05x01 - Forever Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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05x01 - Forever Family

Post by bunniefuu »

- Here we go, Rick.
- And so it begins.

It is the beginning
of another year on Oak Island.

If this isn't an Oak Island day,
I don't know what it is.

But unlike previous years,

this one begins with an almost
oppressive feeling of dread.

Yeah, I'll tell you Rick,

the island took
a beating this winter.

One week ago, brothers Rick

and Marty Lagina

received the troubling news
that a series

of harsh winter storms
have left trees

and various structures

on the island badly
damaged and the roads

virtually washed away.

In his rush to see
the damage for himself,

Rick returned to
the island early

and without his
brother by his side.

We had a couple big nor'easters
that came through here.

It's bad.

We're talking extremely
violent storms.

Well, there she is.

I don't care what
Mother Nature has done.

The island can throw
whatever it wants at us.

We're not giving up.

- There he is. Hey.
- Morning, Rick.

As two of Oak Island's

only three fulltime residents,

Dave Blankenship and his wife,

Garnett, have been
living on the island

for more than years.

Although they are used
to the challenges posed

by the harsh winters
of the North Atlantic,

they admit that this was
one of the worst

they have ever encountered.

Charles has told me
that Mother Nature did

- some business out there.
- She took it away from us.

- We have no road back there.
- Really?

- No road?
- No road at all.

There's nothing
there except rocks.

Come on, let's go take a look.

Just park over here, Rick.
Let's see...


The South Shore Road

and the area that insulated it
from the Atlantic Ocean,

has been virtually
washed away and with it,

any ability to reach
the Money Pit area with digging

and drilling equipment.
Unless the road can be rebuilt,

this year's entire
search operation

looks to be over before it
even had a chance to begin.

The road is gone.
It's literally gone.

There is an island in the
North Atlantic where people

have been looking for
an incredible treasure

for more than years.

So far they have found
bits of gold chain,

a stone slab with strange
symbols carved into it,

even a th century
Spanish coin.

To date, six men have died
trying to solve the mystery.

And, according to legend,

one more will have to die,

before the treasure
can be found.

Hey, Billy.
We could have brought you out

in a little better
weather circumstances, right?

Therethere was worse days than
today, when you look at that.


The loss of the South Shore Road

has dealt the Oak Island team

a crippling blow.

The power and ferocity
of the wind and the waves,

to take that road
from the condition

I remember it in to
the condition it currently is,

I was in awe.

The repairs will cost
both time and money,

two precious commodities

that would be better applied
in this year's efforts

to solve the yearold
Oak Island mystery.

We've gotta get this up

and ready because we've
got gear scheduled to come in

and we can't put them off.

We'll make it passable.

In just one week,

major drill rigs and equipment
are scheduled to arrive.

Any further delays

could jeopardize this summer's
entire operation.

It's not like we've
got an existing grade

and we just put gravel
over it and call it a day.

It, that's not gonna happen.

It has to be
a complete reconstruct.

And we're up against it
right now, you know.

We'd like it done yesterday.

Taking a break from
their road repair efforts,

Rick, Charles and Dave
head to the w*r Room.

Joining them are Rick
and Marty's nephew,

Peter Fornetti,
and Dave's father,

veteran treasure hunter,
Dan Blankenship.

It is the team's
first opportunity

to update Rick's brother,

Marty, on the full extent
of last winter's damage.

Hey, guys! How's it going?

Well, look, here,
here's the thing.

We have some seriously bad news.


The beach road,

it's absolutely,
completely gone.

- Come on.
- Really.

The entire length of the road,
Marty, from the curve over.


Can we repair it, or is it,
like, irreparable?

No, II think we can repair it.

Problem is, the timing issue,
bringing in the geotech rig.

A week from now, we need to get

some seriously
big rigs back there.

- All at the same time.
- All at the same time.

Let's make hole! -NARRATOR:
Last year, Rick,

Marty and the team
invested more than $ million

drilling four inchwide shafts

in an effort to locate
the original Money Pit.

What the hell is that?

Although they did find

incredible evidence of ancient,

manmade workings more
than feet below ground...

What the heck is
going on down there?

The precise location of
the socalled Treasure Vault

still remains a mystery.

This year, the team plans
to drill an estimated

sixinch wise bore holes
to depths of nearly feet.

Using last year's GAL shaft
as their starting point,

this method may not only

help the team
pinpoint the precise location

of the original Money Pit,

but will also allow them
to retrieve whatever artifacts

or evidence of treasure
may lie at the bottom.

We find the one thing,
we get to the bottom of it.

Then we commit, you know,
resources to it.

With the rig scheduled
to come in,

wewe don't have time

toto fool around with that road.

We've gotta get it done.
So that's priority number one.

Well, you know what though,

this could be
an opportunity couldn't it?

I mean, if everything's
been moved around like that,

couldn't there be an opportunity
to metal detect again?


I think the next
opportunity if you will,

is to bring Gary in and,

Gary Drayton and
have him metal detect.

I mean, this is exactly
right up his alley.

- Storm disturbance... erosion.
- Perfect.

Find something.

You know, you read
about that all

the time where people find
some old ship or something

because of a big storm.

I mean, in a very
conventional sense,

it could easily have
unearthed a clue.

- We just have to find it.
- Right. Exactly.

I viewed what Rick told me about
the devastation from the storm

on the island as
a real positive.

Storms like that often reveal
things that have been hidden.

So, we're eager to metal detect
this new area because,

you know, it could
reveal some secrets

that could be very helpful
to advancing the cause here.

The other thing

we need to squeeze in before
the drilling starts,

you know, we've done nothing
to disturb C for what,

seven, eight months now.

So we need to put
another camera down there.

You know, every year it gets
better and better, you know.

New technology,

cutting edge stuff and
this is cutting edge.

- Hopefully we see something.
- No, that'd be great.

I mean, look, we'd be,

not only have same old metal
detector hits that then vanish,

we never did find the shiny
gold object that a lot

of experts said was real.
So, we should look.

You know, there's one personal
question, if you will.

I see Craig's not there.
How's he doing?

Well, guys, I mean,
he's struggling of course.

And his wife is
struggling and yes,

you know, you can feel
his absence here right now.

He would normally be sitting
right here with me, but...

It's a terrible,
terrible tragedy.

For the past three years,

Drake Tester had become
a familiar and welcome face

on Oak Island.

The son of Rick and Marty's
business partner, Craig Tester,

and stepbrother to Jack Begley,

Drake was the youngest member
of the Oak Island team.

But in March of this year,
Drake Tester died suddenly,

as the result of complications
following an epileptic seizure.

He was only years old.

It hurts me to see him
suffering with this loss.

