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02x07 - Matters of State

Posted: 01/25/22 07:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Tudors...

your Holy Father offers you

his tears of grief and his anger

at the martyrdom of Sir Thomas
More and Cardinal Fisher.

- How is my mother?
- Alas, she is very unwell.

She is sinking, but always begs

the King of his mercy to
be allowed to see you.

I am sure His Majesty
will one day relent.

I believe that he still
loves and cares for me.

I am unable to give a King a son

so long as Mary is alive.

- She could be Queen.
- No.

Your daughter will be made
heir of the throne.

But the King can change his mind!

If Elizabeth was betrothed

to King Francis' son,
then her legitimacy

would no longer be
questioned by anyone.

I still do not blame the King.

He's been seduced by witchcraft.

That is why she must die.

Not as beautiful as her brother.

I came on behalf of My Lady.

If you still have feelings for me,

you would speak out for her.

I'm sorry.

How is your survey of the
religious houses progressing?

They have found the monks and
many places so depraved

and so corrupt that your commissioners

already despair of any perfect reformation.

In N?rnberg, clergy are allowed to marry.

It won't do his career much good here.

Being illegal.

I regret now what happened to More.

A certain person would privately
urge me on to his destruction.

- You know who she is, Charles.
- His Majesty...

... consent to the betrotha
of the Dauphin, to Lady Mary.

Francis won't accept the betrothal!

- Why?
- Because the Pope and he

and the Emperor all agree
she is a bastard!

And you are not my wife!

This is all I know of Mary
that she is my death

and I am hers.


Your Majesty.

- Gentlemen.
- Your Majesty.

What's this?

The Valor Ecclesiasticus:
the results of the Commissioner's

investigations into the
wealth and practices

of all the religious houses
in Your Majesty's kingdom.

It lists the treasures
the wealth and

the vast private lands

of the monasteries, priories and
other religious establishments.

It as well lists the innumerable
cases of laxity,

corruption, evil practice

and fraud which have flourished,
unchecked, and in some cases

for hundreds of years,
in these same institutions.

Meanwhile, Majesty, your own
treasury is much depleted.

Is it not a thing to marvel at,

the richness of those who ought
by right to be your subjects,

and the poverty and debt
of the English Crown?

It is, indeed.


Sir Henry.

Your Majesty. I came again to
pay court to Lady Sheldon,

with the King's permission.

- Yes. Yes, of course.
- I...

I also wanted an opportunity to express
my love and devotion to Your Majesty.

As a reformer myself,

I know all the good works you do,
without ever seeking any praise,

but always deserving it.

When I visit religious houses,

I do so to urge those inside

to cleanse and purify their
corrupt lives and doctrine,

or else they will surely be destroyed.

Yes. Yes, it's true.

We evangelicals must breathe
new life into dead bones

and encourage the ignorant

to believe in priority of faith

and the word of God.

I see we understand each other, Sir Henry.

Lady Sheldon...

Sir Henry Norris has come courting.

My Lord.


- You wanted to see me?
- Yes.

I had the dream again.

- Anne!
- I told you!

- I am her death and she is mine.
- For God's sake!

So long as they are both alive,
I can't be safe!

Why doesn't Katherine just die?

Everyone keeps telling me how ill she is.
Why doesn't she die? -Stop it!

I had a thought. The next time Henry
goes abroad, I shall be left as Regent.

I can just order their deaths.

You're crazy! Stop it! Stop it!

Listen to me.

You're the Queen of England!

For the love of God, act like it!

After all, you were a Lady
to Queen Katherine.

You saw and heard how she behaved.

It seemed to me she never
betrayed her real feelings.

Can you not be more like her?

More like Katherine?

Yes. You heard me!

At least seem happy.

Not a heap of misery!

Father Abbot! Father Abbot!

What is it, brother.

A letter from the King.

We are to be suppressed!

By the orders of Mr. Cromwell.

I don't understand.
Give me the letter.

What have we done, Father?

I don't know.

What is to become of us?

Will you ask the French
Ambassador again

if Francis will not
relent and agree...

... to the marriage of
Elizabeth to his son?

- I might.
- Don't you think it's important?

And don't you think the future
of your daughter is important?

- Of course, I do.
- Well then, I...

Surely you understand
that Francis' refusal

to agree to the marriage in
the first place was insulting!

