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07x12 - Private Eye Caramba!

Posted: 01/26/22 12:52
by bunniefuu
[ panting ]

[ beeping ]

[ ringing ]

Mrs. Barclay: Yes? Who is it?

Mrs. Barclay, it's anahita menendez.

Who?! Anahita from 4d.

I lost my purse with my keys. Would you please buzz me up?

[ buzzer ]

[ screams ] [ kettle whistles ]

Well, thank you, darling.

Martha, what do you think of rick's p.I. Venture?

Well...It's always been a big fantasy of his

To be a private investigator,

And he says that things are picking up

And he's getting more calls at the office every day.

Yeah, from fans wanting to meet him

Or people with crazy theories

About where he disappeared to for two months

Or cases that aren't even worth looking into, like missing cats.

Oh, well, that does seem a bit beneath him.

You know, he did this because he was hoping

That we would be able to work together again

And he thought he might have some interesting cases to solve.

But right now, it doesn't seem like he's getting much of either.

Well, if I know my son, then, uh...

[chuckles] he may be sticking with it

Because he's too proud to walk away.

Castle: Good morning!

Well, you're in a good mood.

That's because I have retooled

The richard castle investigations website.

Martha: Aha. Castle: Now the entire world

Can have access to my savvy detective skills.

Though I will take only the most compelling cases

Rife with mystery and intrigue.

Castle, the site looks amazing.

My clients deserve only the best.

[ cellphone vibrates ] oh, speaking of clients, looks like I've got one.

Better get going. Me, too.

A private investigator must keep regular office hours.

You know, my m*rder's

In the village right near your office.

You want to walk me to work?

So, busy day ahead?

While I admit the public clamor

For richard castle investigations

Has been somewhat muted,

I do have a meeting with a client this morning.

Ah, on a case rife with mystery and intrigue, I hope.

Thought I will gain some classic gumshoe experience.

The client wants me to do a background check

On the daughter's new boyfriend.

The boyfriend is 16.

Look, castle, you've got nothing to prove here

To me or to anyone else.

Now, is this really what you want to do?

Well, I'm just starting out.

I mean, I have to become established, right?

I got to pay my dues. What -- what do you think?

I think that if this is what you really want to do,

Then I'm behind you all the way.


And once I do become established,

Much like my nikki heat novels were inspired by you,

My new series of p.I. Novels will be inspired by me.

I'll be my own muse.

You should have stopped at "thanks." hmm. Right.

Oh. [ chuckles ]

Old habits. Sorry.

Uh, have a good at work, honey. Mwah.

Hey. Hey.

Castle trying to crash the crime scene again?

No, actually, he's got a case of his own.

So, what's the word on ours?

Oh, sanitation worker found our victim

Hidden under some trash bags up here.

She's anahita menendez.

Anahita? That's an arabic name.

Yeah, her mom's lebanese, but she's colombian.

And you know this how?

She's a famous telenovela actress.

You watch telenovelas?

No, no, but my tía does.

She's a huge fan of anahita's show,

"santos desesperados --" "desperate saints." hmm.

She plays a brilliant, young neurosurgeon --

At least that's what my tía says. Hmm.

Hey, perlmutter. So, tell me about our victim.

Detective beckett, so pleasant to see you.

Thank you. And not see castle.


Uh, signs of struggle

And then death came by way of a blow to the head

Delivered with such savage force,

It crushed the cranial vault, k*lling her instantly.

Esposito: This is the m*rder w*apon.

There's a punch of scrap pieces in that trash bin over there.

Hey, our perp may have argued with her

Before he took that swing.

Neighbors said they overheard some loud voices

Coming from outside right around the time of death --

So maybe this was spontaneous --

A crime of passion committed by someone she knew.

Or she might have been k*lled

By a psychotic plumber lying in wait.

That your castle theory?

Yeah. It needs work.

Look, you don't go to the movies dressed like this,

So let's find out where she came from last night.

Trouble might have followed her home.

I, uh, actually tracked down the studio

Where they film the telenovela.

They may know.

Director: Acción! [ speaking spanish ]

[ speaking spanish ]

Hey, so I figured out who we have to talk to.

His name is francisco herrara.

