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10x10 - The Sound of Drums

Posted: 01/26/22 13:44
by bunniefuu
Well, what do you think?

It's the Rossi's Ponderosa.

I tried to build
him just like yours.

It's not so big and not so
grandiose, but it's still a nice house.

Giorgio, it's a fine
house. A fine house.

And the clothes, they're
not so much Italiano.

- Oh, you look like a regular cowpoke.

- That's nice!
- Regina, how are you?

- Hi.
- Nice to see you.

- How are you?
- This is... this is Candy.

Candy, this is Regina.

Well, everybody, come on, sit
down, I want you taste the wine.

- Good. Good.

GIORGIO: I want you all to
taste the Vino de Ponderosa,

which I name for my friend
Ben Cartwright's ranch.

- With your permission.
- Of course. Thank you very much.

I'll drink to that. Vino
de Ponderosa, huh?

But I'm not finished.

The second reason I ask you

is to tell you that
when I live in Italy,

I work the land,
the land is not mine.

The barone, who own the land,
he come to me, say, "Giorgio,

someday you gonna
be my best man." No...

Giorgio Rossi is
nobody else's man.

I think all the time inside.

I think, someday
I go to America.

I get my own land.


That means, "I'm
honorary Americano."

- I think all the time America.

I dream America.

Then, five years ago today...

- I become American citizen.
- Ah!

- Now, you can make applause.
- It's a celebration then. Cheers!

- Hear, hear!
- I'm still not finished.

To me, the wine is like
mirror of America's heart.

I look inside and I see
the faces of many friends.

I see much hard work and sorrow,

but I also see the
future for the world.

I see freedom for everybody.

And trust.

And now I come to another
reason why I ask you here.

Now, I return the trust

which my friend Ben
Cartwright give to me

when he lend me money
for buy the wine press. Hey.

Is United States
money, good at any bank.

- Thank you.


Uh, I'm not finished.

And now,

I want to tell you that this is only the
beginning for Giorgio Rossi and Son.

We gonna make wine.

Everybody in the whole world gonna
know about the Vino di Ponderosa!

- Well, how about that!
- Now we can drink, because I finish.

- I sit down.
- Good. Cheers!

Giorgio, there's... there's nothing I
can add to what you've already said,

except to say that we're
all very happy and proud

that you're not only a
neighbor, but a friend.

- Cheers.
- Drink to that.

- I'll drink to that too.

Howdy. My name's Joe Sabin.

I bought the Trainer outfit.
My land borders this place.

Why you put a rope on
this man? He's no animal.

Ask him.

He not believe this man
told me I could drink at spring.

Did you tell him that, Giorgio?

I say he can camp and drink.
It's my land and my water.

You won't have
it long, Mr. Rossi,

if you let every ragged reservation
jumper that comes along dip into it.

What is this reservation jumper?

That's someone who stays
away from the reservation.

There's only one man and one
horse. How much can they drink?

This one's got a teepee set up. And
a squaw and a young 'un moved in.

There's another brave
waiting up on the butte,

and he probably wants to
move in with a squaw and family.

Still, two families. All right,
there's still enough water.

That's not the point.

The point is, these Indians
are off the reservation.

Now, you know what that
can mean, Mr. Cartwright.

Yes, I know. I'll... I'll
explain it to Mr. Rossi.

Nobody have to explain to
me. It's my land and my water.

The Indians, they
stay on my land.

It's all right, Red Sky, you can
go. Go back to your wife and family.

You stay on the
land, drink the water!

And you, you no make trouble.

I'm United States
citizen, I know my rights.

You know who's going
to get off my land? You!


HOSS: I'll have more of
this chicken bolognese.

WOMAN: Hey, Hoss,
sei good in Italiano, huh?

JOE: I know your eyes fool you,
Mrs. Rossi, but there's only one horse.

- Oh, he's beautiful!

- You're beautiful too.
- Yeah, you're gorgeous.


[MUTTERS] It make me so mad.

He tie up my friend the
Indian like an animal.

Make me lose my appetite. It
spoils whole feast. I can't eat!

Did you lose your appetite too?

What happened to the
Indian was a bad thing.

- Huh.
- Come on, eat, Giorgio.

Oh, I can't.


Huh. Listen to the
Indians, how they sing.