Do you want me to go back and beg?

No. Of course not.


it's been tasted.

It's not poisonous.

The fact of the matter is

it might be better for us to pursue
an alliance with the Emperor.

- That would suit Katherine!
- It has nothing to do with Katherine!

It has to do with England.

And England's interests.

After all, I am supposed to
be concerned with that.

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

You have no reason to be.

You care for our daughter,
as you should.

But leave the greater
things to my care.

Do you understand?

What a pleasure to have you

and your lovely wife
to serve Your Grace!

So tell me, you're suppressing
some religious houses?

I am starting to, yes.

And what else? No.

I am intending to abolish

almost all the holy days that
fall during the law terms

and during the harvest.

These forced holidays, they damage
the country's economy,

stop vital works, and in fact
they also impoverish workers.

And the priests?

As far as the clergy are concerned
we mean to issue a set of injunctions

requiring them to
preach the Supremacy.

There will also be an injunction
requiring parents and employers

to teach their children and
servants the Lord's Prayer,

Creed and the Ten
Commandments in English

rather than in Latin.

And all clerics will be put
on notice to attack

the superstitious cult
surrounding images and relics.

They will be told it will more
profit their souls to bestow

upon the poor and the needy what
they currently waste on relics.

That's very good, gentlemen.

But allow me to chide you.

I don't think that you're going
far enough, or fast enough.

Your wife is, uh,
quiteradical, Thomas.

She is. And illegal.

Two reasons to hide her.

Being carried around in a box
does not make you laugh.

My dear, I am sorry about that.

I am not "your dear.
" I am nobody's "dear!"

I am a woman and I demand
equal respect for my ideas!

For me, the practices of the
Catholic church are evil!

The way people are
kept in total ignorance

and made to feel guilty about their
own bodies and their own thoughts.

And even worse, the idea that

the rich can buy a plot in
heaven for their souls!

I agree with you. The Catholic Church
is corrupted. It's irredeemable.

Then you should smash and destroy
it utterly and totally

and without pity, that is my
advice to you, Mr. Cromwell.

Now you can put me back in my box!

Good evening...

Good evening, Mr. Secretary.

- Ready.
- Hia! Giddy up!

Why are you here, Thomas?

To see the degradation that
we have been forced to?


I don't like to see it.
I wonder why you stay.

Why don't you come back to court?

I love the Queen.

Nothing in this world
will make me leave her.

I am a Catholic.

I believe in my faith.

Perhaps you poets don't
believe in anything?

In love, perhaps.

You may kiss me.

Then you willleave me alone.




Ah, forgive me.

I should have warnedyou of
my impending visit.

Who are you?

My name is John Leland.
I am His Majesty's librarian.

You keep a library
in the priory, I believe?

We do, indeed, Mr. Leland.

It contains many fine and
old manuscripts and texts.

We are very proud of it.

The King has commissioned me
to peruse and diligently search

all the libraries belonging to those
religious houses about to be suppressed.

He is anxious to preserve

all their literary treasures.

You mean you intend to
remove them from here?


They will be housed
in the Royal Libraries.


His Majesty has also
ordered me to find texts

that would emphasize the Royal
Supremacy and the New Monarchy.

I do not think, Mr. Leland,

that you will find
many such texts here!

Your Majesty?


Oh, my own heart!

Ma... mama!


You may leave us now, Lady Bryan.

My dear girl!

- My sweetheart...
- Why do you leave?

- Have you missed me?
- Yes.

You missed me? I missed you!

So much!

Here! And here!

I see one!

I see one! I see a fishie!

Where do you see a fishie, my darling?

- Have you talked to the Queen recently?
- Yes.

She's giving me cause for concern.

Anyone can see that
the King is not so much

in love with her as he used to be.

What's wrong with her?

I don't know. Perhaps she's afraid.

Poor George.
Have you gone softheaded?

- Me?
- No!

I hope not.

You see, George,
the stakes are too high.

Whoever is a coward now will
soon rue the day,

and regret his misfortune.

Successful people only
recognize fear in others.

Go and talk to your sister again!

- Better?
- Much, thank you.


Is this not better, George?

Much better.

- Will you dance, My Lord?
- No. Not now.

My Lord.

All this time

and you're still in love with her!

You're wrong, My Lord.

My love was sprung and
spent a long time ago.

