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01x14 - Seven Is Enough

Posted: 01/28/22 11:08
by bunniefuu
If they're our grandma and grandpa, why do we have to call him "Colonel"?

The flight zone is for the immediate loading...

That's because your grandpa was a soldier, and he is very proud of it, so we call him "Colonel" out of respect.

I thought it was out of fear. It is for me.

I'm scared of both of them. I don't know why we all have to come pick 'em up, especially on the one Friday we all have off from school.

I mean, they only like Mom and Mary, anyway.

We all pick them up because that's what we always do.

That's what they like... and your father won't do it alone.

Bingo. But they're his parents.

Why can't we go inside?

Because they don't like any big emotional gatherings.

Hey, do you think they'll bring the candy?

I hate the candy.

Me, too-- it's as hard as a rock, and it doesn't even taste good.

I don't think anyone's ever finished a whole piece of it.

Let me set your minds at ease.

Yes, they're going to bring the candy.

They always bring the candy.

They think we love the candy, and we're going to keep letting them think that.

Otherwise, they'll start bringing something we like less.

Now, look, Grandma Ruth and the Colonel love us.

They love to visit us, and we are going to be just as thrilled to see them as they are to see us.

I bet they all came.

Of course they all came. All seven of 'em.

They travel in a pack, like wolves.

Have you got the candy?

No, I checked it with the luggage.

It's too heavy to carry.

I don't know why they love it so much.

It's ugly, and it tastes terrible.

I know, and they go on about it like they've never seen candy before.

Those kids go on about everything.

Oh, you see 'em over there?

Would you look at those teeth?

How can they have such good teeth when they eat all that candy?

They're here.

They've spotted us.

Oh, hi! All right.

All right, time to paste on the smiles.

Hey, you made it. Hi, Grandpa.

Dad. Eric.

You look good. How was your flight?

Oh, Annie.

Hi, Eric!

Oh, and Mary. Where is our Mary?

Oh, it's good to be here.



I'm-I'm rewiring the house onto a clapper system, a-a-and I haven't quite got all the kinks worked out yet.

I'll go get that.

By kinks, she means we never quite know what things are going to turn on or off around here anymore.

Oh, Grandma, you brought the candy? Oh, the candy.

You know how the kids love the candy.

Pass out that candy, Ruth.

Great. Still, uh, divvying it up according to our sizes.

That's right, and you got the most.

If I'd seen all that hair, I would've brought more.

Honey, I'm losing it.

Uh, Mom, Colonel, you must be bushed.

Why don't I take you upstairs. You can unpack, relax?

We are tired.

Oh, very tired, but I think we can manage to get to the room.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, Annie, we were so sorry when we heard about your mother.

Yes, a fine, fine woman she was.

How's your father holding up?

Um, he's... he's okay.

You know, it's just going to take some time.

Ruth, let's remember to send Annie's father some steaks.


My parents.

Steaks and candy cure everything.

What are you waiting for? Run. Run for your lives.

The middle girl-- wha-what's her name?


Lucy, yes.

You know, she talks more than Eric does.

I cannot believe that she went on and on about her knucklehead boyfriend the entire way from the airport.

If I get cornered like that again, I am going to swallow a Rockeye anti-armor b*mb and throw myself out a window.

They sure push the envelope on perky.

Well, we're lucky to have Annie and Mary.

You know, our Mary has got enough salt to make jerky.

That Annie-- she's always been a doer.

She's not afraid to get her hands dirty.

Yeah. Well, they're all young yet.

They sure can use our influence.

We should probably think about coming out here more than once a year. Forget it.

We can't afford the candy.

So, you want to tell us how to survive the next seven days?

All right.

Never make eye contact with either of them.

They see that as a challenge.

Keep moving.

Don't let 'em get a fix on you.

Three, and most important:

Never show fear.

I've been doing this for 16 years.

The Colonel and fear are like shark and blood.

He smells it. He feeds on it.

Well, then I must be like a 12-course dinner, because he scares me plenty.