Hm. They're very
happy, huh? [LAUGHS]

Makes me very happy
too. I gotta sing for you.


Again, thank you so much,
and I like the house very much.

Excuse my Giorgio.
But you know how he is.

- Come on!

- Candy?
- Yeah?

Don't stick around too
long, make a pest of yourself.

I'll be right along.

- Goodbye.
- Good night, Hoss.

Good night, Joe.

He's a nice boy, this Candy.
Look how nice they look together.


You know, I think it's
time Regina get married.

What for? What's the hurry?

- Oops. Sorry.
- Why?

Well, I...

[LAUGHS] I don't know.

You talk fine when you talk
about horses and cows and Indians.

If you like me, it's
no reason to be sorry.

Well, it's just that
you're different.

- From a horse or a cow?

Yeah, that's for sure.

- Do you know our Italian custom?
- No.

We don't take
our feelings lightly.

Neither do I, Regina.

[SIGHS] It's a big land.

It makes me afraid.

Sometimes, I think I will never
get used to the... the bigness,

the cruelty I see here.

Maybe I will never
belong to this life.

There is... cruelty here, yes.

Regina, look at the sky.

It's big and black
and empty, right?

But there's another
way of looking at it.

It can be like a warm
blanket on a cold night.

There is gentleness
here if you look for it.

Regina, I have to get
up early in the morning,

and tomorrow I
go see the Indian.

- It is time we go to bed.
- Yes, Papa.

Candy, maybe you
better go with Papa.

Sometimes he doesn't
understand so good.

Sure. I'll go with you, Mr. Rossi.
Maybe I can be of some help.

Help? Thank you,
I don't need help.

You can come if
you like. Thank you.

- Night, Candy.
- Good night, Mrs. Rossi.


- Going in?
- Good night.



His friends, they
come visit him, huh?


Oh, no, that's his family.



What he say?

Red Sky prays to the great
spirit of sea, land and sky.


To send gentle winds
and rains that fall softly.

It's beautiful.

Red Sky, is a beautiful prayer.

Is just like a poem.

And don't you worry, I'm your
brother, you stay long as you like.


Use the water. You
stay on the land.

White brother speaks good words.

His land our land.

That's right. United States big
country. Is plenty land for everybody.


Now, what's he say?

He says your kindness
will become a legend.



What is that?

He's giving you an Indian name.

What he call me?

White Man Who Gave Us the Land.


Uh, Red Sky, you misunderstand.

You see, when I say
you stay on the land,

I mean you use the land.

We use land, you see.

There's nothing to worry about, you
see? They just going to use the land.

Mr. Rossi, they don't
intend to use the land,

they think you've
given it to 'em.

This is seed.

We will plant seeds in land.

Use land to grow food.

Seed. It's a seed.

a corn seed. [LAUGHS]

You know how to plant corn?

- I plant.
- Not like Giorgio Rossi.

Giorgio Rossi's a farmer.
You see these hands?

Mr. Rossi, they...

These hand are the
hand of the farmer.

My father, he's a
farmer before me.

And before him, his
father was a farmer.

Come, everybody, you come,

Giorgio Rossi gonna
show you how to plant corn.

Come on. Come on.


First you make a nice deep hole.

Hard dirt.

Then you push him in one seed.

Not too deep, because you
push him in too deep, is no grow.

Maybe is rock. It's too high,
then it dry out, you know.

Then you make
little mound of dirt.

Then you push him in
another one over here.

Push him in another one.
So on and so on and so on.

You understand?
You got question?

Why question?

Indian show white man how
to plant corn long time ago.


Uh... si.

Well, I forget.

Please excuse me, but I
have to go water the grapes.

I see you later, my brother.

Brother and sisters.

Bye. Bye.

- Giorgio?
- Si?

- Come to bed.

All right, we talk if you can't

I... I think about Red Sky.

I think about his
family. His people.

How can I tell them
to get off the land?

You talk good American. You
just say please. [SPEAKS ITALIAN]

[SPEAKS ITALIAN] I make mistake.

Now the Indians, they
think the land belong to them.

Belong to them? Is the
place for the white grapes.


I can't tell them
to get off the land.

I think... I remember
when Ben Cartwright,

he say to us we have
to get off the land.

