never.

Your argument with Clinton Finn
is that there's a risk involved

in the air traffic control system
he's developing. Mm-hm.

He thinks you're wrong,
but no-one's trying to stop you
saying what you think.

My dear, everyone's trying to stop

If I wasn't a Fellow at St
Frideswide's and thus unsackable,

do you really think
they'd let me through the gates?

Isn't that just a bit paranoid?
He's always been paranoid.

Be careful printing anything George
says, unless it's about bikes!

I'm giving an interview here!

It's your round,
so we'll shut up if you pay up.

Put it on the slate, then!

Now, let me show you
what I've been doing.

I've got webcams inside and outside
the house.

What's that light?

Something's moving.
There's someone in there!

This is better than the telly!
You are being burgled.

You'd better call the police.

I'm looking at him and
he doesn't even know it!

No! No!

No, I'm not having that!

Come on, where are you?

I've already seen you!

No, no, no.
You can't report any of this.

The crime news needn't be a big

I know you don't like too much
plastered in the local rag.

Well, if I'm honest,

I've got a sniff of something
for a national. Have you?

Big business and science?

So you're seeing this as a career
opportunity, are you?

Well, when the crime's all solved,
you'll have loads of useful
information for me.

All right, all right, Miss Carroll.

But as of now you are a witness.

And you do know what that means,
don't you? Yes.

Yes. So goodbye, Miss Carroll.

Dr Jeffers not here?
He's at the college.

Have you got his camera stuff?

Dark figure in a dark room...
wearing a ski mask.

Jeffers turns the hall light on,
but the burglar's not identifiable.

Let's see...

Looks like the Bucketman, which
doesn't make any sense.

But there was a Bucketman attack,
wasn't there, the previous night?

On Helen Markham.
Paint but no glue.

Might be a copycat.
That's all we need.

And the car was clear?

But...we do have a result on what
we got from Jeffers' bike.

Oh, excellent.

And I've got a list of possible cars
in the area from Dan Snape.

Any match? From the year of

could be a C-type Jaguar.

Clinton Finn's got one in his

Any news on George yet?
It was just a knock to the head.

I spoke to Jonathan Canning just now

and George was in the senior common
room for breakfast...

still arguing.

That's good. That's good.

Oh, by the way, Helen,

I hope it's all right that I spent
yesterday evening with YOU...
till late.

I don't have a problem with that,

But you do know everything comes
with a price.

And that is?

Maybe you should decide who you're
screwing, me or Melanie Jeffers.

Because both of us really isn't
on the menu any more.

In binary systems, the Glitch is
a moment of indecision.

But how can indecision have anything
to do with the creation of life?

We know life exists,

though as I look around this theatre,
I wonder...

But life exists. Evolution exists.

Yet classic Darwinism, infinitely
slow alteration over millennia,

had to start somewhere.

At a time when there was no life,

did a binary action waver?

Did life itself emerge
from a moment of indecision?

Maybe life was created by mistake,

and again, as I look around this

I wonder!

But let me get you up to date!

Why have I got this bump on the head?

It may surprise you to learn that
it's probably because of the Glitch,

that there are people in business
and even at this university

who are extremely uncomfortable with
my theories,

particularly when it comes to
aircraft dropping out of the sky

because of it.

There are those who claim that
Jeffers has a Galileo complex!

But it isn't the Inquisition
who are trying to keep me quiet...

Telephone call
for Miss Markham.

Miss Markham to the telephone,

Look, but don't touch.

The door was open. I think you mean
the door wasn't locked.

Usual procedure is to wait until
invited in.

Well, I did ask Miss Markham if -
To let me know you were here.

Hope you've found
what you're looking for.

Has it been repaired or body work
resprayed recently?

Original Le Mans-winning livery.

I need to take a paint sample.
A scratch'll cost you.

I will sue.

See what I'm up against!

About last night, sir.

I'm very impressed by your webcam
system, but not by your response.

You should have called the police.

Ah, if someone was trying to k*ll
me, I gave them a good opportunity.

But I'm not dead.
No, thankfully.

Who do you think it was? Think it was
the same person as last time?

Tell me, who do you think it was?

I had an idea. I was wrong.
So there's nothing to tell.

I am very confident that it wasn't
Tom bashed you over the head last

but did you believe that the first
intruder WAS your son Tom?

You were right from the start.
I do have enemies.

What I can't accept is how far
some of them will go.

Fine, let's talk about your enemies.

Start with the college.
What about Dr Canning?

Jonathan? No, no.

Come in!

George. Thank God.
Sorry I'm interrupting, Mr Barnaby.

What were you doing
walking in on a burglar like that?

Well, apparently what doesn't k*ll
you makes you stronger.

And we've got the Pilgrims' Ride to
sort out,

with not much help from the college.

That's why I'm here, to see
the bursar,

but he hasn't been very helpful.
Talk to the Master

and remind the Master that the
domestic staff quite like the ride.

It's a day out for their families.

And give Jonathan a kick up
the backside while you're here.