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

Your Majesty.


Play a volta.

I want to conceive a son.

I want to conceive a son.

A son to be the living
image of his father.

But I can't.


As long as they're alive,
I can't conceive a son.

What are you saying?

Katherine and her daughter.

Are you saying you want
me to k*ll them?


Is it you?

- Elizabeth.
- Madam.

I have not seen my daughter

for more than four years.

Is it not cruel of them

to keep her from me?

Gentle Madam, yes.

It burns my heart!

Read the Curia's
Judgment to me again.


"We pronounce that the marriage

"between Henry VIII and
Katherine of Aragon

"stands firm and canonical,

"and their issue

still stands lawful and legitimate."

You see?

This is the eternal truth...

which no man can ever deny.

Holy Father, Eminences,

The next item for our deliberation...


Let me look at you!

Well, well, well,

how you've grown!
You're almost a man.

- Are you honest and clean?
- Si, grandfather.

When you pray to God
are you truly humble?


Good boy.

Off you go.
He'll make a fine Cardinal.

Don't you think?

Monsignors, we have other
business to discuss.

First, I have invited the
sculptor Michelangelo to paint

a Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel.

Holy Father, there are still people

who object to his work on the ceiling.

I know. I did myself.
But now I like it.

Won't the Judgment be expensive?

No. We won't pay him very much.

He's only an artist, after all.

What of the King of
England's Great Matter?

I will tell you a story.

Once, when I was a boy, I went swimming,

and the tide carried me away,

far from the shore,

into the deepest water.

It was then I prayed aloud to God,

and a friendly wave came

and pushed me back to the shore.

So it is with the King of England.

He has been carried
far from the shore

but he does not know it.

He does not ask for God's help.

He does not ask for our help.

He thinks he can swim alone.

But very soon he will realize

he is not swimming but drowning.

Allez! Allez...

Why are you crying like a baby?
These are nothing but idols!

Allez! Allez...

Father, who are these men?

Bretons. From France.

- Huguenots. - Protestants?

Yes. Perhaps Mr. Secretary
Cromwell felt that he couldn't

trust Englishmen to destroy
their own heritage

and besmirch their own faith.

The Queen!

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

- Excuse me. Your Majesty.
- I came to see the King.

Madam, His Majesty left
early this morning

to go hunting with
the Duke of Suffolk...

and other nobles.


Yes, Madam.

I remember now. He told me.

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

A good k*ll. Do you want to
get back to the palace?

No. Is there somewhere
around here we can stay?

Uh, there's Wulfhall.

Wulfhall. Who owns that house?

Sir John Seymour and his family.

I remember Sir John.

He was in France with us.

Let's go surprise him.


Sir John! Hey!

Sir John! Sir John!

Who is this shouting?

Sir John, you have an unexpected guest.

- Your Majesty!
- Sir John.

You are most welcome!

Your Majesty must forgive
the tardiness of my kitchen.

I think I am very well
looked after, Sir John.

The Duke and I were reminiscing
about the French campaign.

Ah, yes!

It was a shame we only fought
one battle against them.

Ah, but what a battle!

I remember how we charged
at them, with His Grace

leading the vanguard
with tremendous bravery.

And how the French were
broken and routed

in the charge and fled
the field before us.

All we saw were their spurs!

I must tell Your Majesty that the
Milanese Ambassador was amazed by you.

He said to me, "The King was fresher
after his exertion than before.

I do not know how he can stand it!"

To past victories.

To John.


Oh, Mary!

My daughter...

Oh, sweetheart!

Is it you?

Don't weep. Don't weep.
Let me look at you.

There you are.

I have not seen you for so long.

An eternity.

And here you are!

Oh, my sweet child!

My beloved child,

my angel,

my world...


Mi preciosa.

She was here.

She came to me.

Yes, Madam. I know.

Let me summon a doctor for you.

No. I don't want a doctor.

I have wholly committed myself

to the pleasure of God.

May the omnipotent God...

have mercy upon you

and forgive you your sins,

and may Jesus Christ
lead you to eternal life.

Oh, Mark. I'm so sad.

Why sad?

If I had a son...

if I had a son, it would bring
about a golden world.

I had never seen a sea
of mud like that before!

I didn't quite know what
to think of it. I mean...

When your horse sank up to
its hind quarters in it,

I shall never forget your face!