He oversees the show for the network.

He's...Right over...


Sofia del cordova -- a legend, a megastar.

"el fuego de la pasión," "caminos de amor."

"chiquitas"? Yeah.

Her costar over there, manuel villalobos,

Now he just rides her coattails and uses his influence over her

To get his role beefed up on the show.

At least that's what I've heard.

Are you sure it's your tía who's a fan?

[ cellphone vibrates ] yeah.

Excuse me.


As a man of fortitude and character,

I will resist the temptation to weasel in

On your investigation, but I must confess --

I have major case envy.

So you heard about anahita menendez?

Yeah, I talked to a uniform at the scene.

Is it true -- rising young telenovela star

Struck down in her apartment?

Why do you get all the cases rife with mystery and intrigue?

Not to mention sultry, tempestuous men and women

And over-the-top acting.

It seems real to me.

See? Now you're just torturing me.

Oh, come on. Cheer up, castle.

You got a client of your own.

Actually, client just called.

The daughter and boyfriend broke up,

So no more background check.

Who's your prime suspect? Let me live vicariously.

You know what, castle? I have to go.

I have a witness that we have to talk to.

Yeah, I got to go, too.

I got a, uh, call on the other line.


Come on.

I'm devastated.

Anahita was an amazing person and a gifted actor --

Very convincing as a neurosurgeon.

Mr. Herrara, how well did you know her? Very well.

I discovered ana three years ago in colombia,

And we've been together ever since.

She was a rising star.

We just came off her promotional tour --

Barcelona, dubai, miami.

She already had fans all over the world.

We heard that she went out last night.

Do you know where? I'm afraid I don't, but sofia might know.

They were close.

Did she have any relationship problems?

Issues with any overzealous fans or stalkers?

No, but...

There was a terrible incident

With marcus segundo, her assistant.

Ana got upset with marcus for interrupting her

When she was memorizing her lines, and...

He lost it.

He att*cked her.

As in hit her? He tried to.

The crew intervened, but ana wasn't hurt.

She was shaken up, as you can imagine.

She needed a few days off to recover.

Of course, I fired marcus on the spot,

But he was furious and he threatened to k*ll ana

If he ever saw her again.

All right, we need to talk to this guy.

Where can we find him? I have his contact information in my office.

I can get it for you. We'll be back.

It is truly a tragedy when death strikes one so young.


That's the same thing you said to the parents of the child

Who fell down the well in episode 347.

And it is as true now as it was then.

[ scoffs ]



[ sniffles ] uh...

Ms. Del cordova, I'm detective beckett.

It's such terrible news.

I just saw ana last night.

Did she mention where she was headed?

To the upper west side to an event of some kind.

She told you that? No.

I just assumed because she asked to borrow my purse --

An arthur radcliffe diamond-studded clutch.

Was it found on her?


Are you sure? Yes.

Ana buzzed her neighbor because she lost it.

Why? She lost it?

That purse was on loan from a boutique.

If I don't return it, I will owe them a fortune.

Well, ms. Del cordova, I'm sorry.

But, um, if I come across it, I'll let you know.

Actually, about that purse...

[ noir music playing ] it was 11:00 in the morning.

My phone was quieter than a dead church mouse.

My head hurt after a night of hitting the sauce

And for all I knew, there was no tomorrow.

I was about to pour a smile into my coffee,

Have a little of the hair of the dog that bit me,

When she walked in. Señor castle?

I'm looking for a private investigator.

I was, um, just putting this away.

So, I haven't met many private eyes.

I haven't met many clients...Yet.

So far -- so far today.

Um, would -- would you have a seat, ms...?

Del cordova.

Sofia del cordova.

Oh, as in sofia del cordova

Who worked with the late anahita menendez?

Sadly, yes.

That is why I'm here.

Detective beckett recommended you.

She did?

She said you are the best.

She's absolutely right and completely unbiased.

Uh, why don't we, uh, get right to business, shall we?

Uh, just as soon as I find a pencil.

Perfect timing. Okay.

Let's start with anahita menendez.

What can you tell me about her death?

Just that she borrowed my purse for the evening,

And was k*lled outside her apartment.

And did ana have any enemies that you knew of?

