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15x15 - Rawhide Ralph

Posted: 01/26/22 12:24
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪


This is more uncomfortable
than I would have thought!

It's all right.

It doesn't make you feel sick?

What's that?

Reading while in motion.

No. Why would it?

It does for many people.

Well, not me.

So, why didn't I come
straight to Toronto?

Well, I was informed that
the railway line was damaged

and rather than make
you wait for the repair,

I thought I'd come and get you.

Your father's very excited to see you.

Then why didn't he come to pick me up?

Well, he was occupied at work.

Besides, I felt like the journey.

I thought it would be a nice opportunity

for you to see the country.

Yes, well there it is. Country.

(COACHMAN): Come on. Hep.

- What's the matter?
- Oh, nothing.

Don't lie to me.

I've seen my mother's
face look like that

when something's wrong.


That doesn't sound like nothing to me.

Hey! Don't sh**t at us!

(OGDEN): Please don't
sh**t! We're coming out.

You two, out of the coach.


Idiot. I said no one was to get hurt.

Least not yet.

Ralph Fellows.

Dr. Ogden. What a pleasure
to renew our acquaintance.

Oh, this must be young Harry.

Oh, pleased to meet you.


- I'll wrap it as best I can.
- It hurts.

The b*llet went straight through.

Do you know these men?


(FELLOWS): Let's get going, Doctor.

When I'm finished.

(MAN): It doesn't look too bad to me.

- Surprised you hit him.
- I meant to wing him.

It was deliberate.

- That's a laugh.
- (FELLOWS): Okay, you two.

- Ready to go?
- Born ready, boss.

- Can you two ride?
- I can ride.

Oh, well, aren't you something?

All right, well, as they
say in the vernacular,

let's saddle up.

Oh, you, too.

Unless your condition
doesn't allow for it.

I can handle it.

So, you will be at the party tonight?

- I don't know.
- You don't know?

How could you not?
It'll be a lively affair.

There'll be music,
readings, a female imposter.

Oh! So, a low-key affair.

Llewellyn, there's very
little I do that is low-key.

And I'd very much like you to come.

I don't think I can. I'm still
in the employ of the constabulary.

- As such, discretion...
- ... Is for the cowardly.

And I fear I'm starting
to count you among them.

Besides, I already have
a friend. You know that.

Yes, I know you have a friend
who is married to a woman.

Llewellyn, you deserve better than that.

I'm not asking to be your one and only:

Just your once in a while.

You're being a bit forward, Mr. Strange.

There's no other way to be.

If only that were so.

- Here you are, my queen.
- Oh, thank you, Arthur.

What time shall I gather you?

- When I call.
- Very good.

You know what they say:
Happy wife, happy life.

Do you believe that to be true?

I do.

And your happiness is
not of concern to you?

Good day, Detective.

All right, rest time's
over. Let's get going.

Don't worry about
leaving an obvious trail.

Come on.

- Otto, keep an eye on them.
- Yes, sir.

- Where are you taking us?
- (FELLOWS): Uh, you'll see.

A good looking young man.

One can definitely see the resemblance.

If you harm him, Mr. Fellows...

Good-looking people have it a
little easier, don't you think?

I guess some people are just born lucky,

others have to make their own luck.

So, I guess yours was all bad.

Well, you got spunk.

Not really.

I was simply taught to tell the truth.

Well, at least you have a little
more wit than your old man.

Very little.

Let's get going. Otto, come on.

I don't like him.

Not many do.

Don't worry.

I'll make sure you're all right.

- Watts.
- Detective.

I'm heading out.

That is apparent. Anything of interest?

Yes. A woman has been reported missing.

But I wouldn't want to tear
you away from your reading.

Mr. Strange's work is
a little over my head,

but I do find it mesmerizing.


Poets see the world through
different eyes than the rest of us.

I'm sure they do.

And who is this missing woman?

A Mrs. Clara Walker.

- Good lord.
- What?

Clara Walker.

That's Jack Walker's wife.

The butcher?

Uh, with your permission,
could I take the lead on this?

Can you remain objective?

Of course.

Yes. Yes, yes.

And when did you notice
Clara was missing?

Uh, she had taken Samuel to
her parents' house last evening.

She never returned.

And Samuel?

He's with her parents.

So, she disappeared sometime

after dropping Samuel
off at her parent's home?

(JACK): Yes.

Jack, are you sure
she didn't just leave?


