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08x04 - Ferda

Posted: 01/26/22 13:13
by bunniefuu
You were havin' happy hour
with your pals the other day...

Bottoms up,
super chieftains.

Did yous ever wonder
why we tap the glasses twice?

- Two'll do ya.
- I always thought we should tap

three times
like in wrasslin'.

That's how
they finish the match.

I prefer throwin' hands
to wrasslin'.

You don't like
sports entertainment, Wayne?

I got a wee bit of time
for sports entertainment.

- Mike the Miz.
- He your favorite?

If you could name
your favorite wrestler,

I will assume
you want to f*ck them.

- Alexa Bliss.
- There ya go.

hmm brother...

It's well documented
that I'm a Hulkster fan,

hmm brother...

Who's your favorite, Dan?

- I'm listening.
- Trish Stratus.

For what reason?
'Cause she's Canadian?

I can think of a couple
big'ol reasons.

- Like what?
- Well...

her athleticisms
and integrities.

Wanna know what, I'm not
gonna say he's my favorite,

for reasons aforementioned,

but it's Bret the Hitman Hart.

The whole f*ckin'
Hart Foundation

are really good Canadian boys.

I once put my little cousint
into a sharpsh**ter for calling

Bret the Hitman Hart,
Bret the Hitman Fart.

I always had dreams
of becoming

a professional wrestler.
But I could never come up

with a good ring names.

- Dan Dan Bigelow.
- Macho Dan.

Could call ya...
Farty Jannetty.

And then we could be
a tag team like the Rockers.

Oh, that's kind of fun. Okay.

So, if you're gonna be
Farty Jannety,

- who's Dary?
- Think Shawn Michaels.

Put a little mustard
on that f*ckin' high kick.

Actually, it's called
the Sweet Chin Music.

I know what it's called, Dary.

More like Yawn Michaels.

That was stone cold, Wayne.

That was a wee bit
Randy Savage, Waynes.

I'm not sure I like
your Attitude Era.

You know what?
This conversation's starting

to make me Wince McMahon.

Who died and made you
Mister Perfect?

Yeah, you're walking around here

like the Big Boss Man sometimes.

I'm gonna come right out and say
it yous two are a bit Rick Rude.

I can't speak for
all of mankind,

but I wish we could get a little
bit more Dude Loves here.

Ha! I'm gonna head to the bar
to play some Jimmy snooker.

Not become a million dollar man
playing billiards.

This is really starting to sound

like a whole lot of
British bullshit to me.

Gettin' a little Rowdy Roddy
Piper over there.

Gettin' a little
Rowdy Ronda Rousey.

Yeah, you gotta be
Koko B. Ware

how you talk
to people sometimes.

You know what? You should
might come at this

from a different Kurt Angle.

Gotten a bit Mean Gene.

Puttin' on a Big Show.

I can't Paul Bearer much more
of this conversation, so...

I'll offer yous
a Jeff Hardy handshake

and be on my f*ckin' way.

Like you know they're your
good pals and everything

but they're also,
at the best of times,

a Randy Orton of Andre
the Giant nut sacks.

Season 08 Episode 04

Episode Title: "Ferda"

Sync corrections by srjanapala


Yeah, buddy.

- Bro.
- Dude.

Ready to get on that thing
BROdude told us to do?

- Bro.
- Dude.

The BROdude regional initiative
branding project thing?

I'll brand
your region, buddy.

I'll get my poker all good
and hot for ya, hun.

I'm half hot
already, lemme show it to you.

I'll burn my personal mark
right into your ass.

I can't f*ckin' wait
I'm so serious right now.

Let's fuckin do it.

I think we've got enough
burning sensations

for a lifetime, boys.

The temples are looking
extra ripped today, boys.

Yeah, gotta get buff for this

super gay birthday party
we're going to.

- Some say the super gayest.
- f*ck me right up the ass, boys.

All new levels of gay.

Let's get all sorts
of f*ckin' gay.

Straight up the ass.

