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02x03 - The Thing in the Mines

Posted: 01/26/22 07:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman & Lois"...

Remember that piece you wrote
about Ally Allston?

She was responsible for a woman's death.

Podcast says you coerced
some of your sources.

Well, I disclosed that I had
a personal connection.

One of your sources
is recanting their story.

They are painting a target
on your back! Who was it?

It was my sister, Lucy.

If I hadn't found her,
she would have died.

- I've been having visions.
- What exactly are you seeing?

Destruction, rocks crumbling.

- No, no, no!
- Joe, don't!


Whatever's happening to me,
some other being is causing it.

Something came through,

and it's even more powerful
than we hoped.






♪ ♪



♪ ♪

I don't know what's happening.

I tried getting into the mines
to see what's down there,

but as soon as I got close,

I had another vision and crashed.

It's completely debilitating.
I can't do anything.

I don't understand.

Why is this thing only affecting you?

Maybe it's Kryptonian.

Well, then you can't go back there.

Well, I have to do something.

If whatever this is breaks out

and it's still affecting me like this...

How long until you think that happens?

Hopefully not anytime soon.

Someone else needs to go in there, then,

figure out how much time we have.

Sure, but Amertek's been shut down,

and the DOD's back in charge,
and I cannot let Anderson know

that something down there
is making me vulnerable.

I'll call my dad, see
if he can get us credentials.

You don't think a surprise
visit from Lois Lane

might raise a few questions?

It would, but not one from me.

No, helping us figure out
what was causing

the earthquakes was a one-time ask.

Then consider this part B.

- You promised Nat, John.
- I know.

But is there anyone else
you can go to right now?

♪ ♪

Call Sam.

♪ ♪

You got to be freakin' kidding me.

Freakin' joke. Look at this.

Ryan just, uh...

posted another freshman thirst trap.

Bro, I know you think he's juicing,

- but he looks totally normal.
- That's my point!

I mean, it makes absolutely no sense.

Hey, look, you need to stop
obsessing over Timmy.

It's not, like, healthy.

Really? Coming from the guy
that was up all night, what,

looking at pictures
of his own girl again?

I don't know what
I'm gonna say to her, man.

What do you want...
stay together, break up?

I want her to not
have kissed someone else.

Care for a girl's opinion?

Or not. Sorry.

Didn't want to break up the bro sesh.

No. No, no, no. You're fine. Um...

Did she say anything to you?

Just that she hated keeping
that secret from you,

which, I mean, maybe
you can sympathize with?

You know, the whole half-alien,
son-of-Superman thing?

I mean, that's a completely
different kind of secret.

Yeah, it's several magnitudes bigger.

She's not wrong.

Look, I mean, what Sarah did
wasn't great, sure,

but at least she told you, all right?

And if you... if you want
to be honest with her

about your powers one day,

would you want her to be cool about it,

or would you want her
to react how you are right now?

% of Smallville High
students say they plan

on moving away after graduation.

That is up %

from just years ago.

How are you gonna get them
to stay, Mommy?

That's a very good question.

By incentivizing them to return.

I want to take the money
from the Edge Settlement

and create a zero-interest loan
program for all new startups.

- Your old specialty.
- My old specialty!

- Mm-hmm.
- So good, Babe!

Yeah, well, you know,

I just figured you got to focus
on your strengths, right?

You guys are sweet.

[SIGHS] I just get so nervous
speaking in public,

and I've got a lot here to remember.

I don't know, babe... maybe you just,

ah, come off the cuff a little more.

I need to come off as
professional and experienced.

I mean, I can't just wing it

and get the benefit of the doubt.

I know, Lana, okay?

But what's everyone been saying to us?

That they're extremely excited
about the fact

that there is a woman running for mayor.

That's true, but that
is not enough to win.

I mean, I need them to instantly see me

as a serious alternative
to Dean, or I'm toast.

Okay, I know, all right?

But you got this.

I mean, hell, you've already
met and greeted everyone

- in Smallville, right?
- Mm-hmm.


Hey, did, uh, we order Sarah's cake yet?

No. No, she's still convinced

that she doesn't want a quinceañera.

Well, she's getting one, all right?

I mean, this should be
the most special night

of our princesa's life, right?

Yeah. Perfect.

Okay. We'll be back. [GRUNTS]

You don't worry about anything, okay?

You got this.

Who knows what it's like
to feel unsure of yourself?

Who knows what it's like
to feel incomplete?


I do.

I lived my entire life
in pursuit of becoming whole.