What's everybody doing in here?

Same thing you are.


I'm going to the hardware store, and I thought maybe if you're not too tired, you may want to join me.

We would love to.

Did you make a list?

Yeah, right here. Good girl.

Hi. Where you guys going?

Oh, we're on our way to the hardware store-- I'd ask you to come along, but I know how much you hate the place.

Yeah, but at least I could spend some time with Grandma Ruth and the Colonel.

Oh, now, Lucy dear, we're going to be here for a few days.

If-if you don't like hardware, there's no sense in going. Well, that's right.

We'll have plenty of time to visit later.

No, really, it'll give us a chance to talk.

Well, I'll go.

That way, you'll have someone to talk to.

Well, come on, troops, let's go.

Well, at least I got my Viper to think about.

What if you don't win the rattle?

It's "raffle." Of course I'm going to win.

How come?

'Cause I'm the kind of kid that incredibly lucky stuff happens to.

Oh, yeah.

It's so cute.


The Viper is not cute.

It's cool, awesome, classic, rad, bad or ultimate-- it's not cute.

Got it?

Got it. Locked it up, threw away the key.

Knock it off.

And the first time Dad met Jimmy, he didn't really like him, but now I think now he does, even though he's shy, because some people get weird out about that, but that's okay, because he talks to me about everything.

Like, yesterday at lunch, he was saying how much he was worried about his math test.

I think one piece should do it.

Emma, those are very pretty.

I-I-I never noticed you wearing that necklace before.

Oh, well, I haven't had it for very long.

I'm widowed, and my husband never had the money to buy me wedding rings, so my son gave them to me about a month or so ago, you know, to kind of make up for it.

Hey, Luce, I'm sorry about that.

Quiet. Look at the rings on her chain.

Mom, those look exactly like yours.

Yeah, they do.

I noticed.

You see... you see, um, a-a couple of months ago, um, my son Matt and I were held up, and the robber took my wedding rings, and they look very similar to yours, but-but they're not quite the same.

How terrible.

You all weren't hurt, were you?

No, no, we were just a little bit shaken up.

We'll see you, Emma.

Thanks. Take care, Annie.

Annie... do you think those are your rings?

I can't imagine Emma Hooten would be wearing my stolen wedding rings.

Have you met her son?


Then you don't know what kind of boy he might be.

They're not mine. Really.

Thought you were going to the hardware store.

Well, I did. I had Annie drop me here.

I figured we ought to talk.

Uh, Dad... do you mind putting out the cigar?

There's kind of no smoking in the church.

Hmm. I bet God enjoys a good cigar now and again.

Well, if, uh, if He walks in here, and He's smoking, why don't you feel free to light yours up again.


Eric, what happened when your sister was out here?

Is she all right?

No, Dad, she's not.

She's an alcoholic... but she's tough, and she's fully committed to rehab, and she's digging herself out.

Tough people don't become alcoholics.

All kinds of people become alcoholics.

Well, I suppose so, but not people with discipline and focus.

It's a good thing you kids never tried the service.

You wouldn't have lasted two minutes.

Well, the service was, uh, was never really a dream of mine.

You are a dreamer, Eric. Always have been.

I guess that's why your kids are dreamers.

My kids are fine.

Well, they're not fine.

You just don't see it.

That Matt's going to be real trouble.

He's a rebel.

Little Lucy is in desperate need of attention and approval.

Ruthie and Simon are well on their way to being spoiled rotten.

It's not that they're not good kids.

It's just that I see the possibility of trouble in the future.

I think I know my kids a little better than you do.

Well, son, I'm sure you think you do but with five children, you've got to have eyes in the back of your head.

I probably don't miss as much as you think I do.


How many people are breathing in this room?




All right, young fella, I think you've got some explaining to do.

What are you, a cop?

No, I'm Colonel John Camden, United States Marine Corps, and this is private property.

Chill out, Schwartzkopf.

Hi, there.

I'm Eric Camden, the Reverend.

Nice to meet you.

I'm George, the orphan.