[LAUGHS] I say to him,

I'm American citizen,
I know my rights.

United States is a big country,
there's plenty land for everybody.

I got a right to stay here!

Red Sky, he's American citizen.

Uh, he's American
citizen even before me.

Now, if it's right for Giorgio
Rossi, American citizen,

why is it no right for Red
Sky, American citizen?

- Illogical, no?
- Oh, Giorgio.

In the whole world,
there's no one like you.

- Si, Giorgio Rossi's stupido.
- No, you smart.


Look, Giorgio,
this is a big country.

There's lots of land,
lots of other places.


I not think of this before?

Ben Cartwright, mm,
he got lots of places.



So, all of a sudden, Mr. Rossi's
got urgent business with his grapes,

- and away we go!

Imagine trying to teach an
American Indian how to plant corn!

The minute he saw this, he
clean forgot what he came for.

- JOE: Once a farmer, always a farmer.
- HOSS: That's a good one.


- Howdy, Ben Cartwright.
- Oh! Hello, Giorgio.

I bring you some wine.

I bring you a message:
Regina, she says say hello.

- I say something funny?

No. No. Boys, go on back to
work, I want to talk to Giorgio.

- Nice to see you all again. Hoss.

- Hi.


Giorgio, you trying to teach
an Indian how to plant corn

is like me trying to teach
you how to plant grapes.


- Well, I make a little mistake.
- Yes, you did.

You went up there to get
Red Sky back to the reservation

and you wound up
inviting him to stay.

Well, it's no right just to go in
and tell a man he must leave.

- I have to have time to think.
- And what did you think?

I... I make a mistake,
another mistake. [LAUGHS]

I forget all about I bring you
wine, Vino di Ponderosa, all for you.


We'll have some Vino
di Ponderosa a little later.

I want to know what you
have been thinking, Giorgio.


I think that the Indians,
maybe they don't have to leave

if they have some
land of their own.

- But I only have a little bit of land.
- Giorgio... Giorgio.

Even if I give them a
little bit of my little piece,

- is still not going to be enough.
- Giorgio, I...

But you, you got more
land than you can count.

You want me to give
them some of my land?

Ben, you been
thinking the same thing!

I've been trying to tell you this,
and get this through your head.

It isn't what you would
like to see happen,

it isn't what I would
like to see happen,

it's what the United States
government says must happen.

Now, they have signed
a treaty with the Indians.

The Indians have had some
land given them by the government.

This land is the
reservation where they live.

And they must live on that or
there can be serious consequences.

What kind of a treaty is this says
the people got to go someplace

- where they don't want to go?
- This treaty has become a law.

Now, we must obey the law,
Giorgio, you will admit to that.

The law, it don't tell me
what I got to do with my land!

The man is hungry!

Do you want me to say to him, "I
don't want you be hungry over here.

I want you be hungry
someplace else!"

Now, Giorgio, of course I agree
with you, you know that I do,

it's just that I know
what I'm talking about.

Now, the longer you take to get
Red Sky to go back to the reservation,

the worse it's going to be for his
family, and the more dangerous.

Now, believe me. Now, if
you don't want to talk to him,

- I'll be very glad to go...
- Why? Why you gotta talk?

I can't talk for myself?

I didn't say that you
couldn't talk for yourself.

No, I going to tell
you something!

Red Sky make me his brother.

Nobody tell Giorgio Rossi
his brother going to go,

is going to stay,
except Giorgio Rossi!



- Where's Lorenzo and Regina?
- They're coming.

Don't hit the wall
with the chair.

When we're going to have a meeting
is very important everybody's on time.

In fact, it's very
un-American to be late.

You hit the wall.

Ah. Sit down. We're going to
have an exercise in democracy.

- Papa, I...

Now, in a democracy, the
biggest number's always right.

So we're gonna have a
meeting. First you talk. Then I talk.

Then we vote.

Don't hit the wall.

Now, Ben Cartwright, he's
a very good friend, huh?

He's also very smart man.

He says that we should send
the Indians back to the reservation.

I say we should let them stay.

Just a few weeks maybe?

You're the father.
We do what you say.

But is not American way!

First we talk, then we vote.

- Candy says that he...
- GIORGIO: Candy says?

Hey, who care what Candy
say? He's no member of family.

I think maybe you can't make
up your mind because you...