- What was I supposed to do?
- I was in full armor!

Your Majesty, may I present
my daughter, Lady Jane Seymour.


Your Majesty.

Mr. Secretary Cromwell is here.

Madam. You wished to see me?

My father tells me you
are determined to close

every religious house
in England. Is it true?


As Your Majesty knows,

the church commissioners
found that fraud, laxity

and abuse were commonplace.

Yet some religious houses received
good report. Is that not also true?

I also hear that all the wealth
and assets of the monasteries

are to be transferred
to the King's Treasury.

Indeed. I intend to make
the King the most powerful

and the richest King in Europe.

But surely some of that wealth
could be put to better uses!

- Better uses, Madam?
- Yes.

For endowments to charitable
and educational causes,

which even Wolsey did!

Madam, I am surprised to hear

you question the King's policy,

which your father and brother
whole-heartedly support.

I question the policy, Mr. Secretary,

because I am not convinced
that it is the King's.

- Madam, I...
- You are far too high-handed, Mr. Cromwell!

You ought to be careful,

or I will have you cropped at the neck.

I know that I must die.

I ask that my debts be cleared

and my servants be recompensed

for the good service

they have done for me.

I wish to be buried in the
convent of the Observant Friars.

And I would wish that
masses be said for my soul...

and that someone would visit

the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham

to pray on my behalf.

To my daughter, Mary...

I leave the collar of gold

I brought from Spain...

and my furs...

Madam, let me help you.

Thank you, my loyal
and loving Elizabeth.

I must write to the king.

"My Lord

"and dear husband...

"I commend me unto you.

"The hour of my death draws fast on,

"and my case being such...

"the tender love I owe you

"forces me to put you in remembrance

"of the health

"and safeguard of your soul...

"which you ought to prefer

"above all considerations

"of the world of flesh whatsoever,

"for which you have cast
me into many miseries,

"and yourself into many cares.

"For my part...

"I do pardon you all,


"and I do wish

"and pray dearly God

"that He will pardon you also.

"For the rest,

"I commend unto you

"our daughter, Mary...

"beseeching you to be a
good father unto her...

"as I have always desired.

"And lastly...

"I vow...

"that mine eyes desire you...

above all things."

Elizabeth, help me.

In manus tuas commendo

spiritum meum.


What is it, Nan?

Now I am indeed Queen.



Oh, Jesus!


- Oh!
- John. This is my wife, Catherine.

Sir John.

Here comes Her Majesty now.

Not performing today, Mark?

- My Lady.
- Your Majesties.

Your Majesties. Go watch
the cockfight, sweetheart.

- My Lady.
- My Lady.

No, not today, My Lord.

But perhaps later tonight?

I'm not sure.

Have you told her about me? Hm?

About us? - No!

Why the hell not? You're George Boleyn!

You're like a bloody god around here!

If you could read Greek, Master Smeaton,

you'd know that even the gods
had problems with their wives!

- Sir John.
- Your Majesty.

We wanted to thank you once more
for your generous hospitality.

All the more so because our
visit was so unexpected.

Sire, it was the greatest
possible privilege and pleasure.

And the room Your Majesty slept in

shall forever be known
as "The King's bedroom."

Your daughter Jane
should come to court.

- As lady to Her Majesty.
- Thank you, Your Majesty.

You do our family a great honor.

Sweetheart. Come here.

- Papa!
- Ah!

My Elizabeth!

Ah! Guards! Guards! Protect me!

Now, men!

En garde! You're going to
protect me. Protect me!

Protect your King! My mama!


My papa!

My Elizabeth.


Yes, father.

I have heard some
reports that alarm me.

What reports?

It seems you have quarreled
with Mr. Cromwell.

We disagreed

on an important and public issue.

Anne, I did not bring you up
to have opinions

or to express them or to quarrel
with those closest to the Crown.

But I am closest to the Crown!
I am the King's wife!

And you should remember
how you got there!

I know how I got there.

And it was not all you.

It was not all you

or Norfolk or George

or any other man you want to name!

It was also me.

He fell in love with me.
He respected me...

and my opinions.

What is it?

You have no need to worry.

There is good news all round.

Katherine is dead...

and I...

I am pregnant.

Do you understand?

I am carrying

the King's son.

We are on the edge
of a golden world!