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02x06 - Heist

Posted: 01/25/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
In seven days' time, I wanna be right here
when Feathered Serpent 2 launches

and we change the world.

Every penny from every copy sold is gonna
go straight to help the w*r on dr*gs.

Uncle Charlie!
What are you doing here?

You know you asked me to keep an eye
on that journalist, Ed Pleasance.

I just found out where
he was getting his information.

It's two days until the launch,

and the programming team is
expecting you in Amsterdam.

- I want you to come with me.
- I thought you wanted me here.

Right now,
I wanna keep you close, Charlie.

We need protection against Damian Cray.

SCORPIA are targeting
the president of the United States.

Because Damian Cray wants them to.

The CIA and Secret Service
will take perimeter positions.

The usual security detail
will be on the president herself.

They also want
our agents inside the house

covering the dinner
in case of any chatter.

Cray's happy with this?

- Joe Byrne didn't give him much choice.
- Nor us.

Well, we're all on the same side. Right?

Tell Crawley to take care
of security arrangements.

Mrs. Jones.

Alex Rider.

Have you spoken to him?

Yes, I have.
And since then, he's gone missing.

He seems to have got wind
of the fact that we were tracking him.

Right. Well, perhaps he's a better agent
than we give him credit for.

Don't let your sympathy
get the better of your judgment.

The last thing we need is Alex Rider
blundering into the middle of this one.

I thought I'd made that clear
to him, but, uh...

if he does happen
to get in touch, let me know.

Of course.

Did you tell him?

About what?

About Alex in Amsterdam.

He asked me to let him know
if he got in touch, not where he was.

Our focus now is the president,

and the president is coming to London,
not Amsterdam.

So, wherever Alex is,
whatever Alex is doing,

he can handle himself.

I'm guessing this is the part of town
they don't put on the postcards.

It was cheap,
and we're not here to look at the view.

Yeah, just as well, 'cause...

This is us.


Is it just the one room?

It's cash, it's not traceable,
and it's what we can afford.

Yeah, no, it's good. Really.
It's got character.

So how... how are we gonna do this?

Do what?

You know, the boys and the...

Boys and the girls thing.

"Boys and the girls"?

Seriously, he has a girlfriend?

No, I don't mean it like that.

And it's not my problem.
I'm-I'm fine. I'm fine.

I'm just saying that, you know,
we're all in one room,

and there's three of us, and there's...

- No, I'm fine.
- Okay.

This side is boys. This side is girls.

Everyone try to contain their hormones,

and maybe we'll get through
this ordeal okay.


Yeah, don't worry.
We're not gonna be here long.

- Is the plane ready?
- Yes.

I want you to fly to Amsterdam.

Check the code over,
make sure it's ready.

I'll come later,
once we're set up here.

What about Charlie?

He's traveling with me.

That's not what I meant.

He already talked to a journalist.
He already got some boy to steal evidence.

- There was no evidence on the game drive.
- That's not the point.

Charlie clearly thought there was.
Where was he going to take it?

What next? We can't just ignore this.

We're not going to.

I'll talk to him.

He deserves that much.

Cray's research facility is here,

right in the middle of nowhere.

The missing parts of the game code
are in there somewhere,

hidden on his computer servers.

We need to get in, find the missing data,
and get out without being caught.

- And make a copy so we can prove it.
- Yeah.

Okay, so how do we get in?
Cut the fence?

There isn't a fence. Look.

There's one road in and out.

No wall, no fence,
no razor wire, nothing.

No way it's that easy.

That's what I'm thinking.

So there is something,
but we don't know what.

How do you plan for that?

We should check it out before we go in
to find out what we're dealing with.

I'd like to see this guardhouse up close.

And I'd like to know
what's in these fields.

Then we regroup, decide on a plan.

You know what this is, right?

It's a heist movie.

Assemble the team, scope out the target,

plan the heist, practice
until we're a well-oiled machine.

But instead of, like, stealing diamonds
or casino takings or priceless art,

it's Damian Cray's game code.

Okay. Heist movie it is.

It looks like we're in the home stretch
of Cray's charity acquisition.

I had the chair of the
East London Rehab Center on the phone,

saying that they are prepared to go ahead.

