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02x03 - Checkmate

Posted: 01/25/22 07:02
by bunniefuu
My Lord Brandon asks that you
attend him this evening, Sir William.

-Oh, the Southwells.

How's your master, Boleyn?

That's Lord Rochford to you,

Sir William Pennington to you,

And how is your master?
Master f*cking Brandon?

Does he still persist in using
foul and abusive language...

...against my master's daughter,
Lady Anne, who's soon to be queen?

-The duke can speak for himself.
-I'm asking you, Pennington.

His Grace wants nothing to do
with the elevation of the king's whore.

Who's a whore?

-Let me pass.
-Not till you pay for that.

-Run. Fetch the duke. Go.
-Get him, Sir William.


What do you think you're doing?

You'll pay for those goods.

-Father, I seek sanctuary in this place.
-Of course, my child.

Put up your swords, gentlemen.
This is a place of God.

-Defend yourself, Pennington.
-Dear God.

You dishonour the Boleyn family
whom you serve.

And you offend God
by offering v*olence here.

Stop it. Stop.

Now, for the love of God.
Enough is enough.

You fool, Richard. You've k*lled him.

Oh, my Lord, they've k*lled him.


Oh, my lord. My lord, I beg you,
in the name of our Lord.

One m*rder
has been committed here already.

You scum.

-Your Grace, we--
-Shut up.

-You're both dead men.
-My lord, listen. I beg you.

Those who commit m*rder in church
are damned in the eyes of God.

This is your doing, Boleyn.

Lady Anne is not to be disturbed.

Suddenly everyone is beating a path
to Lady Anne's door.

Why do you suppose that is,
Mr. Wyatt?

Because everyone prefers a rising sun
to a setting sun, Mr. Smeaton.

-What are you writing at the moment?
-A satire.

You find all this funny?

Well, it has its funny side,
like all serious things.

Well, for example--
And this will make you laugh, Mark.

--Mr. Cromwell told me that I've been
appointed to the Privy Council.

That's ridiculous.

Everything in life is ridiculous.

And to suppose otherwise
is human vanity.

-Mr. Wyatt.
-My lady.

-You know what?
-No, I don't.

I have a furious hankering for apples,
such as I've never had before.

-lt started three days ago.

Yes, apples.

The king told me
it was a sign I was pregnant...

...but I said
it was nothing of the sort.

What was that about?

What news from France?

None to give Your Majesty
any satisfaction.

Although he promised
to make representations to the pope...

...on Your Majesty's behalf,
King Francis did no such thing.

Doesn't matter.

What else should we have expected
from the King of France?

The fact is, I now have a good reason,
a very good reason...

...not to wait for the pope's decision.

The annulment of my marriage
must be declared immediately.

Well, as Your Majesty is head
of the Church now, you yourself--


The annulment should still be decided
and declared by the Church proper...

...that is to say,
the Archbishop of Canterbury.

As Your Majesty knows, there remains
a vacancy for that position.

I think I know exactly who will suit.

Mr. Cranmer.


-Your belongings from Germany.
-Thank you.

If you could just-- Thank you, sir.
At last.


It's over now. You're here.

I'm very relieved to see you, Thomas.
I thought I was going to die.

It is not the nicest way to travel,
even for an illegal wife.

It's over now.

You're here now.

Do you forgive me?

So this is England?

This is England.

They want to make
Cranmer archbishop?

I wonder if the pope knows
of the reputation Cranmer has here...

...for being devoted heart and soul
to the Lutheran movement.

He was once chaplain to the Boleyns.
He ought to be required... take a special oath
not to meddle with the divorce.

Of course he'll meddle.
That's what they want.

They don't care
about Holy Church anymore.

They don't care about the people.

The king, in his blindness,
fears no one but God.

I fear for the queen.

They say Anne Boleyn hates her
openly, and her daughter too.

She has made threats
against the child.

Those are dangerous words.

Think also of the lives
of your own children.

What is this?

The bull, Sublimus Dei, Holy Father.

Remind me.

It forbids the enslavement of
the native peoples of the New World.

Then we sign it very willingly.

For the fact is, Campeggio,
that the kings of Europe...

...have power but no morality.

I must act as their conscience.

They are my wilful children
and I their father...

...Ieading them along the paths
of righteousness.

So help me God.

And this?

The King of England
asks your approval... appoint
a new Archbishop of Canterbury...

...after the death
of Archbishop Warham.

And people say he doesn't care.

What is the name of the candidate?

Thomas Cranmer.

What do we know of this Cranmer?

Virtually nothing.

He's an obscure cleric. A nobody.

There are strong rumours
that he is a secret Lutheran.

Then we should not approve
his appointment.

No. Not in my opinion, Holiness.

And yet...

...we want to give
the English Church the opportunity... return to its first allegiance,
and our true faith.