Is that a birthday party
that's super gay,

or a birthday party
for a dude that's super gay?

- Both.
- Both.

Hmm. Is it just dudes?

Oh, well, women aren't
not allowed to come.

All dudes?

So, there's no girls to, like,

ask you to hold their drink?
Must be nice.

No holding drinks,
just holding dinks.

No waiting for your date

while she takes forever
in the bathroom? Must be nice.

Uh, well,
we do take a long time

together in the bathroom
at these parties.

No being forced to go home early
to watch a movie?

- Must be...
- Wait.

We should do that
for our club, buddy. All dudes.

Just dudes?

Well, if it's only dudes,
there'll be no broads

to give us like... tasks.

- Bro.
- Dude.

- Club!
- Ferda!

BROdude Club Ferda!

A club ferda boys, boys!

A club ferda sponsors, boys!

- Just bros.
- No broads.

- No snipes.
- No skirts.

BROdude club ferda!



I don't want to see anyone.

- Stewart.
- Roald!

I wanna miss rush hour.
Let's go.

Tyson and Joint Boy are here.

I thank ye local prizefighters

for bestowing on me
the pugilistic basics,

the methods, the science...

It's not science.
Just don't get hit.

I won't get hit.

- K.
- And I, myself won't hit.


I say this

with contrition

and chagrin

but throughout this journey,
I've lost myself.

That's not really
the end of the world, it it?

I am a pacifist.

I oppose w*r, militarism
and any and all v*olence.

I will not raise my fist

to another man.

- Or woman, right?
- Roald!

Punching is so primitive
and boyish.

Then how're gonna win
this fight, skid?

I've been marathoning

and mainstreaming
WrestleMania's of old

I think I've found
the final layer

of the sweet science
to add to my repertoire.


Never begin a sentence
with again.

It's so uppity.

It's not science.
Just don't get hit.

Rest assured, that's rooted.

And just because I won't
punch my opponent,

doesn't mean I can't finish him.

If we hit rush hour,
I'm gonna be pissed.

Behold... Roald?

John Cena's Attitude Adjustment.

I believe my intent
is unclouded.

If you try that shit, I will
knock you the f*ck out myself.

Take this seriously, skid.
This guy threatened your life.

Don't waste our f*ckin' time.

If we drive all the way to
the city and you're not ready.

- I'm ready!
- And I'm ready too, Stewart!

- Roald.
- Just stay

the f*ck out of this, Roald.

You don't belong anywhere
near this fight.

Come on.
Let's go.

f*ck sakes.
I hate the city.

I f*cking hate
rush hour!

You have a good trip
stateside, Katy?

Yeah, it's very cool.
Very cool, very nice.

Good day to get out
of the house, I guess.

Yeah, that's what cow
was thinking earlier.

Cow got out of her pen
this morning,

and I had to
wrangle her back in.

Dary, did you just refer
to one of your cows as "cow?"

Can confirm.

They don't have names?

I know what they look like.
I don't need to name them.

Give 'em names. Show 'em love.

Show 'em love
and what it's all about.

- All right?
- Why?

'Cause there's a special place
in heaven for animal lovers.

I'm not sure if I wanna name
barnyard animals.

I don't think I should
really get that close

to something
I'm about to be milking.

Depends what you're milking.

Giving animals names
is like the most fun part.

Come on, let's name your cows.

- No.
- So, you want to poop the party.

No, I don't wanna
poop the party.

- No one likes a poopy pants.
- Still a hard no.

And bing, bang, boom,
let's name some cows.

Calcium Klein.

Milken Laumenn.

Jack Blacktose.

Do yous name
all the animals you encounter?

Oh, I think it's pretty
f*ckin' obvious

you leavin' a good time
on the table if you don't.

Even pigs?

How many good times
we've had naming pigs?

Countless good times
naming pigs.

I love naming pigs.

I'm surprised we're not
naming pigs right now.

- Kevin Bacon.
- Piggy Pop.

The Notorious P. I. G.

The Pig Lebowski.