I'm sorry, but why are you asking me about ana?

Because she's the victim.

You mean emotionally speaking because you lost your friend?

Because I lost my purse. Your purse?

Detective beckett is investigating ana's death,

But the purse is still missing.

I need it found.

You want me to find your purse?

Not just any purse, and not mine.

It's an arthur radcliffe original clutch

On loan to me and due back tomorrow by 5:00 p.M.

It cost $500,000 and looks just like this.

It's worth half a million dollars?

Will you find it, mr. Castle?

I don't know who else to turn to.

Ryan: So, the canvass turned up a witness

Who saw a man fleeing the scene after ana was k*lled.

We got him with a sketch artist right now.

And what does this fleeing man look like?

Uh, youngish, 6', 200 pounds.

Just like marcus segundo,

The assistant who att*cked ana.

His metrocard shows

That he rode in from the bronx last night

And he got off at a stop near ana's neighborhood.

He also has priors for as*ault with intent.

Why would ana hire a guy like that to be her assistant?

You know, francisco herrara said

That she had a rough upbringing, as well,

And she wanted to give marcus a chance.

She trusted him.

Looks like she shouldn't have. Where is he now?

Espo's bringing him in. [ telephone rings ]

I'll let you take that. Thanks.


You referred a case to me.

Oh! So you took it? Yeah, of course I did.

That way we get to work together, sort of.

Yeah, I just -- I didn't know

If you'd be excited by a lost purse.

I'm sorry. This is not just some ordinary purse.

This is a diamond-encrusted clutch.

It's on par with the priceless maltese falcon,

And I am hot on the trail.

Matter of fact, I'm about to pore over

An exhaustive list of events

That ana may have attended last night.

Unless, of course, you'd be willing to tell me

Where she went now that we're on the same team.

Yeah. I wish I could help you.

I get it. Church and state.

That, and we don't know where she went,

So looks like you're gonna have to do

Some actual police work, you know?

Hit the streets. Start canvassing.

Oh, that thing you get espo and ryan to do.

My suggestion is you wear comfortable shoes.

[ elevator bell dings ]

Castle, I got to go.

Marcus, why'd you take the train into the city last night?

To hit a bar in chelsea. What's this about?

Were you there all night? No.

Had a few beers and left around 11:30,

Walked around a little.

Like to ana's apartment?

What's ana got to do with this?

She's dead.

What? Ana's dead?

m*rder*d by someone who impulsively hit her with a pipe.

A witness saw a man matching your description

Leaving the crime scene.

Are you crazy? I-I would never hurt ana.

You att*cked her on the set in front of the entire crew.

Yeah, but that whole thing was staged.

That is hard to believe.

No, I'm telling you it's true!

She said she needed me to start that fight with her.

Because she knew that it would cost me my job.

But she promised to give me a better one in a few weeks.

Why would she pay you to attack her?

She said she needed to get away for a couple of days,

But the show wouldn't give her any time off.

So she had me cause that scene.

So she did all of that to skip out on work?

Why? I don't know.

She'd gotten real secretive lately.

And not telling me what they were for.

She was up to something.

Maybe whatever it was is what got her k*lled.

Marcus' alibi checks out.

Street cams caught him in soho at the time of the m*rder.

He's not our k*ller.

No, that would be... This guy.

Sketch came in from the homeless man.

Definitely not marcus segundo.

You know, if we could figure out where ana went to last night,

That might tell us who this guy is.

Her credit card said that she paid for a taxi.

I'm still trying to run down where it took her, though.

Ronny: Uh, excuse me?

Auditorium doesn't open for another five hours.

I'm not here for the opera, ronny.

Richard castle, private investigator.

Wonder if I could ask you a few questions.

Oh, wow, thought you were a writer.

What happened? Nothing happened.

Just expanding my brand, if that's all right with y--

Look, did you see this woman last night?


She was here for the premiere of "rigoletto."

You're sure?

This woman?

Yeah, positive.

I mean, come on. You really think I'd forget her?

You know what the weird thing is, though?

Is that she arrived way late.

Like "a few minutes before the opera ended" late.

Did you notice if she was carrying this purse with her?

Uh, yeah, I remember that, too.