- Jack?
- Perhaps.

Perhaps? Why do you say that?

She had become displeased with me

and my relationship with you.

Enough to abandon her child?

I don't think so, but

I don't know for certain.

What's your feeling on this, Watts?

I'm not sure what you mean.

I imagine you know the family some.

I do.

Would Clara Walker abandon
her husband and child?

Her marriage is an important
symbol of stability for her.

Proof that she's not a fallen woman.

Even if her husband doesn't love her?

Jack has great affection for Clara.

Perhaps affection wasn't enough.

Sir! You need to see this.

"Coach from Guelph to Toronto att*cked.

Woman and child taken prisoner."

That's Julia and Harry.


Uh, telephone the livery...

- Go. I can handle what's happening here.
- Yes.

I do hope you enjoy
your new accommodations.

You'll be staying here.

You stay with 'em.

When do we get paid for this?

I have told you.

You will get paid when the job is done.

We have the woman and child.

Isn't the job done?

Oh, no, my thick-skulled hessian.


Not by a long shot.



You're not looking for your wife?

She left on her own accord.

She won't be found lest she wants to.

I thought she was...

Comfortable with the arrangement.

So did I.

- Well I still need to find her.
- I know.

- The child...
- I said I know!

Whatever Mr. Fellows is
paying you, I can pay you more.

- Just to let us go.

That's if he pays you at all.

Not interested.

At least let the boy go.

- He's done nothing wrong.
- No can do. Sorry.

I could outrun the two of you, you know.

Can you outrun a b*llet?

I've seen you sh**t, so I'm
not worried much about that.

Watch your mouth, son.

Heard he grew up without a father.

And what of it?

Means he never had a
chance to learn manners.

Isn't that right?

That's right.

What's your excuse?

Out of my way.

What are you going to do if I don't?

Sit down!

Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright.

Where's Detective Murdoch?

He had urgent business.

More urgent than the fact
our daughter is missing?

- Well, it's a different...
- So, we're stuck with you?

It would appear so.

Well, this is less than ideal.

I am more than capable
of finding your daughter.

Yes. We know all about you
and what you're capable of.

Our daughter told us. It's shameful.

Be that as it may,

I am still charged with
finding out where she is.

She's been taken prisoner,
or some ill has befallen her.

- You're sure about that?
- Yes!

She was happy!

And she loved her child and
she would never leave Samuel.

And she had come to
terms with her husband's

- immoral behaviour.
- Yes. Despite her...

Unfortunate circumstances,

she was happy and she was content.

Something has happened to
our daughter, Detective.

Detective Murdoch?

- Yes.
- Billy Williams. I'm sorry.

There's nothing we could do.

- Are the woman and child safe?
- When I last saw them.

I tried to follow, but
I was in no condition.

- How many were they?
- Four men. All on horse.

Any idea what direction they went in?

No. But I have a man
who could find them.


Seems the detective will be
requiring your assistance.

Then he best ask for it himself.

If you need someone found around
here, Uriah's the man for you.

- That so?
- That is indeed so.

Dollar a day. Ten when I find them.

- I'm a police officer.
- No matter to me.

You still pay me for what I'm worth.

Man here tells me that

the missing are your wife and child.

- That so?
- Yes.

Then I think they're worth
more than a dollar a day.

Fine. And you can find them?

You want that to happen,
we best start looking.

We got light on our side.

I trust your animal still
has some hours left in her?

- Yes.
- Good. All right.

If I could have done anything more, sir.

I'm sure you did all you
could under the circumstances.

The man who seemed to be the
leader, he left me with this.

(FELLOWS): All right,
that's it. Back in the barn.

He hasn't finished eating.

- Hey!
- Now he's finished.

Yeah, quite the thing, huh?

Yeah, you fall in that,
one second, you're here,

next second, you're gone.

Are you trying to scare me?

(FELLOWS): Well, the child, actually.

- Well, I'm not scared.
- Oh, good for you.

Where's your husband?

On your trail, probably.

- Good.
- Good?

I've been waiting impatiently for him.

We have unfinished business.

Come on.

Someone's lucky day.

Not funny.

Although with her out of
the picture, I can safely say

the lucky day is not mine.

What a curious fellow.

Mr. Strange?

No, Mr. Walker.

Why do you say that?

Well, look at him. At work.

It's unusual behaviour for
a man with a missing wife.

If my Ruthie were gone,

I'd be turning over heaven
and earth to find her.

