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03x06 - Search for a New Queen

Posted: 01/26/22 11:48
by bunniefuu
Leave us!

Charles, please, sit.

The factions and the fighting
that went on inside this Court

while I mourned were unacceptable.

I'm appointing You President of the
Council and Lord Great Master,

so, in my absence, all
will be answerable to You,

not Cromwell.


I'm also appointing Edward Seymour, to
investigate the activities of the Poles.

From now on, they are
ALL under suspicion.

How's your family?

They're well,


my wife lost the child
she was carrying.

Then we have both
lost something.

Oh, Charles...

sometimes I think
I shall go mad.

My leg is poisoned
and hurts again,

I'm afraid that my son will die
of The Plague, and I cannot sleep.


I know what it is that
we have both lost.

We have lost our youth.

There is nothing in the world,
that can ever return it to us.

"Beneditione tuam Domine,

"populos Fideles accipiat."

- "Per Christum Dominum nostrum."
- "Amen!"

Lady Salisbury!

You're hungry!

("Stop, sir!")
(Stand aside, I'm on the King's business!")

- What's that?
("You can't go in there!")

Lady Salisbury,
forgive this intrusion,

but You and these members
of Your family are arrested,

By the King's orders,
on suspicion of Treason.

You will all have to come
straight with me.

Not my grandson, surely.


I wanted to talk to you in private,
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,

because I'm inclined
towards a French bride.

Although my advisors think I should
rather seek an Imperial match.

Ah, I admire Your Majesty's taste,
and deplore that of Your advisers.

Perhaps they are not men
of the world, as we are?

My Lord of the Privy Seal spoke
to me of two potential French brides:

Maria, the King's daughter,
and Marie de Guise,

Madame de Longueville.

Since I have heard further
of Madame de Longueville,

I cannot refrain from
considering her as a wife.

Hmm. Good nose.

Hmm. Cat's piss.

Not too sweet.

Hmm, what have You heard?

The King's daughter's
too young for me.

But Madame de Longueville
is more suitable,

being herself a widow, and
having already born two sons,

and being, as they say,
very voluptuous.

My Master told me that He
would think it a great honour,

if Your Majesty were to take
a French girl as Your new wife.

There is no Lady who
is not at His command,

Madame de Longueville,

Whose marriage to the King of
Scotland, has already been arranged.

This arrangement
can be broken.

Tell your Master that I can do
twice as much for Him

as my nephew, the idiotic
and beggarly Scotish King.

Hmm, yes.

Yes, but so, in effect, then You
would be marrying another man's wife.

I will marry who I like!

Monsieur Castillon,

I have received offers
from every quarter.

Forgive me, but His Majesty
proposes a double marriage.

His 19 year old son, Henri,
to Your daughter, Mary,

and one of Madame Longeville's
sisters to You.

There are two of them:
Louise and Renn?.

The former, remarkably
for the French Court,

is a rumoured to be
still a virgin.

Mmm, mmm-mmm.

Take Her.
Take Louise.

Since she is still a maid,
You will have the advantage of...

shaping the passage to Your measure.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

I want to see my father!



I want my father NOW!!

You know who I am?
Don't you?

Oh, yes! I know who You are.
You're Master Pole.

They say that some day You're
gonna be the King of England.

Let go of me!
Let go!

We must discuss marriage.

As usual, the French
want to mess Me around.

Who does the Emperor propose?

Your Majesty, the Emperor has
put forward Christina,

His niece, the Duchess of Milan.

Tell me about Her.

Originally from Denmark,

She was married at 13 to the
Duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza,

who died a year later.

She is now 16, both a widow,
and, apparently, still a maid.

She's living in Brussels,
with the Regent, Mary of Hungary.

She is reported to be
a great beauty,

and likes nothing better than
hunting and playing cards.

Hunting and playing cards.

I like Her already.

Have Our Ambassador in the Netherlands
find out more about her.


My Lord, our Ambassador to the
Netherlands, Sir John Hutton.

Ah, Sir John... I, aah...