Could you direct me to where she was sitting?

It could be where she left the purse.

Uh, she actually didn't go to her seat.

She went straight to the restroom.

Castle: Hello? [ knock on door ]

Private investigator... Investigating.

The ladies' room, castle.

Did you not see the sign? Seriously?

You knew ana came here and you wouldn't share?

Yeah, I just found out.

She got dropped off here by a cab.


Well, only six events held last night

Would require a gown and evening gloves,

And the opera was one.

So, pam here was just telling me

That she saw ana last night,

And she witnessed something very strange.


What, uh, what was the strange thing you witnessed?

Well, she came in, very pleasant, said hi.

Not everyone does that.

And met with this other young woman --

Pretty, dark hair.

She looked middle eastern, maybe.

I saw her give ana a flash-drive stick.

You mean like a usb drive? Exactly.

And then ana up and slipped that usb thing in her purse

And snuck out like she didn't want to be seen.

So, the woman that gave ana the usb drive,

Did you know her or do you know anything about her?

So she may be a season ticket holder.

I need a list of those names. Is your manager in?

I'll go find her for you.

A clandestine meeting at the opera house.

A mysterious middle eastern woman

Passes a flash drive to the victim

Hours before her death.

Perhaps our telenovela actress was actually a covert operative.

She may very well be, but I don't know

How that's gonna help you find her purse.

And yet find it I will!

[ toilet flushes ]

Woman: Sir, can you please leave now?

Ronny, do you happen to remember

Where that woman went after she left the restroom?

The performance ended, and she exited the building.

You saw her leave?

Ah. Right.

See, I was out front helping patrons into their cars

When I saw her head for a white limo.

She left in a limo? Did she have the purse with her? Yep.

Smoking hot detective was really interested

In the limo, too, and I told her all this earlier.

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

You didn't ask.

That's a valid point.

Please tell me everything you remember about that limo.

I have a client who's counting on this.

I got your text, mr. Castle.


Ana was picked up by a white stretch limo

When she left the opera?

Uh, well, that's what I'm trying to find out.

Does that limo sound familiar to you? No.

Ana usually ordered limos through the show,

And our service only has black town cars.

Okay, well, do you know anyone

Who would have ordered a limo for ana

Or maybe given her one for the evening?

She was a celebrity.

We get limos all the time.

The limo could have come from anywhere.

But this ubs drive -- this concerns me.

Why? What was on it?

What could ana have been mixed up in?

But if the purse was taken because someone wanted this ubs,

I will never get it back.

Except ana buzzed her neighbor

And specifically told her she lost the purse,

Not that it was stolen.

Now, my next step is to contact

The taxi and limousine commission --

Locate that limo.

Wherever it took ana

Is probably where she lost the purse.

So, this limo is your only clue?

Of course not.

No, I have, uh, my best operatives in the field

Shaking the trees, generating leads.

That this limousine is very promising.

It doesn't sound so promising to me, mr. Castle.

And we have less than a day before the deadline.

Call me with an update by this evening.


Ryan: No progress on that limo

Or where ana went after the opera,

But we did I.D. The woman who gave her that usb drive.

Layla nazif.

Tracked her down from her box seats at the opera.

And who is she?

She is daughter of abdul nazif,

Billionaire and high-ranking saudi official.

He's in town on u.N. Business.

So, why was ana involved

With the daughter of a saudi official?

That's not the only person she was involved with.

I did some digging,

And it turns out she went to the tremaine hotel

For the same two days that she took off from work. Uh-huh.

Some of the staff saw her hanging out

With this guy -- herman eckles.

The real-estate tycoon?

What was she doing with him?

I called his office to find out. Got stonewalled.

Eckles' people deny he even knew ana. Huh.

A secret rendezvous

With a shadowy real-estate magnate,

A flash-drive exchange with layla nazif,

Daughter of a saudi official.

Ana was half-lebanese.

Perhaps this is some kind of espionage plot

And ana found her way wrapped in a web of intrigue and -- bro.


You're doing it again.

Plus, castle already pitched spies.

Oh, well, great minds.

[ cellphone vibrates ]

Oh, perlmutter. He's got something for us.