I can't make up my mind? Eh,
I make up my mind very good.

Huh! How you think I raise a
family? Can't make up my mind.

You ever raise a family?

All right, Regina, now you talk.

- You don't listen!
- Who don't listen?

Eh, I listen very good! I just no
like to listen to what Candy says!

Number one, you're going
to tell the Indians to go, no?


Well, you put it off. So
they think they can stay, no?


Candy says that you
shouldn't put it off.

Again with "Candy says?"

How many times I tell you I don't
want to hear what Candy says no more.

You want us to say what we think,
but only if we think the way you do!

You never let us finish talking!
You stop Lorenzo, you stop me!

Eh! Eh! You don't talk
like that to your papa.

No, no, no, let her talk,
that's the American way.

I just want I remember
what she say.

I no want to hear no more
about what Candy says.

And one more thing,
you still not too big for me

put you over my
knee upside down!

Oh, come on, please,

No, no, no! I just no like to
hear her say her Papa's a tyrant.

Maybe you like this
Candy too much, huh?

Maybe you like to have
him take care of you,

put a roof over your head,
take care of you when you sick?

- Regina!



He's really a fine figure
of a man, isn't he, Hoss?

Yeah. Yeah, he is. He's... he's just
rugged enough to keep from being pretty.

- Have your fun, boys. I'm having mine.

Candy, I know you appreciate the fact
that Regina's something very special.

I'm just paying a call on the girl,
Mr. Cartwright, I'm not courting her.

Ah, yeah, but that's
just the way it starts out.

You get over there and you get
to looking in them big brown eyes,

and then... the trap springs.


- Regina! What's wrong?
- Oh, everything is wrong.

I don't even have house anymore,
he hates me. He hates you too.

Like I'm five years old he treats me.
Well, no more! [SPEAKS ITALIAN]

- I won't go back. I won't.
- Well, simmer down now, Regina.

- Let's sort this out.
- You hate me also!

CANDY: Regina, nobody hates you.

Oh, Candy. You love
me, Candy, only you.

I work for you, I scrub the
floors, I cook, I sew, anything.

Maybe in the beginning
we don't have so much.

Yeah, but...

Oh, look, Hoss, he's
speechless with joy.

- [LAUGHS] Yeah.
- Other young married people

have less to start. Isn't
it so, Mr. Cartwright?

Well, Regina, I think
before people get married,

they should get to know
each other quite well.

And marriage isn't based
on economic problems...

- But I love Candy very much.
- You do?

Of course I do. [SPEAKS ITALIAN]

We love each other.

Um... Regina.

Uh, Regina, look,
dear, why don't we...

Why don't you
stay here overnight

and then we can talk about
this sensibly in the morning, huh?

Come on. Run along.

That's it.

Well, I must say, Hoss, that
the boy has a lot more charm

- than we ever gave him credit for.
- Yeah, and all wasted.

- Very funny. Very funny.
- [LAUGHS] Hey.

You know that little cave up on
the hill where we used to play?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- You know, with a feminine touch,

- that could be awfully homey.
- It's just not funny anymore.

- It's just not funny!

All right. All right.

Now, Joseph, I want you
to ride over to the Rossis'

and tell them that Regina's here.
They're probably worried about her.

And tell them that we'll look after
her real good until the smoke clears.

- Right.
- Hey, you know, Candy,

maybe you oughta run up there
and kinda calm her down a little bit.

Hoss, you think you might
make some coffee for all of us?

Yes, sir. And a whole
bottle of brook shampoo. Mm!


That's far enough, Indian.

Hello in the house!

Why you do that? You
always put Indian on a rope.

Your Indian?

It's a good a way as
any to get him here.

It's my Indian, si.
He live on my land.

But you still no tell me why you
have to always tie Indian up with rope.

Don't think I could have got
him here any other way... alive.

You see, I caught him
k*lling one of my steers.

[SPEAKS ITALIAN] I no believe.

- Ask him.
- Is it true? Did you k*ll a steer?

Hungry. Squaw hungry.

- Giorgio.


I've been through this, Mr. Rossi,
back in the Dakota Territory.

Indians moved in,
more Indians followed.

They had to steal to eat.

And that started the fighting.

Bad fighting, Mr. Rossi.