Unless, of course, you think
it'll jeopardise his election.

Our Master is retiring, Barnaby.

Ned's son is in line to succeed.

It's time they all grew up.

We can all get on with our lives

as long as everyone realises
one way or another

I am going to stop Clinton Finn

from manufacturing a disaster
on the back of my discoveries.

Like everything important,
it's very simple.

Soon as you get this, ring me,

It's about the car that k*lled Emily.
It's the green.

I can't believe it, but I can't get
it out of my head.

I have to talk to you before I go to
the police.

The ramp probably k*lled him.

But I'd say he was unconscious
before he was put under it.

Someone put him under?

There's a blow to the head that's
nothing to do with the ramp.
It's another m*rder.

I think it's connected to
Emily Harte's.

Well, one thing's for sure.

No-one would mistake Snape for
George Jeffers.

'You have one message.'

'Soon as you get this, ring me,
George. It's about the car
that k*lled Emily.

It's the green.

I can't believe it, but I can't get
it out of my head.

I have to talk to you
before I go to the police.'

I didn't check it till this morning.
What did he want us to know?

He was talking to me about his list
of cars.

You said he was still thinking.
Sounds like he'd had a new thought.

See if Bullard's still at the

Ask him if there's any trace, any
bit of paper,

anything written on the wall,
by the phone, anything.

Er, Dr Jeffers,

our people have enhanced
the material on your webcams.

If you put that on your computer,

maybe we can pick up on something
that could identify your intruder.

Actually, I know who it was.

I've been thinking.

And who did you think?
Clinton Finn?

He's written something in the palm of
his hand, Tom.

Escort ...

And is that all?

No. Thank you.
Thank you very much, George.

There were no Escorts in .

Mr Clinton Finn,

two nights ago someone broke into Dr
Jeffers' house.

When Dr Jeffers returned to his
house, the intruder was still there

and Dr Jeffers was injured.

I know all that.
I know you know all that, Mr Finn.

That's why you asked Helen Markham
to give you a false alibi, isn't it?

Well, seemed like a good idea at the

I believe, sir, that the intruder
was you.

Now, given that we have two

which I believe are connected with
your attempt on Dr Jeffers' life,

consider very carefully
what you're going to say.

The article you were so anxious
Jeffers shouldn't publish.

The only way you could get hold of
this was from his computer.

I needed to know exactly what
he intended to say.

I had to try and bury him
as a serious scientist.

Didn't you get the information
the first time you broke in?

We used to share information freely,
but George has gone encryption mad.

I had to try and hack in again.

He wouldn't have got hurt
if he hadn't come home.

But I didn't k*ll him. If I'd tried
to k*ll him, he'd be dead!

You're under arrest.

It's perfect!

I think I'm going to be able to do
the whole ride, you know.

Don't you be too ambitious, Joyce.
Just cos you couldn't do it, Dad.

I'll hold my hand up.
No, I couldn't.

You are going to be there?

I've got to be there. Police work.
But yes, I shall be there.

Don't be so negative!
Mum might just surprise you.

You were right to take it to an

It's running better now than when
it was new!

Good luck. I'll be thinking of you.

There's no excuse for you next year.
Maybe you two get a tandem!

On your bike!

Ladies and gentlemen.
Before we set out,

I'd like to dedicate today's ride to
two dear friends

I'd like to dedicate today's ride to
two dear friends

who travelled the Pilgrims' Road
with me many times,

but who will travel it no more.

This is for Dan Snape and Emily...

Emily Harte.

The Pilgrims' Ride! Let's go!

Are you going to wish us luck,

You've put an innocent man in jail.

You may well have scuppered
safe air travel across the world.

You may well turn this university
into a third-rate institution!

Jonathan, not now, not today.

I know Clinton's become desperate,

but I am still struggling with the
idea that he tried to k*ll me.

Surely it can come as no great
surprise that somebody did?

Jonathan, please. Enough.

I thought you really cared about
this place, Dad. Not any more.

Dr Jeffers, I still don't want you
to do this.

There is someone out there -
Whoever it is

is going to have to catch me first.

I want you to see how dangerous
this is!

I appreciate your concern,
but this is just a bike ride.

Come on, Ned.

♪ Daisy, Daisy,
give me your answer do

♪ Daisy, Daisy,
give me your answer do

♪ I'm half crazy...

Keep him in sight, especially up on
the Ridgeway.

And if you do lose him, shout.

♪ I can't afford a carriage

♪ But you'll look sweet upon the seat

♪ Of a bicycle made for two... ♪

To the right, everybody.

Local sport and recreation, is it
today, Miss Carroll?

It is a local paper.

I imagine DS Jones and DC
Stephens will stay pretty close to
George Jeffers.

We are taking every precaution.

Does this mean Clinton Finn
isn't a suspect now?

He is helping us with our inquiries.

Oh, you'll see in today's paper...
I didn't make a fuss. Low key.

Page four. With obituaries for Emily
Harte and Daniel Snape.

I dug that one out of the archive.