Then something life-altering
happened to me,

and that's where I learned the truth.

The truth is we are all born incomplete.

We have been since
the beginning of time,

and there is nothing we can do
to change that...

- Except for one thing.

Hey, Dad, what took you
so long to call me back?

- Where are you?
- In paradise.

Got onto Deer Lake
this morning at hours.

Not a soul for miles
except for me, the bass,

and a little family of sandhill cranes.

That sounds great.

Listen, do you have
any contacts at the DOD

who might've been reassigned
to the Shuster Mines?

How should I know?
I'm retired, remember.

Call my replacement. He'll know.

I can't. He and Clark are not
on the best of terms right now,

and I need to get John Henry

into the mines without
Anderson finding out.

Why's that?

Let's go. Let's go. We're gonna be late.

Hey, uh, Dad... um,
can we talk for a bit?

Uh, yeah, sure. About what?

- Uh, about me and Sarah.
- Okay.

A little while back,

I told her I loved her, and I meant it.

That... that's great, bud.
I'm... I'm happy for you.

T-that's not really it.

Um, I-I just think it's time
to be honest and tell her,

you know, everything.

You mean about having powers?

Yeah, like, all of it.


I can't keep lying
to her face all the time!

- I'll reach out to my contact.
- You're not telling her.

- See what I can do.
- Why not?

- Because I said so.
- That's not a reason!

Dad, hold on.

Do you realize if she told
just one person,

our entire family would be compromised?

Yeah, but she wouldn't do that!

Or she could become the target
of someone in the future

who wanted to know my identity...
is that what you want?

No, but I can't keep lying
to her face all the time.

Jordan, I didn't even think
about telling your mother

until I was an adult... after
I knew I wanted to marry her.

What if I want to marry Sarah?

- You're , Jordan.
- So?

So get in the car!

I want to marry her, Dad!

- You don't know that!
- Yes, I do!

[DEMONIC VOICE] No, you don't!


♪ ♪


I'm on my way.

♪ ♪

Jordan, I'm sorry.

- I'll take the kids to school.
- Lois, I...

I got it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Is Jordan okay?

He didn't talk much on the ride.

I think you really scared him.

I don't even remember
everything that happened.

I-I know he wasn't listening to me.

He's a teenager. That's
gonna happen a lot.

Sarah's his first real girlfriend...

and he thinks he's gonna marry her,

and he wants to tell her everything?

How does he not understand
how dangerous that would be?

It's also the first time
he's been in love.

Babe, I know that Jordan
was pushing back,

but your reaction was strong.

I can't think straight today,

let alone handle that conversation.

♪ ♪





I almost called you,
like, times last night.

I thought you would've at least texted.

I wanted to, uh, but...

But what?

I don't know how to fix this.

- You think we need fixing?
- Yeah.

Jordan, I told you,
that kiss meant nothing.

I want to be with you. I-I love you.

It's... it's not about you.

Then what's it about?

I don't know where we go from here.

♪ ♪


What's DHEA?

I think it's the... the roid
that Timmy's taking.

What? Candice, literally,

it's the only thing
that makes sense, okay?

- He's definitely on something.
- I know he is.

- It's just... it's not that.
- What?

He took some stuff

at Deucer Slavin's lake-house
party a few weeks ago.

I didn't think it was a big deal.

What? It made him, like, stronger?

I guess so. I don't know.

But it's not even, like, a real drug.

It's, like, some crystal crap

that only grows in Smallville
or something.

Okay. Why didn't you
tell me this earlier?

I wish I didn't tell you now.
You're already freaking out.

- I'm not...

I'm not freaking out, okay?

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

Just don't tell Timmy
that I told you, okay?


♪ ♪

So that's my priority...

making this community thrive,

building a sound economy

based on regional industry
and agriculture,

and using this rare gift we have

to reinvest in us,

not use it to support tax cuts
for outside companies.

Lana, these zero-interest
loans you're talking about...

they just for small businesses?

Consider all family farms around here

small businesses, Aidy.

So this loan won't just be
for Main Street.

Just make sure y'all read the fine print

- before signing any papers.
- I'm sorry?

These loans... they gonna be anything

like those reverse mortgages
you sold us all years back?

You know, a lot of people
lost their farms, including me.

At the time, I wasn't aware
how lopsided these loans were.

But I will personally make sure
nothing like this happens again.

But weren't you the one
recruiting people

for the man who almost
destroyed this town?

No one knew who Morgan Edge
really was, Chuck.

Right. Another thing
you weren't aware of, huh?