I'll talk to layla nazif.

We'll go see what perlmutter has.

A clue that may hold the key to who committed this m*rder.

And that clue would be?

You see, murders are not solved

By positing outlandish, fanciful theories --

Sad to say, a habit you seem to be acquiring, detective ryan.

No, crimes are solved

By applying the scientific method.

So, are you gonna show us what you found,

Or you just gonna stand here and talk about it?

There are bruises on the victim's wrist,

As if the k*ller seized her.

Yeah, signs of a struggle. We already know that.

Ah, but what you don't know is that the k*ller left a print.

After painstaking examination,

I recovered an intact print here.

Did you run it through the system?

[ scoffs ]

I leave that to lesser minds.

Thank you for taking the time, ms. Nazif.

I see you brought your lawyer.

My father insisted.

So, I need to ask you about anahita menendez.

Simply awful.

I admired her so much.

What was your relationship?

We were acquaintances.

You see, I adore telenovelas,

Much to the disapproval of my father.

The passion, the drama -- ana had such talent.

She and I met at social functions

From time to time.

Like at the opera?

The opera?

Yeah, I gather that the two of you

Met at the opera last night. I did no such thing.

But we have a witness that saw you.

That witness is mistaken.

You gave ana a flash drive.

What was on it? Your information is incorrect,

And I am not obliged to speak with you, detective.

I have diplomatic immunity.

This meeting is over.

Esposito: So, you think layla's behind the k*lling?

I don't know, but she's clearly hiding something.

Ryan, where are we on that print that perlmutter found?

We got an I.D. Off the military database,

And it matches our sketch.

This is our k*ller.

Harlan mathis.

He's out of vegas, ex-marine, worked in private security.

But now he's freelance, and word is

He'll pretty much do anything if the price is right,

Why send a hired g*n like mathis after a telenovela star?

Let's find mathis and ask him about ana's m*rder.

Put out an apb and alert tsa and homeland security.

If he's still in town, a guy like this won't be easy to find.

Hopefully make some headway by the morning. Got it.

[ sighs ]

[ knock on door ]

So, the lonely p.I. Burning the midnight oil, huh?

Who knew finding a purse could be this exhausting?

So, did you figure out where the white limo took ana?

I can't even figure out whose limo it was.

The taxi and limo commissions

Have thousands of limos registered,

But they're not broken down by colors,

So I'm working on plan "b."

Okay, well,

You ready to get out of here, call it a night?


What's your rush, doll?

Why don't you stick around a while,

Give those stems of yours a rest?

Could I?

I'm all alone,

And this is my first time in the big, scary city.

Spare me the tall tale, precious.

A dame like you? You got an angle.

You're pretty quick for a gumshoe.

Come on. Spill the story.

Time is money, and I got none of either.

All right, I'll give it to you straight.

I'm just a girl looking for a private d*ck --

Well, then, your search is over, sweetheart.

[ laughs ]

This here -- that's the tough one. There we go. I got it.

You got it? [ chuckles ]

Sofia: Mr. Castle!

Ms. Del cordova...

Uh, we were not expecting you.


And do you know what I was expecting?

An update from you.

I was -- I was busy working the case.

You said he was the best.

Maybe your rating is not so objective.

You know what? I better be on my way.

You two obviously have work to discuss.

Let me be plain, mr. Castle.

Have you found my purse? Not yet, though --

And what about where the white limousine took ana?

I am following every lead.

It's only a matter of time.

Which is one thing I do not have.

You're fired, mr. Castle.

What? Fired?

You can't do that. I just did.

You do understand how firing works?


Effective immediately,

I'm hiring myself to solve this case.

You can't do that. I just did.

I am determined to see this through.

I've made it my mission to find your purse.

Take a look at this.

[ computer beeps ]

Somewhere last night, one of anahita's fans

Must have seen her in that limo,

So I have been going over every post,

Every tweet, every comment, every photo of ana

That's hit social media in the last 24 hours.

I've set alerts on all of her fansites,

And I have a photo aggregator

In case any new photos get posted. [ computer dings ]

As a matter of fact, that is the sound

Of a fresh batch of photos arriving.

[ computer dings ]

Not so fresh. This one is from last week.