And I can't even imagine
how badly it's hurting him.

The problem with something
like what happened to Craig

and his family is that
you realize

howhow helpless you are

toto really do anything.
I mean, you know,

whatwhat can I say or do
to take the pain away from such

a terrible loss?

The Tester family has
suffered an incredible loss.

I mean, words fail
in a moment like this.

I'm not a parent,

but I can only imagine
what they're going through.

How's Jack doing?

II guess I would
say they both are doing

as well as you could expect,
given how horrible a tragedy.

Well, you give them our love.

I will. You know, it's
the only thing we can do.

It's, you know, he has
to do this himself.

But, the only thing we can
do is tell him we support him.

- We're there for him. -Yes.
- Hearts go out to him.

You know, I'ml'm intending
to come out in a few days

and II don't know where
his heart is right now.

Would I like to see
him out here? Yes.

He's instrumental on this team.

We would, we would
not only miss Drake

terribly, we'd miss Craig.
We'd miss Jack.

Um, so I hope he comes.

But you know what, whatever's
best for him. Period.


We'rewe're set on our task.

We'llwe'll get as much
done as possible andand...

You know what, we should,

we should get to
the bottom of this, Rick.

We should find this one thing
forfor Craig and for Drake.

- I like that thought.
- You'll get no argument from me.

- Let's make it happen.
- All right guys.

Okay, take care.

- Take care, Marty.
- See you in a few days.

While construction continues on

the criticallyneeded
South Shore Road...

Wow, look at this place!
It's ripped out.

- From those storms.
- Check this out.

The Laginas and their partners

have invited metal detection

expert Gary Drayton
back to Oak Island.

Because the harsh winter
storms caused several areas

of the island to suffer
significant erosion...

It is hoped that
Gary will be able

to turn up a number of
interesting artifacts.

Artifacts which may
provide important clues

that will help solve
the Oak Island mystery.

Yeah, I think we'll leave
that area till last. -Yeah.

And we'll just cross
this little area off.

What I'm trying to do is
detect where no one else

- has detected before.
- Okay.

Today, they will begin
their search at the area

on Oak Island known
as "Isaac's Point,"

located on the eastern most
part of the island.

Let's just try and
grid this out.

- All right.
- In some kind of pattern...

Well, what I'd like
to find is some gold coins.

All right.

With over years of
experience as a professional

treasure hunter, Gary Drayton

has recovered more than a
million dollars worth of

surface artifacts and treasure

during the course of his career.

Yeah, I'm getting a
faint little blip, here.

That was a false alarm;
Let's pass on that one. -Okay.

We know that's probably iron.

Ooh! Now that's a good signal.

His past collaborations

with the Oak Island team

have yielded a number of
significant discoveries.

That is old.
It's a handmade spike.

Last year,

he uncovered a
large metal spike that he

believes could have been used
in the construction of

a th century Spanish galleon.

We've got a coin! A gold coin!

He also discovered a goldplated

th century British
military button.

I think it says, "plated"?

If it says plated,
it's a button.

Sounds terrible.

There's a lot of
iron around here.

It's not a good sign
when it's all over.

- That's not worth digging.
- Okay.

- We'll see what's here.
- Yeah.

While Peter and Gary
continue their search...

Okay, let's get this baby
in some water, see what happens.

Rick Lagina,

along with island historian
Charles Barkhouse,

and Dave Blankenship,

meet with remote
camera specialist

Jeff Christopherson in the
area of the Oak Island.

Money Pit known as C .

There it is.

That's the new Probert, is it?

Two years ago,

after drilling
an exploratory borehole...

- Still dropping?
- Huge cavity!

The team obtained
video evidence of

a mysterious metallic object...

Some feet deep underground.

What the hell is that?

It's your gold color, David.

Last summer,

the Laginas returned
to the site and

drilled an even larger hole...

Using a inch wide
drilling caisson...

In hopes of retrieving it.

Going down.

But even repeated attempts
to locate the object...

With the help of
professional diver,

John Chatterton...
Proved unsuccessful.

What're you seeing?

Given the conditions he was in,

he just simply
couldn't locate it.

The fact that the hole was
allowed to rest, if you will...

Almost nine months...
Should give us a better shot,

better clarity.

Okay, we're looking
for several things.

We're looking for the shiny,
gold thing, first and foremost,

for David and for Charles.

I'm looking to see
the size of the room.

Hopefully the room
should be stable enough,

lo these nine months,
if we see something,

we can safely get a guy
back down that hole.

You get this downhole,
you get us some pictures,

- we'll be enormously happy.
- All right.

Let's find that image!

There are answers
to be had in C .

We're intrigued, you know.

Where is that shiny,
gold object?

New technology surfaces
all the time,

new camera gear.

We're hoping that that can
give us a better shot,

a better view of
the shiny, gold object.

In an attempt

to photograph every area
of the underground chamber,

Jeff will be using
the Spectrum camera,

which can offer a degree
view of underwater environments

to depths of up to feet.

Okay, I think I heard it splash.

It's in the water now.

With combined
optical and digital zoom,

it can also enlarge objects up
to times their actual size.

I'll keep it going
down at steady rate.

Let me know when you
see anything of interest.


- How're we looking?
- Still wall.

Be feet when you see
the end of the pipe.


We should encounter the
end of that caisson pretty soon.

To prevent the mysterious,

underground cavity
from collapsing,

the drilling caisson was
anchored into bedrock

at a target depth of feet.

From there, a inch
wide drill bit was used

to cut through the remaining
feet of anhydrite stone

to complete the shaft.

We in it or out of it?

There's the anhydrite
right there.


So, you gotta drop
down through that.

Going down.

I don't see your shiny,
gold thing yet, David.

Not yet, David.

If there's the shiny thing,
you're gonna see it.

The clarity is
really quite good.


If there's any reflection
at all, off of any object,

we're gonna see it.

You know, when
the camera goes down,

you know, initially,
I'm a little bit dismayed

because I don't see
what we're looking for:

Evidence of the shiny,
gold object.

And that's, again,

Again, you may want to stop.

We may be in it right now.

Can't tell.

Yeah, there's the ledge.

Wow. Look at that.


Is that the bottom?

I see some features there.

- Let's just do a here.
- Okay.

Let's see if we get
anything of interest.

Are we looking straight down?
Or are we looking...

We're looking off
to the side, right now.

The water clarity
is pretty good.

The water is clear
as hell for a change.

Right. Exactly.

Luckily for the
team, the silt and sediment

that normally clouds
the water has had a chance

to settle during
the long winter months.

Even at a depth of feet,
these images are the clearest

ever recorded in the C
cavity to date.

