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02x01 - Surf

Posted: 01/25/22 06:51
by bunniefuu
- Alex, what were you thinking?
- Tom's phone got confiscated.

- All I was doing was getting it back.
- By breaking into school.

- He wants me to be just like him.
- What's wrong with that?

It was a head-on collision.

Your uncle was over the speed limit.

No hospital in London has any record
of him being brought in.

I dunno, maybe they
spelled his name wrong.

Maybe it didn't happen.

- Ian.
- Yassen.

I'm sorry, Ian.

Who are you?

A specialized subdivision of
the British Secret Intelligence Service.

There's something we'd like you
to do for us.

You want me to help you?

The only people that can get in to
Point Blanc are troubled teenagers.

Been two very high-profile
accidental deaths recently.

Michael Roscoe
and Parker Roscoe's father.

Gregoriy Serenkov.
Your uncle was getting close with him.

Two deaths, two teenagers, one school.

You take a look around, you report back
anything you think could be relevant.

You will be Alex Friend,
son of the billionaire Sir David Friend.

This is Alex.
Please welcome him to Point Blanc.

- Hi.
- Kyra.

- Say hello to Alex.
- Hello to Alex.

- Where are the others?
- Oh, there are no others.

We may have a problem.

- Sorry.
- Tom Harris, right?

- Can I help you?
- Another time.

They have these, like, copies of us.
It's like looking in the mirror.

They're supposed to be us.

Alex has been compromised.

Alex Rider, I presume.

All hostages
and clones are accounted for.

- Can you even snowboard?
- I can snowboard.

We've got movement. They've got
snowmobiles out across the mountain.

How soon can you be in the air?

You can't authorize
a military operation.

If I'm wrong,
then Blunt can fire me.

- You're not an agent.
- Then why am I here?

If I'm not an agent, you're not my boss.
I'm going.


How about we let him walk away
and live a normal life.

It was supposed to be over.

That's what they said.

The weird stuff.

I dealt with it.

I did what I was supposed to do.

So now everything could just...

go back to normal.

It was supposed to be over.

And is it?

You mentioned before
about the nightmares you've been having.

It's more than that.

Now it's happening in the day as well.

And what about the breathing exercises
that we practiced, are those helping?

Yeah, I suppose. Sometimes.

Let's go back to the beginning.

When was the first time
you saw this man with the scar?

I first saw him
at the school I told you about.

And now he's on the tube.

He's in the supermarket.

He was... He was outside my house.

Like he-- He's following me.

But not really.

No. Not really.

But this man with the scar,
did he hurt you?


Did he thr*aten you?


Were you afraid of him?

No. But, um...

The way he looked at me, it was like--

Like, weird.

We don't get post-traumatic stress
from someone looking at us weirdly.

Do you think there might be
some other reason

that this man is important to you?

All I know is...

I don't see Greif.

I don't see Stellenbosch.

I see the man with the scar.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Just checking in. How was Dr. Lambert?

Yeah. It was fine.

You don't sound fine.

No, I sound insane.

Saying this stuff out loud, I can see her,
she's looking at me and she's like:

"He's lost it. He's making this up."

She doesn't think that. None of us do.

Yeah, well, maybe I do.

Alex, you need to give yourself a break.

Okay? I mean it. Stop beating yourself up.

Yeah, uh, look, I'm back at school.
Can we talk later?


- Jack! Good to see you.
- Mm-hm.

How are you doing?

- You're finding your feet?
- Yeah. I'm really enjoying it here.

Uh, thanks again for taking me on.

We love our interns.

And everyone speaks very highly of you.

What are you working on?

Home Office rulings
on indefinite right to remain cases.

And how are you finding that?

- It feels important.
- Glad to hear you say that.

That's what we do here.

Anything I can do to help?

My ears have not yet
drunk a hundred words

of that tongue's utterance,
yet I know the sound.

Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?

Neither, dear saint,
if either thee dislike.

How camest thou hither,
tell me, and wherefore?

Right. Hold it there.

- Ah. Mercutio. Good to see you.
- Sorry.

How's the tooth?

Oh, yeah, um, it--
It needs a bit of work still, sir.

You realize in Shakespeare's time,

they'd have just yanked it out
with a pair of pliers.

No anesthetic or anything.

Yeah, I think I'll stick to my dentist
if that's all right, sir.

Take a seat
and we'll get on with the scene.

