04x01 - Going for Broke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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04x01 - Going for Broke

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, on the season premiere

of The Curse of Oak Island...

Here comes the rig, Rick.

This summer I want to dig
in the Money Pit. It's time.

Out of the hole!

This Oak Island
map seems to indicate

that someone came here in .

On the face of the stone,

you can see the cross
of the Knights Templar.

There's a strange map,

there's a description
of a hatch.

Might this be the trap door,

a back way in?

-There it is.
-Holy smokes.

There is an island
in the North Atlantic

where people have been looking
for an incredible treasure

for more than years.

So far, they have found
bits of gold chain,

a stone slab with strange
symbols carved into it...

even a th century
Spanish coin.

To date, six men have died

trying to solve the mystery.

And, according to legend,

one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

Okay, big brother.

Here we are,
heading back to Oak Island.

Where are we
in the optimism chart?

You need to ask?

Yes, I'd like to know.

-Eleven. You're still an eleven?

Yes because there's a
difference between

belief and proof.

Yeah, there sure is.

-And, I believe.

In the ten years since
brothers Rick and Marty Lagina

have been actively trying to
solve the Oak Island mystery...

Definitely got wood.

...they have
experienced both success...

You think you're on the vault?

...and setbacks.


It didn't work.

Back to the drawing board.

But this year is different.

This is the year to come up
with something.

We have to push the envelope.

I'm with you, brother.

Because this is the year

when they and their partners
have decided to invest

more than $ million in a
go-for-broke effort to find out

if something of enormous value

was buried here centuries ago.

Hey, guys, we're back.

It's great to see you all.

Marty and I talked about

coming over here.

He wants to get down to it.

I think we all do.

And to that end
we have to decide

what we're gonna do this year.

Time for action!

I think it's time

to dig in the Money Pit.
This year.

- Who's on board with that?
- Yeah.

I think we're all
on board with that.

We're all on board with that.
Perfect, we have consensus.

- Yeah.
- Last year,


drilled a well,

-went into a chamber...
- feet tall.

And the intriguing part is

they ran a camera in it.

You can't argue with it,

there's something gold-colored

on the wall.

Last year,

just before leaving
Oak Island for the season,

Rick Lagina drilled
an exploratory borehole

at a place where Oak Island's
historian, Charles Barkhouse,

was convinced the team
could find the site

of the original Money Pit.

- After drilling down to a depth

of feet,

they came upon
a -foot deep void.

But even
more astonishing

was what they saw after placing

a pipe inspection camera
into the hole.

- What's that?
- It's a little shiny-like metal.

Yeah, it looks,
it looks metallic.

Look at how yellow that is.

-It's your gold color, David.
-Yeah, there it is, David.

Right there.

What the hell is that?

We don't know what it is,
but it's definitely there.

Okay, the swamp,

what do we want to do
in the swamp?

Yeah, I mean
the key for the swamp is,

you know,
can we find evidence that,

either it was man-made or it was
drained back years ago,

some period of time?

Look, now that we have
a deal with Fred Nolan,

the-the key to that

is that we can finally

drain the swamp completely.

When we do that, we can have
full access physically, on foot.

And then perhaps,
once and for all,

we can fully explore the area.

-Good morning, Fred.
-Good morning.

Last year, and after a decade

of tense negotiations,
Rick, Marty,

and the Oak Island team
were finally able

to reach an agreement
with fellow landowner

and rival treasure hunter,

Fred Nolan.

It signaled a new era
of progress

and mutual cooperation
on the island.

Welcome to the team.

Well, I don't want to be
an obstacle anymore.

I'm too old for that now.

Okay, so, we're gonna get
sub-bottom profile data.

-Yes. -Okay, so that's enough
with the swamp.

Okay, so let's prioritize

and to that end
we have to decide

-how we're going to do it,
what we're going to do... - -X!

- Yup.
- -X, which I think

is not dead, but at least
on life support.

While looking for a back door

into the so-called Money Pit
in the early s,

Oak Island resident,
Dan Blankenship,

drilled the -inch wide
borehole known as " -X,"

down to a depth of feet.

At the bottom,

he saw what he believed
to be man-made objects,

including what appeared
to be a wooden box.

But when acclaimed deep-sea
diver, John Chatterton,

explored -X last summer...