The clarity was unbelievable,

and I don't know if
it's simply the fact

that the hole was allowed
to rest if you will,

precipitate out
almost nine months,

or if it's because of
the high definition

of the camera system.

But I was impressed, surely,
by the clarity.

Let's just have pan around here.

What I'm doing right now guys is

just looking around in general
to get a feel for this cavern.

I can't help but feel
like we're in a very

large space here.

Right now, it appears that
it's retained its integrity.

So, it remains diveable.

I'm encouraged that the,

that the clay hasn't
blocked the cavity,

but you know, we're not
seeing what we wanna see yet.

I'll say "yet."

So, this gold item,
do we have any idea

of what it appears to be...
Is it round like a coin?

I think when we first saw it,
we all had different eyes on it,

but I think you were the
most interested in it.

It does have, like,
a curve to it.

You know, on one side.
And that's what,

I think that's what
intrigued everyone.

My concern is that,

when this caisson went down,
was it in such close proximity

to this install,

that it was dislodged?

Is it possible that the

team's efforts to further
widen the hole could have

dislodged the metallic object...

And resulted in it being
buried under several inches

of sediment and debris?

Are we close, you know?

Is it something that may
have fell off the ceiling?

Is it on the other
side of that wall?

Who knows?

Until, you know,

we fully examine the cavity,

who knows where
this is gonna go.

Something I'd like
to do, very quickly,

let's look down.

That's the bottom. We are...

So, you're looking
straight down, now?

Now looking straight down.

Okay, whoa, hold up a minute.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

What is that?

That is, in my opinion, manmade.

Okay. Whoa!
Hold a minute. Whoa, whoa.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

What the heck is that?

After putting a high definition

underwater camera some feet

down the Money Pit area
shaft known as C ...

- Stop. All stop.
- Whoa, whoa.

Rick Lagina and the Oak
Island team

are astounded by the images

they are looking
at on their monitor.

Seeing something right here.
I'm seeing a shape there.

Yeah, there is a definite shape.

That is, in my opinion, manmade.

- Yes.
- I agree, it looks like a piece

of metal with another piece
of metal going through it.

Metal? At the bottom of C ?

That, right there.

If so, could it
have some connection

to the mysterious
gold object Rick Lagina

and Charles Barkhouse first
photographed in the shaft,

nearly two years ago?

It looks metallic.

Look how yellow that is.

It's your gold color, David.

Yeah, there it is, David.

Why is it there,

why is poking out of
the sediment?

To me, the more
interesting thing

about it is not the item itself,

but the fact that it
is buried in sediment.

Well, what else is
buried in the sediment?

Definitely up and over.

But what is it?

Hard to say what it is
or where it came from.

Looks like a tangle of
little bits of steel.

There's even more over
this way I thought I saw.

That's interesting.

Let me just zoom in on there.

There's something right...

right in there, yeah.

That looks like a bent piece
of metal or something.

It looks to me like almost

like a hook that had fallen
and is laying against that rock

and we've got shadows indicating
that it's laying on the surface.

Yeah. There's the hook there.

Now, you see
the shadow right there.

Looks like you could
stick your finger

on, right under there and pull
this thing off the wall.

There are actually a few
objects right there.

Is that or is that not real?

Does something protrude from
the wall, and is it metallic?

Two key questions.

If it is,
human beings put that there.

- Can you zero in on...? This.
- Yes.

I'll get you as close as I can.

There's a little something
there, and it goes out...

A grating or something.

There's a tangle of something.

That looks almost like...

what? Wire? Mesh?

But you can see...

go real close, you can see
the bar there... bars or...

Yeah. Where it's
kind of interwoven. Yeah.

When Jeff was panning the camera

around, we see this kind
of woven mesh affair,

there's the hook shaped object.

We're seeing what I can only
describe as a debris field.

In , searchers attempted

to reach what they believed

were two stacked treasure chests

at the bottom of the Money Pit
by digging an adjacent shaft.

Unfortunately, Shaft ♪ ...
As it came to be known...

Began filling with seawater
at a depth of feet.

Soon after,

a number of thunderous
underground crashes were heard

leaving workers to speculate
that the cribbing at the bottom

of the Money Pit had collapsed
leaving whatever treasure

that lay below now
scattered across a flooded,

underground debris field.

Is it possible that the chamber

at the bottom of C
contains artifacts

from that very
same debris field?

We have the hook,
we have the mesh.

We have... something that looks
maybe retrievable.

We've got to figure out a way

to go down there and get something.

At this point, to me,

it's looking like
a possible dive.

There's a lot down there.

We're not giving up
on it, I guarantee that.


For shortterm answers,

this is the best
imagery we've ever had,

but I'm of the opinion
that it's always best

to have eyes and boots
to investigate something.

Something's down there.

I'm just gonna check
in with my brother,

give him all the updates.

We tried the camera...

The Spectrum
from Inuktun in C .

And it looks like there's
something down there.

Not wood. Metal... artifacts.

Some of them...

There's something there.

There's no question.

And a bunch of somethings.

You know, there's some
weirdshaped metal objects.

It's hard, it's hard to put
a name to 'em because,

you know, they're in the silt.

No. No.

It seems as though the majority,

the vast majority of the objects
are outside of the hammer grab.

Even you, when you see it,
you'll say, well that's,

that's not something that
was thrown down that hole.

But again...

Right, but, in terms of how
we retrieve these objects,

if there is a consensus,

we should entertain bringing
Mike Huntley back.

Safe travelsAll right, see ya.

Yup. Bye.

Will putting a diver...

Once again... down the C shaft...

Finally provide the team

with the physical evidence
they've invested millions

of dollars hoping to find?

If so, it could answer
the questions first asked

years ago:

What is buried deep below
the surface of Oak Island?

And who put it there?

Later that same day, as
the critically needed repairs

to the South Shore Road
near completion...

Let's try this little clearing up here.
All right.

Trying to keep
in a straight line.

Metal detection
expert, Gary Drayton...

Along with Rick
and Marty's nephew,

Peter Fornetti...

Continue their search
for artifacts in the woods

along the island's
eastern shore.

That don't sound bad.
That's a deep piece.

- I think we should dig it.
- Okay.

If I was guessing,
I'd say it's like a...

there it is, it's iron.

Big chunk of iron. Dang.

- Ooh! That's not bad.
- Yeah. What is it?

That's, like, an old ax.

Wow, I think that's like
a double woodcutter's ax.

- That's pretty cool.
- It is.

It's probably early s,
unless it's a Viking ax,

and then we're making headlines.

- I don't think it is.
- No.

Okay, mate, let's
have a little scan,

just see if there's
any other targets.

- Nope. That was it.
- Nope.

Let's go over here.

- That sounds good.
- You're sure there's one here?