People were k*lled on both sides.
I don't want that to happen here.

We're kind of
responsible, Mr. Sabin.

We will pay for the steer
if the Indian can have it.

That's a good thought, son.

Wait. Wait a minute.

I'm the father. I make
the bargains here.

How much do you want
for your steer, Mr. Sabin?


- That's a fair price, Papa.

I decide the fair price. I make
the money. I spend the money.

- You spend your own money.
- I have no money.


Get your women down
there. Take home that beef.

Go on.

Tell you what, Mr. Rossi,
I'll split the price with you.

Split the price? What do you
think, I'm a poor man? Huh?

You think I can't
afford Indians? Huh?


How much for the
next one, Mr. Sabin?

No price for the next one, son.

Oh, you mean the next
one, she's for free, huh?

If there is another one,

I'll do what every man has to do
when his property is threatened.

- Oh?
- I'll fight.


- Papa!

- What's on your mind?
- Mr. Sabin is right.

Oh, Mr. Sabin is right,

- but Papa's wrong, huh?
- This time yes!

Now, can't you get it through
your head you are wrong!

Mr. Sabin is trying to explain
to you, the Indians can't help it!

Now, if they don't go back to that
reservation they're gonna cause trouble!

- Mr. Sabin, he cause trouble!
- The Indians are hungry!

- Now, you've got to tell them to go!
- I got to?

- Go where they can find food!
- What kind of a son always tells

- his papa what to do?
- That's right, yell, hit me.

- No, Giorgio!

- GIORGIO: [SHOUTS] Arrivederci!

Lorenzo, no, don't!



It's a question of balance.
Only women know these things.

Uh, that chair
belongs there, yes.


Turn the table just a little.

There. There,
that's it. That's it.

Now, you see?

See what a difference a
woman's touch can make?

Oh, we'll have a
beautiful home, Candy.


I'll get the door.

That is, if it hasn't
been moved.

Mr. Cartwright, I have
come to work for you.



- Mm!
- It is good, Lorenzo.

When Candy and I are
married and we have a house,

you can come and
live with us, yes?


Maria, what are you
doing with the clothes?

What it looks like,
don't you see?

Your children's clothes. Children
who don't live here no more.


You want them to go
without clean clothes

just because they don't
live here no more? Huh?

I teach my children to be clean.
So I send them clean clothes.

- But they gonna come back.
- Oh, yeah? When?

Show me. Look out the window.
You see them coming back?

No. They don't coming back.

Because their father
sent my children away.



- Howdy.
- Mr. Rossi?

- Si, Giorgio Rossi.
- My name is Sam Kettle.

- I'd like to talk to you.
- Mr. Kettle, please come in.

May I present my wife, Mrs.
Maria Rossi, Mr. Sam Kettle.

- How do you, Mr. Kettle?
- Mrs. Rossi.

Mr. Kettle, what I can I do for
you? You like to buy some wine?

No. I'm here about Indians.

- Indians?
- Yes.

I'm the government land
manager and Indian agent.

And I've just learned that
you have Indians on your land.

Si. I have Indians on my land.

Did you give them the land?

No. No. I no give
them. I just let them stay.

Oh. That's good.

You see, the government
has a treaty with these Indians,

and they're not supposed
to leave their reservation.

But they will leave it

if anybody gives them property
outside of their reservation.

I'm sick and tired, Mr. Kettle.

Everybody's telling me
what to do with my land!

The Indians, they have the right to
stay on the land! And now you leave!

Mr. Rossi, it's the law.

I didn't make the law, but
it's part of my job to enforce it.

Is a bad law. Change him!

Mr. Rossi, the federal troops
will move in and take them off

unless you send them back.

Mr. Kettle, the Indians are
gonna stay on the land. Goodbye!

Giorgio, why you be like that?
Why you don't listen to the man?

Why you so hotheaded? Listen to
the other people, too, sometimes.




- Huh?


MARIA: Hey! Hey!




Look, you Indian. One of your
Indians, she's stealing my chicken.

- Ah, what's one chicken?
- One chicken?

A Plymouth Barred

I send by stagecoach
for the eggs.

I hatch the eggs with a
lamp. I raise the little chicks.

- She's a little girl.

Her family, they're hungry, huh?



No, it's not just the
chickens, it's my children too!