...have some most urgent
business for You to do.

My Lord,
Mr. Islick has warned me.

You are to make a list of potential
candidates to share His Majesty's bed.

My Lord,

I have not much
experience among ladies,

therefore, this commission
to me is HARD.

You are to go to Brussels.

You are to make particular inquiries there
about Christina, Duchess of Milan, but...

while you're about it,
go on to the Duchy of Cleves,

make enquiries there about the
Duke's two sisters: Amelia and Anne.

I'm anxious that they
should enter the reckoning.

Yes, my Lord Cromwell.

I want to see my son.

What have you done with my son?
Where is my son?

Your son is unharmed.

He will remain unharmed until we are
sure that you are not all TRAITORS,

like your brother, Reginald.

You know very well that my
family has disowned Reginald.

Neither my mother nor I support or
condones what he has done.

We'll openly profess our
allegiance to His Gracious Majesty.

I like well the precedings of
my brother, the Cardinal,

but I like NOT the
doings of this Realm,

and I trust to see
a change in this world.

I would wish that we
were both over the sea.

The world in England
waxes all crooked.

The God's Law has been
turned upside-down,

abbeys and churches overthrown.

Who gave you that letter?

Do you deny writing it?

It has a postscript:

"The King will die
one day, suddenly."

"His leg will k*ll Him,"

"and we will have a jolly...

Your professions of loyalty were
all hollow, my Lord Montague.

You are, after all,
the King's cousins.

The last of the Plantagenets.
The last of the White Rose.

Some say you Poles,
are the rightfull heirs,

and will someday wear the garland.
Don't they.

Sir Francis.


Now that we found evidence against
Henry Pole, Lord Montague,

we need something
against the Lady.

I ask you, whether such dishonest
and treacherous sons

could ever have had
an honest mother!

Who is that?

She is the widow of the
Earl of Edgemont.

A widow?

Wait. It's true She
doesn't look it, but...

She's over 40.

On the other hand,
there is a maid at Court,

she's only 14, but she already
has a goodly stature.

Let the fruit ripen before
you pluck it, Sir Francis.

- Majesty.
- Cromwell.

I've just received a
letter from Sir John Hutton,

The ambassador in Brussels.

He's been making enquiries
on Your Majesty's behalf

about the Duchess of Milan,
the Emperor's niece.

What does he say?

He writes, ah...
"There's none in these parts"

"for beauty of person and birth
to compare with the Duchess."

"She's not so pure white as the
last Queen (God pardon), but"

"when she smiles there appear two dimples
in Her cheeks and one in Her chin."

"And we're very well."

Has He mentioned
any other Ladies?

Only a...

...sister of the Duke of Cleves:

He writes...

I've heard about Her. They say
She's of no great praise,

either of Her personage
or Her beauty.

Forgive me, Majesty, but...

...on the other hand, such a match
could have its advantages.

This Realm has long been at
the mercy of the machinations

of the French or
of the Emperor,

but Cleves is a member of
The Protestant League,

which daily grows
in power across Europe,

and could easily,
rival with us.

Thus, at last, could England
make its own destiny.

Even so, I am anxious to see
more about the Duchess of Milan.

I want to be sure She is
as beautiful as Hutton claims.

Send Master Holbein to do
a sketch of her by next tide.

- Majesty.
- Master Cromwell.

With your permission, Madam,

may I ask if You would consider
marrying the King?

You may ask, Sir.

And as for my inclination, you know
I am at the Emperor's command.

Madam, how happy You shall be
if it be Your chance to be

matched with my Master.

Shall I?

Oh, uh, my Royal Master is the most
gentle gentleman that lives.

His nature is so benign
and pleasant, that

'til this day, I think no man
has heard many, if ANY

angry words
pass His mouth.

On the other hand, it is not strange
that the King's Majesty was

in so little space, rid
of His 3 Queens?

And I suspect, that the first,
my great aunt, was poisoned,

the second, innocently
put to death,

and the third lost for lack
of care in Her child-bed.

Frankly, Sir, if
I had two heads,

then one would be at
His Majesty's service.