Obviously, this means
due diligence on our part,

trolling through a ton of paperwork.

Cray's people are very keen for us to
get this finished by the end of the day.

- Why the rush?
- It comes from the top.

There are several
of these charity acquisitions happening,

and Mr. Cray wants them all concluded

before he has his dinner
with the president.

So, they'll be expecting you
at his headquarters

first thing this afternoon.

- This after...
- Don't let us down.

We're still coordinating
the details with Cray's team.

But this is what we have right now.

Two teams, as you agreed,

plus Cray's staff,
plus the president's own detail.

Good. Nobody's getting through there.

By the time we're done,

Cray's house will be locked down
tighter than Camp David.


There's an inherent fallacy in believing

because you've barred all the windows
and locked all the doors that you're safe.

It assumes your enemy's on the outside.

SCORPIA have extraordinary resources,
reach, determination.

They can compromise, they can coerce.

The personnel have been cleared
by our State Department.

Yes, you'll forgive me
if I'm not entirely satisfied.

We'll do our own background checks.

Personal contacts, finance,

phone records, online activity,
everything, from top to bottom.

There it is.

That's it.

I don't know. Looks a bit freaky, right?

Looks like you could walk right in.

Yeah, we're not falling for that.

Me and Kyra. You sure
that's the best way to do this?

Suck it up.

You guys will do fine.

See you on the other side.

Mrs. Jones, Mr. Crawley, good morning.

Has someone offered you
some tea, coffee, breakfast?

- We're fine, thank you, Mr. Cray.
- Good.

- May we have access to your roof?
- Uh...

Yeah, sure. What are you worried about?
sn*per? Is that very likely?

Between the president
leaving the car and entering the building,

there could be maybe five or six seconds.

A trained sn*per would have a chance.

It's an awkward shot but, uh...
you could do it.

Sean Palmer, head of security.

Good to meet you.

I'd like to talk to you about your staff.

What about them?

We'd like to run further background checks
just to rule out all contingencies.

My people are sound.
I picked them myself.

Don't worry. Sean will give you
everything you need.

In fact, he'll be liaising directly
with you while I'm in Amsterdam.


Briefly, yes.

When will you be back?

Uh, 24 hours.

Don't worry, I'll be back in plenty
of time to meet and greet the guests.

It's just the usual checks
ahead of a big software launch.

Your new game is coming out the same night
you have dinner with the president?

Well, it's all part of
the same initiative.

The sales of the game
help fund the w*r on dr*gs,

and the charity dinner helps
focus the minds of the world's elite.

Now if you'll excuse me,
Sean'll take it from here.

Shall we?


We're a little bit lost, mate.

- Move, please.

- Oh, yeah, sure. No worries.


You need to go.

This is private land.
You and your girlfriend need to leave.

- She's not my girlfriend.
- I'm really not.

Look, we're not really lost.

We wanted to see
where Feathered Serpent's made.

You know, where the magic happens.

Wait right there.

There you go. Now leave.



"An awkward shot," you said.

Special Forces?

Eight years in F Squadron.


What happened?

Invalided out.

There was an IED,
I caught some of the fragments.

I'm sorry.

Don't be. The money's a lot better.

And I never have to eat
another MRE pack in my life.

And you?

Where were you?

I wasn't anywhere.
I just work, uh, in an office.

If you say so.

And these are all your people?

Whatever you're looking for,
you won't find it here.

I trust my team with my life.
You should too.

I expected scrutiny,
but not this level of scrutiny.

MI6 have agents everywhere.

In the house, in the grounds,

surface-to-air m*ssile on the roof.

They're looking into everything.

I need a smooth run with the game launch
and the charity supper,

but they're getting in my way.

They're not MI6.

They work for a man called Alan Blunt.

His department is separate.

MI6 keep him in a back room
and only let him out when they're scared.

I have no room for interference,
no room for error.

The president arrives tomorrow.
Everything has to be perfect.

That is why you engaged SCORPIA.

To make sure.

Proceed as planned.

Go to Amsterdam.

Leave the department to me.

A word?

Of course.

You said SCORPIA
can compromise and coerce.

That they have incredible reach.

And I can't help wondering
if this comes from personal experience.

