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01x09 - She's Turning Into You

Posted: 01/28/22 12:10
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Andi Mack...

Hi, Mom.

How long will you be staying?

Okay, so much
for the pleasantries, huh?

I wish you would just grow up already!

I have.

I'm here, and I'm raising my daughter.

I live for the day
you tell me you're proud of me.

He's throwing it and you pass it...

What are you doing here?

You two know each other?

He's my dad.

You invaded my privacy,
and you embarrassed me.

I wanted to surprise you.

Just leave me alone.

Andi: What was he doing?

Hey, it's Bowie here.

I just became a dad.

♪ No, I've never seen nothing like you ♪


♪ ♪

How's that paper on the
Lincoln-Douglas debates coming?


I'll finish it.

I just wanna watch this one more time.

You can watch it "one
more time" as many times

as you want. Which, so
far, has been about... ?

Well, I miss him. I miss him a lot.

And now he hates me.

No, he does not.

Then why hasn't he texted me back?

I know it seems forever,
but it's only been a week.

He's probably just
giving you some space.

You'll hear from him.


I don't know, but you will.

That's not comforting.

What would be?

♪ Whenever I'm down
Whenever I fall ♪

♪ I'm tryin' to look up ♪

♪ ♪

- Is it working?
- Is what working?

It's working.

♪ You can call me superstar
Oh whoa ♪

♪ You can call me superstar
Oh whoa ♪

♪ Ooh they wish they'd got this far
Oh whoa ♪

♪ Ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ♪

(retro pop music playing)

(country-western music playing)

♪ ♪

I am totally getting this top.
Don't you love it?

I do!

It's the top I wore in here!

Oh! (laughs)

I'll give you a dollar for it?

(theme music playing)

♪ I'm standing on the edge ♪

♪ And everything I know-oh-oh ♪

♪ Has blown away ♪

♪ Life is upside down ♪

♪ But any way it go-o-oes♪

♪ I'll work it out ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ One, two, three! ♪

♪ I'm ready for tomorrow ♪

♪ Tomorrow starts today ♪

♪ There ain't a map to follow ♪

♪ But I'm with you all the way ♪

♪ I'm ready for tomorrow ♪

♪ Tomorrow starts today ♪

♪ There ain't a map to follow ♪

♪ But I'm with you all the way ♪

♪ All the way ♪

Bex: Hey, we got some good stuff.

I know, right? I love these.

Hopefully, one day I'll be a size nine.

I know that smell.

Like a cat smoked a cigar.

You brought home somebody's
discarded clothes?

They're vintage.

They're moth-eaten.

Can I talk to you a second?

Okay, work with me here.

Andi's been moping
around since Bowie left.

I finally got her to cheer up.

Can we please focus on that?


Don't say "certainly"

unless you actually mean "certainly."

Don't be disrespectful to me, Rebecca.

You are living under my roof.

It's my roof, too, Mom,
in case you forgot.

Before you threw me out,
this was my home.

I did not throw you out.

- I don't wanna fight.
- You brought it up.

I'm sorry I did.

I'm gonna go be with Andi,
make sure she's okay.

Hey! Marty from the party.

Please. My friends call me
Mr. The Party.

Oh, are we friends now?

Well, you're not calling me
eleven-point-five anymore.

Only because it'll be confusing
when that's my name, too.

You know, you get a real sparkle in

your eye when you're overconfident.

I like it.

Ugh. He's so full of himself.

Don't you just wanna
wipe that smirk off his face?

Do you?

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. It's just, your
trash talk sounds a lot more

like flirt talk lately.

There's so much electricity
between you and Marty,

my hair's standing on end.

Or, it would be, if it wasn't
such a thick, beautiful mop.

You two don't know
what you're talking about.

Look, it's not a bad thing.

I actually think it's nice
you're being a little...

you know, less competitive.

I wanna race.

(laughs) All right, you got it.

Ready? Set, go!

I mean it. A real race to
prove once and for all

who's the fastest.

Come on, Buffy. Does it really matter?

Yes. It matters.

Okay, then. When are you ready to lose?

I'm ready to win tomorrow after school.

I'll see you at the finish line...

three-tenths of a second after me.

Clever, but I don't think so.

You'll be staring
at my back the whole race.

In fact, let me give you
a preview right now.