- That was very good, Steph.

Look, it's clear you
both understand the language...

You okay?

...let's not forget there's a g*ng w*r
bubbling beneath the surface here...

Honestly, not sure anymore.

The more I talk to her, the more I think
maybe I'm properly broken.

You're not broken.

- Dented a bit, maybe.

- Oh, come here, you.
- Don't you dare hug me.

- Quiet back there!
- Sorry. Sorry, sir.

If they do see thee,
they will m*rder thee...


It's a shame you were late
to rehearsals, mate.

Steph's brilliant.

- Yeah?
- She's great.

Why didn't you try out
for Romeo, again?

Not my bag. Too many lines.

Yeah, but now Sam gets to snog her
in front of the whole school.

- "Give me my sin again."
- You're so mature, mate.

- Whoa, what's this?
- New toy.

I can do tracking sh*ts now.
Well, biking sh*ts.

Listen, uh, I was thinking
coursework at yours later

'cause, truth be told, I wasn't
really paying attention in history.

You were supposed to be
taking notes for me.

That's a fair point. All right, later.

Is everything all right, Alex?


Oh, hey!

- Oh, my God!
- Hey, you...?

- You all right, son?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- You sure?
- Yeah, sorry. It's...

Sorry, it--

- Um, I have to-- I have to go.
- It's all right, yeah.

Yeah, sorry about that.

- So it happened again.
- It didn't just happen again.

This time I nearly hurt someone.

I mean, I was going to.
I was sure it was him.

There's something wrong with me.

Mate, there's nothing wrong with you.
You know, you're just...

- You're just tired.
- Yeah.

You need a vacation. We all do.

And what is it next week?


- Tom, do you have anything planned?
- Actually, my diary is...

pretty much empty.

You mean you're not spending
the whole week

gazing lovingly into Steph's eyes?

Please try and grow up.

We're actually very independent people.

Anyway, she's visiting
an aunt, apparently.

So here's what I was thinking.

Beaches. Big waves. Sunshine. Surfing.

- South of France?
- No, no, no, Miami.

You up for it?

- Yeah, go on then.
- Sure.

Good. 'Cause I already made the booking.


- Cornwall?
- What's wrong with Cornwall?

Well, for a start, it's in England.

- It has everything.
- Yeah, including rain.

Wear layers.

They have scones and clotted cream,

which I hear are very famous.

Yeah, you know what,
I-I'm gonna have to ask my parents.

I already did.


Yeah. Okay. Actually sounds all right.

I'll get the tents down from the attic.



What's all this?
I thought you were gonna start.

- Like, you know, the tent?
- Yeah. Just a sec. Just a sec.

I've got this.

I've got this, I've got this--

Damn it!

- You haven't got this?
- No, it's this guy.

This K7 guy just totally slaughtered me.

- Who's K7?
- He's top of the leaderboard.

And a d*ck, I'm willing to bet.

So, what's next?

- Let me just bash this in.


Ah. Not bad, if I do say so myself.


You could be head
of the Boy Scout leaderboard.

Basically everyone is obsessed
with Feathered Serpent apart from you.

Even Steph's quite good. She got me on it.

I mean, you'll like the guy that made it,
Damian Cray. He's super cool.

He's like an ultra-geeky gamer boy
mixed with a billionaire tech guru.

And he's built in these sick
little Easter eggs into the game.

D'you think he plays his own game?

Oh, definitely. He's that kind of guy.

Then maybe he's K7.

What's this?

Did you seriously think
you were gonna get the big tent?

There's two of us.
There's only one of you.

But I'm older and more important.

Well, it's not our fault you
suddenly got a career, Ms. Lawyer.

- Camping builds character.

You can have midnight feasts
and tell ghost stories.

You're so not cool.

Right, okay. This time for the win.

Make them feel the respect.

- Oh, I will.
- Mm.

Oh! No!

- Sorry, sorry.
- For God's sake!

Oh, my God!
What the hell are you doing?


You gotta watch where you're going!

Running around like a lunatic!

I'm really sorry.

- I-it's okay.
- No, it is not okay.

Do you know how many months' work
this represents?

- Dad, it's all here. Take it easy.
- Oh, no!

- Look!
- I'll get them.

- I think that's all of them.
- Yeah.

Right. Uh, thanks.


Sorry about that.
And not bad on the skills.

Cheers. Uh, look...