...he reported the chamber

was a natural formation.

Yeah, what-what is that, John?

And that
the so-called wooden box

Dan claimed he had seen,

was nothing more than a large,

square-shaped rock.

Right about here,

I had a rock that
I would estimate

was ten inches to inches,

it was very angular,

it had at least one
-degree angle on it.

I picked it up, I moved it,
it was, it was heavy.

To me, that was

what gave you
the sonar signal of the box.

-X specifically, I think,

we're across the board--
some of us are over here,

some of us are over here.
Where are you?

I mean, Dad's seen
too much down there.

And then Chatterton,
I actually think,

you can't see.


No, I can't feel-I can't feel
a thing out there.

There ain't all here.

He didn't find
the square beam either.

He didn't find the posts
and other stuff

that were supposed to be there.

So, you know,
maybe David's right.

He wasn't able to fully
explore the cavity.

I understand
what you're saying,

but why isn't there something
more substantial there?

-What's all this about?
-This came out of -X.

That came out of -X.

That came out of -X,
and that came out of -X.

What more do you want, Marty?

Chain, wire,

and that low carbon steel.
It all tested out

-as being made prior to .
-We tested that, right?

All of that

-came from the bottom of the
damn hole. -All of those things?

All of it came from
the bottom of the hole.

No one has ever
accused Dan Blankenship

of being namby-pamby
about anything.

He has strong convictions,
he's a strong personality,

and he is totally
convinced that -X

was dug into man-made features.

And Dan is like Rick,

he does not want
to write off -X.

Chatterton said he moved
the so-called box, right?


If it, in fact, has been moved

then I think
he picked up the box

and it was a rock.

I want to get Brian back here,

right, and rescan -X

-All right. -because if that box
has been moved,

then you know Chatterton
did what he said, he went over

and picked it up and moved it.

And I think it's explored then.

That's what I say.

So, we have an unknown,

so let's do it.

-Let's go scan it.

If that box is still there
I'm right with you guys.

So let's find that out.

Okay, fine.

Okay, guys, this has been great.
Good discussion.

We got a game plan
for the whole summer.

-There's -X.

-The swamp.

And then there's the Money Pit,
which is our first step.

-It's time to get stuff done.

Let's go.

Here comes the rig, Rick.

Yeah, let's go,
let's get in the vehicle

and lead them up.

For now, Rick, Marty
and the team

have resolved
their differing opinions

concerning the fate of -X.

They are firmly united

when it comes to this year's
primary target...

I'm gonna move the backhoe,

...the Oak Island Money Pit.

Let's bring it over to this one.

But a large excavation

of the Money Pit
will not be easy.

Just like old times.

Yup, that's right.

Follow this track right here,

and back right in there.

When the last such attempt

was made in ...

Come back.

...the hole that was dug

was plagued
by constant flooding

and cave-ins.

Let's grab that back hammer.

Before the team can begin
their excavation

of the Money Pit,

they must first remove
old drill casings

that had been left
in the ground

during their
previous explorations.

I mean, it's a really
simple method.

What they're doing is,
they blow a hole in the pipe.

They stick a rod in there.

Then this hammer which pounds
upward hooks onto that pin,

and then they just put
compressed air on the hammer.

It pounds up, literally,
pounding the casing up.

Once it loosens,

he thinks that they'll
be able to-to pull it up

with just the pressure off the
rig, but to get it started,

they need that hammer.

We'll surely have an idea
of whether or not

- this is gonna work.
- No, yeah,

he'll be on to one
by the end of the day,

- I would hope.
- Just one?

Well, it depends, Jack.

He may hook onto that one,
and slick,

it'll come out just like snot,

and then he may spend all day

beating on
the thing, and...

And it hardly moves.


It all depends on

how Mother Nature
wants to grab it.

All right, well,

let's get the real fun going.

There we go.

Walk that baby up!

That ain't coming too good.

That ain't coming at all.

On the hand-drawn map,

there's something
called the hatch.

Rick! Don't you want to go
dig up the hatch?

Right about here

is our search area.

Wow. I think this is it.

The Oak Island team's
efforts to begin

clearing obstructions
from the Money Pit

have just experienced
a serious setback.

One of the old drill casings
refuses to budge.