Lorenzo, Regina! They're
gone! I can't live like this!

- Me?





All right, Giorgio, you
speak English, huh?

Why always everybody
tell you what to do, huh?

House, you want to
tell me what to do?

I decide what to do
about the Indians, huh?

I decide what's right and wrong!

Lorenzo. This the
way I raise my son.

You tell your papa what to do.

You talk back at your papa.

Regina. She beautiful girl.

Why you always have to tell me,
"Candy say this, Candy say that?"

Don't you know
your papa love you?

In Italian family, they
raised to respect the papa.

Why you no can do that?


Been a good husband, huh?

Don't I build you
beautiful house?

What I do wrong?

Don't I buy you food?

Don't I make nice... [SOBBING]

What I gonna do?

A little food is
gonna taste good, Pa.

- I wonder what Hop Sing's got ready.
- Mm!

- Smells pretty good.


Mr. Cartwright, we're gonna
have a nice meal tonight.

- I make it myself.
- Today I make chicken with...

- Just like you like it.
- One at a time! Hold it!

This man is no cook.

Now, what does he know
about Chicken alla Cacciatora?

Or how to make a nice spaghetti

And the kitchen is no place
for a man. It's a woman's place.

But Mr. Cartwright, she
come into my kitchen.

She taste this, she say no good.
She taste that, she say no good.

All the time come
into my kitchen. I quit!

- I quit!

Well, Pa, it looks like you got a
little bit of a diplomatic problem

on your hands, don't it?

I sure hope the plan I
have in mind works out.

If it does, this'll
work out too.

Yeah, well, in the
meantime, what'll we eat?

Sweet and sour pizza.


Giorgio Rossi, you're just like a
woman. You can't make up your mind.

Eh, eh, eh.

You better do something about
it. You gotta do something now.

You gotta do
something right now.

- I came as soon as I got your note.
- Sorry it took so long.

Well, government red
tape, what do you expect?

Well, no harm's been done.

Rossi's Indians haven't
got into any real bad trouble.

Now, thanks to you, I can
put them where they belong.

- Oh. Are you free to go?
- Yes, as soon as you can get there.



- Good day, my brother.
- Good day.

Giorgio Rossi's come to tell
you that he make up his mind.

I give you this land.
I want you to use it.

I'm American citizen.

I can give to another American citizen.
I know my rights. Is a free country.

What is going on here?

We move. Go toward sun.

Why? I bring you food. You
no have to steal no more.

And when you eat them up,
you let me know, I bring you more.

But I want you stay
on the land. I help you.

I help you plant
grapes if you want.

I help you plant more
corn. Please, you stay.

Land no much good for corn.

Oh, now I see what's going on.

Oh, Ben Cartwright, you
come on my land, huh?

You tell my Indians they have
to go back to the reservation?

- The reservation is like jail!
- Now, Giorgio, hold on, now.

They're not going back
to the same reservation.

Not to the same? What you mean?

Well... well, Sam Kettle and I have
persuaded the... the Land Bureau

that they should add another
parcel of land to the reservation.

A new piece of government
land. The Crow Lake area.

That way they'll have the
whole lake, all that bottomland,

and, well, plenty of fresh water and
sweet grass and all that good game.

I know land. Good place.

We like to live there. We stay.

Don't come here again.

- This is true?
- Yeah.


God bless you.

Take the food, Red Sky.

[LAUGHS] Thank you. Thank you.



And now, I have an announcement
to make about my daughter Regina.

- Oh, no! No, Papa.
- No? Why not?

- I change my mind.

Ah, three times you
change your mind.

What's the matter?

Candy's a good man,
but not like Italian boy.

I'd better wait for Italian.


[SIGHS] Now, I want to thank
my friend, Ben Cartwright,

for what he do for my Indians.

And what he do for me.

Giorgio Rossi always get in a fix,
and Ben Cartwright, he get him out.

I want to tell you, from now on,
Giorgio Rossi's a changed man.

No more fixes.

For this I drink to myself.

Well, in that case, I would
like to say something.

I would like to drink
to Giorgio Rossi,

but Giorgio Rossi must
remain always as he is.

- Hear, hear.
- Hear, hear!


Chicken Cacciatore!


- Molto buono!
- ALL: Molto buono!


- But he no look Italian.