Six horses, I'd say.

Two from the wagon.

How can you tell?

I shoe those horses.

These tracks bear my mark.

Funny, though.

What's that?

They're not making an
effort to stay hidden.

Harry, no! You're only
going to hurt your wrists.

- I can get out.
- No, you can't.

That's a constrictor knot.

There's no way to get out of it.

How do you know that?

Your father's not the
only one who knows things.

I guess.

Now, young Harry, I
have a question for you.

Which of these three men do
you think is the weakest link?

The German.

And why do you say that?

He's not a real cowboy.

And he thinks he's gonna
be cheated out of his pay.

If he had a better offer,

he would double-cross
these guys in a heartbeat.

My thoughts exactly.

(WATTS): Hello?


(WOMAN): Who's there?


- Excuse me?
- Oh.

What are you doing here?

All her things are still here.

She wore this...

Every day.

St. Christopher.

The patron saint of travelers.

Whatever's happened to Clara
was not of her own making.

I understand your suspicions, but

I know Jack Walker to be a good man.

I never said he had anything
to do with it, did I?

But someone has taken
my daughter, Detective.

And if someone's taken
her, we will find her.

Believe me.

I wish I could.

They were here about five hours ago.

Right. Which way?

The only way you can
tell is by picking one.

See if we can find the trail again.

Not very scientific.

Here, call it.

Heads are left, tails are right.

Looks like we're going left.

What if we're wrong?

We double back, go the proper way.

So, I hear Mr. Fellows
hasn't paid you any money.

I know him, you know.

Be quiet.

He's not a trustworthy man.


Yes, please.

(OGDEN): I have money.

A lot more than Mr. Fellows.

If you let us go...

(HENCHMAN): You getting
friendly, Sauerkraut?

Just giving them water.

- Yeah?
- Mm.

Well, they had enough.

Hope the German wasn't
getting fresh with you.

He wasn't.

Well, just so you know,

he has it in him.

So be mindful.

Don't worry, Harry.

I'm not.

Neither should you be.

I've been in worse.

Have you?

- You know what? So have I.
- Really?


I was buried alive once.

- Really?
- Really.

- Wow.
- I don't recommend it.

Do you need something?

Who are you?

Detective Llewellyn Watts.
Toronto Constabulary.

What other constabulary
would you be from?

Oh. Very good.

Is this about Clara? I'm her neighbour.

And what do you know about Clara?

I know that she is missing.

Her mother told me.

And do you have any wisdom as to
what might have happened to her?

I do not.

My family and I keep to ourselves.

Despite the fact you're
keenly interested in her fate.

Who said that?

Well, why would you be
in here if you weren't?

Only because there is little else to do.

I see.

And have you noticed anything

suspicious around here lately?

Define suspicious.

Something out of the ordinary.

You know, yesterday,
I thought I might have.

What's that?

I saw a man prowling around here.

A man? What can you tell me about him?


At first, I thought he
was a strange man. But...

In retrospect, I think it
might have been her husband.

I see. And...

Why would you consider that suspicious?

Mr. Walker is never
around during the day.

He leaves at sunup for work and
arrives back home after sundown,

regular as clockwork.

- It's almost as if he hated being home.
- I see.

And I do understand that.

Do you?

There are rumours about him.

Ah, what sort of rumours?

That he is a bit of a Molly.

That when he wasn't
playing loving husband,

he was gadabouting all over town.

I see. And...

you believe the man you saw

prowling around was Jack Walker.

I do.

Uh, one more question.

Of course.

Do you know where Clara would go

when she wanted to be
alone with her thoughts?

She often took Samuel down by the pond.

For a married woman,
she had the demeanour

of someone very much alone.


- Get your hands off me!
- Shh!

You have money?

How much?

One hundred dollars.

Give it to me.

When you let us go.


What are you doing? Why are we stopping?

Not going any further tonight.

Not unless you want to k*ll your horse.

My wife! And my son!

I'd say if whoever has
them wanted them dead,

they would have shot them
when they took the coach.

Wouldn't you say, Detective?

I suppose.

No supposing about it.

Where are the horses?

No horses for you.

- Then how are we supposed to get out of here?
- Shh!

Main road is ten miles that way.

Madam, better get going.

Come, Harry.

Not much call for a man like me anymore.

Why is that?

You have telephones. Automobiles.

No one goes missing unless they want to.