That sounds really good.

That's like a coin
or a button type signal.

Yeah, it's out, whatever it is.

Where are you?
Hopefully it's something decent.

Didn't sound like a nail,
that is for sure.

Ooh! A coin!


While exploring
the stormaffected areas

of Isaac's Point,
metal detection expert,

Gary Drayton, has just uncovered

a potentially important find.

It is a coin? Or a button?

I think that is a freaking coin.

- Looks like it.
- Very irregular shaped. -Yeah.

Which is good.
That means it could be old.

So, what do you think this is?

I think that's old.

I think we're into s with that.

Good find for sure.

Although old coins are
frequently found on Oak Island,

finding one from
the th century

could be a significant event.
Prior to ...

The year the original Money
Pit was first discovered...

Oak Island was virtually

And evidence of human
activity was scarce.

If the coin in Peter Fornetti's
hand can be dated to sometime

before the late s,

it might actually
have been left there

by someone who either buried
treasure on the island...

Or someone who came
there trying to find it.

- Copper? Or bronze?
- Yeah. Copper.

- Copper for sure?
- Yup, I see designs on it.

On this side here,
look at all that design.

- These lines right here?
- Yeah.

It's either an English
or a French coin, my guess.

It should clean up
enough to get,

just even a little
design off of it.

- Yeah. So you can date it?
- Sweet.

- Brilliant.
- That's a good find.

High five, mate!

After sending the
coin found at Isaac's Point off

to be cleaned and dated...

Here comes Pete with it now.

Rick Lagina, and
members of the Oak Island team,

have returned to Lot .

There they will carefully
search through the spoils

for any artifacts brought up

from the GAL hole while it
was being dug last year.

Scrape it!

Spoils they didn't have time

to examine before they had to
leave the island

for the winter.

So, the idea then, is to

spread this out and go
through at shallower depths.

- Yeah.
- Cover the whole thing.

This is where we found
the goldplated button.

- That's our spot, right there.
- That's where GAL is.

GAL number one.

Named after Rick
and Marty's parents,

George and Ann...

GAL was the team's fourth

and final search hole last year.

Using a inchwide
drilling caisson,

it was dug down
to a depth of feet...

And yielded a number of
what are believed to be

significant artifacts.

What do you make of that?

I don't know.
That's got to get tested and,

I mean, look at
all these patterns on there.

We've got a coin!
It's a gold coin!

Honest to God, a coin?

- Out of this spoils pile?
- I think so.

- It's either a coin or a button.
- I think it says "plated"?

If it says plated,
it's a button.

There you go!

We found some significant items

in the GAL caisson.

Items that may indicate that,

yes, there's something
significant in the Money Pit.

Think I should start warming
up for my gold dance, Rick?

Yeah, I'm ready
to see you dance.

We want to see
the gold dance, Gary.

Go for it.

We have learned,

over the course of
the digging and the drilling,

that we have to investigate

and look at every single piece.

Every sample bag,
every spoils pile,

we have to look at it
and analyze all of it.

Look who's here, Marty and Alex.
You know what?

We got two fresh diggers.

Members of the
fellowship of the dig.

Hey, big brother.

You weren't kidding
about the road damage.

Marty and Alex's
return signals that operations

on the island are about
to return to normal.

Alex. -Charles.
Good to see you again.

- Good to see you.
- Bittersweet, you know, with...

- What's this?
- There's Craig and Jack.

Craig. Jack.

Good to see you, Craig.

The arrival of Craig Tester

and his stepson, Jack Begley,

offers a welcome...

And very emotional...
Surprise to Rick,

Dave and the Oak Island team.

The tragic loss of Craig's
son... just weeks

before he was scheduled
to return to the island...

Dealt a cruel blow that has
been felt by everyone.

Craig's been my
friend for some years.

He's suffering with aa loss
I can't even comprehend.

I was surprised
to see Craig and Jack.

You know, it's...
It's almost incom...

You know, it's... it's almost
incomprehensible to understand.

I'm glad he's here,

because I'm sure this is
at least a distraction.

You know, he's able to use his
considerable intellect on this.

And, I think the same,
you know...

the same distraction
is good for Jack.

So... we're here.

And we're glad you are.

- Any luck yet?
- Yeah, what did we miss so far?

Well, you know,
the truth is we've got

a few surprises
to show you both.

- Yeah. -You know, it's a...
- Both? What about me?

- Am I chopped...
- Chopped liver?

Am I chopped liver over here?

Well, they put that new
camera down C ,

and it's showing what we believe

to be some objects
laying on the floor.

Pictures were very clear,
it appears to show...

- The water, the water was clear?
- Yeah, the water was clear.

All that, all that snow
globe stuff was gone? -Yeah.

It looks like there's
a hook object,

and then Rick picked up on this,
this kind of a woven object,

kind of interweaved
laying on the floor.

- How do we retrieve them?
- Diver.

This is the best opportunity
we have to investigate C .

If we task Mike Huntley to dive,

we now have a hard target.

I'd just tell you, I'd
pretty much written C off,

I mean, you know...

it just feels like other things
that have happened here,

you know, the hits
that vanish, I mean...

Look, I'll reserve judgment,
okay? Let's go look.

It's exciting, Rick,
I mean, it's great.

I'm tired of the half answers.

I'm sure Marty is, too.
We're all tired of that.

Eyes and boots, that's
how you get answers.

- Let's go look.
- Okay.

There's gonna be some real surprises here.
Coming up...

We got some hightech gear and
real professionals coming in.

In the Oak Island
w*r Room, brothers Rick

and Marty Lagina have
called a meeting

in order to thoroughly
prep diver Mike Huntley

before he begins his perilous

footdeep descent
into the dark,

frigid waters of the C shaft.

On the agenda, of course,
is Jeff with Inuktun is...

I mean the camera work,
it's a Spectrum HD.

High definition.

Several of us looked at that footage.

It was awesome, in that moment,

in real time but now we can run
it through the Prohawk system

and hopefully really get

a good hard look at what
we're calling "the artifacts."

Frank Schiefelbein is the CEO

of Barnett & Associates,

a company that distributes
a video enhancement program

called Prohawk.

This revolutionary technology
can transform soft, dark,

or otherwise murky
recorded images

into ones that appear
incredibly sharp and clear.

Can I ask you a question
right out of the chute?

You know, you see
this on TV a lot.

You see on CSI type TV.

You know, there's a,
there's a grainy camera

that has a picture of a car
and they say "enhance that,"

and they go down and then they
can see the license plate.

- Is that sort of what you do?
- No.

No, nothing like that.

Okay, well, we got that cleared.

Thatthat technology
doesn't exist.

- That's baloney?
- Yeah.