Was the department
compromised by SCORPIA?

You can't possibly expect
an answer to that question.

Well, I thought we were
being honest with each other.

To a point.

The fact is...

my department has been on the frontline
of this fight from the very beginning.

We have a unique insight.

At what cost?

So, what'd you guys get?

Mainly weirded out.
Gate guard thought we were a couple.

Why is it weirding you out?
You should be so lucky.

Actually, I am so lucky.

You sure Steph's actually your girlfriend?

- She didn't just lose a bet?
- Guys.

We got baseball caps.

I was kind of hoping for something
a little bit more useful.

- Let's see, shall we?
- Nice.

Good stuff. Cool.

Why exactly
do you need me in Amsterdam?

I wanted a chance to talk to you.

I owe you an apology, Charlie.

I had no idea that you
and the journalist were so close.

Ed Pleasance.
The man in the gas expl*si*n.

I know you knew him.
You don't have to hide it from me.

Look, I know he was writing
something critical about me.

I'm a billionaire.
Comes with the territory.

But that doesn't mean
I wouldn't have cared

if I knew that a friend of yours
had been hurt.

He used to be my friend. We lost touch.

Then you got back in touch, didn't you?

You talked to him.

Instead of talking to me.

And, uh, I don't know, maybe he...

filled your head with conspiracy theories.

And you wanted to see for yourself,
so you hired some kid to steal the game.

I didn't.

I never hired the kid.
Uh, I don't even know him.

It doesn't matter.

What matters is...

that you felt that
you had to go behind my back.

You felt that
I was hiding something from you.

And I truly am sorry for that

because it means that I lost your trust
somewhere along the way.


I never wanted
to work for a games company.

I wanted to work for you.
Because you're different.

You wanted to make
the world a better place.

- Is that still what you want?
- Yes.

Yes, it is.

And I'm gonna prove it to you.

And then you can decide for yourself
whether you wanna stay with me

or whether you wanna walk.

It's your call.

This is private land. You and...

To the right.

So there's laser mesh
all around the place.

If we try to walk in, they're gonna know
about it as soon as we cross the beams.

And there's nowhere to hide.

Plus, there's cameras
on the outside of the facility walls.

Maybe infrared for night.

They don't have a fence
'cause they don't need a fence.

So how do we get in?

They have keycards.

The delivery driver used one.

What, you think any delivery guy

could just card his way to all
the secrets Cray's keeping in there?

No, because that would be stupid.
But the cards will be on a system.

Level one grunt opens a few areas
through to boss level,

which opens everything.

We're gonna need boss-level access.

So you guys get to be bosses,
running around Cray's facility,

and I get to, what now,
sit outside and watch?

I wouldn't have either of you in there
if I didn't have to.

Computers are kind of Kyra's thing.

Yeah, I get that.

My thing is waiting in a field.

You're gonna need to have our backs.

None of this is gonna matter

if we can't get through
the front door in the first place.

Let's go back.

What does he say there, after "okay"?

"See you this afternoon."

- How much are the phones?

Ah... thirty euros each.

- Uh, do you take card?
- Sure.

Can I have three?

Actually, I think I have enough cash.


- I love your hair, by the way.
- Thanks.

All right?

All good?

Travel card.
Four euros on it, apparently.

Nice. These are for you.

Numbers are in already.
But that was the last of the cash.

- What about boss-level access?
- Cheat codes.

Cool. Then we're all set.

No, the next step is to practice
until we're a well-oiled machine.

There's no time. Whatever's gonna happen
happens tomorrow, remember?

This is not a funny movie,
not a cool game with your friend.

You're safe outside.
We're not. Don't screw this up.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on it.

Oh, oh, oh.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Engels? What happened?
You need a doctor?

No, no, I just...

These are quite hard
to get used to, aren't they?

What are you doing?

You need to watch
where you're going with this.

You just came out of nowhere.

What is this? I'm nowhere near you.

Yeah, well, all I'm saying is

I didn't just fall off my bike
for no reason, did I?

Yeah, and all I'm saying is
you're weaving all over the road.

You fall over. It's nothing to do with me.

Yeah? Well, maybe you're right.
Maybe you're wrong.