That gonna be your answer when
everything you're preaching now

doesn't come to pass?

♪ ♪

We're supposed to vote for her
over George Dean,

when she can't even answer
a simple question?

♪ ♪

- Come on.


This'll get you clearance.

Call if you run into any problems.

Look, I just got to say,
if this thing is Kryptonian,

regardless of what's going on
with you and Anderson,

you got to fold him in.

If we do, he's gonna call
in his new team,

and they're not ready for this.

From how it's affecting you,
you may not be either.

Let me find out exactly
what the situation is,

and then we can decide
what to do afterwards.

You sure you want to coach today?

I can't do anything else right now,

and I missed the last one.

I should go.

Thanks, Sam.

Always something
to worry about, isn't there?


What else?

Clinging to people who hurt me

because I thought
they were what I needed.

I thought we were done
with all of this crap.

Yeah, so did I, but now this podcast

is having some mystery guest on

who's just gonna lie and
say whatever Allston wants.

Dad, I got to be ahead of this.
This isn't just me.

This could ruin
"The Gazette", Chrissy...

- Your sister know about this?
- She has to.

She probably knows
who the podcast is working with.

They were all in that group
at the same time.

You want me to find out for sure?

I want you to get her to talk to me.

I'm not getting in between
you and your sister.

- I can't go through that again.
- Dad, this is my career.

- And she's my daughter!
- Damn it, so am I!

Why will you never help me
when it comes to Lucy?

Because I don't want to lose her, Lois!

You almost did, Dad.
She almost died, remember?

Because you wouldn't do anything.

My God, I have never
understood this with you.

After everything I discovered
Ally and Lucy were doing,

everything I wrote in my piece,
and you still can't pick a side?

♪ ♪

You didn't read it, did you?

Why do I need to? She said
it wasn't like that for her.

It was like that for her.

Don't bother talking to Lucy for me.

I will do this without your help,

like always.

♪ ♪

Black, ! Set, hut!

- That's how you do it, Ryan!
- Yeah!

Go, go, go! Yeah!

ALL: Whoo!

No time like showtime!

Ah! Let's go!

Nice! Nice! Nice! All day!

Ah! Come on!



Keep driving! Let's go, go, go, go!

- That's how you do it!

Drive it! Drive it!

Yeah! Let's go!

That's what I'm talking about, Ryan!

Come on in! Take five! You earned it!

- Big Shaw, bring it up!
- Yes, Coach.

- You ready?
- Yes, sir.

You know, this is the last time

that you can hit someone
without getting charged for it.

- You ready? You ready?
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir!

- Let's go, defense!
- Don't worry, Kent.

Some of those skills might rub
off on you eventually.

- [SCOFFS] Yeah?
- Come on! Let's go, now!

Same go for the dr*gs
you've been taking, too?

It's kind of pathetic, you know,

that that's the only way
that you can beat me.

So what? You gonna go nark
to Gaines on me now?


Whatever, man.

Oh, yeah, of course,

'cause it's your girl who's
the one who's hooking me up.


She didn't tell you
that she's selling to me?

You didn't know?

Which one of us is pathetic now?

- Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Break it up!

- ALL: Ooh!
- Break it up! Break it up!

- I'm good.
- Dad.

- Come here!
- Let's go!

You coming with me! Let's go!

What's got into you? Come on!

- Get in there.
- Dad, I'm sorry.

- What is wrong with you?
- It was Timmy.

I don't care! You don't just
lash out at people like that!

Okay, well, I should've
been the one out there!

Then act like it!


- Jonathan, get out of here.
- Dad?


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Dad. Dad, we need to go home now!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Everything okay?

Grandpa, we need to get Mom now.

- Lois? Did anyone get hurt?
- No.

He was pissed because I got
into a fight after practice.

It wasn't just that.

What's wrong?
What happened to your hands?

My heat vision... I-I couldn't stop it.

Wow. Rage-aholic strikes again.

This was different! Oh...

Boys, go upstairs.
We'll talk about this later.


- Clark, look at me.
- Mm.

You need to calm down.

I don't know what's happening to me.

I can't control these outbursts.

I ju... I blackout!
It's like I'm not even there!

You think it's 'cause of
whatever's down in the mines?

Yes. Yes. All this anger,
i-it's not mine.

[STAMMERS] Since I went there,
I-I feel cornered and att*cked,

but it's not me.

It's that thing. It's trapped.

This isn't just visions.

You're feeling what it's feeling.