The police would love
to have that technology,

but it doesn't exist. -I've
been meaning to ask somebody

who knew what they were talking
about forever about that.

If you can work
or route your film

through that Prohawk system,

I think we can get a good hard
look and make an assessment of:

Are these things real and can
Mike go down and get them.

We're calling this the hook.

If you look down in front
of this,

you see there's a lot of

interesting stuff poking out
of the sediments on the floor.

So, here we are zooming in
on the hook.

I mean,
it's hard to enhance that,

I would think,
because it's pretty clear.

So, there's the enhanced.
Overlay in the center.

That's clearer. -And you can
definitely see the shadow

up on the upper right.

The lighting is up
from this area.

It's hitting this part
of the hook.

I'm really confident that is
a thing that is standing off

and away from that rock face.

If our preliminary conclusions

that there are manmade objects

in C turn out to be correct,

one of those things
could be the one object

that proves the whole
thing's true.

Again, it's what you call
"the tease,

the Oak Island tease."

- Yeah.
- And, now we're fixated on:

Okay, how do we get to that?

How do we, how do we
ascertain what it really is?

And that brings us to this
thing we're calling "the mesh."

Look at this...
arch here, and this one,

and this one here at roughly
a degree to it.

And another one back here.

I can't... this guy goes over,
and then under,

and I can't help but come away
with the impression that,

- that this is a woven object.
- It's anomalous,

I mean, it doesn't
look like rock,

it doesn't look like
it belongs there.

It doesn't even look like
anything that could've been

- introduced by us. So...
- No.

And that's what we're
calling "the shackle."

I can see that this is also
casting shadows in different

directions depending on
how it's illuminated.

It looks like links
of a chain to me,

- like an oval chain.
- You can see it,

there's an over and under
to it. Right? -Yup.

A chain?

In a cavern more than
feet below ground?

Could this be evidence of
a treasure buried

at the bottom of C ?

Or something ominous
and disturbing?

According to area legends,

after treasure was
buried on Oak Island,

one of the slaves forced
to dig the boobytrapped

flood tunnels was chained
to a post and left deep

underground to die. It was
thought that his tortured

soul would henceforth
guard the treasure...

And serve as a curse to those
who attempt to find it.

It's intriguing.
It's annoyingly intriguing.

Part of me goes,

"How come we didn't bring up
anything with the big clam?

- "When we were digging it up."
- That's right.

And we brought up
a ton of material,

and all of this stuff was just

outside of where
we were digging?

Thatthat bothers me,
but I'm glad we're

going back down there again.

Especially you had the hits
from the very first time.

Yeah, that's right. Yeah.

One year ago while
investigating the C chamber,

Mike Huntley obtained a number
of hits with a metal detector.

He's got something on
the metal detector.

All stop.

But then the hits
on the metal detector

mysteriously disappeared.

Maybe that's what they were.
We just never found them, so...

I mean, we've all been
fascinated by the shiny

gold object in C .

So, we're gonna revisit that
footage and I think...

Good. -...I think it's gonna
be an eye opener.

I'm gonna turn it over to Frank

and we're gonna get a
good hard look at it. -Okay.

This would be the original...

This is the enhanced color.

The contrast brings
out more of the detail.

Holy smokes.

Again, this was really
out of focus, unfortunately.

It looks like it
actually has depth now.

- I mean, what is it?
- It looks manmade to me.

- And it's real?
- It's real.


Mike, why the hell
didn't you grab it?

(all laughin.

Well, right here if you
remember the original video

- was very cloudy.
- Yes.

Couldn't really see what it was.

We're running edge sharpening.

We enhanced the color
and then also contrast.

With quite high
certainty, it is metal?

Doesn't look like rock to me.

The enhanced images
of the shiny,

gold object made it look

a lot more like a real piece
of metal,

and a lot less
like a reflection.

I had been in the
reflection camp on that.

I was about ready to say,
forget about C .

I've always been
highly skeptical

that there could've
been people that far

underground in a
flooded chamber.

But if there's a gold rod
in there that is manmade,

well, then I have to,
you know, suspend disbelief.

Mike, what is that,
in your opinion?

Well, any time you find gold
coins or anything like that...

Not to jump right into that,

they're encrusted in
a lot of material.

So, that might just need
to be chipped out of there

with a coal chisel and a hammer.

Looks like gold that's bonded,
you know,

fused to whatever's down there.

I would think that was
gold if I stuck my head

under the water and saw that.

C is intriguing because
it's uncontaminated.

So, if we pull a manmade
ancient object out of there,

- it'sit's a game changer.
- Below searcher depth?

- Absolutely.
- Yeah.

You've given us some reason
to have a look, so...

I think we all,

around the table,
came to believe

that that was a manmade object.

But, at some point,
we have to carry the fact

that we now believe
that is a real object to:

How do we get it?
How do we recover it?

Pressure's on, Mike.

I'll be the tool in the toolbox.

Okay, let's go do it.

With work on the
South Beach Road complete...

the way is now clear
for diver Mike Huntley

and his team to stage dive
operations at the C shaft.

- Where is he?
- There he is. -Right here.

All right, Dr. Huntley.
Are you ready?

Mr. Lagina, I'm ready
for sure, yeah.

- You ready to get wet?
- Yeah, absolutely, yeah.

For brothers
Rick and Marty Lagina,

this could be the day

when they retrieve the first
solid evidence that something

of great value was buried

in the Money Pit more
than two centuries ago.

- I think we're all excited.
- Yeah, yeah, we are, too.

We're looking
forward to getting...

getting some answers for ya.

Today, eyes and boots
are going down C

to try to retrieve what we've
come to call these artifacts.

Now, when you fall through,
are you gonna

start searching
as soon as you enter,

or are you going to drop
as low as you can,

- and then come up?
- I'll probably go

to about two feet above bottom.

We should be able to see it,
from what we saw yesterday,

and just turn so I can
see everything in there,

within reason.

And then if I can
see some targets,

I'm getting those before
anything gets stirred up.

In order to avoid disturbing

the silt at the bottom
of the C chamber,

Mike Huntley will
be lowered down

using a device known as
a Bosun's chair.

This will also allow him
to maneuver degrees,

to observe any and all
potentially valuable objects.

- Good morning.
- How's it going?

- How are you?
- Good. Mike.

Reed. -Reed.
Nice to meet ya. This is Kerry.

Mike. Kerry, nice to meet ya.

To ensure Mike Huntley's safety

during and after
the dive operation,

the Oak Island team has
arranged for paramedics...

And even
a decompression chamber...

To be on site.

Okay, so, this is the chamber
we don't want to see you in,

right? -Yes, this is a good
safety precaution,

hopefully we never have to talk
to Dave for the rest of the day.