All right, well... [ computer dings ]

There -- that one's from last night.

That's her leaving the opera with the purse.

[ computer dings ] there.

There's ana in the white limo.

Looks like she's in a hurry.

She doesn't have my purse.

Where -- where is the purse? Okay, wait.

That photo's timestamped 11:03.

That's five minutes after she left the opera.

So, the usher said when she went to the limo,

She had her purse with her.

Five minutes later without the purse...

Then she left it inside the limousine.

I find that limousine,

I find your purse, ms. Del cordova.

But how without the license plate?

With that.

That sticker has the vin.

The vehicle identification number

Will tell us exactly who this car is registered to.

And I know just the person to trace that for me.

[ sighs ] mr. Castle, you are a genius.

You are hired. Again.

Are you awake?

Oh, yeah.

Well, I admit, uh,

Sofia barging in on us was a little awkward.

Mm-hmm. Try mortifying. Yeah.

I was supposed to call her with an update.

I had no idea she'd drop by to get it in person.

I'm -- I'm so sorry.

It was actually kind of funny, if you think about it.


So, I'm forgiven?


Forgiven enough to ask for a favor?

Mm. Maybe.

Depending on what you're asking.

How would you like

To trace a vin number for me?

Oh, my god. Castle!

You're unbelievable.

So that's a no?

Ryan: So, we may have a location on our k*ller, harlan mathis.

How'd you pull that off?

Well, we knew he was from out of town,

So we checked motels, hotels, short-term housing.

Building manager in harlem recognized him from his photo.

He checked in two weeks ago under the name james hyndman.

All right, let's go. All right.





No sign of mathis.


I think I may have an idea who hired him.

Check it out.

Security credentials for the saudi consulate.

Layla and her father are saudi nationals.

That can't be a coincidence.

Yeah, well, why would they hire mathis to k*ll ana?

Well, I bet this is exciting for you.

Yeah, it's not every day that the dmv

Gets to help the nypd crack a homicide case.


Every day.

Okay, well, if you just run

That vin number through your database,

Tell me who the limo is registered to.

My name?



Uh-huh. Detective kevin ryan.

Badge number 42344.


And do you have an address for the danbridge group?

[ knock on door ]

[ buzzing ]



[ chuckles ]

[ sighs ]

Which means either the driver found the purse or -- [ car door closes ]

This isn't my limo!

Give me your phone.

You and I are going for a ride.

[ window closes ]

What were you doing in the limo, mr. Castle?

Uh, this is gonna sound crazy, but I was looking for a purse.

A purse. Yeah, and it wasn't there.

So why don't I just apologize for breaking into your car,

And you let me go, and, well, we'll just call it even?

Whose purse is it?


Whose purse? Anahita menendez.

What do you know about her and me? Nothing.

Just that she left the limo without her purse. You're lying.

She never had a purse when she got in.

Who hired you? Who are you really investigating?

Me? Why would I investigate you?

For the same reason the police are.

Because ana menendez is dead.

Which you clearly had nothing to do with, so -- whoa!

Okay, see, now, that's -- that's not necessary.

I need to know what you know.

You do know everything I know. I know nothing.

Convince me.

Ryan: Harlan mathis!


Drop that knife! Now!

Turn around. Show me your hands.


What are you doing here?

I was only trying to find ana's purse.

How was I supposed to know that the limo she was in

Was being driven by the guy that k*lled her?

Castle, do you realize how lucky you are?

Extremely lucky.

After all, I'm married to you. Don't even go there.

What if we didn't connect harlan mathis

To the danbridge group?

What if that limo didn't have lojack?

You would if you had traced that vin number for me.

That's not the lesson to take away here.

Look, from now on, I want you to tell me

Where you're going and what you're doing.

Uh, see, that's not fair.

Neither is how we saved your bacon

And got nothing to show for it.

I mean, what is a rescue

From certain death worth these days?

Floor seats to a few knicks games.

At the very least.

Guys, rescued from certain death?

Come on! I had him right where I wanted him!

Fine. Floor seats.

So, we looked into the danbridge group.

It is a front owned by a company controlled by abdul nazif.

The saudi billionaire?

He's behind this?