- Jon Hamm.
- Hamela Anderson.

- Beto O'Pork.
- Ham Rockwell.

- Hammy Hagar.
- Ginu-swine.

Porker Posey.

Jason Boar.

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

Bet yous name all the ducks
in your pond too, eh?

Dary, if you wanna exclude
ducks, I don't care to know ya.

- Duck Norris.
- Duck Showalter.

- Uncle Duck.
- Feather Locklear.

Duck Bill Clinton.

- Quack Morris.
- Quack Nicholson.

Quackrine Zeta Jones.

- Nickelquack.
- Mad Quacks: Fury Road.

Quack Klansmen:
A Spike Lee joint.

When you get them all
in a group,

do you call 'em
The Mighty Ducks?

Oh, duck me.

- McMurray.
- Mrs. McMurray.

- You.
- The other one.

How do you feel about clubs?

How do I feel
about clubs?

Boys, boys, boys.

I'll have you know you're
speaking with a sitting member

of the Kinsmen, Kiwanis
and Comancheros clubs.

- Legion member too, baby.
- Hmm-hmm.

How do you feel about
crushing BROdudes?

Love suckin' BROdudes.

Suckin' BROdudes and vodka.

It says not to mix with alcohol
on the can, but...

I'm a big f*ckin' girl
that's all I know.

Oh, you're
my big f*ckin' girl.

Well, I'm all growns up
that's what I always say.

I love it when you say that.
Makes my pants tight.

That's enough, baby.
That's your job.

We weren't talking to you.

You better start
skatin' backwards.

That's for sure guaranteed.

W-We're starting a club,
just for the boys, boys.

It's called BROdude Club Ferda.

- Ferda.
- Ferda.

Um. You're starting a club,

just for men, and you don't
want any girls in it?

Just for men, boys.

You, you, yous lookin'
to suck each other's dicks

- in this club or something?
- No!

We're just tired of gals
telling us to hold their purse.


Hold their purse?

Yeah. Or, like,
hold their drink.

Hold my drink.

It'd be a f*cking honor
to hold your drink, baby.

Yous... Cancers!

Do you think you can
come into this c**t's kitchen

and tell her she can't join

your club 'cause
she ain't got a cock?

Well, kinda.

Every party has three things.



and women.


And since you two seem
to have none of the three,

sounds like the shittiest club
I ever heard of.

So, beat it.

And take your cans of boy juice

and shove 'em up
your bleached assholes.

Now yous boys ever wanna
start a club full of ladies,

you give me a call now, okay?

That's my kinda f*ckin' party.

Oh. Let's have
an all-girl party, baby.

You wanna have
an all-girl party, baby?

Let's get some
girls over and start a party.

Oh, let's get 'em all over here.

Can we come?

We weren't talking to you.

When do you think
is the best time in a fight

to put someone
into a sharpsh**ter?

Uh, it's a finishing move,

- f*ck off.
- Me?

- No.
- The People's Elbow?

- f*ck off.
- Me?


It's UFC moves, or nothing.

You gotta be like Chuck Lidell
but dirty as hell.

You gotta be like
Georges St-Pierre

- but pull his hair.
- Fine. Gawd.

We know you can deke,
duck, dodge.

Don't get hit.

But you'll need to pop him
to finish this thing.

- Take this seriously, skid.
- I am-uh! Gawd.

But most importantly,

remember all the hard work.

All the time in the gym
gettin' yoked.

All the sacrifices you made
to get here.

The discipline it took.

You two...

Behemoths make a good point.

And I want to thank you

for all the regimental
information that I've absorbed

for this upcoming fracas.

Well, we're proud of you.



Proud of me?

Yeah. You're sticking up
for yourself and your girls.

f*ckin' snipes.

You've got some nuts
taking this on.

It takes a man to put in
this amount of work

into something he believes in.

Nailed it.

So, go get 'em, kid.

Make us proud.

- Stewart.
- Roald.

That, uh, means a lot.

Coming from you two. It's...