You are the most powerful
being in this world,

and if you're losing control
to a Kryptonian creature,

this is a national security situation.

No, it is a family situation.

Anything Kryptonian
that can affect Clark

can also affect the boys.

And besides, until we hear back

from John Henry, we don't even
know if that's what it is.

Wait, why do you need
to hear back from my dad?

♪ ♪

This is highly unusual.

Normally it takes weeks
to get a retrieval agent

- after a collapse.
- Guess it was a good thing

- I was available.
- Thank God.

My heart just breaks for the
families of our missing team.

I swore I wouldn't leave
till we got answers.

I can't promise a happy ending.

Then the truth will have to do.

Shall we?

♪ ♪

If we cancel the bumper
stickers before they ship,

we can still get half our money back.

We're not canceling anything, babe.

[SCOFFS] This was a mistake, Kyle.

I mean, what the hell was
I thinking running for mayor?

That, uh, now is the time

for a woman to do a mayor's job.

Please, tell me I never said that.

I mean, it sounds so cliché.

Babe, you can't let
what Chuck said rattle you.

It's too late for that.
Were you not paying attention?

Yeah. Wasn't that bad.

Stop trying to make me feel better.

It didn't matter how much I prepared.

I still failed.

This town is never gonna see me
as someone who can win.

Now I'm gonna go take a hot bath
with a lot of bubbles.

Can you please just keep
Sophie from bothering me?

♪ ♪



Hey. You good?

My dad's not answering any of my calls.

He's probably just avoiding me.

Or his cell just doesn't get reception

half a mile under the earth.

That's a really annoying point.

Nat, I think your dad
is just trying to help.

Well, I mean, that's fine,
but he has to at least tell me.

We've been through too much
to have secrets.

Yeah, I get it.

Secrets are the hardest part, for sure.

I guess you're probably used
to this kind of stuff.

Not at all, but I do try
to not let it get

in the way of me being,
like, a normal person, I guess.

And how's that working out?

Well, when I found out
Candice's secret today,

I started a fight after practice,

so not great.

I, uh, saw you guys have the
new Madden in the other room.

- What, you play?
- Oh.

- 'Cause I'm a girl?
- Uh, yeah, sort of.

Well, now I'm gonna
straight up destroy you.

- Really?
- Really.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

You need to apologize to the boys.

I can't believe they saw me like that.

Nobody expects you to be made
of steel on the inside.

♪ ♪


I don't know if my dad
ever yelled at me like that.

This thing...

it feels like the end
of the world's coming.

Now's not the time to go
all doomsday on me.

[SCOFFS] Ah, I just feel
so powerless waiting.

- That's what I'm here for.
- Lois...

Nope. You're not leaving the house

until we hear back from John Henry.

♪ ♪

Is that blood?

Oh, God.

I think you're right.

We must be close to where
the collapse occurred.

♪ ♪


The amount of power it must've taken

to collapse all this X-K...

Do you have any idea
what might've caused it?

Oh, whatever it was...

it wasn't seismic.

♪ ♪

It's detonation marks.

Did somebody set off explos...

♪ ♪

Yeah, they did.

All right, all right,
it was not that bad.

Dude, she got like five sacks
on your quarterback.

- It's not that bad.
- Okay, sore loser.

- Not that bad.
- Hey, boys, you got a sec?

I think that's my cue to leave...

with my victory chips.

Thank you, Natalie.


I owe you two an apology.

It wasn't really your fault, you know?

- He still meant what he said.
- That's true, I did.

And my fault or not doesn't
change what happened.

So I want to find a way
to make it up to you both.

Easy for me... just teach me
how to drive the truck, yeah?

Bro, that's all it takes...
driving the stupid truck?

If you want to keep riding
your bike everywhere...

We will start next Saturday, okay?

Let me talk to your brother alone.



I understand what it's like

to not be able to tell
someone your secret.

Yeah, but, Dad, you don't
understand the other side of it,

being told the truth
after being lied to for years.

That's fair.

And not telling you or your brother,

that was a guilt that I had
to live with every day.

But if something were to happen to Sarah

because you told her your secret,

that guilt would be times worse.

Do you ever wish you told Miss Cushing?

No. Jordan, you have to trust me.

What you want in life
can change pretty fast,

especially at your age.

I don't know, Dad. I-I love her.

I don't think that's ever gonna change.

I'll tell you what...
if in a year from now

you still feel the same way...

then maybe you and I can have
a different conversation.

- Really?
- Really.

In the meantime, I may have something

to help show Sarah that you still care.