We want to please the king.

We want to make him
beholden to us.

What better way to please him
than to approve the appointment...

...of a nobody?

After all...

...what harm can a nobody
inflict upon our Holy Church?

Your Grace.

We are most pleased to see you
confirmed as archbishop.

Your Majesty, I confess...

...I had some scruples
about accepting the office...

...since I must receive it
at the pope's hand.

You are not beholden to Rome.

Only to God...

...and me.

Now, archbishop, as principal minister
of spiritual jurisdiction in our realm...

...I ask you to determine,
once and for all, my great matter.

Whether or not
my first marriage was valid.

Majesty, I shall address the question
with the greatest urgency...

...and presently
pronounce my verdict.

Mr. Cromwell.


Since the departure of Thomas More,
England has lacked a chancellor.

-I am trusting you to fill that office.

Make way there.

Where is he? Where's Suffolk?

We are gathered here together,
in the sight of God Almighty... join in holy matrimony
this man and this woman.

Will you both answer...

...that you will keep
all these coming days rightful...

...with rightwiseness and discretion,
with mercy and truth... help you God?

Master Brereton.

It's no use...

...I failed.

And I can no longer bear this place.

Then go where your heart tells you...

...with God's blessing.

My lady, the Duke of Suffolk.

Your Grace.

My lady.

His Majesty has ordered me here.

He has asked me to tell--

He warns you
not to try to return to him...

...since he has now married
Lady Anne.

From henceforth, you must abstain
from using the title of queen.

You will now be referred to
as the Princess Dowager of Wales.

You must also cut
your household expenses.

In his generosity, the king allows you
to keep your property...

...but will no longer
pay your servants' wages...

...or your household expenses.

And what of my daughter?

-What of Mary? May I see her?

Forgive me.

Do you know something,
Mr. Brandon?

If I had to choose...

...between extreme happiness
and extreme sorrow...

...I would always choose sorrow.

For when you are happy, you forget.

You forget about spiritual things,
you forget about God.

But in your sorrow...

...he is always with you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
my lady.

As long as I live, I will call myself
the Queen of England.


Your Grace, I have some news.

I have learned that Mr. Cromwell
is to present another bill to Parliament:

The Act of Restraint of Appeals.

And under its innocuous title does it
conceal its most revolutionary intent.

What does it say?

"This realm of England is an empire...

...governed by one supreme head
and king...

...and owing no allegiance
except to God."

In future, all final appeals
on spiritual matters...

...will be heard not in Rome
but in England, where the king....

"The king will now enjoy
plenary, whole and entire power...

...pre-eminence, authority,
prerogative and jurisdiction."

Which means, I take it...

...that the act prohibits the hearing
of the king's nullity suit by the pope.

And, by the same token,
bars the queen...

...from appealing to the Vatican
against any decision made here.


No English sovereign has ever been
granted such absolute power.

-Poor Catherine.
-It's worse.

There are rumours that the king
has married Anne in secret.

-And that she is already with child.

Your Eminences... the conclusion of this properly
constituted ecclesiastical court...

...I am ready to pronounce the verdict
agreed by us all.

It is a pity that certain persons refused
to come here and testify...

...but that in itself holds no bearing
upon our conclusions.

Which are that the union
between King Henry of England...

...and Catherine of Aragon
is declared null and void.

And therefore, that the king's marriage
to Anne Boleyn... declared both valid and lawful,
in the eyes of God.


-Not that.

Then what?

I came on behalf of my lady,
though not with her permission.

Thomas, she is in
a most wretched way...

...abandoned and betrayed.

It seems so cruel of the king
to humiliate her in every way...

...pretending to marry that harlot.


Did you not know?

The Duke of Suffolk came
to tell her that the king has married.

Anne Boleyn?

But what can I do about any of that?

You are now a Privy Councillor,
and a client of Mr. Cromwell.

I thought that you could speak up
for my mistress.

Mr. Cromwell is the least likely man
to sympathise with your mistress.

But what about you?

If you still have feelings for me,
you would speak out for her.

I'm sorry.

As the successor of St. Peter,
I do solemnly condemn...

...the separation of the King of England
from Catherine of Aragon...

...and his subsequent secret marriage,
which I declare null and void.

This matter of the validity
of His Majesty's marriage...

...can only be decided by the curia...

...which has not yet reached
its conclusion.

I will give the king until September
to take back his former wife...

...on pain of excommunication.

Which is separation
from Holy Church...

...from Communion...

...and from God.

Thank you, Your Excellencies.

You may communicate my words
to your masters everywhere.

Come with me, Master Brereton.

Holy Father, this is the young English
gentleman I was telling you about...

...who brought us the news
from the English court.

Master William Brereton.

My son.

We are grateful to you for
bringing news of these terrible events.