I was just trying to catch someone.
It was a guy in a dark coat.

- Did you see him?
- Uh, no. I didn't see anyone.

See you around... maybe.


What took you so long?

Surf shop's open.

Come on,
we're gonna rent you a board.

Or we could stay here
and k*ll Aztec demon-gods.

Except that would be
kind of unbearably tragic?

Are you serious about this?

It'll be fun. Promise.

Knew I should've stayed in London.

What's all this? You...

Oh, you're going with
the temple of dead gods, yeah?


Not going too well.

I keep getting to the first chamber,
and then this monster lizard thing comes,

and we wipe-- Ugh!

Yeah, it's tricky.

What you want to do is,
you want to get your t*nk to kite it down

deeper into the pyramid,
that way it can't turn and maneuver.

Then you wanna get your DPS
to just hit it in the ass.

I mean, your t*nk dies,

but so does lizard guy,
and then you're through.

- Cheers.
- Yeah, no worries.

All right, well, what do I need? What's--?

Uh, well, I've just got you--


You feeling that, lizard guy?
You feeling that?

Totally dead! Yes!

Get in!

Awesome, mate. Cheers!

Nah, you're welcome.

My work here is done.

I see that.


Come on. Let's choose your board.
Time to be a real hero.

Looks kinda cold, man.

Surf's good.

Yeah. In a...

violent, life-threatening way, I guess.

Other people are doing it.

- Hello again.
- Again?

Hey. Is your dad okay?

As okay as he gets.

- I'm sorry. He can be a bit...
- Oh, yeah, I noticed.

I'm Sabina, by the way.

I'm Alex.

Well, I'm Tom. Hi.

Are you camping?

In a very, very small tent.

- How about you?
- Oh, we're, uh, renting a house,

the modern one.

Ah. Nice.

So you're at the campsite,

and you're not sitting in the rec room
playing Feathered Serpent.

No. No, we thought that'd be, uh,
pretty unbearably tragic.

Well, no one else seems to think so.

You guys are the first people
I've seen outside in, like, a week.

I know. I've been trying to get
Tom to come and try the surf, but...

It's pretty cold out there. Just saying.

Yeah, see?

Well, if you ever need, like,
Wi-Fi or microwave pizza or whatever...


Yeah. Yeah, that would be...

- You know where I am.
- Yeah, cool.

Good plan.


Met a girl, huh?


You didn't tell me.

Shut up.


Did you find the guy you were looking for?

Uh, no, actually.
It was-- It was a mistake.


Ooh, that's cold!

Speaking as someone
in a committed relationship...

- Oh, dear.

No, honestly, he's doing it again.

- Doing what?
- You know, the thing you do.

Where you fall for people
who are way out of your league.

I'm not falling for her. I just met her.

Mm-hm. One look across a crowded beach...

It wasn't crowded.

Look, I surf, she surfs. That's all.

What you need, mate, is someone
with manageable expectations

who could look at you and think:

"You know what?
In a pinch, I could settle for that."

Did you get my coffee for the morning?

You didn't say to buy coffee.

- It's coffee. I shouldn't have to say.
- Ooh.

Well, you know what?

I think Alex's friend Sabina
might have some coffee.

It's just a thought.

- Hey.
- Hey.


Can I borrow some coffee?

- Dad?
- Yeah?

Alex has come over for some coffee.

You remember him, right?

I do?

Runs like a lunatic,
doesn't see where he's going?

- Oh, right. Yeah. Hi, Alex.
- Hey.

This is impossible.

Need my cloud files.
I just need to back all this stuff up.

Dad, he's here. He's fixing it.

We've got problems with our Internet.

Why would it choose today
to stop working?

Dad, it didn't choose.

Yeah. I know, it's, uh...

Look, uh,
I've really gotta get on with this.

There's coffee up in the cupboard.

This way.

You have to excuse my dad.

He doesn't get out much, obviously.

- He a writer?
- A journalist.

But, yeah, this is a book.

It's gonna be huge, apparently.

I hope so.

I think he blew his advance
renting this place.


- Well, here you go.
- Thank you.

Um, do you wanna hang out? Like, now?

- Sure. Okay.
- We could go to the beach.

Skim some stones?

Is he always like that?

Uh, only when he's writing,
which is most of the time.

And when he isn't writing,
he just sort of freaks out.

Sounds interesting.

Yeah, well, interesting is why Mum left.