I talked to my friend, Joan Kleric, at the orphanage and his name really is George, and he really is an orphan, and he just got returned two weeks ago from his twelfth foster home.

Oh, the poor little guy.

Apparently, George has figured out that, uh, at the ripe old age of nine, he isn't considered a particularly good catch, adoption-wise.

This is the third time he's run away in six months.

Boy's got guts and initiative.

But how did he wind up in your office?

He was a part of a kids group that Joan brought to Sunday services.

She said, the next day he asked a lot of questions about me, and that night, he took off.

He's been gone two weeks.

That orphanage is over 20 miles away.

How could someone that young manage?

He must be a tough little thing.

Survival skills, street smarts.

He's a born Marine.

Dad, he's nine.

But I was hoping you'd feel that way, 'cause, well, I just was wondering if it'd be okay with everybody if we kept him here.

I could bring him back Monday morning.

Is that okay?

Sure. He's as cute as can be, and-and the kids seemed to like him.

Mom, Dad?

Oh, absolutely.

Who would notice another kid around here?

I think it's a crackerjack idea.

Having that homeless boy around might make everyone appreciate how easy they have it.


Ah. It's a sensitive system.

It's like part hot rod, part Luke Skywalker's ship.

Yeah, I know.

And pretty soon all those parts are gonna be mine.

How are you getting one of these?

I entered a raffle at the mall.


So, I'm like the world's luckiest human.

It's kind of like a super power.

If I was to become a superhero, I'd probably call myself Luckyman.

If you decided to become a superhero, I'd come up with a better name.

Luckyman sounds lame.

Just go to sleep and drop it.

Fine. Good night.

Mom and her dumb clapper system!

Good night, Luckyman.

Just drop it.

Why are you sleeping down here?

Mom and Dad are staying in my room.

They're letting the Colonel and Grandma Ruth stay in their bedroom so they can use Mom and Dad's bathroom.

That way the two of them aren't sneaking around the halls at night-- we know right where they are.

Can I sleep with you, Matt?

Sure, come on.

There you go.

I don't want to be around George.

He makes me want to cry because he doesn't have a Mommy and Daddy.

Well, maybe some day, George will find the right family.

I hope so.

You said this would be romantic.

And I'm man enough to admit I was wrong.

What's bothering you?

You mean other than the fact that I haven't gotten along with my parents for 40 years?

Mm. You're used to that.

You want to adopt George, don't you?


We can't really afford another child.

He's bound to have some emotional problems.

We'd-we'd have to give it a lot of thought before making that commitment.

So you want him?

I don't know.

We did always say we'd adopt after Mary.

Mm. Then after Lucy.

Then after Simon.

And now it's after Ruthie.

But we'd be crazy to even consider it...

I guess.


We are crazy.

We'll talk to the kids and George... tomorrow.

I can't.

My parents are right down the hall.

It's just...

And you are what, 12?

When they're here, yes.

My God, you're still as gorgeous as you were 43 years ago, when they carried me into that medevac unit in Korea.

I never thought I'd be happy to have a b*llet in the spleen or a lung-full of mustard gas, but there you were.

You ready to play?

Am I ready to play?

Come here.

The name of the game is Five Card Draw.

I thought they were all asleep.


I can't sleep.

Want to deal me in?

Get your wallet and close the door.

Now listen, George, you can fool my son with this Huckleberry Finn act of yours, but that doesn't fly up here.

It's time you came clean.

Oh, come on, Colonel.

He's just a youngster, remember?

Let Grandma Ruth try.

Okay, spill your guts, flimflam boy.

You saw my son as an easy target from the start.

I bet they're talking about adopting you right now, thinking it's their idea.

You're a cagey little rascal, aren't you?

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

I met the Reverend, tracked him down and he took the bait.

I see, and what do you think, now that you've scoped the place out?


I didn't know these reverend guys could marry.

I was sort of hoping to be the only child.

So, Colonel Camden, you ever seen any real action or are you just a pencil pusher?