Did that sound flirty?


I mean, maybe in the way

the praying mantis flirts
before eating her mate.

I was in a race once. It's true.

You wanna know how it ended?

You lost?

Obviously. Besides that, I
tripped over the finish line.

It's a painted line, guys.

I don't even know how I did it.

Did Jonah just pretend not to see me?

Wow, that was an actual ghosting.

I've never seen one in person.

Ghosting, scary concept.

What does that mean,
that you're dead to him?


Does it?

When was the last time
you spoke to him?

I was behind my chair,
in my thermal pajamas

that I've had since I was eight!

I can't believe he saw me like that!

Right... not your finest moment, Andi.

Or your finest pajamas.

Oh, Andi.


Look, can I just apologize
for the other day?

I didn't mean to flip out, I was just...
surprised to see you.

So you're not mad at me?

Why would I be mad?

I don't know.

I should've asked you
before I just showed up.

And the whole Amber text thing...

Totally over that! Heh. Don't
need to talk about it again.

And you can come over anytime.

Come over today if you want.

Okay. Sweet!


Yeah. Why not?

Uh, wait. I can't. There's
something I have to do.

Oh. Okay.

But if you still wanna hang out,
I actually could use some help.

I'm up for anything.
Just name it and I'll be there.

I have to get Amber a birthday present.


Andi! Jonah!

Look at you guys, here!


We're getting a birthday
present for Amber.

You remember her, right, Bex?

Jonah's girlfriend
who's still his... girlfriend.

Yes, I do.

What a sweetheart.

So, Jonah, uh, what were you thinkin'?

(laughs) I don't know!

Amber never likes what I give her,

and she won't tell me what she wants.

It's like this fun guessing game
that we play that I never win.

It... It isn't really fun.

Like I said, what a sweetheart.

How about makeup?

She'd love that!

I... I think.

I wouldn't know what to get.

Don't worry, I'll show you everything...

on Andi!

On Andi?

Why on Andi?

Come on, this way.
This is gonna be so fun!

This is foundation.

It helps minimize pores, just in
case Amber's are a little big.

I mean, we can't all have
great skin like this.

This highlights Andi's cheekbones.

Does Amber have cheekbones?
I can't remember.

♪ I wanna tell it to the trees ♪

♪ I wanna hear it
whispered back to me ♪

See how this makes her eyes sparkle?

Not that Andi needs makeup,

but sometimes it's nice to be
noticed in a different way.

Right, Jonah?


You look really pretty.


♪ Crazy as that dream might seem ♪

♪ Everybody loves a dream or two ♪

So many questions.

One of my track shoes is gone!

I don't understand.
It was right here in my gym bag!

Okay, deep breath. Retrace your steps.

Did you have your bag with me all day?

Yes! It hasn't been out of my sight!

Except for when I left it in Spanish
and later in the cafeteria.

I know where it is.

I'm so relieved.

Marty! Marty took it.

Suddenly, not so relieved.

He wants to sabotage me because he's

afraid I'm going to win tomorrow.

And you know what they say:
If the shoe fits,

someone's going to steal it so
you can't wear it and beat him.

Okay. One... people don't say that.

And two... please, please, please,

just promise me you won't
do anything stupid.

Fine. I promise I won't
do anything stupid.

I wanna believe you, but
that wild look in your eyes

is making it difficult.

And the fact that you didn't
respond to that last statement.

Jonah Beck said I looked pretty.

Can you believe it?

Of course I can believe it.
You're amazing.

No, you're amazing.

How'd you come up
with that makeover idea?

I know a little something about boys.

And, that one likes you,
even if he doesn't know it yet.

You don't know that!

You'll see.

Someday you'll look back
on this basket of baby taters

and realize how smart I am.

Why did you have to leave?


When I was a baby.

It's just, this is so much fun.

Boy talk, thrift shopping,
baby taters...

we could've always been doing this.

You could've always been here.

Okay. You wanna do this now?

Let's do it.

I won't dodge any more
of your questions.

Oh. I wasn't expecting an answer.

I just wanna sit here
and listen to you tell me

how Jonah Beck secretly likes me.


Well, we might need
milk shakes for that.

Both: Waiter!


(laughing continues)

- You're late for dinner.
- I know, I'm sorry.