If driller Arthur Jefferson
can't remove the steel casing

from what is known as
the Valley Three borehole,

Rick, Marty,
and their partners

may not be able
to dig in that area--

the same area where,

two years ago,
they found evidence

of what could be
a large, wooden vault

buried some feet deep

That's what they found
in the top of the vault.

We could use a little luck,

don't you think?


If the casing shears off,

we're in trouble, because

it's extremely difficult
to deal with

large steel underground,

and if we move,
we miss the target.

Finally, the steel
casing begins to move.

The old casings are coming out.

They're coming out intact.

We're not leaving any pieces
in the ground so far.

It's working.
We're encouraged.

-Okay, well...
-Let's go.

With the task
of clearing obstructions

from the Money Pit completed,

Rick Lagina and members
of the Oak Island team

gather in the w*r room.

- Hey, guys. -Hey.
- Hey, Rick.

They are joined by researcher

and area historian
Doug Crowell.

And attending
via videoconference

are Rick's brother Marty

and their partner,
Craig Tester,

from their offices
in Traverse City, Michigan.

Today, we have something
that I think will astound you,

and what little I know,
it's remarkable.

All right, I'm with you.

To that end,
I'll let Doug take over.

Gentlemen, hi.

- How are you?
- Hi, Doug.

A couple of months ago,

I got introduced
to this lady in New York

who's been pursuing
some Templar research

for the last seven
or eight years.

And she's actually followed

the Templars
out of the Holy Land

and to the New World
in her research.

Among the many
persistent theories

about Oak Island is that

as far back
as the th century,

members of
the Knights Templar--

while escaping
from persecution in Europe--

sailed across
the North Atlantic

and buried an incredible
sacred treasure on the island

in order to keep it from harm.

Although much
circumstantial evidence exists,

no one has yet
been able to prove

that the Templars
were ever in Nova Scotia,

let alone
buried treasure there.

Who is this mysterious woman?

The lady's name is Zena Halpern.

Perhaps what we should do is
introduce you to Zena herself.

Maybe we can get her in

-on a conference call.
-I'm all ears.

Zena Halpern
is a New York-based

author and researcher

- who is currently investigating

what she believes is evidence

of Knights Templar activity
in North America.

- Hello?
- Hi, Zena.

- It's Doug.
- Hi.

So, I'm with the folks
on Oak Island.

And I just gave everyone here
a little overview

on what your research involves,

and that you have some
pretty interesting documents.

We have a map
that shows Nova Scotia...

we have a map of Oak Island...

and then we have the cipher.

One of her research assistants

knew of the work I was doing

pursuing the history
of the -foot stone

and so they thought
I should see this cipher.

And I was immediately intrigued,

because this appears
to be using

the very same symbols

that the cipher
for the -foot stone uses.

Do you want to tell the guys

how this cipher
came into your possession?

Two maps and a cipher

that supposedly prove a Templar
journey to the New World?

But if such a journey happened,

could additional evidence exist

that they brought treasure
to Oak Island,

possibly sacred artifacts

rescued from the Holy Land
during the Crusades?

I've never seen another cipher

that uses the same symbols.

I mean, when you look there,
you see more symbols

than what was used in
the -foot stone cipher,

but there's way more
to this cipher, as well.

The whole cipher
doesn't seem to be here,

it runs off the page.

This seems to be a fragment
of a larger cipher,

-and I've been trying
to decipher. -Okay.

I started running it through
the deciphering program

that I have and running it
through various languages

and I started to get some hits
in Portuguese.

Each symbol is a character,

- each a-a letter?
- Right.

The words I've pulled
out of it so far

are "greyware," which is
a term for pottery,



the site of the first
Portuguese fort and factory

on the east coast
of Africa in --

and "Joab," a general
in King David's army

who spent a lot of time
in northern Africa.


Right. In one of
the stories I was reading,

it was mentioned that Joab was
pushing the Philistines back

and he made it safe for
the transport of the ark.

The ark?

Could the cipher
Zena Halpern found

be referring to
the ark of the covenant,

the sacred golden chest
built by the Israelites

to house the Ten Commandments?

According to the Bible,

Joab was a commander
in King David's army

charged with protecting the
king's most precious objects.

Is it possible the so-called
La Formule cipher

actually holds a coded message
connecting the fate

of the ark of the covenant
to the Oak Island mystery?