- Want some?
- I don't drink.

It's just water.

I don't drink either...

not on the job.

Why are we waiting?

'Cause in the dark, we'd
just be running in circles.

We'll pick up the trail first thing.

Don't worry.

He's not going to hurt her.

That's the second time you've said that.

How can you be sure?

What kind of man would
hurt a woman with child?


Are you all right?

A bit winded.

I just need a moment to catch my breath.


Thank you, Harry.

Are you sure you're all right?

How could I not be with such
a thoughtful travel companion?

Want to know a secret?

I most definitely do.

I always kinda wanted a brother.

You might end up with a sister.

I wouldn't mind that, as
long as she's tough like you.


It's not exactly how you imagined

your trip back to Canada to go.

Unexpected things.


My mother told me to
expect unexpected things.

So you're never surprised?


That's a shame.


Think we'll be making
our way back to town.

- Please, no. Just let us go.
- Can't do that.

So, let's be quick about it.

(MAN): Little further
down the shoreline!

(MAN ): All right, mind yourself there.

(MAN ): It's a little deep.

Just a few moments more, lads,

then we'll bring this to a close.


Not a moment too soon.


(MAN): Been through here?

(MAN ): Ah, no, not there yet.

Oh, dear.

Fellows, I think I've found something.

(MAN): You got 'er?

Get Mrs. Hart, please.

It's hardly necessary, is it?

Even I can tell she drowned.

Drowned, or was drowned?

Makes her equally dead.

On your knees.

I will not.

Don't touch me! I'm with child.

(FELLOWS): Gentlemen! Manners.

After all, we are civilized.

Get her a chair.

How'd you get away?

- We got away by ourselves.
- Remarkable.

Isn't it, Mr. Rooster?

- Indeed it is.
- Yeah.

Although it does make one wonder.

How did Otto get a hundred
dollars in his pocket?

- I know how it got there.
- So do I.

How much am I paying you gentlemen?

Nothing, yet.

How much have I promised to pay you men?

One hundred fifty, divided three ways.

What would that be divided by two?


I'd say it's now a head. That right?

Is now.

What about the hundred dollars
that the lady gave Otto?

Oh, let's not be greedy, Mr. Smith.

After all, I have funeral expenses.


(JACK): I suppose it is possible.

You always told me she was happy.

I may have been lying to myself.

And you.

We both live in lies, don't we?

Sometimes they're necessary.

When will you be releasing her body?

Once our coroner has
done a full investigation.

Will she be able to find a broken heart?

- What are you saying?
- That I as much as k*lled her.

I married her to save myself from shame,

to save my business.

She obviously couldn't cope with it.

Don't blame yourself.

Who do I blame?


Did you enjoy it?

I did. Thank you.

You should have come in,

dined in more pleasant surroundings.

Oh, this suits me just fine, Arthur.


What happened to this poor unfortunate?

(HART): She got married.

Sometimes a fate like hers is
the end result of a poor union.

You're a hard woman, Mrs. Hart.

When need be.

A quality I very much adore.

I know that, Arthur.

I should get back to her.


Oh, good lord!

I think that's good.


I take it those are the
two you're looking for.

(MURDOCH): Indeed.

(URIAH): That'll be twelve dollars.

You're leaving?

I done my job.

I could deputize you.

And I'd refuse. I'm not a violent man.

Judging by the situation,
I'd say trouble's brewing.

I got my own troubles.

Fair enough.

Good luck to you.

Maybe your husband's love isn't so true.

Excuse me?

Well, his wife and only son

abducted by a violent g*ng.

Where is he?

Especially since we
didn't hide our trail.

We're really easy to find.

Maybe the man's enjoying his freedom.

Little time off from the
brat and the ball and chain.

You're a coward, Mr. Fellows.

And not half the man my husband is.

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

You're a hotel detective
pretending to be a cowboy.

And despite your many
attempts to harm us,

- you've done nothing but fail.
- You watch your mouth.

How does it feel?

How does what feel?

Living your life as a failure.

I am the farthest thing from a failure.

I am a victim

of unfortunate circumstances.

Well, that is something
a failure would say.

(HARRY): My father will find you.

That's what I'm counting on.

I'm sorry, Harry.

- For what?
- I should have gotten you out of this.

It's all right.

We're still going to get away.

I wish I had your confidence.

It's not confidence. Look.

Wha... what is he doing?

He's sending a message.

They won't let me see Samuel.