We already ate.

Are you wearing makeup?

Not that much.

Relax. It all comes off with
a little soap and water.

No Andis were harmed in this makeover.


I seem to remember
that when you first got here,

you said you'd only be
staying for a short time.

What are you saying?

She's saying she wants me to move out.

Cece, no. Please, don't.

Bex coming back is the best thing
that has ever happened to me.


Don't make her leave again.

Again? What did you tell her?

Nothing, I swear.

Andi, it was your welfare
I was thinking about.

It... It really was for the best.

Mom! Stop talking,
I didn't tell her anything!

What didn't you tell me?

And what was for the best?


I get it.

You didn't leave when I was born.


sent her away.


I... uh...

Bex: I tried talking to her last night.

She just wanted to be left alone.

I don't want her to think
I sent you away.

Well, I know that's not what you think.

Because that's not what happened.

Mom, we've been having
this fight for years.

I've resigned myself to the fact that

we'll never agree what happened.

But now Andi needs to know.

Well, we're not telling her your story.

Well, I certainly don't
want her to hear yours.

Well, we gotta figure something out.

We can't just leave her
stuck in his limbo.

I know. I can't imagine
how this is affecting her.

(heavy metal playing)



Bex: Have a good day.

It's happening.

My worst nightmare is happening.

What's happening?

She's turning into you.

And I can't watch.

Why would you wear all that stuff
if you were just gonna take it off?

I was making a point.

- Which was?
- That if Cece's gonna make decisions

without consulting me,

there are going to be consequences.

Oh, that's good.

Because adults are always
telling us about consequences.

And Cece deserves it.

She sent Bex away
without even asking me.

You were... a baby.

That's true, but it doesn't
change how I feel.

And feelings aren't always
rational, okay?

Mine are.


- You coming?
- Yeah, just give me a second.

- What are you doing?
- (water sloshes)

I'm making a point, too.

An incredibly disgusting one.

Yo, Andi!

Thanks again for yesterday.

That was fun.

Sure, anytime.

I'm really glad you said that.

Amber loved the makeup!

But she hated my card.

"Happy Birthday. From Jonah."

It gets the job done.

She said she wanted
more emotion-y stuff.

She gave it back so I can try it again.

Amber's really good
at giving me second chances.

Yeah, that's, um, one of
her many good qualities.

So, could you tell me what to write?

Just write what you feel.

I don't know how to do that.

I just need something really nice
that sounds like I wrote it.

Could you help me?


Sure. Sure.

I have class right now,
but, um... maybe later.

Awesome. Thanks, Andi.

You're a great... pal.


What are you smiling about?


Ugh. Your sneakers
are dripping on my sneakers.

They're not my sneakers.

Oh, no, you have that wild
look in your eyes again.

Please tell me they're not...

My sneakers!

Of course.

Why do you have them?

And why are they wet?

You stole my shoe yesterday,
so, I stole yours.

And they may have gone for a
little swim in the girls' room.

I didn't take your shoe!

Oh, really? Then who did?

No one.

It was in my mom's car.

Must've fallen out when we gave
you a ride home the other day.

Wanna skip to the part
where we're laughing about this?


Is there something you wanna say to me?

I'll replace these.

Yeah, you will. But those weren't
the words I was looking for.

What's his problem?

Just a guess? I think he
wanted you to say "I'm sorry."

Why didn't he just say so?

Maybe he wanted you to come
up with the idea on your own?

I can't be trusted to come
up with ideas on my own!

Exhibit A.

- Hey!
- Hey.

What happened to your new look?

Was Cece freaked out?

Oh, yeah.

Then it served its purpose.

Are you looking for someone?


Let's get out of here.

But I... don't wanna go home.

Me neither.

Great, so where are we going?


But I just said...

I thought you said we were going home.

We are.

This is where we live now.


Welcome home.

Bex: Next, on Andi Mack...

What's going on with your pants?

Andi: Bex did the laundry.

It smells like kiwi.

Andi: It's like this adventure...

Did we blow another fuse?

...that I didn't know I was going on.

Andi: We haven't spoken
to Cece since we left.

It's not like we're still fighting.

I think you should call them.

I think she should call me.

Andi: Now it's more a game of chicken.

Can't you guys just move back?

I don't think that's an option.