Our timeline's been moved up.
I'm getting it out today.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


- How's John Henry?
- He hasn't moved in a bit.

Probably just hit a roadblock.


Can we talk?

About what?

I just wanted you to know
I read your article.

- That girl...

did she really die because of Ally?

Yeah, she did.

And if I hadn't stopped her,
Lucy would've died, too.



♪ ♪

I should've paid more attention to Lucy,

to both you girls.


After your mom left, I blamed
myself for driving her away.

It was easier just to focus on work.

There, I trusted myself.

At home, I was... [CHUCKLES]

I felt out of my depth.

All we ever wanted you to do
was just be a dad.

And I failed at that, I know.

You got to understand...

you girls were my world.

Even today, you're everything to me,

and I couldn't bear to do anything

to lose that.

It was really hard
not having you around.



I am so sorry.

I didn't realize how much
I was putting on your shoulders.

You needed me.

Both you girls did.

We still do.

That's why I'm picking a side.

Lois, you were right.

This Ally Allstrong...


Ally Allston is a bad egg.

Your sister never should've
gotten involved with her...

Which is exactly what
I told Lucy when I called her.

What did she say?

Most of it I'm not gonna repeat.


But she did agree to meet with you.

♪ ♪

Thanks, Dad.

You're welcome.

Don't, um, scare her away.

Lucy isn't strong like you.

She needs a delicate touch.

♪ ♪

Mom, Sophie's wondering
what's for dinner!

But it looks like you're already busy.

Ah, I didn't want your dad to see.

He's been doing so good lately.

So your day totally sucked, too?

Something wrong with Jordan?

He blew me off, again.

I'm sorry, honey.

Sometimes it just takes a little while

to get back in sync.

I think it might be bigger than that.


uh, kissed someone at camp.

A girl.

I see.

- And Jordan found out?
- I told him.

And I'm glad that I did because
keeping that secret

was too much, but...

I mean, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed.

It's just, like... [SIGHS]

What if...

what if he never forgives me?

Come here.

♪ ♪


If that happens,

he doesn't deserve you.

No, you've always known

exactly who you were,

and you've never been afraid

to show that person to the world,

and it makes me so proud
to be your mother.

I mean, you have this strength
inside of you.

I honestly don't know
where you get it from.

It's certainly not me.

Mom, you're running for mayor.

It doesn't feel like me that's running.

It's like I'm playing this part.

I'm trying to be this perfect person

that everyone wants,

and it feels really fake.

- I have an idea.
- Oh?

Yeah, come on.

- Hurry up!

♪ ♪

How are things with the boys?


And you?


Oh, I'm, um...

I'm feeling like a complete
and utter failure.

Welcome to the world of parenting.

It's just a little terrifying
to think that everything we do

can have some lasting impact,

like I'm gonna find a way
to mess them up forever,

especially right now.

I'm just not feeling like myself.

Kids are pretty resilient.

I mean, my mom abandoned us,
and my dad was never around,

and I turned out okay.

- I mean, "okay" might be...
- Tread carefully.

A bit of an understatement
'cause you're perfect.

Okay, there it is.

That's what I was gonna say
the whole time.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Clark?
- Get back! Get back!


[BREATHING HEAVILY] It's breaking out.

- I'll call John Henry.
- He won't be able to stop it.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Irons, do you copy? Irons!

- I can't get him to wake up!
- Wake up?

Biorhythms indicate he's unconscious.

John, it's Lois! We need you to wake up!

It's happening. Wake up, John!

- Lois...
- John, it broke out.

Send my suit!

But, John, you only have
a few remaining solar charges.

Just send it!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Where is it?

Be there in five,

four, three,

two, one.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪



♪ ♪

So that thing in the mines,
that was you?

It wasn't an exact doppelganger,

but, yes, it was definitely
some version of me.

Any chance this could be the
evil Superman from your world?

Somehow got here the same way
you and your daughter did?

No, that wasn't, uh... that
wasn't the Kal-El from my earth.

Red solar flares actually affected him.

Plus, Nat didn't get here
the same way I did.

You won't like this, Clark,
but I got to call Anderson.

Sam, no.

There's a bizarre version
of Superman on the loose.

And if he sends in those kids,

- this thing will destroy them.
- They're not kids, Clark.

And even Superman needs
to admit when he needs help.

He's right.

You shouldn't try to stop
this guy on your own.

He won't have to.

You think the two of you will be enough?

We'll find out.

♪ ♪


You sure Sarah's looking

for another grand gesture right now?

No, I think she's gonna like this one.

