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11x06 - Days of Misrule

Posted: 01/28/22 17:09
by bunniefuu

♪ SLADE: Merry Xmas Everybody

♪ Does he ride a red-nosed reindeer

I'll just go get one more.

♪ Does he turn up on his sleigh

♪ Do the fairies keep him sober...

Same again?

Actually, I could um...
I could do with a change.

I got a slot free after the shift,

♪ Everybody's having fun

Know what, Jamie?
I'd rather k*ll myself!


♪ It's only just begun


I think you'd better step outside.

What? Hang on.

Over here.


Come with me.

You're going to pay up.

What are you laughing at? Eh?

Oh, no, you don't.
I've got it in the car.


This'll make you laugh.

You ain't laughing now, are ya?

Ten thousand. Ten thou, or else.








OK, can you gather round, please?

Just want to say a few words about
what we have to get out of today.

Remember, if we get broken up into
groups it's key that we're diverse.

So, are we feeling motivated?
ALL: Yes, sir!

No "sirs" today,
but more on that later.

Now, I want you to wear these badges

as firmly and prominently as
possible all day long.

It's absolutely key to the exercise.
Understood? Yes.


My tendonitis is back.

It was your other elbow before.

Well, it'll make a change from
hanging about at home all weekend.

I do not "hang about at home".

Is that him?

Acting Chief Superintendent Cotton,
for it is he.

He's terribly young. Looks rather
cute to be a pain in the backside.

Looks can be
deceptive. Bye, love. Bye.

Everybody happy?
ALL: Yes.

Now, the Chief Constable
sees teamwork as the hard-wiring
for his new programme,

and this workshop's
all about team building.

We're very lucky to have some ex-TA
instructors with us for the day,

so I'm sure you'll find it anything
but boring.

Once we leave here, we forget who's
boss and who's not.

It's strictly first names only.

I want everyone to contribute
and to criticise,

without regard to rank or

OK? Into the van!



Thanks, Caro.
Come to carol practice later.

It'll do you good.
Therapy? You sound like Tim.

No decorations again this year?

What's the point?

I can't do Christmas, Caro.

Come and sing. Promise?

All OK?
Sweet as, boss.

Good Friday night?
Eh? Oh, yeah. Well, I've had better.

They closed the road up near Delham.
We'll unload at the yard.
What about -

Don't panic, Dale, I've got it
sorted. Go and have your breakfast,
wait for my call.



Off to win the w*r single-handed
again, Colonel?

Oh, I wish I was, Don. (CHUCKLES)

(TO HIMSELF) Wish I was.

Hold on, darling.

I'm expected at Caro's.
Penny, I hardly see you.

It helps being with Caro.

She helps.
Gilly was my daughter too, you know.

Morning, Sergeant.
Hard night?

Worked till two, sir, but there's
still a rattle in the cam case.
I need to strip it down again.

We're due to deliver tomorrow
and we've got this police thing at
the centre.

Jamie'll be on my back.
Don't worry about Jamie, sir.

I'll start as soon as we get back.
It'll be sorted tonight.

I appreciate it, Ed. I don't know
where I'd be without you.

You look exhausted, love.


That's the driver's log books

You off? Recce-ing the w*r game
with the Colonel.

I'll be a couple of hours. Layla
didn't come home till morning again.

I'll try and talk to her later.



♪ We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Gently does it. I think
the limit's on the police.

We don't want to let the side down
in front of the Red Caps.

That's not straight, strong
and to the right.

You, lad! Left a bit! Use your nous!

No, Jackson. The TA wants
Sly Stallone, not Damien Hirst (!)

Dale, Gary, Kevin, James...

Dale, Gary, Kevin, James...

Ready to kick out the jambs, Tom?

Never readier, sir.
It's "John", remember?

We're dispensing with hierarchies,
today, Tom. And why?

Because in order to fight crime
today, we need to reboot our

as well as our systems.
Rebooting? I say, sir!

"John". Which is why I'm here.

With help from you guys, we can park
a really lean, mean policing machine

here at Causton, yeah?

Is he for real, sir? The Boy Wonder?
I'm awfully afraid he is.

DCI Barnaby? Tim Galsworthy. We met
at the Midsomer Tattoo.

Yes! Good to see you again.

This is Detective Sergeant Jones.
Detective Sergeant.

I...I didn't know the TA provided
this kind of stuff.

Well, our Colonel had his arm
twisted by your Chief Super.

Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby
and Detective Sergeant Jones,
Causton CID.

This is our CO, Colonel Matt Parkes.
I've heard a lot about you, Chief
Inspector - all good.

So you, er, train potential recruits
here, do you?

We give them a taste of army life
before they sign on the dotted line.

Gives us old w*r horses an excuse
to keep wearing the uniform.
Eh, Captain?

You hardly need that, sir. I served
under the Colonel for years.

Saw some hard soldiering together,
eh, Tim? Certainly did, sir.

So are you er...just observing
today, or making the jumps yourself?

Oh, I hope there's no jumps involved.

Well, I'm going to leave you
to get on.

I've got to organise
our Christmas w*r game:
Recruits versus Instructors.

Fun, for the purpose of! I'll leave
you in Tim's capable hands.

Thank you, sir.
If you'd like to follow me.

Faster, faster!

Right, ladies. Like this, please.

♪ Hail the heaven-born
prince of peace...


CARO: Maggie, Alice!

Quiet, please, ladies and gentlemen.

First, a request. If anyone has
the time to stay on after practice

and help with decorating the wards,
it would be much appreciated.

Second, some good news.

In exchange for allowing them
the use of the woods

for their so-called games
this year...

..I've extracted a promise
from Colonel Parkes

to bring the recruits
to the concert.

Right, well, shall we go through?

Coming, Penny? I wish you hadn't...
let them back into the woods.

I understand
how painful this is for you.

Enjoy the singing.

Is Penny all right? No, Joyce.
I really don't think she is.

Sgt Lovell will take you
through a couple of warm-up
exercises on the field.

Nothing too strenuous, but do let us
know if there are any serious
medical problems.

Right. Fall in outside, please.

And remember: open minds, trust,

positive thinking and teamwork!

WOMAN: I can't wait.

Um, Sergeant Lovell?

I'm afraid I've got a little touch
of tendonitis in this elbow.

There's no need to miss out on the
fun, Tom.