Yes. Hello Dave, I'm Marty.

Dave, this is Marty. -Dave Roode.
Nice to meet you, sir.

- So, this is it?
- This is the chamber.

Hopefully we don't
have to use it.

No. We don't wanna use it.

Of the many risks

that divers face while
descending to great depths,

one of the most dangerous
is decompression sickness...

Also known as "the bends."

Prolonged exposure to the harsh
underwater conditions

will also leave Mike Huntley

to other threats,
such as hypothermia.

It's like degree water.

I mean, he's got a suit
on to protect him,

but that really knocks
your temperature down.

There's always a bit
of danger in this kind of dive.

These are technical dives.

Any time you put a man down
inside a inch hole,

you know, with all that gear,
and then it's deep,

and then it's poor visibility.

Yeah, I get... I get
a little nervous about it.

I want to see that guy come
out of the hole in good shape.

Roger that, loud and clear.

Everything is secure,
main air back online, over.

Roger that.

Mike is going to go down,
he's intrepid,

if anybody's going
to find anything down there,

it's going to be Mike.

These guys are driven
to succeed.

Roger that.

While the dive
operation in C takes place,

Rick and Marty Lagina,
Craig Tester,

and Dave Blankenship join
dive supervisor Dave Pilot

in the communications trailer.
From here, they will be able

to maintain audio contact
with Mike Huntley...

as well as monitor the live
video feed from his helmet.

How does it feel, usually you're
watching on a monitor?

Yeah. -It's a little
bit more intense.


That's pretty good.

As Mike's going down,

one thing he sees is the casing.

So, the water clarity's,
you know, still very good,

but we're starting to get
a little bit into the part

of the hole that wasn't cased.

- Stop!
- All stop! -All stop!



Another four feet,
please, Garet.

That's a lot of particulate.

Roger that.

Roger that.

So, you're going to free
yourself from the Bosun's chair,

is that correct?

Unfortunately, Mike Huntley's

plan of using the Bosun's chair

in order to prevent disturbing
the thick silt in the C shaft

is having the opposite effect.

Mike enters the hole,

and then it immediately
became clear that,

you know, there was going
to be water clarity issues,

you know, visibility issues.

At that point hehe
changed his game plan.

I think he's doing exactly
what he needs to do.

He's going all the way around.

All the way around
the outer perimeter.

- No.
- Negative.

We have zero visibility now,

we are totally reliant
on what you find, over.

Can he run the metal
detector on the floor?

Mike, we're wondering if you can
take the probe and go around

the bottom perimeter.

Although he is now
working in virtually

zerovisibility conditions,

Mike Huntley still has
the ability to locate

potentially important or
valuable objects with

an underwater metal detector.

Can you ask him if
he found anything on the floor?

Have you found
anything on the floor? Over.

Just to let you know,

we've exceeded our
minute planned dive,

we're now into a .
The maximum we will go is .

If you can live with it,
so can I, over.

- The time goes so fast.
- Yeah.

You know, we're exhilarated
to be having another look

and we're invigorated.

But, on the other hand,
I get frustrated here, I mean,

the clock is ticking, you know.

- What was that?
- Getting metal.

Metal? Embedded in the wall?

Could Mike Huntley have finally
located the goldcolored object

in the bottom of C ?


I heard him tapping.

He's chiseling something out
of the wall, you can hear it.

It is a tense
and exciting moment

on Oak Island...

As diver Mike Huntley attempts
to retrieve a possible metal

object from the bottom of C .

Okay, we're at minutes now.

I'm going to run you for
another three minutes,

and then the dive is over.

The wall comes down
to meet the floor,

if he can kind of just scrape

that with his hands and feel
if there's something there,

I'd say that would be
the best option at this point.

All stop for a second, Mike.

What they would like you
to do is go to the bottom,

go around the perimeter
with your hands...


- Put it in a bag.
- Yeah, might as well,

might as well get samples.

Please bag up the samples, over.

Roger that.

Mike Huntley must act quickly.

He has only seconds left

to scoop up as
much sediment as he can...

And then make it back
to the Bosun's chair.

Be as quick as you can,
please, thank you.

During deep dives,
nitrogen gases

can become highly compressed
in a diver's bloodstream.

To remove those gasses,

a diver must ascend
back to the surface slowly

and in stages.

Failing to do so can
cause the nitrogen

to form bubbles in the blood,

resulting in
excruciating pain and...

In extreme cases... death.

It is now a race against time.

We're into extreme
exposure time now,

meaning we're facing not only,

you know, nitrogen building up
in his blood.

Now we're facing
hypothermia as well.

We could be getting into
a lifethreatening situation.

Three seconds to chair, over.

Go to chair.

Roger that, confirm when you're
in the chair, ready to travel.

He can leave
that sample bag down there.

He can leave the sample bag.

Trying to deal with this
heavy bag of stuff down there,

and, and time is clicking and
it's getting tenser and tenser.

Leave the bag there,
get yourself in the chair, over.

- Leave the bag.
- Leave it there.

Okay, all stop
everything right now,

we got to get something
straightened out.

Are you in the chair?

Are you in the chair?

Come again?

Okay, you're in the chair,
you're clear and free to travel,


Roger that,
commencing travel, over.

Bring him up slow.

You two are on there.

Retrieving you slowly,

sing out if there's
a problem, over.

Okay, make sure you get him
stripped down

as fast as you can,

just get him out of the gear.
Everything, everything.

Strip the suit off, everything,
we've got seven minutes.

It's scary because

if he was somehow
caught down there,

there's no way you're going to
send a rescue diver down there.

Okay, we're on the clock, boys!

Because Mike Huntley

exceeded his allotted dive time,

he must now get inside
the hyperbaric chamber

as soon as possible.

This will prevent him
from getting

potentially deadly
decompression sickness.

Okay, here he comes.

We only had seven minutes
to get him up the air column,

out of the hole, undressed,

and in the hyperbaric chamber.

Seven minutes.

Otherwise there was going
to be serious trouble.

Don't worry about
bags or anything,

- just get him over.
- Take that bag.

So, it was a bit of a flurry
when he got out of the hole.

It has to happen quickly or
he's going to get the bends.

He's going to be in
the chamber for minutes,

but we're going
to have to monitor him

after he comes
out of the chamber,

so that'll conclude our
diving for the day.

That's fine, that's fine.
That's fine.

It was pretty clear
we had pushed the limits.

We had pushed the limits of
human endurance a little bit.

You know,
treasure hunt be damned,

if you're going
to take that risk.

After spending over an hour Comi

in the hyperbaric chamber...

Mike Huntley emerges.

He's out. He's out,
we'd better go talk to him.