- A reasonable enough reaction.
- He is my son.

- And you are not the father.
- I'm as good as.

And I'm the only one he has.

Detective Watts. A moment?

Is this about Clara?

My attention is directed
at the detective, sir.


What is it?

There may be more to Mrs.
Walker's death than su1c1de.

Her spine was pierced.

- Pierced?
- Yes. With a filleting knife, I'd imagine.

Something a fishmonger
or a butcher would have.


Mr. Smith!

(SMITH): What do you want?

My son needs to use the latrine.

- Huh, tell him to hold it.
- I have been!


Or are you not man enough
to corral a small child?

All right.

No funny stuff.

- Henry?
- Yes?

- I need you to go back to the swamp.
- The swamp. Why?

I need to see if you can find a knife

somewhere near where the
body was found, I'd imagine.

What sort of knife?

- A m*rder w*apon knife, Henry.
- Sir.


Oh, hello.

Have you thought more about that party?

I confess I have not.

You've heard more about
your friend's wife.

I have.

- And not good news?
- How can you tell?

I can see it on your face.

Well, you're right. It's not good news.

Did he k*ll her?

Why would you say that?

Some peop...

People in our position...

Well, it is a hard life to lead.

Especially when you're living a lie.


Perhaps he needed an escape?

The man I know is not capable of m*rder.


You want to hurry it up?

Hurry it up or I'm
going to come in there.



- Come out here!
- Father.

Are you all right?

- How many more are there?
- Just two.

Shouldn't be much of a problem for you.

Oh, I appreciate the confidence.

Harry, stay right here.

Drop your w*apon.

Toronto Constabulary. Drop your w*apon!

Ain't that special.

Drop your w*apon!


Then I'll give you a fighting chance.

If all goes well, I'll
be needing you soon.

Stay here.

You might want to think
about what happens next.

I've never lost.

- How many duels have you had?
- Two.

- Just two?
- But I lost neither one of them.

You want to count it down?

All right. Dealer's choice it is.



Wait! Ah!

You cheated.

You never said we
were counting to three.


Father! Is everything all right?

Where were they keeping you?

What are you doing?

Clara was stabbed.

We don't think she took her own life.

And I did it?

Where's the missing knife, Jack?

Get out.

- (WATTS): Answer the question!
- I don't know.

- I misplaced it.
- Well, you better find it.

I can't believe you
would think this of me.

Your reluctance to help me
is only fueling my suspicion.

I don't give a damn what
it's fueling. Get out!




Are you all right?

I'm lovely.

You can't do this here.

I didn't mean to.

I must confess Morpheus
got the better of me.

Go home.

- Come with me.
- No. I have work to do.

I am your husband.

I want you to come home.

Right now, what you want
is of no concern to me.


I will let you know that I am
starting to tire of this game.

- Julia!
- (OGDEN): William!

It seems I'm holding
your future in my hands.

Detective, I hate swamps.

I'm going to have to
bathe in calamine tonight.

- What did you find?
- Well, that is the good news.

Good news for some, I suppose.

Yes, thank you, Henry.

I'm sorry but you're
leaving me no choice.

- Ahh!
- No!


Stay here!




Are you all right?

- I think I'm all right.
- And Fellows?

Oh, I don't know.

I don't think he fared too well.

Whoever is in there
is made of stern stuff.

Kicking up a storm.

- You don't have to tell me that.
- I suppose not.


Is that what was going to happen to you?

I suppose so.


Quite the end for Mr. Fellows.


All right. That's enough, Harry.

- Want to know something funny?
- All right.

When I was with my mother,

I spent my whole life
running from the Black Hand.

How is that funny?

I visit you two times
and I get kidnapped both.

But, to be fair, you ran away once.

I'll give you that! But
I still got kidnapped.


Well, you are a Murdoch,
so every day's an adventure.

He's gone!

- He's gone!
- He's gone!

- Who?
- Samuel.

- Good lord.
- Jack Walker just marched into our home,

- and he just took him!
- I tried to stop him,

- but he overpowered me.
- He stole our grandson.

- Also his son.
- He is not.

Jack Walker never fathered that child.

He has no claim to him!

Well, that may not be exactly...

Please, please, please!
Just stop talking.

- Please just go and find him, please?
- Yes, yes.

He's gone. He's gone.

(DRIVER): Hello, sir. Where to?

Anywhere but here.

Where specifically?

Just drive.