And for all you have tried to do
to prevent them.

I tried to rid you of her, unfortunately,
Holy Father, I failed.

Who knows, my son?

God works in mysterious ways.

Cardinal Campeggio tells me
you want to stay in Rome now...

...and not return to England.
Is that correct?

Yes, Holy Father.

I would rather remain
with the flock of the faithful.

Recently, Master Brereton...

...I have ordained a new
and very special holy order.

They are the miliantis ecclesiae,
the soldiers of Christ.

These Jesuits, as they are called...

...these soldiers
will go where others fear...

...where often
they will meet great danger... order
to promote the Catholic faith...

...and take the word of God
to heathens and heretics.

I see already your passion
for this cause, and I beg you...

...join the order.

Join the crusade against heresy...

...and return to England,
even at the risk of martyrdom.

-Mr. Cromwell.

Your Majesty.

How are the preparations
for the coronation?

They're going well, Majesty.

I want the people to love
their new queen as I love her.

And if I can love her,
why shouldn't they?

I assure you, Majesty,
they will love her...

...and shall have every reason
to do so.

Silk, yes, I like it.

Madame la Marquise.

No. Just sister.

How are you, sister?

How are both of you?

We are both very well.

Listen, the king and I have visited
a famous astrologer...

...who confirmed what the physicians
say, and what I know in my heart:

That it's a boy.
The king is overjoyed.

He keeps wanting to tell people
but I tell him not to. Not yet anyway.

Come and look at these.

Mr. Holbein has been designing
all kinds of things...

...for the coronation procession.

They're so beautiful.
Mr. Holbein is indeed a genius.

Are you scared?

Anne, what is it?


Oh, it's nothing.

What's wrong, husband?

I'm going to have to attend on the king
and that bitch of his at her coronation.

What did Wolsey used to call her?

The black crow.

Can you not plead
some indisposition?

I could even though the king has made
me high constable for the day.

But if I did, His Majesty
would remove my head.

And then I should be
genuinely indisposed.

Very well. So keep your head.

It's a pretty head, in any case.
And I don't want to lose it either.

But store up your knowledge
and your anger.

Don't act impulsively,
it's always a mistake.

But one day, with others so disposed,
use them both...

...and if you can,
bring her down and destroy her.

-Make way.
-See to it, you lazy scags.


Hear ye, hear ye...

...make way for His Gracious Majesty,
King Henry...

...and the Lady Anne Boleyn,
Marquess of Pembroke.

Make way, make way.

Where are the crowds?

Where are the people?

-What the hell happened here?
-He's dead.

-My God.

Keep the procession moving.

I can't.

-What was that?
-An accident.

Nothing for Your Majesty
to be concerned about.

For nothing on Earth
is going to spoil this day.

Come, O Holy Spirit, and visit us.

Implant in our hearts...

...that which you have made,
Your Grace.

Through you alone...

...we know the Father.

Be this our constant belief...

...that you proceed from him.

Illuminate our senses...

...fill our hearts with love...

...diminish our bodily desires...

...strengthen our virtues always.



Give it to me.

With this, St. Edward's crown...

...I do solemnly crown you
Queen of England.

And here are the two sceptres
of the sovereign.

Honour and grace
be to our Queen Anne.

May you prosper, go forward...

...and may you bear
a new son of the king's blood.

There was an assassination attempt,
either upon you or upon the queen.

-A groom was k*lled.
-Thank you, Mr. Cromwell.

Sweetheart, how was that?
Did you like the city?

-Was not everything well done?
-Yes, it was beautiful.

But so few people.

And they kept their hats
on their heads. And no one shouted.

It was more like a funeral
than a parade.

You have a party to go to.

I want you to be happy.
I want you to smile.

Remember, you are my queen now.

-I know, but--
-I said, you are my queen.

Everyone is waiting for you.

I don't see Bishop Fisher here.

No, Your Majesty.

And where is Sir Thomas More?
I don't see him here either.

Was he not invited?

He was most certainly invited,
Your Majesty.

Then he chose not to attend.

Hungry, ladies.

Your Grace.

Since you were appointed
high constable today...

...what happened in the procession
was your fault.

I want to know who fired that shot.

I am already endeavouring
to find out, my lord.

Oh, I sincerely trust that you are,
Your Grace.

I have not forgotten Pennington.
For I feel that was your fault.

Here's to the Boleyns.

The Boleyns.

England's new queen.

-Show us your hands.

-Next one.

-Go on.

-Move on. Now, take your gloves off.
-Show me your hands.

Gloves off.

Take your gloves off.
Move through.

Hands. Come through.

-You, show me your hands.
-Make way. Make way there.

Move back. Move back.

Move back, please. Move back.

Oh, Mary. And it's all for me.

How was the coronation?