Alas, I only have this one.

Madam, let me plead my
Master's better qualities,

and appeal to Your heart.

No! You must not
labour any further,

for I shall not fix
my heart that way.

Unless, of course, the
Emperor commands me to.

Oh, Madam.

Sir Francis!

The Royal Banner
of the Plantagenets.

My God, what
expectation is there!

What's this?

The Royal Banner.
And this...

The most potent symbol
of rebellion.

Discovered in Your house.

Sir, I am an old Lady.

I have done nothing wrong or
against the King's Majesty.

You still communicate with
Your son, Reginald Pole!

Despite him being a traitor.

No doubt You plot new
treacheries with him.

How can you suposse that at my age,
I am capable of plotting anything

against anyone?

I wish only to live a quiet life,
away from this world.

If the King in His mercy could
show pity and forgive us.

Madam, you have all been attainted for
High Treason against His Majesty.

The evidence is great against you.

For what You deserve,
You may well beg mercy,

but whom shall say if
it be granted or not.

"Grandmother, where are you?"


The Duchess of Milan
is enchanting.

I am singularly pleased.

This picture makes Her
look very pretty.


full of life.

Keep Your hands
off her, Charles!

After Our wedding, Our
younger sons will be enobled

with the ancient Dukedoms of
York, Gloucester and Somerset,

and Princess Mary can marry

Dom Lu?s.

That's what you want,
isn't it, Charles?

An Imperial wedding.

Just as Wolsey always
wanted a French one.

Everyone has an agenda!
And what I want doesn't matter!

Oh, the Poles have an agenda.

People talk about that
poor little boy in The Tower,

and poor old Lady Salisbury.

But let me tell You, they have
Plantagenet blood in their veins!

And My father told me,

My father told me that if you leave
even a sappling in the ground,

one day it will grow into a tree!

And that little boy in The Tower
will have 40,000 troops

flocking to His banner,

and YOU will be the sucker!



Fetch the King's physician.



"My Lord, what news of the King?"

"Have You heard?"

"Is He recovered?"

"The King is dead."

"The King's not..."

My Lord.

I must see the King.

"Must" Just as I may see
Your nephew, the Prince, sometimes,

but You prevent it.

The King has lain ill
for over a week.

There has been no news about Him.

So, there are rumors.

Some say the King is dead.

That would suit you,
wouldn't it?

Since Your nephew
would be King.

He is a child!
That would be to no-one's use.

Not to mine, not to yours,
and not to England's.

With Your permission, Your Grace,

I would like the opportunity
to disprove those rumours.

Very well.

What in the name of God?

This time the ulcer in His
leg has failed to burst,

as it has always done before.

Then fetch the Barber-Surgeons
to lance it.

That might k*ll Him!

"How is His Majesty?"

Double the guards around the Prince.

No-one is to be allowed access
to Him, do You understand?

Yes, m'Lord.

Tell Sir Francis to take a
detachment of the Guard to Hunsdon,

so He and they may keep watch over
the Princess Mary with their lives.

For, if the King dies, some will be
for the boy, others for Her.

Yes, Your Grace.

Oh, Lord!


What shall I do?

Mr. Cromwell, I bid you call
for the Surgeon-Barbers.

I will answer for it.

Yes, Your Grace.

Your Majesty,
forgive me.

Soft, now.

How is the child?

It is the sweetest, prettiest
boy that ever lived.

Keep Him safe.

- Mr. Cromwell...
- Majesty.

("Keep pace!")

(Henry) Have you spoken
to Castillon recently?

(Cromwell) Yes, Majesty.

What he said about
Madame de Longueville?

Ah, She has already got married...
to the King of Scotland.

She'll regret it...

when She sees what the
weather's like up there.

The Ambassador mentioned
there are two other cousins

of King Francis, potentially
available to your Majesty.

Marie de Vendome
and Anne of Varennes.

Apparently, Marie
de Vendome has already

announced Her intention
to become a nun,

although Castillon thought that
not necessarily an obstacle.