Daniel Snape was big into rallying
in his younger days.

Who's that with him?

He's presenting the Midsomer Rally
Cup to Jonathan Canning.

He's only there.

That's his father, isn't it?
Edward Canning?

Yes, he was his navigator.

I don't know how careful THEY were
about driving around the lanes
back then.

'He's written something in the palm
of his hand, Tom!'

Can I keep this? Yeah, sure.
Thank you.

Thank you very much, Miss Carroll.


You won't keep that up, Ned!

What the hell's going on?
This Escort, is this your car, sir?

You walk into my college,
demand a key to my room.

You have no right -
Is this your car, sir?

It was, years ago.

wasn't the year.

Snape was remembering the numbers
on the number plate.

Well, you've lost me there.
Where's the car now, sir?

Well, I lost interest in rallying
a long time ago.

Dad scrapped the car shortly after
that photo was taken.

Our Master is retiring, Barnaby.
Ned's son is in line to succeed.


No, thank you.

Yes, please.

Thank you.

Well done. Keep going.
Thank you.


How come he's so fit?

It's called exercise, sarge.




Watch it!

What the...?

That's the Escort!

I tried to phone. No signal.
Where's Jeffers?

He's a few seconds in front of us.

He's not there now.
Where's Canning? He's our man.

This is THE Escort that Snape knew.
They they can't have just vanished.

He must have gone off the track
somewhere. You two, ride back.

See if there's any way off this
track, all right?

Go on!

I've got it! Down here, sir!

Catch him!

Come off there! Come here!

No, I'll be fine.

Go on, Tom.
Are you sure? Yeah.

That's why George Jeffers came in
first, every Pilgrims' Ride.

Took a shortcut, didn't he?
Now there's a lesson there.

Are you going now, sir?
No. No, I'm not.

You take Canning in.

I don't know if and when Joyce and
Cully will finish,

but I've got to see them do it.


I finished! I finished!

Well done! Well done, both of you!
What do you say to that, Dad?

I never doubted her for a moment.

What's happened, Chief Inspector?

My wife and my daughter have just
completed the Pilgrims' Ride.

You arrested someone?

Miss Carroll, you come and see me
tomorrow morning.

No. Er, listen,

the Advertiser's going to need
a picture.

So what about a shot of
Cully and Joyce Barnaby?

That'd make a pretty good front
page, wouldn't it, eh?

Cully, Joyce. Causton Advertiser.

I didn't think anyone would
remember the car.

Daniel did.

He remembered the colour.

I know that he believed me when
I told him it had been broken up,

but for how long? He could still
have said something to you.

Why couldn't he leave it alone?

Even Jonathan thought the car had
gone to the breakers.

Those years, when he drove,
I was his navigator.

We were still close then. We're not
close any more

because he's in a different world
and I don't belong in it.

But he does!
But wasn't it YOUR college too?

I was head porter,
a college servant.

It's nothing.

I never dreamed that my son
would be Master.

I couldn't let George take that
away. And he wouldn't stop.

I knew he wouldn't stop until
he'd he'd ruined it all.

I had to do it for my son.

I didn't know it was Emily.
How could I?

I thought it was him.

I watched him coming out the house.
I followed him.

I didn't know.
But you knew it was Daniel Snape.

Well, it was too late.

I had no choice.

Why didn't Snape just tell us?

He didn't want to till he'd talked
to Jeffers. Wanted to be sure.

And he didn't entirely trust us.
No, that didn't help.

Anyway, it's over.
Even the Bucketman.

Afraid not.
That was to put us off the scent.

He's still out there.

Ah, Barnaby.

We have a confession to make.

Right glue...

Right paint.

I knew he'd guessed.

I thought it was him breaking into
the house to find out for sure.

It wasn't.

But you took over from him anyway,
didn't you, Tom?

Like father, like son.

Thought the attack on Helen
Markham's car wasn't quite
the Bucketman's style.

So what are we going to do, Barnaby?

Well, I don't know, but we have
a problem, don't we?

When two almost, but not quite,
identical Bucketmen

appear at almost, but not quite,
the same time,

fibrillation can and does occur in
the police investigative system.

We have a glitch, Dr Jeffers.
We can't have that, can we?

So why don't we...put all this the bag...

..and...close it?

Thank you.
Ah, the Bucketmen!

It doesn't suit you any more than
it suited me, George.

No. A taste of my own medicine.

So you're not pressing charges?
I don't think so.

So how do we iron out this glitch
in the air traffic control system?

I'll give you a year.
It's ridiculous.

You still have no concept of how
a scientist works!

OK, two, tops.
Oh, hell. Let me buy you a drink.

I'm not leaving it in the rain.

No, no. Right, right.
We can't get the door shut.

You'll have to throw out
some more of this junk.

Why don't we start with this?

Don't be provocative, Tom.

A time will come when this has to go
back on the bike.

It's nothing Cully said, but...

I have a feeling that it won't be

Ah, well, dream things true. Come on.

Come on, we'll drink to that.