And when I look at this,
I say, okay,

we've got the same symbols
in two different ciphers,

one that seems
to pertain to Africa

and then one that pertain

to a message on a stone
here on Oak Island.

Does this suggest that there's
an organization out there

that was using these symbols
to encode messages?

That were doing
something in Africa

and somehow, also,
were here on Oak Island?

A friend of mine
bought this property

that was built
by the Knights Templar.

On the face of the stone,

you can see the cross
of the Knights Templar.

In the w*r room,

Rick, Marty, and their partners

are meeting with area historian

Doug Crowell.

Joining them on the phone

is Knights Templar researcher
Zena Halpern,

who has just shared with them

her recent discovery
of two maps and a cipher,

which she believes

could help solve
the Oak Island mystery.

The map that's dated in
the upper right-hand corner

seems to be dated .

The Rhodon part...

to me, it suggests New Ross.

And I think most people here
are familiar with

the idea that Henry Sinclair

came over to Nova Scotia in

and perhaps settled
in the New Ross area.

The town of New Ross
in Nova Scotia

is believed by some
to have been the location

of an ancient Templar fortress
built in the late s

by Scottish Templar Knight
Prince Henry Sinclair

after his journey
to Oak Island.

But could it be that
Sinclair's reported journey

occurred more than years
after the first Templars

visited the area?

And if so,
might there be a connection

between New Ross and Templar
activity on Oak Island?

So we have your map
that shows Nova Scotia,

and we have a map that seems to
be a French map of Oak Island.

This Oak Island map
that you're showing us,

it seems to indicate that
that someone came here

in .

The hand-drawn map
is clearly Oak Island.

And then there are
several things named in French,

which have been
translated for us.

One is called "the basin,"
translated from French.

Well, that clearly
correlates to the swamp

on the Nolan side
of the island.

Also delineated is
something called "the marsh,"

and that would be
the swamp proper.

And there is the reference
to what's called "the dam."

And it points to where
Fred Nolan

articulated to us last year
that there was a log wall.

And then there's something
on the map called

"the oak enter here,"

which points right about
to where the Money Pit is.

And then we have
two or three things

that we don't know
anything about.

One's called "the anchors,"
one's called "the valve,"

and one's called
"the hatch."

Where it says "the hatch,"
in the McGinnis family,

there seems to be
some stories that...

-About this hatch.

One of the uncles, he said,
basically, there's a hatch

that you only have to
sink a spade to find,

and that, once you do,
don't get lost down there.


I think we should try
and find out

some way of verifying
these documents.

I mean, Rick, don't you want
to go dig up the hatch?

No question about it.

Looking at these maps,

you have a series of things
that correlate perfectly

with the island
as we know it,

and then you have things
that we've never heard of.

So, of course, we want
to search for them.

The story of this,
I-I believe is

and very complex,

so I want to continue
down this road.

But there's a lot more work
to be done on it.


You know, I'm not sure
that Zena's research

is gonna lead to answers,

but this whole place
is all about rumor,

conjecture, supposition,
hope, belief.

And so she has a theory,
which, uniquely,

is backed up
by documentation.

And I surely would regret not
following up on this research.

Zena, we want to
thank you for talking with us.

-Thank you, Zena.
-Thank you, Zena.

- Bye.

It was very interesting.

- Doug, thank you very much.
- Yup.

One day after
the team's incredible

conference call
with Oak Island researcher

Zena Halpern,

Rick Lagina, Charles Barkhouse,

and researcher
Doug Crowell

travel to the small town
of New Ross, Nova Scotia,

approximately miles north
of Oak Island.

Alessandra Nadudvari,
she's a fellow researcher

and a friend of mine--
she and her husband have

bought this property now

that was purported to be
the site of a castle.

Perhaps built by
the Knights Templar.

If that connection
can be drawn--

you couldn't ask
for more than that.

Here we are, guys.
Right here on the left.

-Right here?


New Ross castle.

And there's Tim
and Alessandra right there.

-Hey, Rick.

Gentlemen, I want to introduce
you to Alessandra Nandudvari.

Researcher and author
Alessandra Nadudvari,

and her husband,
Tim Loncarich,

recently purchased
this property in .

And if you'd like,
I'll show you what we've got.

-Lead on.