It's, uh...

That backfired.

Skids gonna skid, I guess.

So are we ready to rumble?

- Just stay the f*ck out of this.
- Hey!

I have taken down
bigger guys than you.

And I've taken down
bigger guys than you.

How the f*ck are you
still pissing?

I'm not!

What if we arrive

and my nemesis is protected
by rows of henchpeople?

Mmm, we'll clear that path,

but the big boss belongs to you.

Stick to the plan.
Don't try to be a hero.

Your opponent tires himself out
and he's vulnerable,

- pop him.
- Finish it.

- Finish him! Whoopsie.
- Roald!

Worry not!

No wrestling bullshit?

Zero wrestling

I shan't let you down.

Because I refuse

to let down a friend.

'Cause I mean,
we are friends, right?

Got rips?


Let's call it pals for now.


I'm still not having any of this
naming of barn animals.

Why do we have to go
anthropomorphizing them?

So, you can just toss out

a Reach For the Top
word like that,

yet your first meal
of the day today was...

- Brefakst.
- Outstanding.

Where does it end?

Rodents? Would you have
names for rats?

I saw Rat Dennings
just this morning.

I've seen Ratt Williams too.

Every morning I say hello

to my barnyard friend
Emily Ratajkowski.

- Ratt Damon.
- Ratt Dillon.

- Ratt Leblanc.
- Rat in the Hat.

- Rat Benetar.
- Rattie Labelle.

And, you know what, Dary,
I call bullshit on you

not having warm feelings
for farm animals.

Seem to remember
you naming the pony

at your super soft
birthdays every year.

Don't bring
Pony Danza into this.

Just as long as you
don't forget Pony Hawk.

- Or Pony Romo.
- Poney M.

Poni Mitchell.

I miss Pony Curtis.

Yeah, I think he was
in the pen with Pony Bennett.

I'd have a beer.

Can you drive?

I wouldn't call that
a great idea. Katy?

- Chivalry's dead then?
- Dary?

Take the riding mower.

Holy Chrysler.

Better tuck that bottom lip in

before a bird comes by
and poops on it.


What, you guys have
names for birds, too?

- Crow Pesci.
- Scarlett Crowhansson.

- G.I. Crow.
- Blue Jay Baruchel.

- Frasier Crane.
- Steven Seagull.

How about... Robin Williams?

See now, I kinda miss him.

Too soon.

Slap me some d*ck skin!

I'll slap you all right,
ho, hey now.

- d*ck skin.
- Dickins.

We are starting
a BROdude Club Ferda.

- Just boys, buddy.
- Just buds, bro.

So you're telling me
I'm not gonna be seeing

Christa, Kathleen,

Karen, Chloe, Camila

Catherine, Caroline, Carli,
Casey, Kaitlyn...

How you doing today, my lady?

Don't you just wanna have
a party with your bros, buddy?

- d*ck skin?
- Dickins. Say you fellas

ever go on these dating apps?

It's no slim pickin's
for Jim Dickins.

I've got dates coming up with

Marlena, Mary, Meg, Magda,

Melody, Molly, Madeline, Mya,

Michelle, Michaela, Mackenzie,
Maggie, Maggie-May...

I think I got
something to say to you.

Well, think about all the things

you won't have to put up with
at the BROdude Club Ferda.

Like paying for two bills,

or holding your gal's purse.

I love being on dates.

Holding purses, holding doors,

holding myself accountable,
for all that I do.

f*ck this, buddy.

Making a men only club
is so hard!

Is it?

Hard? Is it getting there?

Is it getting harder.

Is it...

So hard sometimes
you just wanna burst?

I can't lose these balls again.

I'll get in
so much trouble with Gail.

But seriously,
can I join your club?

I've got ideas.

Aly-cat. Bianca-donk.

You guys work here now?

Dealer can't run us out if we're

- employed by the establishment.
- Felicitous.

He'll be here
with his crew soon.

- Paramount.
- Now that you guys are

here to TCB, we are
back in business, baby.