We'll put your partner in the
blindfold and you can have the
sling. (UNENTHUSIASTIC) Thank you.

♪ Glory to the newborn king

♪ Peace on earth and mercy mild

♪ God and sinners reconciled

♪ Joyful all ye nations rise

♪ Join the triumph of the skies

♪ With angelic host proclaim

♪ Christ is born in Bethlehem...

Right, left, watch the egg.

Right, left, watch the egg. Right,
left, watch the egg. Stop! Stop!

WOMEN: Sorry! I lost my egg, sir.
I can't see a thing.

Something to do with wearing
a blindfold (!) Need any help?

No. Yes.
It's all about teamwork.

Now, then. Hook arms. That's good.

Ben, hold out your spoon.
There's your egg.

Get a feel for it. Wrist loose.
That's good.

Right, ready? Always start
with the tied foot first.

On a count of three.
One, two, three and go!

Right, left, right, left.

Come round to the right.

Having fun, Tom?

Are we having fun, Tom?
Well, you may be, Ben,

but I'm busy marvelling at the
contribution egg-and-spoon racing
makes to police work (!)

Come on, up you get.
LOVELL: Need another egg?


Beats slashing after-eight charges
in the office, sir. Yeah.

Afternoon, Penny.

Very sorry to have disturbed.

Stabs you through the heart,
that look. Poor woman!

Time she accepted you've nothing to
answer for, sir. Would you, George?

In her position?

OK, team, let's hear
from Captain Galsworthy.

We'll be going inside for some
role-play work shortly,

but before we do that,
Sergeant Lovell?

Right, teams of three this time.

Two pairs of handcuffs for each.



Oh! Afternoon, Mr James.

Thought I'd make your day.
Bacchanalia, : at Coombe.

Great odds. Stable boy at Ringlands
says he can't lose.

If you're quick,
you can still go and put one on.

Oh, the Colonel wouldn't like it.

He's dug in at the woods,
playing soldiers with George.

Yeah, well, Dale's due back.

Is he? Well, I can check him in.

Go on.


Go on, go for it.

Well done, team.
Handcuffs back to me, please.

OK, team, we're stranded.
We'll come back to your log.

That won't work.
Positive thinking!

We won't all fit on, John.
Think teamwork, Tom. We can do it.

Trust, trust, trust. Ready, Ben?

Ah, well... I er...
You first. I wouldn't do it, Jones.

Ignore him, Ben.

Jones, you are a...



Sorry, sir.


Nina keeping her spirits up?

She's doing fine, thank you, sir.
Good. Give her my best, will you?

Bye now, George.

Why don't you stop saluting and tell
him exactly where to shove his job?

In fact, his whole haulage business?
Don't start, love.

Mum tells me that you weren't home
till dawn.


Where do you go all night, love?

What's it got to do with you?
We worry, Layla.

Dad, if you'd once stood up
for yourself with the Parkeses,

I wouldn't be stuck here,

cleaning toilets and wiping up stale
beer for a living!

# Forth they went together

♪ Through the rude wind's
wild lament

♪ And the bitter weather

♪ Sire, the night is darker now

♪ And the wind blows stronger

♪ Fails my heart...

That looks nice.
Especially for you, Soldier.

Can you see the hook, just there?

Oh, perfect!
And can you put that up?

♪ Thou shalt find the winter's rage

♪ Freeze thy blood less coldly

Oh, that looks lovely.
What about um...this here?


Are you going out again?

I forgot to check
the gates at the centre were locked.

TV: "Coming up in half an hour,
Ant And Dec's Christmas Special.

Before that, though,
a chance to wallow in nostalgia

as we explore Christmas
past and Christmas presents!"


Is that your father?
Yes. The Halseys have been soldiers
for generations.

You were never tempted
by a military career, then?

Youthful rebellion, and all that!

It's comforting to think that
his values and mine are united.

Well, in a way,

turning this house over to soldiers
less lucky than he was.

What does your family think
of you living in the servants'
quarters of your own home?

My only daughter died in childbirth.
Oh, I'm so sorry.

Oh, a long time ago now.

I'm sure she would have approved,
though. Like me, she married
a military man.



Wow! Isn't it lovely!
Daisy! Daisy.

I thought we'd go
to my private penthouse.

Don't want to disturb the old man,
do we? (LAUGHS)


TV: "My dreams were disturbed
by visions of what is going on."


"And then the great day arrived."

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"Like all other children, they don't
know what to do first,

with so many presents all around
them, so many things to play with."



All right, all right!


I'm coming! I'm coming.

CHILD ON TV: "Oh, how beautiful!"
Hello? Parkes Freight.



TV: "But Santa made a grave mistake.

He left a railroad train for Jackie.

He should have left it for Daddy,

because fathers and mothers
never grow up - not on Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everybody."

"Merry Christmas to all!"



Great session, well done.

A hand for Captain Galsworthy!

Many thanks. I hope you've all
managed to get something out of it.

You all have
a very good journey home.

It's going to hurt in the morning.
Interesting day, Ben, yes?

Thought provoking, sir.
"John". Good.

What about some spontaneous
peer evaluation?

Sir? "John". How do you rate Tom's
teamwork, on a scale of to ?

Is, er, top or bottom, sir?

We talked about honesty, Ben. We're
all on the same side, remember?


Now, come on. No-one's perfect.

Yeah, OK. , then. Really?
Well, is as low as I'll go.

In my view,
Tom has shown some reluctance

to buy into our team scenario.


That's because...


Carry on, Ben. This is good.
Open up. Have your say.


Excuse me.

Because he thinks it's rubbish, sir.

Jones. Sorry. What's up?


Are you sure you're OK, love?
Yes, I'm fine, honestly.

Now, come on.
I want the medics to check you out.
OK, but I'm really just cold.


Right, golden hour actions:
elimination of known offenders.

You've had a similar incident
of arson recently.

Yeah, Poulter the pyromaniac, but
I'm fairly sure it wasn't him.

Fuzzy logic, Tom. Gut instinct
can let you down. Systems won't.

We banged Poulter up last Wednesday,

Ah, right. Well, this is a great
moment to do live process checks.

What I'll do is,
I'll...I'll see you guys later.

Chief Inspector, this is my son
and business partner, James.

Colonel. Mr Parkes.
All right?

Shall I get a sit rep
from the Senior Fire Officer, sir?