We figure that mathis forced ana into the limo at the opera,

Stole her purse with the usb in it.

Yes, richard.

But mathis said that she didn't have the purse

When she got into the car.

I think I know what happened.

As ana was leaving the opera house,

She realized she was going to be abducted.

So before she got into the limo,

She ditched the purse outside the opera house,

Where I will find it and solve my case!

See? I'm telling you where I'm going.

To get a confession out of harlan mathis.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where you going, floor seats?

Make the call.

I have nothing to say to you.

Then you don't grasp the situation, mr. Mathis.

With all the charges you're facing

Plus anahita menendez,

By the time you get out of prison,

Now, you were hired to abduct her, weren't you?

Is this supposed to be loyalty to your employer?

Because they've got none towards you.

I spoke to abdul nazif's people,

And they claim to not know you.

So you're all alone here.

What are you offering? Consideration from the d.A.

If you tell me what happened with ana.

[ breathes deeply ]

I was hired to secure ms. Menendez.

To pick her up at the opera and bring her to mr. Nazif.

For what?

He wanted to speak with her.

But she had refused to meet with him.

I'm not clear on the specifics.

What about the usb?

I don't know about any usb.

When she left the opera, I escorted her to the limo.

A few stoplights later,

She jumped out, ran off, and I lost her.

I don't know what happened to her after that. I do.

You caught up to her at her apartment,

And then you m*rder*d her.

[ chuckles ]

That's not true.

A witness saw you fleeing the crime scene.

Your print is on her neck.

I went to her apartment to look for her,

But she was already dead.

That print is me checking for a pulse.

You expect me to believe that someone else k*lled her?


How should I know?

But k*lling her was not my assignment.

Okay, ronny, just so we are completely clear,

You remember seeing ana out here with the purse?

Yeah, that's right.

As the driver was escorting her into the white limo.

Okay, so it's possible she handed it off to someone,

Stashed it in a bag, "enemy of the state" style.

Did you notice anyone near her?

Uh, just the limo driver.

All right, well, how far from the limo

Uh, she was like right there, just near the curb.

Perfect. Thank you, ronny.

[ scoffs ]

You are getting to be an expensive habit.




I might owe you a bigger tip!

[ laughs ]


Where I come from, it's rude to look through a lady's purse.

Ms. Del cordova.

You got here fast.

I'm very anxious to get that clutch back,

As you well know. Even if it's a knockoff?

These diamonds are fake.

What's really going on here?

I'm sure you're mistaken.

Please give me the purse and its contents.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

This usb drive is a part of the m*rder investigation.

I'm afraid I must insist, mr. Castle.

[ g*n cocks ]

Not your purse, is it?

It's not even arthur radcliffe's.

It's ana's.

You were after the usb drive the whole time.

Why? What's on it?

That is not your concern.

You used me.

You're a private eye.

Doesn't that come with the job?

Knowing I'd work that much harder

Just to find the damn thing.

I could see you are like me, mr. Castle.

You hate to lose, but lose you must.

The ubs, please.

[ sighs ]

It's usb.

And where I come from,

It's rude to point a g*n at a man.

Esposito: L-look at that.

I mean, her going to prison?

What a tragic waste.

I just wish it would have been harlan mathis.

Why wasn't it? What cleared him?

So you're saying I solved my case and your case

And I apprehended the k*ller?

Yeah, you disarmed a 110-pound woman.

Must have been a tense moment.

You mock, but I'm telling you,

My online p.I. Self-defense course,

Much like your special forces training,

Had me in the zone.

It was like everything was moving in slow-motion.

You do realize it was a prop g*n, right?



No b*ll*ts, plugged barrel.


But since I didn't know that at the time,

My act of valor still stands.

Hey, so, uh, tech went over that usb drive.

Turns out it's a dongle.


Together: What's a dongle?

It's basically an encrypted security key.

That unlocks what? When tech plugged it in, it routed them

To an anonymous numbered bank account in switzerland

With a balance of $100 million.

100 million bucks?

I should have charged way more to find that purse.

Ms. Del cordova, where were you at 12:09

The night that ana was k*lled?

At home in bed.

And can anyone corroborate that? No.