You got rips?

- Hey!
- Little louder meathead.

Six people in here
might not have heard you.

- Use the code words.
- What code words?

- We're bartenders.
- We make drinks.

- One drink in particular.
- Pina Coladas.

- K.
- Take the first letter

of what you want and sub it
in for the "p" in Pina Colada.

- I don't get it.
- I'm shocked.

Take our signature green G.

Technically GHB-nicoladas.


- Molly?
- Ecstasy. E-nicoladas.

- What else you got?
- LSD-nicoladas.

- PCP-nicoladas.
- Mushrooms?


- Speed?
- Amphetami-nicoladas.


- Crystal?
- Methamphetami-nicoladas.

- Anesthetics?
- Ketami-nicoladas.


Your boy and his crew
will be here in 30.

I'll be ready.

You stay out of it.

- Let's have a bump.
- C-nicoladas?

- Quick key bump.
- Key-nicoladas.

- I'll refrain.
- Stewart.


I must. There is w*r
on the horizon.

I shan't be impaired.

After though?

- After?
- You'd have a bump?

- C-nicoladas?
- After I'd have a bump, yeah.

- Quick key bump?
- Key-nicoladas?

After I'd have
a key bump or two, yeah.


f*ckin' idiots!

Gonna get that?

Mind your beeswax.

- Neu! Neuoh!
- Neu! Neuoh!

Why don't yous go back
to whatever

Boy Luck Club you came from.

BROdude Club Ferda, actually.

It's an exclusive club that's
men-only that we started.

So yous are scared of girls now?

I did a number on you two.

All the BROdude you can crush,

nobody asking you
to hold their purse.

Or making you buy them
a drink.

Just bros, buddy.

Just buddies, boys.

- BROdude Club.
- Ferda.

So, what do you bros say?

It's pretty gay.

- Wayne!
- Dan.

- You can't says that.
- Here's the thing though.

I can say whatever I want.

Yeah, but you're not
expose'ta say gay

when you mean like
stupid or something.

That's awfully presumptuous,
Squirrelly Dan.

Yeah, I'm fairly certain that's
not what he meant, Squirrelly.

Yeah, you gotta stop
being so squirrelly, Dan.

Now look, if I see something
that is, by definition, gay...

What's your definition of gay?

Male dicks penetrating
male butts, for pleasures sake.

Sound definition, good buddy.

For swinging dicks, yeah.

Then I can and will
call it gay.

I don't know, good buddies.

What say I see a male d*ck
penetrating a male butt,

for pleasures sake.

Certainly I can say...

- That's pretty gay.
- Fairs enough.

You calling us gay?

- No.
- Good answer, bro.

But your club is super gay.

You want to come
say that to my face?

Oh, you're such a walnut.

I don't know, I don't wanna put
anything in stone here,

just think I'm well within
my rights to assume that

these two aim to f*ck some dudes

up the ass in this
all-male club of theirs.

Which is totally fine!

- I got no problem with it.
- Yup, checks out.

Oh, man, I did
such a number on you two.

- Knock-knock.
- Who's there?

Raging boner
in my underwear.

We have the floor, boys!

We're recruiting here, boys!

- For your men-only club?
- Super gay.

- There ya go.
- More to that,

you guys wanna come to
a super gay birthday party?

Some say the super gayest.

f*ck me right up the ass, boys.

All new levels of gay.

Let's get
all sorts of f*ckin' gay.

- Straight up the ass.
- Are women allowed?

- Always.
- You can watch.

- Okay.
- Am I allowed?

- Why not?
- Would I do all right at this?

I think you would do
really well.

- Gonna be Puppers?
- Yeah, ya like Puppers?

- Gonna be Gus N' Bru?
- Yeah, ya like Gus N' Bru?

Here we go now.

Yous two coming to this
super gay birthday party

or are you scared of gays
like you're scared of girls?

I think we need to find a new

regional initiative
branding project, buddy.

Can't fight the majority, bro.

- Dude.
- Ferda.