Yeah, you do that.
Were you here when the fire started?

I was in the house. Jamie was in the
grain store with...with a friend.

We could've bloody fried in there!
It's a flat the drivers used to use.

James has been staying there
since he came home.

Home from where? France. Starting
to wonder why I didn't stay.

How's the watchman?
Oh, he's not seriously hurt.

The hospital are keeping him
overnight, running a full service.

Shame he wasn't giving us one!

James, have you any reason to believe
that you were the target?

I just noticed your eye.

I got drunk last night.
Walked into a door.

SFO says it's OK to go in, sir.

Excuse me.

He doesn't remember me.
Leave it, Dad. I'll look after her.

I went to school with James Parkes.
Right little prat he was, too!

Hey! Hey, who's that?

Structure looks sound.
No sign of a white transit.

Oh, erm, George Barkham,
my yard manager. DCI Barnaby.

You ex-TA too, eh?

Terrible mess!
Well, no-one was hurt, anyway.

Any idea how it happened, sir?
SFO thinks arson, sir.

No! They've already found
traces of chlorate and sugar

and wiring fused
to the axle of the truck.

Well, if you'll excuse me, I've got
jobs to lay off or cancel before
the morning. Yes.

Come on.

We'll need someone here overnight.
Sorted, sir.

And we need interviews with the
watchman and the driver of the truck.

They're father and son. I've
arranged a visit for the morning.
Very thorough. Just doing my job.

Yes, sir?

I'm not going to get you tarred and
feathered and sent to Traffic, all
right? You're not?

No. I thought I'd dropped you in it
with the Boy Wonder, sir.

Well, yes, you did. But your candour
merely hastens the inevitable.

# See an open door

♪ Find a way into your heart...

I'll give you my own personal
medical examination later. (GIGGLES)

This is no time for champagne, son.

And...the young lady should be
getting home.

Daisy's staying over, actually.

You and I have work to do.
Ah, give it a rest, will you, Dad?


There's a taxi waiting outside.
I said I want her to stay!

I'm sure you understand. I'll go.
I'm sorry about what's happened.

I'm sorry, Mr Parkes.

If you know anything
about all this...

Me? I'm a victim here! Nothing to do
with your...girlfriend problems?

I'm not the one with the problems,
Dad, remember?

I'm not used to being under attack
on my own premises, Jamie!

I'd at least like to know what kind
of threat we're facing.

Fine! You can tell me
as soon as you've worked it out!


♪ I don't know why... ♪

I just heard about your fire
on the news, Tom.

Oh, yeah? I must've driven past there
minutes before it went up!

Oi! Get off.
Oh, it's good. Good, that.

Do you know what happened yet?
Well, it wasn't an accident.

We know that much.

How was your carol singing?

Caroline says that the concert is
nearly a sell-out already. Ooh!

All we need now
is someone of local stature

to present the cheque on the night.

Oh, all right!
Flattery will get you everywhere.

Actually, I've asked
Superintendent Cotton.

He was charming!
Just waiting for confirmation.



It was fantastic, you know, Caro.

The roar of the flames, the heat...

Like Hell's fire!

Penny, this has to stop!

It'll never stop.

Not till I'm dead.

Or he is.

Yeah. Right, OK. Yeah. Thanks.

Don't look now, sir,
but we're being watched. Where?

One o'clock. Big man in red.

Oh, you're full of fun today,
Jones (!) I like Christmas, sir.

That was Forensics. They've found
pieces of the detonator for the
b*mb: a -hour clock.

So it could have been planted any
time up to a day previously.

Yeah. Won't make our job any easier.
Positive thinking, Jones. Positive

See you later.

Mr Parkes! I just wanted to see
how Don was getting on.

Problem with that?

Thank you.


Police, Dad.

How are you feeling, Mr Mitchinson?

Not bad. Could be worse.
Mr Parkes was just telling us there
was a b*mb under my truck.

Yes, that is correct. Dale, your last
run was to Marseilles, yes?

Yeah, we go regular
for a feed company.

Can you tell us, please, what
happened during the hours
before you arrived back?

It's all in the log.
No - you tell me.

Well, I left Marseilles about six,

drove up far as Paris,
stayed in the cab overnight

and did the crossing um...
about ten-ish the next day.

Did you leave the truck while it was
being loaded?

No way! Too many foreigners about.

Was the truck checked by customs
at Dover?

Yeah, Dover and Calais. Load check,
mirrors, sniffers - the works.

And you checked Dale
back into the yard at what time?

Just after three - about ten past.
Wasn't it, Dad?

Yeah, that's right.

And there were no strangers in the
yard during the afternoon or evening?

No unexpected occurrences?

No. Well, only the phone call.

"Divine intervention", the Colonel

If it wasn't for that call, I
could've gone up with that garage.

Who was the call from?
Don't know. Well, they rang off when
I picked up.

The b*mb must've been planted
this side of the Channel.

Dale didn't make any stops or leave
the truck after he'd made that

It's hard to see anyone had the
opportunity to plant a b*mb at
all, isn't it?

He was nervous.
And his father was even more so.

Lucky break for him, anyway.

Fate, Jones -
or the arsonist.

Maybe...maybe the bomber wanted to
make sure Mitchinson wasn't harmed.

How was Don?
Fine, yeah. Nothing wrong with him
that a bet or two wouldn't cure (!)

Erm, by the way, I've been meaning
to ask...

Erm, did you see a van in the
garage yesterday afternoon?

Long-wheel-base Transit. It was gone
when I got back from the woods,

before the expl*si*n.
No, I didn't see it.

Oh, well, I'll ask Don.
It's just a van, Dad!

It's probably one of the drivers'.
What's the problem?

A b*mb went off in the garage,
Jamie, a matter of hours later -

Fine, fine, fine. I'll check it out.

OK, yes. Thank you.

They're pretty sure the tread's
from a standard-issue army boot.

Not your little blonde, then?

..particles of ash mixed with earth
in the tread pattern.

Proving the
wearer was here after the expl*si*n.

Got to be the firestarter,
hasn't it?

Why use a timer when you're planning
to attend the event, then?

Some of them like to watch, don't

And if he is army, he might know
something about b*mb making.

We need the boots
from the Centre - all of them.
The instructors' and the recruits'.

Meanwhile, the question is not just
the how, but also the why.