They believe
it was occupied

centuries ago by members
of the Knights Templar

for the purpose of
hiding something

of either great
historic importance

or incredible value.

Well, welcome
to our backyard.

In the s,
one of the previous owners was

digging in the backyard here
for a garden,

and she started to uncover
what she thought were

foundation stones
of an ancient castle.

When author Joan Harris

purchased the property
in ,

the only sign
of prior habitation

was an old well,

intricately constructed
of small boulders.

Over the years,
she uncovered the remains

of an entire foundation.

This is one of the stones
that she uncovered.

She called it
the Herm Stone,

and she felt that
it could be a grave marker.

And if you look
more closely on the face,

it looks like there could be
something carved on the face.

It's very worn,
as it would be

if it was
or years old.

I think that,
on the face of the stone,

you can see a very faint
outline of a cross.

It's a... in my opinion,
what it looks like,

it's a Christian cross,
and no ordinary cross,

but the cross
of the Knights Templar.

This is the holy well.

Let's get a good look
at the bottom.

Does that look like
a flagstone floor?

It does resemble a cross,
and to me looks like

the cross
of the Knights Templar.

Portuguese Templars.

I would love for there to be
a Templar connection.

I find that...
that niche in history--

the Templar years,
if you want to call them that--

incredibly intriguing.

What makes it Portuguese
Templar, if I can ask?

The shape of it.

I've seen pictures

of Portuguese
Templar crosses

on documents
from the s,

and it's exactly
this shape.

It has that beautiful
rounded shape.

And it's oftentimes portrayed
inside a circle.

That's funny, I can see
the impression of that.

-Yeah, I can.

Could Rick Lagina
and the others

really be looking
at a Portuguese Templar Cross?

I mean, to me,
this cut line here

is very distinctive.

What draws my attention, really,
is what we're not seeing.

If that is there,
then what could be below?

This-- There's a line... there's
almost a cut mark here

that's very intriguing.


Do you know how large
the stone is?

And have you looked at the base
of the stone for any carvings?

Not yet. We haven't done
any excavation.

That's one of the next
steps for us

is to lift the stone
and see what's under it.

-You've got to be a bit...

-More than a bit curious.
-Yeah. Right.

I mean, if you have
a Templar cross,

you know, you have to wonder
what's down below.

Right. Exactly.

Under the soil here,
there are walls--

ancient foundation walls
up to five feet thick

that cover this area.

And the apex of that structure
is the well over there.

Let's take a look
at the well.

This is what
for a long time has been called

the holy well.

This water,
for some reason,

is supposed to have
curative powers.

We've been told that the walls
are about four feet thick.

And there are stories that
there are also chambers

leading off of the well.

But we don't know
for sure.

Well, we might be able
to help you with that today

because I brought
some equipment with me.

We could drop a camera
down in the well.

That would be great.

There's always been
this connection

with Oak Island
and New Ross.

And thus, you know,
maybe we might be able

to puzzle that connection out.

I don't know what
we're gonna find,

but we may
learn something today.

Okay, folks, I think
we're geared up here.

Rick, I'm gonna give you
the monitor.


Charles, if you'd manage
the cables for me.

I will. Yes.


-You get a picture there?

Okay. Rick, you kind of tell me
when you want me to advance,

I guess--
I'll go slow.

Any indication
of shaped stones,

or just natural?

No, field--
field rock.

Field rock.

Some ledge rock.

We're in water now.

As it's dropping down,
my initial thought was

this is extremely

I've built a lot of stone--

worked with a lot of stone
in my life.

The walls hadn't caved in,
they hadn't pushed in.

It was absolutely
perfect construction.

No change in the stonework
or the type of construct.

There are stories
about archways.

There are stories about
a rock that's supposed

to have an "X" carved in it.

Yes, there's supposed to be
something behind the arch,

like... a chamber,
or a vault.

All right, wanna go lower?

It's very good clarity.

I mean, it's...

These stones
are strange-looking.

These stones have
angular features.

You know, they're
maybe cut, maybe worked.

They're very smooth,

on three sides, definitely.

Yeah, they look like
they've been shaped,

or at least split.

Somebody went to a lot
of trouble to build this.

We've found bottom, guys.

Or have come up against
an obstruction, at least.

So we're about feet deep,

is what you're
looking at right now.

And you can't go
any deeper?