Real action?!

Son, let me tell you about a little dance called the Korean w*r.

I hope this is about getting George back to the orphanage as soon as possible.

The kid's starting to get on my nerves.

What's up?

Well, we're thinking that maybe George shouldn't go back to the orphanage.

Like ever.

Excuse me?

We're going to adopt him?

Well, that's what we wanted to talk to you guys about.

Your dad and I want to adopt him.

He needs a home.

And his chances of finding one are about as good as Simon's are of winning that car.

Not amusing, Dad.

Do you really think he'll get enough quality time here?

Can we afford him?

I mean, it's a lot to take on.

Let me just say what the rest of us are thinking.

This is a seriously un-great idea.


We were sort of hoping you'd be a little more enthusiastic.

Yeah, but at this point, we'll take "vaguely interested."

I'm vaguely interested.

Well, that's...

Oh, hi.

Get some breakfast before the herd gets back.

Where is everybody?

Outside. Family meeting.

What's going on?

It's probably about me.

You know, the big adoption meeting.

Well, whatever happens, it'll all work out.

You're a fine, decent boy.

You bet.

Hey, if this family takes me, I'll count my blessings and be a man about it.

Eric and Annie should not be adopting that boy.

Oh, they won't, dear.

And if they do, they'll be in for the fight of their lives.

So where were you for "All opposed?"

Oh, yeah, like I want to be on record for saying:

"Sorry, Mom and Dad, but I vote

"the little orphan kid that you want to adopt should be thrown out in the street."

Besides, it's going to take a lot of time and attention to get George adjusted.

I mean, Ruthie'll be jealous, so Mom and Dad'll have to give her lots of time and attention.

Simon doesn't even like George, so it's gonna take a lot of time and attention to get them bonded.

And Lucy will be freaking out about her quality time thing, so Mom or Dad'll have to give her extra time and attention, too.

That'll pretty much tap them out.

Oh, leaving us time and attention free.

Feel like doing anything... different?

Like learning how to drive?

Give me a break, I don't even have a learner's permit.

See, that's something somebody would notice only if they were paying attention.

Come on, we'll take it up to the church and back.

Let the games begin.

Deal. I'm in.

Thanks, you know, for everything.

I guess you're not interested in our opinion about this.

Oh, we're always interested in your opinion, Colonel-- because you're here and stuff.

I... I don't know why you'd have an opinion about this.

This adoption doesn't have anything to do with you.

Well, that's... that's not quite right-- it does mean that once a year, you'll have to bring an extra bag of candy out with you.

What the hell does that mean?

It means that we...

Annie and I, are going to... raise and take responsibility for George.

It means we're going to... guide him, and protect him and love him, so I don't see where your opinion fits into any of this.

Oh, that's wonderful-- you're dreaming again.

Who's gonna pay for the kid?

The adoption, the court costs?

And let's not even get into how you're going to send him to college, or any of your other five, for that matter.

They'll get to college the same way I did, Dad-- they'll get jobs.

You still resent me for not paying your way.

Still resent you.

I never resented you for that.

Yes, you did then, and you still do.

But you and your sister needed to learn that you have to work to get the things that are important.

I know that, Dad. I get it.

Yes, you get it, because I taught you the value of hard work and discipline.

And I'm happy to credit you accordingly.

We just thought you might already have your hands full.

And if you have a problem with candy, you should've said something years ago.

I should've said a lot of things years ago.

You know, if I feel like going out for a drive, I take a real car.

By the time I was Ruthie's age, one of my foster brothers had already taught me how to hot-wire a car.

Were you supposed to teach me this?

Is this something I should know?

No. He doesn't know, either.

Do, too. Foreign or domestic.

Just tell me, I'm behind, aren't I?

No, you're not.

I don't believe you.

Oh, the kid sitting in the cardboard box with his little sister doesn't believe me.

Boo-hoo. Why don't you prove it?

I'm sorry... for bugging you guys yesterday at the hardware store.

It's just that...

I... well...


I... I'm really glad you're here.