He's no soldier, but I wouldn't put
it past James Parkes, sir -
for the insurance, maybe.

Our finance
checks say the business is sound.

Nothing sound about sonny Jim, sir.
I'd put money on it.


Police have some questions, Dad.
I've gotta be somewhere.

Er, no, Mr Parkes. I'd appreciate
your input too, if you'd be so kind.

Do you know of anyone
who might have had a reason
to harm you or your business?

A rival company, perhaps?

Or a disgruntled employee?

I cut out some dead wood
when I first got back.

Did you? Can you give us some names?

With respect, sir - the "dead wood"
was all loyal employees.

None of them would think of harming
the Colonel or his business.

I see. No family feud?

Neighbourhood dispute?

Abandoned lovers?

Caroline Halsey's hardly a friend.
What, her at the Manor?

She's not an enemy either, Jamie.

Well, that's me out of ideas (!)
Can I go?

Don't go far, Mr Parkes.
We'll need to talk to you again.

Why would he suspect Ms Halsey?

She's my late wife's mother,
Jamie's grandmother.

There's no love lost between them.

Jamie's here, Tim.

You shouldn't have come.
I wanted to check the merchandise.

We're meeting the buyer for
that one at five, usual place.

I'll be delivering the Bugatti
around midnight. Tonight?

What about the police? You're stupid
to even think about it! Ed's right.

Can't keep the customers waiting,
people. And there's plenty of them!

You'd better go.

Jamie! You're unscathed.
You sound surprised (!)


I've given your name to the police,
you know. Oh, come on!

You can't think I'm the only soul
round here that wishes you
a terrifying comeuppance.

Screw you, Grandma.


What was he doing here?
Yes, Tim - what WAS he doing here?

Problem with his car.

That's the girl we saw last night
at the yard.


Hello. I'm DS Jones and this is
DCI Barnaby.

What's your name?

Any relation to...
George? Yep - my father.

So, what were you doing at the
haulage yard last night?

Looking. Is that a crime (?)

Layla, we'd like a word about James
Parkes. One word? "Devious".

More would be better.

Jamie uses people.

Since he got back from France,
he's ripped off, hurt or upset
half the village.

Who specifically has he hurt?
Try the Galsworthys.

Their daughter Gilly
was a friend of mine.

He started on her
as soon as he came home

and she fell for it all the way.

They'd only been going out a couple
of weeks. She got pregnant.

That's when she found out who James
really cares about.

What, he dropped her?
Huh! And the rest.

Denied it was his. Made out Gilly
was a slut.


She went to pieces.

Hanged herself in Calham Woods,

almost exactly two years ago.

That figures.
She was such a cool person!

We were good friends.

What about Caroline Halsey?

James seems to regard her as some
kind of enemy.

She was Gilly's godmother.

And what about you, Layla? What did
James Parkes do to you?

He screwed us,
like he does everyone else.


Just before Jamie came home,

my dad was going to be
made a partner in the firm.

Then Jamie pitches up,

sweet-talks his dad...

Partnership goes to him, instead!

Is that why you firebombed his yard
to get even?

If I wanted to hurt Jamie, I'd hurt
HIM, not his truck.

If what you say is true, I'm
surprised Colonel Parkes wants his
son around at all.

Colonel's just like my dad -
too forgiving.

Now, that's what I call
genuine teamwork!

We had the feeling that you weren't
convinced by our programme.

It wasn't your programme that failed
to convince me, Captain. Sergeant.

I was hoping to talk to
your wife, sir.

She's over at the Manor
with Caroline Halsey.

Can I help?
Shall I go, Tim?

I've no secrets from Ed, Mr Barnaby.

I understand that both you and Mrs

have very good reason to feel
bitterly towards the Parkes family.

I don't hold James Parkes
responsible for my daughter's death,

let alone the Colonel.

Blame, in my experience,
can be an emotional,
rather than a rational reaction.

I admit that Penny persists

in the belief that James...

..that it was
his fault that Gilly died.

But a b*mb?

She wouldn't know where to begin.

But you would.

Look, the terrible fact is that
Gilly was no longer a child.

Penny and I had to let her go, had
to let her make her own choices...

..however much we might regret them.

I'd known Gilly
since she was a little girl.

Of course, I cared about her, but -
Revenge is a very poor remedy for

I think I can speak for both of
us on that.

Why aren't you on boot duty?

I've got a load more at the station,
too. This is my last stop.

Oh, and you asked for the list of
locals with relevant previous, sir.

Apart from Mr Poulter, there's just
the one.



Ms Halsey? I'm Detective Chief
Inspector Barnaby from Causton CID.

Joyce's husband. Yes.
How can I help?

You can help by telling me if you
made or planted the b*mb

that exploded at Parkes' haulage yard
last night.

(CHUCKLES) No! I didn't.

But you were arrested once for
detonating an expl*sive device on
Ministry of Defence property.

That wasn't a b*mb!
It was a mega firework!

All right. It's generally known

that I condemn w*r
as a means to resolve conflict,

but I have absolutely no desire
to cause anyone personal injury.

We believe that the bomber, the
arsonist, could have been a soldier,

or someone dressed as a soldier.

I'd heard.

Your fire seems to need attention.

Would you mind?

They belonged to Gilly.

I've tried to stop Penny,

but she's taken to dressing up
in them in the evenings.

For what purpose? She's convinced
herself Jamie is a sexual predator,

that he forces himself
on vulnerable young women,

so she's started keeping watch.

Her "midnight manoeuvres",
she calls them.

She intends to catch him red-handed.

And you don't disagree with her view
of your grandson James?

My daughter lost her life giving
birth to Jamie, Chief Inspector,

and almost from the first day,

he proved himself
to be a self-serving,
despicable human being.

But I really don't believe he ever
forced himself on Gilly.

She loved him.


Is he even old enough to drive?
Old enough to have made his third
million already this year.


Yeah, man. She's hot.
Everything you've ever wanted, mate.

Now all I want is my fifty grand.


The Chief Inspector
needs to talk to you, darling.

He wants to know
if I blew up Parkes's yard (!)

Indeed I do, Mrs Galsworthy.

James Parkes violated my daughter.
He stole her life.

I wish I HAD started the fire.

I wish James had been consumed

Ms Halsey here tells me that you have
been following him.