Maybe I call the police.

No, no, no! No need to involve the police.

I remember now. It's all coming back.

I was cycling, and you're right,
I didn't-- I just fell. I just fell.

You were miles away. You were
nowhere near me, I was gonna say.

But, you know, anyway, my arms
are all working, legs are good.

I'm good, you're good.

- You're sure you're fine?
- Yeah.

Everything all right in the head?
The marbles okay?

Yeah. That's why
I wear my helmet, yeah.

- You're certainly fine?
- Yeah, all good.

- All over, you're fine?
- I'm good.

You're fine.

- I teach you a Dutch word.
- Okay.

- Dwas?
- Yeah, it means "fool."

- Oh.
- That means you.

- Okay.
- You won't forget this word.

- Okay.
- Pick up your bike.

- Be on your way.
- Okay, mate.

- Yeah. Stay to the side.
- Yes.

- Don't fall in the canal.
- Yes, I will-- I won't. I won't.


Silly bugger.

- Hey, Mickey, pickup.
- What are you thinking, eh?

Looking very professional.

Feeling very professional.

- Mr. Williams.
- Hey.

And you must be Miss Starbright.
I'm Julia Moss.

Pleased to meet you.

I was told you needed to go over the files
for the Rehab Center acquisition?

That's right.

I should warn you,
there's a lot of boxes.

And I know the pressure's on
to get this completed today.

- The sooner we get started, the better.
- Okay.

What do you think all this stuff is?

I don't know. Whatever they're
shipping out. Copies of the game?

Says it's going to London.

Priority mail, arriving this evening.


What is that?

A hazmat suit.
Like, for radiation and chemical spills.

There's a lot of them.

Why does a software company need
something for chemicals and radiation?


- Alex, card.

Commencing server throughput test.

Boss level.

Commencing server throughput test.

- Report.
- I need to activate an identity.

Thomas Ashton.

Flight documents, passport.
And I need funds.

What amount?

6.5 million, sterling.

- What purpose?
- Payment.

For k*lling the president
of the United States.

We can't find any links
between Cray's security staff and SCORPIA.

There's nothing in the phone records
or the text messages.

What about bank accounts?

Cray pays well enough,
but everything's clean, above-board.

No hidden accounts that I could find.

Then we need to reverse-engineer it.

What else do we have on SCORPIA?


back in the day, there were
anti-money laundering traces

on a bunch of suspicious accounts.

But they've been dormant for years.

Wake them up.

There's no cameras in here.

Maybe all the security's on the outside.

Okay. We need to find
a terminal with server access.

That's something a programmer
would use, right?


So we follow the programmers.

You. Wait.

What's the latest on the transfer rates?

Fourteen percent improvement
over the previous order.

Fourteen percent? I want 20.

We can't manage 20.

Run it again and again
and again until we can.

Go get the whole team
in the programming suite. Everyone.

- Programming suite, shit.
- What is that?

Stupid open-plan trendy software bullshit.

Everyone in one big room
with foosball tables and hot-desks.

No way we can get in there
without being seen.

So somewhere else.

Cray would have a terminal, right?

- Yeah, I'd say so.
- Let's find Cray's office.


No, nothing yet.

Of course,
it's possible there's nothing to find.


I'm concerned.

- About what?
- Your boss.

Alan knew months ago
that SCORPIA were active again.

He didn't tell us.

Then I discovered
the department itself was compromised.

We're supposed to be
on the same team here.

So I'm asking myself,
why am I always so late to the party?

As I understand it,

Britain and America
have a special relationship.

And relationships are
sometimes complicated.

But they don't have to be, Mrs. Jones.

And they tend to work better
when they're not.

Guys, I think I've got something.

Kyra? Kyra.

Hell is this?

Is it a flight simulator?

More like a flight plan.


AF1. Air Force One.

The president's plane.

Blunt said SCORPIA were targeting
the president of the United States.

Blunt thinks they're
planning an assassination.

Of the president?

It doesn't make sense.
Why would he need Feathered Serpent?

If he wants to k*ll the president,
he can just do it.

Yeah, you're right.

Which means whatever Cray's planning,
it's bigger than an assassination.