You can hop up there.
Just grab a seat there for me.

Although he shows no signs

of decompression sickness

from his prolonged
dive to the bottom

of the C shaft,
as a precaution,

he is examined by
the paramedic team.

So far, all your
vitals are normal.

No pain on breathing
or anything like that? -Nope.

- How you feeling, Mike?
- Feeling good.

Yeah, no, good, just cold.

- Still?
- Almost as cold as the water.

Well, we're glad you
made it back safe.

But I wasn't coming emptyhanded.

Well, we're gonna wait for you
before we open that bag.

Okay. -In fact, you're
gonna open the bag.

It was the right thing to do,
to delay the looksee,

if you will,

into the bag that he brought up.

Hehe, look, he went
above and beyond.

Well done, man. Well done.

You gave us, you gave us
a start. I'll tell you that.

It didn't feel right with you
sitting in that chamber

and us digging through
what you brought up.

Just didn't,
just didn't feel right.

So, we'll go have a look

- when you're ready.
- Cool. I'm ready.

Man, you did a lot
of work down there.

That is some nasty
looking stuff.

As the team searches
the sediment collected

from the bottom of C with
a pinpointing metal detector,

they are finding no signs
of the metal objects

they were convinced they saw
on the underwater camera.

I mean, I'm not I'm not finding
anything metal.

But I would like to go
through this more,

- with the trough.
- Yeah, I think

it should all be washed
just like you said, Jack.

We didn't get what we wanted.

We got a bag full
of muck basically.

We're still searching
through it, but we didn't get,

we didn't get any of the things
we saw in the video.

Not this time.

The home run would have been
the shiny, gold object,

there in all its sinuous
beauty, you know.

That would have been wonderful.
But it didn't happen.

But you know what,
if this was easy,

it would have been done
years ago, right?

It's not easy.

Could the strange,

metallic object Mike Huntley
believes he found at the bottom

of C really be
the same one Rick

and Charles photographed
two years ago?

Here, let's get
this out of the way.

One day after the
harrowing dive operation

in the C shaft...

Back to the spoil piles.

Alex Lagina, Jack Begley,
Peter Fornetti,

and Gary Drayton continue
to look for important clues...

And possible treasure...

In the spoils excavated
one year ago

from the search hole
known as GAL .

- We'll start here.
- Start here.

Come on, baby,

all we need is one
gold coin on edge.

That's all I'm asking for,
is just one gold coin.

I'm pretty sure that this part
of the spoils is higher up,

I don't think we're going
to find much important here.

You never know.

Sounds iron.

And of course,
it's under a rock.

- What you got?
- Yeah, I think it...

Whatever it is, it's moved down
a little bit further,

might be able to pinpoint it.

You're sure it's not out yet?

Yeah, my threshold would
be blanking if it was out.

Well it must be
pretty big, then.

If it's this deep, right?

All right, I'm getting
out of the excavator.

- Yeah, come here, Alex.
- Reading deep.

Nine inches.

It's dead under the center
of the search coil.

It's a deep reading.

There you go.

- Ooh.
- What the heck is that?

- Come on. Whoa!
- That is sweet!

- Whoa.
- It's big.

- It's square, too!
- That is an oldie.

An iron spike?

Located in the GAL spoils?

When the Laginas excavated
the GAL shaft one year ago,

they encountered a mysterious
impenetrable object at a depth

of feet...

As well as a number
of artifacts...

including the strange
hingelike piece of metal

and the mysterious goldplated
th century button.

Could this be
another important clue?

One which indicates that
the team is close to locating

the original Oak Island
Money Pit?

Have you seen one
like that before, Gary?

Yeah, I've seen
plenty like this.

I'm telling you now.

This, I actually know
the name of this, guys.

This is called a rose head nail.

From as far back as B.C.,

to the late th century...

Construction nails were
originally forged by hand,

one at a time.

Nails made by this
method are known as,

"rose head nails," because
of the petallike marks on the

head of the nail made
by the strikes of

the blacksmith's hammer.

This is an oldie.
I would say that is...


- Well, that's pretty cool.
- Maybe even s.

No way!

- Look at that. Wow.
- Yeah.

Could be the original work.

If the rose head
spike proves significant,

it could shed new light on the
numerous artifacts recovered

last year from the GAL shaft.

It's really cool to bring up
something like

the rose head nail from GAL
because finding something like

that means it's a step in the
right direction towards finding

the exact location
of the Money Pit

and from there, potentially
finding the treasure.

We're the first people
to hold this for...

for maybe years.

- In a long time, potentially.
- Yeah, a long time.

All right, well let's go show the guys.
All right.

We were anxious to show
my dad and uncle Rick.

If it checks out,
it's a big find.

At the home of veteran
treasure hunter Coming up...

Dan Blankenship, Rick,

Marty, and the team meet
to discuss their upcoming

drilling operation in
the Money Pit area.

At the age of ,

there is perhaps no one who
knows more about Oak Island

than Dan Blankenship.

- How the heck are ya? Good.
- Good.

After purchasing a large stake

in the island in the late s,

the former Floridabased
contractor moved

to Oak Island with his wife,
Jane and never looked back.

Having spent more than
halfacentury working

to solve the Oak Island mystery,

Dan remains an invaluable
human resource

and now serves as
the senior partner...

And chief advisor... to Rick,

Marty and the entire
Oak Island team.

We want to bring you up
to speed about the plans,

you know, as we
move forward here.

What we're looking
at is a drilling program

to try to find that vault.

- Pattern drilling.
- Yes. Yes.

- Exactly.
- Exactly.

So, that's what
this pattern is for.

This year, the team is planning

to employ what is known as,

"The Geotech System."

It will involve retrieving
core samples taken at depths

of up to feet

from approximately
sixinch wide holes.

If successful, the team
should finally be able

to pinpoint the exact location
of the original Money Pit and,

hopefully, solve
the Oak Island mystery.

We'd like to go to bedrock
in all of these holes,

and maybe even... -I would
strongly advise it, Rick.

If you, if you're gonna put
holes down there,

take 'em to bedrock.

I mean, to have Dan excited

about any process that we
undertake is significant.

I mean, one of
the things we wanted

to do was to give Dan proof
that a lifetime of search,

a lifetime of commitment,

and passion for this place
is founded in substance.

When we did our drilling
in the Money Pit area,

we didn't have that capability.
Makes a lot of sense.

Well, we're gonna get
to the bottom of it, Dan.

We're gonna get to the bottom
of the Money Pit.

We're checking it off the list.

That's what I want to do.

I hate to interrupt, but look
what's coming in the door here.

- Hey, guys.
- We've got company.

- What's up, guys?
- How's it going?

- Hey!
- Dan, how are ya?