It was a cold, meagre
and uncomfortable thing.

And your absence was noted,
Sir Thomas.

How is Her Majesty bearing up
under all of this?

I am no longer allowed to see her.

And it is increasingly difficult for us
to exchange letters.

I'm gonna try and see her.

That would be so dangerous.

Even to speak a word in her praise
is to risk imprisonment.


You know, I have been thinking
about the past...

...when I believed the king... be the most enlightened
and promising prince in Christendom.

I was sure his reign
would be a golden age.

I had such high hopes.

Bishop Fisher has been placed
under house arrest.

You should beware yourself,

You will all be honourable, discreet,
just and thrifty in your conduct.

You will present
a godly spectacle to others...

...attend Mass daily...

...and display a virtuous demeanour.

On pain of instant dismissal
and banishment... must not quarrel, swear
or say evil and lewd things.

Nor ever behave lewdly.

You will set a standard
for everyone else.

Do you understand?

Yes, Your Majesty.

And you, don't go to brothels.

I will keep here a copy
of Tyndale's English Bible.

All of you are free to read it and
draw spiritual nourishment from it...

...for the old days are gone.

Everything is changed now.

Thanks to His Majesty,
you have all been delivered...

...from the darkness and bondage
of papal thraldom...

...idolatry and superstition.

This is a new beginning.

For me. For you.

And for England.


Lady Mary, I have come to inform you
of the judgements made recently... His Grace,
the Archbishop of Canterbury.

His Majesty's marriage to your mother
has been declared null and void.

Your mother was never legally
Queen of England...

...and must now accept
the title of Dowager Princess.

Just as you no longer have the right
to call yourself princess.

But from now on must be known to all
as Lady Mary.

At the same time...

...his Majesty's recent marriage
to Queen Anne...

...has been declared legal and valid.

Her coronation took place
in London this past week.

I know of no Queen of England
save my mother.

And I will accept no other queen
except my mother.

In which case, I have to tell you
that you are forbidden... communicate in any way with
your mother from this day forward.

May I not even write to her?

Not even a farewell note...

...considering your intransigence.

Sir Thomas More, my lady.

Sir Thomas.


Forgive me for
receiving you like this...

...but I do not feel well.

What you suffer... known to a great many people,
both here and abroad.

As is the injustice of it, as well as
the grace with which you endure it.

Now it seems, I must cease
to call myself queen...

...even though I was crowned so,
and anointed.

They say that if I refuse...

...the king will withdraw
his fatherly love for my daughter.

I shall not yield...

...neither for my daughter's sake
or anyone else's.

Not for a thousand deaths
would I consent to damn my soul...

...or that of my husband the king.

Please forgive me again,
Sir Thomas.

I am not very used to
visitors anymore.

They are mostly forbidden me.
How did you get permission?

I wrote to Mr. Cromwell personally.

Then you are a brave man.

I would be a coward to do otherwise.

I cannot pretend to be detached
from these events.

I've been encouraging
your supporters in Parliament...

...and elsewhere, to speak their minds
and stand up for you.

Thank you.

Sir Thomas, thank you.




I can't. Not now.

While the baby....

Exquisite, isn't she?

Lady Eleanor Luke.

Her family has an estate
in Oxfordshire.

Shall I talk to her, on your behalf?

That was exquisite.

How do you like life at court, Mark?

I feel....

-I feel twice fortunate, my lord.

Once for being allowed
to come here...

...and twice for the patronage
of your family.

We like to patronize artists,
men of talent.

The painter Holbein stayed with us...

...and my sister supports
many musicians and choirs.

Yes, well, your sister
is quite a talented musician herself.

As well as
a very beautiful young woman.

Even though....

"Even though"?

Not as beautiful as her brother.

What's this?

The final decision
of the curia in Rome.

They have found for Catherine.

They declare
my new marriage invalid...

...and any children produced from it,

The pope threatens
to excommunicate me...

...if I do not return to Catherine.

He's too late.

Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on.

Come, pray.

Oh, here it comes.

And I want you to organise jousts,
banquets and masques... celebrate the birth of my son.

I can't decide whether to call him
Henry or Edward.

-Your Majesty.
-Oh, Your Majesty.

I've asked the French ambassador
to hold him during his christening.

If he drops him, it's w*r.

It's here, Anne. It's here.


-Push, push.

-What is it? What's happened?


Your Majesty has given birth
to a very healthy baby girl.

Did you not find
such occurrences shocking?

Your Majesty, I am a Venetian.

I come from a city
where all the men are gamblers...

...and all the women, whores.
What is there to be shocked about?


I'm so sorry.

You and I are both young...

...and by God's grace,
boys will follow.

-Lady Eleanor.
-Your Majesty.

-Do you play chess?
-Yes, Your Majesty.

Come, let's play.

That's my first move.