We looked into Cray's personnel,
as you requested.

Everybody up here is squeaky clean.

So, we tried
the other side of the equation.

Working backwards from SCORPIA.

Exactly. We reactivated flags
on dormant accounts worldwide.

Anyone who we believe has ties

or had ties in the past
to SCORPIA's activities.

We found an AML alert
on this one, right here.

Mothballed for 12 years.

But someone just shuttled
six and a half million pounds through it.

And that money came right here, to London.

To someone named Thomas Ashton.

We found a property rented in that name
not far from Cray's house.



Unique insight.

Yes, it came at a cost.

But we may just have found your assassin.


- Can we use this to crack the game code?
- Let's find out.

This is set up
for someone called Evelyn Anders.

She's Cray's chief programmer.
Bet she's got good password security.

Not for long.

In your own time, mate.

Kyra's just hacking
the chief programmer's account.

We're gonna try
and get access that way.

I'm taking all her security settings off.

When you say,
"all her security settings"...?

Everything. Globally.
Passwords, software, firewalls.

If you want to start posting

on Evelyn Anders' timeline,
now's your chance.


Game drive.

Can you unlock it?

Come on, come on, come on.

Yes, this is it.
This is the hidden code.

Okay? So come on out.

Whoa, there's a lot of it.

Like... like a whole new program
hidden inside.

What does it do?

Uh, this, it's way complex.

It's a whole
totally different instruction set.

It looks like it's made
for all different kinds of computers.

There's old code and new code.
This could take hours to make sense of.

- Yeah, we don't have hours.
- Uh, I know.

Um, I can copy it and look at it properly
when we're out of here.

Do that.

- How long?
- There's a lot of data.

- Kyra, how long?
- Uh, maybe 20 minutes.

Thomas Ashton, armed police!

- Show yourself. Armed police!
- Armed police!

Armed police! Show yourself!

All clear!

Upstairs, clear!

- Search everywhere.
- Yes, sir.


Item of interest downstairs.

Firearm, sir.



Come on, come on, come on.



Alex, can you hear me, Alex?

Yeah. What's up?

Someone's coming.

- Uh, company. We've gotta go.
- We can't. It's not finished.

- How long?
- Fourteen minutes.

We don't have 14 minutes.

Can you leave it copying
but turn off the screen?

- Yeah.
- Let's do that. Hide your laptop.

Get out of there, now.

It's Cray!

We're just copying the game code.
It's gonna take some time.

- He's in the building.
- Yeah, I know. We need the game data.

Fourteen minutes
and we're out of here, okay?

Oh, God.

- Welcome, Mr. Cray.

I want you to understand, Charlie.

I really do.

What is this?

Years of work.

Years of planning.

It's what lies behind the curtain.

I should have been
honest with you sooner.

But we can start now.

You wanna be honest?

I know you employed Smoking Mirror.

And I know he's dead.

I saw what you did to that kid in London.

Tell me the truth.

Did you hurt Ed?

Did you put him in a coma?

No. I didn't.

But I paid the man who did.

Mr. Crawley.

I wasn't expecting you.

We found the assassin.


Thomas Ashton.

And Thomas Ashton is you.

My brother's death
could have been prevented.

So could countless others,
if people in power had the will.

Where government fails,

people of good conscience
have not only the right,

but the duty to step in.

Damian, come on.

Some things are bigger than one man.

No matter how decent,
no matter how good,

if hurting one man saves a hundred...

it's worth it, isn't it?

Life isn't like that.

- You don't get to make those decisions.
- Someone has to.

One man's life weighed against a hundred.

How about...

one million people
weighed against a hundred million?


hacking computers,
stealing data, that's one thing.

But this is so far beyond that.

Now you're talking
like you're reducing people

to numbers in some kind of equation. No.

No way.

People aren't maths.
We're human beings.

And I want no part of it, no part at all.

Whatever this is,
whatever you're planning, I'm out.

I understand.

I wish you felt differently, but...

I understand.

You said I had a choice.

I choose to walk away.

Goodbye, Charlie.

- No! Don't sh**t him!
- Alex!


Damian, please.

Think about this.

They're just kids.

This isn't who you are.

You have no idea who I am.


No escape this time.