- Good to see ya!
- Hey, Dan, how ya doing, mate?

Go ahead, Gary. We've got some
stuff to show you guys.

- It better be good!
- Grab a chair.

- It is! Yup.
- Is it?

So, as you guys know,

we've been going over
the GAL spoils...

- Yes.
- We've been turning them over,

going over them
with a metal detector,

trying to find things
of interest.

And, Gary has our finds.

Wow. That's a big spike.

What that is, that's an old,
handforged nail spike.

Sometimes called
a rose head spike.

You may be quite right.

Because it has not got an offset head.

And it would almost have
to have an offset head.

Right. -First of all,
they'd make the shaft.

And then they'd put
the head on, afterwards.

Yeah. -And then, when it's
bashed into something,

the shape of it
looks like petals.

So, these type got
the name "rose head spike."

It's old, though,
this is pre .

And with that being
in that condition,

- you know, that's an oldie.
- Where'd you find that?

On the top of
the GAL spoil pile.

Out of the material that you missed!


Gary is more or less

an expert on these things,

because he's been finding
them his entire life,

and getting them
dated by experts.

And so, because it's
significant to him,

it's significant to me.

You've gone through
all the GAL spoils?

Just about. -But, I don't think
that's a railroad spike, Dan,

because that head is
perfectly symmetrical.

Most railroad spikes that

I've seen all had
offset heads on them. -Right.

I mean, it's very significant,
in my opinion.

I'd be chompin' the bit
until I at least had it analyzed

andandand see if they
could kind of date it,

you know?

But you think on the surface...
By observation alone...

- You think pre ?
- Yeah.

And I was being conservative.

This could be a lot older.

I wouldn't be surprised
if this is really old.

- This could dip into the s.
- If we can verify that,

I'm holding a piece of
the original Money pit.

On the heels of what could be

a breakthrough discovery...

Hey, guys, welcome back.
We've had a great start.

Rick, Marty,
and the Oak Island team

gather in the w*r Room

to plot their
critical next moves.

We got some interesting
things that have turned up,

we've got some data to report,
we got some things to discuss.

Well, I think the, you know,

Gary finding that spike in GAL ,

I'm impressed.
I think we can get it tested.

In some way, shape, or form.

The GAL area,

I think of the four
we dug last year,

is the most interesting by far.
And remains interesting. -Yes.

You know, we had
that weird metal,

and old looking stuff.
And now this.

We got the weirdshaped
fastening bolt.

We got the button,
and now we got this spike.

It keeps giving us clues,
but what are the clues?

If the spike comes back
and it's very early,

and we have an interest
in saying to ourselves,

"Hey, if that's there,
we find this in the GAL spoils,

maybe we should
revisit that hole."

For future activity,
regarding dives,

we gave Mike way too many tasks.
No question.

He was, went over on his eco time.

He just simply can't
do all of these things.

Anyway, it got
a bit hairy there.

You know, God bless him,
he wanted to complete his task.

Here's the deal:

We haven't found,
or at least retrieved,

whatever the shiny,
gold object is, so...

I'm all for him
doing other dives,

but I think we can
lessen the danger factor.

By keeping it down
to one thing only.

Exactly, David.

So, let's talk about
what his task is.

We all agree it's one task...
What is it?

Well, we've got multiple targets
down there

that we're
wondering if they're metal.

So, I think he should go down
with the metal detector,

and see what he can find
down there on the bottom.

Just that.

Metal detector, Mike,
don't do anything else?

Or does he, I suppose he
tries to retrieve it?

Absolutely, I don't
want to have a hit,

and say "it was over here,"
and come back and can't find it.

- Find and retrieve.
- Yup. -Okay.

Okay, that sounds like a plan.


Look, guys...

I mean...

We're really glad you
guys are back, I mean...

The pain of missing Drake,
you know, I can,

I can say this for sure,
amongst every guy here...

you know, we'd
do anything for you.

We miss him, he was a great kid.
Great brother. Great son.

It was a big part of his life,
out here with you guys...

Yeah, II thank you.

It's going to be
tough without him.

But I know he wants us here.
That's the big point.

You know, it's...

I... he was a big part
of all of our lives.


I know everyone...

He thought of all you guys
as family, and...

I know he wouldn't
want us to stop looking.

You know, I guess
to some extent,

we're gonna carry on... for him.

It's more than "we're
going to carry on for him."

We're going to
carry on with him.

Yes. He's in our
thoughts all the time. -Yup.

The fellowship goes on.

Never feel alone.

I hope it's right for Craig

and Jack to be out here.

- For them.
- How it impacts us...

- Doesn't matter.
- Doesn't matter.

I mean, it only matters that we,

the Oak Island Family,
this small one here,

can be there for them,
support them, care about them.

That's all.

Just remember how he
signed that caisson. -Yeah.

- "Forever family."
- Yeah.

Here you go, bro.

Being here without Drake is...

is tough. It's really tough.

You want to be my pinpointer today?

All right. It's been a while.

I would say that this island,

it was our place
to bond as a family.

it was really a place where...

all of us connected.

I know he would want Jack
and I to be here,

to follow our own dreams.

I mean, he was big on following
what you believed in.

It's tough to follow
your dream when, you know,

my dream was never not
to have Drake with me.

Drake Tester was...
just a great kid.

Smart, kind;
I mean, I loved him.

We're all going
to miss him terribly.

Drake, why here?

Why did you want to come
work here as opposed to,

maybe the more
seemingly exciting Money Pit

or something like that, why here?
It's just...

the fact that we could
find these box drains

that would then...

prove the story.

And that's huge for me.

You know, over the history,

a number of different
families have been out here.

So, it's nice to have my family
adding to the story.

Get it. What is it?

Maybe a piece of...
chest handle?

Yeah, it is a handle, good call.

We're going to miss him, but...

he's always going to be with us.

Way to go, Drake.

This season on
The Curse of Oak Island...

Here we go.
Are you ready to find treasure?

I'm ready. -Okay, let's make hole.
Let's get up there.

My goal is to find
the one thing.

- Sweet! -Holy smokes.
- Spendables.

Right baby,
this means something!

We're nearing
the end of the hunt.

We're gonna make it
possible to miss.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- I think we found the Money Pit.
- I know we found the Money Pit.

Might this be the back door

to the underground
workings under Oak Island?

This is a Templar cross.

Nothing like that has
ever come to surface. -Whoa.

- It's bone.
- Is it human?

Somebody got hurt.

When you see an accident unfold

before your eyes,
it's very sobering.

It looks like a key
for a lock within a lock.

Having evidence in your hand.

This is it.
This is the end game.

We not only found the Money Pit,
the Money Pit is real.
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