Hmph, how very French!

I need pictures! Do you understand?
I need to see them.

I need to see the woman who's
gonna be my companion for life.

What of the negotiations
with the Duchess of Milan?

There is the problem of affinity.

As niece of the Emperor,
the Duchess is, therefore,

great-niece to
Catherine of Aragon.

In the past, such obstacles might have
been overcome by Papal dispensation...

Well, there's no
question of that now!

But, perhaps, as Head of
The Church of England,

the Emperor will allow ME...
to make a dispensation.

Yes, Majesty!

It'll take a good sport to
make me feel amorous again.


I thought Your husband warned
You to stay away from me?

Oh, He did...

but now He doesn't care.

He said He couldn't be
bothered to k*ll You.

You know, the less I know about Your
husband, the more He fascinates me.

See, I know, more or less,
where most people stand.

Like Suffolk, Cromwell...

I know their true beliefs,

even if they try
to hide them.

But Edward... Who knows
what He truly believes.

Would You like me
to tell You?

'For Services Rendered'!

You're not QUITE as good
as You think You are.

That'still pretty good.

Tell me.

He believes in Himself.

In His destiny.

Prince Edward is the
key to His destiny,

nothing will stand
in His way.

He's a Reformer?

No, You can answer.
I am too. I swear.

Everyone knows I HATE
Popery with a passion.

That's why sometimes
they call me The Black Pope.

HELLO! I've just been
f*cked by the Pope!

"In Nomine Patris, et Fili
et Spiritis Sancti."

How does He think
about Cromwell?

That, I don't know...


Did anyone ever discover who
shot Robert Packington, M.P.?

"non temebo malem.
Amen. "

My Lord Montague,

I am here to help You...
to a better place.

You know I'm not guilty,
you bastard.

Only my brother is guilty, but
you can't touch Him, can You,

so You have to
k*ll the innocent.

Your guilt has been
established beyond question.

There used to be
procedures here,

proper legal procedures
in this country

to establish who was
guilty and who was not.

But that's all gone, now.

You don't even have
to have a trial.

So, since there is
no judiciary,

what's left is
only tyranny.

Where is my mother?

Lady Salisbury is...
here, within The Tower.

Please have a care for
Her, my Lord Bishop.

Whatever she might have done,
be it so offensive,

she is an old and true woman,

and has always lived under
the precepts of God.

I will have a...
tender care for Her,

body and soul, my Lord.

Trust me.

You know, my Lord,

this the truth...

the King never made a man,
but He destroyed him again.

So take a care,
my Lord.

Come along!

I like more the look of some of these
French girls more than the others.

But can the likeness

Could the artist be not using
some licence to either

flatter the Lady
or please me?

Even Mr. Holbein.

How can I make a
decision on these girls

when I haven't met them
in the flesh?

Talk to Castillion.


If Your Majesty might still
choose to consider

the simple but profound charms of
Anne of Cleves, or of Her sister,

and of the benefits
to You and this Realm of a

new alignment with
The Protestant League.

- His Grace, the Bishop of Winchester.
- My Lord Bishop.


Your Majesty,

forgive me, but it has
come to my attention that

certain 'Evangelicals' are still preaching
against the Six Articles of Faith,

and Your Majesty's
religious agreement.

Mr. John Lambert
is one such,

who preaches, once a week,
in London, to large audiences.

Mr. Lambert denies the
real presence of God

in the Sacrament
of Communion.

Saying, rather, that
it is merely a

symbolic commemoration of
the Passion of Christ.

Then Mr. Lambert will be
condemned in Christ's own words,

who said:
"This is my body."

He will recant, or be burned.
I will not patron heretics.

Is there more?

Perhaps, it is none
of my business,

Your Majesty,
but I am told that

Mr. Lambert is well known
to my Lord Cromwell.

It appears that they were educated
together at Cambridge,

and some six months ago,

when Lambert was aprehended,

on suspicion of promoting
religious heresy,

my Lord Cromwell had
the charges dismissed.

Thank you,
my Lord Bishop.