Someone's got to.
And that you were in the Yard
last night when the fire started.

Daisy Fisher, the girl with Jamie.

. Still at school.

Right. Tell me what happened.

Jamie was in the grain store with
Daisy. I heard a phone ring.

Don went to answer it, then he came
back out again and - bang!

Mrs Galsworthy,

I need your firmest assurance

that you
will stay away from James Parkes...

and refrain
from any further "manoeuvres".

All right. I promise.

O Come All Ye Faithful




♪ Come and behold him

♪ Born the king of angels

Ooh, the Mitchinsons strike it lucky!

♪ O come let us adore him

♪ O come let us adore him

♪ O come let us adore him ♪

Only two more.

What are you two doing?

We're trying to match all these with
the prints found at the scene, sir.

I can see that, Ben. My point is,
it's Tech Support's job,

so why are YOU doing it?
Vomiting and diarrhoea, sir.

They think it was the pork pies
at the Christmas do.

It's laid low the entire Tech

Fine. OK, I'll leave you to it.

I didn't know anyone was sick, sir.

All done. No matches.

I think you'll have
more success with these.

I'm inclined to doubt that the owner
is, indeed, our arsonist,

but check 'em, anyway.


Did you um...find out about the van?


Yeah, yeah. Turns out it's Dale's.
Bought it a couple of weeks ago.

Needed some work, so he got a mate
to drive it over

so Bill could have a look at it
Saturday morning.


You drank the last of the Scotch?

No-one we've spoken to has a bad word
to say for Colonel Parkes

and the opposite seems to be true
for his son!

Here, William. Happy Christmas.
Oh, thank you very much, sir.

But if James was indeed the target
in the attack,

and if the m*rder was personal,

why explode a b*mb in an empty lorry
in the garage, eh?

I'm out of ideas, sir.

Positive thinking, Jones.
Something'll turn up.




Get in the car.
No. I've got to go to work.

Get in the car, or I start talking
about what you really get up to in
Causton every night.

Body in a tool box, sir.

Some kids called it in first thing
this morning.

They found it caught in the tree
roots at the edge of the lake.


Morning, George. What you got?

Morning, Tom. Male in his forties.

Various bumps and
bruises on the body

possibly consistent with a fight

and some lethal blunt-force trauma
to the head.

So he was k*lled and...
stuffed in the box!

Yeah. Best guess for now -
two or three days ago.

He's been floating out in the lake
all this while?
Not floating initially,

but water encourages decomposition
and putrefaction.

There's a lot of gas arises from
that process,

which I suspect, in this case,
got trapped, built up and he

Nothing in the box on ID? No, sir.
How did he get here?

We don't know.
Discolouration on the upper body

suggests he spent time
in foreign climes. Bag up!

James Parkes lived in France, sir.

What are you saying?
That James knew him?

He was sporting a black eye the
night we met him.

This guy's been in a fight. It could
be thieves falling out, sir.

Did you see it?
The body? No. Why?

I saw James again last night.
Oh, Penny! You promised.

I was at home! Sleepless.

He was coming out of the workshop
with Tim at three o'clock in the

and there was someone else with him,
in a van. Doing what?

He and Tim were arguing. Then he got
in the van and drove off.

Perhaps it's got something to do
with that man in the lake.

You can't think Tim's
mixed up in anything?!

I've no idea
what he's mixed up with.

What's this?
Tim's army knife. I borrowed it.


Self-defence...or the defence of
others. Emergencies do arise.

Thanks very much, madam.
If the dead man's not local and
we've got no ID, where do we start?

Get a photograph organised and pass
it round the village. Sir!
See if anyone recognises him.

Thank you. Let's concentrate on who
he was and what he was here for.

Ooh! Boy Wonder at o'clock -
minus the silly grin.

Mayday, Mayday (!)

Give us a moment, Sergeant.

There was no tummy bug
in Tech Support.

No, sir. I can take a joke, Tom,
but the more serious point

is about tasking
and man-hour allocation.

Yeah, but Tech Support, they're
usually - It's clear I've failed
to take you with me so far,

but I'm not giving up.
We're going to do a real-time review
of the inquiry.

All you and your team have to do is
minute your activities

in quarter-hour segments
for the next hours.

Then I'll run up a CPA
from the data.

Thank you, sir. You'll see. I'll make
a believer of you yet!

Yes, sir.


Are we busted, sir?
I don't know, really.

What's that?

I'm not sure.

Nothing important.

Layla? What's wrong?

What happened?




Chief Inspector! I was going to call
about our w*r game
in the woods tonight.

I'm afraid the...the woods are off
limits until forensics are complete.

I'm sorry.
But while I have you all here,

including you, Mr Parkes, please.

Thank you.

I'd like you to take a look at this.
That's the man we found in the lake

and we think that he was k*lled the
night before the expl*si*n, the fire.

No-one I know. George?


Sorry. Erm...can't help.

I hope you can, sir. We need to set
up an incident room locally

and a room
at your Centre would suit us nicely.

Jones. Oh, one good turn,
Chief Inspector...

Permission to do battle in the woods
tonight? Highlight for the recruits.

Terrible shame to disappoint.
I see. Yeah, all right.

I'll see if I can get an area
cordoned off. I'll look into that.

Hang on. Sounds like a break, sir.
Excuse me.

Oh, Jamie, erm... Wait a minute!

The dead man's car, sir.

George tells me Bill was at a family
wedding all day Saturday.

What was Dale's van really doing
in the garage the day of the fire?

Give me a break, Dad.
I want to know, Jamie!

OK, look.

Dale got talked into a dodgy loan,
to pay for the van.

He called me in a panic from France,

said he needed to hide it for a few
hours while the loan shark
was sniffing around.

Why not tell me so?
He asked me to keep it quiet.

Well, you're loyal to your friends,
at any rate.

Yeah. Better get on, Dad.


A hire firm at Luton Airport
reported the car stolen two days ago

when the hirer didn't turn up. I
faxed over the photo, just in case.

We've got a name for the dead man,
then? Yep. Alec Grainger.

He moved to Marbella from the UK
months ago.

He's no model citizen, either. He's
got form for robbery, receiving,

deception with menaces...


A penalty notice - speeding, just
outside Oxford, dated last month.

A copy of the appeal letter.

And he drives a classic Bentley.

Does he, now!


We need to talk.
You got me out of bed.