So, tell me, why was ana in possession of a security key

To a swiss bank account containing $100 million?

[ sighs ]

I'm not at liberty to say.

Okay, well, here's my theory.

In some kind of a business deal with layla nazif --

Something secret, illegal, or both.

Now, you either knew about the deal

Or you were involved in it, too.

Feel free to jump in and correct me at any point.

You went to ana's place to collect the money.

She didn't have the security key, so you k*lled her,

And then you hired castle to find it.

Ana and I were business partners,

But I did not k*ll her.

She was my friend.

What kind of business, sofia?

Your future's on the line here.

Ana wanted to create the first

Latin-american female-driven television network.

It was her dream.

A television network?

She came to me because she needed

Someone with star power who knew the business,

But we had to keep everything secret.

We were trying to leave "santos desesperados"

And the very network that created us,

It would endanger the deal.

But the pieces were almost in place.

Ana had found an investor that she met with --

A real-estate man to buy sound stages.

And I take it that was herman eckles

And the investor was...

But layla's father tried to stop her from investing.

He didn't want his name

Associated with a woman's tv network.

So she went behind his back and gave ana the usb.

The next thing I know, ana was dead.

If what you're saying is true,

Then why did you thr*aten castle at gunpoint?

Because the money has to be in the escrow account

By 5:00 p.M. Today or the deal is off.

Who else knew about ana's meeting at the opera house?

She just said she was meeting layla on the upper west side.

And where did you and ana have this conversation?

In my trailer, where it is private.

No one else was around.

Hey, beckett. Anything?

Yeah, looks like part of sofia's story holds up.

She wat home the night of the m*rder.

Someone saw her? Mm. The doorman.

And she didn't leave her apartment the whole night.

Esposito: Yo.

So, we searched sofia's trailer on set.

You'll never guess what we found.

Detectives, what can I do for you?

Well, you can explain this.

It's a microphone like the ones we use to record the actors.

Beckett: Except the actors involved

Didn't know that they were being recorded.

That was hidden in sofia's trailer.


It's probably the tabloids again.

Believe me, I will find the person who did this.

Well, you won't have to look too far.

He admitted that you borrowed it from him last week.

You probably suspected what ana and sofia were up to,

And you knew that they talked in sofia's trailer,

That's how you knew that ana was planning on leaving

And taking your biggest star with her.

I know nothing of this.

These are outrageous accusations.

Those two women are the reason audiences watch.

You knew that.

If you let ana go forward with her plan,

Where would that leave the network?

Where would that leave you?

Beckett: Mr. Herrara, we circulated your photo.

You were seen at the coffee shop

Down the street from ana's apartment.

You waited for her to come home,

And when she did, you snapped, didn't you?

I made ana.

Before me, she was nobody,

And she was going to ruin everything.

I begged her not to do it.

She refused to see reason.

I-I never meant to k*ll her.

Francisco herrara, you're under arrest

For the m*rder of anahita menendez.

It is terrible what francisco did,

But ana's legacy will live on.

We deposited the money in escrow 20 minutes before the deadline.

So you'll still be able to launch the network?

Yes, the deal is complete.

Layla and I agreed to co-run the company in ana's name.

I am sorry I deceived you, mr. Castle.

It comes with the job.

And pulled a g*n on you.

Which also comes with the job.

Esposito: Excuse me.

Um, sorry, uh, ms. Del cordova, I'm --

I'm sorry to bother, but do you think

You could sign this for my tía before you leave?

Absolutely. Thank you.

What is her name?

Okay, it's -- it's -- it's for me. It's --

I-I've just been such a big fan of yours for so long.

You're just so great in "santos desesperados"...

We should probably get out of here before gates sees you.

Right. Can I walk you home? Yeah.

Would turn into a case rife with mystery and intrigue?


Oh, all I did was refer a case.

So, how does it feel to have your first satisfied customer?

Like I want to satisfy another one.

Oh, I think that can be arranged.

As the sun set on the mean streets of the naked city,

I could feel my luck was about to change.

Castle: The k*ller was caught, my case was closed,

And hanging on my arm was the dame of my dreams.

Are you gonna be doing that all night?

Not if it hurts my chances.