What news of the King's marriage
to the Duchess of Milan?

Alas, Princess, I think
it is not to happen.

The Duchess is the
great-niece of Your mother,

and so the affinity
is too touch.

Also, I think the Lady does not
want to marry the King


I shall not marry Dom Luis?

They say the King may now
marry a French Lady,

and You, one of the
French King's sons.

Surely, that would
not please You?

Anything would please me, my
Lady, which made You happy.

I'm afraid I was not born
for happiness, Excellency.

I hear Lady Salisbury is
being kept in The Tower,

and Her son ex*cuted.

It is sadly so.

Her grandson, too, is
being kept a prisoner.

I am sure it is
all Cromwell's doing.

I should not say this to many people,
Excellency, but I say it to you...

as I agree with those who say
he is messenger of Satan.

I SWEAR he has poisoned
the King's mind!

And if I could,

I would strip him
from the King's side,

and burn him.

His Excellency,
the French Ambassador.

- Monsieur Castillion.
- Majesty.

We have been considering all these
candidates for Our Hand.

There are so many!

Indeed, a warren of
honourable Ladies.


but the fact is,
in the circumstances,

because so many of them
appear attractive,

I do not see how I can
approach them individually.


perhaps King Francis can assemble
seven or eight of them at Calais,

then I could go there and make their
acquaintance, all at the same time.

Mnnn, no, it... it is not a
French custom to send

Ladies of that rank, of such
Noble and Princely families to be

be passed in review, as
if They were prize horses.

Perhaps, if Your
Majesty desires

one of these Ladies, You
could send an envoy,

to report on their manner and
appearance, in the traditional way.

Well, I trust no-one

The thing touches Me too near.

I want to see and know
them before deciding.

Maybe your Majesty would like to
mount Them, one after another,

and then pick the one
You find 'best broken-in'?

Monsieur Castillon,

You have ten seconds
to get out of my Court,

or I will beat You like
the dog that You are!

Mr. Cromwell.


An incorrigible heretic
called John Lambert

is now imprisoned in The Tower
and likely soon to be burned.

I believe you
know this man.

I... KNEW him, many
years ago, at Cambridge.

Not since?

Not to my knowledge,
Your Majesty.


And whilst you were
at Cambridge, together,

did you share some
of his opinions?

Tell me, Mr. Cromwell,

what do you believe NOW?

As the world stands, Your
Majesty, I believe what YOU believe.

So you think it right
that he SHOULD be burned?

Yes, unless he recants.


Oh, I forgot!

What were Their names, again?


The sisters of the Duke of Cleves.

Amelia and Anne.

Amelia and Anne.


(Tongue click)

Send someone to
take a look at Them.

We'll have a second opinion.


Duke Villiam
will receive You now.

Your Highness,

zee English envoys.


Your Highness.


His Majesty,
King Henry, is alife,

and He is interested
in My sisters.

Yes, His Majesty has
been persuaded of Their...

aimiability and of Their
suitability as Royal Consorts.

Especially Anne, the eldest,

Who has been much praised
in the King's hearing.

I am not surprised.

His Majesty would also propose the
marriage of His daughter Mary

to Your eldest son,
a liaison with the Protestant League,

and the recruitment of a hundred
seasoned cannoneers for His army.

There is, then, gentlemen,
much to discuss.


but first, we should like Your
permission to meet Your sisters.


W... T... The King will expect us
to report back on what we have seen.

To say that we have
NOT seen the Ladies...

would not exactly please Him.

He has also asked for a portrait
of Anne to be sent back to Him.

Unfortunately, My Court painter,
Mr. Cranack, is...


and indisposed.

I... In that case, we can
send over Mr. Holbein,

who is an admirable artist.


Yes, perhaps...

but you are going too quickly!

What do you think my country is?
A meat market?

I will arrange with My Chancellor
vor negotiations to commence.

And you may have zee opportunity,
at some stage,

of being PRESENTED
to my sisters.

Uh..., Your Highness,
uh..., we...

We will meet...

Good day, gentlemen.