Would you rather Barnaby did?
Is this about the body they found?

Don't ask questions. I didn't
sign up - Shut up and listen!

That way, no-one else'll get hurt,
all right?

No... Sorry.
I don't recognise him, either. about this?

It's a late ' s S Continental.

Exactly. Are you sure you've never
seen the car or the driver before?

Sure. OK. Well, thank you,
gentlemen. I'll leave you to get on.

Splendid Bugatti! The Ferrari's
gone to a good home, I hope?

Tidy these boxes, Sergeant, please.
Will do.

I think that's everything you'll
need, sir. Thank you. Very good.
Just before you leave...


Your daughter tells us that James
Parkes ruined your career and hers.

Is that true?
Layla is...

You may not know, sir,
but my wife was the victim
of a hit-and-run accident.

Had it not been for Nina, her needs,

I would have fought James
for that partnership.

Layla doesn't want to blame her mum
for what happens...

So she blames the Parkes for it.

Even though the Colonel paid for
everything -

private treatment,
conversions to the cottage...

That was very generous of him.

And the driver was never identified?

You had no suspicions?


could you tell us, please, what you
really know about Alec Grainger?

I don't know anything.

You are a man of conspicuous loyalty,

Sergeant Barkham,

but you are a lousy liar!

but you are a lousy liar!

Ah, yes, I saw the man...

Grainger...last Friday, with James.

At the yard, about six.

I heard angry voices

and I saw Grainger trying to push
something into James's hand -

a large envelope.

Did you challenge him about it?

Oh, he would have lied, if I had.

I looked for the envelope the next
day, in his desk, but no sign.

I knew he'd bring trouble to us all
sooner or later, James Parkes.

Dad's out somewhere.

Not looking for your dad, I'm looking
for you.

Mr James Parkes,
I am arresting you
for questioning

in connection
with the m*rder of Alec Grainger.

I'm going to ask you again,
Mr Parkes, whether you've ever met
Alec Grainger.

He's the father of a girl
I had a brief thing with.

Met him once, not long after I got
back from France.

And? Grainger turned up at the yard
last Friday

claiming Susan had a toddler
in Spain that was mine.

He was trying it on, by the way.
Nothing to do with me.

Two young women you have a "thing"
with, both get pregnant

and none of
it's got anything to do with you (?)

That's right.

Can we get back to Friday, please?

What happened next, Mr Parkes?

Well, he turned up at the pub later,

but I imagine that tart Layla's
already told you.

Anyway, we walked into the woods
to talk.

He wanted a grand a month
child support, he said,

or his daughter was going to say
I r*ped her. I said no.

He pulled a g*n, we tussled. I ran

Did you know that Mr Grainger
had a criminal record?

It doesn't surprise me. He did have
a g*n and a disagreeable manner.

Did you have any other mutual
interests, apart from Susan?

A kind of business, perhaps?

When you say you "tussled"...?
I was trying to get the g*n out of
his hand. He gave me the black eye.

And what did you give him?

I mean, I may have landed the
odd punch. He fell backwards,

hit his head on a rock or something.
It gave me the chance to run away.

He was alive when I left him.
Excuse me, sir.

It's urgent.

Interview terminated at : pm.

I don't think James Parkes is your
m*rder*r, after all.

And how did you work that one out?
I've identified two separate sets of

These facial bruises and abrasions

were incurred a good hour before
the victim died. Most are slight.

Now, these later
wounds are different:

blows to the head delivered
with lethal force.

Any idea about the m*rder w*apon?

Something unforgiving, blunt...
Butt of a g*n, perhaps?

So James came back later and
polished Grainger off.

Except that from the angle of the
various blows,

I'd say that
the first assailant was left-handed

and the second,
the k*ller, right-handed.

You're being bailed, not released,
Mr Parkes.

Better stay out of trouble.

Is that an official warning
or a personal threat?




Thanks for all your help
with the police, Dad (!)

I can't stop them questioning you,

They let you go, anyway.
Why wouldn't they? I didn't k*ll

Don't you realise, son, everything
comes with a cost?

Sooner or later, someone is going -
You still don't get it, do you, Dad?

All your "truth, honour,
loyalty and morals" crap!

It's the bastards who get what they
want in this world,

not the good guys.

Terry! Yeah?
This could be interesting.

What have you got there?

Get the amm*nit*on boxes off and
stack them by the CP over there.

Come on, lads.
Careful! Careful! Chop, chop!

Soon as the tent's secure, get the
CP cammed up. That's it, Private.

Let's get this show on the road!

We should talk to Layla again, sir.
I'm surprised she hasn't told us
about seeing James and Grainger.

Nothing from France yet,

and nothing to connect James and
Grainger, either.

But he has been going back, though,
about once every eight weeks.

What about Grainger's daughter?

Gail is trying to call her now
in Spain. Good.

Hey, look at this!


Grainger appealed that
speeding fine a month ago,

on the grounds
that both he and his Bentley

were not in the UK at the time.

He's got a bill from a Spanish garage
as proof.

Speed camera proves he's lying.
Does it?

Thank you. James WAS lying, sir.

Susan Grainger isn't a mother
or even pregnant.

And there's something else...


Coppers on the square, sir.
I'll come straight to the point with
you, Captain.

The dead man's daughter says
that he bought his Bentley

- the one you'd never seen before -

from you two years ago.

Yes. I lied.

I should have
told you I knew him straight away.

All right. Can we start again?

Did you see Mr Grainger at any time

on the day he died?

He came to the workshop
that afternoon, about five.

He was interested
in buying another car.

I agreed to contact him,
if another one came up.

It's the last I saw of him, I
promise you.

We know that when he left you, he
went to visit James Parkes.

Do you know why he did that?
No, sorry.

Where were you last Friday night?

I was in the workshop with Ed,
finishing off a job.

He'll verify that.
I'm sure he would.

What car?

Was he looking for?

Oh, er...
Another Bentley. R-type coupe.

Hard to find.

Platoon, atten-tion!

Good effort, everyone.
It's now.

Meet back here at .

Call the men out, Sergeant.
Sir. Platoon, fall out!

Aren't you late for work?
I called in sick.

Where are you going?