When I let it down, I come up
against something solid.

What could be
causing Doug's camera

to come to a halt
at such a shallow depth?

There's some... something
going on here.

-It appears as though

it's silting in behind.

I don't know if that's
the obstruction he's hitting,

but there has been
no evidence of collapse.

I don't know anything
about well construction.

I mean, this might be

the way wells were done
long ago.

Wait, wait, wait, what is that?

Does that look like floor?

I don't know.

But it's strange.

It looks like flagstones.

Flagstone floor?

I want to show you guys

that we're in the area
of the hatch.

Okay, well, let's go look at it!

There it is.

Holy smokes.

That doesn't look
like soil, does it?

- No. -No, it looks like

That is weird.
Look at this right here.

It's a strange,

very strange, bottom.

I've never heard
of wells with flagstones.

In the town
of New Ross, some miles

north of Oak Island,

Rick Lagina, Charles Barkhouse
and Doug Crowell continue

to explore the inside walls
of an old well.

It is located on property
that researchers believe

was once the site
of a stone castle

built more than years ago
by members

of the Knights Templar.

Now didn't they find flagstone

-at the first level in
the Money Pit? -Yeah, they did

at two feet down they did find
flagstones, yes.

Which, oddly enough,
they believe came from

-the mouth of the Gold River.
-Yeah, that's...

-No way. -Which is...
I'm not kidding you.

Yeah, no. That's true.

Flagstones from the Gold River?

The same river
that also runs directly

through the town of New Ross?

Could Rick and the team
have found

yet another possible connection

between the ruins at this
ancient site and Oak Island?

are not native to Oak Island,

so they believe that's
where they came from.

It's a flat bottom.
There ar e some...

markings in the floor,
if you will.

It looks like a construct.

- It looks like a laid floor.
- Yeah.

Now if you laid the floor,
why would you

lay a floor at
the bottom of a well

unless you were to hide
something beneath the floor?

Maybe it's a ceiling

- and there's another chamber
beneath. - False floor?

I mean, : you hate
to go down that road, but...

Very interesting.

Thanks. I'm coming up.

So, after visiting
the site, is it interesting?

Absolutely, because
I love the mystery,

I love trying
to plumb the depths

of history to resurrect
this story.

But there's still a lot
of research to be done,

and I very much look forward to
the application of hard science

to try to determine
if there is indeed a connection

from Oak Island to New Ross.

Look, there are so many
similarities between

what you intend to do and
what we are currently doing.

You believe there's a wonderful
story here,

we believe there's a story
on Oak Island.

You know, who knows
if there are ties

-to both stories? -Well,
there's this great mystery,

and we've been captivated by it.

We-we need to solve it.

And to that end,
I just want to say:

perhaps we can work together.

You know, we helping you;
I would like to stay in touch.

We'll keep you posted.

-Perfect. That's all we can ask.
-Thank you very much.

Again, good luck.
I wish you nothing but the best.

Having found clues
that give credence--

not only to a connection

between Oak Island
and New Ross--

but also to the strange map
from researcher

Zena Halpern, Rick Lagina
has reason to believe

that he and the team
may be on the verge

of a major breakthrough.

My biggest takeaway
from the New Ross experience,

is that there are answers
to be found about Oak Island

perhaps at New Ross.

I mean,
that's what's intriguing.

Where are the answers?

You know, are they
in an archive in Spain?

Are they in a museum
in Portugal?

Are they miles away from us
in New Ross?

That's what was interesting.

Well, I think the well
is the first place

you got to look.

'Cause God knows what
you're gonna find.

Really, it's a question for you.
You're the researcher here.

That's one of our primary leads
we should follow.

NARRATOR After returning
from their trip to New Ross,

Rick Lagina and Charles
Barkhouse meet with other

members of the Oak Island team

at the Mug & Anchor Pub
in Mahone Bay.

It was a very interesting
afternoon, no doubt about it.

They are eager
to share their findings,

and also discuss next steps
in their investigation

of Zena Halpern's
incredible theory.

Zena gave us both La Formule
and the French map.

So, I think we need to
investigate the French map.

I want to look for that hatch.

If it's there,
and there's tunnels

-in the west side
of the island... -Look,

you'll not be getting
a disagreement from any of us

about that.