I wish I knew what she wanted from us.

Oh, uh, we wondered if we might borrow a car.

I need to pick up some things at the hardware store.

I-I'd be happy to take you.

I appreciate the offer, Annie.

I'd, uh, just prefer to drive myself, always have.

To tell you the truth, we'd just like to get out on our own for awhile.

Well, the keys are on the hook by the back door.

Take the wagon, it has a full t*nk.

Thanks. Shouldn't be long.

Take your time.

He drives like he's leading the last convoy out of Saigon.

Honey, he did lead the last convoy out of Saigon.

Yeah, but I didn't have to pay the insurance on his t*nk.

If you want me to tell Mom and Dad, I will.

That's okay, I parked the van so close to the wall they'll never see it.

So you don't think they'll notice the scratch?

Hopefully, they'll be paying attention to other things.

By the way, you are an extremely bad driver.

Were your eyes open at any point during the trip? Oh, please.

Our van is huge, and that guy's mailbox was practically in the middle of the street.

We're headed out. Can we drop you somewhere?

Uh, like maybe at the barber?

Oh, uh, no, thanks.

See, I just got my hair cut a couple of days ago so I'd look great for your arrival. Oh, that is pretty, yes.

Next time, have the guy use scissors.

Hey, Luce, I'm going to the grocery store.

You want to keep me company?

Or tell me what's going on?

Nothing. It's stupid.

I'll bet it isn't.

It's just that I'm trying so hard to get close to the Colonel and Grandma Ruth, and it's not working, and the reason it's not working is because they don't like me.

That's not true.

They love you very much.

The Colonel would throw himself in front of a moving car for you.

The Colonel would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun.

Yeah, probably.

Look, they have their own way of doing things.

They just don't express themselves like...

Normal people?

Or like anyone we've met.

But Grandma Ruth is the only grandma I have left.

I know.


It's okay.

I'm glad you're getting your rings back.

What? That's why they went to the hardware store, isn't it?

To get your rings back from that woman? Oh, no. What have I done?


Eric! What? What?

Are you okay? Your parents have gone to get my rings back.

What rings?

My wedding rings-- the clerk at the hardware store was wearing my wedding rings on a necklace, but I wasn't sure at all they were mine, but your parents saw it.

And with our car, you've made them mobile.

You were saying?

How do I look?

Like you're in big trouble.

Get out of the car. Now!

We weren't doing anything.

It looks like you were playing in the car. Don't worry.

He wasn't gonna go anywhere, he was just gonna start it.


Don't help me anymore.

It wasn't his fault.

It was my idea.

Maybe you should just send me back to the orphanage.

You know the kid might be right.

It's time for a little tough love here.

Simon, zip it-- the three of you, upstairs.

Now! Come on.

By "the three of you," he means you, too.

I can count.

I can't hot-wire, but I can count.

We'll deal with them when I get back with my parents.

Anybody want to ride along?

Eh, chickens.

You wouldn't happen to have seen an incredibly intimidating man with white hair and a tall arrogant woman with perfect posture, have you?

No, not yet.

And I would remember.

My husband d*ed recently, and I find myself noticing couples a lot.

I know, weird.

No, it's not weird at all. I'm very sorry for your loss.

This is a little awkward.

Uh... my wife told me that... those rings were a gift from your son, but... they look an awful lot like the ones that I gave her 18 years ago, and...

I-I'd be willing to pay you for them or replace them.

Well, I-I appreciate your situation, but your wife said they weren't hers.

And these mean a lot to me.

I'm not letting go of them.

I've lost enough.

I'm sorry.

All right, thank you.

I'm sorry we just dropped in on you, but we're only in town a few days and there's a lot of ground to cover.

Oh, I'm thrilled that you're here.

George needs a strong father, and, you know, adoptions between older children and older couples are often the best matches.

Well, we... we flirted with adoption in the past, but it was just never the right time.

Well, I hope this time it is.

It was easy enough to arrange for a social worker to meet with you once you get back to New York.