- I hope.
- Well, good luck.

What's going on?

Coach Gaines just sent out
the starting lineup,

and Timmy's our quarterback, so...

I just... I don't-I don't want to ride

the pines again all season, you know?

Look, um, I can give this
to Sarah later.

- What? No, no, no way.
- Yeah. It's not as important.

Okay, but, yeah, it is.

And, Jordan, uh, look, I...

I appreciate it, but just go see her.

All right, man.

♪ ♪

I didn't have time to tell you.

How often is this gonna happen, Dad?

I don't know.

You said that coming to this town

- was the way back to normal.
- I know.

But I'm not sure if normal

is ever gonna be part
of our lives again.

You're not Superman.
Your suit can break.

- You can get hurt.
- I know.

Then why are you doing this?

Because they need my help.

I don't want you out there again...

not until we do something
about this suit.

Thrusters are completely shot.
CPU needs to be rewired.

Ballistic shield's damaged.
We got to fix this thing.

You know, I never wanted you
to have to do this for me again.

Me either...

- especially not in a barn.
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

Maybe we could fix that, too.

- Okay. Okay.
- Please... please go. Please go.

Are you sure I look okay?

'Cause I know I wear this all the time,

but I kind of feel
like I'm in a biker g*ng.

You look perfect.

Will you please quit stalling?
You're gonna be late.

What am I even gonna say to her, babe?

I haven't seen her in years.

Just be honest. Tell her
that you've missed her.

She's still your sister, Lois,
no matter what.

What if she's the one who's
about to go on the podcast?

You don't know that yet.

Look, I understand feeling
betrayed by family,

but Lucy is not Tal-Rho.

It's okay to have a little hope.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Go.

- You got it.
- [SIGHS] Here we go.

Here we go.

- We're in the car.


[SOFTLY] We're live?

Hello, everyone.

Most of you know me, but
for those of you that are new,

I'm Lana, and this is my kitchen.

Like a lot of us here,
I grew up in Smallville.

Whether or not I wanted it to,
Smallville has changed.

Things are different now.

So why not do this mayoral
election differently, too?

As you can clearly see,
I am not a career politician.

I'm a working mom,

and if Smallville elects me
to be the next mayor,

I want it to be because
you all know me and trust me.

I figure there's no better way
to get to know each other

than to chat over dinner.

So go ahead, ask me anything.
Ask me about Smallville.

Ask me about my Aunt
Ginny's marinara sauce

that my daughter's obsessed with.

Uh, just, uh, write in a comment,

and I'll answer you on the spot.

- Oh, wow. Look.

My God, people are actually writing in.

- Yeah.
- Wait.

Sweets, I can't see anything.

- Glasses.
- Where are my glasses?

- Glasses.

Oh, perfect. Thank you, love.

Okay, let's see.

How do I plan
on revitalizing Main Street?

- Sarah?

Hang on, Mom. I'll be right back.


♪ ♪



Your dad said I could come in.

Yeah. Did he tell you not
to run away scared this time?

Yeah, he did.

Um, it was kind of intense. [CHUCKLES]

So is this gonna be a good talk

or a bad talk?

♪ ♪

I think you should open this first.

♪ ♪


It's beautiful.

It belonged to my grandmother.

My grandfather gave it to her

back when they were in high school,

when he knew he wanted to be with her.

- And you're giving it to me?
- Yes.

Because I love you, Sarah.

♪ ♪

I-I love that you're bold
a-and that you're caring

and you're kind and you're honest.

And one kiss couldn't change that.

And I am really sorry

if I made you feel like it did.

So you want to stay together?


For a really long time.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


So I had a little chat with Timmy today

about where he gets his dr*gs from.

- Look, I can explain.
- Explain what?

How you lied to me?

I mean, come on,

you know that football is
the most important thing to me,

and you went behind my back
to sell dr*gs to Timmy?

If you're here to dump me,
just do it, okay?

But for the record,
this is why I didn't tell you

in the first place, okay?

I knew you wouldn't understand.
Look where we are, Jon.

Do you think I'm doing this for fun?

I'm trying to help my dad pay our bills

so we don't end up on the street.

Candice, I'm not here
to break up with you,

and I'm not here to convince
you to stop selling.

You're not?

No, I just...

I need you to sell some to me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Would you like anything else?

No, thanks. I'm just
waiting for someone.


♪ ♪

Hello, Lois.

Lucy isn't coming.

♪ ♪

She thought it would be better
if I came instead.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

MAN: Greg, move your head!