You find a doorway,

- all bets are off.
- Yes, but...

the hatch was pretty close
to your backyard.

I say we devote some time to

really hunting down this hatch.

I've got a couple ideas
on how we can find it.

You look for a depression.

Dave, didn't you find

a depression somewhere
near your house?

Yeah, that's on lot , just on
the other side of my lot line.

I think I know exactly
where it's at.

A depression?

In the same area where

researcher Zena Halpern's
strange map

indicated that a so-called
"hatch" would be located?

Fred and Dan have always said

that the workings underground
here are extensive,

and would it be incredible that
there's a hatch, a trap door,

a back way in, to the
underground workings?

Of course it would be.

Well, maybe we take a better
look at that depression, and...

I say we go with any clue we can

and try to really find this
hatch while we have a chance to.

- It should be explored, yeah?
- No, absolutely.

So this is an anomaly
you located, David?

Yeah, I found it when we were
looking for a deer back here,

- and I almost fell in it.
- Really?

After obtaining
what is reported to be

a centuries-old map
of Oak Island,

Rick, Marty and their team
are eager

to investigate what Dave
Blankenship has just described

as a "strange depression"
in the ground

near his property.

Again, it's chase down
the clues, you know,

and this is indeed
a very intriguing clue.

Would I love it to be
a back door

to the underground workings
under Oak Island?

-Well, I mean, that's...
-You think?

It would be incredible.

I want to show you guys
that we're

in the general area
of the supposed hatch.

Here, let me show you
in the back of the Yukon.

I can project it onto

the French map
that Zena gave us.

- Okay, let's look.
- Look...

The approach I took was

to try to fit the old French map
that Zena gave us

with new satellite imagery.

And so I blew up
the old French map,

and it's really close, and I
want to show you guys, you know,

how close it is
and how much it lines up.

See how bad it's off.

At least the top end of it is,
follows the coast line the same.

- You mean, like...
- It's parallel.

Look at the top of that.
It follows it perfectly.

It's just offset.

-Yeah... And we don't know
how much, and--

that was s-- how much
has eroded off the island.

This is probably as good
as I'm going to get it,

- for now.
- That's good, Jack.

Um... The thing is,

it is in this general area.

Right here,
right underneath it

is where your driveway
meets the main road.

And this little thing down here
is your house.

But right about here
is our search area.

There's this strange map,

there's a description
of the hatch,

there's no GPS coordinates, mind
you, it's just a general area.

Might this lead us somewhere,
might this be the described

hatch on the... on that little
piece of paper? Maybe.

I don't think we have
a very good description

of what the hatch is even
supposed to look like, right?

No, we don't. But that's where

- it ties in. David found
an anomaly... - Yeah.

-A hole over here. Yeah.
-Right about where it should be.

This hatch lands
kind of where David said...

- The hole is.
- Yeah.

It's close enough,
let's go look at it.

Let's go!

All right, well...

well, make sure I'm going
the right direction.

Where should I go in at, David.

Go in here, by the pole.

- Right here?
- Yup.

Give him a wide berth.

With that thing,
you got that right.


I think it's clear enough,
we can get through here.

I think this is it here.


Holy smokes!

Could the Oak Island
team have just found

the mysterious "hatch"

that was indicated
on Zena Halpern's

th century map?

If so, what will it reveal?

A back door into the Money Pit?

Or perhaps... a gateway

that leads directly
to an incredible treasure?

That's the oddest thing
on this side of the island.

This season, on
The Curse of Oak Island...

- I hear it.
- It's a historic day.

- Yeah, here she be.
- Now it's time

to dig in the Money Pit.

That's where it started...

and that's where we need
to make it end.

We're throwing everything
we got at this thing.

All right, all right,
let's go. Come on!

It's go time!

Huge gear is coming in.

That's beautiful. It's deeper
than anyone's ever been

in the Money Pit.

- What do you got, Tony?
- I've got a triangle.

This thing's amazing.

Now we have
a bunch of targets.

There is something there.

I found something!

- You can see the cross.
- Templar.

Have you ever seen
anything like this?

No. That's not natural.

What the hell's that?
Do you see that?

That's a bone, isn't it?

- Holy!
- We're poised on the vault.

How prophetic is that?

- We got wood!
- Wood!

This is a structure.

There's no doubt about that.

Man, did we bingo that.

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