But, of course, a lot of things are easier-- when the governor calls ahead.

Well, he and I went through basic together back when we were just pups.

He could take out the enemy with a rolled up newspaper.

Lovely man.

Oh, I wish I could be there when you break the news to everyone.

Oh, yes, yes.

It'll be something, all right.

Well, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

We're going to w*r.

Oh, well...

Ah, sorry to be so long.

The day just got away from us.

Sorry we didn't call about dinner, but I hope it's not too late for dessert.

Oh, with this group, it's never too late-- you didn't have to do this. Where have you been all day?

Well, if you must know, we paid a visit to George's social worker.

Your father and I have talked about this.

We have decided to adopt George.

Uh... let's talk about this calmly and rationally.

There's nothing rational about this.

Well, let's start with calmly and take it from there.

George is not your average kid-- he's had a tough life.

The adoption itself is gonna be hard on him-- he's gonna need a lot of love and support.

You have a corner on that market?

No, of course not, but support of any kind is not one of your strong suits.

That's not true.

You two ever remember holding me or Julie when we were upset?

Did you ever allow us to express any of our feelings?

If you're asking me if we wiped your noses and held your hands, the answer is no.

No, we didn't have time, because we were too busy keeping a roof over your heads and food on the table.

Well, there's more to parenting than that.

Oh, and what does that mean?

It means that you are not the parents for George.

I love you, and I love this family, but you and this family are not the best match for George.

George needs structure and discipline.

Oh, yes, and love and support, and I'm sorry if you think your mother and I didn't give you enough of that.

But let me tell you this: as bad a father as you think I was, I never, never would've stuck with a decision that would upend my family and deny a nice little human being what was best for him, and all of that out of spite!

Not letting you adopt George has nothing to do with spite.

Are you sure about that?!

I'm going to go for a walk.

I suppose you agree with Eric.

Only when he's right.

Okay, okay, let me have it.

Are you sure?

Absolutely. I don't cry easily.

Well, apparently, that's part of the problem.

Just give it to me straight.

You're not terribly supportive and it shows in a lot of hurtful ways.

That's straight.

You're a little distant and a little opinionated and some of your jokes are cruel.

You and the Colonel are formidable.

And you are awfully tough on people.

The Colonel would say only the weak see us as tough.

Well, the Colonel would be wrong.

Besides, most people are weaker than you two.

Patton was weaker than you two.

No, no, too late.

Don't try and kiss up now.

Oh, Annie, Annie, thank you for being so honest with me.

Don't thank me yet.

I need your help with something.


It's just that Lucy was really hoping to connect with you.

You see, with... with my mother gone, you're the only grandmother she has.

She really misses my mom, so I thought if she could just connect with you maybe she'd feel a little less lonely.

I'll see what I can do.

Even if you win the Viper, Mom and Dad will never let you sit in it.

Not if I win, when I win.

I'm lucky, remember?

If you're so lucky, how come we can only leave this room to go to the bathroom?

Because George is a jinx.

Well, you better get used to it because he's going to be around for a long, long time.

And so it begins.

What are you doing?

We move out first thing in the morning.

Then take me with you. Please!

George, that's enough.

You're lucky to be living here and I won't stand for any whining about it.

Why can't you adopt me?

I'll be good.

I'll stay out of your way.

You won't even know I'm there.

George, listen to me.

Eric is smart about things like this.

He knows what's right, He's a good man, a smart man and if you're, if you're lucky you'll grow up to be like him.

Anyway, why would you want to live with a couple of old warhorses like us?

You've got a whole houseful of great kids right here.

They're all dreamers.

There's nothing wrong with a little dreaming.

No. It's time you settled down and started some dreaming of your own.

I already did.

My dream was to be with you.

I want you to be a good boy and I want you to stay out of trouble.

And that's an order.

Yes, sir.

Excuse me.

You just scared me to death!

I'm sorry. I know what that's like.

My mom and I were robbed once.

Some guy put a g*n to my head and took everything we had, including my mom's wedding rings.