♪ Good King Wenceslas looked out

♪ On the feast of Stephen

♪ When the snow lay round about

♪ Deep and crisp and even

♪ Brightly shone the moon that night

♪ Though the frost was cruel

♪ When a poor man came in sight

♪ Gathering winter fuel

♪ In his master's steps he trod

♪ Where the snow lay dented

♪ Heat was in the very sod

♪ Which the saint had printed

♪ Therefore, Christian men, be sure

♪ Wealth or rank possessing

♪ Ye who now will bless the poor

♪ Shall yourselves find blessing ♪

It's time to go home, Stephens.
You're not allowed overtime.

Have a look at this first, sir.

I scanned in that photo of the
speeding car and started diddling.

Oh, you started "diddling", did you?

Parkes's overalls.

Could this be connected with
Grainger's visit to James Parkes?

How? And why
cover it up with a paternity story?

The cleverest lies, Jones, are those
we are already inclined to believe.

Well done, Stephens!

You go home now, have a mince pie.

♪ We Wish You A Merry Christmas

"Hi, this is James's phone.
I'm busy."

It keeps going to his answerphone,

Have you seen James, Mr Mitchinson?
Down the pub, most likely.


Layla's not there either, sir.

Legs apart.
Get that butt in your shoulder.

The enemy have taken up position
at the southwest of the woods.

Our objective is to take the
position with the minimum of

Some people will lead the as*ault
with a dummy patrol
from the northeast. Colonel...

You and I, Sergeant Johnson...
You underway yet?

The enemy are in position. We are
preparing to advance.

Sir, we are looking for James. Have
you seen him?

Not since this afternoon.
Do you mind if I ask around?

The purpose of the exercise
is to dislodge -
One moment please, Captain.

DCI Barnaby would like a word.
Thank you, Colonel. Sorry, Captain.

We're looking for James Parkes.
Has anyone here seen him at all?

MEN: No, sir.


Come on, Jones.
Veterans, fall in!

There's acres of woods out here.
You may need our help.
Torches, Jones!




Look after them, Jones.
Come on, love.




You'll stay with him tonight?
Yeah. Let's get you home, sir.

I'll speak to you tomorrow,
sir, if I may.



Now, ladies, can you please tell me
exactly why you were at the bird
hide? Layla?

Jamie was waiting for me outside the
pub this morning.

He told me to meet him there, or
else. He wanted money.

"Or else" what?

Me and a friend, we've been going
into Causton at night, for business.

Oh, yes, the sex-for-money business.

One night,
Jamie saw me with a punter.

So he threatened to shop you
if you didn't give him money?

Caroline saw me with him this
morning. I told her everything.

She said she'd go with me,
tell Jamie where to shove it!

Penny insisted on coming too.

I thought it was safer if I knew
where she was.

And what was YOUR intention,
Mrs Galsworthy?

I didn't go there to k*ll him.

I just wanted to see him off.

We went to the hide, like he said.

It was dark inside.

I tripped on some brambles
and fell right on top of him.

It's the truth, Chief Inspector.

He was never the grandson
I would've wished for,

but this is not the...end
I would wish on anyone.

Well, you'll all have to sign formal
statements before you're granted

In the meantime,
you'll be pleased to learn

you are all suspects
in a m*rder inquiry.

He's been stabbed
with a sharp implement,
straight through the heart.

Time of death?

Well, he's barely cold. I'd say not
before : or after six.

What've you got there?
m*rder w*apon, sir. Gotta be.

They found it feet from the hut.

That's an old Lewis clasp knife.

No soldier leaves home without one!
And this?

SOCA found this in the wreckage of
the truck at Parkes's yard.

I thought you might be interested.

You had a big win on the horses,
didn't you, Don,

on the night of the expl*si*n?

Did I? There's nothing wrong
with that, is there?

No, no, but the young lady at the
betting shop

told me just now that
you barely got your bet on in time.

So, the question, Don, is...

..who was minding the yard?

Mr James was, sir.


Where's Tom, Ben? His phone's off.
I don't know.
I'm waiting for a call.

So where are you going?
Have a... Toilet, sir.

Ask him to call me, will you?
Yes, sir - John - sir!

What are you doing here, sir?

You mean, "Why are we going back to
the arson case

when we've got two unsolved murders
on our hands?", don't you?

Well that...that's a fair question,

And is there an answer?
Yes, there is.

I should have made
the connection earlier...

between Dale's runs to Marseilles,

the speeding car in Oxford

- that wasn't Grainger's Bentley,
by the way -

and Galsworthy's
classic-car business.

I don't understand, sir.
You don't? Well, neither did I.

Not until I saw the...
the hubcap from the Bugatti

that the Forensics dug out of
this lot.

Hang on, hang on, hang on. Could you
rewind a bit, please?

Grainger bought his Bentley from

It was a perfectly
legitimate transaction.

But then he gets a speeding fine
for an offence committed in Oxford,

on a day when he knew that both he
and his Bentley were in Spain.

And yet the speed camera showed a car
identical to his own.

So he smelt a rat and came to Calham
Cross to sniff it out. Yeah.

Now, he visited James Parkes and

and concluded - correctly -
they were both somehow involved

in stealing his car's identity to
launder similar stolen vehicles
in the UK.

Here, look, have a look at this.
Come on!

So he's spotted the work of a fellow
villain and tried to muscle in?

And where was the stolen car stolen?

And shipped back in bits to the UK

in this - in Dale Mitchinson's lorry.



'Behind a false panel.'

So if you're right...
What do you mean, "if"?

..and Captain Galsworthy's up to his
neck in the car scam,

doesn't that make him and Lovell
suspects for both murders?

I'm quite prepared to believe that,
until James Parkes came back to
Calham Cross a couple of years ago,

you ran a successful and perfectly
legitimate business.

Yes, I did...but things went
totally to pot when Gilly died.

I cancelled jobs... Lost some...

And then Jamie turned up
with a car in bits

and a thin story about a friend
who wanted it restored for cash.

Six weeks later, there was another
car. And then another.

And you provided those stolen cars
with false identities, yeah?

Identities stolen from people like...
Alec Grainger.

(SIGHS) When his body was found, we
were sure that James must have
k*lled him.

Neither of us are murderers,
Mr Barnaby.

But you are trained K*llers, aren't
you? And b*mb makers.

I planted the b*mb.

The Captain was trapped.
There was no digging himself out
with Jamie Parkes!

Don't panic, I've got it all sorted.