(deep breath in)



How good to see you,

and how excellently you've
done in the world.

I could wish our reunion
was in some better place.

I shall be quit of
this place, soon enough.

On my way to a
FAR better place.

John, you do not
have to die.

All you have to say,
to satisfy the King,

is that after Consecration,

the wafer and the wine

are truly the body
and the blood of Christ.

But you and I know
they are not.

You don't have to believe it,
you just have to say it!

Ah, Thomas...

I see now what it takes for a man to make his way in this world.

He must make a practice
of hypocrisy.

There is no harm
in indiscretion.

And, believe me,
I want to spare you

the awful pains which
have been prepared for you.

Did Christ, himself, not
suffer awful pains, Thomas?

We do not need martyrs,

we need LIVING men,

who will go on about
quietly spreading

the business of
our reformation.

Who will believe
a word I say,

if I alter my opinion on
such a fundamental thing?


I say to you, again,

while you still have
a free choice,

will you LIVE or DIE?

(Bell tolls 4 o'clock)

My dear Lord Cromwell,

I see that all this while,

we have not been talking
about me but about you.

Not about my poor conscience,
but about yours.

I see that you are afraid
of guilt by association,

and would rather I
purged my own soul.


it is the only thing
in this world I have left.

I am sorry you choose
not to save yourself.

("Get back, you rabble!")

("Get back, in the name of the King!")

("I'll pray for you!")

All for Christ!

All for Christ!


Eh... Mr. Lambert has
gone to his execution.

And to Hell!

Ah... Princess Mary begs You to
spare the life of Lady Salisbury,

Who, she says, was
like a mother to Her.

She was also a
mother to Reginald Pole,

whom even Heaven
can't forgive.

Um... Ah...
Duke William says that, ah...

His painter is ill.
He... He cannot furnish images

of his sister Anne.

Send Holbein.

I MUST see Her image.


Mr. Cromwell.


You have My permission to
look upon My sisters.

Your Highness!

We cannot even tell which
is Anne and which Amelia!

Sirs, I am Anne.

And I am Amelia,
Your Honours.

Your Highness,

for our purposes...

this is no good.

No good?


Vhould you see zem nakit?

Have You not been
praying, Lady?

Your head is going
to be cut off now.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.
No, please don't hurt me!

Please, no. Don't. Don't.
Don't hurt me.

I don't want to die.
I don't want to die!

No! No, don't k*ll me!

Oh God, save me!
Oh God, help me!

For God's sake,
have some dignity.

No, I don't want to die!


My child.
My poor child.

He's k*lled them.

My brother, my...
my poor mother...

The King of England is the most
cruel and abominable tyrant!

Ah, there's no doubt, now,
he must be overthrown by force.

Better that He should die,

than risk the Eternal Damnation
of all His subjects!

But there's nothing
we can do.

But we CAN!

His Holiness is ready to promulgate
the Bull of Excommunication.

The Emperor and the
French have made peace.

They are now both willing to
point their swords at England.

They will withdraw
their Ambassadors,

and prepare a
fleet for invasion.

And, the Holy Father expects You

to return to The Netherlands
and to France,

to assist the preparations.


No, please.

Let me help in other ways.

Wh.. Wh.. What? D.. Do...
Tell me, are you frightened?

Now, You should thank God that He
has called Your family to Heaven.

You should not weep.

So, what is belief?

What is belief, if not
belief in the Will of God!

Do You think the
Holy Father wants You

to go to The Netherlands
for His own sake?

Don't... Don't You think He
has asked God for guidance?

Forgive me.

When I was a young
priest in Germany,

my family's house was
occupied by Lutheran mercenaries.

I had a beautiful sister,
whom I loved

more than anything else
in the world and, uh...

perhaps, even
more than God.

Well, they r*ped her,

they cut off their breasts,

the... they threw pieces
of her to their dogs,

right in front of my eyes.

All of us have burdens to
carry, Cardinal Pole.

Come now, Master Paul.

There you are,
Cardinal Pole.

Now, eat your heart!