Hey, uh...


So how much longer is it gonna take?

It will be very soon.


So, uh, what's his book about?

Damian Cray.

The Feathered Serpent guy?
The, uh, billionaire?

That's the one.

Is it like a biography?

I suppose so.

He never talks to me about it.

He says he doesn't want me
to get involved.


Alex, what is it?

Yeah, nothing. Um, it's fine.

You sure? You've gone pale.

Yeah. I'm good.

I know what you're thinking.

But I'm not gonna swap my small green tent

for your big house and swimming pool.

- Because camping builds character.
- Mm. I bet.

To be honest,
I just wish I was home, with my friends.

Where's home?

Most of the time, London, with Mum.

Holidays and weekends with Dad.

You know. Complicated.

Yeah. I know complicated.


Ah, it's kind of a long story.


What is it?


Come on!

Give me your scarf.





Dad! Alex!

999, which service do you require?

Fire Service and an ambulance!

Dad! Dad!

The man with the scar?

I know how it sounds. And I know
I've said it before, and it wasn't real.

But this time, I saw him.

- I saw him.
- Okay, okay.


We just want to go over what happened.


Okay, Alex, why don't you
start at the beginning?

There was a van outside.

You need to find the van,
you need to find the driver.

- All right. Why is that?
- It's a-- it's a gray Transit van.

It has "Rob's Internet Services"
on the side.

The guy's white, maybe mid-30's.

He-- he wears dark clothes,
and-and he has a scar down his face.

He's dangerous.

You need to tell your officers
to stay back and to call for support.

So the Internet bloke is dangerous?

He's not an Internet bloke.

He's-- He's the guy that planted the b*mb.

What? There wasn't any b*mb, Alex.

So, what do you think did this?

We just spoke to the fire department.
It was a gas leak in the kitchen.

No, no. It might look like a gas leak,
but it-it wasn't.

No, no. It was still burning
when we got here.

Fire department had to shut it off
at the mains. Not a b*mb.

Okay, look, Rob's Internet Services
has a 24-hour line.

While we were waiting for you guys
to turn up, I called it.

They have no record of any engineer
being sent to this address.

So what?

So it was a cover. He wasn't real.

Maybe someone's moonlighting, you know?
Jobs on the side for cash.

It wasn't someone.
His name is Yassen Gregorovitch.

You need to find him.

As long as he's around,
none of us are safe.

Look, Alex,
you're not in any trouble here.

I'm telling you, it wasn't an accident!
It was deliberate. He tried to k*ll him.

Why would he would wanna k*ll anyone?

We talked to Sabina.

She said just before
the expl*si*n, you stopped,

like maybe something was bothering you.



I-- So?

Maybe you wanted
to go back to the house.

- I-- I was worried.
- Why?

- Alex...
- I-- I--

I thought something-something was wrong.

Alex, did you
touch anything in the kitchen?

On the cooker? By accident, maybe?

I hope you're going somewhere with this.

- You're wasting time.
- No.

We're just trying
to understand what happened.

Look, you said
you knew something was wrong.

Do you mean you had a feeling?

Or... do you mean you actually knew?

- You're kidding. You think I did this?
- Okay, that's enough.

You either put him under caution
or you leave him alone.

- Sorry, you are...?
- His lawyer, if he needs one.

Look, Alex, tell us the truth, okay?

No more stories about bombs
or men with scars.

Just the truth.

Okay. You want the truth.

Yeah, here's the truth.

Call this number.

- What are you doing?
- It's fine. Let them call.

- Is this clever?
- He was here.

Who is this? Like...
your personal banker?

Just call her.

Give her your badge number,

tell her what happened,
tell her Alex Rider told you to call her.

- Alex...
- Just--

Please. You don't know
what you're dealing with.

Just call her.

The number
you have dialed has not been recognized.


The number you have dialed
has not been recognized.

The number you have dialed
has not been recognized.

The number you have dialed
has not been recognized.

I saw him by the harbor as well.

He was there.

- He must've been planning this.
- I believe you.

- I could've done something.
- Done something?

Warned them. Called it in. Something.

People around me just get hurt.

No. No, not because of you.

You saved his life.

I need to find Mrs. Jones...

...and talk to the department... case he tries again.

I have to stop this.


You sure you wanna
go back to those people?

It's not about what I want.

Hey, Mrs. Jones.

What's that?