Those rings.

I was too afraid to do anything at the time.

Well, it sounds like you had good reason to be scared.

Yeah, maybe.

But it changed the way I looked at things, you know?

Mostly at myself.

I'd like to have the old me back.

I don't know if that's ever going to happen, but I sure would like my mom to have her wedding rings back.

I'll leave you, so you two can talk.

Actually, I had something I wanted to show you.

Really? Uh-huh.

You know, your relationship with Jimmy Moon reminded me of something.

What's that?

This is the first love letter the Colonel ever wrote to me.

I keep it in my wallet.

After spending time together, I can tell you are a person who appreciates great passion.

"My dearest Poochie Check"?

I wasn't crazy about that name either, but Poochie Check was the dog in the Colonel's favorite comic strip.

I used to cut it out and send it to him every day.

Just see that it gets back to me in the morning.

And don't you tell the Colonel I showed you that.

Okay. Thank you.

Poochie Check?

Oh, hi, Matt. Did we wake you?

Oh, nah.

I would've stopped sleeping eventually.

Solve the problems of the world yet?

Uh, no, but it's still early.

Oh. Thanks.

You know, I was thinking, remember that night that guy robbed us?

Very well.

Well, now you can let it go.

I'm going to.


Sorry you gotta go.

I know.

We plan to come back more often.

We want to see you play in that basketball game.

Thanks for sharing.

Hey, thanks for the candy.


Oh, anytime, anytime.

Now listen, you.

No boys and no cars for at least another ten years.


Then what?

Uh, we'll, uh, we'll talk again.

Good plan.

The cab's here.

Dad, hang on.

You forgot these.

It's George's adoption papers.

We were up all night talking about it and your names should go on them.

Well, the last I heard, you thought we weren't fit parents for fish.

Only some fish.

You're the family George wants... and needs.

You mean...?

Yes, George, after waiting all this time for a family, we think you deserve to be with the people that you want to be with.

Oh, Annie, thank you.

Life doesn't give you many chances to go back and do things again.

And maybe do them better.

I know.

And I know you did the best you could.

Whatever problems that my sister and I may have had, we also had parents who, uh... who took care of us and worked hard for us and...

God, after 18 years and five, almost six kids, I know that's no small potatoes.

You're quite a man, Reverend.

So are you, Colonel.

We haven't done so well with the father-son deal.

Should we just try... friends?

Yeah, it sounds good.


Okay, George, you ready to roll?

We gotta get you home.

Yes, sir.

Home sounds good.


I'll get that.

Hi. Excuse me.

I'm from the raffle committee, here to present a brand-new Viper to a Mr. Simon Camden.

Aka Luckyman.

You've got to be kidding.

I've been expecting you.

What?! You won the Viper?!


We have to check this out.

You didn't get enough yesterday, huh?

You owe the guy down the street an apology and 50 bucks for their broken mailbox.

We'll talk about the scratch on the van, and driving without a permit and how your lives are going to change dramatically because of restrictions, but, uh... later, when there are no witnesses.

Mr. Camden, Simon, unless I'm mistaken, you're not 18 yet...


...which makes you ineligible to keep this car.

I know. I just wanted to win it and give my supernatural luck a workout.

Don't worry.

I only use my powers for good.

The kid wins a raffle, now he's got super powers.

And who am I to argue?

Is the scary guy still looking at me?

Ruth, George-- son--

...time to step it up and move it out.

Love you forever.

I love you.

We'll be back soon.

Wait, wait, here we are.

Would it be okay if my dad just took me for a ride around the block?

Uh, whatever the boy wants.

Fine-looking boy, too.

Ooh, a Viper!

There's a lot of horses under that hood.

Maybe I should drive him.

Whose parents were just here for three days?

Oh, all right. Have fun.

You know, I can't believe that in six years I'm gonna have to teach you how to drive.

Yeah, and in seven, you can teach your brother.


Well, George is your brother now, right?

Well, now that you mention it, I... I guess he is.

Poor George.