I thought if I could make the
Colonel ask more questions about
what was going on...

Dale always stops for his breakfast
at the cafe

and when they've got
a special delivery, that's where
James meets him.

That day, there'd been a road

They couldn't get the truck to their
regular unloading spot.


So they had to do it in the yard.

They drove it back to Dale's and
delivered it here that evening.

You do know you could've k*lled
Don Mitchinson?

There was a small risk, Chief

Acting Chief Superintendent Cotton
will agree with me when I say

that your lines of communication
have strengthened throughout the

'But I phoned the watchman's hut to
try and make sure he was out of the
way in time.'


All right! All right!


"Hello, Parkes Freight. Hello?"


So you blew up the truck, but that
didn't stop James Parkes, did it?

Where were you both between four
and : yesterday afternoon?

We finished the preparations
at the woods by four.

Back to the house for supper,
back to the woods for : .

Can any anyone confirm that?

I am ready to pay for what I've
done. We both are.

But we did NOT m*rder James.

I think he's telling you
the truth, Inspector.

Tim confessed everything to me
this morning.

I told him I'd leave him if
he didn't.

He swears he didn't m*rder anyone.
That is hearsay, that's not proof.

But I saw him and Ed arrive
back from the wood.

Me, sir? Go on, Jones.

Yes, sir?

No time sheets. And no suspects,
either. Am I right, Tom?

Well, we have solved the arson case,
sir, and exposed a car-theft ring.

What about the two outstanding

How many people have you
interviewed? How many pieces of
evidence have you collected?

Are you duplicating tasks? If you'd
been filling in your timesheets -

We haven't had time to fill
in the timesheets, sir.

This is my last day -
Yes, I know, and I was hoping, sir,

to have the m*rder*r behind bars
by suppertime.

Thank you, sir!

What did the Boy Wonder want?
He wanted to enlighten me.

But I may avoid that fate,

if we can make arrests
for the murders before
Father Christmas arrives.

Well, there's good news. The knife
we found belongs to George Barkham.

Initials are etched into it.

And the bad news? It's not the knife
that k*lled James Parkes.

The blade doesn't match the wounds.

We may have the key to the case here.

How does not having the m*rder
w*apon help us crack the case, sir?

Leadership, loyalty and love. They
can be three very dangerous things.

One, two, three. (STRAINS)






You should go home to your family
now, Sergeant.

I'd rather stay with you, sir.
Family understands.

You're a good man, George.

My son...

..was not a good man.
You looked for the best in him, sir.

What any good father would do.
I let him down.

I let us all down.
That's not true, sir.

You're here to arrest me for the
murders? Yes.

No, wait... I told you, it was me,
my knife. The Colonel - George!

My sword, Chief Inspector.

It was about :
last Friday night.

I was in my study.
Jamie burst in, covered in blood.

Said he'd been att*cked in the woods

and um...and k*lled a man,

who was a violent criminal.

I went to the woods
to find the body.

But he wasn't dead, was he?

'I needed to believe, you see.'


'The man was a blackmailer,
a k*ller.

He'd pulled a g*n,
he tried to k*ll Jamie.

It was self-defence. All I was doing
was protecting my son's innocence.'

And myself.





I had the toolbox in my van.

'So you put the body in that toolbox
and dragged it to the lake.'

Then you dumped his possessions
somewhere, and his car.

I hoped the experience would scare
Jamie - finally teach him a lesson.

But er...
The fire.

I'd noticed a van parked
in the garage the afternoon before.

I asked Jamie
about it. As always, he had
quick answers to all my questions.

I was nearly convinced.

'But then your Forensics people
found the hubcap of the Bugatti.'

And then? I'd seen you talking to Tim
down by the lake.

I guessed he must be involved
somehow, so... I confronted him.


I'm depending on your integrity
as an officer and a gentleman,

in light of the current situation,
to tell me what's going on.

But when I found out how many lies
he'd told,

that he'd exploited the innocent
as well as the guilty...

..I called Jamie,

asked him to meet me in the hide
before the exercise began.

Sir, when you went into the woods,

did you intend to k*ll him?


(SNIFFS) I wanted him
to give himself up.

So, I'm here. Make it snappy, Dad.

I've got to go away for a few days.
Don't worry, I'll be back.

I've talked to Tim.

So? We're in business.

You're a fraud, Jamie, and a thief.

And you've turned Tim and Ed Lovell
and Dale into criminals, too!

Oh, yeah?
Did that all by myself, did I (?)

This ends now.
Leave me alone, old man!

We're going to the police. I'm going
back to France. Not this time!

Dad, just let the hell go of me!

Your mother was the very best of
people. I don't want to hear it.

How's it possible you're the worst?

And you don't even know the half of
it do you, eh? Or do you?

What do you mean, Jamie?

All those
good works
for the Barkhams after the accident.

Was that really out of the goodness
of your heart?

Or because
you couldn't bear the thought

that it might just have been me
who knocked her down?

Oh, no! Jamie...

I'll be seeing you, old man.




Your transport's ready, Colonel.

Don't pity me, will you, Barnaby?

No, sir.

Oh, Matt, I'm so very sorry.

I was wrong about him.

And you have nothing
to feel sorry about.

If only that were true!

The difference between a parent's
love and a grandparent's

is that a grandparent's
is not unconditional!

Well, that's my Christmas Eve
stuffed the wrong way up the
chimney, sir.

How about yours?
No, no! With me.


ã , !


♪ God rest ye merry gentlemen

♪ Let nothing you dismay

♪ For Jesus Christ our Saviour...

Time-keeping, Tom! You've missed the
handing-over of the cheque,

the big moment!
Yes, sir, I'm sorry. But we have,
as a result of good teamwork,

put the m*rder*r behind bars.

So I'd heard - well done.

You may not be as pleased when you
see the overtime figures, sir,
in the new year.

We've been filling
in your time sheets.

♪ From God our heavenly Father
a blessed angel came

♪ From God our heavenly Father
a blessed angel came

♪ And unto certain shepherds
brought tidings of the same

♪ And unto certain shepherds
brought tidings of the same

♪ How that in Bethlehem was born
the Son of God by name

♪ How that in Bethlehem was born
the Son of God by name

♪ O tidings of comfort and joy

♪ Comfort and joy

♪ O tidings of comfort and joy ♪

♪ O tidings of comfort and joy ♪